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Evolution of the bilaterian mouth and anus

Article  in  Nature Ecology & Evolution · August 2018

DOI: 10.1038/s41559-018-0641-0


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3 authors, including:

Claus Nielsen Thibaut Brunet

University of Copenhagen University of California, Berkeley


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Review Article

Evolution of the bilaterian mouth and anus

Claus Nielsen   1,4*, Thibaut Brunet   2,3,4* and Detlev Arendt   2,4*

It is widely held that the bilaterian tubular gut with mouth and anus evolved from a simple gut with one major gastric opening.
However, there is no consensus on how this happened. Did the single gastric opening evolve into a mouth, with the anus forming
elsewhere in the body (protostomy), or did it evolve into an anus, with the mouth forming elsewhere (deuterostomy), or did it
evolve into both mouth and anus (amphistomy)? These questions are addressed by the comparison of developmental fates of
the blastopore, the opening of the embryonic gut, in diverse animals that live today. Here we review comparative data on the
identity and fate of blastoporal tissue, investigate how the formation of the through-gut relates to the major body axes, and
discuss to what extent evolutionary scenarios are consistent with these data. Available evidence indicates that stem bilaterians
had a slit-like gastric opening that was partially closed in subsequent evolution, leaving open the anus and most likely also the
mouth, which would favour amphistomy. We discuss remaining difficulties, and outline directions for future research.

he origin of bilaterian body plans, with through-gut, mouth are developmental terms, whereas ‘gastraea’ and ‘gastric opening’
and anus, is a central topic in animal evolution. In 1908, Karl refer here to the ancient body plan of adult evolutionary ancestors.
Grobben1 proposed to divide the Bilateria into Protostomia To avoid confusion, we will thus refer to the observed developmen-
and Deuterostomia, based on observed differences in the devel- tal processes of blastopore closure as developmental protostomy or
opmental fate of the blastopore (the single external opening of the deuterostomy, and to the assumed evolutionary transformations of
cup-shaped, bilayered gastrula; Fig. 1a). In Protostomia, the blasto- the gastric opening in hypothetical ancestors as ‘evolutionary pro-
pore had been observed to develop into the mouth, with the anus tostomy or deuterostomy’ (evo-protostomy or evo-deuterostomy).
forming secondarily (‘protostomy’, or ‘mouth first’), whereas in
Deuterostomia, it developed into the anus, with the mouth form- A plurality of views
ing secondarily (‘deuterostomy’, or ‘mouth second’). Following For the past decades, there has been an intensed debate on the con-
Haeckel’s biogenetic law2, Grobben interpreted these developmental flicting hypotheses of how bilaterian ancestors might have evolved
differences as vestiges of divergent evolutionary paths. Both groups a mouth and anus9,15–18 (Fig. 1b,c). As a starting point, these hypoth-
were assumed to have evolved from a cup-shaped ancestor with a eses posit that early metazoans had a gastric cavity with one major
single gastric opening, called gastraea3. He proposed that this open- gastric opening for food intake and defecation3,12,18–21. This notion
ing had evolved into the mouth in Protostomia, and into the anus in is strongly supported by the occurrence of such a cup-shaped body
Deuterostomia. Grobben’s original evolutionary scenario is shown plan in cnidarians and ctenophores22. Opinions differ on how, and
as option 1 in Fig. 1b. when, the one gastric opening evolved into a separate mouth and/
Even though Grobben’s subdivision into Protostomia and or anus, connected by a through-gut. This is clear from the differ-
Deuterostomia has, with some adjustments, survived into the ent interpretations of what the cnidarian–bilaterian ancestor (CBA)
molecular age4–8, his evolutionary scenario has been rejected for and the protostomian–deuterostomian ancestor (PDA) might have
several reasons. First, it suggests that the anterior–posterior axes of looked like, and how they gave rise to the last protostomian and
Protostomia and Deuterostomia are not the same, which is incon- deuterostomian common ancestors (Fig. 1b,c).
sistent with the collinear expression of Hox genes along the ante- In the first set of interpretations, which are shown in Fig. 1b,
rior–posterior axes in both groups9,10. Second, it assumes that the the ancestor with one gastric opening is tipped over, so that the
mouth in Protostomia and Deuterostomia are not homologous (and ancient gastric opening becomes the new mouth (evo-protos-
neither are the anuses); however, there is ample evidence to the con- tomy)18,21,23 or the new anus (evo-deuterostomy)24,25. The second
trary, notably from the expression of conserved markers9,11–13 (with opening is newly acquired or persists from smaller openings at the
the exception of the chordate mouth14). Third, several taxa with apical pole of the animal, unrelated to the former gastric open-
clear deuterostomy have been discovered in Protostomia, or moved ing. These two solutions correspond to the divergent paths that
to the Protostomia, such as the chaetognaths4. Grobben had proposed for early Protostomia and Deuterostomia
Several alternative perspectives have since arisen to explain the (option 1). Alternatively, evo-protostomy and evo-deuterostomy
evolution of mouth, anus, through-gut, and of the major body axes, have also been suggested to have occurred — the one or the other
from the comparative study of development. Here, we discuss these — in the bilaterian stem, leading to a protostomous PDA (option
different interpretations and challenge their supporting evidence. 2) or to a deuterostomous PDA (option 3). These options have
For this, it is important to distinguish the developmental processes in common that they derive the anterior–posterior axis of the
and stages that are observed in extant animals from the inferred evo- PDA from the primary axis of the CBA — however, in reverse
lutionary ancestors and their transformations, which occurred hun- orientations in option 2 versus option 3. Consistent with this,
dreds of millions of years ago. For example, ‘gastrula’ and ‘blastopore’ cnidarians26,27 and ctenophores21 form pore(s) at their aboral end,

