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APPENDIX A. Proposed Model

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

I. Proposed Title: Curriculum Planning and Implementation Model for Face

to face And Modular Learning Approach (Blended Learning)

II. Proponent: Ma. Corazon Adato Borja

III. Duration: September 2021- June 2020


V. Duration: September 2022- June 2023


The two years of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on the country’s

education sector. Serious threats to health and safety, financial security, and access to

resources have made various sectors of society yearning for some semblance of normalcy

and stability. It has a uniquely particular impact on the global education sector, as

government have resorted to drastic measures ranging from significant changes in curriculum

to school closures (UNESCO, 2020). As the practicability of the reforms to learning

programs are being ascertained, difficulties in both sides of the teaching-learning process are

steadily exasperated by the transition to new modalities and stark difference in how the

division of labor within the professional ranks is reported and practiced become a challenge

to education administrators. To this end, the Department of Education (DepEd) launched the

Sulong Edukalidad doctrine of education reform. It strives to impart Filipino learners the

skills necessary to succeed in the tech-savvy 21 st century. Chief among these reforms is the

implementation of the flexible and blended learning modalities that adapt to the local impact

of COVID-19 on the education sector. One of the flagship delivery methods in flexible and

blended learning is the adoption of modular distance learning modality, which makes use of

individualized instruction through a combination of digital and printed self-learning modules.

One of any distance learning model’s key assumptions is that instruction and delivery

of the curriculum to the learner would take place in the face of an actual geographical

separation between the teacher/instructor and the student/learner are geographically remote

from each other during the course of the instruction and delivery process of the curriculum.

Modular Distance Learning (MDL) makes use of pre-Online Distance Learning (ODL), and

television (TV)/Radio-Based Instruction. Distance learning is a learning method where the

teacher and student are separated geographically. Interaction between students, along with

interaction between students and their instructors, is done mostly through online classes and

prepared module created in accordance with prevailing official prescription from the national

and regional education departments. Historically speaking distance learning was traditionally

known as the “self-study” method of education; a mostly novel-and alternative- form of

education. Learners primarily receive and obtain their learning materials through various

combinations of postal snail-mail, e-mail exchange, or over various channels on the Internet.

Assessments, however, still take the form of written exams or assignments, performance

tasks, or portfolios. We term the model as “alternative” and “novel”(emphasis ours) because

distance learning as a mode of education in the Philippines previously applied only to

learners who are unable physically attend class and other exceptional circumstances that

compel learners to be physically extraneous from the traditional class setting.

In the Division of Marinduque, the modular distance learning is often utilized at both

primary and secondary levels. Ideally, this would employ individualized instruction strategies

that allows learners to use Self Learning Modules(SLM) in print or digital format, and other

learning resources like learner’s materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, and other

study materials.

The Modular Distance Learning has a process (DepEd Order no. 12 s, 2020). Under

DepEd's printed modular learning system, teachers will personally provide their learners with

the necessary SLMs per quarter, which mean students will be receiving 4 sets of SLMs for an

entire academic year. The distribution of SLMs to parents will take place before the opening

of classes. For learners whose parents are unavailable to get these from schools, designated

pick up locations for the SLMs will be coordinated with their respective barangay officials.

This distribution, in theory, will be done at least 4 times for the school year. Aside from

SLMs weekly tasks will also be distributed to learners, subject to the conditions specified in

this paragraph.

However, the practical application of the flexible/distance learning reforms exposed

flaws that need to be resolved. Most immediate of these problems include the quality of life

for teachers in the course of adhering both to their professional standards and abiding by

travel and resource restrictions that affect the quality of instruction delivered by teachers.

Nationwide, trainings and seminars were held, some a few months after the pandemic was

officially announced to a week before the first re-opening of class. Learning guidelines in

transitioning to a mostly modular approach, the process of monitoring learners using the

Most Essential Learning Competencies(MELCs), designing Weekly Home learning Plan

(WHLP), and Learner Assessment were given. The implementation of this modular distance

learning requires competent teachers to properly execute the processes and tasks to be done.

Meeting the demands of the transition fall solely on the shoulder of the entire teacher

population. Thus, teachers are expected to have good mental and physical health as well as

possess prerequisite skills in facilitating how the curriculum is delivered to their learners.

Moreover, the modular distance learning as a modality is not easy for teachers. It is very

challenging for teachers from the preparing the Self-Learning Modules, printing, assorting,

distributing, retrieving, and checking of answer sheets. Then, along the process, teachers

need to monitor all the students and home visit those who are lagging behind. They will also

design activities suitable for them plus the administration of summative test every two weeks.

One day is also allotted for the distribution of Self-Learning Modules in their respective

barangays. It is a tiring process and it requires mastery so that the teachers will not waste

their time in every task. In short, teachers need to be competent in instructional delivery

using modular approach. This competency can only be developed through the help of their

knowledge and skills in digital and their resiliency. Thus, the proponent proposed this model

as a guide for all who are crafting trainings/activities that develop teachers’ competencies in

times of pandemic.

I. Description:


Figure 3 Proposed Model for Planning and Curriculum Implementation

for Face to face and Modular Learning Modalities

The figure above shows the Proposed Model for Planning and Curriculum

Implementation for Face to face and Modular Learning Modalities. In order for students to

have seamless acquisition of knowledge in these two different modalities, there five areas

wherein the strategies must be defined. For planning, strategies focused on process, people

and curriculum assessment. During the implementation, strategies focused on climate,

classroom management, teaching and curriculum delivery are the main considerations. It

is in these areas that teachers must develop their skills.

The model also shows the interchangeable connection between the two modalities.

This underscores that regardless of the situation, strategies that must be utilized by the

teachers are concentrated on the identified areas of concern. These areas are still highly

influenced by four philosophies: progressivism, reconstructionism, perennialism and


Through this model, the strategies that must utilized by the teachers during a face to

face class and a modular learning modality are defined and chosen to ensure an improved


In curriculum planning, it is important that strategies must include the following:

Providing an orientation to teachers so that they will be familiar with the Curriculum Guide

or MELCS. There should be brainstorming on the best strategies that teachers may use in

teaching the students. System for evaluating the strategies used must be instituted. A

thorough study of the content of the curriculum must also be done. Moreover, opportunity to

reflect on how strategies work and does not work should always be part and parcel of the

process. This will be highlighted by a demonstration class to showcase the strategies that

work. All these strategies will improve the process of implementing the curriculum.

For strategies that involve the people, it is a must that school heads and teachers work

together to plan and map out the strategies that will be utilized by the teacher in teaching in a

blended learning set up. Support mechanism, technical group and technical assistance from

the Division Office personnel are equally important.

In planning the curriculum implementation, strategies that work are the needs

assessment of the students, sessions for strategizing of teachers, examination of the

curriculum together, analysis of possible curriculum delivery and deciding on possible

revisions or adjustments. Lastly, a walkthrough of the Curriculum Guide or MELCS must be

done by the teachers.


For curriculum implementation, teachers may apply varied strategies on curriculum

delivery. Knowledge of content across and within curriculum content areas must be applied.

It is also important that activities are contextualized, lessons are adapted to belief, practices

and tradition, differentiated instructions are provided to diverse learners and the most crucial

strategy is anchoring the competencies used in the Weekly Home Learning Plan on the

MELCS. For classroom management, adjustments must be made in a virtual class to make

the classroom climate similar to that of a face to face class which is always geared on a

conducive learning environment. Lastly, teaching strategies that work in the blended

learning should be utilized. This involves giving positive feedbacks to the students to

encourage participation. Games, activities and tasks make the learning fruitful, fun and

meaningful. It is also important that goals and targets are within the capacity of the learners

and adjusted to the situation of pandemic. Anchoring the lesson to familiar situation and

utilizing the media in the most practical way are also strategic moves for the teachers.

Teachers should also promote a safe technology supported learning environment by properly

handling the computer devices, maintaining clean learning environment and by following the

rules and regulations on proper use of ICT.

Indeed, teaching is one of the most stressful professions during pandemic time.

Teacher’s resilience is pivotal in overcoming the challenges and hardships hat they are facing

nowadays. Having a high level of adversity quotient is an indication of success amidst all the

challenges. But equally crucial in this situation is the silent partnership that must be forged

with the parents, stakeholders and has always been said that “ it takes a

village to educate a child.” Never before that the truth of this thought may be said to be true.

APPENDIX B: Relevant Laws

The Basic Education Act of 2013 or REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10533





Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress


SECTION 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be known as the “Enhanced Basic Education Act

of 2013”.

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. — The State shall establish, maintain and support a complete,

adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people, the country

and society-at-large.

Likewise, it is hereby declared the policy of the State that every graduate of basic education

shall be an empowered individual who has learned, through a program that is rooted on

sound educational principles and geared towards excellence, the foundations for learning

throughout life, the competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to coexist in

fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage in autonomous,

creative, and critical thinking, and the capacity and willingness to transform others and one’s


For this purpose, the State shall create a functional basic education system that will develop

productive and responsible citizens equipped with the essential competencies, skills and

values for both life-long learning and employment. In order to achieve this, the State shall:

(a) Give every student an opportunity to receive quality education that is globally

competitive based on a pedagogically sound curriculum that is at par with international


(b) Broaden the goals of high school education for college preparation, vocational and

technical career opportunities as well as creative arts, sports and entrepreneurial employment

in a rapidly changing and increasingly globalized environment; and

(c) Make education learner-oriented and responsive to the needs, cognitive and cultural

capacity, the circumstances and diversity of learners, schools and communities through the

appropriate languages of teaching and learning, including mother tongue as a learning


SEC. 3. Basic Education. — Basic education is intended to meet basic learning needs which

provides the foundation on which subsequent learning can be based. It encompasses

kindergarten, elementary and secondary education as well as alternative learning systems for

out-of-school learners and those with special needs.

SEC. 4. Enhanced Basic Education Program. — The enhanced basic education program

encompasses at least one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of elementary

education, and six (6) years of secondary education, in that sequence. Secondary education

includes four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school


Kindergarten education shall mean one (1) year of preparatory education for children at least

five (5) years old as a prerequisite for Grade I.

Elementary education refers to the second stage of compulsory basic education which is

composed of six (6) years. The entrant age to this level is typically six (6) years old.

Secondary education refers to the third stage of compulsory basic education. It consists of

four (4) years of junior high school education and two (2) years of senior high school

education. The entrant age to the junior and senior high school levels are typically twelve

(12) and sixteen (16) years old, respectively.

Basic education shall be delivered in languages understood by the learners as the language

plays a strategic role in shaping the formative years of learners.

For kindergarten and the first three (3) years of elementary education, instruction, teaching

materials and assessment shall be in the regional or native language of the learners. The

Department of Education (DepED) shall formulate a mother language transition program

from Grade 4 to Grade 6 so that Filipino and English shall be gradually introduced as

languages of instruction until such time when these two (2) languages can become the

primary languages of instruction at the secondary level.

For purposes of this Act, mother language or first Language (LI) refers to language or

languages first learned by a child, which he/she identifies with, is identified as a native

language user of by others, which he/she knows best, or uses most. This includes Filipino

sign language used by individuals with pertinent disabilities. The regional or native language

refers to the traditional speech variety or variety of Filipino sign language existing in a

region, area or place.

SEC. 5. Curriculum Development. — The DepED shall formulate the design and details of

the enhanced basic education curriculum. It shall work with the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED) to craft harmonized basic and tertiary curricula for the global

competitiveness of Filipino graduates. To ensure college readiness and to avoid remedial and

duplication of basic education subjects, the DepED shall coordinate with the CHED and the

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

To achieve an effective enhanced basic education curriculum, the DepED shall undertake

consultations with other national government agencies and other stakeholders including, but

not limited to, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the Professional

Regulation Commission (PRC), the private and public schools associations, the national

student organizations, the national teacher organizations, the parents-teachers associations

and the chambers of commerce on matters affecting the concerned stakeholders.

The DepED shall adhere to the following standards and principles in developing the

enhanced basic education curriculum:

(a) The curriculum shall be learner-centered, inclusive and developmentally appropriate;

(b) The curriculum shall be relevant, responsive and research-based;

(c) The curriculum shall be culture-sensitive;

(d) The curriculum shall be contextualized and global;

(e) The curriculum shall use pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based,

reflective, collaborative and integrative;


(f) The curriculum shall adhere to the principles and framework of Mother Tongue-Based

Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) which starts from where the learners are and from what

they already knew proceeding from the known to the unknown; instructional materials and

capable teachers to implement the MTB-MLE curriculum shall be available;

(g) The curriculum shall use the spiral progression approach to ensure mastery of knowledge

and skills after each level; and

(h) The curriculum shall be flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize,

indigenize and enhance the same based on their respective educational and social contexts.

The production and development of locally produced teaching materials shall be encouraged

and approval of these materials shall devolve to the regional and division education units.

SEC. 6. Curriculum Consultative Committee. — There shall be created a curriculum

consultative committee chaired by the DepED Secretary or his/her duly authorized

representative and with members composed of, but not limited to, a representative each from

the CHED, the TESDA, the DOLE, the PRC, the Department of Science and Technology

(DOST), and a representative from the business chambers such as the Information

Technology – Business Process Outsourcing (IT-BPO) industry association. The consultative

committee shall oversee the review and evaluation on the implementation of the basic

education curriculum and may recommend to the DepED the formulation of necessary

refinements in the curriculum.

SEC. 7. Teacher Education and Training. — To ensure that the enhanced basic education

program meets the demand for quality teachers and school leaders, the DepED and the

CHED, in collaboration with relevant partners in government, academe, industry, and


nongovernmental organizations, shall conduct teacher education and training programs, as


(a) In-service Training on Content and Pedagogy — Current DepED teachers shall be

retrained to meet the content and performance standards of the new K to 12 curriculum.

The DepED shall ensure that private education institutions shall be given the opportunity to

avail of such training.

(b) Training of New Teachers. — New graduates of the current Teacher Education

curriculum shall undergo additional training, upon hiring, to upgrade their skills to the

content standards of the new curriculum. Furthermore, the CHED, in coordination with the

DepED and relevant stakeholders, shall ensure that the Teacher Education curriculum offered

in these Teacher Education Institutes (TEIs) will meet necessary quality standards for new

teachers. Duly recognized organizations acting as TEIs, in coordination with the DepED, the

CHED, and other relevant stakeholders, shall ensure that the curriculum of these

organizations meet the necessary quality standards for trained teachers.

(c) Training of School Leadership. — Superintendents, principals, subject area coordinators

and other instructional school leaders shall likewise undergo workshops and training to

enhance their skills on their role as academic, administrative and community leaders.

Henceforth, such professional development programs as those stated above shall be initiated

and conducted regularly throughout the school year to ensure constant upgrading of teacher


SEC. 8. Hiring of Graduates of Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering and Other

Specialists in Subjects With a Shortage of Qualified Applicants, Technical-Vocational


Courses and Higher Education Institution Faculty. — Notwithstanding the provisions of

Sections 26, 27 and 28 of Republic Act No. 7836, otherwise known as the “Philippine

Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994”, the DepED and private education institutions

shall hire, as may be relevant to the particular subject:

(a) Graduates of science, mathematics, statistics, engineering, music and other degree courses

with shortages in qualified Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) applicants to teach in

their specialized subjects in the elementary and secondary education. Qualified LET

applicants shall also include graduates admitted by foundations duly recognized for their

expertise in the education sector and who satisfactorily complete the requirements set by

these organizations: Provided, That they pass the LET within five (5) years after their date of

hiring: Provided, further, That if such graduates are willing to teach on part-time basis, the

provisions of LET shall no longer be required;

(b) Graduates of technical-vocational courses to teach in their specialized subjects in the

secondary education: Provided, That these graduates possess the necessary certification

issued by the TESDA: Provided, further, That they undergo appropriate in-service training to

be administered by the DepED or higher education institutions (HEIs) at the expense of the


(c) Faculty of HEIs be allowed to teach in their general education or subject specialties in the

secondary education: Provided, That the faculty must be a holder of a relevant Bachelor’s

degree, and must have satisfactorily served as a full-time HEI faculty;

(d) The DepED and private education institutions may hire practitioners, with expertise in the

specialized learning areas offered by the Basic Education Curriculum, to teach in the

secondary level; Provided, That they teach on part-time basis only. For this purpose, the

DepED, in coordination with the appropriate government agencies, shall determine the

necessary qualification standards in hiring these experts.

