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Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132

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Research report

Resting state brain connectivity patterns before eventual relapse into

cocaine abuse
M. Berlingeri a,b,∗ , D. Losasso d , A. Girolo c , E. Cozzolino d , T. Masullo d , M. Scotto e ,
M. Sberna g , G. Bottini e,f,b , E. Paulesu c,h,∗∗
DISTUM, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy
NeuroMi, Milan Center for Neuroscience, Italy
Psychology Department, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
SERT 1, Dependence Department, ASL Milano, Milano, Italy
Center for Cognitive Neuropsychology, Niguarda Cà Granda Hospital, Milano, Italy
Department of Brain and Behavioural Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Neuroradiology Department, Niguarda Cà Granda Hospital, Milano, Italy
fMRI Unit, I.R.C.C.S. Galeazzi, Orthopedic Institute, Milano, Italy

h i g h l i g h t s

• Addicted patients had a reduction of the connectivity between NAs and DMN.
• The worst the controlled behaviour, the higher the NA − oPFC connectivity.
• The worst the controlled behaviour, the lower the NAs − dPFC connectivity.
• The dynamics in the relapsed patients resemble a push-pull model.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: According to recent theories, drug addicted patients suffer of an impaired response inhibition and salience
Received 15 February 2016 attribution (I-RISA) together with a perturbed connectivity between the nuclei accumbens (NAcs) and the
Received in revised form orbito-prefrontal (oPFC) and dorsal prefrontal (dPFC) cortices, brain regions associated with motivation
27 December 2016
and cognitive control. To empirically test these assumptions, we evaluated the (neuro)psychological
Accepted 1 January 2017
Available online 3 January 2017
trait and the functional organization of the resting state brain networks associated with the NAcs in 18
former cocaine abusers (FCAs), while being in drug abstinence since 5 months. The psychological data
were grouped into three empirical variables related with emotion regulation, emotion awareness and
Cocaine strategic and controlled behaviour.
fMRI Comparison of the resting state patterns between the entire sample of FCAs and 19 controls revealed a
Nucleus accumbens reduction of functional connectivity between the NAcs and the dPFC and enhanced connectivity between
I-RISA the NAcs and the dorsal-striatum. In the 8 FCAs who relapsed into cocaine use after 3 months, the level
Functional connectivity of functional connectivity between the NAcs and dPFC was lower than the functional connectivity esti-
Resting state fMRI mated in the group of patients that did not relapsed. Finally, in the entire sample of FCAs, the higher the
connectivity between the NAc and the oPFC the lower was the level of strategic and controlled behaviour.
Taken together, these results are compatible with models of the interactions between the NAcs, the dor-
sal striatum and frontal cortices in the I-RISA syndrome, showing that such interactions are particularly
perturbed in patients at greater risk of relapse into cocaine abuse.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations: BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; BIS, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale; DERS, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation; DA, DERS, subscale
awareness; DG, DERS, subscale goals; DI, DERS, subscale impulsivity; DoA, days of abstinence; dPFC, dorsal prefrontal cortex; EA, emotional awareness; ER, emotion regulation;
FCAs, former cocaine abusers; GAF, global assessment functioning; IGT, Iowa Gambling Task; I-RISA, impaired response inhibition and salience attribution; NAc, nucleus
accumbens; oPFC, orbito-prefrontal cortex; PCA, Principal Component Analysis; SCB, strategic and controlled behaviour; TAS, Toronto Alexithymia Scale; VOI, volume of
interest; zFC, z transformed functional connectivity maps.
∗ Corresponding author at: Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, DISTUM, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo Via Bramante, 17-61029 Urbino (PU).
∗∗ Corresponding author at: Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca Piazza dell’ateneo nuovo 1, edificio U6, 20126, Milano (MI), Italy.
E-mail addresses: (M. Berlingeri), (E. Paulesu).
0166-4328/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
122 M. Berlingeri et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132

