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July 23, 2022

Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID 19 Early Treatment Hero

By John Dale Dunn, M.D.
The Courage to Face Covid-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling
the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, by John Leake and Peter A. McCullough MD MPH is
tale of the 2- year- plus effort, accomplishments and travails of a remarkably
prominent and successful physician. Dr. McCullough decided to push back on the
establishment in the face of a global epidemic of a respiratory virus, COVID 19
(SARS COV 2) , risking everything in today’s cancel culture. He pushed for
sensible early treatment, when the establishment had another agenda—don’t treat or
treat with worthless drugs until we get our “vaccine” (it’s not a vaccine at all)
out. The opportunity to make billions from scared populations, nations,
politicians and create worldwide chaos and even reorder societies was at stake for
them. As the progressives say, never let a good crisis go to waste if there is an
opportunity for a power grab and profits.

I was impressed with the medical advocacy of Dr. Peter McCullough during 2020 as he
became a leading voice in a worldwide effort by many medical experts to promote
early ambulatory treatments with Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, with special
attention to anti-inflammatory and supplemental adjuvants and blood thinners to
reduce the complications of clotting. He was always on top of the literature and
promoted the positions of the early COVID treaters around the world.

Dr. McCullough rejected the nihilist approach protocol of Fauci: just send them
home and to come back if they really get sick, then we’ll hospitalize them. He
pointed out the ridiculous Fauci promotion of the nasty and ineffective Gilead drug
Remdesivir, and he also rejected the shutdowns, school closures, masking and social
distancing and quarantine measures widely promoted. As he put it so well,
physicians need to treat the patients with effective regimens, not just sit around
waiting for the magic vaccines. It is not good medical practice to ignore
preventive and early treatment measures that work and reduce mortalities.

Dr. Peter McCullough is a Dallas, Texas Internist/ Cardiologist/epidemiologist

(population health studies), and a former editor of medical journals/ consultant to
pharmaceutical companies and research programs. He is an extraordinarily qualified
individual, not just a prominent expert, but remarkable and extraordinary as well
as courageous in discussing the epidemic of the Wuhan Lab engineered Coronavirus,
that killed millions and disrupted the whole world.

John Leake is a professional writer and explains in the preface to the book how he
became a coauthor with Dr. McCullough. He was impressed with his performance in
the fall of 2020 and spring of 2021 in US Senate Hearings chaired by Senator Ron
Johnson and a Texas Senate hearing chaired by Senator Hall and a follow up
interview in May of 2021 with Tucker Carlson.

He met with Dr McCullough for an interview in his Dallas studio for a film/video
session and described that interview:

He spoke so eloquently with such encyclopedic knowledge that his interview required
no editing. The astonished video director recommended it uncut for the world to

Mr. Leake’s experience describes how I reacted to McCullough’s testimony and

interviews: he is a genius with a remarkable grasp of the medical research and
science pertinent to the COVID 19 issues. But that is no surprise considering his
remarkable career and stature in the medical profession. I watched him many times
and never did he fail to impress me with his eloquence and erudition. He is one
smart man with a knack for being a good educator and analyst, an ideal person to
provide good advice and counsel, perfect choice for a Dr. Welby type impression in
a hearing. I reviewed here at American Thinker his Joe Rogan interview that set
all viewer/listener records for the popular podcast, a 2:45 hour tour de force.
The man is amazing.

Mr. Leake also made a comment that rings true, “I got to know him not only as a
compassionate doctor but also a devoted family man and loyal friend.” I must say
that is the persona I saw on display when I watched Dr. McCullough and met him: his
belief and commitment to the role of a physician, to treat the patient and do
everything you can to help relieve suffering and promote healing. Nihilism has no
place in professional conduct—as stated by the Hippocratic Oath, traditionally
taken by medical graduates:

“I will follow that method of treatment which, according to my ability and

judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients and abstain from whatever is
deleterious and mischievous.”

In the prologue, the book addresses what appears to be a troublesome rehearsal of a

pandemic sponsored by Johns Hopkins and funded by Gates Foundation money and the
World Economic Forum in 2019. One cannot help but be concerned that Gates money
founded the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness’ Innovations (CEPI) in 2017 and by
2019 CEPI was already developing “vaccines” for coronaviruses although even the
public agencies admit mRNA spike protein stimulators are not vaccines at all.

The first section of the book is a fast-moving story of the spring and summer of
2020. Fraudulent propaganda on HCQ developed with Fauci in the lead. There were
some badly designed studies for HCQ, defective because HCQ was always promoted for
early treatment, not after hospitalization. Discovery of other treatments came,
particularly steroids for inflammation and anti-coagulants for clotting.

Ivermectin became an issue and was condemned, just like HCQ, after some flawed
studies. Fauci promoted Remdesivir despite the WHO warning not to use it on
hospitalized patients. But it was produced by Gilead, one of Fauci’s favorite

Lo and behold, the vaccine development seemed to be extraordinarily rapid with the
vaccines’ magic promoted by Fauci. All these events are described in detail in the
Leake and McCullough book, with the players named and the sequence of events.

Harvey Risch, an extraordinary epidemiologist and advocate, became engaged and

supportive of the group effort to oppose Fauci and his minions in 2020. Dr.
McCullough and Dr. Littell Lozano proposed an early treatment protocol paper for
the journals, and the Henry Ford Hospitals and an Eastern Virginia medical group
headed by Dr. Paul Marik also advocated early ambulatory treatment with HCQ and

On the West Coast and across the country treatment programs developed that are
described. Dr. George Fareed, a general practitioner, previously a virologist and
Brian Tyson, MD, declared their commitment to early ambulatory treatment and
reported their great success.

In August of 2020 the American Journal of Medicine published Dr. Harvey Risch and
Dr. Peter McCullough’s paper on early treatment, but in the meantime Fauci and
organized public health officials and medical societies lined up with the
establishment position opposing Ivermectin, HCQ, and early treatment in favor of
continuing the silly Remdesivir and allowing some anticoagulant and anti-
inflammatory treatments. Dr. McCullough also found that colchicine (an anti-
inflammatory used for gout mostly) was beneficial and planned to update the
outpatient treatment protocol in the Proceedings of the Baylor University Medical
Center. But the paper was retracted by the publisher after fully making it through
peer review. Ultimately the followup protocol was published in Reviews in
Cardiovascular Medicine. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
published information and treatment protocols provided by Dr. Marik.

These developments led to a hearing chaired by Senator Ron Johnson attended by Drs.
Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, George Fareed and Harvey Risch with one opposing
expert, Dr. Jha, dean at Brown Univ School of Public Health. Probably the most
telling episode in the hearing was Dr. Jha’s admission that he had never treated a
COVID 19 patient after advising the country for more than two hours. Recently, the
Biden administration has appointed him the COVID Czar as a reward for his
mendacious advocacy and toeing the line on the Fauci tyranny.

Sprinkled through the book are tales of episodes of legal fights with hospitals
about treatments and patient family advocacy -- some triumphs with dramatic
survivals, some disappointments that led to deaths from neglectful treatment that
complied with the Fauci establishment rules. There is also plenty of evidence
provided to show that pharma companies were involved in misconduct that was
motivated by hopes of financial rewards.

A chapter is provided by Mr. Leake about the storied career of Dr. Peter Breggin, a
psychiatrist who worked to reduce pharma influence and exposed big pharma
misconduct in matters of psychiatric medications. Dr. Breggin and his wife Ginger
also recently published an expose of the COVID 19 affair with a focus on Gates, the
WEF, and pharma company misconduct COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the
Prey. I recommend it without reservation.

The last segments of the book describe the corruption in the healthcare
establishment, compromising integrity in practice, research, policy making.
Consider what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discussed in his book that I reviewed here, a
problem he labels regulatory capture, meaning that the regulated parties corrupt
the regulators. The collusion of organized medicine, academic medicine and the
hospital industry with government agencies and their apparatchiks along with cover
by the media is cemented with money. Pharma companies like Pfizer, Moderna,
Johnson and Johnson, and Astra Zenica make and dole out influence money for sure.
NIH officials, academic physicians, medical schools all pocket millions in
donations for research or in royalties for sales of drugs they research and test
for efficacy and risk and then approve. That’s a serious conflict and modifies
behavior. Dr. Tony Fauci, for example reportedly is worth $10 million or more to
include royalties.

The bio-pharma cabal mentioned in the title of the book certainly impacted the
management of the COVID 19 epidemic and the attitudes about acceptable mitigation
and treatments—Gates money greased some wheels in the public and private sector for
many reasons, particularly for money and power.

The result of these collusive arrangements contributes to the cancel culture that
has seen many prominent and accomplished physicians have been harmed -- physicians
who departed from the Fauci canon, hymnal and diktats. All the major players in
the group that I support have been censored, censured and persecuted, across the
country. The story of the big stars in the anti-Fauci group is particularly
appalling—extraordinary physicians who were fired and punished in a Stalinesque
manner, physicians exercising their best judgment as advocated in the Hippocratic
Oath quoted above.

Here in Texas, my home, Dr. Peter McCullough was persecuted and cancelled in cruel
and unjust ways by the hospital/pharma/medical organization/academic/medical
journal community. Baylor University Medical Center, a Baptist founded and
supported organization, was particularly despicable, but no doubt Baylor has
wandered into the bright lights and power business of healthcare and shed any
pretense of being a Christian moral organization in my opinion.

I would suggest thst any moral compass at Baylor has been demagnetized by our old
nemesis, greed, ambition, and a desire for power. However, I met Dr. McCullough
recently and watched him at a meeting. He remains the same quietly confident
decent man I saw when this ordeal began. It is no wonder that Mr. Leake, his co-
author, admires him. he is a man of extraordinary intellect, combined with
discipline, humility, wisdom and fortitude, the stoic ideal. (He looks and acts
like he came out of a factory that makes the perfect model of a great physician.)
He makes his momma and fellow physicians proud. I wish him well and thank him for
what he has done this past 2 years.

John Dale Dunn MD JD is a retired emergency physician and inactive attorney in

Brownwood, Texas

June 12, 2022

You'll Never Escape COVID
By Shawn A. Means
Nobody expects an inquisition, except maybe in the catacombs of The Science™, where
one may hear among the screams: "If you torture the data long enough, it will
confess." Career pressures of publish-or-perish coupled with the bonanza of fast-
tracked manuscripts associated with COVID-19 produce remarkable (unsettling?
hilarious?) examples of a Data Inquisition. Peer-reviewed publications establish
with precision that anywhere from 5 to 80 percent will suffer some form of Long
COVID — regardless whether they actually caught the virus or not.

Meanwhile, the media magnify fears over the mystery of Long COVID. One third of
all infected will suffer chronic and debilitating symptoms! Niggling details
didn't make it to press, though, such as how most subjects were the vulnerable
elderly and hospitalized for severe acute infection. One in five may develop Long
COVID, says the CDC, and vaccination will protect you! Yet the article buried how
vaccination can also increase risk of Long COVID and lead to worse outcomes than
hospitalization for influenza. Marvel in horror as people lose ten I.Q. points to
Long COVID! Never you mind all subjects were severe and critical cases. Long
COVID can even lead to death! Actual underlying causes may have nothing to do with
Long COVID, but let that not stand in the way of sensational headlines magnetizing

Nevertheless, actual SARS-CoV-2 infections can lead to actual chronic conditions,

but nailing down the prevalence is elusive. Government analysts with the U.K.
Office for National Statistics grappling with this issue found that overall, 11.5
percent on average suffer longer-term symptoms out to 5 weeks that falls to around
3 percent at 12 weeks improving afterward. Women and elderly are more vulnerable,
including those with the well known comorbidity obesity, itself a "pandemic"
estimated to kill 2.8 million per year. Imagine the lives saved if government
policies focused on nutrition, exercise, and general health instead of, well, other

But what exactly is Long COVID? The U.K. report struggled with three different
definitions and three different analyses for the condition. Typical symptoms
include difficulty breathing, cognitive decline or "brain fog," chronic fatigue,
malaise, headaches, and runny nose. Yet these things plagued humanity long before
the now-vindicated pangolas of Wuhan wet markets unleashed their "never could
happen" gain-of-function-in-a-laboratory viral strain on a world bristling with
triggers for these symptoms including, of all things, isolation.

Curiously, social stressors such as isolation are linked with inflammation,

particularly in the brain, or "neuroinflammation." Brain physiology is altered by
inflammatory mechanisms and implicated in fibromyalgia and Gulf War Illness.
Research into this issue predates the pandemic, showing rising risk for mental
illness, fatigue, depression, withdrawal, and mood disorders — symptoms that
strikingly overlap Long COVID descriptions by the CDC.

Consider these marvels, then, dear reader, chronicling the first few days of our
locked down lives, when an eerie quiet blanketed human civilization. Wildlife
pensively explored urban landscapes. The World Economic Forum ironically
celebrated the extraordinary "improvement" of silent cities across the globe. One
may ask, then: Could the social stress of lockdowns and symptoms of Long COVID be
linked somehow — regardless whether one caught the virus or not?

A recent study investigated precisely this issue. With lockdown survivors

confirmed non-infected by SARS-CoV-2, they observed increased markers for
inflammation associated with physical and mental fatigue and mood disruptions.
Results were consistent across age groups, genotypes, sexes, and vaccination
status, but with a small sample size and calls for further research. Announced
back in February, the study curiously received little if any media attention.
Perhaps another link exists between lockdown policies failing to consistently
improve health conditions and the media instead focusing on, well, other things.

Meanwhile, bestowing nearly half a billion dollars on its RECOVER initiative for
the study of Long COVID, the NIH is determined to torture the issue and its growing
list of some 200 symptoms. Nowhere is this lockdown link even mentioned, however.
Searching the NIH grant repository for awards this year with the terms
"neuroinflammation" and "social stress" finds only three mentioning COVID and
nothing on lockdowns. It seems the Long COVID funding bonanza is focused on, well,
other things.

Anywhere from 5 to 80 percent of all people everywhere will suffer Long COVID
symptoms — regardless whether one caught the virus or not. Otherwise, at most,
about 12 percent will for around 5 weeks if actually infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Conveniently, the $500 million in NIH money ignores the impact of ineffective
policies isolating people, disrupting economies, and fracturing society. Perhaps
The Science™ awash with cash torturing Long COVID long enough will finally defeat
the plagues of malaise, headaches, and runny noses bedeviling humanity for
millennia — whether one has caught the virus or not.

Sean A. Means, Ph.D. is a research fellow in mathematical biology who enjoys doing
Christian apologetics, which you can see samples of at his Rumble channel here.

John Weed
1 month ago
I get a cold every now and then. Probably will get another one someday.
David Thomas
1 month ago
I never took Covid seriously. Why? Because the media and government have zero
credibility and so I just watched. I was right, it was not nearly as bad as they
stated and many deaths could have been avoided. I am convinced the nursing home
incidents were political, to cause fear and panic.

Democrats took lives in an attempt for total control. No shutdowns were needed,
only minor precautions like controlling access to people with frail health. Nothing
Big Moose
1 month ago
I agree with you regarding the government, however my wife and I took the disease
seriously as advised by family members who are physicians, nurses, and hospital
pharmacists. If a person is elderly, immune system compromised over weight, they
have a high chance of getting the disease where in some cases is lethal. Lives
could have been saved with the use of Hydroxychloroquin and Ivermectin. I recommend
Robert Kennedy Jr.s book, "The Real Dr. Fauci." I am a retired hospital pharmacist
and in my 80s. Sweden did not lock down and had good results.
1 month ago
So like the flu that goes around every year since the beginning of time?
H. M. Hargrove
1 month ago
Does anyone listen to what the NIH, CDC, ad nauseum says/posts any more, other than
the nutjob goobers with a "D" behind their names?
Andrew Thomas
1 month ago
When Covid first became a pandemic two years ago, I made it my mission to lose 40
excess pounds and load up with Quercetin, zinc, melatonin, D3 & C. I haven't even
had the sniffles in two years and never felt better.
Big Moose
1 month ago
During the height of the scare, I still took my scheduled trips to South Dakota and
Idaho. You would never have known there was a pandemic going on in those two states
in the areas I was at. My gut tells me population density has a bearing on the
disease plus I also took zinc, melatonin, D3 and C. Quercetin upset my stomach.
Outdoor exercising is important. Read Robert Kennedy's book, "The Real Dr. Fauci."
1 month ago
But but masks! And 6ft! And worthless and dangerous clot shot jabs!!!!

Stop being logical and scientific!

Morry Rotenberg
1 month ago
Long Covid, just a new name for Neuresthenia which was a fancy name for feeling
exhausted about life sometimes after an illness or severe life stress. Another way
of frightening the public.
Alan Stevens
1 month ago
PTSD after what the covidians have put people thru over the last 2 years.
Kristin Crocker
1 month ago
Another dreadful result of the entire 'covid hoax' has been the complete loss of
trust in our 'formerly finest on earth' medical system. The corporations that now
own most medical practices & hospitals laid out the rules - prohibiting their
medical professional 'employees' from actually trying to treat their patients.
Careers would be over for any doctor prescribing HCL, Ivermectin, and monoclonal
antibodies. Instead we got experimental gene therapies, ventilators & remdesivir.
Now our govt wants to pump our babies full of the poison that is causing young
athletes to drop dead! Also of note, hospitals were paid $thousands for every
'covid' patient diagnosis. Interesting since PCR covid tests have been accused of
giving 90% false positive results and the others may only be about 34% accurate.
What a scam - quickest way to completely destroy the West.
Alan Stevens
1 month ago
" the mystery of Long COVID "

It is vaxx injuries.
Joe Strader
1 month ago
"Typical symptoms include difficulty breathing, cognitive decline or 'brain fog,'
chronic fatigue, malaise, headaches, and runny nose."

I get three or four of those when I have to be in a place that is still enforcing
mask mandates.
Mark J Janicki
1 month ago
Also known as the “Long COVID Shell Game.”
1 month ago
Covid will be with us as long as we have elections. The Dems are desperate for
universal mail-in ballots for all voting. Watch for a return of Covid lockdowns
before the November elections so the Dems can demand mail-in ballots. Watch "2000
Mules" if you are confused as to why the Dems like mail-in ballots.
Karl Oman
1 month ago
I finally got covid a few weeks ago. Was sort of hoping it would kill me to put me
out of my misery (nearly all family and their friends support mandates, lockdowns,
quarantining, church closures, etc...). But it didn't. In fact it was basically a
cold that lasted a week instead of 3-4 days. Was able to work from home just fine.
Unfortunately, now I have some natural immunities so the next variant (which is
likely to be weaker than all the others) probably won't kill me either. I'm ready
to face God's judgment if it means escaping current earthly life. Have sins been so
much worse lately and by some many more people than ever before that God chooses
not to intervene in this evil perpetrated by elected officials and unelected
1 month ago
I read an article that said most of the cases of so-called long covid were just the
regular array of hypochondriacs taking advantage of the latest new disease in town
to keep up their neuroses.

une 3, 2022
Will Monkeypox Replace COVID as the Next Great Democrat Scam?
By Deane Waldman, M.D.
As dire COVID warnings fade from public view, they are being replaced by a new
health clarion call: monkeypox. Is this a real existential threat to life or is
monkeypox the next Democrat (COVID) scam?

The evidence on the COVID scam is incontrovertible. Biden Fauci, Birx, Walensky,
the CDC, AMA, and NIH all lied to us. They perpetrated a Big Con using fabricated
life-or-death medical threats to justify a massive power grab, when in fact,
coronavirus was no more dangerous to most Americans than the seasonal flu.

Democrats usurped authority by nullifying the Bill of Rights. Using their COVID
scam as cover, Democrats abrogated freedom of speech, censoring disputatious
writings or speech and canceling the nay-sayers, often costing them their jobs.
Democrat lockdowns suppressed the right to assemble, whether for work, play,
prayer, or even school.

As Washington mandated ubiquitous masking, studies showed the measure didn’t work.
Furthermore, evidence showed that masking can harm wearers by promoting infection,
by generating anger and conflict, and hampering communication, especially in the
classroom, between teacher and student.

And Biden’s promises that experimental mRNA gene therapy – the COVID ‘vaccination’
– would not be compulsory ended up being illusory. Unvaccinated people stayed
healthy and developed natural immunity. Vaccinated (and boosted) individuals got
sick and spread the disease. Democrats took away freedom, medical autonomy, and
economic security, leaving Americans in more debt.

With COVID no longer viable as justification for Democrats’ pseudo-martial law,

what could Democrats do to keep their ill-gotten, unconstitutional power? Create a
new medical crisis: monkeypox is coming!

Monkeypox is not a novel or unknown virus. We had outbreaks in 1958, 1970, 2003,
and 2018, but they received no press attention. However, there was no push from
Democrats to hype a minor medical matter emanating from animals in Africa – 47
confirmed or likely cases in the U.S. in 2003 with no deaths – into an existential

The monkeypox virus produces mild illness, and poses a low or very low risk of
death to the general population. However, because monkeypox is in the same family,
Poxviridae, as now-eradicated smallpox with its 30% mortality risk, Democrats might
try to use monkeypox to create another “pandemic of fear” and resume their
tyrannical, anti-scientific mandates.

Democrats may think the public is primed to accept whatever they say because that
is what Americans did with COVID. Just as the legacy media was eager to promote the
false COVID narrative to assuage their Democrat masters, they will no doubt be
ready to do so again – they’ve already started.

But there is a big difference today.

Back in 2021, Americans still overwhelmingly trusted the Washington medical

establishment – CDC, NIH, FDA, AMA – to tell us the truth and to offer reliable,
evidence-based medical recommendations (not mandates, just advice). With an overall
56% approval rating in January 2021, Americans had faith in their newly elected
president, Joe Biden.

Now, Americans no longer trust the “authorities” from Fauci and the CDC, to the
president with his current 59% disapproval rating. Despite the censorship and
partisan reporting of The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Twitter, Google
and Amazon, the medical truth gradually came out about Democrats’ Big COVID Lie and
their unnecessary, harmful mandates.

Democrats, both elected and appointed, have taken Americans’ faith in federal
officials and crushed it. Are we likely to believe in a new monkeypox threat? No.
Do Democrats believe we are still gullible, still trust them, and are willing to
accept more or resumed draconian mandates? Probably.

There are three possible reasons why Democrats might try to foment a new monkeypox
scam. The most obvious is a repeat power grab or at least holding on to those
powers they hijacked during the COVID scam.

A second reason could be political gain. Democrats need to divert attention from
the numerous Biden policy failures, from the $6 per gallon for gas to a
catastrophic Afghanistan pullout and even his Orwellian Disinformation Governance
Board. In addition, Democrats might try to engage the “rally ‘round the flag”
sentiment that follows a national crisis in order to minimize Republican success at
the ballot box in November.

