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Analyzing the conflict of religious in Indonesia in the light of St.

Albert the great in

the notion of intelligent and intelligible


Religion came into the world with a mission for the salvation of mankind. All

religions basically carry messages of salvation, peace, justice, wisdom and love. But in

its development, religion often involved in conflict or war, even though that is not the

mission of religion, but because of the factors of religious adherents who were brought

into the realm religion, so that there was a religious conflict. When religion has fused

with various other aspects of life, religion often becomes a means of legitimacy violence

and become the dominant force in generating identity emotional compared to other

social identities

Religious conflict may not be a foreign topic to our ears, because religious

conflicts have become a problem until now still not resolved properly. Religious conflict

is not just becoming problems in Indonesia alone but also throughout the world. This is

because Indonesia has various ethnicities and religions. Many riots in Indonesia have a

background of religious conflict. This is natural, because religious issues have a very

high sensitivity, regarding beliefs which is very deep and transcendental in a person.

As in the latest population census data, 87 percent of Indonesians declared

themselves to be Muslim, followed by 9.87 percent who were Christian. The Indonesian

constitution guarantees religious freedom, and officially recognizes Islam,

Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism.

The emergence of religious conflict cannot be generalized as a mistake religious

adherents in understanding its teachings, however, conflict and violence occurs because

of various interests surrounding the adherents of religion as economic, political and

power interests.


This paper will help contributing to the larger understanding of the philosophy

to the upcoming students in term of using analytical in the worldwide term about the

intelligent and intelligible from the human ego to make a problem because of

misunderstanding or selfish we know human intelligent can make us to become ego or


This research paper I used the idea of St. Albert the Great about the intelligent

and intelligible to said about the problem of religious in Indonesia. There are several

causes of conflict between religious communities the first they still do not understand

their religious teachings or deviate from the rules teachings of their respective religions

the second People are still selfish or consider their religion to be the truest the third, the

community still acts at will without following the existing rules.

Statement of problem

The problem of religious in Indonesia is ongoing problem that it was from the

generation to generation as a minor religious in Indonesia they always suffering from

the Muslim because of discrimination of religion some people may think that their

religious is better than others and they might said our religious teach us wrong no truth
in it that’s why in connection to Albert the great notion of Intelligent and intelligible we

will see what is the cause that rise up with this problem.

Main problem

If human mind does not want to exempt what people said then the feat back is

against other human because of our intelligent we have fear to what will happen so we

also created something to against each other.


1. What is the main conflict that always happened regarding to the


2. What can St. Albert the great say about conflict of religious


3. Why religious conflict happen always in Indonesia?

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