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Lyceum- Northwestern University

Tapuac Dagupan City

College of Teacher Education

Teacher: Ma’am Gloria Paragas Date: 09 / 08/ 22

Subject: Araling Panlipunan 10 Section: 10- Poseidon
Time: 1-2pm Room: DU 201

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

1. Identify the great works of Babylonian civilization and its culture.

2. Connect the contribution of their works and its great impact in modern life

II. Subject Matter

THE FERTILE CRESCENT: The Babylonian Civilization

Search Engine: Fertile crescent, Babylonian Civilation, Mesopotamia
Pages: 1-56
Materials: Laptop, Manila Paper, Pentel Pen, Pictures

Values: Gain an appreciation for the events of the past and how they affect the
present. valuing what civilization has given to the society we live in today.

III.Procedures Learning Activities


“Good Morning Class!” (pupils stand up) “Good Morning
Ma’am Rodeliza!”
“Okay!! before we start our lesson, may I call Ms. ”(Student Praying)”
Vina to lead the prayer”
“Now I will check your class attendance in group, “Nobody is absent Ma’am”
we’ll start with Group 1, is there any absent for
“how about Group 2.” “Nobody is absent Ma’am”
“Group 3?” “Nobody is absent Ma’am”
“Group 4.” “Nobody is absent Ma’am”
“And the last, Group 5.” “Nobody is absent Ma’am”
“Congratulations class! you have a perfect ( Students clapping)
attendance let’s give yourself a round of applause!”
“Now let’s proceed to our energizer! Are you ready “Yes Ma’am”
to give all you’ve got?”
“This energizer will make our mind and body “ Yes Ma’am!!”
healthy. The student who performs well and give
his/her best shot will have a plus point later on. Are
you ready?”
( Plays the video) (Students start dancing)
“Great performance class! please take a seat.” (Pupils takes a seat)

“I’m amazed that 10-poseidon are so talented! Did “yes Ma’am!”

you enjoy our activity?”
“Very Good !, So are you ready with our new “Yes, we are ready Ma’am!”
“Well, that’s good to know. Okay, as you can see in “The Fertile Crescent!”
our manila paper our lesson for today is about?”
“Very good! Do you have an idea when you hear “None Ma’am”
the word Fertile Crescent? Anyone?”
“Okay! Please pay attention to the discussion so “Yes Ma’am”
that you may learn more about our subject because
activities will follow. Understood?”
“The Tigris and Euphrates Valley is located in
Asia's southwest corner. rivers like the Nile Valley,
witnessed humanity's triumphant transition from
primitive society to civilization. Mesopotamia,
which translates as "land between rivers," was also
known as the Fertile Crescent due to its form. “So, “Tigris and Euphrates Ma’am”
what are the two valleys in south-western corner of
“Again, what is the meaning of Mesopotamia? Yes “Land Between Two Rivers
Rizza? Ma’am”
“Very good!” “At the mouth of the Tigris and
Euphrates, Babylonia was located in the south of “North Ma’am”
Mesopotamia, and Assyria was located in the?”
 “How many districts did Mesopotamia has?” “2 districts Ma’am”
“Jonalyn, What are the two districts of “Babylonia and Assyria Ma’am”
“Very Good! So, there were two civilizations that “Babylonian and Chaldean
occurred in the Fertile Crescent or Mesopotamia. Civilizations
What are those?”

“Okay! The Babylonian Civilization will be the

topic of our discussion today. But first, let's
examine how the Babylonian Civilization began to
develop. The Amorites triumphed after many
centuries of conflict. Akkad and Sumer were united
by Hammurabi, an Amorite monarch of Babylon
who ruled from 1948 to 1905 BC, and the new
nation became known as Babylonia after the capital
of Babylon.” “King Hammurabi Ma’am”
“Okay!, who was the king that starts to lead
“Very good! Hammurabi was a great conqueror and “I guess it is disciplined and the
a skilled politician.” poor has a protection from rich
“So how was the Babylonian society during the because of his code.”
time of King Hammurabi? Yes, Lady Erika?”
“Well said Miss Lady Erika it is true that because “Community, family, and social
of his code many servants gained their freedom. class Ma’am”
Okay, when we talk of society, we are referring to
“Very good! Society in ancient Babylonia consisted “Nobles, this is compose of king,
of three social classes. The first is? Joshua please priests and rich landlords”
“Thank you! So take note that there is just one “The Freeman it is consists of
general definition that can be conceived, that you farmers merchants and artisans”
must be wealthy to belong to the Babylonian
“The second class is called the freemen. Everybody
please read who are they?”
“Okay! so the second class can be categorized as in
the middle. They are not so rich but not so poor
“Let’s proceed with the third social class. Rica can “The Slaves it is composed of
you please read?” poor people who cannot afford to
be a freeman more so to be a
“Note that society during the Babylonian
Civilization have social stratification. Primarily the
basis for this is wealth and power.”
“If we will recall our lesson in about India, “Ma’am, the Caste system is
Babylonian social stratification is the same with the composed of: Brahmins the
Caste system. So, who among you can enumerate priests. Kshatriya and Vaishya the
the structure of the Caste system?” warriors. Sudras the slaves”
“Very good! In that Caste system, wealth and
power is also the primary determiner if where a
person should be classified.” “No. Ma’am. Because there might
“Let me ask someone in the class. Would you like be a problem of discrimination.
to have a social classification in the Philippines like Well in fact we Filipinos sir are
of India and Babylonia? Yes Reggie.” known to be loving to our fellow”
Very good! Just for the reason of avoiding
discrimination, social classification should not be
observed here in the Philippines