Most ominous is the possibility that Biden might use a new, fake health crisis to
justify signing the World Health Organization’s proposed international pandemic
treaty. One report suggests he is already doing so covertly! These amendments to
the 2005 International Health Regulations would transfer American sovereignty to
the WHO and authorize China-apologist WHO Director Tedros, a non-physician, to have
complete control over medical care in the U.S. – and even Americans’ ability to
travel. Imagine a WHO passport, not a U.S. one, required to get on a plane!

When reading monkeypox warnings or any other new Democrat scare tactic, Americans
who expect the Constitution to protect their freedom should keep in mind the time-
proven adage, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

Thomas M Kelly
2 months ago
The New World Order needs constant distraction from what they are actually doing.
Covid has run its' course. People don't take it seriously anymore, so they need
something new. The problem the elitists have, as far as I am concerned, is that I
don't believe anything they say, unless it is something that they intend to do to
make my life worse. They have no concern about public health or safety. They do
have every intention of eliminating fossil fuels, prolonging wars for the benefit
of the military industrial complex, and furthering their attacks on the unity of
the American people through Critical Race Theory. The New World Order is the enemy.
I have every expectation that they will continue to act as such.
2 months ago
Imagine what they would do if we were disarmed.
Robert Cunningham
2 months ago
It is called Australia or New Zealand.
2 months ago
Bingo! The USA will never be Australia or New Zealand. There's way too many of us
who will not go quietly into the night.
Alan Stevens
2 months ago
Detonate a few atom bombs over cities?
Daniel Lee
2 months ago
A devilcrat party president is still the only one to kill humans with nuclear
Alan Stevens
2 months ago
Truman was one of the last decent Democrats.

Atom bombs were warranted in that case.

Sharon Sapp
2 months ago
I still see people wearing masks.
Randi Pinkerton
2 months ago
I think we always will, from here on out. Many people are totally broken.
Robert Cunningham
2 months ago
Stup!d is as stup!d does.
james m mullin
2 months ago
Unless we take back the MSM we're doomed.

May 31, 2022

How the COVID Vaccines Kill
By Joseph Shepherd
With each passing day, the news connected to the COVID shots grows worse. That the
injections don’t prevent COVID -- or even its spread -- has been known for months,
and post-injection problems encompass almost everything that can go wrong with a

“Not a single organ, not a single bodily function, is unharmed” after one of these
shots, said Arne Burkhardt, a professor of forensics at Reutlingen’s Pathological

So little has been written about why “side effects” such as myocarditis have popped
up that one can’t help but wonder: Does anybody understand how these shots work?

In the space below, let’s pick three of the harshest complications and explore how
COVID shots could be driving the mechanics of each.

1 - Myocarditis

The pale-yellow fluid of the Pfizer or Moderna vial contains billions of

microscopic fat globs called lipid nanoparticles. Each is an incredibly tiny
envelope, used to conceal the novel drug: messenger RNA. Once injected, the
combination of nanoparticles and mRNA becomes a well-camouflaged predator.

According to Pfizer’s own data, less than half the nanoparticles stay in the arm
where they were injected. Most slip through tiny cracks in muscle tissue and enter
the bloodstream. Venous blood speeds them to the heart, which pumps and disperses
them to the entire body.

Depending on the level of exercise, from 5 to 25% of these particles wind up in

coronary circulation. Why is this important? Consider the rather large number of
nanoparticles that must slip into human heart tissue: 50 to 250 million out of
each billion that enter the veins of the arm.

Coronary circulation branches into microscopic capillaries that rush nutrients to

heart muscle cells. And since the nanoparticles designed by Pfizer and Moderna
masquerade as triglycerides, heart muscle cells are apt to snatch them out of
circulation as food.

Now imagine the shock for any hard-charging heart cell that engulfs one of these
particles. Expecting a meal, the cell unwraps the envelope, and voilà! Freshly
unveiled messenger RNA seizes the cell’s protein-generating apparatus, forcing out
a known toxin -- the COVID spike protein.

Very soon, with urgent biochemical signals, the afflicted cell telegraphs news of
its hijacking to the immune system, which will marshal what it takes to destroy the

An immune-mediated attack on heart muscle cells is, of course, the very essence of
myocarditis. Foreign RNA takes control of a cell’s protein production,
transforming these cells into enemies of the body, and the immune system converts
them into useless scar tissue. The process is irreversible, as heart muscle cells
do not regenerate.

According to CDC, myocarditis from COVID jabs is “rare” and “mild,” but where is
the evidence for this proclamation? Pfizer’s data shows every shot -- at least in
part -- entering the bloodstream, so CDC has interesting notions about the word
“rare.” Clinical myocarditis is never “mild.” A phenomenon that kills thousands
of heart muscle cells is better classified as “serious” or “severe.” And even if
the subject doesn’t die right away, how is that person not permanently injured?
And how is the process not cumulative with each subsequent jab?

Given that about 40% of CDC income comes from vaccine patents and products, how can
we be assured these experts are not self-serving?

2 – Vascular Damage and Heart Attack Risk

Now let’s turn attention from lipid nanoparticles to their end-product, the COVID
spike protein. Having been forced into production by messenger RNA, spike protein
peels off cell membranes and drops into general circulation. From there, it stabs
and deactivates ACE-2 protein, which is displayed on the innermost lining of blood

Deactivating ACE-2 has enormous consequences for the body: Its loss leads to
oxidative stress on blood vessels, putting the patient at risk for organ damage and
blood clots over time.

Can oxidative stress persist for months, or even longer? A study of spike-injected
hamsters showed that damaged ACE-2 was not replaced by mammalian cells. Either the
cells never sensed that ACE-2 was “spiked” or didn’t generate a signal to replace
spiked ACE-2 with a fresher version. To put it a more scientific way: Injected
spike protein down-regulated ACE-2, probably for as long as the cells stayed alive.

Does any of this apply to humans? Using the PULS lab score to study a large group
of at-risk patients, investigators found that future risk for heart attack remained
almost triple two and a half months after two mRNA shots.

3 – Neurodegenerative Disease

Is the COVID jab really associated with premature Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
disease? Evidence continues to mount, and spike protein is once again the culprit.
Circulating spike targets the brain in a variety of ways:

by exposing brain cells to unnecessary toxins through crowbar-like effects on the

blood-brain barrier.
by inducing susceptible proteins to misfold and become pathogenic.
by attacking ACE-2 protein-rich environments in the brain.
by forcing mitochondria (the energy-producing organelles of cells) into less
efficient processes, so that injured brain cells take on the eerie characteristics
of cancer and Alzheimer’s cells.
Long-term outlook

Messenger RNA technology has been around for over 20 years, and multiple vaccines
have been attempted. Each failed because the experimental animals failed to

Last February, spike protein was found to inhibit type 1 interferon, the powerful
regulator of the immune system. Hindering type 1 interferon reduces the body’s
ability to defend against:

(1) malignancies

(2) autoimmune diseases

(3) viral infections

Over the next year, we will continue to observe how impaired interferon affects the
great COVID shot experiment. But while we study the pathology, let us further
develop the mechanisms associated with mRNA injections, so that new approaches to
the injuries they inflict may be devised.

Joseph Shepherd is a physician in Birmingham, Alabama.

Mark Glenn
2 months ago
I value honesty. If this product had been introduced as experimental gene therapy,
I might have gotten the jab. Instead, we were mis-informed, and in some cases
simply lied to, that there was a "vaccine" for the Wuhan virus.

I also value freedom. Take that jab. Don't take the jab. It's up to you. Instead of
freedom, we get mandates. Joe Biden and the Democrats force untested experimental
gene therapy on the American people, all the while lying that it is a vaccine.
There is no sector of hell that is too hot for these people.
Alan Stevens
2 months ago
The coldest sector of Hell is still far hotter than any human could stand.
Randi Pinkerton
2 months ago
Meanwhile, I hold my breath for my friends who got the jab. This is terrifying.
Patty Villanova
1 month ago
Know what you mean- I am the only pure blood amongst my friends and family.
2 months ago
When will these dangerous and unnecessary “vaccine” mandates end?

The hospital I work at is still treating this as if it were April 2020 and we had
no idea if this is as lethal as Ebola. Reality: it’s a cold or flu at this point.

I’m still a leper unvaxxed and am barred from attending on site or off site work
functions. Meanwhile, my vaxxed and boosted co-workers catch and re-catch COVID,
while I am the healthiest of the bunch
Randi Pinkerton
2 months ago
My doctor has refused to see me in his clinic. I have COPD and cannot wear a mask.
He has treated me in his driveway for two years, denying me his full facilities. I
haven't seen him in over a year, since I'm essentially healthy.

But I had occasion to drive by his office last week. There he was, standing in the
driveway with a stethoscope around his neck and a mask on his face.

I'd switch doctors, but this one leaves me alone unless I'm sick. It's galling,
however, to be treated like a pariah two years down the line.
2 months ago
One day, in the distant or maybe not so distant future this sham will come crashing

But don't expect the godless leftists to apologize.

2 months ago
Much the same for me.
2 months ago
If for some reason, the jab was given to a patient without their knowledge or
consent, how much could the institution doing the injecting be sued for?
Trudie Weiser
1 month ago
They have immunity.. end of story
1 month ago
Immunity from the Neuremberg code also?
Bob Ryan
2 months ago
Any medical breakthroughs of this nature take a minimum of ten years before
successful trials are ready for the market. It should still be going through animal
Kerry M Eberly
2 months ago
This technology should only be used on animals we intend to sacrifice for food that
is thoroughly cooked which means birds and swine. I would not use it on beef as
this animal flesh is often consumed only partially cooked or even raw. These
animals are sacrificed when young so would generally not suffer any of these
adverse reactions. I would never use it on a service animal as we want them to live
long and useful lives.

From day one when I started researching this technology, I thought that it should
never be used on a human being until after decades of animal use showing safety
which it is quite evident that it is not safe.

What a mistake this has been. For the glory of gold for our overlords.
Bob Ryan
2 months ago
Rats are great for testing. Short lifespans enable quicker study.
John Weed
2 months ago
Let's make a TV series and call it The Walking Dead. Oh, that train already left
the station.
Edward McIntosh
2 months ago
First, let's be perfectly clear about what this chemical being pumped into your
body isn't - It IS NOT a "vaccine" by the classical definition. I'm a true Baby
Boomer (circa 1946) and grew up around all the childhood diseases, from Polio to
Whooping Cough to Scarlet Fever. Remember, Penicillin wasn't first approved for
widespread public use until March 1945 so mass vaccinations are still a relatively
recent happening. Small Pox killed millions worldwide but a true vaccination in the
late 1700's halted the spread but it wasn't until a superior vaccine became
available before 1970 that this disease was eradicated across the globe. Two Polio
pioneers in the 1950's (Salk & Sabin) together stopped this crippling disease that
affected a lot of children. Now we have REAL vaccines for Measles, Whooping Cough,
Tetanus, Typhus & Malaria. They don't cure these diseases but absolutely stops
humans from getting them.

These chemicals being injected into the willing as a CV19 "vaccine" are nothing of
the sort. They do not stop the masses from getting COVID and in fact, may actually
contribute to a significant number getting sick. We may never know the whole truth
about this phony "pandemic." And those phony cloth masks also DID NOT stop the
spread of the COVID virus.
Trudie Weiser
1 month ago
Boomer 1946, happy birthday!!!!!
Morry Rotenberg
2 months ago
It should also be pointed out that the possibility of a direct injection of the
vaccine into a blood vessel exists as well. The recommended way to inject the
vaccine was changed from pulling back on the plunger before injection to just
injecting the vaccine!
Joseph Kaplan
2 months ago
Could you elaborate on what that means? What is that significant?
Morry Rotenberg
2 months ago
The vaccine is intended to stay in a muscle so immune cells can pickup the material
and begin the immune process. Direct injection of the vaccine into the blood stream
distributes the material to all the organs of your body.
2 months ago
Which is why the nurse should "aspirate" (suck with the plunger) to ensure s/he has
not hit a blood vessel. If they do that, your risk is lower, but still not zero.
Alison Vinci
2 months ago
I am so grateful that I am a pure blood, even though my cardiologist (since my
husband passed, i’ve been hospitalized 3× for pericarditis) and rheumatologist have
been pushing me to get it. My GP advised me not to. Thank God for the honest ones,
but she is terrified to give me a note because she has been threatened with her
job. I am fortunate I don’t need that at this point in time though. I too am
terrified for my family and friends who gave into the pressure primarily because of
work, not for any medical reason whatsoever. This is a very scary time in which we
live. I was proud that my son didn’t return to college because it was mandated. And
scared for my daughter whose job forced her into it.
Richard Melliand
2 months ago
This is the best explanation I have read regarding the results of the vaccine. I
have asked my heart doctor to give me his take as well.

May 26, 2022

Is the COVID Pandemic about to Get Ugly?
By George W. Ford
For a pandemic to be brought under control, a sufficient part of the population
needs to acquire sterilizing immunity so that transmission among individuals can be
minimized and herd immunity of the whole population can be achieved. COVID mass
vaccinations have been a medical disaster in the U.S. and many other countries
because the vaccines allow high levels of transmission of the virus and block our
innate and naturally acquired immunity. As a result of this high level of COVID
infection spread, the current lull in virulence (severe outcomes and deaths) will
soon skyrocket to levels far higher than in 2020.

This warning that the pandemic is "far from over" comes from Geert Vanden Bossche,
a well-known vaccinologist based in Belgium who has been ringing alarm bells for
over a year.

Geert is not alone in coming to this conclusion, but he is one of the few prominent
researchers speaking out. Many research papers came to this conclusion more than a
year ago. Geert refers to one such paper, "Risk of rapid evolutionary escape from
vaccines targeting Sars-CoV-2 spike protein":

The spike protein RBD [receptor binding domain] of Sars cov2 is the molecular
target for many vaccines aimed at bringing the virus under control. Such a narrow
molecular focus raises the specter of viral immune evasion as a potential failure

In this context, vaccines that do not provide sterilizing immunity (and therefore
continue to permit transmission) will lead to a buildup of large standing
populations of virus, greatly increasing the risk of immune escape.

Early last year, Geert sent a video message to the World Health Organization about
his urgent concerns regarding mass vaccinations. His plea was to "open the
scientific debate on how human interventions are currently driving viral immune
escape." He called the mass vaccinations a "colossal blunder." He called for
"devising a strategy ... to eradicate the steadily emerging highly infectious

Geert has been particularly alarmed by the vaccination of the young, who have the
best innate immune systems, which normally act as a sponge, or drain, for the
entire population to rid itself of a pandemic. In his view, it is the superior
strength of the innate immune systems in children, with their ability to neutralize
the virus, that helps to enable the population to achieve herd immunity. But by
injecting vaccinal antibodies into young people, Geert is warning that we are in
effect replacing neutralizing antibodies with non-neutralizing antibodies:

Can you imagine what this would mean if you suppress the innate immunity of young
people on a permanent basis? Because that is exactly what we will do if we
vaccinate the young. These people will have their innate antibodies completely
suppressed, and their acquired antibodies from the vaccines will be completely
worthless[.] ... It will prevent the population from ever achieving herd immunity.

Geert publishes on Substack. Among his many interviews are two long-form
interviews on The HighWire with Del Bigtree (Nov. 18, 2021, here and May 6, 2022,

In his November 2021 interview with Del Bigtree, Geert predicted that the delta
variant, which had already been infecting the vaccinated, would soon be replaced by
a new variant, which would have transmission immunity from the vaccine and may even
enhance that transmission. It turns out that Geert was correct. The next month,
omicron appeared. This new variant is more transmissible than delta, and in his
opinion, infections seem to be just as or more prevalent in the fully vaccinated
and can reinfect recovered patients, as he predicted.

In the May 2022 interview, Geert, who predicted the omicron family of viruses
accurately, is now predicting that a new type of variant is right around the corner
— a variant that not only will allow transmission of the virus but will be far more
virulent than omicron. He told Del, "The pandemic is anything but over."

His thesis is that a mass vaccination that allows the virus to escape places
pressure on the virus to become more transmissible, following natural selection of
the fittest. Since many in the population are in the same situation, meaning they
are vaxxed and the vax is putting immune pressure on the virus in similar ways, the
fittest mutant virus (fittest in transmission) ultimately becomes the dominant
variant in the population.

But it is the second phase of viral mutation that most concerns Geert. Now that it
has become highly transmissible, the virus is working on the next step of the viral
attack: virulence. Geert predicts that the combination of a non-sterilizing
vaccine and the mutating virus will lead to both high infectiousness and a much
higher level of severe disease and death.

He describes the science behind his belief in the May 2022 interview. While that
science is not easy to understand, it could be described as follows: the same
factor that is making the virus highly transmissible in the nose and throat area is
also blocking the transfer of the disease among cells in the lower respiratory
area, which is where severe disease occurs. Geert believes that the virus
mutations are hard at work in overcoming that obstacle in the lungs. He believes
that the virus has experienced massive pressure to mutate in such a way as to cause
severe respiratory disease and predicts that this will happen in a matter of weeks.

The overall message that this scientist is sending might be that we are at war not
only with a mutating virus, but with a complex interplay among a mutating virus,
population segments that have well functioning innate and natural immunity, and
population segments (most of the population) that carry vaccinal antibodies that do
not neutralize the virus. This is uncharted territory, and the discussion is made
difficult by scientific complexities that are not easy to understand.

It is worth listening to Geert's voice because he takes the time to explain his
point of view and looks at different aspects of science — vaccinology, virology,
immunology, and evolutionary biology. Geert's thinking takes time to understand,
but it is a good antidote to the confusion generated by COVID news.

Image: qimono via Pixabay, Pixabay License.



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Morry Rotenberg
2 months ago
The reason that the mRNA vaccines have been a failure and a danger is because like
other drugs when given to inappropriate patients they cause more harm than good.
You wouldn’t give chemotherapy to someone who didn’t have cancer. So why would you
give an experimental vaccine to someone who had essentially no risk of dying from
It was known early on that old people and people with certain risk factors were at
risk for dying from covid-19. That population alone should have gotten the
vaccines, not 5 year olds for example!
This entire debacle is a result of the idea grasped by and forced upon us by Fauci
et. al. that a respiratory virus can be eliminated. And that universal vaccination
could accomplish that goal. It cannot. In fact universal vaccination has promoted
the development of the variants as predicted by Geert.
Masking, lockdowns, school closings, none of it works. The experimental vaccines
should have been offered to those at greatest risk from the disease and only with
their permission. Vaccinating children without risk factors was and is criminal!
Politics and an election year made a sensible approach to this epidemic impossible
because of the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party’s pursuit of power.
Sharon Sapp
2 months ago
And, the simple treatments were mocked and blocked. People were told to go home and
Frank Hainze
2 months ago
Early therapeutic treatment with Ivermectin or HCQ is still blocked under threat of
lost medical license by the offending doctor and pharmacist -- as made official by
new Bill AB-2098 just passed in California.
Robert Cunningham
2 months ago
"Masking, lockdowns, school closings, none of it works. "
But the little Nazi won't recognize 'science' - get out of the way and let our
natural systems fight it successfully.
"The experimental vaccines should have been offered to those at greatest risk from
the disease and only with their permission. "
But that would decrease the dictatorial powers of the government.
"Vaccinating children without risk factors was and is criminal!"
dirk p angell
2 months ago
well spoken......i just can't figure out why most people don't listen
Terry Pett
2 months ago
Thank you Doctor!
William H McClure
2 months ago
Medicine and politics do not mix well. Both are based on egos, power, and financial
control over others. We have seen the last couple of years that many in America
like being told what to do, how to a act and think, and when to submit.

Americans need to be Americans again...

Bob Ryan
2 months ago
We used to lead the way. Now, we follow Europe.
Bob Ryan
2 months ago
The only thing really negative about the pandemic that never happened, since they
use everything from suicides to influenza to boost the numbers, was the ridiculous
fear and ignoring real science. Heard immunity works.
Charles Edward Schneider
2 months ago
In Robert Kennedy Jr's book about Fauci, Kennedy wrote an extensive account of how
Fauci dealt with AIDS epidemic in the 1980's through the 1990's. Fauci was the head
of the federal government's AIDS response effort. I believe Kennedy did this
because Fauci is clearly using the same playbook with the Covid epidemic. Fauci's
response to the AIDS epidemic was a total disaster for people with AIDS. He
prevented doctors from prescribing existing drugs to counter the deadly symptoms of
AIDS. He made everyone wait for the development of his wonder drug AZT, which
turned out to be extremely dangerous and not very effective. Does that sound
familiar. The late Kerri Mullis, a Nobel laureate biochemist, did not hold back
when describing Fauci. Kennedy's book has several quotes from Kerri Mullis
expressing his opinion of Fauci's skills. Mullis basically said that Fauci doesn't
read studies or follow the science. Fauci basically goes with his hunches and
severely punishes more accomplished scientists who don't agree with him. The number
of people afflicted with AIDS was a small subset of the population. Now, Fauci has
been allowed to unleash his mayhem on the entire world. The results have been so
bad, you have to wonder if he is trying to reduce the population.
Robin Leigh
2 months ago
No wondering about it, this a the tip of the spear of a massive population
reduction agenda. If all evidence points to one conclusion, however unpleasant it
is to face the truth that the conclusion contains, then we should accept the truth
and act accordingly and boldly.

Our problem is the truth is so horrific people do not want to accept it, which has
enabled the myriad of Josef Mengle clones walking free to continue to destroy us.
They counted on their murderous agenda to be so repugnant and reprehensible that
normal people would reject it as impossibly evil.

Trust me, they are just getting warmed up.

2 months ago
The Dems would absolutely love a new wave right about now, so would Schwab, Gates,
the WHO etc. Good thing we aren’t vaccinating the future Americans coming across
our southern border.
Robert Cunningham
2 months ago
"The Dems would absolutely love a new wave right about now..."
in preparation of the fraud-laden upcoming fall elections.
2 months ago
Beats manufacturing one which is plan A.
Betty Butler
2 months ago
Blind trust in the medical profession has been seriously misplaced for centuries.
Bullet wounds and broken legs are one thing. Toxic nostrums are something else.
Terry Pett
2 months ago
In the spring of 2021 I went to my doctor for a checkup. I'm 70 years old and he
strongly urged me to get the vaccination. I refused but asked him if he'd prescribe
me Ivermectin, "definitely not" he replied. After talking to my neighbor he talked
to me about his doctor who will prescribe Ivermectin. I made an appointment with
him and while him examining myself I asked him, Dr, are you vaccinated? "never
would I inject that poison into myself, loved ones or friends! It's criminal what
the medical community and government are doing! he added.
sid weiner
2 months ago
I am trying to figure out where this article is supposed to take us to!
what has all this explaining have to do with anything positive?
That the people who modified & created these virus's didn't realize that they were
creating killer diseases?..That the authorities need to be notified about the
deadly end results these modified virus's would cause?
Of course they already understood that these lab modified viruses were killers.
That's why they were modified to mutate to begin with?
Emmer Biggins
2 months ago
Still talking about something that doesn’t exist? Damn.
donald b welch
2 months ago
happy holidays.