SEC. 9. Career Guidance and Counselling Advocacy. — To properly guide the students in

choosing the career tracks that they intend to pursue, the DepED, in coordination with the

DOLE, the TESDA and the CHED, shall regularly conduct career advocacy activities for

secondary level students. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 27 of Republic Act No.

9258, otherwise known as the “Guidance and Counselling Act of 2004”, career and

employment guidance counsellors, who are not registered and licensed guidance counsellors,

shall be allowed to conduct career advocacy activities to secondary level students of the

school where they are currently employed; Provided, That they undergo a training program to

be developed or accredited by the DepED.

SEC. 10. Expansion of E-GASTPE Beneficiaries. — The benefits accorded by Republic Act

No. 8545, or the “Expanded Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private

Education Act”, shall be extended to qualified students enrolled under the enhanced basic


The DepED shall engage the services of private education institutions and non-DepED

schools offering senior high school through the programs under Republic Act No. 8545, and

other financial arrangements formulated by the DepED and the Department of Budget and

Management (DBM) based on the principles of public-private partnership.

SEC. 11. Appropriations. — The Secretary of Education shall include in the Department’s

program the operationalization of the enhanced basic education program, the initial funding

of which shall be charged against the current appropriations of the DepED. Thereafter, the

amount necessary for the continued implementation of the enhanced basic education program

shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act.

SEC. 12. Transitory Provisions. — The DepED, the CHED and the TESDA shall formulate

the appropriate strategies and mechanisms needed to ensure smooth transition from the

existing ten (10) years basic education cycle to the enhanced basic education (K to 12) cycle.

The strategies may cover changes in physical infrastructure, manpower, organizational and

structural concerns, bridging models linking grade 10 competencies and the entry

requirements of new tertiary curricula, and partnerships between the government and other

entities. Modeling for senior high school may be implemented in selected schools to simulate

the transition process and provide concrete data for the transition plan.

To manage the initial implementation of the enhanced basic education program and mitigate

the expected multi-year low enrolment turnout for HEIs and Technical Vocational

Institutions (TVIs) starting School Year 2016-2017, the DepED shall engage in partnerships

with HEIs and TVIs for the utilization of the latter’s human and physical resources.

Moreover, the DepED, the CHED, the TESDA, the TVIs and the HEIs shall coordinate

closely with one another to implement strategies that ensure the academic, physical,

financial, and human resource capabilities of HEIs and TVIs to provide educational and

training services for graduates of the enhanced basic education program to ensure that they

are not adversely affected. The faculty of HEIs and TVIs allowed to teach students of

secondary education under Section 8 hereof, shall be given priority in hiring for the duration

of the transition period. For this purpose, the transition period shall be provided for in the

implementing rules and regulations (IRR).

SEC. 13. Joint Congressional Oversight Committee on the Enhanced Basic Educational

Program (K to 12 Program). — There is hereby created a Joint Oversight Committee to

oversee, monitor and evaluate the implementation of this Act.

The Oversight Committee shall be composed of five (5) members each from the Senate and

from the House of Representatives, including Chairs of the Committees on Education, Arts

and Culture, and Finance of both Houses. The membership of the Committee for every

House shall have at least two (2) opposition or minority members.

SEC. 14. Mandatory Evaluation and Review. — By the end of School Year 2014-2015, the

DepED shall conduct a mandatory review and submit a midterm report to Congress as to the

status of implementation of the K to 12 program in terms of closing the following current

shortages: (a) teachers; (b) classrooms; (c) textbooks; (d) seats; (e) toilets; and (f) other

shortages that should be addressed.

The DepED shall include among others, in this midterm report, the following key metrics of

access to and quality of basic education: (a) participation rate; (b) retention rate; (c) National

Achievement Test results; (d) completion rate; (e) teachers’ welfare and training profiles; (f)

adequacy of funding requirements; and (g) other learning facilities including, but not limited

to, computer and science laboratories, libraries and library hubs, and sports, music and arts.

SEC. 15. Commitment to International Benchmarks. — The DepED shall endeavor to

increase the per capita spending on education towards the immediate attainment of

international benchmarks.

SEC. 16. Implementing Rules and Regulations. — Within ninety (90) days after the

effectivity of this Act, the DepED Secretary, the CHED Chairperson and the TESDA

Director-General shall promulgate the rules and regulations needed for the implementation of

this Act.

SEC. 17. Separability Clause. — If any provision of this Act is held invalid or

unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity and effectivity of the other provisions


SEC. 18. Repealing Clause. — Pertinent provisions of Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 or the

“Education Act of 1982”, Republic Act No. 9155 or the “Governance of Basic Education.

Act of 2001″, Republic Act No. 9258, Republic Act No. 7836, and all other laws, decrees,

executive orders and rules and regulations contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of

this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SEC. 19. Effectivity Clause. — This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its

publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.



To the Respondent:

Hi! I am MA. CORAZON A. BORJA, a doctoral student of Marinduque State

College – Graduate School who is currently working on my dissertation entitled
“Curriculum Planning and Implementation Strategies of Basic Education in the Division of
MARINDUQUE: A Basis for a Strategic Curriculum Model”. This undertaking is a
requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Education, major in Curriculum Development and
I earnestly request your cooperation and support by answering completely and
honestly this questionnaire. Rest assured that the information that will be given through this
tool will be utilized for research purposes and will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
For your queries regarding this research, please contact me via my email address or my contact number +639064413747.
Thank you for your time and effort.

Very truly Yours,


Noted By:
Adviser/Dean of School of Advanced Education


I give my consent to the researcher for me to participate in this study subject to

the following conditions:
1. I was informed of the purpose of the study;
2. Information that will be gathered here will be treated with utmost
3. Results and Discussion of the findings of this research will be treated with
accuracy and without bias; and
4. The welfare of the subject will be a priority of the researcher



Part 1: Respondent’s Profile

NAME: (optional)
Email Address
( ) Teacher 1-3 ( ) TIC
( ) Master teacher 1-3 ( ) Head teacher 1-6
( ) Principal 1-IV
Name of school:
Type of School: ( ) Small ( ) Large
( ) Medium ( ) Very Large

Level of School ( ) Elementary ( ) Secondary

Address of School:
Position of the School Head: ( ) TIC
( ) Head Teacher
( ) Principal 1-IV


Below are different curriculum planning and implementation strategies. This study aims to
determine the curriculum planning and implementation strategies used in the school. Using
the Likert Scale below, identify the strategies you use and the extent of its utilization by
ticking the appropriate response:


5 - Highly Practiced

4 -Moderately Practiced

3 - Slightly Practiced

2 – Poorly Practiced

1- Never Practiced


2.1.1 Process


5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2
1 1
1. Our school provides an orientation to
teachers to explain the content of the

2. Our school provides opportunity to discuss

the strategies that will be utilized in
implementing the curriculum.
3. Our school institutes a system for evaluating
strategies to be used in implementing the
4. Our school allows for brainstorming that will
identify the most suitable strategies for the
different learning areas.

5. Our school has systematized the utilization of

strategies by learning areas.
6. The teacher studies thoroughly the content of
the curriculum.
7. The teacher examines the appropriateness of
the competencies included the curriculum.

8. The teacher chooses the appropriate

approach in implementing the curriculum.
9. The teacher plans to demonstrate how a
particular strategy works in translating a
curriculum into lesson
10. The teacher reflects on previous practices to
choose the best strategies.

2.1.2 People
5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2
1 1
1. The School Head and Teachers work together
in planning the teaching strategies that can be
utilized in curriculum implementation.
2. A technical group provides support in the
formulation of strategies for curriculum.

3. A support mechanism is available in school/s

to help teachers overcome difficulties and
understand the teaching strategies that will be
4. The School Head is readily available to coach
the teachers on the use of strategies for
curriculum implementation.
5. Schools Division Office monitors the teachers
to provide technical assistance in the utilization
of strategies for curriculum implementation


5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2
1 1
1. Identification and assessment of the needs of

2. Organization of sessions with other teachers

to strategize on how to transform the curriculum
into a lesson.
3. Examination of the content development of the

4. Analysis of the possible curriculum delivery

and revision.
5. Walkthrough of the curriculum package is
conducted to be familiar with the curriculum


2.2.1. Curriculum Delivery
5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2
1 1

1. Knowledge of content across and within

curriculum content areas is applied.
2. Classroom activities are contextualized.
3. The lessons are adapted to the belief,
practices and tradition of the
4. Differentiated instructions are provided to
diverse learners.

5. Competencies are anchored on the


2.2.2 Classroom Management

5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2
1 1
1. Easy access to resource materials is provided

2. The students are immersed to the lesson

audio visual materials and pictures.
3. Adjustments are made to accommodate the
difficulties of the students.
4. Record keeping and feedbacking is
5. Resources that can be used in delivering the
lesson are systematically organized.

2.2.3 Teaching Strategy

5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2

1 1
1. Positive feedbacks are provided to students
2. Equal opportunities are provided to all
3. Games, organizers and interesting activities
are used by the teacher
4. Learner creativity is enhanced through
different activities.
5. Coherent lesson presentation is given by the
6. Goals and targets appropriate to their ages,
interest and levels of development are planned.
7. Familiar situations is used in expounding on
the lesson
8. Activities which are practical and manageable
are included in the lesson.
9. Tasks are broken into simple steps to facilitate
10. Various media are used extensively.

2.2.4 Climate
5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2
1 1
1. The situation of the children is observed and
lessons are adjusted to their needs.
2. Manageable classroom climate are created
3. Learner enthusiasm is raised through varied
4. Relaxed atmosphere is created for children’s
5. Discussions are made enjoyable.

PART III. SCHOOL PERFORMANCE(to be answered by the School Head)

Level of Performance

DATA SY 2019-2020 SY 2020-2021


PART IV: Comments and suggestions on curriculum planning and implementation strategies
that are currently practiced in school.

Thank you for your time and cooperation!


Appendix D: LETTERS
October 9, 2021,




Greetings of Good health!

I am MA. CORAZON A. BORJA, a doctoral student enrolled at the Doctoral Degree in Education,
Major in Curriculum Development in the School of Graduate Education and Professional Studies and
Management at the MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE (MSC). I am currently working on a doctoral
research entitled “Curriculum Planning and Implementation Strategies in Basic Education Of Marinduque: A
Basis For A Strategic Curriculum Implementation Model”. A research instrument will be used in the said
In view with this, I would like to ask permission to field test my research instrument in one of the
secondary schools in Boac particularly at Marinduque National High School. This school is one of the
respondent schools but since it has the biggest number of teachers, it will still be feasible to conduct the field
testing of the instrument.
I would like to reassure you that whatever result of this research will be used for the benefit of the
educational institutions. I have attached here the research instrument for your reference.
I am looking forward that my request would merit your positive response
Thank you and God bless.
Very truly yours,



Recommending Approval:

Name of Validator: DR. AQUILINA S. RIVAS
Degree: Doctor of Education major in Educational Administration
Position: Schools Division Superintendent, National Capital Region (ret)

To the evaluator: Please check the appropriate box for your ratings.
Scale: 5 Excellent 4- Very Good 3 -Good 2 -Fair 1- Poor
5 4 3 2 1
1. Clarity and Specificity of Directions /
 The vocabulary level, language, structure
and concepts are within the level of the
 The directions for each part is clear and
simple enough to be understood by the
2. Presentation and Organization /
 The statements are presented logically and in
an organized manner.
 The flow of concepts is logically presented.

3. Adequateness of the Content /

 The subtopics and statements appropriately
presented the substance of the research.
 The statements are designed to determine
Idea needed in the research instrument.

4. Attainment of the Purpose /

 The instrument as a whole fulfills the
objectives of the research.

5. Objective
 Each statement in the research requires
specific response that measures only one
behavior and no aspect of the research is
biased or leading to an idea

6. Suitability of Concepts and Statements /


 The language used for each statement is

comprehensible to the respondents
 Ideas are within the level of the respondents
7. Scale and Evaluation Rating /
 The scale adapted is appropriate.
 The scale used measures the expected
response of the respondents.

Total Score 5

The questionnaire should be revised after pre testing to a sample group.


Certificate of Validation

This is to certify that I have thoroughly evaluated the research instrument to be used in the
research entitled “Curriculum Planning and Implementation Strategies in Basic
Education of Marinduque: A Basis for a Strategic Curriculum Implementation Model”.
This certification is issued for validation purposes of the research instrument. Issued on the
10th day of October, 2021.

Dr. Aquilina Siena Rivas

Request Letter for Tool Validation

October 9, 2021




I am MA. CORAZON A. BORJA, a doctoral student enrolled at the Doctoral Degree in

Education, Major in Curriculum Development in the School of Graduate Education and
Professional Studies and Mangement at the MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE (MSC). I
am currently working on a doctoral research entitled “Curriculum Planning and
Implementation Strategies In Basic Education Of Marinduque: A Basis For A Strategic
Curriculum Implementation Model”. A RESEARCH INSTRUMENT will be used in the
said research.
In view with this, the researcher would like your expertise to validate the attached self-made
research instrument. Knowing your experience in the field of research and education, I would
like to ask for your help in validating the said instrument before administering it to the
participants of this study.

I have attached here the validation sheet, research instrument and statement of the problem of
the study. I will be glad to hear your suggestions and comments for the improvement of the
I am looking forward that my request would merit your positive response. Your positive
response is highly appreciated.
Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,




Name of Validator: DR. LIZA MARIE M. MANOOS

Degree: Doctor of Education major
Position: Marinduque state College Professor

To the evaluator: Please check the appropriate box for your ratings.
Scale: 5 Excellent 4- Very Good 3 -Good 2 -Fair 1- Poor
5 4 3 2 1
1. Clarity and Specificity of Directions /
 The vocabulary level, language, structure
and concepts are within the level of the
 The directions for each part is clear and
simple enough to be understood by the
2. Presentation and Organization /
 The statements are presented logically and in
an organized manner.
 The flow of concepts is logically presented.

3. Adequateness of the Content /

 The subtopics and statements appropriately
presented the substance of the research.
 The statements are designed to determine
Idea needed in the research instrument.

4. Attainment of the Purpose /

 The instrument as a whole fulfills the
objectives of the research.

5. Objective
 Each statement in the research requires
specific response that measures only one
behavior and no aspect of the research is

biased or leading to an idea

6. Suitability of Concepts and Statements /

 The language used for each statement is
comprehensible to the respondents
 Ideas are within the level of the respondents
7. Scale and Evaluation Rating /
 The scale adapted is appropriate.
 The scale used measures the expected
response of the respondents.

