Báo Cáo TH C Hành Hóa Sinh - PH M Hu NH Thiên Xuân - ĐH Duy Tân

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Bio cio Thye hanh Hoa Sinh Cin Ban Bai2+ MC 9INW. Hoar 06: cud ENZUME —thanh Oxaloocetate: + NADHH* > 1- Malate + apt 5 cep i ; aaapih ee ai i ——flanin_+ 0 = Keto glutoiyate “> Pyruvate 4 L- glutamate Pyruvate + NADHH* 5 1. Latote'is Nant a Wy ata: Cab 1 R, (6uF) P (S08) Ex Ee N. 22,01 W/L cAgAT) _¥ i’ 98 De Ritis : (ASAT /ALAT) = L766 tei. tes 46 UL = Tuéng nt SGOT, sGeT 1s 3 ~SG8T_dabg vat te quang pg ghip-tal sf chudh soccal nh Ij xf gan a —béph_nhdin od thé” giip phar Se eS ee — Vay Atcat ch? 38 én ta_ed he dua éin_doan_bek an 2 ed déu hich bY thibrg ve gon. trén Khong Héa Sinh Can Ban Bio cdo The hank TL thing di dngot=amylasebuyét_shann—— #)_Nguyén_1a see tee Bio céo Thye hink 3) Het que ; + Guan sel —Ong_4:_ung-dichec._méiu_trong_oudt Ship. 2: tial ini bo bit di nih vio ee oie een ae er Hoa Sinh Cin Bin at a me ba Boi a + Het lugn va gial hich : : . : NH2 hi eo_mgt_phenclphshalein cats) nhong 26 high tidag gi xolly ro. dd_trong_ such = 6g 2:thi_ohp_bét_dandeh va.» tal} ph dng thul_ph reading _Urecrse Cac engyme ndy nut toe que’ trink Hh phot Ue _theinh earboxide vi amoniat (NH, 2 CO_4-H,0°-) CO, +2NHy —_Nily_lein_kon_hod_mnditnldng sai sod _meit_eun!phenalphthalein _____1cin_clung lish chyéin 42 0ng_suél_song mou héng (do gal pe Ong 4 Ono 2 a a h Ti ~ Amt Aral 2Dung, dich. ghenolphthalein 1%} 4 git _|___Agist — 4Y Nute ett O25 ml CS giot ) 5) Dich tay 0,28 ml (Fait) QE nhiGt 3 phong 3O¢hult , 1a dd Bio cio Thye hank Héa Sink Cain Bin at . i Sa ue w ates a 1 6g 4 mau tdn.den_»_ st olan_ngiln tinh bit chutt Hohe —+t 6ng-22 3. Ss ag-hghiém_thdi_glan_caiig Ida thi cong ug, 2 Mile dung-dichtrong_sust_phidi_déin_s2éng nea AY dung sich tiong-dag_3.Y_slung aOR nh ea le ea ae 2 NHat 4 a ee Teor tung dich _obuyfa ee hhg EE _=_Bqayent_uresist.—ecl_trong_bet_dal_nanh 2 Tisai Hoal_ohat Ong 4 Eng. 4) Dung_clich Ure 10% | 4 Smal Smal Dung-slich. A_gist 4.giot _Phenelphthalein 1% 5) 08t_déiu_niah_—§_ | —9.3.g——___— so dé . i \ —Lete_déu, a8’ & shict_dd_phing tveng—40-phut———_— Bio cdo Thue hinh Hoéa Sink Cin Bin FF ¥ Gng_2 rucose DYao Gng 4 i Lactose 5°/a0 Gngt : Saccharose 5°. Sng 5 : Ha tinh bat 5% —Guansit_. i dog_.2,2-Sat_H8 hg lg mv din —Mél tual dal gach: 3 Brg Sta hohg. cd hid Sing Gj xa ran: = Ket _ludin ve aids thich —Slucsée Fructose , Lacinst Hed cht nhom “OH ban a.celal ed ith — tsa ig utc ah cu" (Del i gash) — Vi sy 4a. quan_solt dulde xt ud Ad gach én Brg u,5 waa qi lt ‘elo Tie hint ______ gg _—Hn Sith Gin Bin a -Mal_xanh en_loi C8044 2sla0Hh > Cu(S04 29-4 Na ySCy———__ shud il Fehlng Ha tp 2 o —Fehling Ava Fenting Oh ng, gach dn — bg ee Ng deste 9 ue gia eee ey eee te ea -wéi_D.= gl cose _~ od = HO + + On” | Guso,7 4 OH~ 9 Cu (OH), mdu_xanh, - Nh. va ' i ? ae Febli im a "2 _ ; Tale eee * a cat >. 