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308 Solutions for the Appendix

• subspaces E1 , E2 ⇢ Rn with E1 spanned by p standard basis vectors and

E2 spanned by the other n p standard basis vectors,
• open subsets U ⇢ E1 and V ⇢ E2 ,
• A C 1 mapping g : U ! V ,
such that M \ (U ⇥ V ) = (g). Renumber the variables so that E1 ✓ corre-

sponds to the first basis vectors and E2 to the last, and write x = .
Choose r(x) > 0 such that Br(x) (y) ⇢ U , and call Zx the graph of the
restriction of the graph of g to the concentric ball of radius r/2. Then the
closure of Zx , which is the graph of the restriction of g to the closed ball
of radius r/2, is a compact subset of M .
The Zy form an open cover of Y , so by Heine-Borel there is a finite
subcover: there exist x1 , . . . , xm such that
Y ⇢ Zx1 [ · · · [ Zxm .
If each of the f (Z xi ) has q-dimensional volume 0, then so does their
union, which contains f (Y ).

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