Total Score

Comments and Suggestions



Certificate of Validation

This is to certify that I have thoroughly evaluated the research instrument to be used in the
research entitled Curriculum Planning and Implementation Strategies in Basic
Education of Marinduque: A Basis for a Strategic Curriculum Implementation Model.
This certification is issued for validation purposes of the research instrument. Issued on the
10th day of October, 2021.



Name of Validator: DR. ROGEL LIMPIADA

Degree: Doctor of Education
Position: College Professor Enverga University

To the evaluator: Please check the appropriate box for your ratings.
Scale: 5 Excellent 4- Very Good 3 -Good 2 -Fair 1- Poor
5 4 3 2 1
1. Clarity and Specificity of Directions
 The vocabulary level, language, structure
and concepts are within the level of the
 The directions for each part is clear and
simple enough to be understood by the
2. Presentation and Organization
 The statements are presented logically and in
an organized manner.
 The flow of concepts is logically presented.

3. Adequateness of the Content

 The subtopics and statements appropriately
presented the substance of the research.
 The statements are designed to determine
Idea needed in the research instrument.

4. Attainment of the Purpose

 The instrument as a whole fulfills the
objectives of the research.

5. Objective
 Each statement in the research requires
specific response that measures only one
behavior and no aspect of the research is

biased or leading to an idea

6. Suitability of Concepts and Statements

 The language used for each statement is
comprehensible to the respondents
 Ideas are within the level of the respondents
7. Scale and Evaluation Rating
 The scale adapted is appropriate.
 The scale used measures the expected
response of the respondents.

Total Score 3.14

Comments and Suggestions

This study is very timely and will cater to the need of the time. Good luck to the
researcher. I have inserted my comments in the questionnaire above, and humbly
suggested some modifications in the SOP. The suggestions that I made will
enable the instrument to gather data suited to the statistical tools to be used such
as frequency count and percentage for the school profile, mean and general mean
for the curriculum planning and implementation strategies, Kruskal-Wallis-H-Test
for the significant differences and Spearman Rho for the Correlation part.
Instrument should be two-sided, to show the assessment of BEFORE and
DURING. Phrasing of questions should consider the context of the respondents.
It could begin with Our school…

Signature of Validator

Certificate of Validation

This is to certify that I have thoroughly evaluated the research instrument to be used in the
research entitled Curriculum Planning and Implementation Strategies in Basic
Education of Marinduque: A Basis for a Strategic Curriculum Implementation Model.
This certification is issued for validation purposes of the research instrument. Issued on the
10th day of October, 2021.

Dr. Rogel L. Limpiada


2. What are the curriculum planning and implementation strategies adopted by public schools
in Basic Education before and during the adoption of Modular Learning Modality based on
the school profile?
Table 6. Curriculum and Implementation Strategies adopted by Public Schools in Basic
Education Before and During Pandemic: Process


STRATEGIES Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
1. Our school provides an
orientation to teachers to Highly
4.51 4.29 Highly Practiced
explain the content of the Practiced
2. Our school provides
opportunity to discuss the
strategies that will be utilized 4.44 4.22 Highly Practiced
in implementing the
3. Our school institutes a
system for evaluating Highly Moderately
4.33 4.11
strategies to be used in Practiced Practiced
implementing the curriculum.
4. Our school allows for
brainstorming that will
Highly Moderately
identify the most suitable 4.38 4.18
Practiced Practiced
strategies for the different
learning areas.
5. Our school has
systematized the utilization Highly Moderately
4.34 4.14
of strategies by learning Practiced Practiced
6. The teacher studies 4.46 Highly 4.25 Highly Practiced
thoroughly the content of the Practiced

7. The teacher examines the
appropriateness of the Highly
4.46 4.26 Highly Practiced
competencies included the Practiced
8. The teacher chooses the
appropriate approach in 4.42 4.22 Highly Practiced
implementing the curriculum.
9. The teacher plans to
demonstrate how a
Highly Moderately
particular strategy works in 4.32 4.12
Practiced Practiced
translating a curriculum into
10. The teacher reflects on
Highly Moderately
previous practices to choose 4.42 4.12
Practiced Practiced
the best strategies.
Total Mean Highly Moderately
4.41 4.19
Practiced Practiced
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 Never Practiced 1.81 – 2.60 Poorly Practiced 2.61 – 3.40 Slightly Practiced
3.41 – 4.20 Moderately Practiced 4.21 – 5.00 Highly Practiced

2.1.2 People


STRATEGIES Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
1. The School Head and
Teachers work together in
planning the teaching Highly
4.33 4.21 Highly Practiced
strategies that can be Practiced
utilized in curriculum
2. A technical group
provides support in the Highly Moderately
4.22 4.06
formulation of strategies for Practiced Practiced
3. A support mechanism is
available in school/s to help
teachers overcome Highly Moderately
4.25 4.09
difficulties and understand Practiced Practiced
the teaching strategies that
will be used.
4. The School Head is 4.42 Highly 4.17 Moderately

readily available to coach

the teachers on the use of
Practiced Practiced
strategies for curriculum
5. Schools Division Office
monitors the teachers to
provide technical assistance Highly Moderately
4.33 4.13
in the utilization of strategies Practiced Practiced
for curriculum
Total Mean Highly Moderately
4.31 4.13
Practiced Practiced
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 Never Practiced 1.81 – 2.60 Poorly Practiced 2.61 – 3.40 Slightly Practiced
3.41 – 4.20 Moderately Practiced 4.21 – 5.00 Highly Practiced



STRATEGIES Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
1. Identification and
Highly Moderately
assessment of the needs of 4.39 4.17
Practiced Practiced
2. Organization of sessions
with other teachers to
Highly Moderately
strategize on how to 4.33 4.12
Practiced Practiced
transform the curriculum into
a lesson.
3. Examination of the
Highly Moderately
content development of the 4.33 4.15
Practiced Practiced
4. Analysis of the possible
Highly Moderately
curriculum delivery and 4.30 4.12
Practiced Practiced
5. Walkthrough of the
curriculum package is Highly Moderately
4.36 4.00
conducted to be familiar with Practiced Practiced
the curriculum package
Total Mean Highly Moderately
4.34 4.11
Practiced Practiced
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 Never Practiced 1.81 – 2.60 Poorly Practiced 2.61 – 3.40 Slightly Practiced
3.41 – 4.20 Moderately Practiced 4.21 – 5.00 Highly Practiced


2.2.1 Curriculum Delivery
STRATEGIES Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
1. Knowledge of content
across and within curriculum 4.50 4.24 Highly Practiced
content areas is applied.
2. Classroom activities are Highly Moderately
4.42 4.11
contextualized. Practiced Practiced
3. The lessons are adapted
to the belief, practices and Highly Moderately
4.43 4.16
tradition of the Practiced Practiced
4. Differentiated
Highly Moderately
instructions are provided to 4.45 4.08
Practiced Practiced
diverse learners.
5. Competencies are
anchored on the 4.57 4.40 Highly Practiced
Total Mean Highly Moderately
4.47 4.20
Practiced Practiced
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 Never Practiced 1.81 – 2.60 Poorly Practiced 2.61 – 3.40 Slightly Practiced
3.41 – 4.20 Moderately Practiced 4.21 – 5.00 Highly Practiced

2.2.2 Classroom Management

STRATEGIES Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
1. Easy access to resource Highly Moderately
4.42 4.02
materials is provided Practiced Practiced
2. The students are
immersed to the lesson Highly Moderately
4.27 3.91
using audio visual materials Practiced Practiced
and pictures.

3. Adjustments are made to

Highly Moderately
accommodate the difficulties 4.39 4.16
Practiced Practiced
of the students.
4. Record keeping and Highly
4.48 4.30 Highly Practiced
feedbacking is conducted. Practiced
5. Resources that can be
used in delivering the lesson Highly Moderately
4.42 4.16
are systematically Practiced Practiced
Total Mean Highly Moderately
4.40 4.16
Practiced Practiced
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 Never Practiced 1.81 – 2.60 Poorly Practiced 2.61 – 3.40 Slightly Practiced
3.41 – 4.20 Moderately Practiced 4.21 – 5.00 Highly Practiced

2.2.3 Teaching Strategy

STRATEGIES Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
1. Positive feedbacks are Highly
provided to students 4.56 4.31 Highly Practiced
2. Equal opportunities are Highly
4.54 4.28 Highly Practiced
provided to all students Practiced
3. Games, organizers and
Highly Moderately
interesting activities are 4.47 3.80
Practiced Practiced
used by the teacher
4. Learner creativity is
Highly Moderately
enhanced through different 4.46 4.02
Practiced Practiced
5. Coherent lesson
Highly Moderately
presentation is given by the 4.42 4.03
Practiced Practiced
6. Goals and targets
appropriate to their ages, Highly Moderately
4.44 4.17
interest and levels of Practiced Practiced
development are planned.
7. Familiar situations is used Highly Moderately
4.41 4.15
in expounding on the lesson Practiced Practiced
8. Activities which are
Highly Moderately
practical and manageable 4.42 4.08
Practiced Practiced
are included in the lesson.
9. Tasks are broken into
Highly Moderately
simple steps to facilitate 4.42 4.12
Practiced Practiced

10. Various media are used Highly

extensively. 4.25 4.21 Highly Practiced
Total Mean Highly Moderately
4.44 4.12
Practiced Practiced
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 Never Practiced 1.81 – 2.60 Poorly Practiced 2.61 – 3.40 Slightly Practiced
3.41 – 4.20 Moderately Practiced 4.21 – 5.00 Highly Practiced

2.2.4 Climate
STRATEGIES Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
1. The situation of the
children is observed and Highly Moderately
4.52 4.13
lessons are adjusted to their Practiced Practiced
2. Manageable classroom Highly Moderately
4.46 3.88
climate are created Practiced Practiced
3. Learner enthusiasm is Highly Moderately
4.43 4.01
raised through varied tasks Practiced Practiced
4. Relaxed atmosphere is
Highly Moderately
created for children’s 4.44 3.89
Practiced Practiced
5. Discussions are made Highly Moderately
4.53 3.73
enjoyable. Practiced Practiced
Total Mean Highly Moderately
4.48 3.93
Practiced Practiced
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 Never Practiced 1.81 – 2.60 Poorly Practiced 2.61 – 3.40 Slightly Practiced
3.41 – 4.20 Moderately Practiced 4.21 – 5.00 Highly Practiced

3. Is there significant difference in curriculum planning and implementation strategies of

public schools in Basic Education when grouped according to school profile?
School Profile Curriculum Planning p-value Verbal
Before Pandemic 0.383 Not Significant
During Pandemic 0.652 Not Significant
Before Pandemic 0.778 Not Significant
Type of School
During Pandemic 0.454 Not Significant
Before Pandemic 0.849 Not Significant
School Level
During Pandemic 0.977 Not Significant
District Before Pandemic 0.626 Not Significant

During Pandemic 0.360 Not Significant

School Head Before Pandemic 0.921 Not Significant
Position During Pandemic 0.934 Not Significant

School Profile Implementation p-value Verbal

Strategies Interpretation
Before Pandemic 0.612 Not Significant
During Pandemic 0.141 Not Significant
Before Pandemic 0.763 Not Significant
Type of School
During Pandemic 0.511 Not Significant
Before Pandemic 0.949 Not Significant
School Level
During Pandemic 0.698 Not Significant
Before Pandemic 0.410 Not Significant
During Pandemic 0.004 Significant
School Head Before Pandemic 0.153 Not Significant
Position During Pandemic 0.709 Not Significant

4. What is the level of school performance before and during the implementation of Modular
Distance Modality when grouped according to profile?
Position Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
Teacher 1-3 3.24 Satisfactory 3.23 Satisfactory
Master Teacher 1-3 3.05 Satisfactory 3.18 Satisfactory
TIC 3.27 Satisfactory 3.27 Satisfactory
Head Teacher 1-3 3.28 Satisfactory 3.00 Satisfactory
Principal 1-4 3.25 Satisfactory 3.17 Satisfactory
Total Mean 3.23 Satisfactory 3.20 Satisfactory


Type of School Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
Small 3.24 Satisfactory 3.19 Satisfactory
Medium 3.20 Satisfactory 3.17 Satisfactory
Large 3.18 Satisfactory 3.25 Satisfactory
Very large 3.37 Satisfactory 3.62 Satisfactory
Total Mean 3.23 Satisfactory 3.20 Satisfactory


School Level Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation

Elementary 3.26 Satisfactory 3.22 Satisfactory

Secondary 3.18 Satisfactory 3.19 Satisfactory
Total Mean 3.23 Satisfactory 3.20 Satisfactory


School Head Position Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
TIC 3.23 Satisfactory 3.27 Satisfactory
Head Teacher 3.24 Satisfactory 3.08 Satisfactory
Principal I-IV 3.22 Satisfactory 3.23 Satisfactory
Total Mean 3.23 Satisfactory 3.20 Satisfactory


Position Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation
Boac SD 3.33 Satisfactory 3.00 Satisfactory
Boac ND 3.23 Satisfactory 3.20 Satisfactory
Gasan 3.17 Satisfactory 3.34 Satisfactory
Mogpog 3.30 Satisfactory 3.35 Satisfactory
Sta. Cruz SD 3.12 Satisfactory 2.68 Satisfactory
Sta. Cruz ND 3.20 Satisfactory 3.33 Satisfactory
Sta. Cruz ED 3.06 Satisfactory 3.13 Satisfactory
Buenavista 3.31 Satisfactory 3.37 Satisfactory
Torrijos 3.25 Satisfactory 3.25 Satisfactory
Total Mean 3.23 Satisfactory 3.20 Satisfactory

5. Is there a significant difference between the school performance during the face-to-face

Modality and Modular Learning Modality when grouped according to school profile?