Biosystematics, The Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2European Molecular Biology Laboratory,

Developmental Biology Unit, Heidelberg, Germany. 3Present address: Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. 4These authors contributed equally: Claus Nielsen, Thibaut Brunet, Detlev Arendt. *e-mail: cnielsen@;;

1358 Nature EcoloGy & Evolution | VOL 2 | SEPTEMBER 2018 | 1358–1376 |
NATure Ecology & EvoluTIon Review Article
a b A

Evo-protostomy P


Protostomy Deuterostomy A

* P

Mouth Mouth 1 Grobben’s scenario 2 Protostomous PDA 3 Deuterostomous PDA

(limit between
and midgut)

c A

Gill slit
Midgut Midgut Midgut

Evo-protostomy *
(anus) Evo-schistostomy


4 Amphistomous PDA 5 Protostomous PDA 6 Deuterostomous PDA 7 Schistostomous PDA

Anus ‘Umund’ PDA LPA
Annelid Enteropneust Chaetognath

Fig. 1 | Theories for the evolutionary origin of mouth and anus in the bilaterians. a, Grobben’s observations of two types of developmental fate of the
blastopore. b, Evolutionary scenarios that derive the bilaterian anterior–posterior axis from the primary axis of a gastraea-like ancestor. The circular gastric
opening evolves into mouth or anus. c, Evolutionary scenarios that derive the bilaterian anterior–posterior axis from the secondary (directive) axis of a
gastraea-like ancestor. The slit-shaped gastric opening evolves into mouth and/or anus. Each scenario is represented by one grey box, with its specific
interpretation and labelling of the depicted ancestors. A, anterior; LDA, last common deuterostomian ancestor; LPA, last common protostomian ancestor;
P, posterior. Asterisks indicate new openings that have formed independently of the blastopore and represent either new mouths or new anuses. Panel a
adapted from ref. 1, Kaiserlich-Königliche Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien.

unrelated to the main gastric opening, which might relate to the initial gastric slit. Options 5 and 6 represent these interpretations,
presumed secondary opening at the apical pole. starting from a CBA with a slit-like gastric opening and evolving
The second set of interpretations, which are shown in Fig. 1c, via evo-protostomy or evo-deuterostomy, respectively, into a pro-
have in common that the bilaterian mouth and/or anus derived tostomous or deuterostomous PDA. Finally, yet another scenario is
from a slit-like gastric opening. We refer to the formation of a possible, namely that the gastric slit remained open in the PDA, to
slit-shaped gastric opening as ‘schistostomy’ (slit-shaped mouth). then close independently in the lineages leading to Protostomia and
Supporting evo-schistostomy, the gastric opening takes the shape of Deuterostomia (option 7). Similar to Grobben’s proposal, this would
a slit in anthozoan cnidarians28; and a slit-like gastric opening has indicate independent evolution of the through-gut in Protostomia
often been seen as the first step towards bilateral symmetry22,29,30. and Deuterostomia. In contrast to Grobben’s initial scenario, it sug-
Evo-schistostomy scenarios derive the anterior–posterior axis of gests homology of the anterior–posterior axes between Protostomia
Protostomia and Deuterostomia from the secondary body axis of and Deuterostomia and this would thus be consistent with the con-
a gastraea-like ancestor alongside the gastric slit (which would cor- served expression of hox genes (in Protostomia, Deuterstomia and
respond, for example, to the directive axis of cnidarians). These Cnidaria, see ‘Comparison of body axes in bilaterians and cnidar-
options differ however in the presumed fate of the gastric slit, which ians’ below).
is illustrated in options 4–7. Sedgwick29 was the first to suggest that
both mouth and anus derived from the gastric slit, through the Comparison of body axes in bilaterians and cnidarians
fusion of the lateral lips, which is referred to as amphistomy (opening How can we test these possibilities? Clearly, they differ in their pre-
at both sides) in the literature (evo-amphistomy) and corresponds dictions how the body axes of living descendants should compare.
to option 4. Alternatively, the gastric slit might have closed from To challenge this, we can compare the activity of Hox genes, which
posterior to anterior until only the mouth was left, or from ante- are involved in axial patterning31, and the activity of Wnt and BMP
rior to posterior until only the anus was left, with the second open- signals, which are known to span a conserved Cartesian coordinate
ing — anus or mouth, respectively — forming independent of the system in bilaterians32 and cnidarians33,34, as illustrated in Fig. 2.

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a Cnidarian Annelid Chordate



Primary axis D

b D


bl V D

Directive axis BMP Wnt1 Wnt4

Fig. 2 | Two conflicting possibilities of how the body axes in cnidarians and bilaterians are related, based on different interpretations of axial Hox,
canonical Wnt and Bmp activity. a, The primary axis of cnidarians corresponds to the bilaterian anterior–posterior axis. b, The secondary (directive) axis
of the cnidarians corresponds to the bilaterian anterior–posterior axis. a,b, Pink, conserved apical tissue as defined by conserved gene expression22. Double
arrow, collinear Hox gene expression and activity. Red dots and arrows, Bmp expression and activity. Dark- and light-blue dots and arrows, Wnt1 and Wnt4
expression and activity22. Black dashed line, the extent of blastoporal tissue. a, Grey dashed line, secondarily enlarged extent blastoporal tissue according
to this interpretation.

