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Fafigue Fracf. Engng M a w . Strucr. Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 221-230, 1988 8756-758X/88$3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright 0 1988 Fatigue of Engineering Materials Ltd


'Structural Engineering Department, Cairo University, Orman, Ghiza, Cairo and 2Material Testing
Department, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

(Received in final form 29 November 1987)

Abstract-An experimental study has been carried out to evaluate the fatigue strength and life of
externally welded box girders used in gantry cranes and bridge structures. In this study, a reduced scale
model was fabricated and tested under conditions similar to those of the prototype. Model analysis was
used to select the model dimensions and loads. The test model was subjected to bending, shear and
torsional stresses under load control conditions. After test completion, the critical sections were visually
and microscopically inspected. No fatigue crack initiation was found. The results of this investigation is
expected to help in establishing a fatigue design criteria for externally welded box girders.


In the last two decades, a large number of tests have been carried out to obtain fatigue data for
welded details [l-61. These experimental data form the basis for most of the international
specifications [7-lo]. Consequently, most of these specifications cover typical welded joints
subjected to simple cases of loading. Sometimes, design requirements and/or fabrication difficulties
necessitate the use of nontypical welded details. An example is given by the flange-to-web weld of
box girders used in crane and bridge structures. Such a weld is usually executed using interior and
exterior fillet welds or by exterior welding with complete penetration. In some cases, however, it
is sufficient-from the design point of view-to use exterior fillet welding, in which case a lack of
penetration may exist.
This lack of penetration acts as a real crack which may grow under fatigue loads. Furthermore,
complicated triaxial stress states are usually created around this type of defect due to the presence
of shear, torsional and bending loads. Hence, this defect may grow in a mixed mode of
deformation. A survey of the current fatigue codes and literature reveals that no specific design
recommendations exist for this case of assembly. For example, the British Standard BS 5400 [7]
requires seeking a specialist advice if this detail is to be rated higher than the most severe joint
detail classification available.
This paper describes an experimental investigation which has been carried out to evaluate the
fatigue strength and life of externally welded box girders used in a gantry crane. A reduced scale
model of the prototype was fabricated and tested under service-type loading conditions. After test
completion, the critical sections were visually and microscopically inspected for fatigue cracks.


The prototype selected for this investigation is the box girder section used as a boom for a gantry
crane. The lifting capacity of the crane is 270 kN with a total horizontal grab travel of 65 m. The
cross section of the box girder comprises two web plates 1900 x 8 mm and two flange plates
F F E M S Il/3-E 22 1
el al.

1170 x 10 mm. The crane is designed in accordance with FEM regulations [lo] for the following
(1) class of utilization c
(2) state of loading 3
(3) group classification 6
The material of construction of the gantry crane is mild steel (grade E 24-2). The chemical
composition (percentage by weight) and mechanical properties of this steel are: 0.2 C , 0.05 P, 0.05
S , 0.007 N with a yield stressf, of 240 MPa (min) and an ultimate tensile stressf, of 370 MPa (min).


The applied loads on the gantry crane corresponding to FEM loading case I are the dead loads
and the hoist loads. Due to these loads, the box girder of the boom is subjected to the following
straining actions:
(1) normal force due to cable force;
(2) major axis bending due to vertical loads;
(3) minor axis bending due to horizontal loads;
(4) shear force due to vertical loads;
(5) twisting moment due to eccentric application of wheel loads.
In addition, the boom section is subjected to a direct load effect resulting from the application of
wheel loads. The extreme values of the stresses at the critical section are:
bending: fm,, = 83.7 MPa, fmin = 11.6 MPa
shear: qmax= 13.0 MPa, qmm= 6.4 MPa
Maximum longitudinal normal stress due to direct load effect = 10 MPa

Model-prototype relations
In this section, the geometric relations between the section properties of the model and the
prototype shown in Fig. 1 are derived. These relations are expressed in terms of two scale factors:
(1) depth or width scale factor, c1, which is the ratio between prototype depth or width and model
depth or width, respectively,
(2) thickness scale factor, fi, which is the ratio between prototype thickness and model thickness.
In terms of these two factors, the model-prototype relations are as follows:
(1) area ratio A P I A , = BE
(2) statical moment ratio Sp/Sm = fia’
(3) moment of inertia ratio Ip/Im = fiu’
(4) section modulus ratio Zp/Zm = flu’

where the subscripts p and m refer to the prototype and model, respectively.
Similarity conditions
In order for the model to represent the prototype, the stresses in the model must be similar to
Experimental fatigue of box girders 223




Fig. 1. Prototype and model cross sections (dimensions in mm).

those in the prototype. Using the model-prototype relations developed in the previous section, the
following similarity conditions are obtained:
(1) For equal bending stresses in model and prototype:
f p =MJZ, and f m = wll/zln

setting fp =f, gives Mm= Mp/pcr2.

