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Differential Calculus (Limits & Derivatives) 317 Time element: 4.0 hours —z£z—_{[_[—————— Problem 556: CE Board November 1997 2 Evaluate: Lim =a et MP eK=4 A. 15 B. 26 Cc. 35 : ’ D. 45 Problem §57: ECE Board April 1998 Evaluate: Lim cease eave, OC x=12) Undefined 0 A B. C. Infinity D. 17, Problem 558: ME Board April 1998 = Evaluate the Lim seal xd X=4 oO i: 8 oOm> 16 Problem $59: ECE Board April 1993 2 Evaluate: M=Lim *—4 x2 X-2 po@> oano 318 1001 Solved Problems in Engineering Mathematics by Tiong & Rojas Problem 560: EE Board April 1995 1—cosx z Evaluate: Lim 30 - x 9Op> N Problem $61: ME Board October 1997 Compute the following limit:: Limit: **4 xa Xx-4 AL B. 0 c. 2 D. Infinite Problem 562: EE Board October 1994 4 _ay2 Evaluate: Lim ee xa Sx +x-3 Undefined 35 Infinity Zero com> Problem 563: ECE Board November 1991 Evaluate: Lim (x* + 3x- 4) x34 24 26 28 30 pom> Problem 564: ECE Board November 1994 tan™ Evaluate: Lim (2-x) 2 x>1 2x ez pom > ° Differential Calculus (Limits & Derivatives) 319 Problem $65: EE Board October 1997 gom> Differentiate y = e* cos x*. —e* sin? e* (cos x° - 2x sin x’) e* cos x° — 2x sin —2xe* sin x Problem 566: EE Board October 1997 pop> Differentiate y = sec (x* + 2). 2x cos (x* + 2) — cos (x° + 2) cot (x? + 2) 2x sec (x° +2) tan (x* + 2) cos (x* + 2) Problem 567: CE Board November 1994 gom> What is the derivative with respect to x of (x + 1)? — x°? 3x+6 3x-3 6x-3 6x+3 Problem 568: EE Board October 1997 Po eS Differentiate y = log 10 (x* + 1)? 4x (7 +1) Ax logy & es log e(x)(x" + 1) 2x(x’ + 1) Problem 569: EE Board October 1997 > 9 Differentiate (x? + 2)". (x? +22 2 x 2x (¢ +2)? 320 1001 Solved Problems in Engineering Mathematics by Tiong & Rojas Problem §70: EE Board October 1997 ify = (+2)? and t = x", determine fa 3 Ree 2 2x? +2x le C. 2x+2) D. xS/24 x2 Problem §71: ME Board April 1997 What is the first derivative of the expression (xy)* =e? AO ace x. _y (itinxy) oc sy b. wy {tala x2 Problem 572: ME Board April 1998 Find the derivative with respect to x the function ¥2-3x? -2x? Ve-3e -3x Vo-3x2 ~3x? c. vo-32 3x Ya-3e Problem 573: EE Board April 1995 Find y’ if y = arc sin cos x > 9 =f =2 1 2 9OO> Differential Calculus (Limits & Derivatives) 321 Problem 574: CE Board May 1997 Find the derivative of arc cos 4x. See (1—16x2)°* eee Se (1-16x?)°> ses (1-4x2)°* 4 (14x27 Problem 575: CE Board November 1996 3 Find the derivative of oe (x+4? (x48 x x 6 A(x +)? 20x41) 2 x x c Ax+I? (x oe x x p, 2a+tF _ (xa? x x Problem 576: ECE Board November 1991 2 Differentiate the equation: y = ~— xe4 2 a eam +P ct. x1 2x 2 ee xe1 Problem $77: CE Board November ‘The derivative with respect to x of 2 Cos * (x* + 2) is A. 2sin (x + 2) cos (X" + 2) B. -2 sin O¢ + 2) cos (x’ + 2) 322 1001 Solved Problems in Engineering Mathematics by Tiong & Rojas C. 8x sin (¢ + 2) cos ( + 2) D. 8x sin (x? + 2) cos (x* + 2) Problem 578: CE Board November 1993 o Find the second derivative of y by implicit differentiation from the equation 4+ By" = 36. A. 64x 93 8. -7y C. 32xy 18 5 Deseo a! Problem $79: ME Board April 1998 Find the partial derivatives with respect to x of the function xy” — 5y + 6. ee ey} y xy-5y 2xy pop> Problem 580: ME Board October 1997 Find the second derivative of x - 5x" + x= 0. 10x-5 6x-10 3x+ 10 3x" - 5x goa> Problem 581: ME Board April 1998 Given the function f(x) = x to the 3° power — 6x + 2. Find the first derivative at x=2. A 6 i g C. 37-5 dD. 8 Problem 582: CE Board May 1996 Find the slope of the ellipse x. + 4y’ — 10x — 16y + 5 = O at the point where y=2+8°° andx=7. A B. c. D. Differential Calculus (Limits & Derivatives) 323 Problem $83: EE Board October 1997 COM> ify = 4 cos x + sin 2x, what is the slope of the curve when x = 2 radians? “221 4.94 -3.25 2.21 Problem 584: ECE Board November 1991 pom> Find the slope of the line tangent to the curve y =x*-2x+1 atx=1. 1 1/2 13 14 Problem 585: ECE Board November 1991 pom> 2 Give the slope of the curve at the point (1,1): ya" 2e41 1/4 1/4 11/4 11/4 Problem 586: ECE Board November 1998 pomp> Find the slope of x’y = 8 at the point (2,2). 2 “1 12 2 Problem 587: CE Board May 1 com> 998 Find the slope of the curve x + y* — 6x + 10y + 5 = 0 at point (1,0). 5 2/5 114 2 Problem 588: CE Board May 1996 poo> Find the slope of the tangent to the curve, y = 2x—x" + x° at (0,2). Ons 324 1001 Solved Problems in Engineering Mathematics by Tiong & Rojas Problem 589: ECE Board April 1999 Find the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola y = x° - 4x + 1 by making use of the fact that at the vertex, the slope of the tangent is zero. A (2-3) B. (2) C243) € D. (2-3) Problem 590: ECE Board April 1999 Find the equation of the normal to x + y* = 5 at the point (2,1). y= 2x x= 2y 2x + 3y=3 xtyet DOD> Problem $91: CE Board May 1995 What is the equation of the normal to the curve x" + y’ = 25 at (4,3)? A. 5x+3y=0 B. 3x-4y=0 C. ax+4y=0 D. 5x-3y=0 Problem 592: EE Board April 1997 Locate the points of inflection of the curve y = f(x) = x" e*. 24/3 24 V2 -24 2 2+ 3 Problem $93: ECE Board November 1991 In the curve 2+12x-x°, find the critical points. 929 > A. (2,18) & (-2,-14) B (2,18) & (2,-14) C. (2,18) & (2-14) D. (2,18) & (-2,14) Problem 594: CE Board November 1997 Find the radius of curvature of a parabola y* — 4x = 0 at point (4,4). 22.36 units 25.78 units 20.33 units ODP Differential Calculus (Limits & Derivatives) 325 D. 15.42 units Problem 595: ECE Board November 1996 Find the radius of curvature at any point in the curve y + In cos x = 0. cos x 1.5707 sec x 1 pom> RATING | 34-40 Topnotcher CL} 24-33 Passer [_] 20-23 conditional _j Q-19 Failed If FAILED, repeat the test. O>oDO>aOmOD BERRSSeee2 O>>O0R> 000 . B D c c B A c A B B

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