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Basic Computers Course

Computer: - It is an electronic device/ machine designed to performArithmetic and

logical operations and give meaningful results.

U=Used for

Characteristics of Computers: -

a) Speed: Computer Woks at an incredible speed.

b) Accuracy: In addition to being fast. Computers are also very accurate.
c) Diligence: Computers are highly consistent; they do not suffer from boredom
or tiredness.
d) Versatility: Computers are versatile machines and are capable of performing
any lengthy task.
e) Storage Capacity: Today’s Computers can store large volume of data, now days
it is measure in Gigabytes and Terabytes.

Parts Decryption:-

The Monitor: The Monitor looks like a television screen and is where you see
what is happening on your computer. By using shadows and graphics with over
million different colours, much of that you see will appear 3-dimensional. Think of
this as the face of the computer.

The CPU (Central Processing Unit): The CPU houses the machinery that
allows your computer to work. Think of this as the ‘brains’ of the computer. This
component looks very different in desktops and laptops, but it works the same.

The Keyboard: The keyboard is one of two ways to interact with

yourcomputer. The keys should mostly mimic a traditional typewriter.

The Mouse: This is the other way to interact withyour computer. Most mice
have two buttons – a right and left button – and a scrolling wheel.

Computer have two main parts:-

1. Computer Hardware
2. Computer Software
What is computer Hardware:

 Computer Hardware is the physical part of the computer system, the machinery
and equipment.
 Parts of the computer “you can see”

Examples of Computer Hardware:

Monitor: T.V. like screen and used to show pictures and words.

CPU: Central Processing Unit this is where most of the computers calculations
take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important
element of a computing system.

Keyboard: This device is used to type information into computer and contains
the number 0-9.

Mouse: a small device, which you move across the top of the desk to move the
pointer a cursor on the screen.

Printer: used to make a paper copy of the information into the computer.

Image Scanner: an electronics device that generat3es a digital representation of

an image for data input to a computer.

What is computer software:

 Computer Software are programs that tell the computer what to do

 Microsoft Word-word processing program
 Microsoft Power Point Presentation program
 Microsoft Excel-work book program use to track, calculate and analyse
numeric data.

Computer Input Devices:

 Computer Devices that input information in the computer.

 Keyboard: - The Keyboard looks like a typewriter
Types of Keys:
1. Alphabets: a to z or A to Z
2. Numbers: 0 to 9
3. Special Keys: Window Key, Ctrl, Alt, Num Lock
4. Function Keys: F1 to F12
 Mouse: - It is a Pointing Device
Types of Buttons:
1. Left Button: Used to open a program Double Click
2. Right Button: Singlr Click: Program Properties
3. Scroll Button: Page Up or Page Down
 Scanner
 Digital Camera

Computer Output Devices:

 Computer Devices that output information from the computer.

 Monitor
 Printer

What is Data?

Row facts are known as Data. Ex-50

What is information?

Data which Convey the meaning is called information. Ex-50Rs.

Generations of Computer

 1st Generation: - (1946-1955) Vaccum Tubes

 2nd Generation: - (1956-1965) Transistor
 3rd Generation: - (1966-1975) IC's (Integrated Circuits)
 4th Generation: - (1976-1980) Microprocessor
 5th Generation: - (1980..) Advanced Microprocessor


RAM (Random Access Memory) ROM (Read Only Memory)

1. Used to read and write store data 1. Only used to read store data
2. Store data remove when power off 2. Store data remain stored when power
3. Versatile Memory 3. Non Versatile Memory
Types of RAM:

1. SRAM (Static Ram): Beacuse the memory retains its content as long as power
is supplied-it does not have to be perodically as in DRAM. It is faster than
DRAM (the contents of the memory can be read much faster). however, is
more expensive and is larger in size.
2. DRAM (Dynamic RAM): Because the memory content needs to be periodicall
(every few milliseconds) due to leakage of electrical charge. it is slower than
SRAM, but cheaper and smaller in size.
Types of DRAM
 EDO RAM (Ectended Data Out Random Access Memory)
 SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic RAM)
 DDR (Double Data Rate)

Types of ROM:

1. PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory): in which the used can load
programs and data that are read only.
2. EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory): is a variation of
PROM, and is rewrittable. it can be erased by exposing the chip to ultraviolet
3. Flash Memory: it is Electrically Erasable and Permanent Type Memory used in
digital cameras, MP3 Players.