May 3, 2022
Between Natural and Vaccine Antibodies, When is Enough Enough?
By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
Does COVID have an end, as in a final chapter or act?

Or will it be like a movie theme that keeps spitting out sequels, each one worse
than the last one, and none even close to the first movie that started the
franchise? Think of Star Wars or Fast and Furious.
COVID sequels are the endless variants, starting with Greek letters, now with
simply a soup of letters and numbers denoting the current strain of interest. As
viruses mutate, they generally become more contagious but less lethal, as much of
the population by this time has gained natural immunity from previous infection.
This also serves to prolong the life course of the virus that would rather spread
far and wide as opposed to killing its host, stopping spread.

COVID cases numbers are up, but what does that really mean? We see endless tweets
from politicians testing positive, almost all of them fully vaccinated and boosted,
feeling fine, expressing thanks for the vaccines, using almost identical verbiage
in their tweets.

From Vice President Kamala Harris:

Today I tested positive for COVID-19. I have no symptoms, and I will continue to
isolate and follow CDC guidelines. I’m grateful to be both vaccinated and boosted.

From Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

I tested positive for COVID and am asymptomatic. Thank you for your many kind
wishes. I am grateful for them and to be vaccinated.

Has COVID become like the common cold or a mild version of the flu? While case
numbers, meaning positive nasal swab tests, are rising in some areas,
hospitalizations and deaths are down significantly. What does a positive test in an
asymptomatic individual mean? Especially if that person has COVID immunity to some
degree from natural infection and/or vaccination?

Neisseria meningitidis which is a cause of bacterial meningitis, potentially fatal

in 10 to 15 percent of those afflicted, is found in the nasopharynx of 10 to 35
percent of asymptomatic adults. If we applied COVID rules and repeatedly tested
asymptomatic individuals, with a quarter to a third testing positive for this high
mortality infectious disease, the world would be in panic mode.

Which is exactly why we don’t test the healthy as the results serve only to scare
and panic the public. Yet this is exactly what we continue to do with COVID. One
wonders why the CDC keeps pushing this testing practice that they don’t recommend
for other infectious diseases.

How many Americans are still at risk of COVID, now over two years into the
pandemic? According to the CDC, “At least 58% of U.S. population has natural
antibodies from previous Covid infection.” They say “at least” meaning close to two
thirds of Americans could have natural immunity by now.

YouTube screen grab

This number is higher in children where, “75% of children and adolescents had
serologic evidence of previous infection” with COVID. This is also the group least
likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID, unless immunocompromised. Yet vaccine
behemoth Moderna is seeking FDA authorization for vaccinating “children younger
than age 5”, a group at extremely low risk for severe COVID illness.

How about vaccine immunity, whatever that actually means? Vaccines may reduce the
chance of severe illness, meaning hospitalization and death, but they do not
prevent infection and transmission, according to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky.
Interestingly, 3.2 percent of the CDC’s workforce are not vaccinated, a small
percentage, but still noteworthy.

The share of the U.S. population fully vaccinated is 66 percent, with 30 percent
boosted as well, according to The New York Times. So approximately two thirds of
Americans have natural immunity and a similar percentage have “vaccine immunity.”
Many have both. Even with overlap, it’s safe to assume that at least 80-90 percent
or more Americans have some form of immunity, meaning, as a country, we have
probably reached herd immunity.

What is the number needed for herd immunity? No one knows for sure. Yale Medicine

At the start of the pandemic, figures like 60 to 70% were given as estimates of how
much of the population would need immunity from the coronavirus in order to reach
herd immunity.

With the increase in variants, which are more infectious and could potentially
impact the effectiveness of the vaccines, that percentage is now estimated to be
higher—some say up to 85%. And it has become more difficult to pin down.

As kids in the car ask their annoyed parents, “Are we there yet?” The above numbers
suggest we are close to or have reached herd immunity, yet the medical smart set is
reluctant to acknowledge or discuss this. Why is that?

Even Dr. Anthony Fauci recently told PBS’s Judy Woodruff that the U.S. is, “out of
the pandemic phase” of COVID. At least until the White House corrected him with
Press Secretary Jen Psaki setting Dr. Fauci straight by saying, “COVID isn’t over,
and the pandemic isn’t over.” Once again, the media thinks they know more than
medical professionals.

A pandemic is a global epidemic, affecting more than one continent. An epidemic

occurs when the percentage of severe illness and death from an infectious disease
exceeds what is considered normal for that time.

COVID will likely always be with us, blending into the soup of common colds and
influenza, deadly for a few, especially the elderly and those in poor health, and
an annoyance for almost everyone else. When cases spike, as the seasonal flu does,
it may be considered an epidemic.

Is it time to move on from this sad, anxious, and divisive period in our national
medical history? Is enough now enough? Slowly life is returning to normal, with the
mask mandate on public transportation now deemed unconstitutional. Why did it take
a judge to end this mandate? Is there sound science behind keeping the mandate in
place? The Biden administration is appealing the judicial ruling but what is their
objection based on?

Those who want to wear a mask, or two, are free to do so. Between the high rates of
natural and vaccine immunity, why is there concern about others on the plane
without a mask? And if the masks work as we are told they do, then anyone wearing
one should feel safe and protected. Yet we hear otherwise, as in this editorial
from The Hill urging continued masking in airports and on airplanes.

Dragging this on indefinitely has consequences. Such as the economic carnage from
COVID, the U.S. inching toward a recession with high inflation, also known as
stagflation. There are mental health consequences to add to our collective misery.
50 percent of young adults currently report symptoms of depression according to a
recent COVID survey.
The American spirit is slowly being destroyed, replaced with an Orwellian form of
submission and compliance. Politicians of both parties either pile on to the
national beat down or else look the other way and pretend it isn’t happening. But
it is, and the consequences are only beginning to become apparent. When is enough

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a fully vaccinated physician and writer. Follow me on

Twitter @retinaldoctor. And on Truth Social @BrianJoondeph.

Now we get the The Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics.

"CFA’s goals are to improve outbreak response using infectious disease modeling and
analytics and to provide support to leaders at the federal, state, and local
levels. CFA will also develop a program to provide insights about infectious
disease events to the public to inform individual decision making – the equivalent
of the National Weather Service for infectious diseases."

So now we have a mechanism to stop in person voting at the very last second in
specific areas which, of course, will necessitate unlimited time for emergency mail
in ballots.
Randi Pinkerton
3 months ago
"the equivalent of the National Weather Service"

Jack Coupal
3 months ago
The sea change in legal voting this coming November has many people and
organizations (e.g., governments) justifiably disturbed. The obvious consequences
of those changes are real.

"Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, .................."

3 months ago
Hey Jack, I hope you're not suggesting the bug hysteria is a ruse DemRats are using
to stay in power, by hook or by crook. Oh, wait, you are suggesting that. ;=)
Jack Coupal
3 months ago
Yah. Those DemRats have Plan L in the can.
Jack Coupal
3 months ago
Yah. Those DemRats already have Plan L in the can.
Christopher Winkler
3 months ago
I can't understand the endless testing, especially when its a BS test that was
never designed to test for a virus. If you don't have symptoms then you don't have
it, I don't believe you can have it and not have ANY symptoms. I was tired and
coughed for a week 2 years ago. I believe I had it and it ran its course.
Sharon Sapp
3 months ago
They continue to attempt to scare people into submission. This works for many, so
they won’t stop.
Jane C Conway
3 months ago
BINGO! Fear is a strong motivator. Fear of COVID is what caused election laws to be
unilaterally CHANGED so that mail-in voting could be a promulgated WITHOUT the
authority of a state's legislature as required in the US Constitution. Those states
that overstepped their authority by circumventing their legislature should NOT have
had their electoral votes counted as their elections were run ILLEGALLY.

As to how long this FEAR of COVID will last, my estimation is that it will last as
long as necessary to make sure that DEM ballot fraud will be easy to accomplish.
You can bet that the corrupt CDC will find a "new" LETHAL variant just before the
elections... calling Dr. Fauci...
Ray Lewis
3 months ago
And if that's not enough, now they have the leaked SCOTUS draft about overturning
Roe v Wade. These are the guys you and your friends refused to play with when you
were a kid because you knew they would cheat.
Randi Pinkerton
3 months ago
There's money to be made here. COVID won't go away until the profit disappears.
Jane C Conway
3 months ago
NOPE. That's not the reason.
Richard Rail
3 months ago
A purpose of the pandemic was to shut down Christian churches and that has largely
been achieved.
Jane C Conway
3 months ago
NOPE. That's not the reason either.
Richard Rail
3 months ago
Not the reason for what?
Jane C Conway
3 months ago
You need to read further in the thread. (s)
Michael Tarrier
3 months ago
One thing should be very clear--the main job of the CDC is statistics in relation
to diseases. Yet they don't know if a positive test is covid corona or some other
corona....which may be why many don't become many actually become sick?
how many have mild symptoms? how many are never sick? how many sero-convert? who
knows? These people are very well paid but can't tell us anything....they have one
job....& they obviously can't do's past time

May 6, 2022
What Do We Know About COVID So Far?
By Ted Noel, M.D.
With all the thousands of studies bombarding the medical community, it’s helpful to
set our microscope aside and look at the bigger picture. It’s virtually certain
that the virus was engineered in Wuhan with financial and technical assistance
directed by that highly competent bureaucrat, Anthony Fauci. But that doesn’t tell
us what we should expect as the virus moves through society. For that, we must look
at the science. And I don’t mean “I am science” Fauci. I mean real scientific data,
something with which Fauci has little acquaintance.

Perhaps we should start with that great scientist, Oprah Winfrey, who recently
opined that ending the mask mandate on airliners was “premature.” As John Adams
noted at the Boston Massacre Trial, “Facts are stubborn things.” They aren’t “my
truth” or “your truth.” Facts don’t care who you are or what you think. When we
state facts, we are presenting a verbal picture of reality. And the fact is that
public mask-wearing has never been demonstrated to have any public health benefit.
The only time that mask-wearing does any good is when health care workers in high
exposure environments wear properly fitted, donned, and disposed of N-95 or better
respirators. Anything else is virtue signaling that denies the fact that public
masking (a) doesn’t work and (b) has serious downsides.

The next great scientist is Bill Gates, who recently opined that we are in for
another COVID wave that is likely to be more transmissible (true) and more deadly
(false). Every variant of COVID has followed Muller’s Ratchet, becoming more
contagious and less deadly. Even Delta was a bit less virulent than Alpha, but
Omicron showed that more mutations encourage virus survival by infecting more
people without killing them. This is the natural course of viruses, but anyone with
a vested interest in vaccine profits or lockdown power simply cannot allow this
fact to be known. And that brings us to Saint Fauci.

The Supreme Lord of NIAID popped up recently announcing that we might need more
lockdowns to prevent the spread of some new variant. The experience of the last two
years should have proved to everyone that lockdowns are bad. They kill people with
other medical problems due to foregone care. As then-Governor Cuomo of New York
learned, sixty percent of NYC cases were directly caused by lockdowns. When people
are stuck in recirculated air with infected victims, they get sick, as the
Kirkland, Washington, nursing home tragedy proved. But tyrants can’t learn, and
Cuomo multiplied New York’s headstone count by sending COVID patients to assisted-
living facilities to kill others. All that could have been avoided if our public
“health” authorities had taken a few minutes to read the epidemiology literature.
We knew that lockdowns were bad long before COVID was invented.

The occupant of the White House and the Chief Cackler are our next scientists. They
both live in a protective bubble and are multiply vaccinated and boosted. They
periodically opine that we may all need another “booster.” But Kamala’s re-
infections prove that the booster will not work. In fact, we now know that Canada,
Israel, Gibraltar, and others have increased infection rates in vaccinated
individuals. This appears to be true in the US as well, but the CDC is reluctant to
release the data.

Image: COVID by freepik.

This vaccine failure is due in part to direct immune suppression by the shot. The
military has made it clear to Senator Johnson’s committee that not only does it not
prevent infection, but it also triples the rate of breast cancer, with even higher
multiples for other cancers. Yet that great scientist, SecDef Lord Austin, mandated
that all military personnel get the Fauci Ouchy. He is oblivious to the fact that
many highly trained (translation: expensive) warfighters such as Special Forces and
pilots have been rendered unable to serve due to the mental and physical effects of
the spike protein presented by the shots.

Another reason for vaccine failure is that the virus has mutated to forms that have
spike proteins markedly different from the alpha variant in the vaccine. In short,
they’re different diseases, just like flu is actually a host of different diseases.
The vaccine and boosters don’t have any meaningful benefit against the current

I could list a host of other “scientific” authorities who are making false claims,
but all that would do is bore you. In particular, we should regard anything from
the CDC or Big Pharma with great suspicion, since it is contradicted by most
evidence. I’ll simply leave you with a set of bullet points, all supported by large
volumes of scientific data.

COVID-19 is a mild disease with almost zero mortality for people under age 55.
Serious co-existing disease is the best predictor of mortality in all age groups.
Public masking has zero effect on transmission of airborne diseases, including
The “vaccines” do not protect you from getting COVID or transmitting COVID. They do
not lessen the severity of COVID when you get it. That is a result of the newer
variants being less severe to start with. The vaccines and boosters are directed at
a disease that doesn’t exist anymore.
The “vaccines” reduce your immunity, making you more likely to catch symptomatic
disease. This also makes it much easier for numerous cancers to grow.
Natural immunity from disease recovery is far better than any supposed benefit of
shots. If you got the vaccine and then got sick, your immunity afterward is less
than if you didn’t get the shot at all.
Remdesivir (Fauci gets $$ when it’s used) does not improve survival and probably
causes other problems.
Molnuvirapir, the new oral agent, isn’t as effective as Ivermectin, which the CDC
steadfastly refuses to support. If you do get sick, get immediate treatment with
Ivermectin. If your illness is from a different virus, it will probably help
against that as well.
Locales that opened up early generally have disease and death rates better than
The safest place is outdoors, where the sun destroys viruses and they are dispersed
into infinity.
I’m sure I left something out, but I’ll leave you with a couple of key items.
First, don’t get the shot. It has no benefits and a host of bad effects I don’t
have space to talk about. Second, take vitamin D3 and zinc. They have been shown to
reduce viral infections a lot. Third, get a stock of Ivermectin. If you do get
sick, start it immediately on your way to your urgent care. And don’t stop taking
it even if they say to. They can lose their licenses if they agree with you taking

Government-based authorities are lying to us. I know that’s strong, but it’s the
truth. The version of COVID that’s around now is a minor illness that is largely
preventable and easily treated. That is a far better choice than getting a
potentially deadly shot that a bunch of power brokers love. There will be many more
variants, but the final variant is communism.

Ted Noel MD is a retired Anesthesiologist/Intensivist who podcasts and posts on

social media as DoctorTed and @vidzette. His DoctorTed podcasts are available on
many podcast channels.

2 months ago
Medical scientists and psychologists will examine the 2-year Covid ordeal. I
suspect they will find mass panic created and induced, with fore-thought, to
control people throughout the world through fear. The antidote is always reason,
logic and truth.

The next question, what goal does the fear-monger seek? What kind of person(s) use
fear to control and manipulate? Do you want to be ruled by any entity that uses
evil to gain control? Or would you prefer a nation that respects your individual
rights? Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.
james m mullin
2 months ago
Sherlock Holmes was famous for advising that one should focus on what DOESN'T
happen, not simply on what does. What doesn't happen among our esteemed ruling
elite is no outrage or hue & cry for how SARS-CoV-2 happened in the first place. It
was always obvious that it was a natural (bat?) virus that was re-engineered in
Wuhan labs. But WHO did this, and how and why? So where is the outrage in our world
over all the dead, all the elderly who died totally alone in nursing homes, and all
those who lost their businesses and livelihoods. Again, where is the outrage? AND
where is justice? If the world doesn't demand justice from those who created this,
trust me that they and others will move on to still deadlier viruses. If they
haven't already.
Jeannie DeAngelis
2 months ago
America's Frontline Doctors
Big Moose
2 months ago
I tried them last November, and the pharmacy never sent the med. Be careful.
Jeannie DeAngelis
2 months ago
Never had an issue
William H Dexter II
2 months ago
Might the author or someone else explain how to get Ivermectin?
2 months ago
You might check out Seven Cells. US-based company.
Joe Strader
2 months ago
Push Health is widely noted as a physician-based group that will help. It is more
difficult that simply going to your doctor, but they working against a system that
makes it harder.

There are also multiple foreign sources that will ship it to you. Some people have
reported great success just buying it and having it shipped. I understand it can
take about a month. Many of these are in India.
Steven D Piciacchio
2 months ago
You can purchase Ivermectin from Seven Cells in Florida. It is expensive (10 pills
for $100).
Big Moose
2 months ago
Find an ID (Infectious Disease) physician in your area that might be willing to
write for it. In my area I found one and he will write for it based on a positive
test and review of your overall health and conditions.
Kim Notarangelo
2 months ago
That was my question. Was hoping someone would ask. I don’t feel comfortable just
going to some foreign source to get it
Jeffry Rogers
2 months ago
It seems to me that when a disease like this hits one should use all of the tools
in the bag it appears tom e and has for long time that we denied this based on the
ill informed Fauci's desire to run a nationwide test on mRNA vaccines. I agree the
concept is i interesting but its failure is this, it did not use a replication of
the virus as a whole. Perhaps while interesting we will find it does not work even
with more adequate programming. The difference between natural immunity and the
vaccine ae interesting It does suggest building immune antibodies and T cells the
virus as a whole may be necessary. We then need to also look in our tool bag for
medicines that will moderate the disease and let the body take care of itself.
Ivermectin was one of those and so is hydroxychloroquine. both were bad mouthed and
denied by the use of political science. Every board member who threated this with
limited knowledge should be subject to lawsuit and those at the apex should be
tried for first degree murder. I think the media should also be held accountable,
apparently none of their personnel have any research skill.
Kristin Crocker
2 months ago
You might try enabled several people we know
to obtain ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine. The RXs weren't 'cheap' but considering
the risk - worth it.
Daniel Lee
2 months ago
"Anything else is virtue signaling", the writer's language covers up what is really
happening. The command to wear masks and put the experimental chemicals into our
bodies comes from the devil, and that is the entity we are opposing.
Big Moose
2 months ago
To Dr. Noel: Do you feel that the so called vaccine can cause Antibody-dependent
Enhancement (ADE) in individuals and cause excessive illness. I took the two shots
and the booster, but will not take a fourth shot as I have heard of other people in
my area taking it. I am in my 80s. I take D3, Zinc, and C.
Jack Coupal
2 months ago
Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals, LLC of Parsippany, NJ []
manufactures Ivermectin Tablets, 3 mg. U.S.P. Ask your pharmacist what U.S.P.
means, if you're curious, and you must be curious.

For the shock of your life, look for the "News" header on that company's website
and scroll all the way down to its entry posted on October 24, 2014. That entry
also mentions a pharmaceutical company named, Merck & Co., which should be familiar
by now.
Big Moose
2 months ago
USP United States Pharmacopeia Pharmacology A compendium of drug standards that
includes assays and tests for determining drug strength, purity and quality; USP is
recognized US federal law, published by the authorities of the US Pharmacopeia
John Weed
2 months ago
good luck throwing these clowns in jail
Axel Schmidt
2 months ago
Why is that Mass Murderer Fauci still amongst the Living?

April 24, 2022

A Medical Dictator
By Jim Hollingsworth
I believe that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a medical dictator, and I have reached this
conclusion through personal experience. Under his ‘guidance’ at the NIH, every
level of government, as well as the private sector, has been affected by his
medical advice.

Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ruled that requiring masks on airplanes is

unconstitutional as the CDC had overstepped its authority when demanding the
practice. It was a great decision and many airline companies immediately removed
their mask requirements. Both airline passengers and employees noted what a relief
this was.

Some airline officials commented that many of the passenger conflicts reported over
the past couple of years were related to the requirement to wear masks.

After my last visit to see my doctor, it was clear that Dr. Fauci was guilty of
medical tyranny. I was required to wear a mask. All the staff were required to wear
masks, though many wore the mask below the nose – one wonders if that does any good
at all.

When I asked my doctor if they were going to be the last to eliminate the mask
requirement he told me that it depended on what the local hospital required.

When I talked to the hospital, I was informed that they have to require masks
because if they did not follow the CDC directives, the federal government would cut
off their Medicare payments.

The CDC generally follows the lead of Dr. Fauci, and most of the world and the
World Health Organization follow the lead of the American CDC.

So, one man, Dr. Anthony Fauci, substantially affects the policies of the CDC,
which controls the policies of the various private sector hospitals, which controls
the policies of the local doctors and their medical practices.

Even though the good judge ruled that the airline mask mandates were
unconstitutional, most of us will be required to wear a mask at some point or
another as we have to go to the hospital, visit Hospice, or see a doctor.

This is a national tragedy, that we as Americans would allow one person to have the
power to control our freedom, and none of us put up as much as a whimper. We need
to rise up en masse and request that this doctor be retired because his flip-
flopping indicates he is against real medical science. One doctor, Dr. Scott Atlas,
who worked for President Trump and wanted to debate the issue with Dr. Fauci found
that he and his team were not open to any medical science debate at any point.

The thing I find so hard to believe is that prominent medical doctors have studied
the pandemic, masks, and vaccinations for nearly two years, and concluded that
masks really do not prevent transmission, or even offer extra personal protection.
Unfortunately, the only science accepted is that put forth by the CDC and the
federal government.

Even worse are lockdowns. Our churches were closed, and those who insisted on
remaining open to follow Hebrews 10:25 were arrested and fined, some even jailed.
In one state, California, singing was banned because it was believed it was
spreading more air and thus the disease.

Lockdowns have negatively affected children more than adults. Science has shown
that children are less likely to get seriously ill with Covid-19 than are older
people. To keep them out of school is harming them academically – they lost at
least a year of training, one which they will never regain. To force them to stay
at home is affecting them psychologically and to keep them on the playground in the
cold while distanced is contributing to emotional and physical health issues.

Some feel that vaccinations at least help to prevent disease. In a land of liberty,
each individual has the right to vaccinate themself, but to force everyone to be
vaccinated, or to be in lockdown is simply criminal. There is no scientific or
legal justification for doing any of these things. Those who have analyzed the
Spanish Flu of 1918 concluded that neither masks nor lockdowns did anything to slow
or prevent the spread of the disease.

America was founded on the basis of the freedom of the individual. We often quote
the Declaration of Independence, especially the text that says: “We hold these
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness.”
We often stop at that point. We need to at least quote the next part: “That to
secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed….”

When the Constitution was written and each state debated approving the document,
there were a number who felt their natural rights were not sufficiently protected.
Thus, they wrote twelve amendments, ten of which were adopted. We call these ten
amendments The Bill of Rights.