School Profile Implementation p-value Verbal

Strategies Interpretation
GSA 2019-2020 .491 Not Significant
GSA 2020-2021 .625 Not Significant
Type of School GSA 2019-2020 .265 Not Significant

GSA 2020-2021 .737 Not Significant

GSA 2019-2020 .717 Not Significant
School Level
GSA 2020-2021 .176 Not Significant
GSA 2019-2020 .000 Significant
GSA 2020-2021 .000 Significant
School Head GSA 2019-2020 .239 Not Significant
Position GSA 2020-2021 .980 Not Significant

6. Is there a significant relationship between curriculum planning and implementation

strategies and school performance before and during the implementation of Modular

Distance Modality?

curriculum implementation
planning strategies
curriculum planning Pearson Correlation 1 .152
Sig. (2-tailed) .325

N 44 44
implementation Pearson Correlation .152 1
strategies Sig. (2-tailed) .325

N 44 44

Correlation p-value Verbal Interpretation

curriculum planning and
implementation .325 Not Significant

GSA Before GSA During
Pandemic Pandemic
GSA Before Pearson Correlation 1 .383**
Pandemic Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 229 229
GSA During Pearson Correlation .383** 1
Pandemic Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 229 229

Correlation p-value Verbal Interpretation

GSA before pandemic
and GSA during .000 Significant


Correlation Matrix

1. Our school pr 1. Our school pr 2. Our school pr 2. Our school pr

1. Our school pr -0.008

2. Our school pr 0.421 -0.053

2. Our school pr 0.407 0.554 0.025

3. Our school in 0.216 0.011 0.490 0.070

3. Our school in 0.010 0.400 -0.120 0.565

4. Our school al 0.325 0.114 0.552 0.036

4. Our school al 0.463 0.531 -0.057 0.711

5. Our school ha 0.795 0.183 0.436 0.475

5. Our school ha 0.320 0.190 0.255 0.293

6. The teacher s 0.492 -0.088 0.522 -0.013

6. The teacher s 0.133 0.204 -0.022 0.234

7. The teacher e 0.561 0.019 0.564 0.124

7. The teacher e 0.230 0.065 0.219 0.080

8. The teacher c 0.546 -0.208 0.531 0.099

8. The teacher c 0.213 0.041 0.109 0.312

9. The teacher p 0.525 0.247 0.296 0.327

9. The teacher p 0.251 0.208 0.301 0.538

10. The teacher 0.234 -0.009 0.458 -0.100

10. The teacher 0.340 0.323 0.304 0.506

1. The School He 0.467 0.329 0.383 0.257

1. The School He 0.017 0.530 -0.028 0.505

2.  A technical 0.569 0.177 0.484 0.232

2.  A technical 0.241 0.741 0.152 0.544

3. A support mec 0.488 0.265 0.463 0.317

3. A support mec 0.113 0.342 -0.119 0.593

4. The School He 0.704 0.184 0.344 0.301

4. The School He 0.036 0.241 0.077 0.157

5. Schools Divis 0.466 0.247 0.392 0.098

5. Schools Divis 0.112 0.409 -0.046 0.185

1. Identificatio 0.216 0.028 0.354 0.079

1. Identificatio -0.148 0.346 0.091 0.231

2. Organization 0.224 0.212 0.141 0.101

2. Organization -0.122 0.482 -0.019 0.399

3. Examination o 0.470 0.065 0.267 0.124


3. Examination o 0.042 0.330 0.089 0.089

4. Analysis of t 0.484 0.227 0.273 0.249

4. Analysis of t -0.081 0.557 0.056 0.284

5. Walkthrough o 0.662 0.171 0.341 0.397

5. Walkthrough o -0.010 0.238 0.017 0.165

1. Knowledge of -0.124 0.088 0.094 -0.058

1. Knowledge of 0.167 0.619 -0.013 0.521

2. Classroom act 0.008 0.202 0.183 -0.053

2. Classroom act 0.262 0.575 0.184 0.549

3.  The lessons 0.627 0.094 -0.050 0.538

3.  The lessons 0.107 0.309 0.286 0.098

4.   Differentia -0.072 0.235 0.119 0.153

4.   Differentia 0.291 0.103 0.318 0.146

5.  Competencies -0.199 0.094 -0.201 0.000

5.  Competencies 0.129 0.443 -0.399 0.512

1. Easy access t 0.023 -0.079 0.103 -0.192

1. Easy access t -0.111 0.606 0.049 0.444

2. The students 0.314 0.000 0.147 -0.000

2. The students 0.247 0.652 0.120 0.595

3. Adjustments a 0.173 0.125 0.300 0.040

3. Adjustments a 0.165 0.304 0.325 0.323

4. Record keepin 0.121 0.157 0.254 -0.065

4. Record keepin -0.031 0.707 0.147 0.320

5. Resources  th -0.021 0.055 0.034 -0.158

5. Resources  th 0.185 0.022 0.322 0.043

1. Positive feed 0.238 0.082 -0.032 0.121

1. Positive feed 0.106 0.134 0.301 0.467

2. Equal opportu 0.174 -0.024 0.104 0.224

2. Equal opportu 0.307 0.199 0.212 0.474

3. Games, organi -0.202 0.248 -0.066 -0.059

3. Games, organi -0.028 0.453 -0.069 0.337

4. Learner creat 0.060 -0.141 0.057 -0.246

4. Learner creat 0.071 0.064 0.121 0.146

5.  Coherent les -0.015 0.062 0.150 -0.030

5.  Coherent les 0.088 0.212 0.117 0.365

6.  Goals and ta 0.042 0.082 0.025 -0.124

6.  Goals and ta 0.311 0.438 0.255 0.304

7. Familiar situ 0.378 0.055 0.127 0.287

7. Familiar situ 0.361 -0.081 0.319 0.231

8. Activities wh 0.496 0.133 -0.026 0.355

8. Activities wh 0.310 0.442 0.445 0.251

9. Tasks are bro 0.101 0.039 0.060 -0.010

9. Tasks are bro 0.500 0.221 0.064 0.509


10. Various medi 0.187 0.018 -0.209 -0.111

10. Various medi 0.338 0.475 0.095 0.655

1. The situation -0.063 -0.079 0.103 -0.025

1. The situation 0.209 0.416 0.074 0.546

2.  Manageable c 0.585 -0.041 -0.044 0.351

2.  Manageable c -0.029 0.248 0.265 0.108

3. Learner enthu -0.019 -0.188 0.031 -0.152

3. Learner enthu 0.584 0.352 0.471 0.566

4.  Relaxed atmo -0.015 -0.178 -0.048 -0.298

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.381 0.342 0.297 0.332

5.  Discussions -0.014 -0.087 0.023 -0.166

5.  Discussions 0.305 0.058 0.256 0.249

3. Our school in 3. Our school in 4. Our school al 4. Our school al

3. Our school in 0.451

4. Our school al 0.694 -0.005

4. Our school al 0.225 0.499 0.272

5. Our school ha 0.317 0.034 0.556 0.503

5. Our school ha 0.287 0.158 0.272 0.424

6. The teacher s 0.201 -0.066 0.201 -0.002

6. The teacher s 0.052 0.085 0.098 0.322

7. The teacher e 0.510 -0.072 0.648 0.340

7. The teacher e 0.215 -0.085 0.412 0.305

8. The teacher c 0.266 -0.135 0.468 0.111

8. The teacher c 0.157 0.275 0.098 0.129

9. The teacher p -0.046 -0.133 0.138 0.211

9. The teacher p 0.114 0.019 0.295 0.416

10. The teacher 0.180 0.011 0.039 -0.169

10. The teacher 0.079 0.309 0.208 0.252

1. The School He 0.307 -0.070 0.461 0.318

1. The School He 0.271 0.645 0.182 0.606

2.  A technical 0.482 -0.014 0.519 0.344

2.  A technical 0.219 0.340 0.254 0.652

3. A support mec 0.491 0.256 0.520 0.495

3. A support mec 0.169 0.496 0.199 0.579

4. The School He 0.453 -0.013 0.666 0.447

4. The School He 0.315 0.159 0.521 0.322

5. Schools Divis 0.339 -0.086 0.448 0.211

5. Schools Divis 0.276 0.330 0.273 0.450

1. Identificatio 0.283 0.064 0.085 0.098

1. Identificatio 0.316 0.535 -0.015 0.219

2. Organization 0.407 0.110 0.345 0.292

2. Organization 0.373 0.578 0.237 0.330

3. Examination o 0.273 -0.036 0.362 0.285


3. Examination o 0.366 0.147 0.606 0.258

4. Analysis of t 0.242 0.050 0.356 0.392

4. Analysis of t 0.271 0.423 0.250 0.348

5. Walkthrough o 0.257 0.183 0.155 0.401

5. Walkthrough o 0.392 0.350 0.184 0.208

1. Knowledge of -0.156 -0.202 0.002 0.045

1. Knowledge of -0.115 0.317 -0.050 0.559

2. Classroom act 0.330 -0.087 0.632 0.114

2. Classroom act -0.049 0.328 0.000 0.363

3.  The lessons -0.060 0.085 0.080 0.518

3.  The lessons 0.370 0.059 0.516 0.236

4.   Differentia 0.095 0.144 0.140 0.394

4.   Differentia 0.391 0.262 0.186 0.197

5.  Competencies 0.120 0.158 0.129 0.241

5.  Competencies -0.219 0.363 -0.136 0.745

1. Easy access t 0.382 -0.079 0.411 -0.038

1. Easy access t 0.341 0.721 0.088 0.350

2. The students 0.177 0.018 0.189 0.190

2. The students -0.024 0.347 -0.043 0.427

3. Adjustments a 0.240 0.202 0.139 0.259

3. Adjustments a 0.390 0.342 0.209 0.480

4. Record keepin 0.341 -0.037 0.570 0.049

4. Record keepin 0.092 0.155 0.115 0.406

5. Resources  th 0.401 -0.083 0.621 0.123

5. Resources  th 0.615 0.217 0.609 0.277

1. Positive feed -0.057 -0.068 0.044 0.233

1. Positive feed 0.019 0.135 -0.087 0.064

2. Equal opportu 0.186 0.283 0.108 0.296

2. Equal opportu 0.191 0.296 0.017 0.392

3. Games, organi 0.318 0.258 0.298 0.171

3. Games, organi 0.265 0.652 0.121 0.384

4. Learner creat 0.025 -0.044 0.078 -0.079

4. Learner creat 0.076 0.185 0.019 0.363

5.  Coherent les 0.219 0.182 0.096 0.129

5.  Coherent les 0.042 0.317 -0.008 0.270

6.  Goals and ta 0.045 -0.061 0.117 -0.009

6.  Goals and ta -0.051 -0.062 0.205 0.282

7. Familiar situ 0.011 0.236 -0.086 0.129

7. Familiar situ 0.194 0.129 0.180 0.219

8. Activities wh 0.189 0.036 0.500 0.487

8. Activities wh 0.229 0.135 0.414 0.335

9. Tasks are bro 0.198 0.032 0.297 0.082

9. Tasks are bro -0.047 -0.012 0.120 0.439


10. Various medi -0.063 -0.230 0.191 0.114

10. Various medi 0.094 0.321 0.319 0.517

1. The situation -0.067 0.125 -0.039 -0.245

1. The situation 0.078 0.529 0.077 0.537

2.  Manageable c -0.209 0.011 -0.098 0.306

2.  Manageable c 0.405 0.111 0.410 0.383

3. Learner enthu 0.148 0.038 0.144 -0.097

3. Learner enthu 0.263 0.434 0.142 0.564

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.000 -0.127 0.077 -0.088

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.237 0.286 0.076 0.382

5.  Discussions -0.168 -0.141 -0.060 -0.009

5.  Discussions 0.344 0.226 0.426 0.507

5. Our school ha 5. Our school ha 6. The teacher s 6. The teacher s

5. Our school ha 0.193

6. The teacher s 0.544 0.325

6. The teacher s 0.248 0.419 0.488

7. The teacher e 0.640 0.230 0.508 0.368

7. The teacher e 0.432 0.268 0.511 0.616

8. The teacher c 0.626 0.375 0.671 0.270

8. The teacher c 0.136 0.370 0.259 0.149

9. The teacher p 0.600 0.354 0.429 0.159

9. The teacher p 0.320 0.416 -0.006 0.172

10. The teacher 0.228 0.193 0.634 0.101

10. The teacher 0.438 0.297 0.393 0.203

1. The School He 0.571 0.601 0.503 0.356

1. The School He 0.128 0.480 -0.079 0.140

2.  A technical 0.516 0.541 0.376 0.201

2.  A technical 0.346 0.449 0.170 0.321

3. A support mec 0.432 0.562 0.393 0.242

3. A support mec 0.221 0.385 -0.041 0.286

4. The School He 0.753 0.324 0.275 0.034

4. The School He 0.209 0.522 0.058 0.098

5. Schools Divis 0.436 0.638 0.429 0.159

5. Schools Divis 0.072 0.552 -0.008 0.014

1. Identificatio 0.226 0.294 0.340 0.110

1. Identificatio -0.091 -0.006 0.058 0.235

2. Organization 0.369 0.480 0.396 0.350

2. Organization 0.130 0.223 0.129 0.286

3. Examination o 0.556 0.504 0.560 0.368

3. Examination o 0.199 0.025 -0.097 0.065

4. Analysis of t 0.554 0.457 0.334 0.092

4. Analysis of t 0.093 0.178 -0.025 -0.032

5. Walkthrough o 0.477 0.401 0.355 0.012


5. Walkthrough o 0.013 0.542 0.089 0.227

1. Knowledge of 0.035 0.206 0.286 0.314

1. Knowledge of 0.170 0.318 0.018 0.121

2. Classroom act 0.366 0.186 0.258 0.284

2. Classroom act 0.174 0.408 0.172 0.228

3.  The lessons 0.655 0.074 0.123 0.202

3.  The lessons 0.294 0.236 0.270 0.382

4.   Differentia -0.034 0.248 -0.097 -0.000

4.   Differentia 0.281 0.575 0.648 0.317

5.  Competencies 0.014 0.185 0.228 0.621

5.  Competencies 0.184 0.101 -0.052 0.386

1. Easy access t 0.210 0.066 0.199 0.203

1. Easy access t -0.033 0.154 -0.068 0.096

2. The students 0.334 0.516 0.566 0.365

2. The students 0.243 0.427 0.279 0.372

3. Adjustments a 0.341 0.259 0.513 0.310

3. Adjustments a 0.246 0.360 0.189 0.268

4. Record keepin 0.441 0.145 0.344 0.173

4. Record keepin -0.015 0.335 -0.072 0.258

5. Resources  th 0.346 0.015 0.158 0.304

5. Resources  th 0.264 0.343 0.300 0.443

1. Positive feed 0.383 0.321 0.589 0.618

1. Positive feed 0.185 0.416 0.244 0.246

2. Equal opportu 0.228 0.296 0.263 0.241

2. Equal opportu 0.347 0.451 0.315 0.230

3. Games, organi 0.188 -0.122 0.162 0.205

3. Games, organi 0.036 0.173 -0.004 0.177

4. Learner creat 0.161 0.152 0.547 0.306

4. Learner creat 0.055 0.480 0.245 0.163

5.  Coherent les 0.170 0.037 0.314 0.154

5.  Coherent les -0.052 0.318 -0.027 -0.040

6.  Goals and ta 0.207 0.269 0.558 0.623

6.  Goals and ta 0.217 0.424 0.312 0.474

7. Familiar situ 0.368 0.229 0.511 0.070

7. Familiar situ 0.211 0.443 0.324 0.282

8. Activities wh 0.757 -0.011 0.115 0.116

8. Activities wh 0.348 0.217 0.183 0.049

9. Tasks are bro 0.414 -0.043 0.486 0.267

9. Tasks are bro 0.547 0.384 0.374 0.532

10. Various medi 0.254 0.186 0.258 0.405

10. Various medi 0.508 -0.155 -0.156 -0.094

1. The situation 0.050 0.066 0.494 0.203

1. The situation 0.216 0.434 0.188 0.373


2.  Manageable c 0.533 0.113 0.290 0.054

2.  Manageable c 0.089 0.490 0.008 0.299

3. Learner enthu 0.123 0.245 0.443 0.335

3. Learner enthu 0.475 0.459 0.315 0.000

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.095 0.176 0.517 0.502

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.235 0.646 0.283 0.032

