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Fed-Batch Xylitol Production with Two

Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Strains Expressing XYL1 at Different
Levels, Using Glucose as a Cosubstrate:
A Comparison of Production Parameters
and Strain Stability

Nina Q. Meinander, Bärbel Hahn-Hägerdal

Applied Microbiology, Lund Institute of Technology/University of Lund,
P.O. Box 124, S-22 100 Lund, Sweden; telephone: 46 46 2228428; fax: 46 46
2224203; e-mail:
Received 15 April 1996; accepted 24 October 1996

Abstract: Xylitol production with two recombinant Sac- could only partly explain the decrease in XR activity. 
charomyces cerevisiae strains expressing the XYL1 gene, 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 54: 391–399,
coding for xylose reductase (XR), at different levels, the 1997.
‘low XR strain’ at 0.51 U/mg and the ‘high XR strain’ at Keywords: xylitol production; recombinant Saccharo-
10.8 U/mg, was compared in batch and fed-batch culture. myces cerevisiae; protein burden; plasmid stability
Xylose was not consumed in the presence of high glucose
concentrations, because both sugars are transported by
the glucose transport system, which has a higher affinity INTRODUCTION
for glucose than for xylose. When glucose was fed gradu-
ally to the culture, high concentrations were avoided, and Biotechnical xylitol production can be achieved using
xylose was converted to xylitol with a specific productiv- xylose metabolizing yeasts such as Candida sp. (Chen
ity of 0.10 g g21 h21 attained with the low XR strain and and Gong, 1985; Gong et al., 1981; Horitsu et al., 1992;
0.19 g g21 h21 with the high XR strain, indicating that
factors other than the XR-activity control the rate of xy-
Lu et al., 1995; Meyrial et al., 1991), Pachysolen tan-
lose conversion. nophilus (Thonart et al., 1987; Watson et al., 1984) or
The overproduction of XR put a substantial protein bur- Debaromyces hansenii (Roseiro et al., 1991) that excrete
den on the high XR strain, contributing to a 50% decrease xylitol as a metabolic byproduct. Genetic engineering
in specific growth rate and reduced biomass yield com- techniques have enabled the construction of a recombi-
pared with the low XR strain. Despite the use of selective
medium, the stability of the high XR strain was poor in
nant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain that converts xy-
long fed-batch and chemostat cultures, whereas the low lose to xylitol with stoichiometric 1:1 yield (Hallborn et
XR strain was stable. The high XR strain lost its XR activity al., 1991). The recombinant S. cerevisiae expresses the
almost completely in some fed-batch cultures and in xylose reductase (XR) encoding XYL1 gene from Pichia
chemostat culture. In chemostat cultivation, part of the stipitis. The XR reduces xylose to xylitol using NADPH
population lost the plasmid harboring the XR gene. This
was due to the fact that leucine was released into the
or NADH as cofactor (Rizzi et al., 1988; Verduyn et
broth from plasmid containing cells, which enabled some al., 1985).
cells to grow without the plasmid containing the LEU2 Xylitol cannot be metabolized by the recombinant S.
auxotrophic complementation selection marker. Further- cerevisiae; therefore, xylose conversion requires
more, isolation and analysis of plasmids from a popula- the simultaneous metabolism of a cosubstrate such
tion that had lost its XR activity, showed that in addition
to the original plasmid, a rearranged form of the plasmid,
as glucose, ethanol or acetate, for regeneration
retaining the selection marker but not the expression of of NAD(P)H and generation of maintenance energy
active XR, was present. However, these observations (Hallborn et al., 1994). The genetically engineered S.
cerevisiae strain has been physiologically characterized
in semi-continuous and chemostat cultivation using glu-
Correspondence to: B. Hahn-Hägerdal cose as cosubstrate (Thestrup and Hahn-Hägerdal,
Contract grant sponsor: The Nordic Industrial Fund 1995; Meinander et al., 1996). The key fermentation
Contract grant sponsor: The National Swedish Board for Techni- variables and the xylitol production efficiency in fed-
cal Development batch cultivation using ethanol as cosubstrate have been
Contract grant sponsor: The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foun-
dation investigated (Meinander et al., 1994).
Contract grant sponsor: The Swedish National Science Research Recently, a novel plasmid construct, which increased
Council the XR activity of recombinant XYL1 expressing S.

