Shama'Il Questions and Answers

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Questions for Midterm Examination for Shama’il 2022 from His (S.A.

Features to His (S.A.W) Shoes

Noble Features and Characteristics:

At what age did the Prophet (S.A.W) pass away?

Answer: 63 years old

In which manner did the Prophet (S.A.W) walk?

Answer: Slightly leaning forward as if walking down a hill (to look humble) and he walks in
big strides with haste.

What was the length of the Prophet (S.A.W) hair?

Answer: Between his ears and his shoulders.

In which manner did the Prophet (S.A.W) speak to people?

Answer: He turned to speak to them and spoke to them in such a way that each individual
thought they were getting all the attention. He also spoke in a respectful and calm manner.

How did the Prophet (S.A.W) look when he was amongst other people?
Answer: He looked slightly taller but really he was of medium height. He was handsome.

What sign was visible on the Prophet (S.A.W) face when he got angry?
Answer: A vein between his eyebrows expanded when he got angry.

Describe the neck of the Prophet (peace be upon him)?

Answer: his neck was beautiful and thin, like the neck of a statue which had been shaved
clean. The colour was clear, shining and beautiful like silver.

What size were the joints of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and what does this imply?
Answer: The bones of his joints were strong and large (shows strength).

Sa’eed Jariri (R.A) says ``I heard Abu Tufayl (R.A) say, “There is no one on the face of the
earth who has seen the Prophet (S.A.W)”. Why does he use the phrase “on the face of this
Answer: he was the last one among the sahabah’s to pass away. That is why he said he was
the last one. Isa (A.S) was still alive in Jannah and not on the face of the earth.
Isa (A.S) met the Prophet (S.A.W) in the ascension (Mi’raj)

Seal of Prophet (S.A.W):

Describe in detail the seal of the Prophet (S.A.W)?

Answer: Some hadith relate that the seal was a lump but others say it was a mark. It was like
a red protrusion, the size of which was like a pigeon's egg. The writing in it said
“Muhammadur rasulullah”. They also say there were a few hairs on it.
- Optional to note: the shape was an oval

Where was the seal located on the Prophet (S.A.W)?

Answer: On the back between the shoulder blades.

What did Abu Sa’eed Khudari say about the prophet (S.A.W)?
Answer: He related “The seal was like a raised lump of flesh that was on Rasulullah
(S.A.W)’s back.

Hair of Prophet (S.A.W):

What did Anas (R.A) report about the length of the Prophet (s.a.w) hair?
Answer: He reported “The hair of the Prophet (s.a.w) reached half of his ear”.

Describe the hair of the Prophet (S.A.W)?

Answer: The hair was thick and wavy. It sometimes reached his earlobe, other times, his
shoulders because it would grow. It was the middle of everything, it was perfect.

Describe the parting of the hair of Nabi (s.a.w)?

Answer: He used to leave it (where it would fall in place) but when he combed his hair it was
in the middle.


What did Aisha (r.a) say about combing the Prophet’s (s.a.w) hair?
Answer: She said “I used to comb his hair even in the state of menstruation.’’

Note: in some cultures the state of menstruation is completely impure, however, even when
the Prophet (S.A.W) was in I’tikaf, he would lean his head outside of the Masjid and Aisha
(r.a), who was in the state of menstruation, would comb his hair.

Why did the Prophet (s.a.w) put a cloth on his head after he used oil?
Answer: So then the oil would not stain his amaamah (turban)

Which side did the Prophet (s.a.w) comb his hair from?
Answer: from the right side to the left.

White hair of the Prophet (S.A.W):

When the sahabah’s asked the Prophet (S.A.W) why he looked old, what did he reply and
Answer: The Prophet (s.a.w) said “surah Hud, Waaqi’ah, Mursalat, Amma, and Kuwwirah
have made me old”. He said this because it reminds him of Jannah, Jahannam and Day of
(minimum 3 names)

What happened to the white hairs of Rasulullah (s.a.w)’s hair when he oiled it?
Answer: When he oiled it, it did not show because his hair thickened and became shiny.

Explain the amount of white hairs on the Prophet (s.a.w)’s head?

Answer: In some narrations it is reported he had 14 white hairs, however, in other narrations
it says that he had 17, 18 to 20. This was because they were narrated at different times and
counted differently.