5.  Discussions -0.007 0.120 0.212 -0.072

5.  Discussions 0.423 0.464 0.456 0.469

7. The teacher e 7. The teacher e 8. The teacher c 8. The teacher c

7. The teacher e 0.447

8. The teacher c 0.635 0.302

8. The teacher c 0.276 0.185 0.491

9. The teacher p 0.257 0.168 0.550 0.338

9. The teacher p 0.284 0.258 0.339 0.246

10. The teacher 0.315 0.218 0.516 0.536

10. The teacher 0.138 0.255 0.411 0.470

1. The School He 0.471 0.384 0.540 0.237

1. The School He -0.119 -0.040 0.064 0.088

2.  A technical 0.659 0.267 0.445 0.256

2.  A technical 0.192 0.516 -0.034 0.151

3. A support mec 0.545 0.421 0.420 0.354

3. A support mec 0.157 0.127 0.238 0.531

4. The School He 0.678 0.316 0.512 0.344

4. The School He 0.029 0.316 0.239 0.224

5. Schools Divis 0.325 0.259 0.333 0.100

5. Schools Divis -0.048 0.179 -0.052 0.100

1. Identificatio 0.186 0.104 0.299 0.110

1. Identificatio 0.075 0.218 -0.240 0.047

2. Organization 0.358 0.320 0.350 0.140

2. Organization 0.092 0.213 -0.022 0.241

3. Examination o 0.375 0.447 0.551 0.184

3. Examination o 0.421 0.331 0.101 0.310

4. Analysis of t 0.300 0.197 0.407 0.147

4. Analysis of t -0.011 0.152 -0.196 0.064

5. Walkthrough o 0.451 0.230 0.384 0.602

5. Walkthrough o -0.036 0.343 -0.053 0.267

1. Knowledge of 0.107 0.363 0.106 -0.157

1. Knowledge of 0.119 0.012 0.132 0.243

2. Classroom act 0.303 0.467 0.206 -0.081

2. Classroom act 0.086 0.087 0.207 0.381

3.  The lessons 0.158 0.283 0.198 0.016

3.  The lessons 0.557 0.607 0.397 0.464

4.   Differentia 0.028 0.307 -0.089 -0.000


4.   Differentia 0.407 0.356 0.486 0.528

5.  Competencies 0.317 0.354 0.113 0.109

5.  Competencies 0.096 0.346 -0.098 0.154

1. Easy access t 0.177 0.377 0.116 -0.145

1. Easy access t -0.056 0.006 -0.170 0.137

2. The students 0.310 0.364 0.414 0.228

2. The students 0.169 0.117 0.220 0.372

3. Adjustments a 0.129 0.463 0.244 -0.000

3. Adjustments a 0.342 0.357 0.122 0.134

4. Record keepin 0.100 0.556 0.213 -0.147

4. Record keepin 0.094 0.118 -0.267 -0.159

5. Resources  th 0.445 0.499 0.205 -0.015

5. Resources  th 0.578 0.455 0.262 0.111

1. Positive feed 0.235 0.434 0.369 0.025

1. Positive feed -0.050 0.090 0.205 0.246

2. Equal opportu 0.055 0.177 0.262 0.080

2. Equal opportu 0.280 0.000 0.418 0.378

3. Games, organi 0.140 0.281 -0.075 -0.226

3. Games, organi 0.104 -0.057 0.116 0.390

4. Learner creat -0.120 0.577 0.152 -0.129

4. Learner creat 0.022 0.301 0.225 0.212

5.  Coherent les -0.053 0.446 0.028 -0.154

5.  Coherent les 0.027 -0.049 0.206 0.566

6.  Goals and ta 0.013 0.613 0.135 -0.136

6.  Goals and ta 0.403 0.360 0.287 0.276

7. Familiar situ 0.067 0.291 0.372 0.658

7. Familiar situ 0.181 0.218 0.445 0.235

8. Activities wh 0.371 0.360 0.287 0.012

8. Activities wh 0.402 0.124 0.322 0.246

9. Tasks are bro 0.348 0.575 0.321 0.337

9. Tasks are bro 0.228 0.437 0.404 0.167

10. Various medi 0.165 0.374 0.096 -0.081

10. Various medi 0.256 0.089 0.034 0.148

1. The situation 0.079 0.112 0.432 0.464

1. The situation 0.185 0.007 0.397 0.416

2.  Manageable c -0.000 0.092 0.246 -0.108

2.  Manageable c 0.305 0.392 0.136 0.120

3. Learner enthu 0.016 0.316 0.296 -0.024

3. Learner enthu 0.261 -0.057 0.370 0.221

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.100 0.505 0.188 -0.118

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.201 0.022 0.277 0.412

5.  Discussions -0.172 0.279 0.026 -0.180

5.  Discussions 0.646 0.389 0.681 0.469


9. The teacher p 9. The teacher p 10. The teacher 10. The teacher
9. The teacher p 0.318

10. The teacher 0.572 -0.042

10. The teacher 0.401 0.351 0.371

1. The School He 0.569 0.324 0.318 0.335

1. The School He 0.129 0.319 -0.038 0.462

2.  A technical 0.329 0.253 0.208 0.203

2.  A technical 0.306 0.446 0.142 0.337

3. A support mec 0.102 0.190 0.232 0.330

3. A support mec 0.066 0.282 -0.009 0.400

4. The School He 0.512 0.237 0.214 0.175

4. The School He 0.138 0.295 -0.006 0.445

5. Schools Divis 0.472 0.210 0.188 0.176

5. Schools Divis 0.178 0.130 -0.061 0.067

1. Identificatio 0.202 0.000 0.294 0.000

1. Identificatio -0.270 -0.017 0.091 -0.027

2. Organization 0.284 0.127 0.188 -0.082

2. Organization -0.098 0.268 0.013 0.317

3. Examination o 0.460 0.117 0.266 0.138

3. Examination o -0.055 0.077 -0.007 0.104

4. Analysis of t 0.517 0.194 0.232 0.214

4. Analysis of t -0.033 0.196 0.014 0.335

5. Walkthrough o 0.572 0.286 0.563 0.259

5. Walkthrough o 0.292 0.199 0.289 0.171

1. Knowledge of 0.175 0.261 0.082 -0.017

1. Knowledge of 0.262 0.309 0.139 0.289

2. Classroom act 0.158 0.125 -0.122 0.042

2. Classroom act 0.336 0.346 0.245 0.430

3.  The lessons 0.435 0.226 -0.067 0.205

3.  The lessons 0.231 0.273 0.381 0.180

4.   Differentia -0.126 0.312 -0.079 -0.092

4.   Differentia 0.379 0.154 0.581 0.272

5.  Competencies -0.183 -0.028 -0.117 -0.102

5.  Competencies -0.011 0.168 -0.190 0.189

1. Easy access t 0.004 -0.274 -0.068 -0.125

1. Easy access t -0.089 0.095 0.056 0.367

2. The students 0.336 -0.041 0.269 0.043

2. The students 0.364 0.288 0.270 0.403

3. Adjustments a 0.289 -0.056 0.465 0.350

3. Adjustments a 0.148 0.366 0.360 0.410

4. Record keepin 0.214 0.005 0.174 0.258

4. Record keepin -0.006 0.267 -0.098 0.060

5. Resources  th 0.072 -0.039 -0.072 -0.003


5. Resources  th -0.098 0.242 0.024 0.167

1. Positive feed 0.222 0.036 0.021 0.102

1. Positive feed 0.427 0.464 0.274 0.351

2. Equal opportu -0.012 0.029 0.017 0.196

2. Equal opportu 0.412 0.209 0.335 0.062

3. Games, organi -0.151 -0.149 -0.088 0.039

3. Games, organi -0.057 0.013 0.197 0.353

4. Learner creat 0.074 -0.240 0.221 0.294

4. Learner creat 0.103 0.308 0.234 0.325

5.  Coherent les -0.045 -0.168 0.232 0.247

5.  Coherent les -0.036 0.162 0.182 0.327

6.  Goals and ta 0.212 -0.135 0.234 0.249

6.  Goals and ta 0.175 0.359 0.169 0.334

7. Familiar situ 0.543 -0.066 0.682 0.503

7. Familiar situ 0.007 0.240 0.141 0.372

8. Activities wh 0.355 0.093 -0.169 0.166

8. Activities wh 0.312 0.125 0.391 0.334

9. Tasks are bro 0.224 -0.194 0.296 0.136

9. Tasks are bro 0.354 0.426 0.007 0.332

10. Various medi 0.248 -0.096 -0.122 -0.072

10. Various medi 0.212 0.405 -0.107 0.490

1. The situation 0.132 -0.116 0.398 0.447

1. The situation 0.182 0.308 0.182 0.532

2.  Manageable c 0.498 0.049 0.029 0.254

2.  Manageable c 0.275 0.435 0.208 0.098

3. Learner enthu 0.049 -0.165 0.133 0.239

3. Learner enthu 0.476 0.354 0.351 0.425

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.087 -0.268 0.127 0.069

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.556 0.242 0.517 0.406

5.  Discussions 0.117 -0.026 0.100 0.129

5.  Discussions 0.223 0.236 0.255 0.197

1. The School He 1. The School He 2.  A technical 2.  A technical

1. The School He 0.308

2.  A technical 0.804 0.119

2.  A technical 0.497 0.489 0.357

3. A support mec 0.614 0.314 0.691 0.494

3. A support mec 0.150 0.530 0.122 0.285

4. The School He 0.629 -0.000 0.707 0.336

4. The School He 0.338 0.563 0.178 0.430

5. Schools Divis 0.743 0.129 0.733 0.389

5. Schools Divis 0.344 0.462 0.309 0.557

1. Identificatio 0.361 0.071 0.371 0.076

1. Identificatio -0.103 0.183 -0.115 0.394


2. Organization 0.616 0.182 0.546 0.342

2. Organization 0.132 0.488 -0.016 0.525

3. Examination o 0.673 0.119 0.597 0.256

3. Examination o 0.107 0.021 0.273 0.296

4. Analysis of t 0.605 0.262 0.527 0.282

4. Analysis of t 0.140 0.515 0.047 0.620

5. Walkthrough o 0.432 0.016 0.535 0.428

5. Walkthrough o 0.263 0.346 0.123 0.539

1. Knowledge of 0.049 -0.029 -0.103 0.250

1. Knowledge of 0.178 0.419 0.153 0.508

2. Classroom act 0.401 0.053 0.236 0.226

2. Classroom act 0.390 0.395 0.309 0.531

3.  The lessons 0.205 0.081 0.210 0.217

3.  The lessons 0.450 0.018 0.407 0.419

4.   Differentia 0.090 0.318 0.100 0.513

4.   Differentia 0.645 0.228 0.553 0.393

5.  Competencies 0.137 0.081 0.084 0.022

5.  Competencies -0.057 0.300 -0.073 0.431

1. Easy access t 0.318 -0.075 0.322 0.040

1. Easy access t 0.181 0.659 0.097 0.537

2. The students 0.501 0.030 0.401 0.127

2. The students 0.511 0.423 0.353 0.585

3. Adjustments a 0.227 0.335 0.042 0.288

3. Adjustments a 0.246 0.479 0.273 0.515

4. Record keepin 0.381 0.173 0.105 0.353

4. Record keepin 0.348 0.411 0.284 0.691

5. Resources  th 0.267 -0.079 0.276 0.042

5. Resources  th 0.325 0.216 0.420 0.232

1. Positive feed 0.489 0.032 0.274 0.138

1. Positive feed 0.216 0.223 0.053 0.240

2. Equal opportu 0.176 0.312 0.087 0.000

2. Equal opportu 0.433 0.298 0.378 0.252

3. Games, organi 0.090 0.187 0.028 0.115

3. Games, organi 0.026 0.551 0.038 0.247

4. Learner creat 0.177 0.084 -0.083 0.157

4. Learner creat 0.179 0.465 0.035 0.364

5.  Coherent les 0.113 0.300 -0.084 0.323

5.  Coherent les 0.178 0.367 0.208 0.226

6.  Goals and ta 0.342 0.126 0.021 0.299

6.  Goals and ta 0.520 0.102 0.481 0.496

7. Familiar situ 0.277 0.091 0.163 0.274

7. Familiar situ 0.379 0.366 0.331 0.197

8. Activities wh 0.357 0.060 0.308 0.162


8. Activities wh 0.397 0.319 0.373 0.413

9. Tasks are bro 0.281 -0.196 0.145 0.130

9. Tasks are bro 0.535 0.217 0.301 0.425

10. Various medi 0.223 -0.184 0.071 0.057

10. Various medi 0.148 0.296 0.189 0.375

1. The situation -0.064 -0.075 -0.149 -0.202

1. The situation 0.189 0.651 0.120 0.280

2.  Manageable c 0.178 0.070 0.073 0.075

2.  Manageable c 0.295 0.388 0.222 0.480

3. Learner enthu 0.210 0.155 0.123 -0.033

3. Learner enthu 0.421 0.574 0.395 0.432

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.195 -0.096 0.020 -0.041

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.534 0.452 0.507 0.487

5.  Discussions 0.000 0.047 -0.127 0.201

5.  Discussions 0.370 0.280 0.361 0.201

3. A support mec 3. A support mec 4. The School He 4. The School He

3. A support mec 0.490
4. The School He 0.602 0.253
4. The School He 0.404 0.495 0.274
5. Schools Divis 0.513 0.006 0.613 0.324
5. Schools Divis 0.423 0.237 0.345 0.584
1. Identificatio 0.491 0.248 0.256 0.028
1. Identificatio 0.305 0.204 -0.108 -0.063
2. Organization 0.459 0.212 0.490 0.236
2. Organization 0.191 0.437 0.023 0.424
3. Examination o 0.545 0.204 0.561 0.267
3. Examination o 0.402 0.330 0.485 0.353
4. Analysis of t 0.473 0.227 0.612 0.242
4. Analysis of t 0.201 0.221 0.065 0.497
5. Walkthrough o 0.512 0.245 0.675 0.003
5. Walkthrough o 0.189 0.117 0.200 0.474
1. Knowledge of 0.003 -0.047 -0.097 0.211
1. Knowledge of 0.435 0.497 0.213 0.243
2. Classroom act 0.171 0.018 0.376 0.380
2. Classroom act 0.472 0.307 0.194 0.118
3.  The lessons 0.171 0.282 0.435 -0.016
3.  The lessons 0.518 0.227 0.504 0.177
4.   Differentia 0.355 0.235 -0.010 0.267
4.   Differentia 0.539 0.174 0.385 0.223
5.  Competencies 0.171 0.376 0.000 0.032
5.  Competencies 0.245 0.560 0.079 0.104
1. Easy access t 0.308 0.009 0.302 0.321
1. Easy access t 0.345 0.274 -0.049 0.259
2. The students 0.440 0.138 0.406 0.118
2. The students 0.520 0.418 0.233 0.150
3. Adjustments a 0.328 0.177 0.061 0.246
3. Adjustments a 0.463 0.372 0.142 0.313
4. Record keepin 0.318 0.036 0.336 0.529
4. Record keepin 0.399 0.228 0.040 0.238
5. Resources  th 0.134 0.055 0.433 0.290
5. Resources  th 0.428 0.190 0.301 0.322
1. Positive feed 0.263 0.157 0.195 0.044
1. Positive feed 0.088 0.282 -0.012 0.143
2. Equal opportu 0.476 0.542 0.116 0.191
2. Equal opportu 0.431 0.497 0.335 0.017
3. Games, organi 0.057 0.124 0.052 0.106
3. Games, organi 0.308 0.525 0.051 0.195
4. Learner creat 0.171 -0.141 -0.078 0.379
4. Learner creat 0.362 0.360 -0.029 0.475
5.  Coherent les 0.341 0.140 -0.079 0.416
5.  Coherent les 0.602 0.660 0.110 0.285
6.  Goals and ta 0.156 -0.035 -0.030 0.359

6.  Goals and ta 0.599 0.239 0.301 0.123

7. Familiar situ 0.292 0.309 0.296 0.176
7. Familiar situ 0.565 0.299 0.092 0.327
8. Activities wh 0.234 0.238 0.702 0.212
8. Activities wh 0.550 0.293 0.414 0.209
9. Tasks are bro 0.252 0.179 0.417 0.117
9. Tasks are bro 0.411 0.359 0.341 0.262
10. Various medi 0.003 -0.043 0.325 0.191
10. Various medi 0.146 0.272 0.400 0.068
1. The situation 0.068 0.184 -0.066 0.141
1. The situation 0.400 0.633 0.058 0.256
2.  Manageable c 0.093 0.041 0.309 0.070
2.  Manageable c 0.237 0.158 0.209 0.410
3. Learner enthu 0.191 0.101 -0.037 0.441
3. Learner enthu 0.494 0.308 0.334 0.096
4.  Relaxed atmo 0.102 -0.134 0.000 0.168
4.  Relaxed atmo 0.407 0.118 0.368 0.240
5.  Discussions 0.070 -0.196 -0.073 0.389
5.  Discussions 0.567 0.567 0.416 0.314