1. Introduction drug independent − habits, or stereotyped repetitive behavioural

patterns, has a biological counterpart in an altered connectivity
1.1. Theoretical background between the ventral and the dorsal striatum whereby the dorsal
striatum takes a more prominent role in guiding behaviour.
Drug addiction, and in particular cocaine addiction, is a These models are in part supported by the results of resting
widespread phenomenon in Europe, no social class or cultural state PET studies [77] and functional activation studies in human
group being immune: according to recent surveys from the Euro- addicts [69,35]. PET studies have shown a reduced metabolism
pean Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction,1 on average, in oPFC, a key region of the reward system. Most of the activa-
2.8% of the general population has taken cocaine at least once, with tion studies in chronic addiction were based on tasks designed
peaks for the UK and Spain (9.9% and 8.8%). These results are even to elicit drug craving [72] or drug-related memories [18,74] and
more worrying if one considers the data regarding successful reha- tasks that elicited emotion processing [4] and controlled behaviour
bilitations: most of the cocaine abusers need a long-term period [25]. Taken together, these studies document an abnormal meso-
of rehabilitation and those patients who succeed often do so only corticolimbic functioning [28].
after many attempts, while many do not succeed at all [56,48,20]. It remains to be seen whether these abnormalities, originally
There are several models of drug addiction and the ensuing described during active tasks, are also present in a resting-state
behaviour. For example, Everitt and Robbins [21] suggest that the condition and to what extent these correlate with behaviours or
addicts’ compulsive behaviour could be seen as “a maladaptive with the tendency to relapse after drug abstinence. Our experi-
stimulus-response habit in which the ultimate goal of the behaviour ment was designed to fill this gap and to further bind the cognitive
has been devalued so that the behaviour is not directly under the aspects of the I-RISA syndrome with its neurofunctional counter-
control of the goal” [21,pag 1485]. Accordingly, the initial impulse parts (i.e. the Baler and Volkow’s model [6]). To this aim we adopted
associated with drug-craving would develop in a compulsive drug a resting state functional connectivity analysis of brain patterns and
assumption. At the neural level, it is established that cocaine we tested their correlations with behavioural and cognitive pro-
reinforces the connectivity within the dopaminergic system [73]; files. In particular we concentrated on patients in a condition of
the limbic system (the ventral striatum, the amygdala, the hip- abstinence from recent drug intake, but at risk of relapse into drug
pocampal structures, the anterior cingulate (ACC) and the insula) abuse. We mapped the connectivity of a region of great interest for
and the dorsal striatum are important targets of the dopaminer- addiction, namely the NAcs of both sides.
gic projections [64,35,21,60]. All these structures are functionally There are advantages in resting state fMRI studies when study-
connected with different portions of the prefrontal cortex: here ing patients [16], the first and foremost being the ease and speed
dopamine-responsive cells contribute to emotional/behavioural whereby the data are acquired, a factor that contributes to accu-
control, executive functions (such as action planning monitoring mulate sizeable patients populations. The second advantage is that
and attentional control) and memory encoding [52,36]. A key- one can target a region of interest and its connectivity without the
region within the limbic system and key target of cocaine is the concern on whether that region will be particularly active in a given
nucleus accumbens (NAc; [23]). The NAc, and its perturbed con- paradigm. This is particularly relevant for regions like the ventral
nectivity, is also at the heart of Baler and Volkow’s model [6] striatum (the initial target of our functional connectivity analysis)
of addiction. They propose that chronic addiction leads to the for which it is not established how reproducible are, at a single
dysfunction of the systems that mediate goal-directed behaviour. subject level, activations in a conventional task driven protocol.
According to the model, (see also Fig. 1b in [6]) addicted patients do We therefore reasoned that using a functional connectivity
not have adequate control of their emotions, of their impulses and approach at rest we might have been able to address questions
their behaviour, in conjunction with a strong connectivity between like the following ones more easily. The first one is obvious given
the NAc and both orbito-frontal (oPFC) and dorsal prefrontal cortex our methodological approach (1) is it possible to detect a cocaine-
(dPFC); cocaine-related hyper-stimulation of the NAc would cause a related dysfunction of the NAc by default (i.e. in the absence of a
decreased inhibitory control of dPFC over oPFC, leaving behavioural task)? The following ones are less obvious: (2) is such dysregula-
planning, monitoring and decision-making processes at the mercy tion detectable also after a long abstinence from the drug? (3) Are
of the impulses. In this respect, they resemble to patients with an these abnormalities associated with significant changes of emotion
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [42]. While a detailed discussion regulation, of goal-directed behaviour and “impulse control”? (4) Is
of the empirical evidence behind Baler and Volkow’s model [6] is it possible to link these cognitive and neurofunctional aspects with
beyond the scope of our paper, it is worth emphasizing that the the risk of relapse into addiction?
model makes some testable hypotheses that proved useful here.
It has been hypothesised that this clinical/behavioural pattern 1.2. Aims of the study
may represent a specific clinical entity: the “impaired response inhi-
bition and salience attribution” (I-RISA) syndrome [30]. The I-RISA To evaluate the foundations of recent neuroscientific models of
syndrome hypothesis is supported by task-related neuroimaging cocaine addiction, we measured the resting state fMRI functional
findings showing that drug addicted patients have a significant connectivity in former cocaine abusers (FCAs) while in an absti-
increment of the neural activity in the oPFC and in anterior cingu- nence state since 5 months, on average, and in healthy controls. The
late cortex when drug-craving is elicited by an external stimulation neurofunctional changes associated with cocaine addiction were
[70,26]. Interestingly, these two brain regions have been associated then correlated with measures of goal-directed behaviour and emo-
with the expression of obsessive-compulsive disorders [49,44] and tion control.
with pathological worry [58], and are part of the neural network Moreover, to make an initial attempt to isolate a possible predic-
described in influential models of drug addiction [21,60,6]. tive marker of the risk of relapse for FCAs, we collected follow-up
On the other hand, habit reinforcement is seen as another key information 3 months after the fMRI scan. We then compared
aspect of chronic drug-addiction: according to Everitt and Robbins patients that had relapsed into addiction with those who were still
[22], the transition from drug-related behaviours to hardwired − in a remission state.
This effort led to the identification of behavioural and functional
anatomical patterns associated with the I-RISA syndrome, patterns
Permanent link to the EMCDDA data: that correlated with the eventual relapse into addiction. As the
2014#displayTable:GPS-22. reader will see, the present results are best accommodated by a
M. Berlingeri et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132 123

Fig. 1. Correlation matrix between observed variables.

The figure illustrates that correlation matrix between the 7 selected variables does not correspond to an identity matrix being therefore suited for data reduction. The lower
triangular matrix shows the Pearson correlation coefficients between the 7 observed variables. In the upper triangular matrix we report a graphical representation of the
correlation coefficient, the greater the radius of the circles, the stronger the correlations. The colour-legend is displayed in the colour-bar on the right. The correlation plot
was designed by means of the “corrplot library” available in R.
DG = DERS subscale Goals, DI = DERS subscale Impulsivity, BIS = Barrat Implusivity Scale, TAS = Toronto Alessitimia Scale, DA = DERS subscale Awareness, DoA = days of Absti-
nence, IGT = Iowa Gambling Task.

