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Time allotted: 90 minutes

Name:…………………………………………………………………………………….Class: ……………….………….
I. Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others’
in the same line.
1. A. opportune B. impudent C. popular D. particular
2. A. tangy B. singer C. strength D. linger
3. A. betray B. sprayer C. prayer D. bray
4. A. essence B. assuredly C. associate D. assembly
5. A. chores B. chef C. chic D. nonchalant
II. Circle A. B, C, or D to indicate the word whose stress pattern is different from the others’ in the same line.
6. A. nominally B. salinity C. commemorate D. maternity
7. A. argumentative B. dilapidated C. elementary D. multinational
8. A. attendee B. referee C. escapee D. committee
9. A. cravat B. maroon C. hygiene D. uptight
10. A. reprimand B. undergo C. desolate D. renovate
III. Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
11. Teachers in our school are always _____ to the needs of their students.
A. attentive B. earnest C. careful D. observed
12. Last year was fantastic – I got top marks in my exams and I passed my driving test _____.
A. as well as B. in addition C. into the bargain D. plus
13. We try to get away to our home at every _____.
A. chance B. opportunity C. possibility D. likelihood
14. Watch out! You _____ the vase on the table.
A. are knocking B. will knock C. knocks D. are going to knock
15. Andy’s got too big for his own _____ now he’s the area manager. He never comes out with us any more.
A. shoes B. boots C. socks D. shorts
16. Good information is essential if you are to make _____ choices about services.
A. informed B. informing C. informative D. information
17. I never eat green pepper because it doesn’t _____ with me.
A. go B. fit C. match D. agree
18. She _____ into town to buy the tickets. She stayed at home and did it online.
A. didn’t need to go B. shouldn’t have gone C. needn’t have gone D. mustn’t have gone
19. The party has just begun. Do come in, _____?
A. don’t you B. do you C. won’t you D. will you
20. They didn’t like the house, even though they _____ there for years.
A. was living B. had been living C. lived D. have been living
21. We’ve just bought some _____ glasses.
A. German lovely old B. German old lovely C. lovely old German D. old lovely German
22. I’d like to make _____ for crashing your car. Let me pay for the repairs.
A. improvements B. corrections C. adjustments D. amends
23. John suggested _____ Jack and Jill a picture as a wedding present
A. to buy B. us to buy C. that we bought D. that we buy
24. They stayed for hours, ______ my mother was very annoyed about.
A. that B. which C. this D. what