 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0006-3592/97/040391-09

cerevisiae 20-fold, was described (Walfridsson et al., to burg, Maryland) was used for subcloning plasmids iso-
appear). The xylitol production of the previously men- lated from the high XR strain.
tioned strain with low XR activity and the strain with
20-fold higher activity, immobilized in Ca-alginate has
been compared in a continuous packed bed reactor Medium
(Roca et al., 1996). Under these conditions the xylitol
Yeast cultivations were performed in a mineral medium
productivity of the high XR strain was not markedly
(Verduyn et al., 1992), supplemented with 0.05 g L21
higher than that of the low XR strain. However, the
uracil, histidine, and tryptophane. In anaerobic batch
specific productivity of the low XR strain was much
and continuous fermentations, 0.01 g L21 ergosterol
lower in immobilized conditions compared with
and 0.42 g L21 polyoxyethylenesorbitan mono-oleate
previous results using free cells. During the contin-
(Tween 80, Sigma) were added. Inocula for fermentor
uous cultivations with immobilized cells, a marked
cultivations were grown in mineral medium containing
instability in the XR activity of the high XR strain
20 g L21 glucose. In the fermentor cultivations, sugar
was observed.
concentrations as specified in the Fermentations section
In the present study, the xylitol production of the low
were used.
and high XR strains in fed-batch fermentation with free
cells using glucose as cosubstrate was compared, and
the growth kinetics of the two strains in batch cultivation Fermentations
were determined. The key fermentation variables and
xylitol production efficiency in fed-batch fermentation Fermentations were conducted at 308C with pH main-
with glucose as cosubstrate were compared with pre- tained at 5.5 by addition of 100 g L21 KOH. A new
viously described fed-batch fermentation with ethanol inoculum plate was prepared for each experiment by
as cosubstrate (Meinander et al., 1994). The stability of transferring a small aliquot of frozen cell suspension to
XR activity in the high XR strain was determined both in an SC-leu plate (Sherman et al., 1983) and incubating
fed-batch and chemostat cultivation, and investigations at 308C for 2–3 days. The inoculum was grown in two
into some possible reasons for instability were con- stages, first 50 mL medium in a 250 mL baffled flask
ducted. was inoculated from the plate and incubated in a Gallen-
kamp INR-200 (Leicester, UK) orbital incubator, 140
rev min21 at 308C for 24 h. This culture was then trans-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ferred to 200–500 mL medium in a 1 L baffled flask
and incubated under the above described conditions for
24 h. The inoculum was centrifuged in a Beckman J2-
21 (Geneva, Switzerland) centrifuge at 4440 g for 15
min, washed once with 0.1M phosphate buffer pH 5.5
The recombinant XYL1 expressing Saccharomyces cere- and resuspended in buffer.
visiae strains H475 and S641 are based on the host strain Batch and continuous fermentations were performed
H158: GPY55-15Ba leu2-3, leu2-112, ura3-52, trp1-289, in a New Brunswick Bioflo III fermentor (New Bruns-
his4-519, prb1, cir1 obtained from Gregg Payne, Berke- wick Scientific Co., Edison, New Jersey) under anaero-
ley University, California. Strain H475 contains the plas- bic conditions (N2 flushing). The stirring speed was 200
mid pUA103 (Hallborn et al., 1991), and strain S641 rev min21. The batch cultivations were performed in a
contains the plasmid pM2 (Walfridsson et al., to ap- total volume of 1.5 L, and the initial sugar content was
pear), which was previously called pMW410 (Walfrids- 20 g L21 glucose and 10 g L21 xylose. The continuous
son et al., 1992; Roca et al., 1996). In the pUA103 and chemostat cultivations were conducted as previously de-
pM2 plasmids the expression of the XYL1 gene is con- scribed (Meinander et al., 1996).
trolled by the constitutive phosphoglycerate kinase pro- Fed-batch fermentations were performed in the Bio-
moter (Mellor et al., 1983), and selection is achieved flo III fermentor or in a Chemoferm LMS-500 (Belach
through the LEU2 selection marker. The plasmids are Bioteknik, Stockholm, Sweden) fermentor. The cultures
identical, except for an empty ADH promoter-termina- were started as batch cultivations with 20–40 g L21 glu-
tor present on the plasmid pM2 (Walfridsson et al., to cose as carbon source and grown overnight with vigor-
appear). The XR activities of H475 and S641 have been ous aeration. After the batch growth phase, xylose was
reported to be 0.51 U/mg and 10.8 U/mg, respectively added in concentrations between 110 and 160 g L21 as
(Hallborn et al., 1991; Walfridsson et al, to appear). In specified in the results section, the aeration conditions
the following, H475 will be denoted ‘‘low XR strain’’ were set to oxygen limitation (airflow of 600 mL min21)
and S641 ‘‘high XR strain.’’ or anaerobic (N2 flushing), and a glucose feed (0.9–2 g
Escherichia coli DH5a [F2 F80dlacZ DM15 D(lac- h21) was started.
ZYA-argF ) U169 deoR recA1 endA1 hsdR17(rK2 mK1) Determinations of mmax for strains transformed with
sup E44 x2 thi1 gyrA69 relA1] (GIBCO BRL, Gaithers- plasmids derived from chemostat cultivations were done