5. Schools Divis 5. Schools Divis 1. Identificatio 1. Identificatio

5. Schools Divis 0.619

1. Identificatio 0.444 0.145

1. Identificatio -0.132 0.174 0.223

2. Organization 0.671 0.462 0.640 0.122

2. Organization 0.035 0.270 -0.122 0.503

3. Examination o 0.731 0.436 0.683 -0.032

3. Examination o 0.161 0.370 -0.099 0.323

4. Analysis of t 0.679 0.397 0.633 -0.058

4. Analysis of t 0.108 0.435 -0.193 0.476

5. Walkthrough o 0.463 0.259 0.398 0.068

5. Walkthrough o 0.351 0.626 -0.027 0.320

1. Knowledge of 0.175 0.343 -0.045 0.180

1. Knowledge of 0.143 0.384 0.273 0.244

2. Classroom act 0.517 0.438 0.041 0.092

2. Classroom act 0.280 0.361 0.206 0.353

3.  The lessons 0.229 0.131 0.189 -0.054

3.  The lessons 0.292 0.180 0.305 0.309

4.   Differentia 0.054 0.452 0.083 0.413

4.   Differentia 0.534 0.427 0.357 0.241

5.  Competencies 0.092 0.131 0.126 0.271

5.  Competencies -0.125 0.244 0.000 0.332

1. Easy access t 0.388 0.382 0.294 0.111

1. Easy access t -0.028 0.377 -0.056 0.651

2. The students 0.638 0.481 0.462 0.159

2. The students 0.295 0.319 0.346 0.427

3. Adjustments a 0.213 0.163 0.558 0.324

3. Adjustments a 0.099 0.142 0.363 0.390

4. Record keepin 0.391 0.302 0.135 0.088

4. Record keepin 0.257 0.355 0.161 0.469

5. Resources  th 0.341 0.257 0.062 0.011


5. Resources  th 0.310 0.292 0.075 0.283

1. Positive feed 0.441 0.091 0.451 -0.078

1. Positive feed 0.210 0.052 0.398 0.154

2. Equal opportu 0.225 0.127 0.705 0.158

2. Equal opportu 0.266 0.121 0.600 0.115

3. Games, organi 0.212 0.173 0.167 0.215

3. Games, organi -0.110 0.093 0.120 0.358

4. Learner creat 0.216 0.263 0.098 0.062

4. Learner creat 0.103 0.266 0.297 0.074

5.  Coherent les -0.045 0.163 0.313 0.430

5.  Coherent les -0.036 0.128 0.383 0.244

6.  Goals and ta 0.298 0.267 0.079 0.163

6.  Goals and ta 0.349 0.125 0.107 0.138

7. Familiar situ 0.171 0.170 0.199 0.063

7. Familiar situ 0.076 -0.025 0.286 0.016

8. Activities wh 0.304 0.208 0.047 -0.170

8. Activities wh 0.167 0.078 0.167 0.051

9. Tasks are bro 0.224 0.104 0.212 0.125

9. Tasks are bro 0.287 0.064 0.370 0.042

10. Various medi 0.427 0.374 -0.041 -0.120

10. Various medi -0.026 -0.007 -0.245 -0.014

1. The situation 0.004 0.015 0.059 0.111

1. The situation -0.008 0.106 0.175 0.230

2.  Manageable c 0.259 0.242 0.055 -0.235

2.  Manageable c 0.209 0.323 0.091 0.130

3. Learner enthu 0.261 0.328 0.097 -0.050

3. Learner enthu 0.346 0.257 0.389 0.200

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.283 0.265 0.060 -0.000

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.463 0.385 0.193 -0.048

5.  Discussions 0.117 0.418 -0.146 -0.100

5.  Discussions 0.170 0.190 0.244 0.109

2. Organization 2. Organization 3. Examination o 3. Examination o

2. Organization 0.254

3. Examination o 0.834 -0.061

3. Examination o 0.148 0.276 0.144

4. Analysis of t 0.690 -0.090 0.799 0.082

4. Analysis of t 0.021 0.683 -0.119 0.406

5. Walkthrough o 0.398 -0.005 0.451 0.136

5. Walkthrough o 0.294 0.407 0.190 0.214

1. Knowledge of 0.145 0.145 0.183 0.084

1. Knowledge of 0.262 0.153 0.257 0.234

2. Classroom act 0.447 0.334 0.441 0.442

2. Classroom act 0.247 0.170 0.345 0.275


3.  The lessons 0.201 -0.121 0.475 0.094

3.  The lessons 0.496 0.167 0.464 0.601

4.   Differentia 0.159 0.246 0.167 0.310

4.   Differentia 0.594 0.306 0.567 0.089

5.  Competencies 0.383 0.346 0.264 0.206

5.  Competencies 0.050 0.250 0.096 0.261

1. Easy access t 0.376 -0.013 0.473 0.374

1. Easy access t 0.018 0.591 -0.103 0.301

2. The students 0.650 0.051 0.775 0.137

2. The students 0.423 0.353 0.380 0.174

3. Adjustments a 0.335 0.104 0.480 -0.087

3. Adjustments a 0.218 0.262 0.190 0.081

4. Record keepin 0.328 0.244 0.417 0.278

4. Record keepin 0.180 0.349 0.027 0.206

5. Resources  th 0.395 0.139 0.393 0.558

5. Resources  th 0.431 0.420 0.327 0.374

1. Positive feed 0.609 0.072 0.656 -0.218

1. Positive feed 0.223 0.186 0.284 -0.278

2. Equal opportu 0.416 0.036 0.509 -0.164

2. Equal opportu 0.554 0.128 0.503 -0.159

3. Games, organi 0.346 0.389 0.210 0.198

3. Games, organi 0.138 0.411 0.024 0.312

4. Learner creat 0.146 0.047 0.372 -0.084

4. Learner creat 0.148 0.178 0.188 -0.214

5.  Coherent les 0.100 0.224 0.210 0.019

5.  Coherent les 0.052 0.108 0.119 0.185

6.  Goals and ta 0.278 0.204 0.411 -0.005

6.  Goals and ta 0.205 0.088 0.269 0.286

7. Familiar situ 0.145 0.137 0.352 0.052

7. Familiar situ 0.122 0.031 0.288 -0.131

8. Activities wh 0.286 0.010 0.450 0.330

8. Activities wh 0.064 0.044 0.123 0.244

9. Tasks are bro 0.347 0.215 0.387 0.304

9. Tasks are bro 0.395 0.149 0.538 -0.081

10. Various medi 0.289 -0.005 0.372 0.149

10. Various medi -0.122 0.257 -0.110 0.274

1. The situation 0.038 0.181 0.177 0.164

1. The situation 0.149 0.313 0.185 0.142

2.  Manageable c 0.070 -0.241 0.368 -0.212

2.  Manageable c 0.213 0.167 0.102 0.153

3. Learner enthu 0.248 0.091 0.423 0.081

3. Learner enthu 0.230 0.138 0.311 -0.101

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.249 -0.066 0.402 -0.018


4.  Relaxed atmo 0.247 0.085 0.237 -0.103

5.  Discussions -0.093 -0.112 0.074 -0.070

5.  Discussions 0.374 0.249 0.400 0.278

4. Analysis of t 4. Analysis of t 5. Walkthrough o 5. Walkthrough o

4. Analysis of t 0.099

5. Walkthrough o 0.577 0.038

5. Walkthrough o 0.161 0.429 0.295

1. Knowledge of -0.021 0.153 -0.126 0.303

1. Knowledge of 0.352 0.209 0.382 0.104

2. Classroom act 0.311 0.281 -0.114 0.274

2. Classroom act 0.362 0.268 0.415 0.225

3.  The lessons 0.401 -0.128 0.367 0.015

3.  The lessons 0.380 0.080 0.434 0.276

4.   Differentia 0.050 0.403 0.089 0.205

4.   Differentia 0.493 0.281 0.570 0.476

5.  Competencies 0.084 0.037 -0.141 0.015

5.  Competencies 0.094 0.218 0.168 0.008

1. Easy access t 0.122 -0.014 -0.169 0.226

1. Easy access t -0.082 0.623 -0.005 0.412

2. The students 0.588 -0.027 0.352 0.292

2. The students 0.398 0.317 0.415 0.216

3. Adjustments a 0.477 0.170 0.225 0.265

3. Adjustments a 0.319 0.355 0.366 0.364

4. Record keepin 0.306 0.257 -0.019 0.396

4. Record keepin 0.156 0.578 0.068 0.219

5. Resources  th 0.252 0.093 -0.094 0.192

5. Resources  th 0.211 0.247 0.091 0.339

1. Positive feed 0.507 -0.186 0.126 -0.100

1. Positive feed 0.294 0.023 0.286 0.344

2. Equal opportu 0.534 -0.151 0.175 -0.071

2. Equal opportu 0.514 -0.097 0.553 0.081

3. Games, organi 0.195 0.266 -0.187 0.020

3. Games, organi 0.140 0.308 0.174 0.108

4. Learner creat 0.133 0.106 -0.138 0.316

4. Learner creat 0.228 0.188 0.234 0.252

5.  Coherent les 0.063 0.327 -0.098 0.259

5.  Coherent les 0.187 0.162 0.345 -0.056

6.  Goals and ta 0.116 0.147 -0.152 0.453

6.  Goals and ta 0.215 0.093 0.323 0.039

7. Familiar situ 0.272 0.145 0.608 0.313

7. Familiar situ 0.134 -0.077 0.154 -0.005

8. Activities wh 0.470 0.011 0.230 0.025

8. Activities wh 0.221 0.104 0.394 0.034


9. Tasks are bro 0.254 0.063 0.239 0.102

9. Tasks are bro 0.388 -0.057 0.288 0.048

10. Various medi 0.229 -0.076 -0.004 0.274

10. Various medi 0.141 0.271 0.283 -0.049

1. The situation 0.004 -0.014 -0.011 0.054

1. The situation 0.285 0.229 0.217 0.020

2.  Manageable c 0.349 -0.159 0.246 0.093

2.  Manageable c 0.193 0.228 0.217 0.582

3. Learner enthu 0.046 0.011 -0.252 0.274

3. Learner enthu 0.559 0.302 0.595 0.118

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.140 -0.121 -0.174 0.277

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.427 0.239 0.646 0.472

5.  Discussions -0.039 0.136 -0.092 0.313

5.  Discussions 0.255 0.008 0.301 0.064

1. Knowledge of 1. Knowledge of 2. Classroom act 2. Classroom act

1. Knowledge of 0.282

2. Classroom act 0.400 -0.170

2. Classroom act 0.126 0.721 -0.057

3.  The lessons 0.026 0.186 0.093 0.219

3.  The lessons 0.057 0.327 0.358 0.423

4.   Differentia 0.386 0.318 0.165 0.345

4.   Differentia 0.228 0.197 0.259 0.397

5.  Competencies 0.335 -0.000 0.513 -0.087

5.  Competencies 0.218 0.562 0.023 0.290

1. Easy access t 0.207 -0.225 0.578 -0.163

1. Easy access t -0.005 0.345 0.058 0.542

2. The students 0.378 0.136 0.547 0.257

2. The students 0.147 0.724 -0.007 0.874

3. Adjustments a 0.206 0.185 0.186 0.097

3. Adjustments a 0.167 0.435 -0.101 0.252

4. Record keepin 0.214 -0.056 0.554 0.000

4. Record keepin 0.210 0.427 0.101 0.446

5. Resources  th 0.217 -0.191 0.812 -0.257

5. Resources  th 0.221 -0.077 0.532 0.052

1. Positive feed 0.176 0.104 0.382 0.070

1. Positive feed 0.261 0.235 0.015 0.346

2. Equal opportu -0.040 0.224 0.084 0.075

2. Equal opportu -0.027 0.443 -0.099 0.370

3. Games, organi 0.136 -0.123 0.586 -0.289

3. Games, organi -0.311 0.488 -0.175 0.432

4. Learner creat 0.355 -0.125 0.321 -0.045

4. Learner creat 0.213 0.351 -0.100 0.092

5.  Coherent les 0.231 0.092 0.093 0.000


5.  Coherent les -0.255 0.516 -0.352 0.531

6.  Goals and ta 0.491 -0.082 0.444 0.055

6.  Goals and ta 0.131 0.512 0.000 0.667

7. Familiar situ -0.002 0.176 -0.065 0.315

7. Familiar situ -0.211 0.197 -0.261 0.353

8. Activities wh -0.050 0.007 0.529 -0.065

8. Activities wh -0.172 0.423 -0.081 0.370

9. Tasks are bro 0.102 -0.125 0.563 -0.164

9. Tasks are bro 0.035 0.328 0.100 0.385

10. Various medi 0.400 -0.109 0.635 -0.171

10. Various medi -0.243 0.233 0.083 0.227

1. The situation 0.351 0.208 0.187 0.245

1. The situation -0.052 0.661 -0.177 0.647

2.  Manageable c 0.291 0.243 0.020 0.152

2.  Manageable c 0.235 0.179 0.213 0.042

3. Learner enthu 0.484 -0.029 0.330 0.000

3. Learner enthu -0.081 0.468 -0.139 0.540

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.539 -0.133 0.487 -0.125

4.  Relaxed atmo -0.068 0.405 -0.157 0.417

5.  Discussions 0.634 0.194 0.086 0.000

5.  Discussions 0.215 0.338 0.249 0.169

3.  The lessons 3.  The lessons 4.   Differentia 4.   Differentia
3.  The lessons 0.031

4.   Differentia 0.141 0.186

4.   Differentia -0.040 0.409 0.181

5.  Competencies -0.018 0.267 0.141 0.324

5.  Competencies 0.444 0.195 0.373 0.007

1. Easy access t 0.167 0.190 0.079 0.174

1. Easy access t -0.111 0.194 0.349 0.279

2. The students 0.288 0.322 0.207 0.653

2. The students 0.161 0.400 0.239 0.514

3. Adjustments a 0.237 0.261 0.187 0.323

3. Adjustments a 0.116 0.339 0.304 0.321

4. Record keepin 0.214 0.330 0.085 0.128

4. Record keepin -0.091 0.160 0.431 0.176

5. Resources  th 0.122 0.476 -0.055 0.143

5. Resources  th 0.000 0.392 0.201 0.443

1. Positive feed 0.227 0.237 -0.157 0.406

1. Positive feed 0.226 0.050 0.089 0.282

2. Equal opportu 0.277 0.122 0.024 0.216

2. Equal opportu 0.246 0.216 0.149 0.514

3. Games, organi 0.047 0.166 0.000 0.107

3. Games, organi -0.081 0.376 0.011 0.157


4. Learner creat 0.093 0.057 0.044 0.264

4. Learner creat -0.075 0.107 0.281 0.335

5.  Coherent les 0.089 0.078 0.327 0.161

5.  Coherent les -0.046 0.245 0.318 0.267

6.  Goals and ta 0.157 0.138 0.035 0.315

6.  Goals and ta 0.045 0.519 0.119 0.309

7. Familiar situ 0.354 0.163 0.114 0.544

7. Familiar situ 0.054 0.166 0.128 0.241

8. Activities wh 0.667 0.234 -0.063 0.042

8. Activities wh -0.000 0.423 0.104 0.158

9. Tasks are bro 0.134 0.452 -0.074 0.403

9. Tasks are bro 0.490 0.292 0.055 0.214

10. Various medi 0.233 0.113 -0.202 0.153

10. Various medi 0.386 0.197 0.012 -0.101

1. The situation -0.133 0.190 -0.184 0.325

1. The situation 0.115 0.276 0.104 0.254

2.  Manageable c 0.684 -0.259 -0.123 0.106

2.  Manageable c -0.137 0.445 0.203 0.253

3. Learner enthu 0.110 -0.048 0.043 0.324

3. Learner enthu 0.305 0.067 0.227 0.450

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.034 0.119 -0.134 0.346

4.  Relaxed atmo -0.036 0.208 0.010 0.581

5.  Discussions -0.041 -0.146 0.196 0.150

5.  Discussions 0.083 0.437 0.196 0.495

5.  Competencies 5.  Competencies 1. Easy access t 1. Easy access t

5.  Competencies 0.444

1. Easy access t 0.266 -0.099

1. Easy access t 0.032 0.228 0.077

2. The students 0.524 0.195 0.391 -0.023

2. The students 0.107 0.364 -0.070 0.559

3. Adjustments a 0.178 0.256 0.199 0.147

3. Adjustments a 0.077 0.320 -0.072 0.375

4. Record keepin -0.015 -0.107 0.511 0.100

4. Record keepin 0.114 0.249 0.034 0.500

5. Resources  th 0.542 0.113 0.659 -0.059

5. Resources  th 0.510 0.063 0.333 0.270

1. Positive feed 0.569 0.268 0.217 -0.236

1. Positive feed -0.028 -0.042 -0.116 0.095

2. Equal opportu 0.369 0.275 0.155 -0.049