25. When I was younger I wanted to be a pilot, but soon I went _____ the idea when I realised I was afraid of height.
A. off B. out C. in D. for
26. I didn’t _____ during their argument because both of them are good friends of mine.
A. take off B. take turns C. take sides D. take aback
27. _____ for your help, we couldn’t have succeeded in bidding for the company.
A. It hadn’t been B. Had it not been C. Hadn’t it been D. If it weren’t
28. When we lived in London, we _____ the tube to school every day .
A. would get B. were used to get C. used to getting D. accustomed to getting
29. Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it likes the _____.
A. nose on his face B. tip of his tongue C. back of his hand D. hair on his head
30. - ‘What did you talk about?’ – ‘Oh, _____.’
A. this and that B. here and there C. odds and sods D. leaps and bounds
31. In order to achieve the desired result in this experiment, it is necessary that he _____ as fast as he can.
A. works B. will work C. worked D. work
32. According to one report, approximately 80 percent of all the data in computers around the world ____ in English.
A. is B. are C. to be D. being
33. She gave me two mangoes but _____ of them was ripe.
A. neither B. none C. both D. not all
34. Mary: - It was very kind of you to help me out, Paul! John: - _____
A. I’m glad you say it. B. Thanks a million.
C. That was the least I could do. D. You can say that again.
35. Peter: - Do you think you will pass the exam?. Martin: - _____.
A. Fire away, I’m all ears B. Sure. Why not
C. Now you are talking D. I’m keeping my fingers crossed
IV. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
part in each of the following sentences.
36. She searched everywhere for her diamond-studded earrings but without result.
A. without fail B. in vain C. in failure D. in vein
37. The price of meat has been changing constantly in the past few weeks.
A. increasing B. decreasing C. moving D. fluctuating
38. I don’t think I can finish such a mug of insipid coffee.
A. bland B. strong C. fresh D. decaf
39. I have decided to take a one-month intensive course in Spanish.
A. full-time B. correspondence C. tailor-made D. crash
40. This is a very carefully worked out and full of details plan.
A. complete B. concrete C. elaborate D. exquisite
V. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
41. Two human hairs found at the scene of the crime led the detectives to the eventual arrest of the murder.
42. Having punished twice this week, she feels ashamed of her behavior.
43. I have been working hard for years, but I haven’t been accumulating any wealth.
44. Michigan’s rivers, inlets, and lakes attract tourists who derive pleasure of canoeing and water-skiing.
45. They’ve told us that who finds the treasure is entitled to five percent of it.
VI. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each
numbered gap.
Do UFOs really exist, or are eye-witness reports utter nonsense? The (46) ______ number of people seeing
strange objects in the sky might suggest that some of them have seen the real things, but there are (47) _____
number of simpler explanations. First of all, there are sightings which (48) _____ investigation turn out to be mistaken.
Examples of these include misinterpretations of weather (49) ______, such as clouds catching the sunlight at sunset,
and sightings of aircraft or meteorological balloons. Many descriptions of strange flying machines can be explained
simply as unfamiliar aircraft or high-flying airlines. In other (50) _____ , many sightings turn out to be optical illusions
of various kinds. Secondly, some reports of UFOs are made by unreliable witnesses, or to (51) ______ it another
way, people who are suffering from delusions, or who are being deliberately (52) ______. Interestingly, the shape of
the flying craft UFO spotters describe tends to reflect current trends in technology and in films.
Thus in the 1950s, for example, the idea of round vertical-take-off planes was much discussed, and so UFOs
tended to be (53) ______. More recent UFOs are usually described as triangular in shape, that is to (54) _____, the
same shape as US Stealth bombers and as the (55)_____ craft in recent science fiction film such as “Independence
46. A. only B. sheer C. merely D. many
47. A. a B. the C. large D. ø
48. A. when B. in C. on D. by
49. A. situation B. condition C. phenomena D. forecast
50. A. ways B. words C. hands D. matter
51. A. put B. take C. get D. make
52. A. miscasting B. misinterpreting C. misunderstanding D. misleading
53. A. saucer-shape B. saucer-shaped C. saucer-shaping D. shape-saucer
54. A. say B. tell C. speak D. utter
55. A. unusual B. odd C. alien D. strange
VII. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets.
In a report for the US magazine Wired, a large number of academics, writers and experts were invited to
make their (56 - PREDICT) ……………………………………………..…... for the future. In some respects they are quite
cautious, (57 - RULE) ……………………..…………….. out ideas that they believe belong to science fiction more than
to practical (58 - REAL) ……………………….…………., at least in the next half-century or so. In other areas, however
they (59 - SEE) ………………….…….….. changes before too long.
On the roads, self-driving taxis and cars, in which satellites guide the vehicle from office to home, or to
holiday destinations, could arrive by 2019, according to the experts. By 2034, more than 50 per cent of people in (60 -
INDUSTRY) ………………………………………………….. countries, it is forecast, will drive clean (61 - ELECTRICITY)
………………………………………. vehicles.
In space, a (62 - LAND) ………………………………………… of humans on Mars could be the highlight of
2020, say writers and (63 -SCIENCE) ……………………………….………. at NASA. Aliens may be contacted in 2025,
but even 2050 is too soon for androids like C-3P0 in Star Wars.
On the James Bond-style personal jetpack, Noah Rifkin, director of (64 - TECHNIQUE) ……………….....…….
deployment at the United State’s Department of Transportation, said that companies are (65 - LIKE) …………..………
to put enough money into research and development until they know how many people might want to buy it.

