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MS. Maria Auxiliadora Ruiz
Name: _________________________________________ Due Date: _____________
The students from ____________ grade ____________ will present an English Project (40 pts). To do this
project students will do three things:
1. They will choose one category of the talent show which are: Song performance, Poetry, or Drama play.
2. They will present the message and the reason why they chose it.
3. Perform (Song, Poem, or Drama play)
4. The costume will be optional for Song Performance and Poetry.
Criteria Excellent ( 10) Good ( 8) Needs Improvement (5)
Content The message goes with The message goes The message and the reason for the
the content of the chosen with the content of the chosen category is hard to
category and gives an chosen and mumbles understand.
accurate reason. with the reason.
Grammar Uses simple present, Uses simple present, Uses simple present, present
present continuous, present continuous, continuous, simple past, present
simple past, present simple past, present perfect or conditionals. according to
perfect or conditionals. perfect or the structure from 3 to 4 sentences.
according to the structure conditionals.
from 7 sentences or according to the
more. structure from 5 to 4
Material Handout assignment with Handout assignment Handout assignment with the
the message, reason and with the message, message, reason and content. But it is
content. Uses a reason and content. missing two items, the message or
presentation and the Uses a presentation the reason.
material is neat. and the material is
neat. But is missing
one of the asked

Fluency The students speak The students show The students make long pauses and
naturally with no long some problems to miss the ideas. Most words are not
pauses with good develop ideas articulated accurately to be
articulation in words however, keep it up understandable enough.
when speaking and and articulate most of
develop the ideas in the words very well.
Total Score



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