Understanding Culture

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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Culture

People of the same society share aspects of their culture, such as language or
beliefs. In this lesson, we will discuss culture, which refers to our language, values,
beliefs, behavior, and material objects that constitute our way of life. Culture is a
defining element of society.
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1.Articulate observations on human cultural variation, social differences, social
change, and political identities
2.Demonstrate curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and dynamics of
culture and society, and political identities.
Definition of Culture Culture is everything that is made, learned, or shared by
the members of a society, including values, beliefs, behaviors, and material objects.
Two parts of Culture
1.Material culture is the visible part. It may be the food we eat, your cars, your
houses or anything that members of society make, use and share.
2.Non-material culture is intangible but this influences our behavior like our
language, beliefs, values, rules of behavior, family patterns and political system
Five Components of Culture
1.Technology is one component that makes our life easier. We can have volume
production of goods that can be used by us through this component.
2.Symbols are cultural representations of reality. They give meanings to events
and things like a statue, handshake, college ring, flag etc.
3.Language is the most powerful of all human symbols as it allows us to
communicate with one another. It also conveys our beliefs and culture.
4.Values are ideas. They determine our character. They are the standards by
which we assess goodness, acceptability, beauty or desirability.
5.The fifth component is norm. Norm is a rule that guides our behavior. It gives
concrete terms how we should behave –what we should do and what we should not do.

Classification of Norms:
1.Moresdistinguish right from wrong.
2.Folkwaysdistinguish between right and rude. They are referred as customs.
They are measurements of behavior but not approved by society.
3.Lawsare written rules of conduct enacted and enforced by government.
4.Taboois an activity that is forbidden or sacred based on religious beliefs or
morals. Breaking a taboo is extremely objectionable in society as a whole. Around the
world, an act may be taboo in one culture and not in another.
Examples are:
1.Mores laws: child abuse, rape, carnapping, etc.
2.Folkway laws: jaywalking, counterflowing, etc.
3.Law: Driving while drunk, theft, murder, and trespassing are all examples of
laws. If violated, the person violating the law could get reprimanded, pay a fine, or go to
4.Taboos: abortion, addiction, cannibalism, offensive language, slavery, etc.
Difference between Culture and Society Society –consists of people who interact
to share a common culture Culture –consists of beliefs, behaviors, objects and other
characteristics common to a particular group or society

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