VIII. Fill in each blank with one suitable word.
By the year 2021 Medicins Sans Frontiers (MSF) will have been helping (66) ……………………… needy for
50 years. Originally established by French doctors, this organization relies (67) …………………….. volunteer workers
to provide emergency health (68) …………………….. . The organization’s work is funded by private donations and it
(69) …………………….. no profit as a result of its work for those in need.
MSF is involved (70) …………………….. a wide variety of different relief programs (71) ……………………..
over the globe. Volunteers rush to locations around the world and give help, for example, (72)
………………………….. victims of war. MSF’s war mission program spans (73) …………………….. than two decades,
starting with the war in Lebanon in 1976 up to present-day conflicts (74) …………………….. threatened people’s
lives. The first test of MSF volunteers came one year after the group was started. Members flew to Central America
following a devastating earthquake in Nicaragua. Their swift response (75) ………………….. many lives. MSF also
helped the people in Ethiopia in 1984 by (76) ………………………….. up an extensive feeding program. (77)
…………………….. was based on their original nutrition program, (78) ………………………….. began in the Somali
refugee camps of Kenya, Africa four years previously.
Today, MSF (79) ………………………….. more than 2,000 volunteers of more than 45 nationalities to about
80 countries (80) ………………………….. year.
IX. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Sitting on my desk are two ballpoint pens. One seems unremarkable, just another white, disposable, plastic
pen. The second one is more curious. It’s a small rolled tube of brown cardboard which pulls apart into a body and a
lid; only the protruding plastic and brass of the writing tip gives its nature way. It looks like something you might
expect to find in a kit of stylish recycled paper envelopes and stationery. But it is planned for more ubiquitous usage
to meet the purchasing requirements of many government bodies and companies in Europe; requirements which are
based on environment criteria.
This cardboard pen is (supposedly) recyclable; the black plastic parts of the pen are from already recycled
material (from a shampoo bottle, or a disposable razor, or possibly even another pen). It is a small example of a new
trend to design products that can be disassembled and recycled. Pull it apart the body and lid can be dropped into the
recycling bin.
The white pen is manufacturer’s demonstration, a prototype. Produced for a European plastic convention, it
illustrates another approach to the production of environmentally acceptable product. The silky feel and the flexibility
of the plastic suggest that this is no ordinary stationer’s item; so does the embossed ‘green’ and ‘biodegradable’
stamp on the barrel. It is made from a plastic derived entirely from corn, manufactured in Italy under the trade name
Mater-Bi. If you are prone to chew the end of your pen, you would find this one quite edible, perhaps even nutritious.
Mater-Bi dissolves in water and the manufacturers claim that it leaves only harmless biodegradable organic
compound. After removing the cartridge, this pen can go back to fertilize the crops whence it came. These are two
examples of the transformation taking place in almost all areas of product design; a tantalizing glimpse of a
sustainable future composed of objects which will be familiar; yet radically different, having involved, like species, to
adapt to new environmental conditions.

