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A Comprehensive GRAMMAR of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE Download

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The book “A Comprehensive GRAMMAR of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE” is Indeed

comprehensive and unquestionably not for first reading. But it is attractively
written and expressions interesting. A truly remarkable book dealing key areas in
grammar, a must read for every aspirant of the English Language.

Reviewed by John Algeo (University of Georgia)

A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language is the best and most complete
description yet made of present-da English morphology and syntax. Its title, to be sure, is
the modern equivalent of the Anglo-Saxon beot-a formal and ritualistic boast by a warrior,
detailing his prowess and the feats he intends to perform. For the warrior to fail to realize a
boast once made was to turn it into mere vainglorious boasting. But to fulfill a promise
delivered before the hearth-companions was to gain an immortal name for oneself in the
songs of the scoops. The boast f this book’s title is fulfilled in the pages of what is, indeed,
the most comprehensive grammar we hve for English.

No grammar, to be sure, can include all the details of the structure of a language, just as no
dictionary can include all the words in a language. “Comprehensive” is not “complete”. But
it does mean inclusive rather than exclusive and implies a broad grasp of reality. In that
sense, the Comprehensive deserves its name.

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This book is a sequel to, rather than revision of, the authors’ earlier work, A
Grammar of Contemporary English (1972). The new book is considerably larger and
more thorough than the earlier one, large and thorough though the old book was.
Moreover, although the new book preserves the same basic approach to grammatical
description as its predecessor, t he details have often been reanalyzed. Indeed, the authors
re devised primary responsibility in this sequel, so that all the material has had a fresh
approach to it.

he authors have drawn upon the insights of grammarians of all schools, but have limited
themselves to the doctrinaire restriction of none. The result is a grammar that might be
appropriately called new traditional. To read it requires no imitation into the special
formalism and argon of any theoretical school.

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