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WKO) atone CULTURE IDENTITY 4 (vocaButary) ee 7] ST] Tivwng | Tiloxi| _Phiénam 1 | Aboriginal 2 | _/abairdganal/ | nguyén so; nguyen thy 2 [Ancestor 2 Teensestar/ — [edn “Anniversary | Jamivasri/ IEA niém noay lb Ceremony a sserimani/ | nghi thie, nghi 3. | celebration n | fselabresfon/ | sweé chute Bicentenary nn | Abasen'tinari/ | 18 ki mlgm e200 nam t6 chit Lin 4 [Assimilation a Jasuntlerfon/ | sw dong hoa 5 [Bravery a Torewari/ —_|swrdiing edm 6 | Bridegroom a | Pbradgrusm/ [chi rd | 7 | Confice a Teonthke? [suring ae 3g contract a Thontrekt/ {hep ding Contractual | Aanttraleual/ | ehude hop dng 9 [Conversely adv | Pkonvassli/ —_[nguoe lai 10 [Coordinator |» | /kav'o:dinertar/ | ngurbi phdi hop | 11 [Currency 2 Tearonsiy [tne 12 [Custom 2 Thastam/ [hong te 13 [Deliberately | adv_| _/ailibarath/ | matedch od chy of toan tinh 14 [Denounce v [ainaons/ | 6 edo, vach mit | 15 | Depravity a Jaiipraevati/ | sy eruy lac Dismiss v Jatsmis/ | sa thai 16 | Dismissal a Fas'smsal/ | syrsa that Dismissive a faismsv/ _ | gaebé, xem turing ‘TOPIC1 «CULTURE IDENTITY | 7 Str] Tivyng | Tiloai[ Phiénam Nghia Diversity a Jeatva:sati/ | swda dang a7 [Diverse a Idatvas/ | dadang Diversify v Jearvsssifay | da dang héa Diversification | _n__| /daivarsifiket{n/ | swe da dang hoa Extremely adv cue ki ae (completely adv hhoan toon ‘Tremendously | adv | /trrmendasli/ | kiting khiép, ghé gém Dramatically | adv | /aro'maeukali/ | a6engde 19 [Fate 2 [ee] Win ménh dink ménh 20 | Federation a [fedsvexjon/ [len doan 21 [Folktale 2 [fouktei/ | truyén dan gian 22 [Heritage a Fheritids/ | distin 23 [Hilarious a Tatlearias/ | vulnhon 24 [Homophone n Thomafoon/ | tiedng ar entity v Jaidentitar/ | nhin dién, nhiin dong ag | Hdentification n | faydentiffkerfon/ | sw ddng nha hod Identical a Jatdentikal/ | gi6ng nraw Ident a [atdentatif _ | tinh dong nha; dc tinh 26 | Incense 2 Tinsens/ | nhang, hong 27 [Indigenous a Jin'drdsmas/ —_| ban xi, ban dia 28 | integration | /antigrerfan/ | swrhdinhdp 29 [Isolation a Jaisa'eifan/ | su c0 lap, su cach tt ‘0 | Malority a {maidgorati/ | das Minority D {marnorati/ | thidu sé Marriage a Fonaerids/ [sur két hn, hon nan an | Matta a Ymaerttal/ | thude hon mhén | Marriageable a | Pmawridgabal/ | 6 thé dite ccch ke hon Ma a Pmewrid/ | da kéthon 32 | Misinterpret | Aamusittarprat/ | hid sal 33. | Mystery a Traistori/ | se bi dh, se huyin bi 34 [No-go a /.nav'geu/ | tink trang bé the 35_| Pamper v [pamper] [nudng chibu curry chibu 36 [Patriotism | /patriatzam/ [chi nghia yeu mebe str] Tivyng | Toloal] _Phiénam Nghia a7 | Perception 7ea'sepfon | sirnhin tie Perceive Jpa'sivy/ | nan chy nha ehire 38 | Prestige 2 ‘ores hah thé, wy hE 39 [Prevalence n Tprevalons/ | si phd biéh, su thinh hah 40 | Privilege 2 ‘Tpewalids/ | dc quyén, dacan an [Racism a [reisizam/ | chi nghia phan bigt ching We Racial a frefel/__|thudcching tie 42 | Reliion 2 Tritidsen] [tn gi Religious a fetudgas/ | thude v8 eon go 43_| Restrain v ‘{ristrein/ | kidm ché 44 [Revival " [rivawval) | shi phue, se phucsinh 45 | Solidarity n__ | /solidaroti/ | sur doan két ‘ag | Superstition 1 /surpa'stifan/ | sy mé tin di doan Superstitious | a | /supostjos/_|mé tindj doan Symbol 2 Tsimbel/ | bigu ewong ‘ay |Symbolize v [simbalaz/ | biéu arong héa Symbolism x | /smbalzam/ | chi nghia tugng trung Symbolic a /sm’boliky | tong trea, biéu trung 48 | Synthesis » Tsmdesis/ [sy ting hop 49 [Unhygienic a | fanharasiinik/ [king hop vésink Well-established | a | /welistabiyft/ [ding ving, Bn tai lau bin so | Well-advisea a | /weladvared/ | khan ngoan Well-buile a Jwel'bilt/ | Ie luting, curing ering Well-balanced | a | /wel'belonst/ | ding myc, diéu d6 STT Currie Nghia ‘Against the law ham lude ‘Within the law ding ae 1. | Above the law ding trén/ngori uae Bylaw theo luge Lay down the law digi v6 givong oat ‘ToPIC1 «CULTURE IDENTITY | 9 STT Cau trac Nghia 2 | Approve/disapprove of ding tink/phdn d6t 3. | At the right time = as regular as clockwork= on the dot = on time: diing gid 4 | Beard the lion in one’s den: cham chdn ai dé 5 | Close to the bone otic pham 6 | Come into play = bring st into play: cd tdc dung, cd hiéu qud, link nghiém 7 | Down to the wire vdo phit cudi 8 | For fear of st/doing st vi so cdi gi/lam gi Get rid of = remove Toai bd 9 | Face up to 61 met vii Get over uot qua Wipe out xéas6 10 [Let go of = give up tir bd 11 |Loss and grief= sadness | budn raw 12 [Make a decision on st quyét dinh cai gi 13 | Object to/have objection to_| phan déi 14 | On the flip side = on the other hand: mdt khdc 45 | Prior to st= before a particular time or event: trirde m6t thoi gian/sw kign dc biét nao dé 16 | Scold sb for doing st méng ai vi dé lam gi sai 17 | Sense of self cam xtic, tw ¥ thikc vé ban than 18 |Soso tam tam 19 | The tip of iceberg: chi la mét phiin nhé ctia mét véin dé phite tap 20 | Tie the knot = get married _| kéthén

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