Now you can read the Bill of Rights from one end to the other and you will not find
any statement that it will not be in effect during a medical emergency. These are
God-given natural rights, not given by any government or agency, and to be
protected by all levels of government. This is important – all oaths taken from the
President to the lowest city official swear (or affirm) to preserve and protect (or
support) the Constitution of the United States.

America is in serious trouble because we have generally lost the ability to think
for ourselves. If the government says we have to do something we just do it,
without thinking if it is really necessary or even beneficial.

Some people have become so convinced that masks are necessary that when they see
someone who is not wearing a mask they become very angry. They think such a person
will cause them to catch a plague, much like the Black Plague of years past.

Fear is a tremendous motivator. First, it was global warming or climate change.

Then came this pandemic, conveniently adding an additional fear factor. If you can
get people to fear the unknown they will generally do what is asked of them. This
state of fear is completely irrational and not supported by medical science.

We as Americans are primarily in trouble because we have no understanding of the

Bible, or of the U.S. Constitution. We are a constitutional republic and not a
dictatorship or a socialist country. It is long past the time to turn this ship
around and face the truth. We have let ourselves be brainwashed under the guise of
teaching truth, only to find at last that most of this is all lies. Doctors know
better, but most are afraid they will lose their license if they attempt to speak
the truth. This is medical tyranny.

It is past time that we banded together and demanded our freedoms back. This is not
a Democrat or Republican issue, but it is a national issue, and it could already be
too late to do anything about it, but we can start with the expulsion of the
medical dictator known as Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Jim Hollingsworth has written four books: Climate Change: A Convenient Truth;
Cortez: A Biography; The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire; and Abortion
Compassion. The book on climate is now in a second edition. All are available where
books are sold. Jim receives mail at

Morry Rotenberg
3 months ago
“This is not a Democrat or Republican issue…” I disagree, it is an issue of the
Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party’s obsession with power over the people. That
power is enabled by the “Fourth Estate” which is under the almost exclusive control
of the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party. The media has metamorphosed into this
country’s most dangerous fifth column squelching the truth and promoting the lies
of apparatchiks like Fauci and Sleepy Joe et. al.
Robert Haley
3 months ago
The administrative state knew masks did not prevent disease or offer protection,
which is why they were never required before, or even suggested as a method of
protection. (The use in surgical rooms, often cited, was to prevent exchange of
bodily fluids.) However, the administrative state needed a symbol that would show
that we the people were submissive to them. Hence, the mask.
Gary Jacobson
3 months ago
And to perpetuate a sense of emergency, which served as a pretext for violations of
norms and liberties.
Robert Haley
3 months ago
Agreed, the left knew it needed to foment and perpetuate and emergency for the 2020
Kerry M Eberly
3 months ago
The flower children of the 60's are now in power. Ain't it great?

I find the 1990's (but wanna revive the 1960's) far Left band "Rage Against the
Machine" hilarious. Rage against those in power! Check out one of the lines
(repeated ad infinitum) from "Killing in The Name" (I can't post it here, because
expletives) about not "doing what you tell me".

The Left is now the Machine. Obey!

Gary Jacobson
3 months ago
Actually, the New Left of the 60’s is now in power; the flower children were and
continue to be their useful idiots, whose good intentions are exploited for radical
Kerry M Eberly
3 months ago
I don't care what other people do. Wear a mask forever. Get every injection
available. Fine. Your body. Your choice.

Now, leave me the hell alone.

John Weed
3 months ago
All of this happens is because we let it happen. It's inspiring to see that parents
are getting in the faces of school boards and saying enough is enough. Let's get in
the face of Fauci and tell him to shove it.
Michael Tarrier
3 months ago
There's no question it's all illegal--the purpose is preparation for total
tyranny , upcoming next. The "elite" needed to find the right fear factor to gain
enough compliance, & this virus is it. That's why there's always another
variant.....thinking people have realized it's all a scam, but those driven by
emotion (dems) just react--thinking not allowed. With "climate change" , unending
virus variants, etc., unfair capitalism....time for a leftist dictator to "save
us"....someone like Obama...a tyrant if there ever was one
3 months ago
I’d like to see him face justice and be introduced to Jack Ketch.
Lou Nigro
3 months ago
The Democrat party made the monster Fauci is today! Fools like Nichole Wallace who
says that she is a Fauci “Groupie”!
Axel Schmidt
3 months ago
So, All of the Oath Violators are basically Traitors. Traitors must receive a
Traitors punishment!
Trudie Weiser
3 months ago
I visited 2 doctors last week and they refused to hear my opinion o on the merits
of the so called vaccine... I know that they are in danger of speaking out.. six
months ago I told the cardiologist to research McCullough and Malone... Thanks to
AT I am better informed!!
3 months ago
My doc still thinks the vax protects. Patients must wear a mask while in his

April 23, 2022

Connecting the Dots on Early COVID Treatments
By Antonio R. Chaves
As you may well know, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin are among the most
frequently mentioned drugs for early treatment of COVID-19. Both drugs were
originally used to combat tropical diseases like malaria (HCQ) and river blindness
(ivermectin). What follows is a very brief history of how they were repurposed for
treating COVID-19.

In 2010, zinc ionophores were shown to inhibit replication of coronaviruses. This

research was done at Dr. Ralph Baric’s Lab at UNC at Chapel Hill. Four years later,
a dose-response experiment demonstrated the ability of chloroquine to serve as a
zinc ionophore for cells cultured in vitro. In early 2020 this information was used
to treat COVID-19 in China, France, and the U.S. Unfortunately, following
publication of a fraudulent study in the Lancet in May 2020, governments and
medical institutions all over the Western world limited access to HCQ for treatment
of COVID-19. Many states in the US followed suit by imposing their own restrictions
on HCQ.

The antiviral properties of ivermectin were discovered later than HCQ, and in June
2020 Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter published the results on treating COVID patients with
this drug (Hat tip: Kanekoa the Great). The FLCCC alliance later published a meta-
analysis on ivermectin’s effectiveness for both prevention and treatment of COVID-
19 and developed protocols for both outpatient and hospital care. Several
developing nations followed up by making ivermectin widely available to their
citizens. Unfortunately, ivermectin is difficult to get in the U.S. because both
the CDC and FDA recommend against its use.

Whether or not you believe HCQ and ivermectin are effective early treatments is
beside the point: Both of these generic drugs are considered safe for pregnant
women and many nations sell these drugs over the counter.

Given that there is no moral or scientific basis for this unprecedented disruption
of the doctor-patient relationship, why are the CDC and FDA doing this? Why do some
dying patients need to resort to a court order to access alternative treatment?

According to U.S. Code 360bbb "expanded access to unapproved therapies" requires

absence of any other "comparable or satisfactory alternative therapy." In other
words, suppression of early treatment for COVID-19 paved the way for “emergency use
authorization” of COVID-19 vaccines.

All COVID-19 vaccines available in the U.S. direct human cells to generate large
amounts of spike protein. This is problematic because the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
plays a leading role in the “cytokine storm” causing death in high-risk patients. I
will leave it up to the reader to determine as to why the CDC is encouraging
Americans to take injections that program their cells to generate uncontrolled
amounts of a de-facto biotoxin that may be responsible for a 40X increase in
vaccine-related deaths and 1000X increase in vaccine-related myocarditis recorded

After the start of the pandemic, Dr. Ralph Baric overlooked his aforementioned work
on zinc ionophores and chose instead to investigate Remdesivir. The testing of this
dangerous and expensive drug was accomplished through a partnership of Gilead
Science and UNC.

Remdesivir was soon authorized by the FDA for treating COVID-19 in April 2020.
Unfortunately the clinical benefits of Remdesivir remain unclear, probably because
this drug is only available in hospitals and viral replication is usually not a
problem during late stages of COVID-19. This regulation prevented Remdesivir from
competing with emergency use authorization of the COVID vaccines.

Remdesivir is not the only highly profitable item investigated at UNC. Baric also
signed an agreement to research RNA vaccines developed by Moderna back in December
2019. Moderna has existed since 2010, but COVID vaccines are the first patent
Moderna has brought to market. In my previous article I discussed both Baric and
Moderna’s probable roles in the synthesis of SARS-Cov-2.

If there is a silver lining to this grotesque charade, it is our growing awareness

of the moral bankruptcy in our government, our media, our medical institutions.
Most importantly, it has shed light on how easily massive segments of the
population can be frightened into blind obedience.

If you still believe the lockdowns, mandates, and medical recommendations were
hammered out in good faith, I have some Moderna stock to sell you.

Dr. Antonio Chaves teaches biology at a local community college. His interest in
economic and social issues stems from his experience teaching environmental
science. His older articles with graphs and images are available here. His COVID-19
blog is available here.

Sharon Sapp
3 months ago
The virus was created and brought into the country to destroy President Trump. The
government deep state had no problem with withholding treatments. Anyone want to
bet on a new strain arriving before the November election?
Jack Coupal
3 months ago
There appear to be many medical scientists, physicians, pharmacists and related who
have commented here on our long covid saga.

Have there been other potentially lethal diseases (themselves, or in combination

with co-morbidities) for which employment of early evidenced treatment has been
forbidden by early and constant administrative dik-tat. Decisions never resulted
from debated Congressional legislation (with full administrative input)?

Our three-year patience with covid may be that tragic one-off experience. In an
advanced society like ours, that's impossible.
Rhonda Stark
3 months ago
Separation from God leaves the door wide open for rampant narcissism and
sociopathy. The above mentioned entities - our government, health care system,
mainstream media, related agencies, are about as far removed from God as one can
be. It is no wonder there is no integrity, truth, morality or conscience.
Andrew Thomas
3 months ago
It is interesting that hospitals go to extreme lengths to prevent dying Covid
patients from taking relatively-safe Ivermectin because of the FDAs rules against
"off-label" usage of the drug, but have no problem permanently disfiguring children
with "off-label" use of dangerous experimental sex-altering drugs. The hypocrisy
and dishonesty is staggering.
Jack Coupal
3 months ago
Sadly, ivermectin - for example - was never intended "to prevent dying Covid
patients" from dying. It was intended as an early treatment of suspected covid
infection - the keywords are "early" and "suspected" - based on ivermectin's
successful therapy of anthelmintic infections.

Ivermectin was never intended to be the "literal last-gasp" for people dying of
end-stage covid. Every physician on the front lines has to "suspect early" and
treat appropriately, for just about everything bad.

If that physician's duty to suspect early and treat covid appropriately is suddenly
and continuingly forbidden by federal or state administrative mandate, that
physician may be legally accused of medical malpractice.
Kerry M Eberly
3 months ago
The Big Lie to a crowd is so much easier to sell then a small lie to the few.

If you tell a lie, tell a big one.

-Joseph Goebbels, Sidekick to Satan

March 28, 2022

How many COVID booster shots will finally be enough?
By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
From the beginning of the COVID pandemic starting two years ago, we have heard
conflicting and often nonsensical recommendations from those charged with knowing
better and leading the country through the biggest public health crisis that most
of us have ever experienced.

From “15 days to slow the spread” to mask mandates changing as fast as the weather,
reality and science was whatever those in power declared it to be on any given day.
First, we were told that masks were worthless in stopping viruses. Shortly
thereafter we were told to wear one, then two, then one, now back to none.

Masks are unnecessary in a crowded mall, restaurant, or BLM protest, but life-
saving in an elementary school, airport, or airplane which is constantly
recirculating and disinfecting the air. Similarly, the vaccines, we were told,
would stop transmission and infection with COVID until we learned that they did
neither, only reducing the severity of illness and risk of death.

In the U.K. for example, last month 80-90 percent of COVID deaths were among the
vaccinated, although the “fact checkers” are eager to claim “misinterpretation” or
“lack of context.”

Nothing is permitted to interfere with the preferred narrative.

So, when are vaccinations no longer necessary? When has a country or region reached
a sufficient level of herd immunity that life can return to some semblance of
normal? Never mind the businesses, families, and lives destroyed by closures and
mandates, whose only view of normal is in their rear-view mirrors. Life will never
be normal again just as it isn’t for residents of a town devastated by a hurricane
or tornado.

Several weeks ago, the New York Times asked: “Who should get a fourth Covid shot?”
In other words, not one but two booster shots. The article acknowledges what many
would agree with: “Several studies have found that while mRNA booster shots have
been successful at preventing hospitalization and death, their effectiveness
against infections is waning.”

Vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna are all in for more boosters as more shots
translate into more billions to the company and more C-Suite billionaires. Both
vaccine makers have asked the FDA for emergency use authorization for second
boosters, for adults age 65 years and older in the case of Pfizer and for all
adults for Moderna. How soon until they are seeking authorization for a third or
fourth booster? When does it all end?

YouTube screen grab

Who actually needs a booster injection, much less a second booster? Vaccine
immunity rapidly diminishes, hence the push for boosters. Forbes notes: “More
evidence has emerged that immunity to Covid-19 is quick to fade—in people of all
ages, but more so for the old than the young.” A recently published British study,
discovered that the prevalence of COVID antibodies across England dropped more than
26 percent in three months.

What’s missing from this discussion is the well-known concept of natural immunity,
where exposure to an infectious agent causes the immune system of the affected
individual to acquire both humoral and cellular immunity, which is often long
lasting, perhaps an entire lifetime.

Individuals afflicted with the SARS infection in 2003 still have antibodies in
their systems, now almost 20 years later. It’s safe to assume a comparable long-
lasting immune response to those infected with COVID, as it is a similar virus.
Acting FDA commissioner Dr Janet Woodcock says: “Most Americans will be exposed to
the virus” with resulting natural immunity, which is why COVID will end as a
pandemic, and become endemic like the seasonal flu.

Do these individuals need one, two, or more boosters on top of natural immunity? Do
the benefits of boosters, on top of natural immunity, outweigh the risks of a
vaccine-induced adverse event? Is this even being considered or discussed?

Natural immunity, acquired through a respiratory infection, also provides mucosal

immunity. Vaccine immunity, the vaccine being administered into the body, results
in blood circulating antibodies which are not triggered until someone has COVID
infection within their body. Mucosal immunity can step in upon exposure to the
virus, a first line of defense, preventing systemic infection.

Think of protecting a building on a large property. Blood-based immunity protects

the building only, but mucosal immunity protects the property, stopping invaders
long before they even reach the building.

I must add the standard and necessary disclaimer that I am not anti-vaccine, having
been personally fully vaccinated. Nor am I offering medical advice, only an
analysis of this recent news item. Any vaccine decisions should be between you and
your physician based on a thoughtful analysis of risks and benefits, as is standard
for any medical intervention.
As this paper in Clinical Microbiology and Infection explains: “The rationale for
the early mucosal immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 starts with its entry and
early replication in upper airway mucosal surfaces, especially the nasopharynx.” In
other words, a robust first line of defense.

This means that vaccine protection kicks in once one is already infected, rather
than stopping the virus in the respiratory tract, preventing it from entering the
blood stream and causing infection. As the above mentioned article states,
“According to a classic dogma, parenterally administered vaccines against mucosal
pathogens induce primarily serum antibodies, but are poorly capable of generating
protective mucosal immunity, at the pathogen entry site.”

Who should then receive a booster injection? Everyone or only those at higher risk
of infection, hospitalization, and death, where the added protection outweighs the
risk of a vaccine induced adverse event such as a blood clot or stroke.

As the NY Times article notes:

One reason older adults may benefit from an additional booster shot is because as
the immune system ages, it tends to weaken and does not produce the same quantity
or quality of antibodies as it did when it was younger. On top of that, older
adults often have other medical conditions that take up the body’s attention,
putting them at higher risk of severe disease.

In other words, protect the vulnerable, don't simply vaccinate everyone. Shingles
and pneumococcus vaccines are available for older individuals but are not
recommended for the young and healthy, including children, as their risk of
infection is extremely low.

Otherwise, we are simply treating antibody levels, without providing much actual
benefit to the vaccinated individual. A New England Journal of Medicine study
looked at Israeli health care workers of all ages and found that both Pfizer’s and
Moderna’s fourth shots bolstered antibody levels, though they were not very good at
preventing infection. Are we treating a lab result or a person?

The blanket approach of vaccinating everyone, regardless of age and health status,
is a one size fits all approach that runs contrary to modern medical care. The FDA
describes, “personalized medicine” as: “Decisions about who should get certain
kinds of therapies or specific doses of a given therapy, or who should be monitored
more carefully because they're predisposed to a particular safety issue.”

Why is COVID being treated differently? From the beginning, an alternative approach
could have been to protect and isolate those at high risk, offering therapeutics,
even if not validated by lengthy randomized prospective clinical trials, to others,
allowing natural immunity to grow and eventually protect most of population.

This is how we approach other infectious diseases, yet with COVID the old rules
went out the window, replaced by draconian lockdowns, business closures, and
mandates. Now we are learning, as Johns Hopkins University researchers reported,

Lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous
economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown
policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.

How soon until we learn the same about the endless stream of vaccine boosters,
particularly for those at low-risk? The blatant disregard of past infectious
disease policy suggests that these measures were more about control than actually
protecting people, leaving a stain on those entrusted to protect our public health.
Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a fully vaccinated physician and writer. On Twitter as
@retinaldoctor. And on Truth Social as @BrianJoondeph.



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Alan Stevens
4 months ago
The main reason all these local doctors and medical professionals went along with
the jabs and refused to prescribe effective generic therapeutic drugs was due to
"recommendations" from the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID etc. Fauci is basically the
godfather of all these federal health agencies and he made sure the local MD's
towed the federal line. Most doctors work for large health organizations and no
longer have latitude to deviate from their company line. Even independent doctors
were threatened with medical board actions and licensure removal if they prescribed
HCQ or IVCT for example. This doesn't absolve the local doctors from acting like
sheep and refusing to think for themselves. However, the federal health agencies
and the politicians deserve the brunt of the blame.
Thomas M Kelly
4 months ago
There's something going on, but we don't really know what it is or how to deal with
it because the bureaucrats are driven by political motivations that are frequently
contrary to science. I was actually willing to give them a chance to conduct
themselves as professionals concerned with the public good when it all started.
After the "two weeks to stop the spread" and "we lied to you about masks so you
would do what we wanted" they burned that bridge. They have moved beyond me proving
they are lying. There is nothing that they would not lie about. I see them as such.
Kerry M Eberly
4 months ago
"There's something going on", you state? It's the Stanford Prison Experiment writ

We're the prisoners.

4 months ago
Conveniently forgotten is that the Geneva Convention prohibits experimenting on
people. Dr. Fauxci = Dr. Mengele.
Edward F Haertel
4 months ago
Nearing 80 I got the first two Moderna jabs. Then I considered what a vaccine was
by virtue of the effects of a vaccine. Vaccines confer immunity to a particular
disease/group of diseases (hence the synonym "immunization" for "vaccination").
That conferred immunity may last a lifetime (e.g. the Salk Polio vaccination I had
in middle school, followed by the Sabin vaccine in the Army) or a few years (e.g.
the Typhoid vaccination I received in the Army, with reimmunization IIRC every two
Vaccines, because they prevent acquiring the disease, also prevent the immunized
person from spreading the disease to others.

None of these genetic experimental treatments confer immunity for even a few months
and they do not prevent the recipient of the shots from spreading the disease to

These are not vaccines. And while the government fooled me with the first two
shots, that will be all the shots I'll take unless and until they come up with an
actual vaccine.

And a note on natural immunity: As a child, like virtually all people my age, I had
Chickepox. As a mature person I procrastinated and never got the Shingles vaccine.
I recently had a mild case of Shingles. I asked my Dermatologist if and when I
should get the Shingles vaccine and he said "Why bother? You are self immunizing
right now." Apparently with multiple versions of the lab created Wuhan Flu knocking
about, it is possible to have more than one iteration of the Wuhan Flu. C'est la
vie and thanks Fauci for using our tax dollars to fund this pox on humanity.

Edit - added bolding

Kerry M Eberly
4 months ago
I'm "only" 63 and got my immunity to measles, chicken pox, German measles, mumps
and corona virus the natural way. I even got "cow" pox or systemic vaccinia
infection from the smallpox vax. A sick kid made a tough as nails adult. I rarely
get sick any more. I readily took the polio, tetanus/diptheria and hepatitis B
vaccines. This gene therapy thing? Never. Not one. There is a corona virus vaccine
based on fragments of the virus using traditional vaccine tech (Sinovac) and a
protein subunit vaccine (Novavax), but neither were available at the beginning of
Covid-19. I would consider either one but I had the Delta infection AND the
Omicron. I see no current need to get any vaccine.

FWIW, my missus got a mild case of shingles about a year ago (upper butt and hip
area) and asked me about getting the vaccine. I told her there was no need because
she just got re-immunized. She was lucky in that it looked like mild poison ivy.
She took a few anti-viral pills and viola, gone in a week. I have seen really bad
cases that look like a bear clawed the person. These were in the very aged,
institutionalized patient. Facial shingles is particularly problematic and needs
aggressive treatment (can cause blindness if it gets into the eyes).
Alan Stevens
4 months ago
Smart! Don't take the shots, and if you already have, don't take any more.
Randi Pinkerton
4 months ago
I'll be 76 on Wednesday. I have never worn a mask nor have I been jabbed. I had
this thing pegged from the beginning. It was a common flu bug. Notice that the
usual flu has been missing for two years.

