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Laboratory Experiments, Physics

The experiments in the PHYWE Publication Series “Laboratory Experiments Physics” are intended for the
heads of physics laboratory courses at universities, colleges of advanced technology, technical colleges and
similar institutions and also for advanced courses in high schools.

All experiments are uniformly built-up

and contain references such as
Related topics and Principle and task
to introduce the subject.
Theory and evaluation states full theory

rmanium with Cobr

involved and shows graphical and numerical
Hall effect in p-ge

12150.00 1 experimental results including error calcules.

12151.99 1
Cobra3 BASIC-UNIT unit 1
Cobra3 power supply e 12109.00
Related topics en zone, intrinsic Tesla measuring
modul 14521.61 1
band theory, forbidd conduction band, 2
Semiconductor, ctivity, valence band, Cobra3 Software
Hall 14602.00
tivity, extrinsic condu resistance, mobility, conductivity, RS 232 data cable
Lorentz force, magne
spacing, Hall coeffic
and con-
Tasks room temperature
Principle rectangular germa
nium e is measured at control current and
Hall voltage of a mag- 1. The Hall voltag as a function of the compensation for
The resistivity and of temperature and stant magnetic field
red as a function type (measurement withou
sample are measu ic conductivity, the plotted on a graph
spacing, the specif s are LEP
netic field. The band the mobility of the charge carrier defect voltag e).
of charge carrier
and red at room tem-
the measuremen
ts. the sample is measu n of the 5.3.01 Hall effect in p-germanium with Cobra3
determined from 2. The voltage across nt control current as a functio
perature and consta -11
Equipment 11801.00 1 magnetic induction at constant
e, 11805.01 1 the sampl e is measured
Hall effect modul 3. The voltage
across temperature. The
carrier board 06514.01 2 a function of the Theory and evaluation 3. To receive the necessary graph, do as follows:
Hall effect, p-Ge, control current as from the measu
06501.00 1 nium is calculated If a current I flows through a conducting strip of rectangular Choose the channel modification in the analysis-menu. Set
Coil, 600 turns spacing of germa
ped, laminated 06489.00 1 section and if the strip is traversed by a magnetic field at right the parameters as shown in Fig.11. Continue. Remember
Iron core, U-sha
30330348mm, 2 13610.02 1 ments.
as a function of the mag- angles to the direction of the current, a voltage – the so-called the procedure with the parameters in Fig.12. Now, you have
Pole pieces, plane, UH is measured
, tangen t., prot. cap 13505.93 1
4. The Hall voltag e . The sign of the Hall voltage – is produced between two superposed points on the desired graph. To determine the regression line, choose
Hall probe
V DC/6 V, 12 V AC at room temperature together with the
Power supply 0-12 02002.55 1 netic induction B, R opposite sides of the strip. the ”Regression”-icon.
the Hall constant H
Tripod base -PASS
- 02025.55 1 charge carriers and ntration p are calcu- This phenomenon arises from the Lorentz force: the charge (Since the measurements were made with a constant cur-
-, square, l = 250
mm and the carrier conce
Support rod -PASS 02040.55 1 Hall mobility mH ts.
carriers giving rise to the current flowing through the sample rent, we can put s ~ U–1, where U is the voltage across the
-PASS- 1 remen are deflected in the magnetic field B as a function of their sign
Right angle clamp 07359.01 lated from the measu tempera-
100 mm, red 1 as a function of and their velocity v:
Connecting cord, 07359.04 e UH is measured B and the values
mm, blue 2 5. The Hall voltag
Connecting cord, 100 07361.01 magnetic induction eV
500 mm, red 07361.04 1 ture at constant ‫ك‬ Since k ⫽ 8.625 · 10 ⫺5
Connecting cord, . ‫⫻ ك‬B 2
F ⫽ e 1v K
500 mm, blue 07361.05 2 plotted on a graph
Connecting cord,
500 mm, black
Connecting cord, we get
(F = force acting on charge carriers, e = elementary charge). Eg = b · 2k = (0.72 ± 0.03) eV.

Since negative and positive charge carriers in semiconductors Fig. 11: Parameters for the first channel modification.
move in opposite directions, they are deflected in the same
l set-up
Fig.1: Experimenta
The type of charge carrier causing the flow of current can
therefore be determined from the polarity of the Hall voltage,
knowing the direction of the current and that of the magnetic

1. Fig. 6 shows that there is a linear relationship between the

current I and the Hall voltage UB:

UH = a · I

where a = proportionality factor.