“What was the main industry of the Babylonians?” “Farming Ma’am”

“Farming was the chief industry. The Babylonians
were also skilled craftsmen. They carried on
commerce with other nations”
“Very good! When we talk of farming as a means “Agricultural Ma’am”
of industry, therefore society during that time is
classified as? Yes Joanne.”
“Very good!!”

“Their invention of the wheel replaced the clumsy “Land Transportation”

sledged, it improves their?
“The Babylonian writing was called cuneiform
because of its wedge-shaped letters”
“Cuneiform was the system of Sumerian writing “Yes Ma’am”
also as what we have studied already in our
previous lesson. Right?”
“Okay, so what was the system of Babylonian “ Cuneiform Ma’am”
“Very good! Now let’s proceed to the contributions
of Babylonian civilization.”
“The greatest contribution of Babylonia to “Code of Hammurabi”
civilization was the famous?”
“okay!! Do you have any idea about the code of “I could remember about its
Hammurabi? Yes Rema.” principle known this system, if a
man broke the bone of one his
equals, he would break his own
bone in retaliation, which is
widely connected with the
proverb "an eye for an eye."
“Very good! That was a general description of this “The Code of Hammurabi is the
rule for it is a kind of law” “oldest code in history”. The code
consists of 285 laws. It covers
“The Code of Hammurabi, everybody please read” numerous subjects. It reveals a
sense of justice, though many of
the penalties for crimes are

“so what do you observed about the code? How “It is very strict Ma’am”
will you describe it?”
"Exactly, it was quite strict. In actuality, the law's
provisions are referred to be "retributive justice."
"In the framework of our nation, legal norms are “Yes Ma’am especially when
occasionally disregarded due to money and power. those that are convicted are
Yet when justice is delayed, justice is denied.”. politicians or influential persons”
Will you agree with that?”

“Very good! Thank you for that idea Ms. May

“Another contribution of the Babylonian “ASTROLOGY”
civilization is in the field of what?”
“That's correct! Compared to early Egyptians, the
Babylonians had more sophisticated astrological
understanding. They were the first to create the
twelve zodiac signs that astrologers presently
employ in their profession.”
“Okay!! How many zodiac signs did the “12 zodiac signs”
Babylonians devised?”

“Presently, we use the concept of zodiac signs for “Yes Ma’am”

and to interpret love life, destiny, future, hobbies
and other things. Do you experience like that?”
“How was it Jevelyn?” “Sometimes it can be true but also
a false Ma’am, I guess it is still in
our hands to decide our future”
“Thank you!!, well let’s proceed. Darwin please “The Sexagesimal System of
read the next contribution” calculation, that is division by 60.
The hour was divided into 60
minuted and minutes to 60
“The next contribution is one of the famous “The Epic of Gilgamesh
masterpiece in literature known as:”
“This epic was a forerunner of the story of the
Great Flood and Noah in the Old Testament”
“OK!! Those were the contributions of the “The Contributions of Babylonian
Babylonian civilization. Can someone enumerate civilization are: 1.Wheel 2. Code
what are those?” of Hammurabi 3. Astrology 4.
Sexagesimal system 5. The Epic
“Yes Mr. Sotto” of Gilgamesh”

“EXCELLENT!! Later, I will give your reward. (students clap 10x)

Again give yourself a 10 clap for your amazing
IV. Assessment/Evaluation

Directions: In a one whole sheet of paper choose one of the contributions of

the Babylonian civilization. Make an essay how this contribution affects the
lives of people today.

1. How you see its importance to yourself, in your family, society and your

V. Assignment

1. In yellow pad kindly pick 3 codes of Hammurabi and explain it in 2 sentence

only. Please make it clear and precise.


lyceum northwestern university

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