in magnetically stirred stoppered flasks with intermit- used (Sambrook et al., 1989). Yeast transformation was
tent adjustment of pH to 5.5. performed by the LiAc method (Schiestl and Gietz,
1989). Restriction enzymes were purchased from Boeh-
ringer Mannheim Scandinavia AB, Bromma, Sweden.
The concentrations of glucose, xylose, xylitol, glycerol,
acetate and ethanol in the fermentation broth were de- RESULTS
termined by column liquid chromatography (CLC). A
Shimadzu CLC system (Kyoto, Japan) equipped with a Batch Cultivations
Biorad HPX87-H cation exchange column (Richmond,
CA) for separation of the analytes, and a Shimadzu To investigate the growth kinetics and product pattern
RID6A refractive index detector was used. The mobile for the strains with different expression levels of XR,
phase was 5 mM H2SO4 pumped at 0.6 mL min21 and anaerobic batch fermentations with 20 g L21 glucose
the separation temperature 458C. and 10 g L21 xylose were performed (Fig. 1). The mmax
The biomass concentration was analyzed by dry estimated from optical density measurements was 0.19
weight determination. A known volume of fermentation h21 for the low XR strain and 0.098 h21 for the high XR
broth was filtered through a 0.45 mm preweighed mem- strain. The final OD was 8.0 for the low XR strain and
brane, which was dried in a microwave oven and 5.1 for the high XR strain. Neither strain consumed
weighed. The biomass concentration was also monitored xylose or produced xylitol until the glucose concentra-
by optical density (OD) measurements at 620 nm. How- tion had decreased to about 10 g L21. When the glucose
ever, when antifoam was added into the fermentor these was exhausted, the consumption of xylose stopped due
measurements were disturbed, so that only approximate to the lack of a reducing power generating cosubstrate.
results were obtained. The amino-acids in the fermenta- The ethanol and acetate present in the fermentation
tion broth were analyzed by separation on an ion- broth could not be metabolized as cosubstrates under
exchange CLC column and detection by fluorescence anaerobic conditions. The decrease in ethanol concen-
after post-column derivatization with OPA (Barkholt tration apparent at the end of the cultivation was due
and Jensen, 1989). to evaporation or stripping of ethanol from the broth
Specific XR activity was measured from cell lysates. by the nitrogen gas flowing through the fermentor. The
The cells were centrifuged in the same manner as the strains showed similar product patterns, where glycerol
inoculum, washed with 0.1 mM phosphate buffer, pH was produced concommittantly with growth, and small
7, resuspended in phosphate buffer containing 0.5 mM amounts of acetate were formed at the end of the growth
EDTA, 0.5 mM dithiothreitol and 1 mM phenylmethyl- phase. Similar xylitol concentrations were reached with
sulphonylfluoride (PMSF) and disintegrated by vor- both strains at the end of the fermentations. The only
texing with glass beads (0.5 mm diameter). The lysate apparent differences between the strains were the
was centrifuged and the XR activity measured from the slower growth and the lower biomass yield of the high
supernatant as previously described (Hallborn et al., XR strain.
1991). The protein concentration was determined using
a commercial Coomassie Protein Assay Reagent Fed-Batch Xylitol Production
(Pierce, Rockford, Illinois) (Bradford, 1976). The activi-
ties are expressed as units (U) per mg protein, one unit In the batch fermentations it was evident that glucose
being equivalent to the amount of enzyme needed to and xylose were not simultaneously consumed, when
reduce one mmol xylose per minute. the glucose concentration in the fermentor was high. In
The fraction of plasmid containing cells in the fermen- order to facilitate simultaneous xylose conversion and
tation broth at the end of the fermentations, was esti- glucose consumption, fed-batch fermentations were
mated by plating diluted samples of the broth on unse- conducted, where the glucose was gradually fed to the
lective SC1 and selective SC-leu plates (Sherman et al., fermentor to avoid high glucose concentrations.
1983). The cells retaining the recombinant plasmid with
the selection marker (the LEU2 gene) can grow on both
Anaerobic Conditions
types of plates, while cells that have lost the plasmid and
selection marker cannot grow on the selective plates. One of the advantages of using glucose as cosubstrate
compared with ethanol is that the fermentation can be
conducted anaerobically. Two anaerobic fed-batch fer-
Nucleic Acid Manipulations and Transformations
mentations with varying glucose feed rates were carried
Plasmids were prepared from yeast cells according to out with each strain. Examples of the concentration
the quick method described by Strathern and Higgins profiles of substrates and main products in one fermen-
(1991). Standard techniques for electro-transformation tation with each strain are shown in Figure 2. Addition-
of E. coli and preparation of plasmids from E. coli were ally, acetate and glycerol were formed as byproducts of