2. The change in resistance of the sample due to the magnet-
ic field is associated with a reduction in the mean free path
of the charge carriers. Fig. 7 shows the non-linear, clearly
quadratic, change in resistance as the field strength in- 5.3.01
creases. Therefore us the channel modification in the -11 Hall effec
analysis-menu. t in p-germ
3. In the region of intrinsic conductivity, we have anium wit
Set-up and h Cobra3
Eg procedure
s ⫽ s0 · exp a ⫺ b The exp
2 kT erimental
Fig. 12: Parametersthe for
boathe second channel
set-up ismodification.
rd has shown in
where s = conductivity, Eg = energy of bandgap, k = Boltz- groove. The to be put into Fig.1. The This is the
mann constant, T = absolute temperature. of the pow module is directly hall-effekt-modu test piece on ment. He start-screen wh
er unit ove connected l via re, you ich appear
If the logarithm of the conductivity is plotted against T-1 a ule. r the ac- with the the guide- measured can s before
straight line is obtained with a slope The con
input on
the backsid 12V~ output , displayed choose, which every me
Sample asure-
Unit is rea tion to the Analog e of the mo current (Fig , etc., e.g. Ha parameters hav
d- ll voltage e
lized via
a RS232 In 2 – por t of the
.4) as a fun to be
Eg module.
cable from Cobra3 Bas Fig. 4: Exa ction of
b⫽ ⫺ . The Tes the RS232 ic- mple of
1 2k Interface.
le is con -port of the measurem
n, Germany nected ent param
• 37070 Göttinge The plate to the mo eters.
ory Experiments
• Physics • PHYWE from which Eg can be determined. as not to
has to be dule-port
of the
publications • Laborat brought
PHYWE series of dam up
plate. It has age the crysta to the magnet ver
From the measured values used in Fig. 8, the slope of the The differe to be in the cen in par ticular, avo y carefully, so
tre betwe id
regression line The magnent measurement en the pol bending the
tic fiel s are con e pieces
Eg can be dire d has to be trol .
· T ⫺1 measured led by the softwa
ln s ⫽ ln s0 ⫹ Fig.1. So ctly put into the re.
2k you can groove in with a hall probe,
directly on be the modul which
the Ge-sa sure that the ma e
is mple. gnetic flux as shown in
Eg Fig. 2: Ha is measu
b ⫽ ⫺ ⫽ ⫺ 4.18 · 103 K ll effect in
Picture and 2k
with a standard deviation sb = ± 0.07 · 103 K.
ity sign of
riers are
sample of
the Hall
ar sec
negatively age shown app tion. The polar-
charged. lies when
the car-
Equipment List guarantee time-saving
and easy conducting of the experiment. 4 25301-11 PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Physics • PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH • 37070 Göttingen, Germany
You can
Start the o calibrate the Tes
measurem la-modu
ton. ent-scree le
n by pre via ”options” (Fig
ssing the .5).
Fig. 5: Ca ”continue”
libration -but-

To perform
as gauge the measurement
the Cobra s, start the
You will
receive the 3 Hall-Effect. software
and cho
following ose
window 1. Choos
(Fig.3): e The Ha
Fig. 3: Sta the Sam ll volt
rt menu
of the sof ple curren age as the measu
tware Co Choose t as x-axis. rement-ch
the annel and
bra3 Hall
effect. Continue. measurement on
Set the ”key pre
changing ma ss”.
the voltage gnetic field to a
Determine and cur value of
250 mT
-30 mA up the hall voltage as rent on the pow by
You will to 30 mA a functio er supply.
receive a in steps n of the
current from
typical me of nearly 5 mA.

Fig. 6: Ha like in Fig
ll voltage .6.
as a fun
ction of cur

Example of
PHYSICS Klaus Hermbecker
Ludolf von Alvensleben measurement
Regina Butt
Andreas Grünemaier parameters
Robin Sandvoß
series of
• Laborat
ory Experim
ents • Phy
sics • PHY

Laboratory Experiments TEME GMB

H • 37070
n, German

Experimental literature
Laboratory Experiments Physics
Print Version No. 16502.32

CD No. 16502.42

6 Laboratory Experiments, Physics PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG · D - 37070 Göttingen
Laboratory Experiments, Physics

The present volume which has been developed by PHYWE, complements the previously existing collection
of about 236 experiments in twenty-six chapters as the following comprehensive Table of Contents shows.
In this brochure we present the experiments in short form. The experiments can be ordered or offered
completely or partially, if desired, in accordance with the Comprehensive Equipment Lists. On request, we
will gladly send you detailed experimental descriptions.