288 trang nub tidy v8 trong duiding 10 irs tehatt 2 : : ale % Thi nghiém 2: Pholn ving Molisch 4? Nguyen tae - pio cio Thyre han Héa Sink Cin Bin £0 88 Sagknghif:A ml ad lucse beh.» 2 Lal ih bah = Thém_2 giot_thuda th’ “Molish ai sah 2 és aa Sia apse A hh tte i tae ae ly i itil tm we HE at , y abe Wipe ag,» 2) Ket quel: 4 : stg én. eni se Bmp each do. 2Aep. _ahdt_Iehg + Ong hente—shi shah pte 1 agus — thei gla 2p tht bgp ib aupt Ap 1p AE en cng _ end soot «Bh Sag bitch Mi ie Mai Aap ah mat a hat oh —sildag_at mdi mhat'bda og: tchlagcosds 8 Me tacn gidthich b dinh lyse gid 7 ~belng_phudny phap so may Triglyceride 4 ate. UPPPRAIN HES gincers! 4.3 n~CoOH Glycerol nase > Glycerol + ATP Grlycerol- 3- photphate + ADP Qlytevol ~ 3- phosphate FYE 3 Phosphate ie xyaucetone _phospe oxydase, tHa02 Peroxy dase 9 ee er ; 0 Aes : anes mel_ngo TY lah | Lull Ch ales etol_tofin_phSin_ trong huyét phanh ___— AL_Nguyén +6 junio Tyre hah = Uleste Oia eaeet Héa Sink Can Bin $4 2 holesterol ht do_+acidl bey ; : oleten=4 5 Ha) Hip + 4- aminopyrin 4 phend POD, Quinonimane t4o° Dien 8% nai quite hédg.oolnh sen +f @ tude wi indng dt € sinudin_v6inéng.clé_chdester0.| dean Béo cio Thre hanh Héa Sin Can Ban Qai5: AMIN AciD VA PROTEIN! _ —Ty_Dinh_Wdry_| protein hruyél thanln_( phulrg php biure ) a Creatinine + ptecic acicl MF prerate ofeatining (mois ving cam) = oad du} 1 ydr_ndhg dd Creatinine » 22 Tiéa_hah = tno veo otty nghidm_: + Thug jini? « 00) ___—— + Md thd: FOAL wah gle i Bah nn hee ~~ 3) Ket qua —Hal_qual_do dit 1&0,902mg.Jell_ noo trong. sna. gil h al Béo cio Thye hénh Héa Sink Can Bin —Creatia_huyél thann_adng trong guy shdn Vida tho yan thd padi sth yl ssa 0 Nguyin te Ubu) arng mle sul age-ousl urease tao Ally vi CO, : Sau. on_amon_gty vat hipochonte vk saliylate.tao_bjp_ ob —td_meiu_xanh 92 hép thy adh san’ ouolbyp- chet nay 2 pub: tty 28 neni tie sg ae gm ——__ Urea HO _Wrense, NH, 4 co. NH,+ 4,0 === _ NH, + 4 ONT Niko prusside NHyt 4+ —Phorrsi_bish siuiiag. dBi vli-_nite_ure_mvaiindtehuing:ld 8h 2409 lat —A6LvBL- mann gi tnitng ahah 13 2B6 = 52 melita 6 ctén-2LmgldL. ting sthdhh 12 1U-= 4,6 mmol £9 + —Qjel tito dith.13_2)564_mmoll|=.ndin érong-Khochg ite] bith thing Tay, nin ing nitd_eiiag_ hat tphou fddsudh Bio cio Thyre hank Héa Sinh Cin Bin —Bag-2sung.cich ed _mslu-xanh tink dott vai} ca_ phat an_dirg aiure = tha tinge dee truly cd? pot ite ih_KEL peli od trong_pmtein hig gg). Pretin tapped, protein 4 cus0y + Nob '~ philt eh xin tin 8 g dang. oxi ba a i OH =-f Coe x, Op ao o sinha Menhydrdn slong daing-tehtl Sah pide ngjlog 2th eau Seank dens — —oKh, Bio cdo Thyre hinh asd rule din giatste ndig Hoa Sinh Can Ban Brio cio Thye hank Ha Sinh Can Ban _= Baie: TA mnie cot oat THdNe Tmone. ue TU | ; Thi! nghiéen voc. dnb hainh_pbdn_nulie #6u_Ioia_bing que toi 10 tndng cf * i ng a i. hg GQ) Protein (Pray [i pn ns pin — Béo cio Thye hanh Héa Sinh Cin Ban _ bilirubin % | Nguyen taie_pouh_uthg. 1Gcub-srch_so_te_p 7 ce Es the poate ty a —bilinulet trong_nuthe sa Leta quel = Neg inh (=) 2 Lary ef crong nul #32 =) gan thay I uy . . ‘ 7 Felipe lg ge ge 018 qu. Neg: =? sim tinh 2 tendhy abidin Antig ahling 4384 wide

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