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Practice the following dialog with your friend.

Identify and rewrite the use of if clauses followed by imperatives/ suggestion.

Eva : Hi, Joe. I heard that you will go to Bali next week?
Joe : That’s true, my family and I will spend our long holiday there. You’ve been to Bali a
couple of time, right?
Eva : I have, it’s beautiful place.
Joe : I see. Can you recommend me a good spot to visit?
Eva : If you want a different experience of Bali, you should visit Nusa Penida.
Joe : I haven’t ever heard of the place. Where is that?
Eva : It is located in the southeast part of Bali. If you go there, go check Kelingking Beach.
Joe : What is interesting about the beach?
Eva : Besides the beauty of the beach, the unique formation of the hill there looks like a T-
Rex head.
Joe : Really, I think I would like to see that.
Eva : You should. However, going there is quite challenging since it is secluded area and you
have to do a rugged 400m cliff side hike. If you want to Journey there, prepare your
physique properly.
Joe : I see. What if I don’t feel like hiking one I go there?
Eva : Well, if you won’t do the hike, you can just enjoy the scenic view and take photos from
above. For most people, it is more than enough.
Joe : What can I do once I reach the bottom?
Eva : If you reach the bottom, you should play at the beach freely. It’s like having the beach
for yourself.
Joe : That sounds fun. I think I will go there after hearing what you’ve said. Any more tips I
should know?
Eva : Just be careful if you want to play at the beach. There are no official life guards at the
moment. Make sure you don’t go too far into the water. You should also bring enough
water if you don’t want to have dehydration.
Joe : I see. Thanks, I’ll remeber that.

Journey (v): Formation (n): Scenic (adj):

Recommend (v): Secluded (adj): Freely (adv):
Southeast (adj): Rugged (adj): Lifeguard (n):
Cliffside (n): Properly (adv): Dehydration (n):

No If Clause + Imperative If Clause + Suggestion

Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box.
Read the text aloud, in turns.
 Fortifications  Silks  experience  sundown
 Shipwrights  Significant  carpenter  documents
 Dinner  expanded  remember  touring

Five things to do if you visit Makassar

Makassar, Indonesia, a historically (1) ____trading port on the southwest coast of the island
of Sulawesi, has a wealth of attractions. Visitors enjoy everything from inner tubing down a
waterfall among butterflies to snorkeling on white sandy beaches. If you visit Makasaar, be sure
to (2) ____ all the following attractions.

1. See traditional pinisi boats at Paotere Harbor. Paotere Harbor’s long history tracks that of
the independent Gowa Kingdom that dominated South Sulawesi from the 1300s to the
1670s. Pinisi ships—designed and built by Makassarese (3) _____sailed forth from
Paotere, reaching ports as far away as Malacca (present-day Malaysia). Pinisi still crowd the
dock that's only a 15-minute drive from Makassar, where beyond shipping essentials like
rice and coffee, fishing boats arrive holding the day’s catch. Go early in the morning to see
Paotere at its busiest.
2. Enjoy waterfall and butterflies in Maros. Bantimurung – Bulusaraung river system in Maros is
magical. Furthermore, you can see a waterfall and river—both of which provide a
spectacular backdrop for having a picnic. Thrill-seekers love riding down the waterfall on
inner tubes. You may also see some butterflies around the waterfall or the cave walkway,
but (4) ______the butterfly enclosure on-site is the only reliable way to view these beauties.
3. Explore Fort Rotterdam. After the Dutch conquered the Gowa Kingdom in 1667, they
destroyed the king's (5) ______ and built a fort that served as a nucleus around which the
city that became Makassar grew over the centuries. Now it becomes a repository for ancient
(6) ______ and relics. Many of them can be seen at the La Galigo Museum, housed in two
buildings: You'll see clothing from South Sulawesi's diverse peoples, models of boats from
Sulawesi's many seafaring tribes, and more.
4. Go shopping at Somba Opu. Shops around Sombu Opu streets sell a range of items from
expensive (7) _______ and gold jewelry to souvenir T-shirts by the dozen. Historically
home to Makassar’s gold and silver shops, Jalan Somba Opu has (8) ______ to cover a
wide range of retail activities. You can also find batik from Manado and woodcrafts and
textiles from Toraja.
5. Watch the sunset at Losari beach . To see Makassar at its most spontaneous, visit the
Losari Beach seaside promenade just before (9) ______. It's a favorite stop to enjoy a
beautiful sunset. Then walk north up Jalan Penghibur for an early (10) _____ at the
sidewalk food vendors when you can enjoy various Makassar’s food.

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