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Punjab College Mian Channu

Program: BS Chemistry Session: (2019-2023) Semester: 1st

Dated: 14-07-20 Total Time: 2hr 30Min

Total Marks: 50

Full book test

Q#1. Choose the correct option: 10*1=10

1) Inter halogen compound have bonding

a) Ionic bond b) Covalent bond c) Coordinate covalent d) All

2) Which of the following is the strongest acid?

a) HIO4 b) H2S2O7 b) H2SO4 d) HClO4

3) The electron cloud density is symmetrical along the bond axis--------

a) Sigma bond b)Pi bond c) both a,b d) None of these

4) Geometry of ClF3 molecule is best described as-------

a) Distorted Tetrahedral b) Regular tetrahedral c)T-shape d)Trigonal pyramidal

5) The octahedral shape is associated with

a) PF5 b) SF4c) TeF6 d) ClF3

6) Iodine is present in the form of

a) Solis state b) Gaseous state c) Liquid state d ) None of these

7) Sp3d2 hybrid orbitals are------------------

a) Octahedral b) Hexagonal c) Both a,b d) None of these

8) In which of the following theories the hybridization is considered

a) VSEPR b) Lewis c) Molecular orbital d) Valence bond

9) Which one have complete linear arrangement of all atoms

a) BF3 b) NH3 c) Co2 d) CCl4

10) Hybridization is the process of-------------

a) Electrons b) Molecules c) Atoms d) Orbitals

Q#2. Give short answers of the following questions: 5*2=10
1. Difference b/w Polar and Non Polar Covalent bond.
2. Write down about Sp2 hybridization.
3. Difference b/w Sigma and Pi bonding?
4. Define resonance with suitable examples.
5. Write short note on co-ordinate covalent bond with example.

Q#3.Extensive questions. 6+4+10+10=30
3 2 2 3
a)Describe sp ,dsp ,d sp hybridization with detail. (6)
b)Predict electron pair and molecular geometry of SF6 according to VSEPR theory.
(S=16 ,F=19) (4)

c)Write a note on Hydrogen bonding (10)

d)Write a note on common ion effect & its industrial applications. (10)

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