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Sergio Ivan Cárdenas Sarmiento 20192020126

Climate Change: The future depends on our present

Climate change is a pitiful reality in the world, for although a sense of caring about the
environment is being generated lately, in my view this thinking has come too late, day after
day and thanks to indiscriminate industrialization and lack of environmental education the
changes are ever more devastating: forests burn, animals die, glaciers defrost, in fact, I
recently saw on the news that the snowy Santa Isabel of the central mountain range of
Colombia and at the same time one of the largest in the country has only 7 years of life
before its disappearance, if snows like this are deglaciated would alter the processes of the
water cycle, therefore the vegetation would be affected and beyond losing many plant
sources we would also lose our precious liquid.
if I had 500 million pesos to fight climate change, I would start from the base of the
problem by allocating a large budget to education, then I would establish rigorous measures
against companies that think only of their own good and leave the planet aside. It is
important to think that if all this happens, the main people affected will be our children, so
we must put ourselves in the shoes of future generations.

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