Figure 2a shows a representative cnidarian, annelid and chor- chordates is active not only along the anterior–posterior but also
date in an orientation that aligns the bilaterian anterior–posterior along the dorsal–ventral axis42,43, and that BMP is also active pos-
axis with the cnidarian primary axis. The suggested homology teriorly in the frog gastrula44. It is, however, important to note that,
between the bilaterian anterior–posterior and cnidarian primary although the shared collinear hox pattern clearly supports homol-
axes would be consistent with options 1–3 in Fig. 1b, and would ogy between the cnidarian directive axis and the bilaterian ante-
predict differential Hox activity along the cnidarian primary axis. rior–posterior axis, the orthology of individual hox genes between
Indeed, this has been suggested based on an analysis of Hox gene cnidarians and bilaterians remains incompletely resolved45,46, indi-
expression in the sea anemone35. Similarly, Wnt signals pattern the cating that both Hox clusters might have undergone some degree
primary body axis of cnidarians33,36,37 and BMP pattern their direc- of independent expansion from an ancestral complement of a
tive axis38 — so that the orientation of Wnt and BMP signals in minimum of two Hox genes.
developing sea anemones matches the orientation in a developing In summary, the comparison of body axes in cnidarians and
chordate (Fig. 2a). However, the seemingly simple alignment of the bilaterians appears to be consistent with option 3 in Fig. 1b (evo-
bilaterian anterior–posterior and cnidarian primary axes produces deuterostomy), however it more strongly supports all of the options
a conflict between the Hox and the Wnt data regarding the orienta- shown in Fig. 1c.
tion of the primary axis compared to the anterior–posterior axis.
Notably, the sea anemone expresses a ‘posterior’, hox9-13-related Comparison of blastoporal fates
gene at its aboral pole, which would thus correspond to bilaterian Besides axial relationships, the developmental comparison of blas-
‘posterior’, in line with evo-protostomy35,39 (option 2 in Fig. 1b). toporal fates remains a valid approach to test the different scenarios
By contrast, the oral activity of cnidarian canonical wnt genes is (Fig. 1). Supporting this developmental–evolutionary link, in today’s
similar to posterior activity in bilaterians32 and instead supports cnidarians and ctenophores22, the single gastric opening develops
evo-deuterostomy (option 3 in Fig. 1b). Because the orientation directly from the blastopore, which suggests that this was also the
of the Wnt axis encompasses multiple Wnt signals and antagonists case in the bilaterian stem line. If so, any evolutionary derivative of
(whereas the above interpretation of the Hox axis35 relies on the the gastric opening in today’s bilaterians should also develop from
expression of one gene only), option 3 with evo-deuterostomy is the blastopore — at least ancestrally.
more plausible. Clearly, option 2 with evo-protostomy should be To address this, classical comparisons have focused on the fate of
discarded as it is in conflict with the Wnt data. the actual blastoporal opening (Supplementary Table 1), looking for
By contrast, Fig. 2b aligns the cnidarian secondary axis, called direct continuity with the mouth and/or anus. This is illustrated by
the directive axis, with the annelid and chordate anterior–posterior red lines in Fig. 3. In light of these data, it should be stressed that an
axis. This is in line with all of the scenarios in Fig. 1c (options 4–7) overt amphistomous pattern with the blastoporal opening directly
and with a re-analysis of the Nematostella Hox expression data that giving rise to both mouth and anus is very rare. First, it has only
uncovered a pronounced pattern of staggered collinear expression been reported in few Protostomia, such as the annelid Podarke47, the
of Nematostella Hox genes parallel to the blastoporal slit, patterning nematode Pontonema48 (Fig. 3a,b), and in Onychophora, species of
the gastric pouches along the directive axis38,40 (Supplementary Fig. which have an early and unique mouth–anus furrow that splits into
1). These data make the cnidarian directive axis a much stronger mouth and anus (although whether the onychophoran mouth–anus
candidate for the ‘true’ collinear Hox axis of the animal38,40,41. Under furrow should be called a ‘blastopore’ is disputed49; Supplementary
this hypothesis, axial patterning in the sea anemone compares well Information). Second, only few cases exist in extant Protostomia
to that in an annelid worm, and also aligns with the development in which the open blastopore turns into only a mouth as predicted
of a frog (Fig. 2b) — taking into account that Wnt signalling in by the original definition of protostomy. This is seen, for example,

1360 Nature EcoloGy & Evolution | VOL 2 | SEPTEMBER 2018 | 1358–1376 |
NATure Ecology & EvoluTIon Review Article
a Podarke b Pontonema c Polygordius d Crepidula e Capitella




