Abm - Sustainable Business Enterprise

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Darlene P. Dulce 12 ABM MORIAH

Professor: Ms. Arlynn B. Papio Date Submitted: 10.03.21

Direction: Watch the video assignment. In each box below, give your thoughts for what you got out of
the video.


The main idea of the video revolves around the Based on what I have watched, I learned that is true
successful journey of the business suit of the founder of that performing a sustainable business enterprise has positive
Maine Grains which is Amber Lambke. In Central Maine, benefits not only to the business itself but also to its
Lambke runs a grist mill wherein they process stoned milled surroundings and society. One of the things that I also learned
flour and rolled oats for bakeries, breweries, and is that owners must invest more in fruitful projects or
restaurants all over the Northeast. It is also revealed that programs like the formation of an environmental college as its
they developed opportunities and create a significant success could be pass to other individuals. Besides,
difference in the world as they apply sustainable business entrepreneurs are ought to practice harmony or balance in
enterprise in running their entity. Besides, as Lambke their workplaces wherein they must not only focus on gaining
integrated a sustainable business enterprise, it causes her profit but also in properly performing all of their
company to prolong its life and properly perform her roles responsibilities in the society, environment, and their
for the environment, society, and business itself. business. Moreover, I’ve realized that meeting the social,
Throughout the growth of their business, they have been environmental, and financial concepts to sustain the business
able to be a big part of solving the various problems of the is of great importance that must be applied by businesses.
world. It is also portrayed that they have a positive instinct And, as a future business owner, I’ll always remember that I
towards the world, they produced products that have a must be a blessing to other humans like my potential
connection with agricultural means, and they have customers, employees, and competitors. I also understand
established an America’s Environmental College that that we must be smart in handling our finances so that we
helped students in the society to be more educated. With could invest in things that will be fruitful to us and others like
that, the business and its effectiveness are viewed the innovation of the Environmental College program for
throughout their engagement in the business industry. students' gain. Lastly, I’ve obtained that as businesses have
opportunities to create changes, they should focus on
producing the best and good ones.

I do really appreciate all parts of the video, but one QUESTION I STILL HAVE
scene prevails in me, which is about the idea that others
see problems as a way to failures but compared to the As I’ve watched the video about the business suit of
business of Lambke, they view problems as opportunities Lambke, I still have a question that pertains to what keeps
and a way for them to be a part on fixing and giving Lambke to be motivated in helping the improvement of the
answers to those existing difficulties of the world. I like the
business, nature, and society. Besides, I want to know when
fact that she doesn’t only focus on gaining profit, but she
also desires to help others in solving their hardships by she started integrating sustainable business enterprises. And,
creating jobs and carrying out services that will assist the did she and her business encounter problems as they apply
renewal of the community. In relation to that, it is a good the concept of sustainable business enterprise. In addition, I
thing that she has been able to establish a program for like also to ask why they targeted educational improvement
students to be educated and taught about the business for students among other existing problems or bad things.
models and processes on how businesses may be a good Also, what are those processes and strategies other than a
source through sharing to them the ideas about sustainable
sustainable business enterprise that they have used to attain
principles. With that, as the emergence of Unity College is
present, this would enable the business to continue longer success in their company? Finally, I like to ponder the reasons
since the education about the owned business is shared to why do Lambke continuously applies sustainable business
them showing that they must grow with grains. enterprise.

Direction: Critical thinking question. Answer the given situation below.

1. Be thoughtful and apply concepts of sustaining a business enterprise value to your response.
Develop it into a paragraph with at least 300 words. Think about what kind of company you would like to
work for in the future. What kind of values do you think are important for your company to have? Is it
important to you that a future employer has initiatives that meet the social, environmental, and financial
concepts to sustain their business enterprise? Why or why not?

In the first place, the poverty of the farmers is expected to prolong. According to a study, there
are common problems encountered by farmers that greatly affect the rice production of the Philippines.
High cost of inputs, low price of palay, lack of capital, labor problem, lack of postharvest facilities, pest
and diseases, and irrigation system are the problems that are continuously experienced by a lot of Filipino
farmers even amidst the pandemic including the acquisition of small salary and few support from the
government. Because of this, I would like to focus my work on the farmers and food industry of the
Philippines wherein I may establish a rice farming type of company. This agribusiness is built due to the
reason to give holistic help for the heroes of the Filipinos which are the farmers. As they work hard just to
secure continues humans’ food security, they deserve to gain larger salaries and care from a company. I
will manage my business with important values so that I could provide benefits not only to my entity but
also to my environment and society especially farmers.

About that, as I will run my business, I would integrate values that cover balanced goodness and
righteousness within the workplace, our surroundings, and the society we interacted with. One of these
values includes respect to the employees (farmers), partners, environment, and society wherein there will
be equal rights to be distributed on each group of people just also to attain peace and freedom of every
individual and thing. Valuing the extracted resources from the environment by using sustainable materials
and processes for the production of our rice products will be also considered on my entity’s values.
Besides, accountability will also be used since it is important for us to be careful in every practice our rice
farming company will perform wherein, we will avoid carrying out actions that will produce negative
impacts to the environment and society. Also, being responsible will be integrated into which we will
attain harmony in fulfilling our priorities in the natural resources, society, employers, and as well as our
business. Integrity, honesty, being selfless, creativity, innovativeness, perseverance, and discipline are
also included in the significant values of my agribusiness should implement but most of all are the
application of sustainable business enterprise throughout our business operations. Moreover, it is totally
important for me that a future employer has initiatives that meet the social, environmental, and financial
concepts to sustain their business enterprise. It is because it could produce great and positive benefits all
over the business, its workers, environment, and society. As an employer applied the concept of
sustainable business enterprise and financial freedom, it can provide a competitive advantage towards
other competitors, an increase of the bottom line, reduction of costs, enhancement of employer image and
brand, effectiveness in managing finances, and taking ownership with lives. With those practices, the
business will prolong its life and as well as the lives of the environment, society, and workers,
In conclusion, as I would like to pursue the establishment of my rice farming company, I must not
forget to include the application of sustainable business enterprise as it serves as a way to the success of
every individual. Besides, through those actions, I could extend my help not only to my workers (farmers)
but also to the development of nature and especially other people that are in need of education and
financial assistance. The poverty of farmers and other problems in the Philippines can be resolved and
answered as we all apply sustainable business enterprise. Balanced are ought to be practice in every
aspect so that positive things could happen. Finally, it is indeed that gaining profit is a good achievement
but helping and satisfying your surroundings is the even greater reward.

Reference of the study:


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