2. Equal opportu 0.189 0.141 -0.070 0.067

3. Games, organi 0.614 0.235 0.352 0.104

3. Games, organi 0.122 0.324 -0.235 0.519

4. Learner creat 0.093 0.037 0.452 0.043


4. Learner creat 0.094 0.298 -0.129 0.113

5.  Coherent les -0.000 0.176 0.430 0.361

5.  Coherent les -0.046 0.254 -0.139 0.345

6.  Goals and ta 0.291 0.067 0.518 0.127

6.  Goals and ta 0.091 0.226 -0.085 0.201

7. Familiar situ -0.080 0.176 0.039 0.125

7. Familiar situ -0.162 -0.027 0.010 0.220

8. Activities wh 0.187 0.312 0.393 -0.097

8. Activities wh -0.170 0.056 -0.074 0.291

9. Tasks are bro 0.494 0.226 0.451 -0.087

9. Tasks are bro 0.070 0.322 0.091 0.043

10. Various medi 0.443 0.197 0.448 -0.251

10. Various medi -0.124 0.330 -0.239 0.317

1. The situation 0.266 0.066 0.068 0.077

1. The situation 0.165 0.443 -0.320 0.417

2.  Manageable c -0.155 0.232 0.145 -0.137

2.  Manageable c 0.120 0.085 0.080 0.198

3. Learner enthu 0.275 -0.055 0.636 0.083

3. Learner enthu -0.153 0.177 -0.256 0.351

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.492 0.084 0.538 -0.105

4.  Relaxed atmo -0.219 0.018 -0.211 0.303

5.  Discussions -0.166 0.062 0.247 0.007

5.  Discussions 0.539 0.371 0.170 0.081

2. The students 2. The students 3. Adjustments a 3. Adjustments a

2. The students 0.314

3. Adjustments a 0.436 0.190

3. Adjustments a 0.057 0.347 0.641

4. Record keepin 0.247 -0.014 0.469 0.165

4. Record keepin -0.033 0.574 0.106 0.443

5. Resources  th 0.411 -0.178 0.209 0.038

5. Resources  th 0.374 0.140 0.226 0.413

1. Positive feed 0.584 0.281 0.359 0.000

1. Positive feed 0.207 0.372 0.319 0.366

2. Equal opportu 0.406 0.193 0.572 0.332

2. Equal opportu 0.361 0.510 0.251 0.286

3. Games, organi 0.277 -0.142 0.393 0.153

3. Games, organi -0.060 0.411 0.208 0.352

4. Learner creat 0.380 -0.039 0.603 0.120

4. Learner creat 0.137 0.163 0.523 0.566

5.  Coherent les 0.130 0.124 0.728 0.511

5.  Coherent les 0.000 0.539 0.082 0.301

6.  Goals and ta 0.427 0.148 0.536 0.194

6.  Goals and ta 0.133 0.635 -0.050 0.229


7. Familiar situ 0.378 0.333 0.396 0.174

7. Familiar situ -0.000 0.319 0.204 0.312

8. Activities wh 0.333 -0.024 0.151 -0.029

8. Activities wh -0.083 0.323 0.201 0.367

9. Tasks are bro 0.490 0.012 0.346 -0.058

9. Tasks are bro 0.257 0.493 0.256 0.227

10. Various medi 0.547 -0.077 0.108 -0.201

10. Various medi -0.249 0.190 -0.072 0.233

1. The situation 0.391 0.230 0.199 -0.072

1. The situation 0.097 0.633 0.263 0.392

2.  Manageable c 0.319 0.140 0.207 0.000

2.  Manageable c 0.025 0.077 0.343 0.594

3. Learner enthu 0.404 0.016 0.293 0.059

3. Learner enthu 0.224 0.544 0.406 0.476

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.573 -0.051 0.395 0.000

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.214 0.441 0.267 0.446

5.  Discussions 0.122 -0.050 0.220 0.090

5.  Discussions 0.426 0.282 0.266 0.269

4. Record keepin 4. Record keepin 5. Resources  th 5. Resources  th

4. Record keepin 0.063

5. Resources  th 0.447 -0.098

5. Resources  th 0.230 0.195 0.536

1. Positive feed 0.217 0.029 0.312 0.183

1. Positive feed 0.078 0.159 -0.205 0.040

2. Equal opportu 0.245 0.024 0.072 0.175

2. Equal opportu -0.081 0.169 -0.185 -0.000

3. Games, organi 0.405 0.060 0.648 0.337

3. Games, organi 0.003 0.166 -0.048 0.077

4. Learner creat 0.665 -0.123 0.257 0.185

4. Learner creat 0.124 0.177 -0.136 0.094

5.  Coherent les 0.563 0.204 0.104 0.148

5.  Coherent les -0.175 0.308 -0.373 -0.077

6.  Goals and ta 0.665 0.149 0.347 0.336

6.  Goals and ta 0.117 0.521 -0.089 0.162

7. Familiar situ 0.175 -0.177 -0.101 -0.092

7. Familiar situ 0.135 0.124 -0.307 0.154

8. Activities wh 0.414 -0.180 0.609 0.209

8. Activities wh 0.228 0.318 -0.078 0.013

9. Tasks are bro 0.400 -0.208 0.630 0.181

9. Tasks are bro 0.258 0.210 -0.007 0.087

10. Various medi 0.314 -0.077 0.607 0.283

10. Various medi 0.057 0.091 0.112 0.143

1. The situation 0.083 -0.348 0.170 0.095


1. The situation -0.079 0.248 -0.191 0.106

2.  Manageable c 0.227 -0.198 -0.030 -0.111

2.  Manageable c 0.214 0.351 0.286 0.368

3. Learner enthu 0.462 -0.133 0.345 0.314

3. Learner enthu -0.013 0.351 -0.319 0.073

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.422 -0.152 0.515 0.363

4.  Relaxed atmo -0.028 0.242 -0.186 0.026

5.  Discussions 0.348 -0.021 0.016 -0.059

5.  Discussions 0.064 0.032 0.300 0.384

1. Positive feed 1. Positive feed 2. Equal opportu 2. Equal opportu

1. Positive feed 0.171

2. Equal opportu 0.572 0.321

2. Equal opportu 0.391 0.568 0.488

3. Games, organi 0.414 -0.149 0.366 -0.050

3. Games, organi -0.006 0.077 0.231 0.345

4. Learner creat 0.386 0.023 0.277 -0.216

4. Learner creat 0.247 0.397 0.455 0.377

5.  Coherent les 0.085 0.112 0.336 0.000

5.  Coherent les -0.044 0.235 0.384 0.492

6.  Goals and ta 0.442 0.184 0.185 -0.095

6.  Goals and ta 0.289 0.144 0.078 0.240

7. Familiar situ 0.110 0.316 0.141 0.392

7. Familiar situ 0.181 0.240 0.345 0.344

8. Activities wh 0.335 -0.097 0.220 0.099

8. Activities wh -0.063 0.125 0.107 0.420

9. Tasks are bro 0.512 -0.068 0.269 0.155

9. Tasks are bro 0.579 0.426 0.379 0.426

10. Various medi 0.493 -0.096 0.084 -0.173

10. Various medi -0.130 0.039 -0.056 0.033

1. The situation 0.217 0.200 0.155 0.035

1. The situation 0.200 0.230 0.375 0.454

2.  Manageable c 0.272 0.196 0.241 0.164

2.  Manageable c -0.014 0.190 0.044 0.145

3. Learner enthu 0.280 0.096 0.227 -0.029

3. Learner enthu 0.105 0.354 0.359 0.592

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.540 -0.027 0.263 -0.144

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.052 0.242 0.019 0.424

5.  Discussions 0.013 -0.026 -0.043 -0.219

5.  Discussions 0.409 0.039 0.385 0.526

3. Games, organi 3. Games, organi 4. Learner creat 4. Learner creat

3. Games, organi 0.162

4. Learner creat 0.269 -0.131


4. Learner creat 0.050 0.329 0.336

5.  Coherent les 0.235 0.081 0.699 0.447

5.  Coherent les -0.307 0.523 -0.173 0.449

6.  Goals and ta 0.296 -0.123 0.845 0.193

6.  Goals and ta -0.180 0.311 0.000 0.190

7. Familiar situ -0.106 0.136 0.322 0.235

7. Familiar situ -0.358 0.317 0.230 0.471

8. Activities wh 0.353 -0.085 0.136 -0.148

8. Activities wh -0.075 0.521 -0.100 0.351

9. Tasks are bro 0.548 -0.003 0.375 0.060

9. Tasks are bro -0.116 0.128 0.214 0.337

10. Various medi 0.308 -0.335 0.394 -0.100

10. Various medi 0.143 0.257 -0.277 -0.047

1. The situation 0.088 0.220 0.349 0.080

1. The situation -0.044 0.768 -0.075 0.360

2.  Manageable c -0.082 -0.248 0.370 0.081

2.  Manageable c 0.091 0.137 0.045 0.423

3. Learner enthu 0.255 -0.088 0.696 0.150

3. Learner enthu -0.067 0.352 -0.090 0.368

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.382 -0.232 0.774 0.142

4.  Relaxed atmo -0.193 0.285 -0.004 0.409

5.  Discussions -0.055 -0.302 0.653 0.374

5.  Discussions 0.164 0.328 0.052 0.374

5.  Coherent les 5.  Coherent les 6.  Goals and ta 6.  Goals and ta
5.  Coherent les 0.169

6.  Goals and ta 0.601 -0.256

6.  Goals and ta -0.075 0.433 0.171

7. Familiar situ 0.304 0.344 0.246 0.041

7. Familiar situ 0.341 0.573 0.163 0.458

8. Activities wh 0.053 -0.201 0.137 -0.068

8. Activities wh 0.131 0.472 -0.057 0.528

9. Tasks are bro 0.239 -0.056 0.325 -0.034

9. Tasks are bro 0.243 0.282 0.333 0.489

10. Various medi -0.023 -0.473 0.532 0.000

10. Various medi -0.138 0.072 -0.275 0.157

1. The situation 0.099 0.121 0.267 0.085

1. The situation 0.049 0.575 -0.033 0.461

2.  Manageable c 0.154 -0.162 0.312 0.000

2.  Manageable c 0.171 0.000 0.172 0.131

3. Learner enthu 0.465 -0.100 0.711 0.000

3. Learner enthu 0.118 0.424 -0.115 0.259

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.337 -0.353 0.788 0.043

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.012 0.278 -0.018 0.278


5.  Discussions 0.453 -0.129 0.457 0.000

5.  Discussions 0.110 0.338 0.094 0.281

7. Familiar situ 7. Familiar situ 8. Activities wh 8. Activities wh

7. Familiar situ 0.161

8. Activities wh 0.185 -0.089

8. Activities wh 0.199 0.452 0.102

9. Tasks are bro 0.461 -0.198 0.537 0.055

9. Tasks are bro 0.211 0.625 0.358 0.244

10. Various medi -0.002 -0.261 0.529 -0.229

10. Various medi 0.099 -0.014 0.537 0.397

1. The situation 0.399 0.010 -0.055 -0.074

1. The situation 0.190 0.480 -0.039 0.408

2.  Manageable c 0.350 0.047 0.510 -0.049

2.  Manageable c -0.085 0.130 0.051 0.354

3. Learner enthu 0.228 0.200 0.107 -0.157

3. Learner enthu 0.362 0.355 0.091 0.468

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.107 -0.051 0.215 -0.215

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.417 0.284 -0.022 0.466

5.  Discussions 0.172 0.025 -0.012 -0.053

5.  Discussions 0.247 0.360 0.297 0.386

9. Tasks are bro 9. Tasks are bro 10. Various medi 10. Various medi
9. Tasks are bro 0.128

10. Various medi 0.458 0.237

10. Various medi 0.089 0.175 -0.099

1. The situation 0.376 -0.007 0.187 -0.153

1. The situation -0.116 0.352 -0.241 0.217

2.  Manageable c 0.081 0.335 0.385 0.175

2.  Manageable c 0.045 0.084 0.146 0.097

3. Learner enthu 0.214 0.086 0.330 -0.338

3. Learner enthu -0.103 0.269 -0.272 0.312

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.470 0.066 0.686 -0.338

4.  Relaxed atmo -0.030 0.150 -0.062 0.167

5.  Discussions 0.068 -0.057 0.249 -0.201

5.  Discussions 0.440 0.308 0.195 0.050

1. The situation 1. The situation 2.  Manageable c 2.  Manageable c

1. The situation 0.326

2.  Manageable c 0.145 0.057

2.  Manageable c -0.208 0.175 -0.164

3. Learner enthu 0.482 0.036 0.383 -0.026

3. Learner enthu -0.066 0.602 0.310 0.220

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.443 -0.125 0.384 0.114

4.  Relaxed atmo -0.007 0.384 0.159 0.509


5.  Discussions 0.247 -0.145 0.505 0.159

5.  Discussions 0.325 0.544 0.072 0.399

3. Learner enthu 3. Learner enthu 4.  Relaxed atmo 4.  Relaxed atmo
3. Learner enthu -0.141

4.  Relaxed atmo 0.732 -0.242

4.  Relaxed atmo -0.079 0.661 -0.069

5.  Discussions 0.562 -0.047 0.551 0.152

5.  Discussions 0.243 0.346 0.236 0.293

5.  Discussions
5.  Discussions 0.038

Item and Total Statistics

Variable Count Mean StDev
1. Our school provides an orien 30 4.47 0.94
1. Our school provides an ori_1 30 4.30 0.92
2. Our school provides opportun 30 4.53 0.57
2. Our school provides opport_1 30 4.10 0.96
3. Our school institutes a syst 30 4.20 0.71
3. Our school institutes a sy_1 30 3.83 1.18
4. Our school allows for brains 30 4.37 0.89
4. Our school allows for brai_1 30 4.23 0.77
5. Our school has systematized 30 4.23 1.01
5. Our school has systematize_1 30 4.23 0.77
6. The teacher studies thorough 30 4.43 0.82
6. The teacher studies thorou_1 30 4.33 0.92
7. The teacher examines the app 30 4.40 0.81
7. The teacher examines the a_1 30 4.10 1.21
8. The teacher chooses the appr 30 4.53 0.51
8. The teacher chooses the ap_1 30 4.33 0.92
9. The teacher plans to demonst 30 4.43 0.63
9. The teacher plans to demon_1 30 4.47 0.51
10. The teacher reflects on pre 30 4.47 0.86
10. The teacher reflects on p_1 30 4.07 0.98
1. The School Head and Teachers 30 4.50 0.63
1. The School Head and Teache_1 30 4.33 0.71
2.  A technical group provides 30 4.53 0.68
2.  A technical group provide_1 30 4.33 0.66
3. A support mechanism is avail 30 4.37 0.67
3. A support mechanism is ava_1 30 4.30 0.92
4. The School Head is readily a 30 4.30 1.09
4. The School Head is readily_1 30 4.37 0.89
5. Schools Division Office moni 30 4.43 0.63
5. Schools Division Office mo_1 30 4.17 0.87
1. Identification and assessmen 30 4.50 0.68
1. Identification and assessm_1 30 4.30 0.79
2. Organization of sessions wit 30 4.33 0.71
2. Organization of sessions w_1 30 4.27 0.83
3. Examination of the content d 30 4.40 0.81
3. Examination of the content_1 30 4.37 0.76
4. Analysis of the possible cur 30 4.43 0.68
4. Analysis of the possible c_1 30 4.27 0.78
5. Walkthrough of the curriculu 30 4.27 1.01
5. Walkthrough of the curricu_1 30 4.23 0.94
1. Knowledge of content across 30 4.63 0.56
1. Knowledge of content acros_1 30 4.20 0.92
2. Classroom activities are con 30 4.63 0.61
2. Classroom activities are c_1 30 4.00 0.98
3.  The lessons are adapted to 30 4.67 0.80
3.  The lessons are adapted t_1 30 4.17 0.91
4.   Differentiated instruction 30 4.90 0.31
4.   Differentiated instructi_1 30 3.90 1.06
5.  Competencies are anchored o 30 4.67 0.80

