Pop Tropica 5 Unit 3-4 Complete

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Pop tropica 5

Student’s name :________________________ list ___/10 wr__/52

A. Listen and circle. (6 marks)

1 Jo is in ( Italy / Spain ).
2 She is visiting her ( Italian / Spanish ) grandparents.
3 They live in a small house ( in a town / on a farm ).
4 There are some ( statues / castles ) near their house.
5 There is also a big ( cave / volcano ) near their house.
6 Today we are visiting a ( cave / castle ) and having a picnic.

Listen and circle. (4 marks)

1 What is Anna good at?

a singing
b playing the drums
c acting
2 Where are Anna and Harry going on vacation?
a Spain
b Argentina
c Italy
3 What is Harry good at?
a playing video games

b telling jokes

c playing chess
4 What are they going to do on vacation?
a visit a volcano

b visit some caves

c visit a castle
Observe the image and write sentences using there is or there are. (8 marks)
example There is a pyramid.

1 .

What are/aren’t you good at? What are/aren’t your friends good at? (8 marks)
example (✓) I am good at grammar.
1 (✓) I’m .
2 (✗) I’m not .
3 (✓) My friends .
4 (✗) My friends “.
Look and read. Then match. There is one example. (8 marks)

castlecavesfactoryfarmlakepyramidsrain foreststatuestown

1 This place has a lot of trees, and it rains a lot. rain forest
2 You can see these places in Egypt.
3 These go inside mountains and can be tunnels.
4 This place is bigger than a village but smaller than a city.
5 This place was built to protect people.
6 These are made out of stone. They are art.
7 You can go fishing and sailing here but it is not the ocean.
8 This is a place where you can find cows and sheep.
9 This is a place where different things are made.

Observe the images and complete the questions and answers. ( 6

1 2 he doing , yesterday?
Example : What was
He was playing chess. 2 What , yesterday?
They acting.

3 Was , yesterday? 4 , yesterday?

Yes, was. No, they weren’t. They .

Read the sentences and select true or false.( value 10 marks)

Hi Jenny. It’s Tom here. I’m on an amazing boat. I’m in

Colombia. I am visiting some interesting places and
doing some exciting activities. Yesterday, I was fishing
in the ocean. It was so blue! I saw a lot of fish. They were
all different colors, shapes, and sizes. Yesterday
evening, I went to a concert. The band was amazing!
They were singing and dancing. The dancing was so
fast. It was so exciting. We were all singing at the end!
Today, I am visiting some statues. They are in the town.
Then, I am climbing a mountain. I‘m not good at
climbing, but I am good at taking pictures! In the
evening, we are fishing on the beach.

1. Tom is on a plane true false

2. Tom was fishing on a lake true false
3. Yesterday he went to a cave true false
4. At the end all were singing true false
5. Tom is good at taking pictures true false
Write about a country you know. Use there is/are and

some/any Name of country:

4 ____
5 ____
. (12 marks)

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