306 Solutions For The Appendix: N Def N Def Y2z

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306 Solutions for the Appendix

A21.3 This has nothing to do with what Rn X✏ might be; to lighten

notation, set Z = Rn X and denote by d(x, Z) the distance between x
and the nearest point in Z: d(x, Z) = inf y2Z |x y|, Then by the triangle
d(x, Z)  |x y| + d(y, Z)
d(y, Z)  |y x| + d(x, Z)
d(x, Z) d(y, Z)  |x y|, d(y, Z) d(x, Z)  |x y|,
and finally |d(x, Z) d(y, Z)|  |x y|. It then follows immediately that

(1 d(x, Z)) (1 d(y, Z)) = d(y, Z) d(x, Z)  |x, y|.

If f, g : Rn ! R satisfy
|f (x) f (y)|  |x y| and |g(x) g(y)|  |x y|,
then | sup(f, g)(x) sup(f, g)(y)||  |x y|, as you can check by looking
at the four cases where each of sup(f, g)(x) and sup(f, g)(y) is realized by
f or g. Applying this to the case f (z) = 1 d(x, Z) and g(z) = 0, we get
h(x) h(y)|  |x y|.
Now we will show that h(x) = 1 when x 2 / X✏ , and 0  h(x) < 1 when
x 2 X✏ . By definition, h = 1 on Z = Rn X✏ , which is closed. Thus if
z2/ Rn X✏ , there is a ball Bz (r) of some radius 0 < r < 1 around z such
that Bz (r) \ Rn X✏ = / , and h(z)  1 r. Thus Rn X✏ is the set of
z 2 Rn such that h(z) = 0. The number h(z) is the supremum of 1 d(z, Z)
and 0, so of course h(z) 0, and since d(z, Z) 0, we have h(z)  1.
A21.5 The hypotheses of Theorem 4.11.20 imply that is bijective and
of class C with Lipschitz derivative. So the direction “ =) ” asserts that
(f )| det[D ]|
| {z }
like f in original statement

is integrable on U , then
⇣ ⌘
1 1 1 1 1
(f )| det[D ] | det[D ]| = (f ) | det[D ] || det[D ]|
is integrable on V , and
Z Z h ⇣ ⌘i
(f )(x) det[D (x)] |dn x| = (f 1
)(y) det D 1
(y) |det[D 1 (y)]| |dn y|
= f (y) det[D( )(y)] |dn y| = f (y) |dn y|.

A22.1 To simplify notation, we will set ' = dxi1 ^ · · · ^ dxik . Thus we

want to show that the definition of the wedge product justifies going from
the last line of equation A22.5 to the preceding line, i.e.,
(df ^') P0 (~v1 , . . . , ~vk+1 ) = ( 1)i 1 b i , . . . , ~vk+1 ).
[Df (0)]~vi '(~v1 , . . . , ~v

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