Lab Memo str128 Fa21

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STR128 Professional Memo (Media Recommendations)

Due: Thurs., Sept. 9 before class (uploaded to the Canvas assignment)

Points: 25 points

This assignment serves two purposes. First, it asks you to analyze a key aspect of the current
media landscape and current media trends as they relate to an organization’s potential
advertising plan. (So, pick a company to use for this assignment.) Second, you will practice
memo-writing – a critical business communication skill. Select an organization to use. While
there are many memo formats, please use the format suggested by Purdue’s Online Writing Lab
(OWL) that we discussed in class. Draw from the sample memo we review in class. As you’ll see
in the content portion of this document, you don’t have to break out every segment as some
will overlap. Visit the OWL website to review the memo format, parts, etc.

 Use breaks between paragraphs. Use left-justified text (not indented).
 Keep the memo to one single-spaced page.
 Use a professional tone.
 Follow the format/sections/segments described under content.
 Keep in mind and follow the five writing focus areas discussed in class.
 Embed the organization’s logo at the top of your memo.

In the heading, include your name in the “From” line. Include the date the memo is due.
Address the memo to your organization’s CEO. Find that information online if you don’t know
it. Develop a subject line that clearly and concisely conveys the memo’s topic.

In the opening segment, state the purpose of the memo (e.g., purpose, context,
assignment/task covered in the memo). You can briefly preview the memo’s content – including
any overarching recommendations.

In the next paragraph, explain the context of the current situation. In this case, the media
landscape is changing and the company needs to make sure its advertising efforts align with the
current state of the media. In this paragraph, reference the latest Pew Research Center data
that you gather from the sources you read. Feel free to pull in other sources, but you must use
Pew. Make sure to reference your sources. You would not put specific statistics here. In this
paragraph set the stage and build credibility by naming your sources and describing general
overall findings or trends.

In the task segment, tell the recipient about the action requested of you. You have been tasked
with analyzing a particular aspect of the U.S. mass media industry and looking at current media
use trends to identify findings that might impact the company and its advertising efforts. You
should also offer your ideas and recommendations here for how the organization should move
forward in terms of maintaining or changing its advertising efforts related to that particular
media. What do you see as the necessary actions to take? (In a short memo like the XYZ sample,
you can combine the task and context sections.)

For example, keep in mind what you know about your company’s advertising efforts and
consider the latest research’s impact. Do you think the company should maintain, decrease or
increase its advertising with that segment of the news media? For the sake of the assignment,
I’m okay with you estimating or writing as if you actually know how much advertising the
company’s doing in that particular media segment.

The discussion segment should convince the CEO that your analysis is valid and that the
proposed ideas will work. To support your recommendations, you must cite specific Pew
research about your category (e.g., print, audio, local TV) from your assigned fact sheet. I would
suggest at least 2-3 facts from the Pew data should be in your memo as supporting evidence for
your recommendations. Since you used the full title of the source earlier, you can just say
something like, “The Pew fact sheet reported that…” or “The latest Pew data show…” You’ll
note that the XYZ memo broke out two sections with headings. Think about what headings
would make sense in your memo to help organize the memo and guide the reader.

Memos should end with a concise, courteous closing segment (1-2 lines) that reminds the CEO
of your recommendations (action requested), the benefits of those actions, and invites
feedback. Remember to “keep the ball in your court.”

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