(2) For equal shear stresses in model and prototype
qp = Qp/2 HT and qm= Q,/2 ht
setting qp = qm gives Qm= Q,/Ba.
(3) For equal weld shear stresses in model and prototype
q p = Qp S p /Zp (2 W ) and q m = Qm SrnIrm (2w 1
setting qp = qm gives w = W/B.

Model dimensions
The above results have been used to find the dimensions of the box girder model. The thickness
scale factor fi was taken equal to unity i.e. equal plate and weld thicknesses in both model and
prototype. This value was chosen in order to eliminate the size effect since, according to Smith and
Miller[11], the fatigue stress limit is equal to 0.5 AKth/,,h, where AKth= threshold stress intensity
factor range and D = defect depth. Small welded models will therefore produce a high fatigue limit
stress value if the defect depth in the model is smaller than in the prototype. The choice of the
scale factor ct was limited by the dimensions and capacity of the available fatigue testing machine.
The appropriate value for ct was’ found to be 20. Such a large value of CI may be slightly
disadvantageous because it gives greater stress gradients and less buckling effects in the modei.
et al.


Experimental fatigue of box girders 225

However, it is much less important than B when considering the size effects of fatigue at the notch
root created by the lack of penetration.
The effect of the scaling procedure on the residual stresses was not considered in the present
investigation because, according to Ref. [4], this effect is small for the case of medium life fatigue
of the type considered herein. The resulting model dimensions are shown in Fig. 2. The model span
is 1 m and the model properties are:
area = 30.6 cm2
statical moment = 40.375 cm3
inertia moment = 465.446 cm4
section modulus = 88.656 cm3.
Model loads and stresses
The applied model loads and the corresponding straining action diagrams are shown in Fig. 3.
Using the similarity conditions presented above, the resulting model stresses and forces are:
(1) Bending stresses and forces.
For f,,, = 83.7 MPa then P,,, = 15.35 kN.
For fmin = 11.6 MPa then Pmi,= 2.13 kN

P P:14kN

48.35cm 1.65 4 8 . 3 5 cm
1 1 4 1

! T
T = 0 . 3 7 1 kN.m

?i I

0 . 3 3 7 kN.m

Torsion diagram i
Fig. 3. Model straining actions.
et al.

The applied load range is therefore 13.22 kN. According to ECCS [8], the difference in fatigue
damage between stress cycles having different values of mean stress but the same value of stress
range may be neglected. Therefore, the model was tested with P,, = 14 kN and P,,, = 0.78 kN,
which resulted in a model stress range the same as that of the prototype.
(2) Shear stresses due to shear force and twisting moment. Using the above values of the applied
loads, then the stress range in shear is equal to 10.2MPa. This value is slightly higher than the
corresponding prototype value which is 6.6 MPa. The effect on the fatigue strength of this small
difference, which is on the conservative side may be neglected. Similarly, the difference between
direct load effects in model and prototype is also neglected because this effect is also small.


The test model used consisted of a simply supported box girder with a span of 1 m. It was
fabricated from steel plates of quality E 24-2, similar to that of the prototype. Details of the box
girder model are shown in Fig. 2. It comprises two 8 mm web plates and two 10 mm flange plates
of the dimensions shown. Because of the reduced scale of the model, automatic welding could not
be used to assemble the box girder model. Instead, manual welding was used. This welding
procedure makes the model conditions more severe than those of the prototype, which is normally
welded automatically. The box girder model was provided with two intermediate and two end
diaphrams of 6 mm thickness. These diaphrams were fillet welded from one side to the top flange
and web plates. Plug welding was then used to connect the diaphrams to the bottom flange in order
to avoid welding to the tension flange, as would be carried out in the prototype. The box girder
model was simply supported at its ends using two 30 mm steel pins. It should be noted that with
this loading arrangement, two sections of one model specimen were fatigue tested at the same time;
see Fig. 3. Also, torsional moments transmitted at beam ends were minimum. After fabrication,
the test model welds were examined using an ultrasonic technique and no defects were found.

