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AT SERIES-General Purpose

keeps it on AT 12-1.3 (12V 1.3AH)

Nominal Voltage 12V
Nominal Capacity (20 HR ) 1.3AH
Length 97±1mm (3.82inches)
Width 43±1mm (1.69inches)
Dimens ions
Container Height 52±1mm (2.05inches)
Total Height (with Terminal) 58±1mm (2.28inches)
Approx Weight Approx 0.57kg
Terminal T1
Container Ma terial ABS
1.20 A H/0.060A (20hr ,1.80V/cell,25 0
C/77 0 F)
1.12 A H/0.112A Applications
(10hr,1.80V/cell,25 C/77 0 F)
Rated Cap acity 1.01 A H/0.202A (5hr,1.75V/cell,25
0 0
C/77 F)
0.882 A H/0.294A (3hr,1.75V/cell,25 0
C/77 0 F) All purpose
0.728AH/0.728A (1hr,1.60V/cell,25 0
C/77 0 F) Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)
Ma x. Dis charge C urrent 18A (5s) Electric Power System (EPS)
Internal Re sistance Approx 90m Ù Emergency backup power supply
Discharge : -15 0
50 C (5 122 F) 0
Emergency light
Ope rating Temp.Ra nge Charge : 0 40 0C (32 104 0F) Railway signal
Storage : -15 40 0C (5 104 0 F)
Aircraft signal
Nominal O perating Temp. R ange 25 3 0C (77 50 F ) Alarm and security system
Initial C harging C urrent les s than 0 .36A.Voltage Electronic apparatus and equipment
C ycle U s e
14.4V ~15.0V a t 2 5 0 C (77 0 F )Temp. C oefficient -30mV /0C
Communication power supply
No limit on I nitial C harging C urrent V oltage DC power supply
S tandby U s e
13.5 V ~13.8 V a t 2 5 0 C (77 0 F )Temp. C oefficient -20mV /0C Auto control system
o o
40 C (104 F ) 103%
C apacity a ffected by o
25 C ( 77 F )
Temperature o
0 C
( 32 F ) 86% V dS
Amptek ATse ries b atteries may be sto red for up to 6 months
Self Discharge at 25 0 C(7 7 0F) and then a fre she ning c harge is re quired.
Fo r higher temperatures t he time interva l will be s horter.
t est ed
G e rma ny

Constant Current Discharge (Amperes) at 250C (770F)

F.V/ Tim e 5m in 10 min 15 min 20 min 30 min 45 min 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 8h 10 h 20 h
1.8 5V /ce ll 2.30 1.61 1.32 1.15 0.922 0.709 0.580 0.354 0.270 0.222 0.188 0.163 0.130 0.108 0.059
1.8 0V /ce ll 2.83 1.92 1.54 1.30 1.02 0.773 0.624 0.376 0.284 0.233 0.196 0.170 0.134 0.112 0.060
1.7 5V /ce ll 3.36 2.17 1.69 1.41 1.09 0.821 0.656 0.392 0.294 0.240 0.202 0.174 0.138 0.114 0.061
1.7 0V /ce ll 3.81 2.39 1.83 1.52 1.14 0.853 0.684 0.409 0.303 0.246 0.207 0.179 0.140 0.116 0.062
1.6 5V /ce ll 4.20 2.57 1.94 1.59 1.19 0.886 0.713 0.421 0.311 0.251 0.211 0.182 0.142 0.117 0.063
1.6 0V /ce ll 4.41 2.68 2.02 1.65 1.23 0.906 0.728 0.434 0.318 0.258 0.216 0.186 0.145 0.119 0.063

Constant Power Discharge (Watts/cell) at 250C (770F)