modified model of the interaction between the NAc and the dorsal intake as caused by moderate smoking (less then 15 cigarettes/day;
and orbital subdivision of prefrontal cortex. [61]). None of the participants had diabetes or any other relevant
disease; in particular, none reported a history of head injury, of
neurological or of psychiatric disorders.
2. Materials and methods
All the participants gave their written consent to the experi-
ment (according to the Declaration of Helsinki 1991); the study
2.1. Participants
was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Niguarda Ca’ Granda
Hospital of Milan and by the Ethics Committee of the ASL Milano.
Eighteen former cocaine abusers (FCA; 18 male; mean
age = 39.28 ± 9.1; education level = 10.11 ± 3.2) and 19 healthy
controls (13 male and 6 female; mean age = 33.05 ± 9.11; educa- 2.2. Neuropsychological and psychological assessment
tion level = 15 ± 4.01) participated in the study; all participants
were right-handed as assessed with the Oldfield scale [54]. All The FCAs’ cognitive profile was assessed using a neuropsycho-
the FCAs had a DSM IV-TR [3] diagnosis of cocaine depen- logical battery investigating non-verbal reasoning (Raven Coloured
dence; none reported the abuse of other drugs; at the time of Progressive Matrices; [59]), mental flexibility (Wisconsin Card Sort-
fMRI scanning, all the FCAs were in a condition of abstinence ing Test; [11]), inhibitory control (Stroop test; [66]), problem
(mean = 141 days ± 172.6). All the FCA patients were interviewed solving (Tower of London; [63]), decision making (IOWA gambling
also 3 months after the neuropsychological and MRI assessment to test; [7]), cognitive estimation skills [19], sustained and divided
evaluate the presence of possible relapses, these self-reports were attention (Trail Making Test; [27]), verbal and spatial short-term
corroborated by means of urine tox-screen. Four of the eighteen memory (Digit Span task and Corsi’s Block Tapping task; [55]),
patients were light smokers [61], only 8 patients out of 18 were controlled word retrieval (Phonemic and Semantic Verbal Fluency
defined light drinkers according to Abel et al. [1] at the clinical Tasks; [53]).
interview. The psychological profile was assessed by means of the fol-
Eight patients relapsed into cocaine abuse after 3 months from lowing clinical scales: the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11;
their fMRI scan. [57]), the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS; [32]),
On the other hand, none of the healthy controls reported a his- the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20; [5]), the Beck Depression
tory of substance abuse or addiction, with the exception of nicotine Inventory (BDI; [9]), the Beck Anxiety Inventory [8] and the DSM
124 M. Berlingeri et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132

IV-TR Axis V through the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale, maps. At this stage, signal decomposition was applied. In par-
which evaluates the level of the individual global psychiatric func- ticular, from the 200 fMRI volumes, we covaried out the effect
tioning (GAF, APA, 2000). of global signal, of the rigid body transformation (6 parameters),
of white matter and cerebrospinal fluid signals. The fMRI images
2.3. Principal component analysis on were then normalized to the MNI EPI template and they were
behavioural/neuropsychological data rescaled to obtain isotropic voxels of 3 × 3 × 3 mm. The normal-
ized images were finally smoothed with a Gaussian FWHM filter
Emotion regulation and goal-directed behaviour are considered of 5 × 5 × 5 mm. After the preprocessing steps, the signal was fil-
to be particularly impaired in cocaine abusers [31]. To extract tered to isolate the low frequency fluctuations within the range of
cumulative empirical measures of these two aspects from our 0.01-0.08 Hz, a frequency range of physiological importance that
large set of behavioural variables, we selected the 7 variables that, should reflect spontaneous neuronal activity [12,50]. For each par-
according to our hypotheses and to the specific construct validity ticipant, the mean time course was extracted from each seed of
of each psychometric instrument, can be associated with our two interest and correlated, on a voxel-by-voxel basis, with the fluctua-
constructs of interest: “Emotion Regulation” and “Goal-directed tions in the entire brain volume to create subject-specific functional
Behaviour”. In particular, we selected 3 subscales from the DERS connectivity (FC) maps. The correlation coefficient represented in
(namely the sub-scales for awareness −DA-, goals −DG- and impulse the subject-specific functional connectivity maps were finally z-
−DI), the scores obtained at the TAS-20, at the BIS-11, at the Iowa transformed by means of the Fisher’s r-to-z transform function
Gambling Task (IGT) and finally the days of abstinence (DoA) before (from now on zFC maps). Thus, as a final result we obtained a zFC
the fMRI scan. These variables were entered in a Principal Compo- map for each seed of interest, for each participant (74 zFC maps in
nent Analysis (PCA) that was run with the software SPSS 21. As a total considering both seeds).
first step, the correlation matrix between observed variables was
explored and tested for not being an identity matrix by means of the 2.4.3. Comparisons between normal controls and FCAs
Bartlett’s test. Second, the component with an eigenvalue greater The 74 zFC maps were entered into 2 × 2 full factorial design
than 1 were extracted. Moreover, in order to obtain independent (2 seeds, 2 groups) and the seed of interest was modelled as a
latent variables that can be interpreted more easily, a VARIMAX within group factor. From this experimental design (hence called
rotation of the axes was applied. For each FCA patient the latent Full Factorial 1; FF1), we extracted the following effects of interest:
scores were obtained by means of a regression analysis based on
the rotated PCA matrix. As it is common practice, the interpretation • across group commonalities: i.e. the brain regions that show a
of the functional significance of each component, was based on a similar level of functional connectivity with the NAcs in the two
qualitative assessment of the relative loadings from each observed groups; this effect was computed as a full conjunction effect;
variable. A tentative functional label was then attached to each • group-by-seed interaction effect;
component latent variable on the basis of the relative loadings. • functional connectivity augmentations in FCAs;
• functional connectivity reductions in FCAs.
2.4. Functional connectivity analyses
2.4.4. Multiple regression analysis between behavioural scores
2.4.1. Acquisition parameters and zFC maps in FCAs
MRI scans were performed by using a General Electrics A voxel-by-voxel multiple regression analysis on the patients’
1.5 T Signa scanner equipped with gradient-echo echo-planar zFC maps was computed. Here, the NAcs zFC maps were entered
(Flip angle 90◦ , TE = 60msec, TR = 3000msec, FOV = 280 × 210 mm; as dependent variables, while the latent factors extracted from the
matrix = 96 × 64). Each volume consisted of 35 contiguous oblique PCA of the behavioural/neuropsychological data were entered as
images (thickness = 4 mm, gap = 0 mm) acquired along the AC-PC regressors.
plane. A total amount of 200 volumes were acquired (acquisi-
tion time = 10 min). During the fMRI scanning, all subjects were 2.4.5. Comparison between relapsed and stable FCAs and the
instructed to keep their eyes closed, not to move and to try impact of behavioural variables
not to think about anything in particular. Moreover, for each In a further independent full factorial analysis (hence called Full
participant, a T1-weighted MP-RAGE (3D Magnetisation Pre- Factorial 2; FF2), we assessed the zFC maps differences between
pared Rapid Gradient-Echo) scan was acquired (Flip angle = 20◦ , relapsed and stable patients; these sub-groups were defined on
TE = 2.92 ms, TR = 9.16 ms, acquisition matrix: 256 × 256; thick- the basis of the data collected during a clinical interview 3 months
ness = 1 mm, interslice gap = 0 mm, and voxel size = 1 × 1 × 1 mm). after the fMRI scan. As before, we assessed the between-group dif-
The volumetric MRI scans included 145 slices acquired on oblique ferences together with group-by-side interaction effects.
sections parallel to the AC-PC line to cover the entire brain volume. The between-group differences were further assessed to evalu-
ate whether the latent factors extracted from the PCA can moderate
2.4.2. Preprocessing and subject-by-subject analyses these effects. To this aim, the mean percentage signal change
The resting-state functional connectivity analyses were made was extracted from the brain regions that showed a significant
using the toolbox DPARSF [75] − advanced edition (DPARSF-A; between-group difference by means of the Mars-Bar toolbox [13]. and a seed-based approach. The seeds These data were used as a dependent variable in a random intercept
were created as a spherical volume of interest (VOI) with a 5 mm general linear model in which the second level interaction effects
radius centred over the stereotactic coordinate reported in the between either group, or seed, and each latent factor were used as
study by Cauda et al. [15] for the nuclei accumbens: ±12; 10; predictors. The random effect was modelled according to the factor
−8. The VOIs were designed by means of the software MRIcron “cerebral hemisphere” (i.e. to the within-subject factor).
( and then
converted into the NIFTI format to make them compatible with the 2.4.6. Statistical thresholds
DPARSF-A software. The fMRI scans were realigned and the vol- In all our analyses, given the functional connectivity approach
umetric T1 image was coregistered to the functional ones. Once adopted, we were more interested in finding distributed rather
coregistered, the T1 image was passed to the unified segmenta- than highly focal patterns. Accordingly, we found the best compro-
tion algorithm to obtain the grey, white and cerebrospinal fluid mise between sensitivity and specificity as follows: an uncorrected
M. Berlingeri et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132 125

