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Antiporda, Alexandra Victoria I.

Nutrition & Diet Therapy



➢ Recyclable plastic bottles/pot, soil, seeds, shovel (or something to scoop the soil) and
spray water.
➢ Choose 1 (one) among the following vegetable seeds you will plant: onion, lettuce, tomato,
potato, petchay, camote, radish, cucumber, okra.

To facilitate the practice of students planting skills, the following steps should be followed:
➢ Scoop the soil with shovel into the plant pot and fill it up.
➢ Place the soil in available pots such as plastic bottles, egg trays, cans.
➢ Pinch some seeds and scatter them into the soil. Once done, push a little bit of the soil over
the seeds to cover them.
➢ Fill the spray bottle with water and mist the soil.
➢ Take good care of the plants to make them grow into healthy ones. Observe the changes from
time to time and see when the plants have already sprouted.

1. Take a SELPHY picture of your planted vegetable weekly until 6 weeks.



Antiporda, Alexandra Victoria I.
Nutrition & Diet Therapy
2. Why did you choose this vegetable plant among the different seeds given?
Given the assigned task and its deadline, I was confident in choosing the petchay see to grow
because in the research that I did, I found out that, it will only take this produce about 30 days before I
can begin harvesting. In addition, petchay is simple to maintain. Watering it twice a day would be
beneficial, and I can be sure that it will yield a fantastic petchay. Additionally, I was aware that this
vegetable requires more sunlight. This vegetable must be grown in a location that receives at least 6 hours
per day of direct sunlight. In addition, I chose this vegetable in view of the fact that it produces oxygen
and it make the air cleaner.

3. What nutrients will you get upon harvesting your vegetable plant? Explain what macro and
micro nutrients that you will get in this vegetable.
Just two cups of Chinese cabbage provide 120 micrograms, or about a third of your daily folate
needs. Adults should consume 400 micrograms of folate per day. A B vitamin called folate aids in the
process through which your body transforms food's carbs into fuel for your cells. DNA, the molecular
framework found in all of your cells, must also be produced by your body. Pregnant women should strive
to consume 400 to 800 mcg of folate daily due to its significance in fetal development.

Pregnant women should strive to consume 400 to 800 mcg of folate daily due to its significance
in fetal development. Vitamin K is a family of fat-soluble vitamins that is particularly abundant in Chinese
cabbage and is essential for blood coagulation. The likelihood of uncontrolled bleeding increases with low
vitamin K levels. Fortunately, deficits in adults are uncommon. Vitamin K is abundant in leafy greens and
is also present in other foods in reasonable amounts.


To keep your bones strong, you must consume adequate calcium in your diet. Calcium works with
vitamin D to help the body build and maintain new bone while controlling the loss of existing bone. Your
bones are at risk of breaking if your body breaks down bone more quickly than it generates it.

To keep your bones strong, you must consume adequate calcium in your diet. Calcium works with
vitamin D to help the body build and maintain new bone while controlling the loss of existing bone. Your
bones are at risk of breaking if your body breaks down bone more quickly than it generates it.

The macronutrients that you may get from petchay are the following:
Calories: 9. Protein: 1 gram.
Total fat: 0 grams. Total carbs: 1.5 grams.
Total sugar: 1 gram. Fiber: 1 gram.
Calcium: 6% of the Daily Value (DV) Iron: 3% of the DV.
The micronutrients that you may get from petchay are the following:
Phosphorus Zinc
Sodium Copper
Manganese Selenium
Niacin Folate
Choline Ceta-carotene
Vitamin K.
Antiporda, Alexandra Victoria I.
Nutrition & Diet Therapy
4. Will you continue planting the vegetable that you’ve chosen? Why?
If given the time, I would want to continue planting the vegetable that I have chosen for it is
enjoyable to grow. When I saw that the seed has started to grow its roots and leaves, it gave me a sense
of accomplishment and felt like all my efforts were worth it. In addition to that, I would like to continue
planting petchay because given the situation right now regarding the COVID-19 virus and the Monkey pox,
it is important for us to have a clean environment and planting more petchay in our household may be
taken as an extra precaution. With that being said, more oxygen will be produced our garden if there are
more veggies growing there. It is oxygen that people require. It is essential to our health and strengthens
our body and we can avoid respiratory problems if we always breathe clean air.

5. Does the planted vegetable have a quality to market?

Yes, it has a potential to be on the market. Since it is easy to plant and maintain, I won’t have to wait
for months for the harvesting. Another thing would be that it is healthy and it can be cooked in different
recipes. By planting easy and quick maturing plants like petchay, an edible garden will never go idle
all year round which means I may be able to gain profit from it when planted and taken care of


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