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Prepared by: R. Dela Cruz
Aesthetics is a study of philosophy of the beautiful,
taste and fine arts / Set of principles concerned with
the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art.
the branch of philosophy that deals with the principles
of beauty and artistic taste
Originated from Greek form ‘aiesthetikos’ which has to do with sense-
perception as a source of knowledge.
Baumgarten was the first scholar who used the term ‘aesthetics‘ in
Europe. According to him, it deals with pleasurable activity of pure
contemplation. He defined aesthetics “as the science of how things are
known via senses.” Some critics and scholars call aesthetics as the
standards of taste, judgement of taste etc.
The three aesthetic theories of art criticism are most
commonly referred to as Imitationalism, Formalism, and
Emotionalism. on realistic representation. of art using
the principles of art. a response of feelings, moods, or
emotions in the viewer.
is a theory of art that
judge's artwork
based on how real it
looks. An
Imitationalist is
focused on creating
art that looks as real
as possible and
believes that artistic
success can only be
achieved through the
exact recreation of an
Formalism- A critical and creative position which holds that
an artwork's value lies in the relationships it establishes
between different compositional elements such as color,
line, and texture, which ought to be considered apart from
all notions of subject-matter or context.
Emotionalism - An aesthetic and critical theory of art which
places emphasis on the expressive qualities. According to this
theory, the most important thing about a work of art is the
vivid communication of moods, feelings, and ideas.
of Beauty
Philosophers have not agreed on whether beauty is subjective or
objective (big surprise). The ancient greats, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle,
and Plotinus all agreed that beauty was primarily objective—beautiful
things really are beautiful regardless of what one or another
individual may think or feel (Sartwell, 2016)
The Filipino
Individual Activity

• In 1/8 Illustration board make a small painting that shows

The Filipino concept of beauty ( ex. nature, flowers, or portraits etc. )
• Use paint brush and coffee as your pigment/paint in this art work
• Document your self while making the painting using time lapse mode
In your cell phone camera.

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