Table 1
Clinical psychological and neuropsychological profile of FCAs.

Clinical Psychological tests Mean Sd FCAs impaired Neuropsychological tests Mean Sd FCAs impaired

BIS-11 71.44 ±14.78 4 Raven Black and White Progressive Matrices 34.83 ±7.5 1
BIS-11 − attentional 17.72 ±5.04 – Wisconsin Card Sorting test/fall sett 1.11 ±1.1 1
BIS-11 − motor 24.61 ±6.53 6 Wisconsin Card Sorting test/global 49.28 ±34.6 2
BIS-11 − non planning 29.78 ±6.61 7 Wisconsin Card Sorting test/perseverations 12.94 ±10.8 1
DERS 81.94 ±27.79 5 STROOP/time 15.07 ±8.8 1
DERS − non acceptance 12.11 ±6.18 4 STROOP/errors 0.97 ±1.5 2
DERS − goals 12.67 ±5.69 4 Tower of London test 17.54 ±2.4 –
DERS − impulse 12.17 ±7.15 4 IOWA gambling test −7.53 ±16.2 5
DERS − awareness 19.17 ± 5.52 10 Cognitive estimation test 16.61 ±4.6 11
DERS − strategies 14.11 ±5.8 2 Trail Making test A 31.83 ±14.6 –
DERS − clarity 11.06 ±4.4 2 Trail Making test B 80.89 ±46.7 2
GAF 59.78 ±7.34 – Digit Span test 5.61 ±1.29 1
TAS-20 48.89 ±15.36 8 Phonemic fluency 36.39 ±10.54 –
BDI 12.50 ±12.09 5 Semantic fluency 50.05 ±9.18 –
BAI 13.39 ±15.81 4

BIS-11 = Barratt Impulsiveness Scale; DERS = Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale; GAF = Global Assessment of Functioning. TAS-20 = Toronto Alexithymia Scale; BDI = Beck
Depression Inventory; BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory.

voxel-wise threshold of p < 0.01 was combined with a cluster-wise Table 2

Principal components analysis: matrix of the component loads after varimax
threshold of p < 0.001 as computed by SPM8. This preliminary pro-
cedure allowed us to identify clusters that were in most cases
significant for their spatial extent also after a gaussian-theory First Second Third
component component component
inspired correction for multiple comparisons: these clusters proved
(ER) (EA) (SCB)
significant up to a p < 0.001 FWE corrected threshold. In addition,
in the tables we also point to the regional effects that survived the DERS awareness 0.681 −0.356
DERS goals 0.941
FWE correction at a voxel level.
DERS impulse 0.903
TAS-20 0.564 0.658
BIS-11 0.763 −0.369
3. Results Iowa Gambling Task 0.971
Days of abstinence −0.823
3.1. Clinical psychological and neuropsychological tests

