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Kean Ivan S. Lequin 12 New Zealand Career Guidance M.

3 1/13/21
Main Activity
1. Yes, because it helps me on track on what I should do in the future. It also become my guide to
become successful in the future.
2. My primary goal should be to increase likelihood that I will be one of those remarkable people
who achieves greatly and makes real difference with his or her life.

Career Analysis Profile A
Name: Kean Ivan S. Lequin Sex: Male Age:18 yo
Strand/Tracks: STEM Region: VIII
Preferred Exit: Entrepreneur
1st Choice: Nautical 2nd Choice: Computer Engineering
Persona Values Soft Skills Hard Skills Realitie Labor Academic
l Beliefs s Market Performanc
Information e
You’re Hardworkin Communication Technical I have Wholesale Very
not rich g . skills. financial and Retail Satisfactory
enough Teamwork. Computer problem Trade
if you Trustworthy skills. .
don’t Construction
Helpful solving. Microsoft
Time Office skills. Agribusines
management. Analytical s
Critical thinking. skills.
Decision- Marketing
making. skills.
Organizational. Presentation
management. Managemen
t skills.
t skills.

Career Analysis Profile

1. I am Kean Ivan S. Lequin
2. I am 18 years old.
3. I am enrolled in STEM12
4. I am planning to become a businessman
5. I believe that you’re not rich until you have plenty of time,
6. I have the following values hardworking, trustworthy, and helpful.
7. I have the following soft skills communication, teamwork, problem solving, time management,
critical thinking, decision making, organizational, and stress management.
8. I have the following hard skills technical skills, computer skills, Microsoft skills, analytical skills,
marketing skills, presentation skills, management skills, project management skills.
9. I have the realities in life; I have financial problem.
10. The Labor Market Information In my Region shows that the following sectors are Key
Employment Generators Wholesale and Retail Trade, Construction, and Agribusiness.
11. I have a General Weighted Average of 85% which is described as Very Satisfactory.

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