Figure 1. Substrate consumption and product formation in batch cultivation of the low XR strain (A) and high XR strain (B). Glucose (s),
ethanol (d), xylose (n), xylitol (m), glycerol (h), acetate (j) and OD620 (---).

the glucose metabolism (data not shown). The glucose growth phase, compared with the high XR strain. Dur-
feed rate, xylitol recovery, yield of xylitol on glucose, ing the fed-batch xylitol production phase, the biomass
mean volumetric and specific xylitol productivities, and concentrations stayed approximately constant, indicat-
mean biomass and residual glucose concentrations in ing that only slow growth occurred, balancing out the
the different fermentations are summarized in Table I. dilution effect of the feed. The yield of xylitol on glucose
The values are corrected for the effects of dilution and (around 1 g g21) was similar for both strains. With the
sampling on the broth volume. Since xylitol is not me- high XR strain a 1.9 times higher specific xylitol produc-
tabolized by the recombinant strains, all consumed tivity was achieved, compared with the low XR strain.
xylose should be recovered as xylitol. However, less In spite of the differences in specific productivity, the
accurate estimation of the pumping rate and less concen- volumetric productivity was similar with both strains,
trated feed solutions giving large dilution effects in the or even slightly higher with the low XR strain, due to
fermentations with higher feed rate, led to poor accuracy its higher biomass yield. The glucose feed rate had a
in the xylitol recoveries, compared with the fermenta- direct influence on the residual glucose concentration
tions with lower feed rates, where feed solutions were in the fermentor. In the fermentation shown in Figure
highly concentrated and feed rates were measured by 2B, the feed rate was lowered after elevated residual
weight. glucose concentrations were detected. This immediately
In all fermentations the low XR strain reached a led to a decrease in the glucose concentration. The im-
higher initial biomass concentration during the batch portance of keeping the residual glucose concentration

Figure 2. Concentration profiles for anaerobic fed-batch xylitol production with the low XR strain (A) and high XR strain (B). The dashed
line indicates the time of changing the glucose feed rate. In addition to consumption and production, the concentrations are subject to dilution
by the glucose feed streams, A: 2.2 mL h21, ,95 h; 1.6 mL h21, .95 h, B: 2.2 mL h21, ,95 h; 1.3 mL h21, .95 h. Glucose (s), ethanol (d)
xylose (n), xylitol (m), and biomass (1).

Table I. The overall xylitol recovery from consumed xylose (Yxol/xyl), xylitol yield on consumed glucose, mean productivities, mean biomass,
and mean residual glucose concentrations obtained with the low and high XR strains with different glucose feed rates under anaerobic and
oxygen limited conditions.