We are living in the middle of a worldwide hoax. The left (deep state) will move
heaven and earth to keep it relevant. But Americans are wising up. Will they get
smart enough by November?
Bill Garman
4 months ago
The frightening thing is this is not just within our shores. As you know, this is
larger than Fauci and a stolen American presidential election. The American Cancer
Society is "predicting" increased rates of cancer, and the American Heart
Association is "predicting" increased rates of congenital heart defects. Both are
blaming "Climate Change."
We can see what's coming. There are no pretenses anymore.
Neal Player
4 months ago
I am 81 YOA and have also been triple jabbed. This BS will continue as long as big
medicines make billions and Dr. Death, Fauci's foundations makes millions from his
stock holdings. I personally do not intend to be jabbed the fourth time.
Morry Rotenberg
4 months ago
The Great Barrington Declaration published in October of 2020 and suppressed by the
MSM and government outlined what they called focused protection. That is as Brian
has clearly stated to use quarantine , distancing, and vaccination on those most
vulnerable to DYING from covid-19. Everything else has been pure politics and
societal ruin due to the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party’s grip on power.
Sharon Sapp
4 months ago
How many of the people responsible for the decisions at the 3 letter agencies and
members of Congress own stock in the drug companies?
4 months ago
I am 66 and triple jabbed. Given the decline in expectations from the "vaccines" I
am inclined to pass up a 4th shot. Given the conduct of government agencies and
various elected tyrants over the last 2 years, I have lost a tremendous amount of
confidence in "the experts".
Michael Cowan
4 months ago
We recently had a family gathering of twenty or so. Every single person who
attended got sick with flu-like symptoms except me and my wife. The rest of the
family considers us to be nut cases because we have eschewed the "vaccines" and
take ivermectin instead. By the way, IVM is also effective against shingles, the
common cold, the seasonal flu, and many other viral maladies, apparantly even
Linda Gommel
4 months ago
Do you take Ivermectin on a regular basis, and if so, how much? Where do you get
Michael Cowan
4 months ago
We follow the FLCCC Alliance guidelines for prophylaxis. They recommend
0.2milligrams per kilogram of body weight once weekly unless there is a large
outbreak in your community, then twice weekly. The FLCCC website ( has a
list of pharmacies that will supply the pills without a prescription. We bought a
large supply from India with no trouble at all. We are holding them in abeyance in
case either of us contracts the disease. In the meantime, we use the horse paste
which you can purchase from Tractor Supply or most any feed store. The prices have
risen on Amazon, so we don't go there anymore. Ann Barnhardt ( has a
portion of her website dedicated to Ivermectin use, and other interesting tidbits
on covid.
Robert Cunningham
4 months ago
"In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a
pandemic policy instrument."
Not to a dictatorial, liberal governor or president.
Randi Pinkerton
4 months ago
"Not to a dictatorial, liberal governor or president"...which is desperate for a
means to steal an election.
Randi Pinkerton
4 months ago
Thank you, Brian. If I ever develop any trust in doctors again, you and Ted Noel
will be responsible.
Michael Tarrier
4 months ago
using titers is really not accurate. It's one measure of possible immunity, but a
very weak one. A much better test is "challenge" testing, but there are risks. But
in any vaccination, titers may drop to unmeasurable, but the person still be fully
able to mount an immune response. Do we know? not at all......chasing windmills

March 26, 2022

The COVID Hall of Shame -- So Far
By Charles Tourot
Let us not declare an end to societal disruption by governmental decree justified
by COVID-19. Who can know what the CCP, CDC, WHO, or DNC (all looking so similar
recently) will unleash upon us tomorrow? If it’s in their interest to wreak havoc,
they will try -- and may succeed.

That said, let's declare an end to the First Wave of all that. It’s over. Everyone
knows it -- except, perhaps, New Yorkers and Californians, whose immersion in
Marxism prevents cogent thought.

Looking back on two years of the Pandemic, which moments -- which decisions, which
deceptions, which outrages -- merit the COVID Hall of Shame? It’s not an easy

Candidate 1: The death sentence for nursing home patients.

It was known from the outset that COVID was most often fatal for elderly people in
poor health. A locus of fatalities in March 2020 was a single nursing home in
Washington State -- it was right there on the Johns Hopkins website. Yet, Democrat
governors Wolf, Cuomo, Witmer, Murphy, and Newsom ordered chronically-ill senior
citizens with COVID discharged to nursing homes. The staff inevitably carried the
illness to others during their normal course of duty. The only apt analogy is the
distribution of smallpox-ridden blankets given to Native Americans by the British
during the French and Indian War. In July 2020, the .7% of Pennsylvania’s
population who were nursing-home residents accounted for 69% of COVID deaths there.

This action by Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf and his colleagues can’t be chalked
up to stupidity. Governors aren’t that stupid. To what end was it done? We cannot
know. Wolf’s Secretary of Health Rachel Levine pulled her own mother from a nursing
home, presumably to avoid a death sentence. Levine is now U.S. Assistant Secretary
of Health and a four-star admiral. Good for her. Wolf remains governor.

Candidate 2: Demonization of existing drugs that treat COVID

When some enterprising soul discovers an existing treatment for a new health
threat, he or she usually becomes an overnight hero, especially when the treatment
is safe, cheap, and widely available. When President Trump spoke of the promise of
hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19, the national media scoffed, because they
considered Trump an ignoramus. When physicians who had prescribed
hydroxychloroquine safely to prevent and treat malaria and chronic diseases for six
decades championed its off-label use to treat a potentially fatal malady for which
no other treatment existed, they were ostracized, and their medical licenses
threatened. The hapless Neil Cavuto declared on Fox News: “this stuff will kill
you.” He couldn’t have been more wrong. I know a medical professional who
contracted COVID early on. She told me the hydroxychloroquine she took regularly
for another illness saved her life. The drug proved effective in multiple studies
when given early in the course of the disease, but its use was never adopted. Many
died needlessly as a result.

The same is true of ivermectin, the “horse de-wormer,” whose inventors won the 2015
Nobel Prize for medicine for creating the anti-parasitic drug -- not for horses,
but for humans (Human medications are routinely given to livestock). Why would an
anti-parasitic prevent or treat COVID? We don’t know -- but evidence shows it does.
With no other treatment available, why wouldn’t off-label use of a safe,
inexpensive drug be encouraged? Why ban its use and threaten colleagues who
prescribed it? A loved one of mine survived COVID because of early intervention
with ivermectin. She still feels the effects of a long bout with the disease, but
she knew in two days she would beat it. (Her $15 prescription now costs $345.)

Candidate 3: Denial of natural immunity

When you’ve survived an illness, you’re immune: true or false? A biology student
knows the answer, but the finest medical professionals somehow don’t. A FOIA
request for data on immunity in those recovered from COVID revealed the U.S.
government doesn’t even collect such data. We’ve learned that COVID mutates in the
same way as cold or flu viruses. For that reason, the flu vaccine is reformulated
annually; the COVID vaccine hasn’t been. It’s only moderately effective against the
original strain, much less so against newer variants. A long-term Israeli study
revealed that natural immunity provides far more protection, even from variants of
the disease, than the highly-touted vaccine. That’s consistent with everything we
know about immunity. Yet, this most basic science is ignored. The recovered must
wear masks and get jabbed with an outdated, ineffective, and dangerous vaccine,
some even before leaving the hospital where they recovered. Medical authorities may
grudgingly admit to some natural immunity; perhaps three months, we’re often told.
Why would it wane for COVID, though it is durable for other diseases? Each study of
the recovered reveals evidence of natural immunity, no matter how long ago they had
the illness. That evidence is ignored. Only the vaccine counts. This willful
blindness is the antithesis of science.

Candidate 4: “You’re the doctor.”

Not long ago, we trusted our doctors to advise us in our best interest. They took
the Hippocratic Oath. They worked for us, the patients. No longer. Most are now
employed by large corporations funded by the government and answer to them, or it.
They are beholden to the powers that issue their paychecks and licenses. Their
convictions are not their own. They told us COVID-19 is fatal, even to children,
knowing it is 98% survivable overall, and dangerous in proportion to age and
comorbidities. They touted mask mandates, knowing they were of little or no value.
They supported wholesale shutdown of schools, small businesses, churches, and
community activities, well aware the dangers to mental health and economic well-
being were great, and the risk small. They advocated coerced administration of
untried and dangerous vaccines that have shown disastrous consequences: blood
clots, heart attacks and strokes among the young and healthy, miscarriages, and an
unprecedented number of outright deaths. The ill-effects will multiply in the

Doctors and medical professionals lied to us en masse and attacked courageous

colleagues who told us the truth. Their moral and scientific authority will never
be the same.

Which of these merits selection to the COVID Hall of Shame? Cast your vote --
provisionally. Nominees may still be coming in.
Image: ~Pawsitive~Candie_N

Stewart Meyer
4 months ago
I have a hard time accepting analysis from any writer who calls Levine "her".
Credibility is lost immediately.
Alan Stevens
4 months ago
We need to get to the bottom of this, with Nuremberg-style tribunals, with
appropriate penalties being meted out. Long prison sentences, life prison
sentences, and judicial trap-door hangings.
4 months ago
I vote 2, and #5, which you missed.
#2 Outright demonization of effective off-label drugs allowed mild cases to become
severe and increased the real death toll from peanuts to around 100,000

I add #5 About another 100,000 were killed in hospitals which were financially
slaved to deliberately bad government policy - Remdesivir is barely effective, and
more likely to harm than help, then ventilators are usually a one-way death
sentence - so bad that in saner times, doctors cannot get you off them fast enough
because they can cause permanent lung damage.

Why only 200,000 COVID deaths, with most of them being avoidable? Because the rest
of the 900,000 were deaths from co-morbidities, with a side of COVID.
John Weed
4 months ago
Why isn't Fauci in jail? Answer...The Uniparty has made a bundle off of this scam.
Steven D Piciacchio
4 months ago
Unfortunately, I have no faith that any of this will ever see the light of day in a
courtroom. The Durham investigation has taken years to produce any indictments
despite mountains of evidence. The perpetrators of the Covid disaster will have
plenty of time to cover their respective tracks, so getting to the bottom of this
mismanaged tragedy, likely, won’t occur in my lifetime. Nor will the 2020 election
malfeasance. I am resigned to the fact that any prosecution of those that so richly
deserve it will not happen. They know it and we know it!
Joe Strader
4 months ago
#2, if you are looking for nominations, but #1 is a close second.
Randi Pinkerton
4 months ago
Viewed in its entirety, the response to what was clearly a hoax from the get-go is
horrifying. Two years in I have yet to fully process it.

But the subjugation of Americans is nowhere near over. After the hoopla surrounding
COVID has waned another pandemic will show up shortly. The last op was far too
successful to abandon.
Frank Hainze
4 months ago
Another "plandemic" is inevitable. And the next virus could be made significantly
more contagious and lethal. Heck of a world we live in.
Morry Rotenberg
4 months ago
I blame the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party and its propaganda arm of the MSM
and social media who shaped the responses to the Kung Flu.
Bonne Bete
4 months ago
All of them, of course, but at the top of my list is #2 Denying use of existing
drugs, followed closely by #4 The betrayal by doctors.

March 7, 2022
COVID Vaccines - What Happened to 'Safe and Effective'?
By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
COVID vaccines were developed in record time, one might say at “warp speed,” the
name of the operation instituted by President Trump in 2020. We were assured by
those in whom we place trust that these vaccines were “safe and effective.”

In August 2021, President Biden told us, “After a strict process, the FDA has
reaffirmed its findings that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, and
the FDA has given its full and final approval.”

The CDC said the same, and confirmed just days ago that, “COVID-19 vaccines are
safe and effective.” Dr. Anthony Fauci received his first dose of the Moderna
vaccine a few days before Christmas in 2020, the same time I received my first dose
of the same vaccine.

YouTube screen grab

According to ABC News, “The event was shown live on national television as part of
an effort to reassure Americans that the vaccine was safe and effective.” Dr. Fauci
felt “extreme confidence” in the vaccine science and wanted to get vaccinated
publicly as a symbolic gesture for the rest of the country.

Major medical institutions such as Johns Hopkins University echoed Dr. Fauci and
the CDC saying, “The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are strongly recommended as safe
and effective at preventing serious illness or death from COVID-19.”

How are vaccines developed? The College of Physicians of Philadelphia explains,

“Vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years and
involving a combination of public and private involvement.”

Johns Hopkins agrees, “A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years,

and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in
clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture
sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.”

Normally, it’s a step-wise process,

Each clinical trial phase follows completion of the prior phase

Can take a long time to accumulate cases to assess vaccine efficacy outside

Manufacturing capacity is scaled-up after phase III trial and regulatory approval

But this may be accelerated during a pandemic:

Some clinical trial phases are combined

Cases accumulate rapidly to assess vaccine efficacy because of the pandemic

Manufacturing capacity is scaled up during the clinical trials but at financial

For COVID, this process was definitely accelerated. It was in March 2020 that COVID
went from an interesting news item to a battering ram pounding the entire world.
And just 9 months later, not 5 to 10 years later, Dr. Fauci, myself, and many
others received their first vaccine doses.

The mission of the FDA is to protect public health by, “ensuring the safety,
efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and
medical devices,” and vaccines certainly fall into this category. Many bemoan the
process when it is slow. How often do patients suffering from currently untreatable
or inadequately treatable diseases wish the approval process was faster, hoping
they don’t die waiting for the next wonder drug to be approved?

How has this played out with the COVID vaccines? I must add the standard and
necessary disclaimer that I am not anti-vaccine, having been personally fully
vaccinated. Nor am I offering medical advice, only an analysis of where we are with
COVID vaccines now two years into this current pandemic. Any vaccine decisions
should be between you and your physician based on a thoughtful analysis of risks
and benefits, as is standard for any medical intervention.

Several reports are worthy of analysis regarding the “safe and effective”
assertions made by regulatory authorities and leaders. Start with safety.

Last week, as reported by Yahoo! Finance, the FDA released, under orders from a
U.S. District Judge, 55,000 pages of clinical trial documents which Pfizer
submitted to the FDA as part of the approval process. Originally the FDA wanted to
suppress this data for 75 years as they had “limited resources” to prepare this
data for release, yet they took approximately 75 days to review and analyze this
same data before granting approval.

In the appendix is a “List of adverse events of special interest,” noting 1,291

different adverse events post-vaccination, running 9 pages. There is always the
issue of association versus causation, but the fact that Pfizer submitted this data
to the FDA and the FDA fought to prevent its release raises red flags.

Aside from the FDA submission, there is the VAERS database that specially tracks
vaccine-related adverse effects. As Yahoo! Finance reported:

From mid-December, 2020 through February 18, 2022, the U.S. government’s database,
the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), has received 1,134,984 reports
of adverse events, including 24,402 deaths, following COVID vaccination.
Additionally, there have been 4,021 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in the
U.S. with 2,475 cases associated with Pfizer, 1,364 cases with Moderna and 171
cases with J&J’s COVID vaccine. These include 643 reports of myocarditis and
pericarditis in children aged 12 to 17.

The U.S. Department of Defense also reported, “Sharp spikes in miscarriages,

myocarditis, cancer diagnoses, Bell's palsy, female infertility” post-vaccination.
Yet this is deemed unnewsworthy and the media’s so-called “fact checkers” are
always trying to “add context” rather than encourage further analysis and

Then there is efficacy. British independent new site, The Expose, reported last
The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirms deaths are
rising dramatically among the triple vaccinated population whilst declining
steadily among the not-vaccinated population in England.

With the most recent figures showing the fully vaccinated accounted for 9 in every
10 Covid-19 deaths over the past month; and the triple vaccinated accounted for 4
in every 5 of them.

The data are from an official government website which reports 70 percent of
individuals in England receiving at least one vaccine dose, 65 percent getting two
doses, and 50 percent boosted, meaning three doses. They also found vaccine
effectiveness for the AstraZeneca vaccine dropping “to almost no effect from 20
weeks after the second dose.” For Pfizer and Moderna, the effectiveness dropped “to
around 10% by 25 weeks after the second dose.”

They note that booster efficacy also quickly wanes, “Vaccine effectiveness
estimates for the booster dose are very similar, irrespective of the primary course

This is just one bit of data and as the U.K. government points out, “This raw data
should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness.” But it’s also noteworthy, as
are similar reports from other countries. NPR reported last summer, “Highly
vaccinated Israel is seeing a dramatic surge in new COVID cases.”

These reports raise questions of both safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccines.
This does not require a knee-jerk response of no vaccines for anyone or the
opposite of how-dare-you-question the vaccines. Instead, why not a middle ground of
asking questions, analyzing, and honestly reporting the data?

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky last admitted that the CDC dropped the ball on
honesty saying, the CDC mislead the public about long-term effectiveness with “too
little caution and too much optimism.” She went further, “Nobody said ‘waning’ when
this vaccine is going to work, oh, maybe it will wear off or not be as potent
against the new variant.”

By necessity, we as a society need to have a basic level of trust in our medical

and government institutions, regulatory or leadership. We are told one thing
repeatedly, and threatened, shamed, or chastised if we ask questions or challenge
the narrative. Then when news or data are released that contradicts the narrative,
trust in our institutions diminishes.

We have seen this numerous times with COVID, over subjects like natural immunity,
off-label therapeutics, lockdowns, mask mandates, and social distancing, where
discussion or disagreement is not allowed. Going further, many political issues
became verboten to question or discuss, including Trump-Russia collusion, Hunter
Biden’s laptop, election integrity, and so on. Those who dared question the
establishment narrative were banned from social media and polite society.

Businesses and lives were ruined by COVID and the resulting restrictions and
mandates. Given the world’s collective sacrifice, aren’t we entitled to honesty and
transparency from those who create these rules and hold the fates of so many
individuals in their hands? Or has everything about COVID been simply a means to an
end, replacing freedom and liberty with top-down control?

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a physician and writer. On Twitter as @retinaldoctor.


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4 months ago
Or has everything about COVID been simply a means to an end, replacing freedom and
liberty with top-down control?

Congrats, doc, you figgered it out! You win a cigar! Actually, there has been
collusion between comrades Xiden* and his puppet master Xi to weaken our economy
and get rid of DJT, who was a thorn in the side of ChiComs for his entire term.
Making it easier to cheat at the ballot box was the icing on the cake. The worst of
it is that GOPers went along and are still trying to prevent DJT from running in
'24, e.g., Bill Barf kissing liberal a$$ to make money with his screed.
Bob Wilson
4 months ago
i used to think that this doc had his mental act together. but no more. so i will
cut to the chase here: whatever the Left advocates, one should do the exact
opposite, and one will be ok. i discovered that truism about 45 years ago. (that
will be five cents, please.)
Morry Rotenberg
4 months ago
Let’s face the facts, had 2020 not been an election year none of the criminal acts
carried out by the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party to dethrone DJT and install
the disaster that we now have would have occurred. Had we had a free press and not
be subjected to the propaganda vomiting forth from the Marxist/Democrat/Hate
America Party mouthpieces none of this would have happened.
Bill Garman
4 months ago
I can't think of a single major issue the world faces that would never exist in the
first place if we had a moderately honest media.
Cromwell B Campbell
4 months ago
I hope all the publicly “vaccinated” politicians and celebrities enjoyed their safe
and effective saline injection for the cameras.
William H Dexter II
4 months ago
Let's see- in 2017 Fauchi 'predicted' a major outbreak, in 2019 at the Milken
Institute openly talked about weaponizing an influenza virus to break Americans of
their vaccine hesitancy, in 2020 said the Covid-19 virus originated in a meat
market, then when we learned it was instead a gain-of -function product courtesy of
the Wuhan Institute of Virology denied funding it, then approved experimental
vaccines in a tiny fraction of the time that process takes, then eliminated
traditional treatments for viral infection and established a protocol that those
badly infected and with co-morbidities go home until your almost dead, then come in
and be intubated. What is it that you want me to believe?
John Weed
4 months ago
The cure is worse than the disease! Whenever I see my Democrat Governor give his
weekly update, I'd like to see someone provide a counterpoint to this sham. My
thoughts and prayers are with the vaccinated. Whatever you do, don't let your
children succumb to this dangerous fraud.
Michael Tarrier
4 months ago
classic panic "saved" by gov't officials. the key is they are immune from action,
unlike a private company. They made some horrible mistakes & it's imperative to
cover it up. trump & other officials did was they thought was best given the info
they had. But as things changed it was clearly a time to reassess . But that would
mean stopping & maybe changing direction, etc. Gov't officials can never do that.
In collusion with the media it's full steam ahead--cover it at all costs, including
death. All trust is gone in gov't medical/CDC, but they're trying to hang on
Robert Cunningham
4 months ago
"But as things changed it was clearly a time to reassess . But that would mean
stopping & maybe changing direction, etc"
But that would cut down the profit margin for the little Nazi.
Michael Cowan
4 months ago
Unfortunately all my children and (very young) grandchildren have been "fully"
vaccinated, and they regard my wife and I as crazy troglodytes. We rely,
successfully so far, on the FLCCC prophylaxis protocol which includes Ivermectin.
In addition to no covid during the last two years, we haven't had the flu or a
common cold either.

Democrats lie. That's what they do best.

Thomas M Kelly
4 months ago
We started out with, "Don't wear masks." Then, "Wear masks." The explanation being
that they lied to us so we would do what they want. They've been lying to us to do
what they want from the very beginning. Experts don't lie, bureaucrats do.
Robert Cunningham
4 months ago
"Experts don't lie, bureaucrats do."
Guess which category Fauci fits into.
Jeffry Rogers
4 months ago
The state media is peddling half truths. For instance I still hear new cases are
among the unvaccinated. That has morphed a little bit to they are ones dying or
very sick. They lied bold face about Covid as death causation requiring anyone who
tested positive to pre or post motel to be classified as Covid death. Doctors who
spoke out about this were threatened wi license suspension. Doctors who prescribed
drugs not approved but working in moderating disease were also threatened. The
people who did this should be liable in court, this was political not medical and
those who banned information not to their liking via platforms that made the rich
should be held accountable by losing their fortune. Look we need open discussion.
If it is wrong tell how it is wrong. We have a media establishment that is
blatantly ignorant, lacks research skill and is unwilling to consider anything
outside the bubble in which they live. We bitch about people being. The source of
information but really the real ignorance starts with the media and this ignorance
goes right to the top. The combination of government and big business peddling the
governments view is hallmark of fascism’s type of socialism. Isn’t amazing that the
practitioners of this top down approach of killing dissent throw the word fascist
at the dissenters. Guess the do not understand fascism or they don’t look in the
mirror or they just enjoy the power.
Carlton Gong
4 months ago
It is amazing but I attended a mask-free gathering this past weekend, and some
folks were anxious to get another booster. The media/medical establishment/tech
dominate the narrative. BTW - kudos to Dr. Joondeph for his insight during the
pandemic. He was always right.
John Schofield
4 months ago
It looks sinister, doesn't it? In fact it looks like a conspiracy. We can name the
main players, but they have not been honest or revealing about their motives.
Therefore many different conspiracy theories swirl around. The simplest explanation
is that it is a simple scam, based on appeals to authority and confidence tricks.
The glazier pays teenage boys to break the windows of shops. The insurance
companies pay the glazier to repair the windows. In the Covid version of the scam
Big Pharma takes the place of the glazier, the media and the politicians take the
place of the teenage boys, and the Governments take the place of the Insurance
companies. The windows of shops means the health of the people. That is what is
being broken. Children near you. Famous people in the news. Your friends and
kenneth johnson
4 months ago
I was double vaxed and boosted and still caught Delta. What if the anti-vaxers were
right and this was the 2nd biggest thing that happened in the last 2 couple of
years, right up there with the stolen election.
Stephen Daly
4 months ago
A Lund University (Sweden) study of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine injection into human
liver cell culture detected reverse transcription of the mRNA vaccine into
intercellular DNA in as quickly as 6 hours. The study Abstract states: "We also
show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast
as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure."
If confirmation is achieved in similar studies it would indicate the potential for
introducing carcinogenic potential for hepatic cancer.
In theory if reverse transcription of vaccine RNA into intercellular DNA is
occuring in reproductive cells, that would mean alteration of genetic codes in
future generations.

Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and
BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2
injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-
transcribed and in...
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
4 months ago
Propaganda will still triumph facts. The Biden Administration is now working on
having successfully stopped Covid through their policies and vaccines and people
can enjoy themselves again after getting their boosters.