s/m f Neochildia s/m p

j Peripatopsis k Tenebrio
m s


g Viviparus h Enteropneust i Novocrania me

Fig. 3 | Fates of the blastoporal opening and of the periblastoporal tissue. The blastopore lips are indicated in red and fused blastopore lips are shown
as dashed red lines; a new anus is indicated by a yellow asterisk and a new mouth by a yellow circle. a,b, The blastoporal opening divides into mouth and
anus (amphistomy sensu stricto). a, The annelid Podarke. b, The nematode Pontonema. c, The annelid Polygordius. The blastopore divides into mouth and
a posterior opening, which closes, and a new anus subsequently develops in the same area. Only the central part of the vental side is drawn. d,e, The
blastopore closes from behind in a zipper-like manner. d, The gastropod Crepidula. e, The annelid Capitella, which has epiboly and in which the 2d cell
(the somatoblast) spreads over the whole posttrochal region, fusing in the ventral midline and leaving a ring of cells from the third micromere quartet
in the stomodaeum and around the anus. f, The acoel Neochildia. The ‘blastopore’ becomes the mouth, and fate mapping16 indicates the presence of
periblastoporal tissue along the ventral midline; as micromeres 3a and 3b, which become ventral ectoderm, directly border the endodermal macromeres
3A and 3B and thus represent blastoporal tissue according to a previously published definition60. This is consistent with a study in which live imaging in
another acoel found that the 3a and 3b micromeres border the closing blastopore16. g,h, The blastopore becomes the anus. g, The gastropod Viviparus.
h, Tornaria larva of an enteropneust. i. The blastopore closes and the mouth and anus are formed anew in the brachiopod Novocrania. j,k, Species with
a blastoderm. j, The onychophoran Peripatopsis. The ‘blastopore edge’ surrounds stomodaeum, proctodaeum, a midventral zone with exposed yolk and
the lateral endoderm (midgut) rudiments (based on ref. 506). k, The insect Tenebrio. a, anus; g, gonopore; m, mouth; me, mesoderm; p, proctodaeum; p/a,
proctodaeum/anus; s, stomodaeum; s/m, stomodaeum/mouth. In species with spiral cleavage the blastomere quartets are indicated. Orange, second
quartet; green, third quartet; blue, forth quartet; brown, endoderm. Adapted from ref. 47, Wiley (a); ref. 48, Russian Society of Nematologists (b); ref. 68,
Springer (c); ref. 60, BMC (d); ref. 507, BMC (e); ref. 115, Elsevier (f); ref. 52, G. Fischer (g); ref. 61, Linnean Society of New South Wales (k).

in some molluscs50,51, nemerteans with pilidium larvae and bryo- (Fig. 3g), the annelid Eunice53, the nemertean Tetrastemma20,54 and
zoans with cyphonautes larvae (Supplementary Information). In the crustaceans Penaeus and Sicyonia55,56, but also in whole phyla,
almost all other reported cases of developmental protostomy in such as priapulids17 and chaetognaths57. The isolated occurrence of
Protostomia, a slit-like blastoporal opening closes from behind by developmental deuterostomy in Eunice and Viviparus, which are in
lateral fusion of the posterior parts of the blastoporal lips, leaving phyla with an overall non-deuterostomous gastrulation, indicates a
open only the anterior mouth opening (Fig. 3c–e); the anus then considerable degree of plasticity in the fate of the actual blastoporal
develops at the posterior end of the fused blastopore lips. These may opening, even between closely related lineages.
represent cases of derived amphistomy with partial and temporary Notably, many animal groups gastrulate without any blas-
closure of the blastoporal opening. Third, the blastoporal open- toporal opening so that both mouth and anus form secondarily
ing directly becomes the anal opening in almost all Deuterostomia (Supplementary Table 1). In these cases, large amounts of yolk
(Fig. 3h) and in several protostomian lineages, not only in small, in the vegetal blastomeres prevent the formation of a gastrocoel,
restricted clades (genera or families), such as the snail Viviparus52 leading to the type of gastrulation called epiboly58,59. In these cases,