Loading system
Fatigue loading was applied to the model using a servo-controlled electro-hydraulic closed loop
MTS system as shown in Fig. 4. A steel frame was designed to carry the box girder model and
to transmit the load to the MTS load cell. The frame consisted of two horizontal beams as shown
in Figs 4 and 5 . Each beam carries the box girder model from one end through a steel pin
connection while the other beam end is connected to the load cell. The two beams were rigidly
connected to each other in the middle so as to avoid the application of any moments to the load
cell. Fatigue loading was applied to the model through the loading device shown in Figs 4 and
6. This loading device was connected to the machine piston. In order to simulate the eccentricity
of the prototype loading, the load was applied to the model eccentrically through an eccentric
loading lug as shown in Fig. 6.

Test procedure
The box girder model was tested in load control using the MTS system shown in Fig. 4. The
system employed a sine waveform load with a frequency of 9 cycles/second at room temperature
and normal humidity level. The applied stress range was 72.1 MPa with a near zero stress ratio.
The test was run for about 20 h and was stopped after 655,600 stress cycles. This number exceeds
the number of hoisting cycles required for class C cranes as given in FEM rules [lo].
Experimental fatigue of box girders 227

Fig. 4.

Test results
After the application of the above number of stress cycles to the model, it was visually examined
for signs of cracks. No cracks were observed in this visual examination. The model was then cut
at the two model sections where the loading was applied. The cut sections were prepared and
examined metallographically. Some results of this examination are given in Fig. 7. The micrographs
revealed no crack growth arotmd the weld root.


An experimental study has been carried out to evaluate the fatigue strength of externally welded
box girders used in gantry cranes. In this study, a reduced scale model was fabricated from the
same material of the prototype and tested under fatigue stresses similar to those of the prototype.
The test was run for a little more than the 630,000 stress cycles required by FEM rules for class
C cranes. After test completion, the critical sections were visually and microscopically inspected.
No fatigue cracks were found.
et al.

HEB 200

?!Ex 90-170

- - - - - --

Bolts MI6 ( 8 81
Holes + 17
z 1

Sec 1-1
5& 3
f 3 0 x100-177.5 (st. 521

Fig. 5. Test rig (dimensions in mm).

30 160 30

1 1
I ! -Eccentric looding lug



3 t f
+126.75 1

+ 250 1

Fig. 6 . Loading device (dimensions in mm).

Experimental fatigue of box girders 229

Fig. 7. Weld details. (a) Macrograph of fusion zone. (b) Micrograph of weld root.


1. Maddox S . J. (1973) An analysis of fatigue cracks in fillet welded joints. Znt. J. Fract. 11, 221-243.
2. Gurney T. R. (1968) Fatigue of Welded Structures. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
3. Lawrence F. V.. (1973) Esiimatlon of fatigue crack propagation life in butt welds. Weld. J. Res. Sup. 52,
2 12-220.
et al.

4. Smith K. N., El Haddad M. H. and Martin J. F. (1977) Fatigue life and crack propagation analysis of
welded components containing residual stresses. J . Test. Eval. 5, 327-332.
5. Sahli A. and Albrecht P. (1984) Fatigue Life of welded stiffeners with known initial cracks. ASTM STP
833. pp. 193-217.
6. Van der Zanden A. M. et al. (1972) Fatigue life prediction for weldments with internal cavities. ASTM
STP 515, pp. 268-284.
7. BS 5400: Part 10, (1979), Code of Practice for Fatigue, BSI.
8. Recommendation for Fatigue Design of Structures, (1983), TC6: Fatigue, European Convention for
Constructional Steel Work.
9. Manual of Steel Construction, AISC (1986).
10. Federation European De la Manutantion (FEM), Section I (1970).
11. Smith R. A. and Miller K. J., Prediction of fatigue regimes in notched components. Znt. J. Mech. Sci.
20, pp 201-206 (1978).

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