Table 1 shows the average performance at the clinical psycho-

logical and neuropsychological tests, together with the number of ponents can be considered a reliable linear combination of the
patients that showed a significant impairment for each test. selected observed variables.2
Neuropsychological deficits, when seen on the entire population From the principal component analysis on the behavioural data,
of FCAs, were very occasional and did not reveal a clear-cut pattern: 3 components, that explained the 78.7% of the total variance, were
yet only 2 patients scored within norms in all tests. extracted. The component matrix (after the VARIMAX rotation),
i.e. a matrix that includes the components loadings, is reported in
Table 2.
3.1.1. Clinical psychological tests The first factor was mainly associated with the loading of the
Five patients obtained a pathological score in one scale only, DERS, subscale goals (DG), of the DERS, subscale impulsivity (DI),
while the remaining 7 patients showed more than one patholog- of the TAS-20 and of the BIS-11; given these loadings, we defined
ical score (see Table 1 for more details). The tests in which there this latent factor as the Emotion Regulation (ER) factor. All variables
were more subjects affected were the BIS-11 non-planning subscale, have a positive load in this component to imply that the higher the
the DERS awareness scale, and the TAS-20 scale for alexithymia. On factor score, the more dysfunctional the behavioural trait.
the other hand, 6 patients out of 18 obtained a psycho-affective The second factor was mainly associated with the subscale
cognitive profile completely in the normal range. awareness of the DERS (DA), with the TAS-20 and with the days of
abstinence (DoA) before the fMRI scan. Here the first two variables
3.1.2. Neuropsychological tests had a positive load, while the third was negatively correlated. We
All patients but 3 did show some neuropsychological impair- interpreted this factor as a measure of Emotional Awareness (EA).
ment in tests designed to assess the integrity of the frontal lobe. Here again, the higher the latent-score, the worse the psychological
Eight patients had an isolated pathological performance while 7 profile.
patients obtained a score below the normal threshold in more than Finally, the third factor was represented by the DERS, subscale
one test. In any event, these deficits again did not reveal a clear awareness (DA), by the BIS-11 and by the score obtained at the Iowa
pattern. The Cognitive Estimates Test and the Iowa Gambling Task Gambling Task (IGT). This component was interpreted as a measure
(11/18 and 5/18 patients below threshold respectively) were the of the ability to have a Strategic and Controlled Behaviour (SCB). The
tests with more frequent pathological performance. first two variables had a negative load, while the third a positive

3.1.3. Principal component analysis on

behavioural/neuropsychological data There is a popular belief that PCA should be used only when the number of sub-
The correlation matrix between the observed variables is jects is exceedingly higher than the number of variables. However, there are strong
reasons to prefer a quantitative assessment of the data as we did here, in particular
reported in Fig. 1. As clearly shown from the results of the Bartlett’s if the aim is to reduce data complexity and to avoid the problem of multicollinearity
test (␹2 (21) = 49.21, p < .001), this matrix is significantly different [38]. Indeed Bartlett’s test on the correlation matrix was highly significant to justify
from an identity matrix, as a consequence, the extracted com- the reduction of the data into linear combinations of them.
126 M. Berlingeri et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132

one, to imply that the higher was the component score, the higher of the two NAcs lumped together. In particular, we found a signif-
was the level of strategic and controlled behaviour. icant further reduction of functional connectivity for the relapsed
To make the interpretation of the results easier, the latent scores patients in the lateral dorsal PFC and in part of the medial dorsal PFC
of the first and second components were multiplied by “-1” to make (from the medial part of the superior frontal gyrus to the anterior
them compatible with the latent scores extracted from the SCB. portion of the Cingulate cortex; Table 3). On the contrary, a signif-
After this manipulation, the higher the latent score, the better the icant increment of the functional connectivity between the NAcs
level of emotional awareness and emotional regulation. and the ventral parietal regions was found in the relapsed patients
(Table 3).
3.1.4. Comparison of the relapsed and the non-relapsed patients A further analysis showed that the functional connectivity
None of the (neuro)psychological measures was sensitive reduction between the NAc and the dorsal prefrontal cortices
enough to tease apart the 2 groups as defined by the eventual (dPFC) in the relapsed patients was moderated by the level of
relapse into abuse at the 3 months follow-up. We found only a strategic and controlled behaviour whereby the lower the strategic
significant difference in the days of drug abstinence before the controlled behaviour, the lower the connectivity. At the technical
fMRI scan (relapsed: median = 23, interquartile range = 105; non- level, this was demonstrated by means of a random intercept model
relapsed: median = 106, interquartile range = 406; Mann-Whitney analysis which revealed a significant interaction between the group
U test: Z = −2.04, p=0.04). (relapsed versus non-relapsed) and the SCB factor (F(1,26) = 7.54;
p < 0.05–Bonferroni corrected). The effect was bilateral with no by-
side interaction effect. The results of this analysis are represented
3.2. Functional connectivity results
in Fig. 3 (plot on the top left). The significant group-by-SCB inter-
action effect suggests that the correlation between the FC in the
3.2.1. Full factorial design 1: group (healthy controls vs FCAs)
dPFC and the SCB is significant in the relapsed patients only (see
−by- side (NAcleft vs NAcright )
the scatterplot on the upper-left panel in Fig. 3).
The patterns of functional connectivity of the left and right NAc
On the other hand, the same analysis on the emotional aware-
were very similar. In particular, we could find a significant laterality
ness component proved only marginally significant (F(1,26) = 5.28;
effect (e.g. left NAc > right NAc) around the two seeds only. This
p = 0.03 not corrected).
means that the FC of the left NAc was higher than FC of the right
Finally, we evaluated, in the two groups separately, the cor-
NAc only in its neighbourhood and vice versa. Moreover, there was
relation between the functional connectivity level extracted from
not a significant group by seed-side interaction effect. Accordingly,
the dPFC and the functional connectivity extracted from the oPFC
all subsequent effects were based on the functional connectivity
of both hemispheres. While in the stable patients the two level
maps of the two NAcs lumped together.
of functional connectivity predicted by the SCB did not correlate
FCAs and controls showed a distributed pattern of shared func-
(r(20) = −0.17; p = 0.47), in the relapsed sub-group we found a sig-
tional connectivity: the NAcs were significantly associated with the
nificant negative correlation between the SCB effects recorded in
ventral and orbital PFC, with the cingulate cortex, with the insular
the oPFC and in the dPFC (r(20) = −0.58; p = 0.02; Fig. 3, plot on the
cortex and with the basal nuclei bilaterally (see Table 3).
top right). This pattern of results suggests that the higher the level
However, FCAs showed a significant reduction of functional con-
of SCB (i.e. the better the subjects are in terms of cognitive con-
nectivity between the NAcs and part of the right dPFC, the cortices
trol), the lower the functional connectivity between the NAcs and
around the rolandic sulcus, the lateral parietal associative regions,
the oPFC, on the one hand, and the higher the level of functional
the retrosplenial cortices bilaterally (see Table 3). On the contrary
connectivity between the NAcs and the dPFC, on the other hand.
from the linear t-contrast FCAs > healthy controls only a significant
enhancement of the functional connectivity between the NAcs and
the surrounding basal ganglia regions emerged, in particular in the 4. Discussion
dorsal striatum (see Table 3).
Cocaine addicted patients show a progressive loss of self-
3.2.2. Voxel wise multiple regression analysis generated/goal-directed behaviours and enhanced automatic-
To explore the relationship between behavioural and functional stereotyped sensory-driven responses [30,31,21,60] with patho-
connectivity dysregulations in FCA patients, we run two voxel wise logically enhanced habits. Our results expand in novel ways
multiple regression analyses. Here the latent factors extracted from previous evidence.
the principal component analysis on the behavioural data were We start the discussion of our findings by reviewing the
entered as independent variables, while the right and the left NAc behavioural profile of our patients and its consistency with the
zFC maps were entered as dependent variables. concept of the I-RISA syndrome; we then continue by address-
We found a significant negative effect of the SCB component on ing our functional connectivity patterns and their correlation with
the level of functional connectivity between the right NAc and the specific behavioural aspects of FCA patients. Finally, as our results
right orbital PFC (oPFC; plot in Fig. 2), the right insula, the right are somewhat at variance with the one predicted outcome from
superior temporal pole, the right caudate nucleus and the left cere- Baler and Volkow [6] model, to accommodate the functional con-
bellum (Table 3) whereby the worse the Strategic and Controlled nectivity patterns observed, we sketch a modified push-pull model
Behaviour (SCB), the higher the functional connectivity (Fig. 2, plot of the interaction of the NAc with the oPFC and dPFC, with particular
on the bottom). A similar effect was found also in the left hemi- reference to the problem of relapse into addiction.
sphere (Table 3) when assessing the level of functional connectivity
of the left NAc. 4.1. Behavioural patterns

