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Darlene P. Dulce 12 ABM MORIAH

Professor: Ms. Arlynn B. Papio Date Submitted: 09.00.21


Direction: Read the case problem below and answer the questions thereafter.

Guide Questions:

1. What do you think has molded the honest and cheerful behavior of Mang Eugenio as a good
example of being an ethical person?

I think the reason that Mang Eugenio got those kinds of attitudes is because of the people that he
surrounded himself with, it could be from his friends, families, or just someone that did it to him
before. As he repeatedly observed those behaviors from those individuals, he gradually learned and
apply them to his everyday life especially in his honorable work. He probably tries to practice those
values and beliefs with his loved ones in order to mold them more within himself. With that, the
actions that he received from others when he was still young up until now, have greatly formed him to
be an ethical person.

2. What lesson can you learn from the good example of Mang Eugenio?

After I've read the story of Mang Eugenio as being a good example, I learned a lesson that we
should always help others despite not knowing them for a long time, without waiting for anything in
return. I also knew that humans must love others as to how they love themselves. Being a selfless,
positive, and cheerful person are ought to be practice in our everyday life especially when we interact
with other people. He reminds me of the quotation of Confucius, "Do not do unto others what you do
not want others to do unto you", he is indeed careful on his actions and decisions since he prioritizes
everyone's sake.

3. What can be done in our school in order to teach and train students in honest and ethical

In order to teach and train students in our school to have honesty and ethical behavior, teachers
should educate their students about proper ethics, manners, and values. Our mentors must also
influence the students by showing those values to them every time they will interact. In addition, they
could share the gospel of God with the students in order for them to be more motivated in being
righteous individuals. For example, whenever the students will take a quiz, the instructor must remind
them to not cheat, share with them the consequences if they do it, and especially bless them with a
word of God about honesty.

Direction: Critical thinking question. Answer the given situation below.

1. In your own words, discuss as to how philosophies are reflected into business practices. Give
concrete examples. Develop it into a paragraph with at least 300 words.

During ancient times, a set of beliefs, assumptions, and analyses of experience was established.
Those were worked out by Ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Confucius,
Plutarch, Epicurus, and Immanuel Kant. They developed various classical philosophies that were not
only reflected in society but also in business environments or practices. As a result, entrepreneurs
learned many ethics that could help them in running an entity in many different valuable ways.

Moreover, one of the classical philosophers called Socrates stated that humans should "have the
courage to disagree". His classical philosophy conveys that individuals must fight for their rights, and
same as in the business industry, entrepreneurs are obliged to be brave and smart in running their
company. They should not let themselves be fooled by the public wherein they must focus on the
success of their business. An example of this is when a customer requests to a milk tea shop owner to
add more pearls in his milk tea for free, the owner must not be shy to say no because it can cause
them to lose rather than gain profit since it is indeed that pearls are expensive. However, according to
the classical philosophy of Plato which is "the power to rule", in order to know our characteristics
level, we should know ourselves well. In relation to business, managers must evaluate their company
and respective customers' strengths and weaknesses in order for them to make good marketing
decisions. For instance, in September it is announced that citizens will go under Modified Enhanced
Community Quarantine (MECQ) which could negatively affect the income of consumers due to the
possibility of losing a job, because of that, a meat vendor should decide to somehow lower his prices
to attract and help those customers who need food during quarantine. Furthermore, a classical
philosophy from Aristotle declares that "let people seek fulfillment", this shows that whenever hard
work is observed to an individual, rewards must be given to him. In terms of business, when handling
staff or employees, a manager should practice giving them incentives for the effort and sacrifices they
provide to the growth of the company. Besides, business owners should also give their best in order to
put a contribution to human development just like producing a product that would be beneficial for
the people amidst the pandemic. On the other hand, Confucius' classical philosophy asserts that
humans should "live a contented, moral, and happy life" which portrays that people are ought to be
always grateful for everything they have. Also, his famous line, "do not do unto others what you do
not want others to do unto you" influences business leaders to be good role models to the society
when dealing with their competitors just like when McDonald's invented BTS meal and became
popular, as respect to them, Jollibee did not make their own BTS meal but rather they think of other
ways to increase their profit since they do not desire to be imitated also. Moreover, Plutarch's
classical philosophy which is "be a good role model" affects the behavior of managers in directing
their employees. It is because they knew and agreed that their staffs observe then imitate their
behaviors and as a result, they should be careful in their actions since it may put an impact on their
business. To give an instance, the supervisor of San Miguel Corporation is seen by employees to be
optimistic and not a strict person even there are many obligations that he handles, because of that, his
staff also practices to think positive in all ways which produce a good atmosphere in their entity. In
addition, "the art of happiness" by Epicurus influences the entrepreneurs to embrace happiness at all
times since we only live once. It teaches them to enjoy the things they are doing because it is indeed
vital to not only make their consumers happy but also themselves. Lastly, a classical philosophy of
Immanuel Kant, "do the right thing because it is right" expresses that people are obliged to do what is
right in order to receive good results. In the business environment, one factor that could greatly help
them be enhanced is having the right decision by carefully choosing what is right for them and
society. For instance, Starbucks desires to gain more profit even at this time of the pandemic, with
that, they should select the right marketing strategies that would really help them to achieve it.

In conclusion, different classical philosophies contributed knowledge to the society and business
world. These beliefs influence the behavior and practices of humans which help them to grow more.
As an aspiring businesswoman, if I will create a philosophy that I can apply in my business which is a
restaurant, it would be "love everything that you do and feed people with cheerfulness". This shows
that whenever I would manage a business, I must be happy, and love what am I doing for my
customers. It is because when I love something, I would exert more effort and sacrifices just to make
them be feed by enjoyment and satisfaction. As a result, the life of my entity would be long since I
love my work and I can share happiness with the public.

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