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“Año del Fortalecimiento de la Soberanía Nacional”

My best sport experience (FINAL PROJECT)

Course: English III (29882)







Lima, May 21th 2022

My best sport experience (FINAL PROJECT)

Harold: Good afternoon, Miss Rodriguez, we are the group number five, my name is Harold

Luis: Good afternoon, I am Luis Jimenez.

Vilma: Good afternoon, Miss Rodriguez and partners, my name is Vilma Conde.

Harold: Today we are going to talk about my best sport experience.

Luis: Hi guys, I just played soccer and I'm very tired.

Wilma: Great! I also like soccer. I can't play it most of the time, but I watch it on TV.

Harold: Well, I love football, that's why I traveled to Russia in 2018 (28 years old), for the FIFA
world cup.

Luis: That's wonderful, it's definitely a great experience. Was that trip very expensive?

Harold: Well, it was the most expensive expense I've ever made. Fortunately, I saved money in
the bank and used it to enjoy my trip.

Vilma: I think it's worth it because it's nice to discover new places in another country. But tell
me, what football matches did you watch?

Harold: The main reason for traveling was to support our national soccer team. Peru played the
first match against Denmark, and our team lost by one goal.

Luis: Yes, then the national team played against France, but I only saw it on TV.

Vilma: It's true Luis, most people looked at him the same way.

Harold: Sadly, our team also lost to France, and we were almost eliminated from the

Luis: Well, at least we won the last game against Australia.

Vilma: It's true, it was incredible to shout the two goals that Peru scored in that game.

Harold: Exactly, many people like us wait many years to have that experience, let's remember
that Peru qualified for a World Cup after 36 years of failure.

Luis: Yes, it was very emotional to see Peruvians sing the national anthem in a world soccer

Vilma: Yes! It was in the news, even people from all over the world were surprised by the love
that the Peruvian fans showed to our country.

Harold: Yes, another unforgettable and very emotional moment was singing the famous song
"Contigo Perú" before each match. Many people cried with happiness.

Vilma: Peru's participation in the last FIFA World Cup was definitely an incredible experience for
many Peruvians.
Luis: Even though we won few games, the Peruvian fans were awarded by FIFA as the best fans
in the World Cup.

Harold: I was lucky, I hope I can do it again at the next FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

Vilma: Well, the national team can play in the World Cup again if it wins the playoff.

Luis: Yes, we have faith, it is the most beautiful thing in life, Peru will win.

Harold: I also believe that Luis, let's support the team with faith.

Vilma: That is the best attitude.

Luis: Well guys, it's been a pleasure talking to you.

Vilma: Have a nice day!

Harold: Bye guys.

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