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the blastopore is no longer a true pore, and the blastoporal lips no surrounding the blastopore (Fig. 3c). (Note that, besides blastoporal
longer enclose a lumen but enclose the boundary between ecto- cells, the early ventral midline additionally incorporates some more
dermal and endomesodermal tissue instead60. Epiboly is observed lateral cells by a process of mediolateral intercalation.) Assuming
in many annelids, such as Platynereis and Capitella (Fig. 3e), and reliability of these observations, we propose to reclassify gastrula-
in most insects61. tion in these animals as amphistomous. Similarly, in a more recent
Therefore, the fate of the actual blastoporal opening appears study69 on gastrulation and fate of the blastoporal tissue in the slip-
to be an unreliable character for classifying and reconstruct- per snail Crepidula fornicata, it was shown that cells that later form
ing ancestral gastrulation patterns, as it changes repeatedly and mouth (3a, 3b), midline (3c, 3d) and anal tissue (2d) initially abut
rapidly in evolution62, for example, concomitant with changes in the blastopore. These observations are consistent with develop-
yolk content. mental amphistomy (even if gastrulation is epibolic and no actual
blastoporal opening is observed). The same is true for gastrula-
Focus on circumblastoporal tissue tion in phoronids, in the brachiopod Terebratalia and in the classi-
Even if the blastoporal opening is lost in evolution (for example, cal model systems Caenorhabditis and Drosophila (Supplementary
owing to epiboly), the tissue surrounding the internalizing endome- Information, Supplementary Fig. 4).
sodermal cells will still give rise to oral and/or anal tissue (with sto- Does this mean ancestral Protostomia were amphistomous? Not
modaeum and proctodaeum)63, and thus remain informative about quite, given the remarkable occurrence of developmental deuteros-
the ancestral blastoporal fate. We define blastoporal tissue as the tomy in some important Protostomia taxa, for example, in chaeto-
ectodermal cells that are initially in contact with the internalizing gnaths and priapulids. For these groups, it is clear that blastoporal
endomesoderm, as well as the immediate endomesodermal neigh- tissue gives rise to anal tissue, without any known contribution to
bours of these cells, building on a previously proposed definition60. mouth tissue. This leaves us with conflicting evidence regarding the
Under this definition, a cell remains blastoporal even if it moves ancestral fate of blastoporal tissue in Protostomia, Deuterostomia
away from the blastopore during blastopore closure. Notably, com- and Bilateria. Using the revised definition of amphistomy, and map-
parative developmental data indicate that the fate of the blastoporal ping the distribution of proto-, deutero- and amphistomy onto
tissue is indeed less prone to evolutionary change than the fate of a bilaterian tree (see Supplementary Information and previously
the actual blastoporal opening. For example, during amphibian gas- published studies70–477), deuterostomy and amphistomy appear to be
trulation the blastoporal opening directly becomes the anus in some nearly equally parsimonious ancestral states of the blastoporal tis-
species, whereas it closes in others with the anus reopening later in sue for Protostomia, Deuterostomia and Bilateria (Fig. 4).
the same position64,65. Still, the amphibian anal cells always develop From these results, we can safely conclude that protostomy is
from blastoporal cells and their gastrulation classifies as deuteros- not ancestral — neither for Protostomia nor for Bilateria — thus
tomous — regardless of the transient closure of the actual opening. refuting evo-protostomy (options 2 and 5 in Fig. 1). However, the
In line with other studies60,66,67, we thus consider the fate of the tis- different variants of evo-deuterostomy and evo-amphistomy remain
sue surrounding the blastopore (rather than its actual opening) the plausible options. How can we progress further?
most relevant defining criterion for proto-, deutero- or amphisto-
mous gastrulation patterns. Evo-amphistomy or evo-deuterostomy?
Owing to its evolutionary stability, the fate of the blastoporal tis- The central question is whether amphistomy or deuterostomy is
sue (unlike the fate of the blastoporal opening) can be used to test ancestral for Protostomia, Deuterostomia or Bilateria. The specific
the evolutionary scenarios in Fig. 1b,c. Specifically, the scenarios in expression of conserved transcription factors demarcating blasto-
Fig. 1b predict blastoporal tissue to give rise to mouth tissue only poral tissue has been established as another good proxy for blasto-
(option 2; Supplementary Fig. 5a), or anal tissue only (option 3; poral tissue fates. For example, brachyury and foxA demarcate the
Supplementary Fig. 5b) — but not both. By contrast, the scenarios entire blastopore in almost all studied animals, and other factors
in Fig. 1c, which derive mouth and/or anus from a gastric slit, com- specify the anterior versus posterior part of the blastoporal tissue.
monly predict blastoporal tissue to give rise to midline tissue that In cnidarians, these factors are expressed around the blastopore
forms alongside the closing blastoporal slit. They differ, however, in during gastrulation and around the gastric opening of the planula
their predictions regarding mouth and anal tissue. Only in the case larva and the adult organism (Supplementary Fig. 1). In bilaterians,
of evo-amphistomy would both mouth and anal tissue arise from they are continuously expressed during gastrulation and later found
blastoporal tissue — in addition to, and at opposite ends of, the around the incipient mouth and/or anus, which makes these factors
midline tissue (option 4; Supplementary Fig. 5c). Evo-protostomy excellent candidates for the tracking of blastoporal tissue fates. We
would instead derive midline plus mouth (option 5; Supplementary present a comprehensive account of comparative expression data in
Fig. 5d), and evo-deuterostomy derives midline plus anal tissue Fig. 5 and in Supplementary Table 2.
from the blastoporal tissue (option 6; Supplementary Fig. 5e). How What do these data indicate? For Protostomia, the expression
do these predictions relate to observed blastoporal tissue fates? of conserved transcription factors is in accordance with the lineage
data and emphasizes the prevalence of amphistomous gastrulation.
Amphistomy and deuterostomy across Protostomia In annelids and mollusks (Fig. 5b–d), the blastoporal markers dis-
For Protostomia, the focus on blastoporal tissue fates strongly tribute to oral, midline and anal tissue after gastrulation, in line
impacts on our classification of gastrulation patterns as proto-, with the blastopore fate mapping. In the bryozoan Membranipora,
deutero- or amphistomous. Notably, the last decades have seen a expression of evx and cdx near the posterior blastopore and in the
plethora of studies in different animal models focusing on the later anus478 suggests that anal tissue is derived from blastoporal tis-
movements, molecular identity and fate of blastoporal tissue. One sue (which remains to be tested by cell tracking).
efficient way to determine blastoporal fates is through lineage trac- In addition, expression data has proven powerful to detect pos-
ing, which has been done in various Protostomia47,60,68. Figure 3a–k sible vestiges of amphistomy in otherwise deuterostomous species.
summarizes lineaging data for five phyla, showing a clear consen- For example, in the deuterostomous priapulids, hemichordates and
sus: in each case, circumblastoporal tissue gives rise to oral and anal echinoderms, the expression of blastoporal markers (foxA, brachy-
tissue, and to ventral midline tissue, which connects the two. For ury and gsc) has been found to label future mouth tissue, as charac-
example, lineage studies in the annelid Polygordius have revealed teristic for amphistomous gastrulation (Fig. 5f,g). Can we turn this
that cells that form the later mouth, anal and ventral midline tis- around and find vestiges of deuterostomous gastrulation in other-
sue derive from the second, third and fourth micromere quartets wise amphistomous patterns? For example, if deuterostomy was the

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Amphistomy or
deuterostomy Observed fate of blastoporal tissue
Amphistomy or Mouth/foregut + Mouth/foregut No information
Amphistomy, deuterostomy anus/hindgut (protostomy)
deuterostomy or (amphistomy)
unique gastric
opening Anus/hindgut Unique gastric
(deuterostomy) opening