Hair Dye:

What did Abu Bakr (r.a) dye his hair with?

Answer: Anas (r.a) reported Abu Bakr (r.a) used hina (to lighten the katm, which was dark)
and katm to dye his hair.

What is the general masalah for dying the hair?

Answer: According to Hanafi Ulama dying of the hair is mustahab. However, to use black
dye is makrooh.

Why is there a contradiction about the Prophet (s.a.w) using dye?

Answer: Because different narratives have been reported at different times and the hair
would have grown.


What kuhl did the Prophet (S.A.W) use?

Answer: He used Ithmid which is sunnah and any other surma/kuhl is mustahab.

How did he (s.a.w) apply it and how often?

Answer: He dipped the stick in the bottom and sniped it on his lower eyelid 3 times. He
(s.a.w) applied it every night.

What are the benefits of using kuhl made from Ithmid?

Answer: It brightens the eyesight, strengthens and increases the growth of the eye lashes.


What type of clothing did Umme Salamah (r.a) say the Prophet (s.a.w) preferred wearing the
Answer: She (r.a) related “of all clothing Rasulullah (s.a.w) preferred wearing the qamis the
most (covers the body up more than a sheet).

What did Mulla Ali Qari relate about the qamis of the Prophet (s.a.w)?
Answer: it was made of cotton and was not very long nor were the sleeves long

Where did the sleeves of the qamis reach on the Prophet (s.a.w) hands?
Answer: Reached his wrists.

Why in some hadiths does it say the prophet (s.a.w) sleeves of the qamis were longer than
his wrists and some not?
Answer: At different times it was different lengths, when the qamis was creased it was
above the wrist and when it was smooth and straight they were over the wrists.

What did Anas Bin Malik (r.a) report about the prophet (s.a.w) clothing?
Answer: He was with Usman Bin Zayd, and He (s.a.w) was wrapped in a yamaani printed

In one hadith it is said that Anas Bin Malik (r.a) says “the sheet most liked by Rasulullah
(s.a.w) was the yamaani printed sheet but in another he says that He (s.a.w) liked the qamis
the best? How can this be?
Answer: Because he liked both of them equally. Yet for coloured clothing He (s.a.w) liked the
yamaani sheet (that he also used as an outer sheet) whilst for ordinary clothing he liked the
qamis most.

Why did Rasilullah (s.a.w) say “choose white clothing, as it is the best of clothing?
Answer: Because you wear it while you're living and also when you pass away. It is also a
colour which represents cleanliness and when it gets dirty you will see it easily and clean it
more thoroughly whereas in coloured clothing it does not show as well.


Who gave two simple black coloured khudds as a gift to the Prophet (s.a.w)?
Answer: Najashi (As-hama) the king of Abyssinia.

Did Rasulullah (s.a.w) inquire if the khuffs were from halaal slaughtered animals or not and
what did this show?
Answer: No, because it is permissible to use animal skin whether it is slaughtered
according to shariah or not, but it is haraam to wear pig skin.

What should you do before you put on the leather socks?

Answer: check them by shaking them so they don’t have anything in them.

What incident happened when the Prophet (s.a.w) didn’t check his leather socks?
Answer: A crow came and took the leather sock then dropped and a snake had gone in so it
got injured and came out.

What type of shoes did the Arabs wear and what were they made of?
Answer: They were like sandals/flat sole and they were made of leather.

Describe the shoes that were worn by the Prophet (s.a.w)?

Answer: They had a leather sole and a pair of double straps going in two directions to equal
four leather straps in total. They did not have any animal hair on them like the ones which
were most common.

Why did Ibn Umar (r.a) not wear shoes with hair on them?
Answer: Because he tried to copy everything the Prophet (s.a.w) said or does.

What did Amar Bin Huarayth (r.a) report on the shoe of the Prophet (s.a.w)?
Answer: I saw Rasulullah (s.a.w) pray salah with such shoes that had another sole sewn
onto them.

What were the 3 things Aisha (r.a) said that the Prophet (s.a.w) began with the right?
Answer: Combing the hair, Wearing shoes and Washing the limbs during wudu.

What did Jaabir (r.a) report that the Prophet (s.a.w) prohibited?
Answer: Eating with the left hand.

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