Feed rate Yxol/xyla Yxol/glu Qxol qxol Cbiomass Cresidual glu

Strain Oxygenation (g h21) (%) (g g21) (g L21h21) (g g21h21) (g L21 d.w.) (g L21)

Low XR anaerobic 0.9 98.6 0.97 0.43 0.075 5.5 1.96

Low XR anaerobic 1 86 0.91 0.43 0.10 4.3 0
2 0.20 0.01 0.004 3.1 5.02
Low XR oxygen limited 0.99 100 0.82 0.57 0.078 7.3 0.12
High XR anaerobic 0.88 97.5 0.94 0.39 0.11 3.5 3.59
High XR anaerobic 1 88 1.20 0.42 0.19 2.4 1.7
2 0.44 0 0 1.3 31.5
High XR oxygen limited 1 105 0.13 0.001 0.0003 4.1 3.1
Overall yield calculated for the entire fermentation.

low was exemplified by the fermentations with higher mentations was reached. The glucose feed was contin-
feed rates. When the feed rate was increased from 1 ued for a longer period of time, than in the anaerobic
to 2 g h21, the maximal glucose consumption rate of the fermentations, allowing more than 90% of the initially
yeast was exceeded, the residual glucose concentration added xylose to be converted into xylitol. The glucose
increased sharply and xylitol production stopped (Ta- was almost completely consumed at all times, the resid-
ble I). ual glucose concentration never exceeding 0.3 g L21. As
in the anaerobic fermentations, no increase in biomass
concentration during the xylitol production phase was
Oxygen Limited Conditions observed. Comparison of the mean productivities with
those obtained with the same strain under anaerobic
In order to investigate whether limited aeration would conditions (Table I), shows that the specific productivity
increase growth and thus increase volumetric productiv- is in the same range, while the higher biomass concentra-
ities, or enable more effective regeneration of NADH tion in the oxygen limited fermentation led to a higher
through TCA cycle activity and thus increase the xylitol volumetric productivity. The xylitol yield on glucose was
yield on glucose, fermentations similar to the above but somewhat lower than under anaerobic conditions. In
sparingly aerated (0.5 vvm) were performed with both the oxygen limited fermentation with the high XR strain
strains. The concentration profiles of substrates and very low xylitol productivities were observed (Table I).
products for the fermentation with the low XR strain,
are shown in Figure 3. The initial glucose concentration
was 40 g L21, so that a higher initial biomass concentra- Strain Stability
tion (7.3 g L21 d.w.) compared with the anaerobic fer-
To maintain the XYL1 containing plasmid in the cells,
selective medium was used in all fermentations. The
selective medium lacks leucine, which makes retention
of the plasmid containing the LEU2 selection marker
essential for growth. The stability of the heterologous
enzyme activity was evaluated by comparing the in vitro
XR activity of the inoculum and the fermentor culture.
The fraction of cells retaining the plasmid (the selection
marker) was estimated by plating samples of the cultures
on selective and unselective plates. These analyses were
performed in the anaerobic fermentations with high
feed rates and in the oxygen limited fermentation with
the high XR strain. Xylose conversion with the high XR
strain was also investigated in glucose limited chemostat
cultivations with 15 g L21 xylose in the medium. At
constant dilution rate, xylitol productivity decreased
from 0.095 to 0.016 g g21 h21 (285%) in 100 hours. The
Figure 3. Concentration profiles for oxygen limited fed-batch xylitol continuous fermentation was repeated with similar re-
production with the low XR strain. In addition to consumption and
production, the concentrations are subject to dilution by the glucose sults.
feed stream, 2.3 mL h21. Glucose (s), ethanol (d) xylose (n), xylitol The XR activities and fractions of plasmid containing
(m) and biomass (1). cells are summarized in Table II. A decreasing XR activ-


Table II. XR activities and fraction of plasmid containing cells of samples obtained from fed-batch and chemostat cultivations at the indicated
sampling times, compared with XR activities of the inoculum.