You can order the experiments as follows:

you order
need: the experiments as follows:
Hall effect module, 11801.00 1
Hall effect, p-Ge, carrier board 11805.01 1
Coil, 600 turns 06514.01 2
Iron core, U-shaped, laminated 06501.00 1
Pole pieces, plane 06489.00 1
Hall probe, tangent., prot. cap 13610.02 1
Power supply 0-12 V DC/6 V, 12 V AC 13505.93 1
Tripod base -PASS- 02002.55 1
Support rod -PASS-, square, l = 250 mm 02025.55 1 Quantity
Right angle clamp -PASS- 02040.55 1
Connecting cord, l = 100 mm, red 07359.01 1 Order No.
Connecting cord, l = 100 mm, blue 07359.04 1
Connecting cord, l = 500 mm, red 07361.01 2
Connecting cord, l = 500 mm, blue 07361.04 1
Connecting cord, l = 500 mm, black
䢇 Didactically adap-
07361.05 2
Cobra3 BASIC-UNIT, USB 12150.50 1

ted descriptions of Power supply, 12 V 12151.99 1

Tesla measuring module 12109.00 1
experiments – easy, Cobra3 Software Hall 14521.61 1
Please specify this
RS 232 data cable 14602.00 2
direct preparation PC, Windows® 95 or higher
Order No. if you would
like to order the complete
by the students is experiment.
Complete Equipment Set, Manual on CD-ROM included
possible Hall effect in p-germanium with Cobra3 P2530111

䢇 Comprehensive experiments –
cover the entire range of classical
and modern physics

䢇 Complete equipment offering

modular experimental set-up – 䢇 Excellent measurement accuracy
multiple use of individual devices, – results agree with theory
cost effective and flexible

䢇 Developed and proven by 䢇 Computer-assisted experiments –

practicians – unproblematical and simple, rapid assessement of the
reliable performance results

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG · D - 37070 Göttingen Laboratory Experiments Physics 7
Stationary currents Electricity

Measurement of small resistance 4.1.01-01

What you can learn about

 Ohm s law
 Contact resistance
 Four-wire method of

The resistances of various DC con-
ductors are determined by recording
the current/voltage characteristic.
The resistivity of metal rods and the
contact resistance of connecting
cords are calculated.

What you need:

Heat conductivity rod, Cu 04518.11 1
Heat conductivity rod, Al 04518.12 1
Universal measuring amplifier 13626.93 1
Digital multimeter 2010 07128.00 2
Power supply 0-12 V DC/ 6 V, 12 V AC 13505.93 1
Connection box 06030.23 1
Connecting cable, 4 mm plug, 32 A, yellow, l = 10 cm 07359.02 2
Connecting cable, 4 mm plug, 32 A, red, l = 25 cm 07360.01 1
Connecting cable, 4 mm plug, 32 A, blue, l = 25 cm 07360.04 1
Connecting cable, 4 mm plug, 32 A, red, l = 50 cm 07361.01 2
Connecting cable, 4 mm plug, 32 A, blue, l = 50 cm 07361.04 1
Connecting cable, 4 mm plug, 32 A, yellow, l = 75 cm 07362.02 2
Connecting cable, 4 mm plug, 32 A, blue, l = 75 cm 07362.04 1
Connecting cable, 4 mm plug, 32 A, yellow, l = 200 cm 07365.02 2

Complete Equipment Set, Manual on CD-ROM included

Measurement of small resistance P2410101 Current/voltage characteristics of a copper rod and an aluminium rod.

1. To plot the current/voltage char-
acteristics of metal rods (copper
and aluminium) and to calculate
their resistivity.
2. To determine the resistance of
various connecting cords by plot-
ting their current/voltage charac-
teristics and calculating the con-
tact resistances.

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG · D - 37070 Göttingen Laboratory Experiments Physics 153

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