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Problem Set 1 1. Find the molecular formula of a hydrocarbon that effuses 0.

872 times as fast as O2 through a small hole, the temperatures and pressures being equal. Solution:

Effusion =

= .872


=42 amu

Possible hydrocarbon: 3xC + 6xH 36 + 6 amu

Answer: C3H6 (propene)

2. The average surface temperature of Mars is 220 K and the surface pressure is 4.7 torr. The Martian atmosphere is mainly CO2 and N2 with smaller amounts of Ar, O2, CO, H2O and Ne. Considering only the two main components, we approximate the Martian atmospheric composition as XCO2 = .97 and XN2 = 0.03. The collision diameters are dCO2 = 4.6 and dN2 = 3.7. For a gas at 220 K at the Martian surface, calculate (a) the collision rate for one particular CO2 molecule with other CO2 molecules; (b) the collision rate for one particular N2 molecule with CO2 molecules; (c) the number of collisions per second made by one particular N2 molecule; (d) the number of CO2-N2 collisions per second in 1.0 cm3.

Solution: Let a = CO2 , b = N2

a. za(a) =



za(a) = 3.058726201 x 10-16


(2.000490082 x 1024/m3) = 6.118951429 x 108

b. zb(a) =





zb(a) = 2.822886183 x 10-16 c. zb = zb(a) + zb(b)

(2.000490082 x 1024/m3) = 5.647155812 x 108

zb(b) =



= 1.534834786 x 107 zb = 5.647155812 x 108 + 1.534834786 x 107 = 5.800639291 x 108 d. Zab = Naza(b)/V



= 2.822886183 x 10-16 Answer:

(6.187082728 x 1022/m3)2 = 1.080600624 x 1030

a. 6.1 x 108 b. 5.6 x 108 c. 5.8 x 108 d. 1.1 x 1030

3. Calculate the difference in barometer readings between the first and fourth floors of a building at sea level if each floor is 10 ft high. Solution:

Assumptions: acceleration due to gravity is constant; temperature is at standard ambient temperature and pressure

, 40 ft x

= 12.19214826 m

(12.19214826 m

- 0 m) = 1.399977179 x10-3


4. (a) For CH4 at 400 K, what value of Cp,mis predicted by the equipartitionprinciple? (b) Would CH4 actually have this value of Cp,m at 400k? (c) Under what condition(s) would CH4 have the equipartition principle value of Cp,m? Solution:

P2 = 1.0000 atm(e-.001399977179) = 1.0014 atm = 101470 Pa                   

a. Cp,m= Cv,m + R Cv,mis predicted to be (3N-3)R, N = 5 for CH4 Cp,m= 12R + R Answer:Cp,m= 13R b. No Using equation from Perry s Handbook of Chemical Engineering 8thed: Cp = Where t = 1Constants for methane C1= 165.708 C2= 38883 C3= -257.95 C4= 614.07 Cp= 214.8791456 deviates from the 13R predicted.

c.When the thermal energy kT is much greater than the spacing between the quantum energy levels which does not happen at low temperatures.

5. Calculate vrms at 25 for a dust particle of mass 1.0 x 10-10 g suspended in air, assuming that the particle can be treated as a giant molecule. Solution:


, where M = mass x avogadro s number



vrms= 3.513787745 x 10-4m/s = 3.5 x 10-4 m/s

6. Which of the following quantities depend on the molecular diameter d, show dependence by giving formulas? (a) (b) <v> (c) zb (d) Zbb Answers:

a. mean free path is dependent on the molecular diameter whether the container has one or more components present. For a pure gas a: = and

For a mixture of gas a andb:





therefore, is dependent on molecular diameter. b. <v> is independent on the molecular diameter. c. zbas illustrated before, it is dependent on the molecular diameter. d. Zbb = thereforeZbbis dependent on the molecular diameter.

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