Fermentation Activity of inoculum Activity of culture Sampling time Fraction of plasmid-

conditions Strain (U/mg) (U/mg) (h) containing cells (%)

Anaerobic fed-batch Low XR 0.3a 0.2 114 100

Anaerobic fed-batch High XR 6.5a 3.6 114 100
Oxygen lim. fed-batch High XR 4.0 0.2 167 80
4.0 0.01 241 100
Chemostat High XR 4.3 0.3 314 55
Chemostat High XR 6.5a 0.02 1052 n.d.
The activity of the actual inoculum was not measured, but the measurement was made on shake flask cultures grown similarly to the inoculum.
n.d. 5 not determined.

ity was observed for the high XR strain in all cases. The 7 out of the 8 plasmids had identical cleavage patterns
poor xylitol productivity observed in the oxygen limited with the original pM2, while one showed quite different
fed-batch fermentation (Table I) therefore appears to patterns for all restriction enzymes. The size of pM2
be due to a rapid loss of enzyme activity. With the is 12.5 kb, and the size of the dissimilar plasmid was
low XR strain, only a slight decrease in activity was estimated to around 10.5 kb on the basis of the mean
observed. This is in agreement with the previously re- of the sums of the fragment sizes obtained from the
ported good stability of the low XR strain during 1050 different digestions. The size of the XYL1 gene is 954 bp.
hours of chemostat cultivation (Meinander et al., 1996). However, the cleavage patterns show that the dissimilar
In the present study, the high XR strain lost almost all plasmid was not a result of the XYL1 gene simply being
of its XR activity under similar conditions. The fraction removed, but point to extensive recombination events
of plasmid-containing cells at the end of the fermenta- having taken place, both adding and subtracting some
tions indicated that the plasmid was usually not lost to cleavage sites from the plasmid, leaving hardly any of
the same extent as the activity decreased. In many cases the fragments intact.
no plasmid loss was detected; however, in the chemostat To test whether the isolated plasmids had intact XR
cultivation it was apparent that a part of the population genes, the yeast host strain H158 was transformed with
had lost the plasmid (Table II). each plasmid, by the LiAc method. The resulting strains
Analysis of the amino acid content of the fermenta- were grown in shake flasks, the cells were disintegrated,
tion broth at 290 h and 314 h in the 314 h long chemostat and the XR activities of the lysates were measured. The
cultivation, showed that leucine was present in the broth strains transformed with the plasmids showing identical
in concentrations of 8.8 and 4.7 mg/L, respectively. In restriction cleavage patterns with pM2 all exhibited XR
addition to histidine and tryptophane, which were added activities between 4.25 and 5.94 U/mg, with one excep-
to the medium, several other amino-acids, for example
asparagine, serine, glutamine, proline, glycine, alanine,
cysteine, valine, isoleucine and lysine were also detected
in the broth in varying concentrations. This shows that
auxotrophic complementation of amino acids is not a
suitable selection method in long cultivations, where
substantial amounts of amino acids may be released
through excretion or cell lysis.
To further investigate the reason for the decrease in
XR activity, which could only partly be attributed to
loss of the plasmid (Table II), cells taken from the end of
the 314 h long chemostat cultivation were disintegrated,
and plasmids were prepared from the lysate. To isolate
individual plasmids, E. coli DH5a was transformed with
the plasmid preparation by electroporation.
After several transformation attempts, in which only
a few transformants were obtained each time, approxi-
mately 50 Escherichia coli clones were collected, of
which 8 were randomly chosen for further investigation.
Figure 4. Cleavage patterns of pM2 (C1), pM2 treated in the same
The 8 plasmids were prepared from E. coli and analyzed way as the plasmid preparation from the chemostat culture (C2), and
by restriction cleavage with EcoRI (Fig. 4), HindIII, eight plasmids isolated from cells harvested from chemostat culture,
NcoI and SalI and their combinations. It was found that digested with EcoRI.

