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Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division Office of Biñan City
Pedro Escueta St., Brgy. San Antonio, City of Biñan, Laguna

Weekly Learning Plan

Week 1, Quarter 1, August 22-26, 2022

Quarter 1 Grade Level 11

Week 1 Learning Area Computer Programming .Net

MELCs Communicate information about workplace processes

PS The learners independently lead in the dissemination and discussion of ideas, information, and issues in the workplace based on TESDA Training Regulations.
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
1 At the end of History Begin with the classroom routine: Answer Activity 2 “What is in? P.9 Answer Activity
the lesson, the Lead Workplace 1. Prayer 3 “What is in? P.14
students are Communication 2. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
expected to: 3. Checking of attendance
• Give 4. Quick “kumustahan”
sector and its
relevance in
today’s world
• Discuss topic

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flow and The term "information technology" evolved
possible in the 1970s. Its basic concept, however,
outputs at the can be traced to the World War II alliance
end of the term
of the military and industry in the
development of electronics, computers,
and information theory. After the 1940s,
the military remained the major source of
research and development funding for the
expansion of automation to replace manpower
with machine power.

Since the 1950s, four generations of computers have evolved.

Each generation reflected a change to hardware of decreased size but increased
capabilities to control computer operations. The first generation used vacuum tubes,
the second used transistors, the third used integrated circuits, and the fourth used
circuits on a single computer chip. Advances in artificial intelligence that will
minimize the need for complex programming characterize the fifth generation of
computers, still in the experimental stage.

Answer Pre-test P. 6-7


What is the importance of ICT today?

ICT is one of the economic development pillars to gain national competitive
advantage. It can improve the quality of human life because it can be used as a
learning and education media, the mass communication media in promoting and
campaigning practical and important issues, such as the health and social area.

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What is ICT?
Information and Communication Technology or “ICT,” includes products that store,
process, transmit, convert, duplicate, or receive electronic information. Electronic
textbooks, instructional software, email, chat, and distance learning programs are
also examples of ICT.


– Data: raw facts and figures.
– Hardware: physical components.
– Software: the name given to computer programs.
– Information: data that is converted to give it a meaning.
– Procedures: a series of actions conducted in a certain order to make sure the
system runs smoothly.
– People: data is entered by humans, for example a keyboard.

Technology affect communication in the workplace

– The accessibility and instant availability to talk to anyone and at any place is what
makes technology an integral part of the workplace environment.
Effective communication channels like instant messaging and conference calls over
internet contribute highly to work productivity.

Direction: Write your answer to the space provided
In your home, community, or barangay, can you cite the importance of

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3. Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, gestures and facial
4. expressions to convey information to others. It can be used both
5. intentionally and unintentionally. For example, you might smile
6. unintentionally when you hear a pleasing or enjoyable idea or piece of
7. information. Nonverbal communication is helpful when trying to
8. understand others’ thoughts and feelings.

3. Written communication is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols

like letters and numbers to convey information. It is helpful because it provides
a record of information for reference. Writing is commonly used to share
information through books, pamphlets, blogs, letters, memos and more.
Emails and chats are a common form of written communication in the workplace.

C. Visual communication is the act of using photographs, art, drawings,

D. sketches, charts and graphs to convey information. Visuals are often used
E. as an aid during presentations to provide helpful context alongside written
F. and/or verbal communication. Because people have different learning
G. styles, visual communication might be more helpful for some to consume
H. ideas and information.


– The sender: The person presenting the message
– The context: The nonverbal communication, including body language and
– tone
– The receiver: The person listening to the message
– The delivery method: How the message is communicated
– The content: The information that needs to be communicated

What is teamwork?

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- According to Andrew Carnegie, “the ability to work together toward a
- common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward
- organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to
- attain uncommon results.”

- It is the kind of work that teams are best configured to do. It is work that
- blends individual strengths so that they complement each other,
- and in doing so brings people together with a sense of camaraderie
- and shared vision so that their strengths are applied in a common
- direction towards meaningful goals.

How does teamwork relate to leadership?

- Co-operation between those who are working on a task.

- When a group of people work together cohesively, towards a common goal,
creating a positive working atmosphere, and supporting each other to
combine individual strengths to enhance team performance.

- Leadership and teamwork have a direct impact on the ability for an

- organization to carry out its mission. You need leadership to make
- sure everyone on your team is going in the same direction and working
- towards the same goal.

10 Most Important Leadership Skills for Team Success

All ten factors contribute to a well-rounded and highly effective leader.
Consider each of these elements as you move forward into becoming the
best leader you can be.

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1.Ability to Lead
This skill refers to how clearly a leader sees his or her vision, shares it with
employees, and inspires them to support that vision.

For example, each employee should understand how his or her job contributes
to the company’s overarching goals. Instilling this information is part of a leader’s
responsibility, and will help employees feel motivated and have a sense of purpose.

2.Effective Communication
All great leaders are good communicators.

For example, if the team has an unusually busy time coming up, a leader might email a timetable
listing the most important tasks to make sure team members understand what
needs to be done.

3.Relationship Building
Creating and fostering relationships with both employees and clients is one
of the marks of a leader who is truly dedicated to his or her position and company.

4.Industry Expertise
It is difficult and demotivating to follow a leader who doesn’t understand
what he or she is doing or is less qualified than the employees. Great leaders
must truly lead; both in the workplace and in their respective fields.

For example, a good website design leader won’t ask his or her team to build a
website function that isn’t feasible. Instead, the leader should suggest an alternative,
possibly better solution.

5.Perceptive of Team Needs

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In addition to having important leadership skills, managers must make sure
their teams also have the skills they need to succeed. Leaders should be able to
determine the most vital skills for a position, and either find someone who already
has those skills or hire someone who is a good company fit and then train them.

For example, a leader shouldn’t ask employees to do intense Web- based

research with a slow, outdated computer.

The most trusted leaders display integrity and honesty, gaining the trust and
respect of their employees and clients. Being seen as trustworthy will increase
your team members’ commitment to their goals, and inspire their best efforts.

7.Time Management
Although time management is often seen as an important skill for employees,
it’s even more important for leaders. Great leaders not only have to manage
their own time, they have to manage an entire company’s time and efforts.
Great leaders are committed to their business, their employees, and their customers.
They understand that what makes a product or service great is an ongoing
commitment to excellence.

For example, if leaders don’t listen to customer complaints and suggestions,

innovation and satisfaction standards will go down.

Confidence inspires trust and helps leaders present themselves and their
company well. Leaders need confidence in order to make important decisions
and stick to them. There is a lot of pressure in business for leaders to be decisive,
and changing your mind often is usually detrimental.

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For example, deciding to offer a new product then cancelling it once the research
and development has started will cost the business time and money, at the very least

10.Problem Solving
Last but certainly not least comes problem-solving skills. All leaders must know how to solve
problems for their team and company. The best companies solve a particular problem for their
clients, and the best leaders solve problems at work.
For example, if an employee comes to you with a problem, your number one goal
as a leader is to solve that problem in the best interest of both the company and

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Complete the crossword puzzle below

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What I have learned?
Reflect on the question. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.
5. What do you think you learned from this activity?
6. What have you learned about communication?


The learners will write in their journal their personal insights about the
lesson and how it can be applied through this pandemic time using the prompts

I understand that____________________________________
I realize that ________________________________________

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher II Master Teacher II Principal II

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