5.  Competencies are anchored_1 30 4.40 0.97

1. Easy access to resource mate 30 4.77 0.43
1. Easy access to resource ma_1 30 4.27 0.91
2. The students are immersed to 30 4.67 0.55
2. The students are immersed _1 30 3.90 0.80
3. Adjustments are made to acco 30 4.40 0.72
3. Adjustments are made to ac_1 30 4.00 1.11
4. Record keeping and feedbacki 30 4.57 0.94
4. Record keeping and feedbac_1 30 4.47 0.63
5. Resources  that can be used 30 4.53 0.82
5. Resources  that can be use_1 30 4.40 0.67
1. Positive feedbacks are provi 30 4.77 0.50
1. Positive feedbacks are pro_1 30 4.47 0.51
2. Equal opportunities are prov 30 4.70 0.47
2. Equal opportunities are pr_1 30 4.33 0.76
3. Games, organizers and intere 30 4.67 0.61
3. Games, organizers and inte_1 30 3.70 1.06
4. Learner creativity is enhanc 30 4.77 0.77
4. Learner creativity is enha_1 30 3.97 0.76
5.  Coherent lesson presentatio 30 4.80 0.48
5.  Coherent lesson presentat_1 30 4.20 0.92
6.  Goals and targets appropria 30 4.73 0.64
6.  Goals and targets appropr_1 30 4.00 0.95
7. Familiar situations is used 30 4.63 0.89
7. Familiar situations is use_1 30 4.30 0.79
8. Activities which are practic 30 4.47 1.07
8. Activities which are pract_1 30 3.90 0.76
9. Tasks are broken into simple 30 4.43 1.07
9. Tasks are broken into simp_1 30 4.13 0.82
10. Various media are used exte 30 4.63 0.61
10. Various media are used ex_1 30 4.03 0.93
1. The situation of the childre 30 4.77 0.43
1. The situation of the child_1 30 3.93 0.87
2.  Manageable classroom climat 30 4.83 0.46
2.  Manageable classroom clim_1 30 3.83 0.83
3. Learner enthusiasm is raised 30 4.73 0.52
3. Learner enthusiasm is rais_1 30 3.90 0.84
4.  Relaxed atmosphere is creat 30 4.67 0.84
4.  Relaxed atmosphere is cre_1 30 3.70 1.18
5.  Discussions are made enjoya 30 4.87 0.35
5.  Discussions are made enjo_1 30 3.60 1.04
Total 30 391.67 34.12

Cronbach’s Alpha

Omitted Item Statistics

Adj. Squared
Adj. Total Total Item-Adj. Multiple Cronbach’s
Omitted Variable Mean StDev Total Corr Corr Alpha
1. Our school provides an orien 387.20 33.67 0.4723 * 0.9592
1. Our school provides an ori_1 387.37 33.69 0.4569 * 0.9593
2. Our school provides opportun 387.13 33.92 0.3431 * 0.9595
2. Our school provides opport_1 387.57 33.62 0.5091 * 0.9591
3. Our school institutes a syst 387.47 33.81 0.4329 * 0.9593
3. Our school institutes a sy_1 387.83 33.68 0.3629 * 0.9597
4. Our school allows for brains 387.30 33.68 0.4863 * 0.9592
4. Our school allows for brai_1 387.43 33.62 0.6455 * 0.9588
5. Our school has systematized 387.43 33.48 0.6273 * 0.9588
5. Our school has systematize_1 387.43 33.63 0.6293 * 0.9589
6. The teacher studies thorough 387.23 33.68 0.5324 * 0.9591
6. The teacher studies thorou_1 387.33 33.67 0.4850 * 0.9592

7. The teacher examines the app 387.27 33.70 0.5141 * 0.9591

7. The teacher examines the a_1 387.57 33.42 0.5674 * 0.9590
8. The teacher chooses the appr 387.13 33.86 0.5196 * 0.9593
8. The teacher chooses the ap_1 387.33 33.72 0.4277 * 0.9594
9. The teacher plans to demonst 387.23 33.82 0.4689 * 0.9593
9. The teacher plans to demon_1 387.20 33.93 0.3669 * 0.9595
10. The teacher reflects on pre 387.20 33.80 0.3667 * 0.9595
10. The teacher reflects on p_1 387.60 33.59 0.5328 * 0.9591
1. The School Head and Teachers 387.17 33.69 0.6884 * 0.9589
1. The School Head and Teache_1 387.33 33.76 0.4993 * 0.9592
2.  A technical group provides 387.13 33.74 0.5623 * 0.9591
2.  A technical group provide_1 387.33 33.67 0.6845 * 0.9588
3. A support mechanism is avail 387.30 33.61 0.7636 * 0.9587
3. A support mechanism is ava_1 387.37 33.62 0.5386 * 0.9590
4. The School Head is readily a 387.37 33.47 0.5899 * 0.9589
4. The School Head is readily_1 387.30 33.66 0.5061 * 0.9591
5. Schools Division Office moni 387.23 33.77 0.5594 * 0.9591
5. Schools Division Office mo_1 387.50 33.67 0.5090 * 0.9591
1. Identification and assessmen 387.17 33.84 0.4055 * 0.9594
1. Identification and assessm_1 387.37 33.88 0.2943 * 0.9597
2. Organization of sessions wit 387.33 33.70 0.5924 * 0.9590
2. Organization of sessions w_1 387.40 33.77 0.4118 * 0.9594
3. Examination of the content d 387.27 33.58 0.6649 * 0.9587
3. Examination of the content_1 387.30 33.84 0.3579 * 0.9595
4. Analysis of the possible cur 387.23 33.70 0.6118 * 0.9590
4. Analysis of the possible c_1 387.40 33.83 0.3568 * 0.9595
5. Walkthrough of the curriculu 387.40 33.55 0.5517 * 0.9590
5. Walkthrough of the curricu_1 387.43 33.70 0.4464 * 0.9593
1. Knowledge of content across 387.03 34.00 0.2159 * 0.9597
1. Knowledge of content acros_1 387.47 33.65 0.4977 * 0.9592
2. Classroom activities are con 387.03 33.88 0.3862 * 0.9594
2. Classroom activities are c_1 387.67 33.59 0.5318 * 0.9591
3.  The lessons are adapted to 387.00 33.84 0.3429 * 0.9595
3.  The lessons are adapted t_1 387.50 33.58 0.5901 * 0.9589
4.   Differentiated instruction 386.77 34.03 0.2899 * 0.9597
4.   Differentiated instructi_1 387.77 33.40 0.6691 * 0.9586
5.  Competencies are anchored o 387.00 33.88 0.2931 * 0.9597
5.  Competencies are anchored_1 387.27 33.74 0.3839 * 0.9595
1. Easy access to resource mate 386.90 34.01 0.2552 * 0.9597
1. Easy access to resource ma_1 387.40 33.76 0.3871 * 0.9595
2. The students are immersed to 387.00 33.81 0.5577 * 0.9592
2. The students are immersed _1 387.77 33.61 0.6264 * 0.9588
3. Adjustments are made to acco 387.27 33.73 0.5406 * 0.9591
3. Adjustments are made to ac_1 387.67 33.49 0.5582 * 0.9590
4. Record keeping and feedbacki 387.10 33.71 0.4280 * 0.9594
4. Record keeping and feedbac_1 387.20 33.90 0.3498 * 0.9595
5. Resources  that can be used 387.13 33.86 0.3106 * 0.9596
5. Resources  that can be use_1 387.27 33.79 0.4807 * 0.9592
1. Positive feedbacks are provi 386.90 33.90 0.4365 * 0.9594
1. Positive feedbacks are pro_1 387.20 33.94 0.3468 * 0.9595
2. Equal opportunities are prov 386.97 33.92 0.4312 * 0.9594
2. Equal opportunities are pr_1 387.33 33.73 0.5107 * 0.9591
3. Games, organizers and intere 387.00 33.97 0.2393 * 0.9597
3. Games, organizers and inte_1 387.97 33.71 0.3816 * 0.9596
4. Learner creativity is enhanc 386.90 33.89 0.2870 * 0.9597
4. Learner creativity is enha_1 387.70 33.78 0.4346 * 0.9593
5.  Coherent lesson presentatio 386.87 33.95 0.3570 * 0.9595
5.  Coherent lesson presentat_1 387.47 33.79 0.3478 * 0.9596
6.  Goals and targets appropria 386.93 33.86 0.3955 * 0.9594
6.  Goals and targets appropr_1 387.67 33.66 0.4804 * 0.9592
7. Familiar situations is used 387.03 33.70 0.4649 * 0.9592
7. Familiar situations is use_1 387.37 33.82 0.3744 * 0.9595
8. Activities which are practic 387.20 33.68 0.3947 * 0.9595
8. Activities which are pract_1 387.77 33.77 0.4620 * 0.9593
9. Tasks are broken into simple 387.23 33.68 0.4018 * 0.9595
9. Tasks are broken into simp_1 387.53 33.67 0.5410 * 0.9591
10. Various media are used exte 387.03 33.98 0.2184 * 0.9597
10. Various media are used ex_1 387.63 33.86 0.2704 * 0.9598
1. The situation of the childre 386.90 34.02 0.2292 * 0.9597
1. The situation of the child_1 387.73 33.65 0.5304 * 0.9591
2.  Manageable classroom climat 386.83 34.00 0.2577 * 0.9597
2.  Manageable classroom clim_1 387.83 33.76 0.4228 * 0.9594

3. Learner enthusiasm is raised 386.93 33.97 0.2894 * 0.9596

3. Learner enthusiasm is rais_1 387.77 33.64 0.5646 * 0.9590
4.  Relaxed atmosphere is creat 387.00 33.91 0.2458 * 0.9598
4.  Relaxed atmosphere is cre_1 387.97 33.51 0.5042 * 0.9592
5.  Discussions are made enjoya 386.80 34.08 0.1118 * 0.9598
5.  Discussions are made enjo_1 388.07 33.46 0.6297 * 0.9588

Curriculum Vitae
Ma. Corazon Adato Borja
Tabi, Boac, Marinduque
 Finished Academic Requirement and working on Dissertation for Doctor of
Education major in Curriculum Management

 Career Executive Service Written Examination (CESWE) Passer (2016)

 Passer of National Qualifying Examination for School Head (NQESH) (Rank I
in the Division, Among the top 10 in the Region)
 Master Teacher Test Passer (2010)
 Passer of the Self-Assessment Test for Secondary Teachers Rank 1 (school
level) and Rank 5 (division level)
 Recipient of meritorious awards from division up to national level
Top Performing School Head in the District (2020)

Metrobank Provincial Winner, Regional Finalist 2014

Outstanding Teacher 2007
Outstanding School Paper Adviser Division to National Level 2007

 Recipient of International scholarships

Regional English Language Center (RELC) Specialist Certificate in Action
Research in Singapore
University of Oregon Short Course in Summative and Formative Assessment

 Innovation: Bagged scholarship for 50 students of MNHS and assigned as

Program Coordinator of ACCESS PROGRAM sponsored by US Embassy

 Chosen as Demonstration teacher from school to national level

 Trainer, facilitator, speaker in workshops and seminar
 Writer, contributor, editor in chief and author of learning materials and local
 With 8 years of teaching experience in prestigious private schools (Colegio
San Agustin Makati and St. Scholastica’s Academy Marikina) and 18 in public
 Graduate of BSE (English) in UP Diliman
 Professional BOARD Exam for Teachers -80.07
 Writer of 2 Strategic Intervention Materials national and regional workshop)
 Writer of Oratorical Pieces that won in National Speech Contests
 Editor in Chief (The Moriones Gem-( 2007- 2009))

 Mogpog National Comprehensive High School Principal 2 (2019-present)
 Marinduque National High School Principal 2, Senior High School (2017-
 Argao National High School Principal 1 (2014-2017)
 Marinduque National High School - Master Teacher 1 ( 1999 – 2014)
 Colegio San Agustin Makati – Grade School Teacher 1993-1997
 St. Scholastica’s Academy Marikina- Grade School teacher 1989-1992

 Ed. D Major in Curriculum Development (currently working on dissertation)
 Master’s I n Education (Language) – Marinduque State College
 Master’s in Education (Reading)- UP DILIMAN -2000- 2004 (earned 36 units)
 Specialist Certificate in Action Research- RELC Scholarship program- 2007

 Obtained certificate in the course ASSESSMENT: SUMMATIVE AND

University of Oregon E teacher Program
 Bachelor in Secondary Education (English)- UP DILIMAN – 1984-1989
 Secondary Level – Marinduque National High School -1980-84 (graduated
 Elementary Level- Boac North Central School- 1976-1980 (graduated

ADDRESS: Tabi, Boac Marinduque

SCHOOL: Marinduque National High School


GENDER: Female

HEIGHT: 4”11

DATE OF BIRTH: June 4 ,1967

PLACE OF BIRTH: Sta. Mesa Manila

FAMILY: Single Parent and with 4 kids

 Top Performing School Head in the District 2020
 Outstanding Teacher Metrobank Foundation Provincial Finalist Sy 2014-15

Speech Contest sponsored by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas 2005
Speech Contest sponsored by GSP “All About Sex” May 2008
 Discussant/Facilitator and Demonstration Teacher
1. Demonstration Teacher during the Division
Demonstration Festival held in Mogpog Central School

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