tion of 16.5 U/mg. The strain transformed with the dis- Lagunas, 1986). In the presence of high glucose concen-
similar plasmid had no XR activity. In magnetically trations the transport system is saturated with glucose,
stirred stoppered flasks the mmax of the strain containing permitting no xylose transport. Therefore, if glucose is
the dissimilar plasmid was about 50% lower than that to be used as cosubstrate for xylitol production, it must
of the original strain. be fed gradually. The residual glucose concentration
was quite low with a feed of 1 g h21, but obviously too
high with 2 g h21 under anaerobic conditions (Table I).
In oxygen limited fermentation with 1 g h21 feed, the
A 20-fold enhanced XR expression level resulted in residual glucose concentration was near zero through-
a less than twofold increase in xylitol productivity, out the fermentation, which might have limited the xyli-
indicating that transport of xylose into the cell or tol production rate. Therefore, large scale fed-batch
generation of reduced cofactors for the reduction of xylitol production with glucose as cosubstrate would
xylose are more important rate controlling factors for require on-line feed rate control.
xylitol production, than the specific XR activity. The The advantages of using glucose as cosubstrate com-
result confirms similar conclusions reached indirectly pared with ethanol are higher specific productivity,
in physiological studies of the low XR strain (Thestrup lower cosubstrate cost, and lower processing cost be-
and Hahn-Hägerdal, 1995; Meinander et al., 1996) and cause aeration is not required. A drawback is the re-
with a XYL1 expressing mutant unable to produce quirement of stringent feed-rate control. With ethanol,
glycerol. This strain had a three times higher xylitol less stringent feed-rate control is required, but the co-
productivity (0.38 g g21 h21) due to increased availa- substrate is more expensive, and acetic acid excreted as
bility of reduced cofactors for the reduction of xylose a byproduct of ethanol metabolism is toxic to the yeast.
(Lidén et al., 1997). The specific activity of purified XR from P. stipitis
The specific xylitol productivity of the strains varied has been reported to be 23.5 U/mg, 47.8 U/mg and 43.2
with residual glucose concentration and biomass con- U/mg (Verduyn et al., 1985; Rizzi et al., 1988; Webb
centration, so that the highest specific productivities and Lee, 1992). Using these values, XR can be calculated
were reached at low biomass and low residual glucose to constitute about 1–2% of the total cell protein in the
concentrations. Under these conditions the specific pro- low XR strain and about 23–46% in the high XR strain.
ductivity of the high XR strain (0.19 g g21 h21) ap- The high expression of recombinant enzyme in the high
proached the highest values reported for xylitol produc- XR strain almost halved the growth rate (from 0.19 to
tion by xylose metabolizing yeasts (0.28 g g21 h21, 0.098 h21) and lowered the biomass yield. The effect of
(Meyrial et al., 1991), 0.45 g g21 h21 (Lu et al., 1995)). protein burden has been suggested to be due to the
The specific productivities of the low XR strain were energy cost of the synthesis of the high amount of recom-
higher compared with fed-batch cultivation using etha- binant protein, leaving less energy available for growth
nol as cosubstrate (Meinander et al., 1994) and in the (Koch, 1983; Bailey, 1993).
same range as previously reported in semi-continuous Recently, a simple quantitative model for the effect
cultivation with glucose as cosubstrate (Thestrup and of overproduction of glycolytic enzymes on growth rate
Hahn-Hägerdal, 1995). Due to the quite low biomass and metabolic flux in Zymomonas mobilis was devel-
concentrations reached on the mineral medium, the vol- oped (Snoep et al., 1995). The model was confirmed by
umetric productivities (0.4–0.6 g L21 h21), were some- experimental data, showing that the overexpression of
what lower than the best result previously obtained with one enzyme diluted all other enzyme activities in the
ethanol as cosubstrate (1 g L21 h21 (Meinander et al., cell, leading to reduced flux and therefore to reduced
1994)) and considerably lower than the best result re- growth rate. In addition to the poor volumetric produc-
ported for xylose metabolizing yeasts (2.67 g L21 h21, tivity caused by low growth rate and poor biomass yield,
(Horitsu et al., 1992)). In a continuous immobilized cell a strain with high protein burden is easily outcompeted
bioreactor, with a high concentration of immobilized by mutant strains with lower protein burden allowing
biomass, volumetric productivities of 3.4 g L21 h21 and higher growth rate.
5.8 g L21 h21 have been achieved with the low and high The two strains showed marked differences in stabil-
XR strains, respectively (Roca et al., 1996). ity during long fermentations (Table II). The low XR
The batch fermentations showed that xylose was not strain retained its XR activity quite well in fed-batch
converted to xylitol in the presence of high glucose fermentation and has previously been stable during long
concentrations, and in fed-batch fermentations xylitol chemostat cultivations (Meinander et al., 1996) and dur-
production stopped when glucose accumulated in the ing fed-batch fermentations in rich medium (Meinander
broth (Table I). Xylose and glucose are both transported et al., 1994). The high XR strain, on the other hand,
by the facilitated glucose transport system in S. cere- lost most of its XR activity during the two chemostat
visiae (Leao and van Uden, 1982; Busturia and Lagunas, cultivations, and during the longer fed-batch fermenta-
1986; van Zyl et al., 1993), which has about 100-fold tion (Table II). The high XR strain has also been found
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