So what do you think will win out? Daily emotional charged propaganda by the Left
or some graphs, statistics put out on some places on the internet?
Carol Faught
4 months ago
I just read a stunning article on American Greatness website, from March 4 by Debra
Heine, titled COVID Vaccine Bombshells You Probably Missed. For some reason it's a
little hard to find, as the AG website's search function isn't very good, but its
well worth the effort to find and read.
David MacLeod
4 months ago
link to it
COVID Vaccine Bombshells You Probably Missed › American Greatness
In recent weeks, there have been several stunning revelations concerning the COVID-
19 mRNA vaccines—and they are being all but ignored by a corporate media eager to
change the subject.
Carol Faught
4 months ago
Thank you, David. I did not know how to provide the link.

COVID Vaccine Bombshells You Probably Missed

When a critical mass of American people realize what has been done to them, there
will need to be a reckoning.
By Debra Heine

March 4, 2022
In recent weeks, there have been several stunning revelations concerning the COVID-
19 mRNA vaccines—and they are being all but ignored by a corporate media eager to
change the subject.

The FDA on Tuesday released a large tranche of Pfizer clinical trials documents in
response to a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request by the Public Health and
Medical Professionals for Transparency. The documents show that the company knew
people were at risk of experiencing more than 1,000 unique adverse side-effects to
the mRNA injections.

Additionally, scientists last week revealed that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine can
enter human liver cells and be converted into DNA—something the fact-checkers and
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control assured the public could never happen.
Scientists also recently discovered that a sequence of genetic material patented by
Moderna in 2018 bears a suspicious similarity to the spike protein in Sars-Cov2.

And a new study published on March 2 found that the synthetic mRNA found in the
vaccines does not degrade quickly as promised, but continues to produce spike
proteins for nearly two weeks.

Amid these new discoveries, the medical establishment won’t stop pushing the
genetic vaccines that have failed to stop the coronavirus.

The COVID pandemic now plays second fiddle to the Russia-Ukraine war in the media,
but the virus continues to rage through highly vaccinated countries, afflicting the
triple-vaxxed most of all.

“Hong Kong hospitals can’t keep up with the deaths amid an Omicron surge,” reads a
recent New York Times headline. “Dead bodies are piling up on gurneys in hospital
hallways as Hong Kong’s health system is overloaded by its biggest Covid-19
outbreak of the pandemic.”

In the United Kingdom, only 394 vaccine-free persons died in weeks 5-8 of 2022,
compared to the 3,527 who were vaccinated, according to the UK Health Security
Agency. This means unvaccinated Brits only comprised 10 percent of all COVID deaths
during those weeks.

In the face of failure, tyrannical medical policies continue to disrupt our lives,
including the military mandate, the CMS mandate, the blocking of early treatments,
and the appalling push to inject children with the ineffective experimental

Here’s a partial list of potential vaccine injuries the medical establishment is

subjecting us to, as chronicled in Pfizer’s clinical trial documents.

Via Children’s Health Defense:

The list includes acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody
positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac
failure, cardiac ventricular thrombosis, cardiogenic shock, central nervous system
vasculitis, death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, encephalitis brain stem,
encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, foaming at mouth, epileptic
psychosis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, gastrointestinal amyloidosis,
generalized tonic-clonic seizure, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, hepatic vascular
thrombosis, herpes zoster reactivation, immune-mediated hepatitis, interstitial
lung disease, jugular vein embolism, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, low
birth weight, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, myocarditis, neonatal
seizure, pancreatitis, pneumonia, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy,
testicular autoimmunity, thrombotic cerebral infarction, Type 1 diabetes mellitus,
venous thrombosis neonatal, and vertebral artery thrombosis among 1,246 other
medical conditions following vaccination.

It’s no wonder Pfizer wanted to hide the data for 75 years.

“This is a bombshell,” said Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president and general
counsel Mary Holland. “At least now we know why the FDA and Pfizer wanted to keep
this data under wraps for 75 years. These findings should put an immediate end to
the Pfizer COVID vaccines. The potential for serious harm is very clear, and those
injured by the vaccines are prohibited from suing Pfizer for damages.”

Another bombshell from Current Issues of Molecular Biology helps explain why the
messenger RNA shots are so dangerous.

The Swedish study, released last week, found that the mRNA from Pfizer’s COVID-19
vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and can be converted into DNA, as
reported by the Epoch Times.

The researchers found that when the mRNA vaccine enters the human liver cells, it
triggers the cell’s DNA, which is inside the nucleus, to increase the production of
the LINE-1 gene expression to make mRNA.

The mRNA then leaves the nucleus and enters the cell’s cytoplasm, where it
translates into LINE-1 protein. A segment of the protein called the open reading
frame-1, or ORF-1, then goes back into the nucleus, where it attaches to the
vaccine’s mRNA and reverse transcribes into spike DNA.

Reverse transcription is when DNA is made from RNA, whereas the normal
transcription process involves a portion of the DNA serving as a template to make
an mRNA molecule inside the nucleus.

“In this study we present evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to
enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro,” the researchers wrote. “BNT162b2
mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 [hours] after
BNT162b2 exposure.”

BNT162b2 is another name for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine that is marketed
under the brand name Comirnaty.

The entire process reportedly takes place quickly within six hours, so after only
one shot of the Pfizer vaccine, DNA of affected cells can be permanently altered.

Mathematician Igor Chudov noted on his Substack that this is something that wasn’t
supposed to happen: “For over a year, our trusted ‘health experts and fact
checkers’ kept telling us the opposite.”

The CDC also denied that the vaccines can alter DNA in a post on its website
titled: “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines”: “The genetic material delivered
by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells.”

Another bombshell story the media has ignored is a recent scientific discovery that
casts new suspicions on what the heck was going on in the Wuhan Lab.

Scientists have found a unique sequence of genetic material patented by Moderna in

2018 in the virus’ spike protein.

Specifically, the virus has the genetic sequence CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG, which is

reportedly the mirror image of the “MSH3” sequence in Moderna’s patent No.

According to the Daily Mail, the scientists discovered a tiny snippet of code that
is identical to part of Moderna’s gene “in SARS-CoV-2’s unique furin cleavage site,
the part that makes it so good at infecting people and separates it from other

The structure has been one of the focal points of debate about the virus’ origin,
with some scientists claiming it could not have been acquired naturally.

The international team of researchers suggest the virus may have mutated to have a
furin cleavage site during experiments on human cells in a lab.

They claim there is a one-in-three-trillion chance Moderna’s sequence randomly

appeared through natural evolution.

On Substack, Chudov offered a possible explanation for what happened:

The COVID virus was grown (cultured) in cell lines that used the MSH3-mutated cell

Yes, that’s right. Every single one of these patents that contains that 19nt
sequence (for which the probability of occurring by random chance is less than 1 in
a billion) is from Moderna. [Note the sequence is actually the reverse complement
sequence but this is likely a direct result of the cell lines that it occurred in –
MSH3_mutated cell lines designed for developing cancer vaccines, the Moderna patent
was actually for a mutated MSH3 gene for this purpose]

This sheds some light on lab origin of Sars-Cov-2. Whoever designed it used
Moderna-patented genetically modified cell lines containing the complement of
CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG, to grow the virus.

Chudov analyzed the gene sequence and made a sinister discovery. Moderna’s patent
(by Bancel et al.), he says appears to be about making cancer-causing proteins.

The specific sequence of the MSH3 mutation that we are discussing, is not a random
mutation, it is a cancer gene added on purpose. It’s point is to ensure PRODUCTION
OF ONCOLOGY RELATED PROTEINS, just like in the patent—the proteins that end up in
the spike of the Sars-Cov-2 virus.
It possibly was purposely edited into the Sars-Cov-2 genome, just as HIV genes were
edited in, and was not an artifact of accidental and sloppy lab work. Furthermore,
CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG is a key part of the spike protein and is present in the key
location of the spike protein of the Sars-Cov-2 virus.

Add to this disturbing news, a new paper published in by Timothy

Veenstra, Elisha Injeti, Bradley Pauley: “In vitro Characterization of SARS-CoV-2
Protein Translated from the Moderna mRNA-1273 Vaccine.”

The study shows that the mRNA in these genetic vaccines are not degrading rapidly
once inside cells and that the Moderna vaccine continues to produce protein up
until 12 days after transfection in this in-vitro model, Dr. Robert Malone, the
inventor of mRNA vaccine technology reported on his Substack.

Remember, natural mRNA degrades usually within 45 minutes and no longer than a few
hours. That this synthetic mRNA is not degrading rapidly is extremely worrying.
Particularly as we also know that the synthetic mRNA is immunosuppressive.

According to Blaze columnist Daniel Horowitz, all of these stories are the reason
why COVID has all but disappeared from headlines.

Between the military data, Israeli survey data, German medical insurance claims,
and American life insurance claims, the data is coalescing around a shocking number
of injuries that show VAERS reporting was lowballing the degree of injury. Recent
reports about the vaccine potentially harming DNA repair and creating bone marrow
suppression, and revelations of Moderna having patented a gene sequence several
years ago that is now believed to be the driving force behind making the SARS-CoV-2
spike more pathogenic, certainly make any future news cycle focus on COVID less
than auspicious for the powers that be.

The truth cannot be suppressed forever, and when a critical mass of American people
realize what has been done to them, there will need to be a reckoning.

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About Debra Heine
Debra Heine is a conservative Catholic mom of six and longtime political pundit.
She has written for several conservative news websites over the years, including
Breitbart and PJ Media.

March 8, 2022
The COVID Vaccine is a Civil Rights Issue
By Eileen F. Toplansky
The insistence on being forced to receive the COVID "vaccine" is a civil rights

Let me unwrap my assertion.

Though receipt of the so-called vaccination is not a law, but only a mandate, there
are those who treat it as a sacrosanct law with dire consequences for

I would humbly respond with the seminal words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who,
in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail," explained:

How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust?

A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. To
put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not
rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is
just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.

And yet, people who refuse to be vaccinated endure public humiliation and are
treated like social outcasts. Children have had irrevocable emotional harm done to
them. They have also been denied a full-bodied education. Verbal abuse and
physical assaults occur. The unvaccinated are snitched on. Barring people from
their livelihood and depriving them of participating in other social, communal, and
public activities are just a few of the injustices being committed, all in the name
of the public good.

The segregation that King wrote about was racial. But in state after state, those
who are vaccinated feel a "sense of superiority" that "distorts the soul and
damages the personality." They parade their virtue-signaling as a badge of honor.

As King wrote, "[s]egregation, to use the terminology of the Jewish philosopher

Martin Buber, substitutes an 'I it' relationship for an 'I thou' relationship and
ends up relegating persons to the status of things. Hence segregation is not only
politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, it is morally wrong[.]"

People being turned away from social events, gyms, and restaurants because they
don't have their vaccine passports is nothing short of segregation.

Let us consider a more concrete example of just and unjust laws. An unjust law is a
code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but
does not make binding on itself. This is difference made legal. By the same token,
a just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow and that it is
willing to follow itself. This is sameness made legal.

So I ask: how is it that Congress is exempt from the so-called vaccine?

Let me give another explanation. A law is unjust if it is inflicted on a minority

that, as a result of being denied the right to vote, had no part in enacting or
devising the law.

...and, I would add had no part in making a voluntary medical decision that could
have profound effects on one's body.

First of all, "federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring
vaccination with a COVID-19 vaccine distributed under an Emergency Use
Authorization (EUA)." This should have established at the outset that government
officials, businesses, and the like have no right to force vaccinations on people.
Individuals must have the option to accept or decline to be vaccinated.

This means that an organization will likely be at odds with federal law if it
requires its employees, students or other members to get a Covid-19 vaccine that is
being distributed under emergency use authorization.

State law often prohibits retaliating against an employee for refusing to

participate in a violation of federal law. Organizations that require Covid-19
vaccination in violation of federal law may face lawsuits under these state laws
not only to block the policy but also for damages and attorneys' fees. Such
potentially costly lawsuits can be avoided by refraining from adopting policies
that require vaccination or penalize members for choosing not to be vaccinated.

Organizations are free to encourage vaccinations through internal communications,

through educational events, and through other measures to urge employees to be
vaccinated. They can take these measures so long as: (1) they are not viewed as
coercive, (2) the organization makes clear the decision regarding whether to
receive the vaccine is voluntary, and (3) the measures comply with the requirements
in the EUAs and the related regulations for these products.

Tell that to the medical workers and others who have been summarily dismissed.
Doctors who prescribe medications for COVID are being suppressed. Consider how
much experience, talent, and dedication have now been lost. Yet they would not
buckle under the coercion.

In fact, one of the hallmarks of medical ethics is the right to be informed. To

establish that a vaccine is safe, extensive long-term testing must be carried out.
It takes at least five years or more to complete. After receiving approval, the
vaccines continue to be carefully monitored for adverse events. While there have
been a number of vaccines that were pulled from the market after they received full
approval due to unexpected safety issues — e.g., vaccines for rotavirus and Lyme
disease — no such removal has occurred concerning the COVID jab.

Yet consider that "as of February 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) report an
unimaginable 1,151,450 COVID-19 vaccine adverse events (all locations). Not
surprisingly, COVID vaccine deaths also continue to march upward. Almost 1.2
million people are now reported to have been negatively impacted (or killed) by
these experimental COVID shots in the past 63 weeks. This is up from 1.5% from
last week."

Additionally, the latest official data from the United Kingdom Health Security
Agency reports that "the fully vaccinated account for 9 out of every 10 deaths from
COVID-19 in England and 4 of 5 deaths among the triple-vaccinated."

Moreover, a German health insurance company has sounded the alarm that "doctors
have been coding vaccine side effects in larger numbers than German health
authorities are reporting."

Finally, CDC officials admit that "crucial COVID data has been withheld for fear
that it would be misinterpreted by critics." The latest information about Pfizer
is horrifying.

On a personal note, I am battling weekly reminders from college personnel who keep
telling me that their records indicate that I have "not uploaded my COVID-19 proof
of vaccination." In February, they "encouraged all associates to submit [their]
vaccination status." Now, in mid-March, the school is adopting "a mandatory COVID-
10 vaccination policy."

I find it disingenuous that this school offers a class on ethics but is badgering
me to accede to their demands that I put a vaccine into my body that is potentially
harmful, does not stop one from becoming sick from COVID, and has not been
thoroughly tested.

Dr. King asked whether people would "be extremists for the preservation of
injustice or for the extension of justice." His probing words continue to guide
Eileen can be reached at

arch 5, 2022
COVID Did Not Panic Chiropractors. Why Not?
By Robert Curry
If you have been troubled by the rapidly declining claims for the efficacy of the
COVID vaccines and boosters or by the rapidly rising reports of problems with the
vaccines and the boosters, you might be interested to know how it came about that
COVID did not panic chiropractors. It's a fascinating story, and I was privileged
to learn it firsthand.

I enrolled in chiropractic college just in time to get a powerful lesson in one

chapter of that amazing story. A contingent of students who had completely
recovered from childhood polio under chiropractic care enrolled around the same
time I did. They were in my class and in classes before and after my class. To
hear their stories of what chiropractic adjustments had done for them became part
of my chiropractic education. They helped me in another way, too: their conviction
about the power of chiropractic adjustments helped me make the transition from a
student to a doctor capable of meeting the enormous challenges of chiropractic
practice. They were inspired and determined to be great chiropractors, and they
inspired me, too.

The old-timers, just then passing out of the profession, had similar tales about an
earlier epidemic. Chiropractic, officially born in 1895, was still very new, and
there were few chiropractors when the Spanish Flu hit in 1918. But chiropractic
adjustments worked for victims of the Spanish Flu just as they were later to do for
polio victims. Medicine had little to offer, so people tried chiropractic, and
those who did spread the word.

This is when political medicine discovered chiropractic and set out to strangle it
in the crib. You have not read about chiropractic and polio, and you won't read
about chiropractic and the Spanish Flu elsewhere, either, but I learned about it,
as we say, from the horse's mouth. I met senior chiropractors who had gone to jail
for practicing chiropractic, men whose sacrifices paved the way for the much easier
path my classmates and I were to travel. All of those heroic pioneers I met were
inspired by their personal knowledge of the complete recovery of victims of the
Spanish Flu who were fortunate enough to be treated by chiropractors.

Chiropractic did not then and does not today have a treatment for the Spanish Flu
or for polio. Chiropractic does not treat conditions. The aim of chiropractic is
always the same — restoring the patient to health by means of chiropractic
adjustments. The purpose of chiropractic adjustments is to enable the patient's
natural healing response.

In my first year in practice, one of my patients showed up for his appointment in

terrible anguish. He had just been told that his girlfriend had only hours to
live. She was in a coma and in intensive care at the nearby hospital. I was
listening to his outpouring of grief when he suddenly asked me if I thought I could

Later that day, an ambulance pulled up in front of my office. The young woman was
brought into the office on a gurney. She was still in a coma. The ambulance
attendants placed her on an adjusting table, her mother took a chair next to her in
the treatment room, and my associate and I took turns adjusting her in between
adjusting our regularly scheduled patients. We each adjusted her several times in
the course of the day. The astonishing sight of a girl in a coma arriving in an
ambulance was passed down by word of mouth in the reception room, so all the
patients that afternoon knew the story.

When, toward the end of the day, she walked out of the treatment room, the waiting
patients leaped to their feet, cheering and applauding. The next day, she came for
a normal appointment, driven by her mother; the following day, she came on her own.

This was a great learning experience for me — it taught me a deep lesson in what we
chiropractors refer to as chiropractic courage — but my greatest leap in
understanding chiropractic happened when I was only a student. A profoundly
accomplished doctor had generously invited me to "assist" him in his practice. I
took patient histories, recorded exam findings, and made treatment records. Early
on, I took the history of a terribly ill young woman who had recently been told by
doctors at the Mayo Clinic that there was nothing that could be done for her, that
she should get her affairs in order and prepare for the end of her life. She had
originally set out on her path to many doctors and eventually the Mayo Clinic
because of two hideous lesions, one in her upper arm and one in her buttock on the
opposite side.

She was a blessing to me. I had been taught that chiropractors treat patients, not
conditions, but I did not understand what that meant, not really. She taught me to
understand what I had been taught.

After a period of care, I again took her history in preparation for her re-exam.
The lesions were gone, replaced by a smooth, normal contour and new, pink skin —
but that was not what struck me, and that was not what was important. Instead of
the shockingly ill person I had first met, I was interviewing an attractive young
woman with a vivacious personality. Chiropractic care had restored her to health.
I understood then that her health, not the terrible lesions, had been the focus of
her care all along.

Ask a chiropractor if he treats diabetes, and the doctor will no doubt tell you no.
How about ulcers? No. Asthma? No again. What then do you treat, doctor? I
treat patients — patients with diabetes, patients with ulcers, patients with
asthma. But whether the patient's problem is great or small, the goal of the
chiropractor is always the same: health restored, and restored by the perfectly
natural method of chiropractic adjustments, without recourse to drugs or surgery.

And by the way, that method is American through and through. It was discovered and
developed right here in America.

Robert Curry is the author of Reclaiming Common Sense: Finding Truth in a Post-
Truth World and Common Sense Nation: Unlocking the Forgotten Power of the American
Idea. Both are published by Encounter Books.

Image: Lparis22 via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 (cropped).



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A wonderful and inspiring account.

David MacLeod
5 months ago
dealing with severe stenosis and facet joint disease now. chiro said cannot cure it
can help relieve symptoms.
honest answer.
I'm able to deal with it lot better.
VA dept osteopath primary Dr only asked that chiro be gentle, so he is. working out
pretty well. using home neck traction device too. regaining 35 or so % of side to
side neck motion is a big deal.
John Weed
4 months ago
Apparently it's affecting your grammar as well.
David MacLeod
4 months ago
service related injuries make it hard to type sometimes. whats your excuse for
John Weed
4 months ago
Looks like you can type good enough to be a condescending a-hole
David MacLeod
4 months ago
It's a gift. Try harder maybe you can master it.
John Weed
4 months ago
I knew you were gifted. I do appreciate the corrected grammar.
5 months ago
Great, and timely article. Hope more people read it.

My husband and I bought a Chiropractic practice in Missouri, in 1980, from two

brothers who had been practicing for 50 years together. I came from a medical
family, who pooh-poohed chiropractic, so I was not totally on-board. I worked in
the office with him for 9 years, and I can honestly say I saw miracles. One child
had a shunt in her skull, and mom said she suffered headaches constantly,
preventing her to play normally like other children her age. Mom was a patient, so
we encouraged her to bring the child in. Within a month, the child was playing and
not suffering the headaches. The doctor they were seeing was very astounded at her
improvement and asked mom if they were doing anything different. When she told them
chiropractic, the doctor said there was no way possible that could make a
difference......but it did. Another child had had diarrhea since birth several
times a day at age two, and the children's hospital had pretty much given up. 6
adjustments later, the child was fine. Then there was the house calls made to help
babies with colic, one sweet lady with HBP, and my own son running a fever, only to
watch it return to normal. Lastly, my own mother, the daughter of a pathologist and
Dean of Medicine at a university, suffered headaches for as long as I can remember,
then developed carpal tunnel syndrome. She was scheduled for surgery when I begged
her to see a DC in the city she lived. I said if it doesn't help, you can always
have the surgery. Well, a month later the CTS was gone, and she rarely had another
headache, became a convert, and continued with chiropractic for years.
"Maintenance" is like taking vitamins ~ it is preventative. When we first started
practice, we charged $13, cash. Times have changed. However, drugs or surgery are
both very risky alternatives. Chiropractic wouldn't be so out-of-pocket expensive
were it not for the monopoly of the medical profession, Big Pharma, and the
insurance industry/scam.

