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This study is dedicated to our Parents, who have been our source of strength and

inspiration, and continually provide their moral, emotional, and financial support. And to

Our Friends, Teachers, And Classmates who shared their words of advice and

encouragement to finish this study. and last, we dedicated this book to the Almighty God,

We thank you for the guidance, power of mind, Skills, Protection, And strength. I also

dedicated to my many classmates who have supported us to the end. We will always

appreciate all they done to us, and also we dedicated to Teachers that helped us to the end

to accomplish this study


The researcher would like to express an appreciation to the persons for their

guidance and support to complete this study.

To our lovely Parents who let us finalized this study and for their financial support,

we thank you for the love and support.

To our supportive Friends who always give us motivation to do this study.

Ms. Leslie Maglalang for approving the title of this study, and for her guidance to improve

this study and make believable without her presence and guidance this research is

relevant, thank you!

Mrs. Fe Sabigan for validating the questionnaires, and to our

Almighty God thank you for long lasting support, for the knowledge that you bless to us,

Thank you for guided us everyday and give us power to complete this study.



This Research aim to find more information that is accurate to have knowledge and ideas

regarding on the Impact of K-pop Music

Table of Contents




Chapter I: The Problem and it’s Background

Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem

Conceptual Framework

Scope and Delimitation

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms

Chapter II: Review of the Related Literature and Studies


Chapter III: Research Design and Methodology

Method and Technique Used

Population and Sample of the Study

Statistical Treatment

Instruments of the Study

Chapter IV: Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings





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