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1. Explain the following {@) Women workers in Britain attacked the Spinning Jenny: (b) tm the 17th century, merchants fFO™ towns in Europe began employing peasants and artisans within the villages {@) The port of Surat declined by the end of the 18th century. (@ The East India Company appointed gomasthas to supervise weavers in India. ans. (a) Women workers in Britain attacked the spinning Jenny because i speeded up the spinning proesss sem olen industry and reduced the demand for Jabour. By the use of this machine, a single worker could tem a number of spindles and spin several threads ata time. This caused a valid fear of Minemployment among women working in the woolen industry. Till date they had survived on hhand spinning, but ic was placed in danger by the qntroduction new machine. (W) World trade expanded at very fast rate during the T7th century. The trade and commerce guild controlled the market, raw materials, employees and So the production of goods in the towns. This Greated problems for merchants who wanted to jncrease production by employing extra men Therefore they started employing peasants and artisans who lived in village (0 The port of Surat declined by the end of the 18th contury due to the growing power of European companies ‘engaged in trade with India, The juropean companies were gaining power by securing a variety of concesions a8 well as pate! rights to trade from the local courts is led to a declin 2 eee ies * ae Sealer als ene ce East India Com eee Te Eat i Company open he aid They were appointed b «appointed becase of the fllowi To eliminate the existing eee, ‘connected withthe cloth trade a Bes bokes ee ie teen derbi To supervise weaves collec euptin __, Szamine the quality of cloth, paplcsend (4) To prevent the comy E dealing with other Royce Fhe om oe Joans had to tyers, Those who took to the sans ‘ver the cloth they produced 2 Write true or false against each statement. (a) At the end of the 19th century, 80 per cent Ihe total workforce in Europe Wo employed in the technologically advanced industrial sector. (b) The international market for textiles was Jominated by India till the 16th century. (c) The American Civil War resulted in the reduction of cotton exports {fom India. (a) The introduction of the fy shuttle enabled the handloom workers to improve their productivity: | ans. (a) False (8) True (0) False (d) True ¥3 Explain what is meant by proto- or Explain the conditions in 18th century Englis! countryside that created conditions for proto-industrialisation. or What is meant by proto-industrialisation? How did it affect the life of the people? Ans. The early phase of industrialisation in which large-scale production was carried out for international market demands at decentralise units but not at factories is called proto-industrialisation, | % af xed the life of 18th century English countryside in wing way | (A In the urban areas, guilds were set up which produced a variety of things much before the introduction of machines Diaries the merchants had set up their own production units where most of the work eal he gureeraeatalka ae a workers even produced in their family-far scovking fortefmerchaa epee a to cultivate their small plots. Income from proto-industrial prc i ae production supplemented their v1 i iy, did some industrialists in 19th centui pe prefer hand labour over machines? Ans. Some industrialists in 19th i leet Geer rach eee (é) In many indust tn many industries, the demand for labour was (iii) Machines we i rere costly, is 2 o ‘cpaingnd easel ip ea difficule iny (iv) Market demands of a variety of designes and colour and specific type could not be fulfilled by machine made clothes. Intricate designs and colours could be done by human skills only. (v) In Victorian Britain, the upper classes vz, the aristocrats and the bourgeoisie preferred things produced by hand only. How did the East India Company procure regular supplies of cotton and silk textiles from Indian weavers? __ In the initial time, the East India Company found it difficult to ensure a regular supply of goods for export because (i) The portuguese, the Dutch and the French as well as local traders of India competed in the market to buy weaver cloth. (ii) The supply merchants and the weavers began to bargain and sold the goods to the best buyer in the market. (iii) There were difficulties of high prices. nD aa aa 71 What was the role of a Jobbers or State any three functions of a Jobber. industrialists to Ans. Jobers were people employed by industt is Heaths Nie people from among the job seekers. Very often the Jobber was an old and trusted worker. The following were the functions of a Jobber (i) He got people from his village and ensured them jobs. (ii) He helped people to settle them in the city. (iii) He provided money in times of crisis. Jobbers became persons with some authority and power. 2 “Indian trade had played a crucial role in the late nineteenth-century world economy.” Analyze the statement. ‘Ans. Indian trade had played a crucial role in the late nineteenth century world economy. The following points analysed this statement (# Britain had a trade surplus with India, which means a situation under which the value of exports is more than the imports. Britain used this surplus to balance its trade deficit with other countries. (ii) Britain’s trade surplus in India also helped to pay the ‘home charges’ that included private remittances by British officials and traders, interest payments on India’s external debts and pensions of the British officials in India. (iit) India remained a major supplier of raw cotton to Britain which was required to feed the cotton textile industry of Britain. (iv) Many see pear came from Bihar, other eatin to works is nie ae ete es and plantations. (v) India become a majo! “Een aanas a ze ee for the final goods 13 Why did industrial production in India increase during the First World War? or Explain the impact of the First World War on industrial production in India. Ans. Industrial production in India increased during the First World War due to the following reasons (i) British industries were busy with war production to meet the needs of the army. And they stopped British goods in other countries like-India. (ii) It was a good opportunity for Indian industries to fill in empty markets with their own products. Suddenly, Indian industries had a vast home market to supply. (iif) As the war continued, Indian factories were called upon to supply war needs like-jute bags, cloth or army uniform, tents and leather boots, etc. (iv) The increased demand for a variety of products led to the setting up of new factories. Production was also increased by the old industries. (v) Many new workers were employed and forced to work more hours. tera tale 2 Why did the export of Indian textile decline at the beginning of the ninete enth century? Explain any three reasons. aD or Describe any three problems faced by the Indian cotton weavers in the 19th century. \ns. By the end of the 19th century, Indian textile industry started to decline due to the following reasons (i) East India Company Gained Power Once the East India Company established political power, it asserted a monopoly right to trade. It proceeded to develop a system of management and control that would eliminate competition, control costs and ensure regular supplies of cotton and silk goods. (ii) Growth of Cotton Industries in England As cotton industries developed in England, industrial group became worried about the imports from other countries.

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