In 1985, we were at a seminar and heard Dr. Robert Mendelsohn speak, and he totally
changed my perspective about the AMA, Big Pharma and healthcare. I have read most
of his books. I am a total believer; my children have never been immunized, never
had an earache, which most people accept as common, then run to get tubes; taken
meds, and are healthy to this day. In fact, #3 son is named "Palmer".
Michael Cowan
5 months ago
Neither my wife nor I take the flu OR the covid vaccines. We believe that they are
more dangerous than the diseases they presume to prevent. Ivermectin has worked
very successfully for us. Thank you for an inspiring story.
Robert Cunningham
5 months ago
"my children have never been immunized, "
Can't say I agree - go back 100 or more years and disease was rampant until modern
medicine came into being.
Just one person's opinion.
5 months ago
Also, the history of "modern medicine" was the brainchild of Roosevelt and
Carnegie, bother who happened to be eugenic proponents. For centuries, homeopathic
remedies had been used with much success. Then people from cities living in squalor
with rats and vermin spread diseases. Pharmacology was introduced for profit-sake,
and every field outside of the control of "modern medicine" was attacked,
demonized, and like the article states, arrested. The monopoly to thrust
pharmaceuticals into every home was the goal, with fear-mongering propaganda used
as it is to this day. That said, if I have a bacterial infection (rare), I will
definitely take an antibiotic. If I break a limb, I will see a doctor. Otherwise,
building a strong immunity is the best defense ~ not drugs, which don't cure, they
just make you comfortable while you die. Look up the stats on iatrogenic deaths
from meds or hospital stays. Unhealthy people get diseases. You are what you eat,
drink, smoke, breath, use, e,g., beauty products; not to mention how much a person
weighs. We have become a pill-happy society, expecting instant relief without
personal responsibility.
Alan Stevens
4 months ago
Massive improvements in sanitation, water quality and food preparation quality,
have accounted for the vast majority of disease elimination.
5 months ago
100 years ago, sanitation was the biggest problem. People with poor immunity get
sick. As we are finding out in real time, immunizations do not always work, and
most, if not all, have some immediate, or long-term side effects which Big Pharma
has been intentionally hidden. Read Judy Mikovits newest book, "Plague of
Corruption". A quick Google search will find that she has been discredited as a
conspiracy theorist, among other things. That is what happens when someone dares to
corroborate with colleagues on the fact that MMRs were causing autism ~ they get
"cancelled". Fortunately, she was not one who was "suicided", but they ruined her
H. M. Hargrove
5 months ago
Most people fail to realize the human body can do a lot of its own repair work if a
few essential element are in place--all the vertebrae being properly aligned being
a major one. Nerves and blood vessels running the length of the spine get very
annoyed when you "cramp their style"...
5 months ago
Amazing. So, why does chiropractic work? Please explain.
Richard Rail
5 months ago
As the article explains, adjusted bones allow the body's own recuperative powers to
work - when those bones are misaligned, they block the body from fixing itself with
full effect. It's like fixing a short circuit.
Brent Gilmore
5 months ago
As a patient of a chiropractor of chiropractors, I would say 2 things stand out to
me for a good doc - sensitivity and honed skills. In Christianity, people are
healed with the laying on of hands. My chiropractor, as a believer, takes the time
to sense/feel where the issue is and uses his honed skills to move my joints or
release the pinch wherever it is. I’ve been to a few chiropractors in my day. Find
one that is a good sensitive person and see if they can help you.
4 months ago
My chiropractor certainly was not scared... and took care of me through the whole
Covid mess. I heard one or two of those stories from him but not all. Great
Tim Cooper
4 months ago
I have been to two different chiropractors. The first one had a opening meeting as
a group with the "new" patients which I found quite odd. I had to sign a care plan
contract for 6 months of treatments. I was going for frozen shoulder. The frozen
shoulder eventually got better, but not sure if chiropractic did anything or not. I
went to a second chiropractor later on for a knee issue. It was weird too. This guy
made you hold your arms out and resist while he pushed down on them. He claimed he
could tell where and what kind of adjustment you needed by doing that. The quack
alarm sounded loudly in my head. Perhaps its if you really believe they will help
you, they help you. Me...not so sure it really did much for me.
Richard Rail
4 months ago
You got two bad chiropractors. A real chiropractor has you lie on your stomach so
he can see if your legs are the same length; if not, something's out of place. He
pushes on your back in several places to align anything that's out. Then he puts
you on your back for the same reason, with your arms crossed over your chest. He
puts one of his arms beneath your back and pushes down with his body on the x. That
moves anything misaligned. Then he turns you on one side and adjusts the hip, then
the same on the other side. Then he works your neck.

I've never had to have anything special done and can't speak to that.
Tim Cooper
4 months ago
The No True Scotsman defense....seriously though chiropractic is more mainstream.
There are franchised chiropractor/massage places like The Joint popping up. Not
sure if that is good for the profession or not. I assume your idea of a good
chiropractor is a practitioner of the "straight" variety instead of a "mixer".
Anonymous User
John Weed
5 months ago
What's the point of this article?
David MacLeod
5 months ago
if its too deep for you just admit it. makes things easier on you.

Quoted Tex that method is American through and through

there's one clue.
Michael Cowan
5 months ago
I kept a bottle of Tums on my nightstand and used them regularly. Tinnitus in my
left ear was particularly annoying. But when I became plagued by pain in the right
side of my neck, I visited a local chiropractor. Within two minutes he informed me
that I wasn't digesting my food properly, probably due to insufficient stomach
acid. He adjusted my back and neck which relieved the neck pain. Then he told me to
throw away the Tums and handed me a bottle of stomach acid supplements. As I was
walking across the parking lot to my truck, I realized that the tinnitus was GONE!

He told me that my ileocecal valve was at the root of my problems. I haven't had a
Tums since then - some twenty years ago, and I don't miss the tinnitus either. What
allopathic physician would have been as successful in just a few minutes?
Andrew Thomas
5 months ago
The problem is that chiropractic is expensive, and not covered (or limited
coverage) by insurance or Medicare. My wife went to a chiropractor regularly for a
year to address her shoulder and neck pain. It helped, but cost many thousands of
dollars. Then she was told she had to come back regularly for the rest of her life
for "maintenance".

Many chiropractors (and some dentists and medical specialists) run their offices
like beauty spas. Elegant offices, dozens of uniformed assistants, premium coffees,
wine, low lights and soft music, and financial customer service personnel (because
of the astronomical costs). Some will only treat you on long term contracts.
Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of patients in these chiropractic "spas" are

To me, this focus on maximizing profits degrades the profession.

Michael Cowan
5 months ago
When it comes to choosing professional help, one encounters a fair share of
charlatans, and a few gems here and there. Plumbers, carpenters, lawyers, and
chiropractors would all fall into that pattern. (I suspect that you might find the
same ratio amongst allopathic physicians as well.)
Richard Rail
4 months ago
In Fort Smith, Arkansas a chiropractor I went to high school with charges $10 per
treatment. The guy I go to in Phoenix charges one price if you have insurance and
another if you're the payee; the latter is about 1-8th the former. He makes most of
his money off old folks whose Medicare covers it (such as I).
Jack Coupal
5 months ago
Growing up in the 1940s-1950s, I remember physicians telling patients that
chiropractors were quacks. My old-fashioned local telephone directory dated 2021,
lists 24 practicing chiropractors in my city.
5 months ago
Back in those days, in Wisconsin, DC's weren't allowed to "suggest" aspirin.

ebruary 28, 2022

COVID's Worst Victim: America's Trust
By J. Deane Waldman, M.D.
In 1969, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross published a seminal work, On Death and Dying, where
she described five stages of grief that individuals experience after a profound
emotional loss, such as the death of a loved one.

Today, Americans are grieving — their trust in great institutions has died.
Americans have lost faith in Washington; in federal medical bureaucracies like the
CDC, FDA, and NIH; in legal institutions including the FBI and DOJ, and in school
systems from K–12 through universities.

Science itself has been called into question. Politicians and bureaucrat-M.D.s
claim they "follow the science," but real scientists, clinical physicians, and
policy experts say that what Washington follows isn't science at all.

As COVID spreads and trust fades, Americans are experiencing grief in five stages:
confusion, panic, control, disillusionment, and renewal.

Early in the COVID pandemic, Americans were confused. Based on advice from the
COVID Task Force, state governors implemented mandates for masks and other PPE,
social distancing, the prohibition against gatherings, testing everyone, and strict
lockdowns. The FDA prohibited therapeutic drugs, though frontline doctors were
reporting success. Fauci told people to wear two masks, not merely one, even
though studies in Florida, Massachusetts, and school systems in New York and Sweden
found no "correlation ... [between clinical outcomes and] mask mandates."

Contrary to Task Force recommendations, President Trump wanted to stop the

lockdowns, focus testing on high-risk persons, and use therapeutic drugs such as
hydroxychloroquine and monoclonal antibodies.

Americans were scratching their heads. COVID-19 was labeled a "novel" virus, yet
anyone who has had a cold has been infected with a coronavirus. Every year there
is an epidemic with a respiratory virus quite similar to COVID: the flu.

The number of COVID cases is touted as though these are sick people. In fact,
"cases" are merely those who test positive for the antigen — almost all of whom are
healthy. COVID deaths are reported in large numbers, even though more than 75
percent of the "deaths" are due to co-morbid, life-threatening pre-existing
conditions such as diabetes and chronic lung disease, not because of the virus.
People had good reasons to be confused.

With a constant drumbeat of imminent death, Americans entered the second stage:
panic. Generating public fear was intentional. In fact, NIAID director Anthony
Fauci told policy expert Dr. Scott Atlas, "Yes, they need to be more afraid."

A fearful public naturally turned to the federal government for protection.

Doctors like Fauci and Deborah Birx are bureaucrat M.D.s who do not practice
medicine and have no expertise in public policy. Yet in the name of public health,
they recommended policies that took away constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and
did irreparable harm to the nation.

Despite the First Amendment, freedom of speech and religion were curtailed. The
right to assemble was abrogated. When ordered to accept injections of an
experimental gene therapy (mRNA vaccines), Americans were no longer "secure" in
their persons (Fourth Amendment). Washington had created a "pandemic of fear" and
used it to justify nullifying the Bill of Rights.

As panic persisted and intensified, America entered the third stage: control. To
protect the narrative used to justify their power-grab, Washington had to control
the flow of information. The CDC released misleading data; later, it changed its
tracking methods and definitions. The FDA "canceled" promising drugs to treat sick
COVID patients.

Washington also controlled the available information using proxy censors such as
news (really propaganda) outlets, social media, and even search engines like Google
to label contrary data "misinformation" and to suppress any reports that question
or dispute Washington's policies. When Scott Atlas tried to dispute the fake
science touted by Birx and Fauci, the press viciously attacked him to "cancel" his

Washington tightly controlled any information given to the public.

Following valid scientific data, the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) recommended
limited testing and focused protection, in contrast to the official approach of
testing everyone and locking down the country. In response, then–NIH director
Francis Collins ordered Fauci to create a "devastating published takedown" of the

Dispute will not be tolerated — control must be maintained.

Jessica Rose, Ph.D. in computational mathematics, studied the database of adverse

effects following mRNA vaccination and found massive under-reporting and under-
counting. Her research paper was submitted to an academic journal but was rejected
by the publisher, not by peer reviewers. Censorship is poison for real science.

People who decided not to accept the mandated "jab" or chose not to wear a mask
were reviled for lack of social responsibility, canceled, and fired. Control by
coercion: "no jab, no job."

Though Washington remains in the control stage, Americans have moved to

disillusionment. People have experienced the disconnect between what Washington
says or promises and what actually happens to them. Masking did not stop the
spread; neither did social distancing. People died despite vaccination. Many
gathered at football games, in churches and temples, without incident. The virus
spread in states with strict mandates as well as those without. The data
increasingly looked untrustworthy, such as counting a motorcycle crash victim as a
COVID death.

Disillusionment deepened when Washington failed to prepare the public for the harms
inflicted by mandates. Millions lost their jobs and their savings when more than
200,000 small businesses closed. Crime, drug usage, and teen suicides hit new
highs. Children locked out of school lost the opportunity to learn. This was
especially hard on poor families, whose children could not learn online, lacking
home computers and internet access.

Americans began to ask, "We gave up our freedoms, our children's future, and our
savings, for what?!" The illusion of Washington protecting the people from COVID
was exposed as totally false. Their so-called "science" was made up. Trust was
gone, and Americans were disillusioned.

But there is hope in the final stage: renewal.

As trust fades in elected officials such as President Biden, in appointed officials

like Merrick Garland, and titled bureaucrat-M.D.s (viz., Fauci), Americans are
renewing their themselves: their own judgment, their independence, and
their power!

Instead of blindly following orders from politicians and self-styled experts,

Americans are demanding to make their own decisions, especially medical choices.

The Declaration of Independence did more than sever political connection with Great
Britain. It declared the fundamental independence of every new American from
control by government, any government. Present-day Americans are renewing their
personal liberty and rejecting what amounts to federal tyranny by mandate.

When Navy SEALs and health care workers resist vaccine mandates; when parents
refuse school board orders to "facemask" their children; when Governors Ron
DeSantis (Florida) and Kristi Noem (South Dakota) reject Washington's one-size-
fits-all, anti-scientific medical commands, these are Americans standing up to

In response to Washington's COVID tyranny, Americans are renewing their

fundamental, constitutionally assured relationship with government: We the People
elect "public servants" to serve the public, not the other way around.

Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA is professor emeritus of pediatrics, pathology, and

decision science; former director of the Center for Healthcare Policy at Texas
Public Policy Foundation; and author of the multi-award-winning book Curing the
Cancer in U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare and Market-Based Medicine.

Image: Bru-nO via Pixabay, Pixabay License.


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That real tragedy is the success that’s been had because of a population that has
swallowed it all. The wanton stupidity of the average American is both frightening
and alarming. Going along as compliant sheeple, it’s still the greatest challenge
to get the masses to wake up and realize the extent to which they’ve been had. Try
and explain, show family and friends articles such as this, and still…most still
maintain their quiet abdication of facts that are right in front of them, but
readily offer their opinion and acceptance of what they’ve been programmed to
Charles Edward Schneider
5 months ago
Mark Twain really nailed it - this is his quote:

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
donald b welch
5 months ago
i am 73. i will never trust anyone in the medical profession again.

k-12 is an insidious cancer destroying our country.

donks and GOPe are two feathers from the same evil bird.

the supreme court has failed us and will continue that agenda.
i spent 73 years being a good american. that's over.

my naivete' has haunted me my entire life. no more.

Charles Edward Schneider
5 months ago
I became highly suspicious of the government line early in the pandemic after
hearing about Dr. Vladimir Zelenko on Dennis Prager's radio show. Dr. Zelenko
apparently treated a large number of patients in New York with a therapeutic
combination including Hydroxychloroquine, zinc and an antibiotic. He claimed it was
very successful in preventing Covid from progressing to a lethal stage. Then I
heard about other doctors confirming the same thing, such as the group Americas
Frontline Doctors. The government's response to ignore all therapeutics and natural
immunity confirmed to me that something was rotten.

Reading Robert Kennedy's book on Fauci really shed a lot of light on why these
things were happening. It was a repeat of Fauci's modus operandi from the AIDS
crisis. The bottom line for me was that thousands of people have died needlessly
from Covid because Fauci controls all those government medical bureaucracies and he
prioritizes big pharma profits over what is best for patients. Dennis Prager said
Kennedy's book was the strongest recommendation he has ever given for a book that
everyone needs to read (excepting perhaps the Bible). I completely agree.
5 months ago
LA's Mayor Gil Garcetti proved that holding your breath was an acceptable
substitute for masking and Fox's Neil Cavauto can attest to the vaccines efficacy.

ebruary 18, 2022

Who's Best Situated to Figure Out the Truth about COVID?
By J. Deane Waldman, M.D.
Is COVID truly a threat to life on Earth, comparable to the bubonic plague? Are
school closures and lockdowns really necessary? Will vaccines protect us, and what
about side effects? If this is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," how are
vaccinated people spreading COVID? Boosters? Really?

What is the truth? Why is COVID so confusing?

First, there are ever-changing messages. No mask, yes mask, two masks, avoid cloth
masks. Vaccination will stop COVID, except maybe not — we need boosters, several.
There is no natural immunity...well, maybe there is, but it won't protect you.
Except that real physicians say it will.

No wonder people don't trust Fauci or Biden.

Words are critical when seeking truth. Since the outbreak of COVID, the meaning of
common words has been spun and distorted. Positive COVID tests are reported as
"cases," implying symptomatic patients. The vast majority of positive tests are
people not sick at all.

More than 918,000 Americans are listed as "COVID deaths," even though only 12
percent to 23 percent of COVID deaths were actually due to the virus.

Uncovering truth requires the scientific method. One idea is tested against other
opposing ideas. Truth is revealed through mental trial by combat.

Censorship suppresses information unacceptable to the censor. It imposes a single

perspective and prevents the dissemination of differing ideas. Censorship is
mandatory one-idea-fits-all groupthink. Censorship is the enemy of truth.

To advance Washington's COVID "truth," people and ideas are censored by unelected
third parties: bureaucrat M.D.s, viz., Fauci and Walensky; agencies like the FDA
and OHSA; complicit news media such as the New York Times and the Washington Post;
social media like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube; and search engines, viz., Google.

Questioning Fauci's pronouncements or Washington's actions is punishable by loss of

status, character assassination, loss of federal funding, and loss of employment.

The Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) was written on Oct. 4, 2020, in Great
Barrington, Massachusetts, and signed by three medical faculty members at Oxford,
Stanford, and Harvard. It countered Washington's draconian measures — lockdowns,
PPE, mandatory vaccination, and suspension of the Bill of Rights — with a true
science-based plan called "focused protection." This approach would have minimized
the devastating social, medical, and economic effects of Biden's mandates.

The GBD had to be censored! No one should be allowed to question federal policy!

So, on Oct. 8, 2020, then–NIH director Francis Collins wrote to NIAID director
Anthony Fauci the following. "This proposal [the GBD] from the three fringe
[Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard?!] epidemiologists who met with the Secretary seems
to be getting a lot of attention — and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner
Mike Leavitt at Stanford. There needs to be a quick and devastating published take
down of its premises. I don't see anything like that on line yet — is it underway?"

A campaign commenced delegitimizing the GBD. For months, Google searches for the
GBD produced, "This site cannot be found." A host of hit pieces were placed online
and in academic journals claiming to discredit the not-searchable GBD.

The dire consequences the GBD warned against did, in fact, occur. Experience
proved we should have been using focused protection all along. Too bad the GBD was

Robert Malone, M.D. is a virologist and immunologist instrumental in developing

mRNA technology, the experimental gene therapy used in mandated vaccines and
boosters. When Malone tried to raise concerns about the effectiveness, safety, and
necessity of mRNA vaccination, he was demeaned, canceled, and censored. The
Atlantic described Dr. Malone as "The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine
Misinformation." Wikipedia played the same tune: "Malone has promoted
misinformation about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines."

The definition of misinformation is that which doesn't agree with Washington.

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, the South African physician who first identified the omicron
variant, says she was pressured by government censors to suppress (censor) how mild
the illness is caused by omicron.

In January 2022, I experienced censorship when interviewed for the podcast Tipping
Point. Based on research data, I proved that public service announcements assuring
parents that vaccination was "safe, effective, and doctor-approved" were false.
Like Dr. Malone, I advised parents, "Do not vaccinate your children" using mRNA
Until that interview, Tipping Point had been viewable on YouTube. My interview was
banned because I was "spreading misinformation, with statements inconsistent with
WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations." The podcast is available on

Washington claims to have a monopoly on the truth, and Fauci speaks it. If you
disagree or even question the federal narrative, you are wrong, dangerous,
spreading "misinformation," and you must be stopped, canceled, censored.

In 1789, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Wherever the people are well informed they can be
trusted with their own government." Well-informed means an electorate that hears
all the facts and all sides of an issue, not limited to one side, false facts, and
denied access to censored "misinformation."

The saga of Jessica Rose epitomizes how Biden's enforced orthodoxy stifles a search
for truth. With her brand-new Ph.D. in computational biology, Dr. Rose looked for
a project to test her skills and decided to study the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System) database. She had no medical preconceptions or political agenda.

Rose found that reports of adverse events had increased from 40,000 per year to
more than one million after mRNA vaccination became mandatory. Deaths also
increased from a few hundred per year to more than 21,000 following mandatory mRNA
vaccination. Dr. Rose submitted a paper with her statistical analysis to an
academic journal. The publisher, Elsevier, withdrew the paper. It was rejected
not by peer reviewers, but by the publisher, with no explanation.

As someone who has published more than 150 academic research papers over 45 years,
including in Elsevier publications, I have never had a paper rejected by a
publisher or even heard of this happening.

For a truly frightening insider view of Washington groupthink, enforced orthodoxy,

and strict censorship, read Scott Atlas's book, A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight
at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America.

The reason for COVID censorship is obvious: to justify a federal power-grab. If

the public knew the truth about COVID rather than the greatly exaggerated threat
touted by Washington, Americans would never tolerate Biden's nullifying the Bill of

The solution is equally obvious: Americans should deploy their ballots and their
dollars. Vote only for politicians who follow the Constitution and who appoint
judges who do the same. Elect only those officials who defend personal freedom,
especially medical autonomy. We the People demand the freedom to decide for
ourselves; we reject tyranny by those to whom we elect to (temporary) power.

Americans should cease financial support of censors such as YouTube, Twitter,

Google, CNN, and the New York Times. They need to feel pain in the pocket nerve.
Transfer attention, content, and dollars to platforms, news venues, and social
media that encourage open discussion of differing opinions and data, and who eschew

The only people who should decide what is COVID truth and what is misinformation
are We the People.

Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA is professor emeritus of pediatrics, pathology, and

decision science; former director of the Center for Healthcare Policy at Texas
Public Policy Foundation; and author of the multi-award-winning book Curing the
Cancer in U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare and Market-Based Medicine.
Image: geralt via Pixabay, Pixabay License.



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William H Dexter II
5 months ago
Thank you for that article. It pains me how many Americans recoil at the mention of
any of the points made here. To me it seems they want to avoid thinking about how
far this has really gone because:
1) that thought is so frightening,
2) they are ashamed to admit they were so badly fooled and
3) they don't want to be targeted as a non-believer.

Some people recoil so strongly, almost violently that it makes me wonder if they
really do know the truth. When someone angrily tows the leftist party line ask them
why, if the non believers are fringe lunatics and their "misinformation" is so
obviously wrong, are you so angry? Why not just dismiss it as if they were 'flat-
Alan Stevens
5 months ago
That thought is so frightening that people like Schwab, Zuckerberg, Gates and Fauci
are pursuing policies to depop the world population from 8 billion down to 1

It is hard to even think about. But the solution is easy -- they should have no
more authority over people.
David Russell Gerdes
5 months ago
This pandemic ended the lives of what the elite call useless eaters. Eighty percent
of deaths reported as being caused by Covid19 were in people older than the average
US death age which is now seventy-eight.
Since the elderly people make plans for funerals and cemeteries in advance, there
was no shortage of either.

What comes next could coincide with the WEF's plan to advance AI to replace
workers. That is the AIDS epidemic of the vaccinated.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
5 months ago
We would not be in the mess we are in if more Americans would have rejected the
tyranny from the start. I tried, as did many isolated individuals all over. But
without mass support it went nowhere.

The Left made sure that they marinated the masses into Leftist thinking little by
little over decades. Defectors from the old Soviet Union told us so but we just
shrugged it off.

The Left is still able to operate with vaccine mandates in many places because most
complied. They could lose a few individuals here and there.
Carol Faught
5 months ago
Excellent insights. I plan to share Dr. Waldman's commentary with my sister, who is
an RN and has been deceived by the lies of "safe and effective".
Sharon Sapp
5 months ago
The strategy of the Democrat Communist Party is to control people with fear. Most
people know very little about medicine so it was pretty easy to believe all the
nonsense that was used to terrify people into compliance. The pivot will be back to
global warming, and when they need a quick fear tactic they will throw in the
"we're losing our democracy".
Alan Stevens
5 months ago
More than 918,000 Americans are listed as "COVID deaths," even though only 12
percent to 23 percent of COVID deaths were actually due to the virus.