Fig. 4 | Ancestral state reconstruction of the fate of blastoporal tissue. The fate of blastoporal tissue was assessed based on an extensive survey of the
literature (Supplementary Information and references therein). Chordate gastrulation is classified as amphistomous, because the vertebrate blastoporal
lip gives rise to the pharyngeal endoderm (that is foregut) — but not to the mouth proper (see text). Note that the interpretation of onychophoran
gastrulation is disputed; we consider amphistomy the most parsimonious interpretation of the currently available evidence (see discussion in
Supplementary Information). Ancestral states were inferred by the maximum parsimony method using Mesquite v.3.31 and are written on the ancestral
nodes for Eubilateria, Protostomia and Deuterostomia. If there is more than one most parsimonious possible ancestral state, all possibilities are listed.
a, Reconstructed evolution of the fate of blastoporal tissue assuming the acoel gonopore is homologous to the hindgut of other bilaterians479. Under this
hypothesis, amphistomy (blastoporal tissue giving rise to oral and anal tissue) is the most parsimonious ancestral fate of blastoporal tissue for Bilateria,
Protostomia and Deuterostomia. b, Reconstructed evolution of the fate of blastoporal tissue assuming that the acoel gonopore is not homologous to the
bilaterian hindgut and that the unique gastric opening of xenacoelomorphs is of undetermined homology to the mouth or anus of other bilaterians. Under
this hypothesis, amphistomy and deuterostomy are equally parsimonious ancestral fates of blastoporal tissue for Protostomia and Deuterostomia.

ancestral state, we would expect the mouth to not express blasto- In summary, the expression of blastoporal transcription factors
poral transcription factors despite its vicinity to the blastopore — in prospective mouth tissue in deuterostomous species (Fig. 5f,g)
which, to our knowledge, has not been observed. appears to shift the balance towards amphistomy; however, we

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a Acoela: Convolutriloba b Mollusca: Patella c Annelida: Platynereis d Annelida: Capitella

Anterior blastopore: 21 Anterior blastopore: future stomodeum
2b2 2b
2a2 future stomodeum Closing
1b22 Future 12 22
2b 22 Blastopore
3a blastopore
mouth 4b

4B 4A 3a
21 Closing
3a 2a
22 blastopore

3b 3A 4c 4a

Ml 4C 12
12 4D 3d21 3d12 2a ?
Mr 3c 21
3c 22 22
11 3c 3d 11
1a22 3c 22 3d
212 2d
Blastopore Future 2d
gonopore Posterior Posterior blastopore: future proctodeum
Early larva/ organogenesis

future proctodeum Foregut

Axochord Axochord
Axochord Axochord
Gonopore Future blastopore Ventral view
anus Hindgut
Lateral view


e Onychophora: Euperipatoides f Priapulida: Priapulus g Echinodermata: Asterina h Chordata: Danio rerio

Future Anterior Migration to

mouth blastopore the anterior


anus Yolk
furrow Future
Future mouth/ Yolk
Posterior anus foregut Future
mouth involution
anus/ Involution
Future Involution Involution Posterior
hindgut Blastopore
anus Blastopore blastopore Prechordal plate/
Mouth Blastopore pharyngeal endoderm
Early larva/organogenesis


ventral Ventral
midline extra-
ectoderm Anus Anus
Anus Future
Ecdysozoa Deuterostomia

Convergence Cell migration

Open Closed goosecoid foxA brachyury foxA+brachyury evx + cdx extension
blastopore blastopore

Fig. 5 | Gene expression in the circumblastoporal tissue. The open blastopore is indicated by a continuous red line and the closed blastopore by a dashed
red line. a, Acoela: Convolutriloba. b, Mollusca: Patella. c, Annelida: Platynereis. d, Annelida: Capitella. e, Onychophora: Euperipatoides. f, Priapulida: Priapulus.
g, Echinodermata: Asterina. h, Chordata: Danio rerio. Gene expression is shown at the gastrula stage (top row) and at the early larva–organogenesis stage,
when the final arrangement of the through-gut is established (bottom row). Green, transcription factor expressed in anterior blastoporal tissue, mouth
and foregut (goosecoid). Blue, transcription factors coexpressed in posterior blastoporal tissue, anus and hindgut (cdx and evx). Brown, transcription
factors expressed around the entire blastopore (gastrula stage), and later in mouth, foregut, anus, hindgut and midline of the neural body side (foxA and
brachyury) (the neural body side is dorsal in chordates and ventral in all other bilaterians). The species sampled cover all possible fates of the blastoporal
hole: protostomy (Patella and Platynereis), deuterostomy (Priapulus, Patiria and Danio), amphistomy (Euperipatoides) and blastopore closure (Capitella). In
contrast to this diversity of fates of the blastoporal hole, expression of mouth and anus markers appear to be very conserved, and is usually first detected
at opposite poles of the blastoporal tissue and in close vicinity to each other before morphogenetic movements start increasing the distance between
mouth and anus (red arrows represent convergent extension towards the midline of the neural body side; these arrows are continuous if the movements
have been directly observed, dotted if the movements are inferred or hypothetical). Gene expression patterns are from the following references:
Convolutriloba longifissura16; Patella vulgata508–510; Platynereis dumerilii12,511,512; Capitella teleta513–516; Euperipatoides kanangrensis; Priapulus caudatus13,17; Patiria
(formerly Asterina) pectinifera; and Danio rerio517–521 (for which the following paralogues were included: cdx1 instead of cdx, evx1 instead of evx and foxa2
instead of foxA). Adapted from ref. 479, Springer Nature Ltd (a); ref. 508, Company of Biologists (b, top); ref. 522, Springer Nature Ltd (c, bottom); ref. 523,
Elsevier; and refs 13, Springer Nature Ltd, and 14, Elsevier (f).