3.2.3. Full factorial design 2: sub- group (Non-relapsed vs All our patients were under psychological or social support and
Relapsed) −by- side (NAcleft vs NAcright ) in a condition of abstinence from the drug since 5 months on aver-
Also in this case, the patterns of functional connectivity of the age; accordingly, any cognitive deficit was not due to the temporary
two NAcs were highly similar with significant laterality effects effect of a recent drug assumption. Their clinical and neuropsy-
within the seeds themselves only. Accordingly, the between sub- chological pattern was fairly typical: 15 out of 18 showed at least
groups differences were based on the functional connectivity maps one deficit in a neuropsychological assessment designed to test
M. Berlingeri et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132 127

Table 3
Results of the resting state fMRI analyses.
Brain Regions x y z Z score x y z Z score
Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere
A. Full Factorial design 1 (FF1): group (HCs vs FCAs) -by- side (NAleft vs NAright )
FC Commonalities
Middle Frontal gyrus −30 45 15 3.4
Inferior Frontal gyrus. pars orbitalis 33 30 −6 4.4
Superior Frontal gyrus. pars orbitalis −21 42 −12 3.3 15 36 −15 4.1
−15 15 −15 6.5# 15 36 −21 3.7
Middle Frontal gyrus. pars orbitalis 12 42 −6 4.6
Anterior Cingulum −3 33 24 3.4 6 36 3 4.9#
−9 39 3 5.3# 9 39 0 4.6
Insula −30 24 −3 4.1 42 15 −9 3.7
−39 12 −6 3.9 36 33 9 3.2
Middle Cingulum −3 27 36 3.5 3 24 33 3.7
Caudate −9 12 −9 6.4# 9 12 −9 7.3#
−6 9 −12 6.4# 12 12 0 6.8#
Putamen −15 15 −3 6.1# 18 15 −9 7.3***#
−18 6 −9 5.0#
Pallidum −12 9 3 6.3#
Amygdala −27 −6 −12 3.4
Thalamus −3 −6 −6 4.8#
FCAs’ FC Reductions
Middle Frontal gyrus 45 12 42 2.8
Precentral gyrus −45 −3 30 4.0*** 39 3 48 3.5***
−45 3 48 3.1 48 −6 54 3.3
Rolandic opercular gyrus −48 −21 15 3.4 60 −9 15 3.1
Postcentral gyrus −45 −33 54 3.7 60 0 21 3.1
−33 −42 66 3.9 27 −39 72 3.1
Superior Parietal gyrus −21 −57 54 3.3 24 −48 72 3.7***
−21 −48 72 3.6 33 −51 63 3.7
Inferior Parietal gyrus −30 −42 48 3.1
−51 −27 48 3.3
Supramarginal gyrus 66 −18 33 2.6
Precuneus −15 −54 75 3.5 12 −45 48 2.8
Cuneus −9 −84 18 3.4 0 −78 21 3.8*
−6 −81 39 3 18 −78 27 3.1
Superior Occipital gyrus −12 −75 24 3 21 −81 21 2.8
−15 −84 12 3.3
Superior Temporal gyrus −51 −15 3 3
−42 −36 24 3.3
Middle Temporal gyrus −66 −21 −6 3.1 66 −15 6 2.7
−66 −12 −9 3.4 60 −27 21 2.8