F.V/ Tim e 5m in 10 min 15 min 20 min 30 min 45 min 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 8h 10 h 20 h
1.8 5V /ce ll 4.35 3.06 2.55 2.23 1.80 1.39 1.14 0.701 0.536 0.442 0.377 0.327 0.261 0.217 0.120
1.8 0V /ce ll 5.28 3.61 2.93 2.50 1.98 1.51 1.22 0.741 0.560 0.462 0.390 0.339 0.269 0.224 0.121
1.7 5V /ce ll 6.18 4.05 3.20 2.70 2.10 1.59 1.28 0.768 0.577 0.474 0.399 0.345 0.274 0.226 0.121
1.7 0V /ce ll 6.93 4.42 3.43 2.88 2.19 1.64 1.33 0.796 0.592 0.483 0.406 0.352 0.277 0.229 0.122
1.6 5V /ce ll 7.54 4.69 3.59 2.99 2.26 1.70 1.37 0.814 0.604 0.490 0.413 0.357 0.280 0.231 0.124
1.6 0V /ce ll 7.79 4.82 3.70 3.05 2.30 1.72 1.39 0.834 0.615 0.499 0.419 0.362 0.284 0.234 0.124

1 Specifications subject to change without notice.

D im en si o n s

T1 T er m in al
Unit: mm [inch es]

4. 75 [0. 187]

43 1
58 1
52 1

3.2 [0.12 6]
0. 8 [0. 031]

6.35 [0.2 5]
97 1

Discharge Characteristics Float Charging Characteristics

12V 6V 4V 2V
Battery Battery Battery Battery
C harge C harging C harging
V V V V Tem per atu re:2 5 0 C(7 7 0 F)
Volume C urrent Voltage
13.0 6.5 4.33 2.16
(V ) 0.10 CA- 2.25 V/ce ll te mperature25 0C
% (X C A)

12.0 6.0 4.00 2.00

0.2 5
120 15.0
110 C harged V olume
11.0 5.5 3.66 1.84
Terminal Voltage(V)

0.2 0
0.093C 0.05C 14.0
0.207C 90 C harg e V oltage
10.0 5.0 3.33 1.68 0.4C 80 0.1 5 (C ons tant 2.2 5v/cell)
70 13.0
1C 0.628C
9.0 4.5 3.00 1.52 60
A fter 50% D is c harg e
50 0.1 0
40 A fter 100% D is c harg e
8.0 4.0 2.67 1.36 30
3C 2C 0.0 5 11.0
10 C harg in g C urr ent
1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 2 4 6 8 10 20
0 0
Min H
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Dis charge T ime Cha rging Tim e(h ours)

Tem pe ra tu re E ffe ct s in R el at io n to B at tery C ap ac ity E ff ec t o f T em per at u re o n L o n g T er m F lo at L if e

120 8
0 .0 5 C 5
Chargi ng voltage :
0 .1 C A 4
2.25V/ cell
80 3
Life expectancy(year)

0. 2 C A
C a pa city %

60 2
1 .0 C A
2 .0 C A 3.0 CA 1

0 0.5
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 0
68 86 104 122 O
Tempera ture( 0C) Batter y temp eratur e

Cyc le Life in Rel atio n to Dep th of Dis cha rge Self Discharge Characteristics
Te st ing c ondition
D is ch ar ging:c urre nt 0. 17 C A ( FV 1 .7 V /cel l);
C ha rging: cu rren t 0.2 5C m ax , v olta ge 2 .4 5V /cel l; 10 0 C A
C ha rging v olume: 12 5% o f dis ch ar ge d c ap ac ity. 80
25 0 C
R emaining C apacity(%)

12 0 60

40 0 C 30 0 C
10 0 40

80 C
C a pc ity(% )

10 0% 50 % 30 % 0
DO D DO D DO D 2 4 6 8 10 12
Ambient Termperature: S torage Time(Months )
25 oC ( 77 oF)
20 No suppliementary charge required.
(Carry out supplement charge before use if 100% capacity is required.)
0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 0 1 00 0 1 20 0 Supplementary charge required before use. optional charging way as below:
1. Charged for above 3 days at limted current 0.25CA and constant Volatge 2.25V/cell
2. Charged for above 20 hours at limted current 0.25CA and constant volatge 2.4V/Cell
Nu mber o f C yc les 3. Charged for 8-10 hours at limted current 0.05CA.

C Supplementary Charge may often fail to recover the capacity.

The battery should never be left standing till this is reached.

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2 P u bli c a ti o n N o .: L B -L P -0 6-1 4

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