Consumer products, small disposable items, cleaning agents, domestic appliances, white goods, TVs,
computers and cars, clothes and packaging, are all being redesigned to reduced their environmental impact. There is
some superficial greening, just the latest ploy from the advertising and marketing division. Many of the more reputable
green products, however, represent very large investment in research and design, and in new material and technology.
These developments are so potentially significant in the light of global environmental problems that
government research and development programs in many countries now have new categories of ‘co-design’, ‘design
for the environment’, and ‘life cycle analysis’. Recently, Scientific American included ‘environment design’ in its list of
the 12 critical new challenges for research in the coming years.
‘Design for the environment seeks to stir engineers to think about the environmental implications of a product
and of its manufacture during the earliest phrases of design. These considerations may embrace a sweeping
collection of issues: the environmental distress caused by obtaining the raw materials, the toxicity of using and
discarding chemicals during production, the likelihood that the production itself can be refurbished, reused, or
recycled once the consumer has decided to abandon it.’
81. In comparing the white pen and the brown pen, the author says that ______.
A. the white pen is made of plastic and brass B. it is not obvious that one of them is a pen
C. the brown pen can be found in stationery kit D. the white pen can be found in stationery kit
82. European governments and companies ______.
A. lack environmental criteria in their purchase B. have different requirement for the brown pens
C. have individual purchasing requirements D. are likely to ensure the popularity of the brown pens
83. The brown pen can be easily disassembled because ______.
A. it is made from shampoo bottles B. it is made of used materials
C. it allow ease of recycling D. it is made of cardboard
84. The word ‘ubiquitous’ is CLOSEST in meaning to ______.
A. unique B. common C. special D. useful
85. Before the white pen goes back ‘whence it came’ ______.
A. it must be dissolved in water B. it must be chewed
C. it must be embossed ‘green’ D. it must be disassembled
86. The author likens future new products to species because ______.
A. they biodegrade at the end of their life B. they are specifically adapted to their environment
C. they are made of organic product C. the different products have different shapes and functions
87. When the author talks about ‘superficial greening’, he is referring to ______.
A. The white pen and the brown pen B. consumer products, cleaning agents, and white goods
C. products that are truly environmentally friendly D. products that are not truly environmentally friendly
88. Many environmentally friendly products ______.
A. require extensive advertising and marketing B. require large sums of money to create
C. require large sums of money to buy D. require large sums of money to recycle
89. The new environmentally friendly products are important due to ______.
A. current environmental concerns B. the search for ‘co-design’
C. Scientific American’s list of challenges D. government research programs
90. According to Scientific American, ______.
A. environmentally friendly design requires discarding chemicals
B. environmentally friendly design is driven by environmental distress

C. environmentally friendly design is important at the beginning of the creation process
D. environmentally friendly design require skilled product engineers
X. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between THREE and FIVE words, including the given word.

91. The project finished on time, and in this respect it was satisfactory. VIEW
The project finished on time, and………………………………………………………………..…it was satisfactory.
92. The scientist explained that the disease is not transmitted by human contact. DETAIL
The scientist …………………………………………, saying that the disease is not transmitted by human contact.
93. The faculty library turns out to be located near the office. REACH
The faculty library turns out to be …………………………………………………………………………… the office.
94. They have been building their dream home for the past ten years. UNDER
Their dream home ……………………………………………………………………………….for the past ten years.
95. Everyone believed my neighbor’s claims about once being a famous singer. TAKEN
Everyone ………………………………………………….my neighbor’s claims about once being a famous singer.

XI. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.

96. Redundancy has caused a lot of domestic problems.

Many a ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
97. It was my parent’s advice that saved me from bankruptcy.
But for ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
98. “There is no point in writing it all out in longhand if you can use a typewriter, isn’t there?”, she said to me.
She dissuaded ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
99. It started to rain immediately after our arrival at home.
No sooner …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
100. This flyover will take us at least two years to complete.
In two years’ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

------------THE END--------------

KEYS TO TEST 1 – YEAR 12 (2019-2020)

I. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A

II. 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B

III. 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. A

16. A 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. B
21. C 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. A
26. C 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. A
31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D

IV 36. B 37. D 38. A 39. D 40. C

V. 41. D 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. B

VI. 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. C 50. B

51. A 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. C

VII. 56. predictions 57. ruling 58. reality 59. foresee

60. industrialized 61. electric 62. landing 63. scientists
64. technology 65. unlikely
66. the 67. on 68. care 69. makes
70. in 71. all 72. to 73. more
74. which / that 75. saved 76. setting 77. This/ It
78. which 79. sends 80. each/ every
81. B 82. D 83. C 84. B 85. D
86. B 87. D 88. A 89. A 90. C
91._____ from this point of view_____.
92._____ went into detail,______.
93._____ within (easy) reach of ______
94._____ has been under construction ______.
95._____ was taken in by ______.
96._____ domestic problem has been caused by redundance.
97._____ my parent’s advice, I would have been bankrupt.
98._____ me from writing it all out in longhand if I could use a typewriter.
99._____ had we arrived home than it started to rain.
100.____ time, we will have completed this flyover.

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