FCAs’ FC Enhancements
Putamen −24 −9 9 3.4
−15 9 6 3.2
B. Voxel-wise multiple regression analysis
Negative correlation between the functional connectivity of the right NAc and SCB
Superior Frontal gyrus. pars orbitalis 24 39 −12 2.1
Middle Frontal gyrus. pars orbitalis 30 51 −9 3.1
Rectus gyrus 9 18 −24 2.6
Inferior Frontal gyrus. pars orbitalis 30 21 −21 2.7
21 18 −18 3.6
Insula 42 27 −3 2.5
30 24 −12 3
Superior Temporal pole 45 12 −15 2.3
Caudate 15 12 −9 3.3
Cerebellum −27 −69 −42 3.8
−33 −78 −48 4.0*
Negative correlation between the functional connectivity of the left NAc and SCB
Inferior Frontal gyrus, pars orbitalis −30 21 −15 3.8
Inferior Frontal gyrus, pars triangularis −39 33 9 2.7
Superior Temporal pole −39 12 −21 3.5
−45 18 −18 3.2
Insula −27 12 −12 3.9**
−33 24 6 3
Amygdala −30 3 −18 2.8
Hippocampus −24 −6 −24 2.5
Putamen −24 15 0 3.5
C. Full Factorial design 2 (FF2): sub-groups (Non-relapsed vs Relapsed) -by- side (NAleft vs NAright )
Relapsed patients’ FC Reductions
Superior Frontal gyrus −21 54 21 2.9 24 60 6 3.2
15 42 30 3.4
Middle Frontal gyrus −24 54 9 3.6 36 54 9 2.7
30 57 3 3
Superior Frontal gyrus. medial −12 51 18 2.7 12 36 39 2.9
12 39 48 3.4
Anterior Cingulum −9 39 21 3.2 9 27 18 4.1***
Relapsed patients’ FC Enhancements
Postcentral gyrus −60 −15 36 5**#
−51 −27 54 4.5
Inferior Parietal lobule −54 −21 45 2.8
Coordinate in bold represent the local maxima of the cluster. ***: p < 0.001 FWE cluster-level corrected **: p < 0.01 FWE cluster-level corrected *: p < 0.05 FWE cluster-level
corrected #: p < 0.05 FWE voxel-level corrected.
128 M. Berlingeri et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132

Fig. 2. Strategic and controlled behaviour and resting state functional connectivity of the nucleus accumbens with the orbitofrontal cortex in the whole sample of former
cocaine abusers.
For illustration purposes data from the right NAc and right oPFC are displayed. The altered functional connectivity between NAc and oPFC is negatively moderated by the
level of strategic and controlled behaviour (SCB) in the entire sample of FCA patients: the lower the level of SCB, the higher the level of functional connectivity between the
NAc and the oPFC. X-axis: SCB; Y-axis: predicted values of the linear model.

“frontal” executive functions, a proportion similar to that of pre- transmitter changes in animal models (recent reviews, for example,
vious reports [62,68,76]. Most of them (14 out of 18) continued in Xuan [39,45]).3 It is also worthy to note that the large proportion
with the psychosocial treatment also 3 months after the MRI scan. of relapses may actually be related to the presence of executive
However, 8 patients relapsed into drug abuse, confirming how dif- deficits, inducing lack of strategy and presence of perseverative
ficult it is to dismantle their reinforced and compulsive behaviour, behaviour, and with behavioural impulsivity [36,2].
notwithstanding psychological and medical support (Marlatt et al. While no quantitative differences could be demonstrated
1985; Carroll et al. 1994; De Lima et al., 2002). Interestingly, the between relapsed and non-relapsed patients at the neuropsycho-
8 relapsed patients had been in an abstinence condition for a logical level, 6 out of the 8 relapsed FCA patients had at least one
shorter period (median: 23 days) than the non-relapsed patients deficit on tests of the executive functions (4 at the cognitive estima-
(median: 106 days). This result, with all the needed caution due tion test, 1 at the Raven Matrices and 1 at the Iowa Gambling task,
the dimensions of our samples, is compatible with the “incubation at the Stroop test and at the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test); 5 out
of cocaine craving” phenomenon described in animal models [41] of these 8 patients had a deficit at the DERS awareness sub-scale, 5
suggesting that drug craving changes following an inverted posi- out of 8 at the BIS non-planning subscale. In addition, Fig. 3 (data
tively skewed U-shaped curve. It is well possible that our relapsed points on the low left side of the upper left plot) shows that a poor
patients were still in the upper part of the “incubation” curve and
thus they were more sensitive to drug craving and behaviourally
relevant environmental stimuli, while the non-relapsed patients
(average abstinence for 3 months and an half) were in the lower Interestingly, our observations are similar to the ones of Kosten et al. [37] who
part of the craving curve. These phases of incubation of cocaine found the same proportion of relapses (8 out of 17) after a similarly delayed follow-
up. They also found that the relapsed patients had enhanced fMRI brain responses
craving are accompanied by complex subcortico-cortical neuro-
for cocaine-related cues.
M. Berlingeri et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132 129

Fig. 3. Push-pull model of brain connectivity and behaviour in relapsing FCAs.

The top-left graph illustrates how the level of functional connectivity between NA and dPFC is significantly lower in relapsed patients. Moreover, in dPFC we found a positive
correlation between the strategic and controlled behaviour (SCB) and the level of functional connectivity with the NAcs for the relapsed patients only. Squares indicate data
points from the right NAc, filled circles indicate the effect from the left NAc.
The Top-right graph illustrates the push-pull model for relapsed patients. For the relapsed patients only, the level of functional connectivity between the NAcs and the dPFC
negatively correlated with the level of functional connectivity between the NAcs and the oPFC (r(20) = −0.58; p = 0.02). This means that the higher the connectivity in the oPFC,
the lower the connectivity in the dPFC and, in turn, the lower the level of strategic and control behaviour (see the top-left graph data for the relapsed FCAs).