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cannot rule out the option that an independently evolved open- into the acoel gonopore) if they are sister to Ambulacraria. Notably,
ing (such as a new mouth) co-opted ancient blastoporal genes479. the acoel gonopore expresses brachyury and probably derives from
Is there additional, independent evidence to be taken into account? brachyury-expressing posterior blastoporal cells; in line with its
interpretation as a modified anus or cloaca479 (Fig. 5a) and with an
Focus on gastrulation movements amphistomous interpretation of acoel gastrulation. Alternatively,
In many bilaterians, gastrulation involves convergence and extension the single gastric opening in acoels may be interpreted as primary
movements on both left and right sides of the blastopore, which was condition — in line with option 7, which predicts the independent
initially documented for vertebrates480–483 (Fig. 5k), but which has also evolution of the mouth and anus in Protostomia and Deuterostomia.
been observed in annelids484 (Fig. 5c,d), molluscs60, spiders485 and
insects486 (including Drosophila487 and Tribolium488). These move- From nerve ring to nerve cord
ments either drive the formation and closure of a slit-like blastopore In many bilaterian groups distinct ectodermal domains adjacent to
directly (for example, annelids and mollusks), or can be elegantly the blastopore give rise to neural tissue, often in the form of paired
explained as vestiges of slit-like blastopore closure (for example, ver- longitudinal nerve cords with variable distance from the midline.
tebrates15). The general occurrence of convergence and extension Circumoral nerve rings have also been found in some members of
movements thus generally lends support for the evolutionary sce- the bilaterian sister group Cnidaria494, although the ancestrality of
narios in Fig. 1c that involve a slit-like gastric opening (options 4–7). this pattern for cnidarians remains to be tested. Together with the
As characteristic for amphistomous gastrulation, however, con- brain, the paired main nerve cords are the most prominent parts of
vergence and extension movements not only elongate and close the the nervous system, as previously noted495. The ancestral presence of
blastoporal slit, but also move future mouth and anal cells apart ventral (or ventrolateral) nerve cords in the last common PDA has
from each other15, as illustrated for molluscs and annelids in Fig. classically been accepted by most authors, but has been questioned
5b–d). We can use this paradigm to challenge a possible derivation in one recent study496. However, an ancestral state reconstruction
of deuterostomous gastrulation from the amphistomous condition: of the bilaterian nervous system supports the presence of a main
if amphistomy were indeed ancestral, we would expect the mouth to (paired or unpaired) nerve cord and of a brain in this ancestor with
form close to, and move away from the blastopore during and after high support (Supplementary Figs. 6, 7), and further indicates that
gastrulation (via convergence and extension movements). If instead its ventral nerve cord was patterned by the staggered expression of
deuterostomy was the ancestral state, we would expect the mouth mediolateral-patterning neurogenic genes (Supplementary Fig. 8)
tissue to arise at a distance from the blastoporal tissue and to remain as is seen in modern vertebrates, annelids and insects, among oth-
there. At least for the deuterostomous priapulids and starfish, the ers497. The ventrolateral nerve cords are easily recognized in almost
answer is straightforward, as their future mouth tissue forms in the all protostomians, and oral and anal loops are observed in a number
vicinity of the blastopore rim after which it moves anteriorwards of phyla (Fig. 6a). In species with spiral cleavage, the ventrolateral
(Fig. 5f,g). These data support amphistomy as the ancestral gastru- nerve cords differentiate from the 2d cells. Their anterior end takes
lation mode in Protostomia and Deuterostomia and thus support the shape of a loop around the foregut and becomes a smaller or
evo-amphistomy (option 4 in Fig. 1c). larger integrated part of the brain; it is here referred to as the ‘oral
However, conflicting data should still be emphasized. First, bona loop’. The posterior ends often form a smaller anal loop around
fide deuterostomy without detectable anterior migration of the the hindgut. The enteropneusts have ventral and dorsal nerves and
mouth is found in hemichordates (Saccoglossus489 and Ptychodera490) a collar cord498 (which is not homologous to the chordate neural
and in the chordate amphioxus. These would have to be interpreted as tube499) — but no ‘brain’. The collar cord is here interpreted as dorsal
derived states of Hemichordata and Cephalochordata. Second, some (and the mouth ventral)500 and the ventral nerve cord accordingly as
aspects of vertebrate gastrulation seem to be in conflict with evo- homologous to that of the protostomes. This overall arrangement
amphistomy. Although the molecular identity (brachyury, foxA and of oral loop–paired ventral nerve cords–anal loop, developing from
gsc), developmental fate (notochord, prechordal plate and pharyn- periblastoporal neural ectoderm is found in many bilaterian groups
geal endoderm as well as floorplate and hypothalamus) and conver- (Fig. 6a). This supports the notion of evo-amphistomy in the bila-
gent extension movements support the contribution of blastoporal terians if one assumes that a ring-like nervous concentration was
tissue to (dorsal) midline and foregut tissue, the chordate mouth present around the gastric opening in the bilaterian stem line.
itself clearly represents a new mouth14,491. This observation would
support evo-deuterostomy (option 6 in Fig. 1c) — which is, however, The trochaea theory
very difficult to reconcile with the available data for Protostomia and The characteristic ciliary patterns of planktotrophic trochophora
Ambulacraria. Two options remain: either chordates have lost the larvae of annelids, molluscs and entoprocts provide independent
old amphistomous mouth (still present in Ambulacraria), in line information about the fate of the blastopore in these groups. All
with evo-amphistomy; or they never possessed it. The latter would three phyla show a preoral protrotroch, a postoral metatroch, a peri-
be consistent with option 7 in Fig. 1c: under this hypothesis, the ante- anal telotroch60,501,502 (plus sometimes a gastrotroch along the ventral
rior blastopore would have closed by evo-deuterostomy in chordate midline; Fig. 6b). The feeding structure of prototroch, adoral ciliary
ancestors only, and a new mouth evolved later at the anterior end zone and metatroch functions as a downstream-collecting system
of the animal. Under both hypotheses, the chordate mouth evolved based on the ‘catch-up’ principle503. The telotroch is locomotory.
independently of blastoporal tissue (possibly from a modified gill The trochaea theory4,504,505 proposes a series of adaptive modi-
slit, as suggested by amphioxus data14). fications of an ancestral ring of compound cilia at the blastoporal
In this context, it is also important to consider the fate of the rim of a modified gastraea, the trochaea, leading to the prototroch,
gastric opening in the enigmatic xenacoelomorphs. These are con- metatroch and telotroch of the trochophora larvae. The lateral blas-
sidered sister to all other bilaterians492 (as depicted in Fig. 4) or topore lips fused by evo-amphistomy, so that the anterior part of the
sister to Ambulacraria493, which puts them into an important phy- archaeotroch became the prototroch plus metatroch, and the poste-
logenetic position. Xenacoelomorphs have only one gastric opening rior part the telotroch, whereas the intermediate part disappeared.
— additionally serving as the gonopore (for example, Xenoturbella) The adoral ciliation of the trochaea was retained as the adoral ciliary
or with a separate gonopore (various acoels; see Supplementary zone plus the gastrotroch. In this scenario, the periblastoporal band
Information). This situation may represent the ancestral eumeta- of compound cilia of the trochaea was associated with a ring nerve
zoan state if xenacoelomorphs are sister to all other Bilateria — or that became the paired ventral nerves with an oral and an anal cili-
a derived condition (possibly with modification of the ancient anus ary loop seen in many phyla (Fig. 6).