The language of Computers

 Binary: the digital language of computers. this language is composed of an

alphabet containing only 2 letters 0 or 1 known as bits.
 Any work done on a modern computer from word processing to digital audio o
this language.

Units of Computer

8 bits 1 Byte
1 Byte 1 Character
1024 Bytes 1 KB (Kilo Byte)
1024 KB 1 MB (Mega Byte)
1024 MB 1 GB (Giga Byte)
1024 GB 1 TB (Tera Byte)
1024 TB 1 SB (Seta Byte)
Digital Computer: - Digital Computer is an electronic device which is used to
perform complex and cumbersome calculations relatively at very fast speed and time
effective e.g. electronic calculations and computers. We distinguish calculators and
computers on the basis of fundamental facilities available with the system i.e. storage
capacity, operational functions, versatility, reliability and speed etc.

Digital computers perform data processing and supply set of information's to

used. Data are raw materials on which processing is carried out and information is
processed outputs. Data are raw facts and figures.

Main functions of a computer: - A computer requires both software and hardware to

function properly. Hardware is body structure of the computer and software is its soul.

In other words, hardware is the mechanical and electronic parts of computer

and the software consists of programmes, the operating system and the data that reside
in the memory and storage device.

Basically there are four major functions viz.

i. To receive input: A Computer accepts data/ information from outside

through various input devices e.g. keyboard, mouse, scanner etc.
ii. To Process information: It performs arithmetic or logical operations on
the behalf of data/ information.
iii. To produce output: A computer communicates information to the
outside world through output devices like monitor, printer etc.
iv. To store information: A computer stores the information in storage
devices like hard disk, floppy disks and CD etc.

Major Components of Computer: A computer must essentially contain the

following four basic elements:

i. Keyboard or some other input devices through which program or data can be
ii. Mathematical Processor to perform calculations.
iii. Memory unit to store the programs, the data and intermediate results of
calculations along with the final output information.
iv. Some output devices on which the output results can be shown such as monitor

Input Unit: Input Unit consists of input devices which are used to enter program or
data or both. Normally used input devices is keyboard through which both program
and data can be entered. In case of applications where the data is to be read directly
from the paper we take the help of OCR and MICR. In graphic applications we take
the help of witty mouse and tracker ball etc. which specify the coordinates data
directly on the screen.
Output Unit: Normally used output device is monitor screen on which both tect and
graphic output can be displayed. To make the hard copy of tect reports we take the
help of printers.

Depending upon the printing work performed in one stroke the printers have
been classified in following three categories-

i. Character Printer
ii. Line Printer, and
iii. Page Printer

To get the hard copy of the graphic reports the computers used plotters as output

Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is often considered to consist of two
subsections a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit. This is the part of the computer
system that executes program instructions. In a microcomputer, the CPU is based on
single electronic component, the microprocessor chip, within the system unit or
system cabinet. The System unit also includes circuit boards, memory chips, ports and
other components. A Microcomputer system cabinet also consists of disk drives, hard
disk, etc but these all are considered as separate form of CPU. CPU is the brain of

Control Unit: The control unit directs tell us the rest of the computer system how to
carry out a program's instructions. Control Unit directs the movement of electronic
signals between memory which temporally holds data, instructions and processed
information and the ALU. It also functions to direct the control signals between CPU
and I/O Devices.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): As per its name ALU, it performs two basic
operations - arithmetic and logical. Arithmetic operations are the fundamental
mathematical operations consisting of additions, subtraction, multiplication and
division. Logical operations consists of comparisons etc. Two main pieces of data are
compared to see whether one is equal to, less than or greater than the other.

Memory: Memory also known as the primary storage or main memory is a part of the
microcomputer that holds data to be processed, instructions for processing the data
and information. Parts of the contents of a memory is held only temporarily i.e. it is
stored only as long as the microcomputer is turned on. Whenever we turn the machine
off, the contents are lost.

Registers: Computers have several additional storage locations which are called
registers. These appear in the Control Unit and ALU and make processing more
efficient. Registers are a sort of special hi-speed storage areas that hold data and
instruction temporarily during processing, These are parts of the Control Unit and
ALU rather than the memory.
Addresses: To locate the characters of data or instructions in the main memory, the
computer stores them in locations which is known as addresses. A unique number
designates each address.

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