strategic and controlled behaviour, together with a reduced func- I-RISA syndrome and the neurofunctional network described in the
tional coupling of dPFC and NAc, is associated with a relapse into Baler and Volkow’s model [6]. All FCAs, analysed as a single group,
addiction. showed a significant enhancement of the functional connectivity
To summarize our clinical and behavioural observation, we between the NAcs and surrounding nuclei of the dorsal striatum
believe that our results fit with the cognitive/behavioural pattern on the one hand, and by a significant reduction of the functional
predicted by the I-RISA hypothesis. connectivity between the right NA, the dPFC (in line with the dorso-
striatal network described in the paper by Haber [33]) and part
4.2. Functional connectivity patterns: general of the posterior regions of the default mode network (DMN). The
increment of functional connectivity at the level of the dorsal stria-
The aforementioned behavioural pattern did not have clear tum is compatible with Everitt and Robbins’s [21] model of chronic
functional anatomical counterparts to date, something offered addiction.
instead by our resting state functional connectivity results: these Abnormal connectivity within the DMN is also interesting. The
provide evidence4 in support of the hypothesised link between the DMN has been associated with self-monitoring and introspective

Previous studies [43]that explored resting state functional connectivity in alterations and behavioural dysfunctions as they lack of a detailed psychologi-
addicted patients failed to report a direct connection between the neurofunctional cal/neuropsychological characterization.
130 M. Berlingeri et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 327 (2017) 121–132

thinking [10,46,14]. Moreover, in a recent resting state fMRI study, these relationships, it is tempting to speculate on a push-pull mech-
[17] suggested that the dysfunction of the retrosplenial regions of anism whereby controlled behaviour, at least in relapsed patients,
the DMN in drug addicted patients (as well as in adolescents with becomes weaker because of the increased influence of the accum-
conduct disorder) might represent the neurofunctional manifesta- bens on the orbito-frontal cortex in parallel with a progressive
tion of the inability to successfully recollect past experiences and demise of a top-down control from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
memories5 ; this would reduce their decision making skills as well on behaviour.
as the ability to think about the consequences of actions (especially This was also suggested by the inverse correlation between the
for cases with negative outcomes). level of functional connectivity extracted from the dPFC and from
Interestingly, the functional connectivity reduction between the the oPFC (Fig. 3, plot on the top right) in the relapsed patients.
NAcs and the dPFC was in a set of stereotactic coordinates that are The dynamics envisaged by a push-pull model in the relapsed
almost identical to those reported in the study by Dalwani et al. patients, who were in abstinence from the drug since a shorter time,
[17] on a sample of adolescents with either conduct, or drug-abuse is also compatible with the intuition that they may have been at the
disorder. top of the typical representation of the time course of drug craving,
We also found a significant dysregulation of the functional con- an inverted positively skewed U shape ([41]; see also the previous
nectivity between the NAcs and the oPFC. This effect was negatively section of the discussion on the behavioural results).
moderated by the SCB component: the worse the strategic and However, it is impossible for us to tell whether the additional
controlled behaviour, the higher the level of functional connec- abnormalities observed in the relapsed patients are part of the nat-
tivity between the NA and the oPFC cortex (see plot in Fig. 2). ural evolution of the craving post-abstinence experience that one
This latter finding is perfectly in line with Baler and Volkow’s pre- would observe in all FCAs, if these could have been studied at multi-
dictions [6]: the augmented functional connectivity between the ple times after the beginning of the abstinence experience. In other
NAcs and the oPFC may reflect a pathologically enhanced reward words, we cannot tell whether the two groups described come from
system that goes in parallel with a deficit of strategic control. In the same population, the relapsing ones being such because of an
the same vein, our findings are compatible with the results of unfavourable combination of the time-dependent status of their
the task-dependent fMRI study by Goldstein et al. [29] in which neurobiology and environmental factors predisposing to relapse
drug-addicted patients showed a significant dysregulation of the [39]. Accordingly, it is safer for the time being to consider the two
oPFC activity when submitted to a drug-related Stroop task dur- groups as coming from the same population.6
ing an fMRI session. Interestingly, while the Goldstein’s patients In any event, in our small sample of patients a specific pat-
were in abstinence for a maximum of 96 days (mean = 12) and their tern/mechanism seems to correlate with the chance of relapse into
dysfunction was recorded in the presence of drug-related stim- drug abuse, or at least, it was specifically present only for those
ulation, our patients, when seen as a single group, had been in who were about to relapse, suggesting that a revised push-and-pull
drug abstinence for 141 days on average, and they were scanned model of Baler and Volkow’s [6] may have some explanatory power,
in the absence of any external stimulation nor reference to the at least for a specific time window of the abstinence experience.
drug. Thus, our results expand Goldstein’s findings by showing that Further studies using causal modelling of the fMRI data, much
drug addiction may cause a profound and longer-lasting neurofunc- larger samples of patients and multiple observations in a longi-
tional change within the reward neural network. Our evidence is tudinal design may help to further test these hypotheses and to
also in line with other resting state fMRI studies on heroin-addicted develop a formal biomarker of relapse into abuse in cocaine addic-
patients [43] to further support the idea that drug induced neuro- tion. The ease of resting state fMRI studies, at least for the scanning
functional alterations may share some mechanisms, independently procedures, suggests that these hypotheses might be testable.
of the specific substance used [34,51].

4.3. Functional connectivity patterns: relapsed patients and a
modified “push-and pull model” of the connectivity of the nucleus
This study was supported by grants from the National Board of
accumbens with frontal cortices in cocaine addiction
Health for the national Project “High integration public and pri-
vate Units for the treatment and the rehabilitation of cocaine and
As discussed in the introduction, Baler and Volkow’s model [6]
psycho-stimulant abusers” and by an integrative contribution from
of cortico-subcortical interactions in addiction has had the merit
ASL Milano.
of providing a set of testable hypotheses: according to the model,
Part of this study was presented at the European Workshop of
addiction would be associated with “impaired information process-
Cognitive Neuropsychology (Bressanone, Italy − 25–29 Jan 2016).
ing within the reward network”.
However, the model predicts a similarly reinforced connectiv-
ity between the accumbens and both the oPFC and dPFC. On the References
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