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a Bilaterian nervous systems

Annelida Tardigrada
Cerebral Oral loop Midgut (endoderm) Anal loop Cerebral ganglia
ganglia Oral loop of VNR
Mouth area
Nerves associated
with the pharynx
Outer commissure
Mouth Pharynx (stomodaeum) Ventral nerve cord(s) Anus

Cerebral Oral loop Midgut (endoderm) Rectum (proctodaeum) Ventral nerve
ganglia cord with ganglia

Mouth Pharynx Ventral Anal loop Anus
(stomodaeum) nerve cord(s) Cerebral ganglia
with eyes
Cerebral Oral loop Proboscis apparatus Anal loop
ganglia Oral loop


Ventral nerve cord

Mouth Pharynx Midgut Ventral Anus
(stomodaeum) nerve cord
Gastrotricha Rectum
Brain Midgut (endoderm) (proctodaeum) Anal loop

Anal loop
Mouth Pharynx Ventral Anus
(stomodaeum) nerve cord Arthropoda
Nematoda Protocerebrum =
Brain Midgut (endoderm) Lumbar ganglion (anal loop) cerebral ganglia
with eyes
Deutocerebrum =
oral loop
Mouth Pharynx Ventral Gonad Anus Tritocerebrum
(stomodaeum) nerve cord
Enteropneusta Mandibular
Anterior nerve ring Collar cord Oral loop Ventral nerve Dorsal nerve neuromere

Ventral nerve cord

with ganglia

Mouth Pharynx Gill slits Midgut Anus

(stomodaeum) (endoderm)

Apical organ
b The trochaea theory Prototroch Episphere with primary
Cerebral ganglia
Adoral ciliary zone Oral nerve loop prototroch cells
Adoral Secondary prototroch cells
Mouth 1q
ciliary Mouth Adoral ciliary zone
Gastrotroch 2b 3b 3a 2b Stomodaeum
Metatroch 2c 2a
Ventral Metatroch cells
Gastrotroch nerve cords 3c 3d 2a
3c Gastrotroch cells
Telotroch Anal nerve loop 2c
Mouth Anus Approximate position
Archaeotroch Anus 2d
of future proctodaeum
Circumblastoporal nerve
Trochaea (adult) Trochophora larva Adult bilaterian Crepidula embryo

Fig. 6 | Morphology of the central nervous system in bilaterians and the evolution of a bilaterian ancestor from the trochaea. a, Examples of bilaterian
central nervous systems. Left, left lateral views; right, dorsal views with the gut omitted. Green, ventral nervous system; yellow, cerebral ganglia (when
identified). Annelida (Platynereis) images based on refs 507,524,525. Mollusca (a solenogaster) image based on ref. 526. Nemertea (a hoplonemertine) (the
origin of the proboscis apparatus is uncertain) images based on refs 527–529. Gastrotricha image based on ref. 530. Nematoda (Caenorhabditis) image based on
ref. 531. Priapulans and kinorhynchs have very similar central nervous systems532,533. Enteropneusta image based on ref. 534. Tardigrada (embryo of Hypsibius)
image based on ref. 535. Onychophora image based on ref. 536. Generalized arthropod image based on ref. 537. b, The trochaea theory for the evolution of the
bilaterian ancestor from the ancestor called trochaea. Left, the ancestral trochaea, a gastrula with a ring of compound cilia around the gastric opening.
Middle, trochophora larva (second left) and adult (third left) of the bilaterian ancestor. Right, lineage of the cells carrying prototroch and metatroch (and
the adoral ciliary zone) in the mollusc Crepidula. Panel b adapted from ref. 538, Royal Society.

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