More like 6%. This is diabolical because all these heavy handed responses are based
on the wildly exaggerated impacts.
Chris Garr
5 months ago
The impacts were intentionally wildly exaggerated to justify the heavy handed
Alan Stevens
5 months ago
Yep. I saw it at the 6 month point when the number hit 140,000. That is half of
what the U.S. lost in 3 1/2 years of WW II.

At that point I called "baloney."

Charles Edward Schneider
5 months ago
It is very difficult to sort out the truth about Covid-19 because most of us assume
the government health agencies are telling us the truth. The reality is that the
information from the NIH, CDC, NIAID, FDA etc. is controlled by Fauci and has very
little to do with actual truth. Rather, the information we receive from the
government agencies, which is amplified by the media, is geared toward manipulating
all of us into taking multiple vaccines & boosters regardless of the consequences.
I do not know if Fauci's motivation is limited to money and power, or if as some
people speculate, he is partnering with Bill Gates and other so called elites to
massively reduce the population. Either way, their goal is not improving public

Fauci has a well documented history of quarterbacking dangerous vaccines and

pharmaceuticals. In his well documented book on Fauci, Robert Kennedy Jr. has
provided a detailed history of Fauci's methods. The book has been made available
free online. See the link below. Dennis Prager said reading this book is the
strongest recommendation he has ever given for a particular book. I am about 2/3rds
through the book and I totally agree. If you want to get a deeper understanding of
why these seemingly inexplicable things are happening, you really need to read this
Alan Stevens
5 months ago
Excellent! I got a paper copy a month ago. He eviscerates Big Pharma.
james m mullin
5 months ago
Will the people who lost their jobs over vaccine mandates ever be able to sue
businesses in civil suits?
John Weed
5 months ago
Misinformation and truth are reversed in these Covid times.

ebruary 17, 2022

How Vaccine Mandates Subvert Personal Integrity
By Victor Fernandez
Usually, we live our daily lives not having to make immobilizing decisions that
sever aspects of who we are in any fundamental way. Typically, we wake up, have
something to eat, go to work, handle occupational challenges presented to us and
eventually allow some leisure time. But a demand to choose between two or more
features that relate to a healthy, fully functioning sense of self is not usually
something we come across.

Since the Left is well known for avoiding debate, well-established data, and
reasoned argument, it comes as no surprise that the weapon of force is one of its
primary tools to supplant the individual sovereignty of free-minded people. And
with the opportunity for extended power that COVID has presented, a number of
tyrannical leftists have forced a choice upon workers: get vaxxed or get axed. You
will either get injected with an untested gene-therapy drug (they call a vaccine),
or you’re fired! For the leftist, coercion is the ticket.

Like Zofia Zowistowski’s diabolical choice presented to her upon arrival in

Auschwitz in the movie Sophie’s Choice, to choose one of her two children to either
live or die, workers have had to choose to either go against their own body
autonomy/cost-benefit analysis and their livelihood, the benefits of which
financially supports that body, as well as the nurtured well-being of one’s entire
family. It’s not exactly Sophie’s choice, but it is no less diabolical as it
forces a decision that splits the self, figuratively speaking.

This week, in the spirit of former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, newly elected Mayor
Eric Adams fired more than 1,400 government workers who chose not to be vaccinated.
The axed workers included 914 Department of Education workers along with 36 NY
Police personnel and 25 Fire Department workers. The total number of fired
government workers dropped from an estimated 4,000 last week. Obviously, the
coercion had its wicked effect. In another recent example, General Motors Canada
announced that its workers had until December 12, 2021 to get two doses of the
government-approved jab, the failure of which would result in termination leave
and, ultimately, termination of employment early this year.

These are just two of several examples that can be sited of a pernicious attempt to
extort workers to yield to those in power who demand that one relinquish one’s
right to make medical decisions without duress. The insistence to vax or get axed
flies in the face of the Nuremburg Code which states in part that “the person
involved should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without
the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or
other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.” To choose between one’s desire not
to be jabbed or get fired is most certainly a case of duress. It’s hardly a free
choice, as it forces one to consider losing one’s livelihood and all the productive
and remunerative effects it brings for oneself and family. Rather, it is an
ultimatum. It’s not like a choice between the purchase of two automobiles or what
to do Saturday night. It’s a choice that can in fact severely limit or even end
your ability to buy a car or go out Saturday night.

But there is yet more to this disgraceful selection beyond monetary comfort or
convenience. The choice creates a severe internal conflict insofar as it includes
my having to consider the indignity of having to decide against my own sense of who
I am and what I think is good for me. If I decide that I do not want an
experimental, irreversible injection with a death rate of a mere 0.26% that even
the CDC admitted in the summer of 2021 does not stop infection or transmission, so
be it. That being the case, why mandate the gene therapy injection at all? As an
American citizen who upholds the cherished American values of Life, Liberty and the
Pursuit of Happiness, I should not have to be degraded to relinquish my personal
choice or livelihood. After all, the mind and body in question does not belong to
a politician. In the present case it belongs to the employee and no one else.

As a teacher I have seen several of my colleagues who felt they had no choice but
to succumb to the force of the jab, notwithstanding their strong desire not to be
injected. The choice presented to them was then and remains today an unethical,
unconscionable, and disgraceful ultimatum. Principles like dignity, integrity,
self-respect, and honor are gifts we give ourselves. They cannot be handed to you.
They remain internally nurtured and are part of what makes us individuals. This we
must protect as freedom-loving Americans.

Hopefully now, the protesting Canadian truckers, American truckers, and truckers
around the world will continue to sound the alarm that the majority of the world's
people are through with the mandates, lockdowns, and interruptions of their lives
and wish instead to remain whole, undivided, and free.

Victor Fernandez is a former Logic/Philosophy of Science adjunct and retired math


Image: Pixabay


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Victor Fernandez
5 months ago
Clarification: The 0.26% refers to Covid’s Infection Fatality Rate and can be found
in more detail in the hyperlink.
ebruary 14, 2022
The Global Covid Vaccination Campaign Is Courting Catastrophe
By Vasko Kohlmayer
From the closing weeks of 2020 through February 1, 2022, more than sixty percent of
the world’s population was injected with Covid-19 vaccines.

This means that in a period of fewer than fourteen months more than 4.7 billion
people received at least one Covid shot. Tens of millions received as many as four

The first clinical trial of Covid vaccines was launched in Germany on April 23,
2020, with the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine. The first country to authorize the use of
the vaccine in the general population was the United Kingdom. The UK issued its
authorization on December 2, 2020, and this move was quickly followed by dozens of
other nations. The United States issued its emergency use authorization on December

This means that the massive global vaccination campaign – which quickly reached a
frenzied pitch – was launched less than 8 months from the start of the clinical

To begin administering a vaccine to the general population within such a short

trial period was wholly unprecedented in the annals of modern medicine.

To establish that a vaccine is safe, extensive long-term testing must be carried

out. This process involves multi-phase clinical trials and observational studies
which include large numbers of subjects over time periods measured in years. This
thorough and involved process takes at least five years to complete and is usually
much longer. According to Johns Hopkins University:

“A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer,

to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete
the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine
doses for widespread distribution.” [emphasis added]

Only upon satisfactory completion of this involved regimen can a vaccine be

considered reasonably safe for mass administration to the general public.

Yet even the completion of this long process does not guarantee that a vaccine is
completely safe. After receiving full approval, vaccines continue to be carefully
monitored for adverse events in case some vaccinal flaw may have escaped detection
during the multi-year trial phase. There have been a number of vaccines that were
pulled from the market after they received full approval due to unexpected safety
issues. Some of these include vaccines for Rotavirus, Lyme Disease, and Whole-Cell
Pertussis among others.

Therefore, for a vaccine to be justifiably declared “completely safe,” it must

undergo at least five years of intensive testing in clinical trials and then
several years of monitoring as it is administered in populations at large.

The Covid vaccines, however, were publicly declared to be “completely safe” less
than 8 months after the start of human clinical trials. On the normal vaccine trial
timeline, month 8 is in Phase 2 of the three-stage clinical trial regime.
The claim that the Covid vaccines were “completely safe,” was, therefore,
completely unjustifiable and unsubstantiated. Those who made this claim engaged in
a deliberate and unconscionable act of public deception.

And yet this claim was used as the basis for a worldwide campaign in which more
than half of Earth’s inhabitants have been injected with experimental
pharmaceuticals that did not undergo proper testing.

The phrase “safe and effective” became the de-facto slogan of the planet-wide
vaccination enterprise. Believing that the vaccines were “completely safe,”
billions of people willingly – and even enthusiastically – lined up to receive
their Covid injections.

Needless to say, not everyone was ready to accept the propaganda. Disregarding all
reasonable objections, however, many governments decided that universal vaccination
was their goal and decided that the unwilling needed to be coerced. This they
sought to do through direct vaccines mandates and covid passports or digital
certificates. The latter two were designed in such a way as to compel the hesitant
to submit to the shots on pain of being excluded from the normal course of societal

Government and public health officials justified this drastic approach by

repeatedly stating that the vaccines were “completely safe” and effective, and
because of this it was okay to force the shots even on those who did not want to
take them.

The claim “safe and effective” was thus used as a means of allurement and coercion
for the planet-wide Covid vaccination crusade.

We need to pause here and contemplate the enormity of what the vaccinators have
“accomplished.” Less than 22 months after the beginning of the clinical trials,
they have managed to inject the plurality of mankind with their inadequately tested
products. If things were being done properly, right now the vaccine developers
would have been gearing for Phase III of clinical trials. This stage normally takes
place between months 24 and 48 after the initiation of the trial process. This is
how Johns Hopkins University describes what this stage is about:

“Phase III clinical trials are critical to understanding whether vaccines are safe
and effective.”

Phase III is where we now find ourselves on the timeline of vaccine development. In
the case of the Covid vaccines, however, the testing of Phase III is not being
conducted on a selected group of volunteers but on the world’s population.

The billions who have been lured and coerced to participate in this experiment have
not been honestly advised of the truth of the situation, i.e., that the Covid
vaccines have not undergone proper trialing and testing and that their safety
profile could not be established with any satisfactory level of accuracy. Instead,
they were lied to and told that the vaccines were “completely safe.”

Under the normal schedule, the Covid vaccines Phase III trials would be completed
in April of 2024. If this phase went without a hitch, April of 2024 would be the
earliest that anyone could justifiably start saying that the Covid vaccines are
“safe and effective.”

It is as astonishing as it is frightening that this wide-scale, lightning-fast

vaccination campaign featuring insufficiently tested substances was allowed to be
carried out despite the fact that the injections contained a new gene transfer mRNA
technology that had never been tried before. Because of the presence of this novel
technology, these vaccines should have been approached with great caution and
tested with maximum thoroughness and vigor. Astonishingly, this did not happen.
Quite on the contrary, some of the most rudimentary components of the customary
trial routine were casually dispensed with.

Some fourteen months into this global injectioneering operation, it is obvious that
the claim of the vaccines being “completely safe” was not only unsubstantiated but
outright false.

Shortly after the vaccinating commenced, reports of severe adverse reactions and
deaths started pouring it. Please see the chart below which depicts the explosion
of death reports to the US government’s VAERS database. This explosion began in
late 2020 which was when the vaccinators began administering their COVID products
to the public at large.

Within a couple of months, death reports garnered by the Covid injections exceeded
the annual record count of any other vaccine in the database’s history. In less
than twelve months, the number of deaths related to the Covid injections exceeded
the death total recorded in connection with all the other vaccines in the last
thirty years.

This is a gruesome count for vaccines that were supposed to be “completely safe.”

Although the vaccinators tried to cover and downplay the devastating side effects
of their product, the reality could not be hidden. Myocarditis and pericarditis
became well-documented consequences of the Pfizer and Moderna shots. In December of
last year, Astra Zeneca scientists finally admitted something that had been known
for many months, i.e., that their vaccine was causing deadly blood clots.

Trying to soften the news as much as they could, this is the headline with which
the Mail Online announced this dire fact:

AstraZeneca uncovers what's triggering blood clots after its jab: Vaccine acts like
a magnet and attracts platelets which body mistakes for a threat and attacks

One can get a sense of just how dangerous and deadly these vaccines are from the
fact that within twelve months of launching the vaccination campaign more than
1,000 articles and studies appeared in peer-reviewed scientific journals describing
various side effects of these pharmaceuticals. Most of the discussed side effects
are serious and deadly. They include

Fatal cerebral haemorrhage

Venous thrombosis
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute venous thromboembolism
Portal vein thrombosis
T-cell lymphoma
Injecting more than half of all humankind with inadequately tested, dangerous
pharmaceuticals based on a never-before-tried technology while claiming that they
are “completely safe” is an unprecedented mass experiment with the gravest
potential consequences. Never before has any government, an international actor,
or a transnational cabal undertaken an act that would expose such a big swath of
humanity to such serious danger.

This operation was carried out under false pretenses and those who initiated it
knew that their claims were unsubstantiated and false. The question that must be
answered is this: How could something like this have been allowed to happen?

Untold millions across the world have already suffered severe side effects from
these injections in the short term. And we do not yet know what the medium- or
long-term consequences may be because these vaccines have not been trialed for such
time frames.

Please keep in mind that the clinical trials for the Covid vaccines began only less
than 22 months ago. In such a short period of time, it is simply impossible to
adequately assess the safety of any vaccine.

The Covid-19 vaccination crusade is a global crime the like of which the world has
not yet seen.

Those complicit in this vast crime against humanity are the vaccine manufacturers,
the leaders of the regulatory agencies, public health officials, and politicians.
Also complicit is the media which endlessly amplified the “completely safe” claim
which became the mantra under which this enterprise has been carried out.

Those responsible for this must be called to answer for their deeds in legal
settings so that their actions can be evaluated and judged in accordance with
national and international laws and statutes.

Vasko Kohlmayer was born and grew up in former communist Czechoslovakia. You can
follow his writings by subscribing to his Substack newsletter ’Notes from the
Twilight Zone’. He is the author of The West in Crisis: Civilizations and Their
Death Drives.



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David Russell Gerdes

5 months ago
In the US, over 80 percent of Covid19 associated deaths were above the average
lifespan of 78 years. Notice that there were no reports of shortages of cemetery
plots or funeral home reservations. Probably most, if not all of the elderly, had
made those arrangements well in advance of the pandemic.
This is looking more like a quiet extermination of the aged.
Now, employer sponsored life insurance providers are seeing a 40% increase of
deaths in the employed ages 18-64.
The CEO of One-America Insurance said that 10% is a 200 year event. This data is
from the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021, after the vaccine rollout. He also said
disability claims are up as well. He did not say the increase resulted from the

This may be coincidence, but like the author says, we aren't going to know until a
couple of years have passed. The predictions of the Doctors and Researchers who
warned us of the possible complications from the spike protein concentration in the
shot have gone from being proclaimed as conspiracy theories, to quiet realities. In
my little circle of friends:
A relative has developed a-fib.
A neighbor has developed neurotherapy.
His son's legs became paralyzed, and he will be in therapy for months.
All this happened several months after the second shot.
I'm in the control group. Supplement my immune system as directed. I had omicron
for a couple of days and had fatigue with sore muscles. BTW, we don't know the
long-term effects of having a mild version of covid. It produces the spike protein
as well, just 1000's of times less than what is in the shot.
5 months ago
I’m a card-carrying member of the “control group”

[Updated] If They Want to See A COVID "Passport" - Show them This! - [Cards Now
Available!] - Granite Grok
We have invented a COVID19 Control Group Member Record. It's a "passport" for the
Ronald Barbour
5 months ago
Excellent comment on what will go down in the history books along with the Black
Death of the Middle Ages has an agent of planetary depopulation.

Of course, the big difference between the Bubonic Plague of the 14th century and
the COVID-19 Bioweapon Holocaust of the 21st century is the fact that the agent of
destruction in the 21st century was manmade - a hideous Bioweapon created by an
unholy alliance of Chinese Communists and American Fascists in Wuhan, China.

What will be the body count five years down the road from "The Jab?" - the Black
Death killed one-third of the population of the world - there is no reason to
believe the death toll from the COVID Jab will be less.

We are looking at the early deaths of above three billion people in the next five
years...whole regions will be depopulated.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
5 months ago
Depopulation was the aim to begin with. Bill Gates has talked enough about
population reduction over the years. The elites want more for themselves. Climate
change falls into that category as well.
5 months ago
Notice that Africa and India are broad users of HCQ and IVM for regionally
occurring parasite infections. Their survival rates will turn out to be higher.
If I was looking for meek to inherit the Earth, I think I’d choose India over
BTW, China has Covid vaccines, but they do NOT deploy mRNA domestically. Hmmmm.
Andrew Thomas
5 months ago
Bill Gates wish to reduce the human population by 10 to 15% using vaccines has been

My wish is to reduce the population of people like him and Dr.Mengele Fauci.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
5 months ago
Good article. As a twice Trump supporter I sent off a couple of E-mails to the
White House about those "warped speed" vaccination developments. Common sense told
me to stay away from anything like this. Up until only recently Trump was still
praising the vaccines telling everyone during his interviews that they are safe.
Finally someone must have told him to stop that nonsense.

A lot of people on Fox are still pushing them. The all say that they\ are against
the mandates but are vaccinated and boosted but it should be up to the people. What
they do not realize is that they are still promoting the Covid vaccines - very
tricky of them.
5 months ago
Hang ‘em high!
If we want to make the point, there is one, and only one, Nuremberg in the USA, in
PA. Let’s build a courthouse, a bunch of gallows, and a crematorium.
They have violated scientific, medical, and ethical standards and ethics, and they
have violated the “never again” Nuremberg Codes. There can be only one punishment
for the perpetrators and their only too willing helpers.
Unfortunately, the same fate (minus the rope), is likely to befall their useful
idiots and accolytes, AKA Karens, Covidiots, or Sheeple.
I see my working life being extended due to lack of younger competition.
Axel Schmidt
5 months ago
The sooner the better. These Frankensteins need to go.
Alan Stevens
5 months ago
Hanging is lethal.
Carol Vice
5 months ago
It’s tempting to focus ire on Fauci, Gates, the political tyrants, CCP, world
economic forum, etc, and they all deserve it, but they would have failed In their
genocide without participation of medical professionals. We all saw Fauci in his
interviews, but he wasn’t who convinced billions to take the poison, it was a
billion individual office visits, phone calls, consultations and casual social
encounters with individual physicians and physician consultants that sealed the
deal for most people. I can look at few of them in my local community today without
a sense of disgust and derision. I could no more trust one who recommended the jab
to anyone for medical advice than I would a mathematician who assures me 2 + 2 = 5.
90% of them should lose their medical license.
Charles Edward Schneider
5 months ago
The main reason all these local doctors and medical professionals went along with
the jabs and refused to prescribe effective generic therapeutic drugs was due to
"recommendations" from the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID etc. Fauci is basically the
godfather of all these federal health agencies and he made sure the local MD's
towed the federal line. Most doctors work for large health organizations and no
longer have latitude to deviate from their company line. Even independent doctors
were threatened with medical board actions and licensure removal if they prescribed
HCQ or IVCT for example. This doesn't absolve the local doctors from acting like
sheep and refusing to think for themselves. However, the federal health agencies
and the politicians deserve the brunt of the blame.
Alan Stevens
5 months ago
Many people basically trusted the FDA, CDC, NIH and NIAID. I did. I had no idea
that they would become so diabolical in 2020 and forward.
John Weed
5 months ago
Why frustrate me more when we know all of this and nothing gets done about it. The
inaction is more debilitating than the disease/crime.
Alan Stevens
5 months ago
It's about control, but it's also about depop. Bill Gates and the Fauci fraudster
have mutual admiration. Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are avowed depop proponents. So
is the fraudster. The shots are a money making mechanism and a way to facilitate

Radical environmentalists have been saying for decades that the world is way
overpopulated and that human beings are cancer and that at least 70% need to go.

The horrific death and side effects of the "vaccine" are intentional and planned.
This is not an inoculation, it is a bioweapon, and it is intended to depopulate the
West and to decimate the caucasoid peoples. Their place will be taken by an Afro-
Asian slave proletariat, under the control of the technocratic oligarchy that
arranged for the development and release of the virus and for the creation of the
"vaccine". This is a genocide scheme that dwarfs the Final Solution, and for which
round after round of Nuremberg trials and executions for crimes against humanity
will in time be necessary.

We need to get to the bottom of this, with Nuremberg-style tribunals, with

appropriate penalties being meted out. Long prison sentences, life prison
sentences, and judicial trap-door hangings.
Axel Schmidt
5 months ago
It is time to start Nürnberg style Trials with the same type of punishments.
Jeffry Rogers
5 months ago
I have long said that this was Anthony Fauci’s dream experiment. The vaccine is not
very effective, yet we keep getting gaslighted. No not all vaccines were very leaky
and no the uninflected vaccinated could not spread the disease. I think there was a
problem of short life when went a different method of polio vaccine. Our problem is
our history dies after two hours, low IQ media choosing life into short term sound
Bill Garman
5 months ago
So what percentage of people are even aware of any of the above? What percentage of
the people would call those facts "lies" and "conspiracies?"

Until their favorite talking heads tell them that there's an issue, and their
favorite talking heads repeat that message day & night for some period of time, the
masses won't even begin to consider it.

And even then the masses will not want to admit they made a mistake...that the
"anti-vaxxers" were right after all.

And even THEN the masses will not want to let go of their self-elevated "holier-
than-thou" status.
Bonne Bete
5 months ago
Excellent summation. Thank you.
james m mullin
5 months ago
Does anyone have any good data on whether the vaccines decreased fertility/birth

ebruary 8, 2022
FDA Duplicity on Covid-19 Vaccines
By Steve McCann
Perhaps the most important long-term fallout of the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic
has been the exposure of the venality and politicization within the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) as well as other federal health agencies such as the Centers
for Disease Control (CDC).

Nothing personifies this corruption more than the FDA’s absurdly close ties to the
pharmaceutical companies. Thus, their refusal to recognize proven inexpensive
therapeutics and their unorthodox approach in licensing certain Pfizer and Moderna
mRNA Covid-19 -- vaccines that are not offered for sale in the United States.

What was the FDA’s and the pharmaceutical companies’ endgame in this process? Was
it to gaslight the American people in order to sell vaccines and achieve mass
vaccinations? Was their motive to protect the pharmaceutical companies from
exposure to liability and a tsunami of litigation? Was it so the FDA could more
easily approve these vaccines for children who are not at risk of Covid-19? Or all
the above?

In August of 2021, the FDA, to great media fanfare, granted permanent approval for
a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. The catch: it was for a vaccine that was not available
to Americans. What the FDA approved and licensed is Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine,
not the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that has been continuously in use under Emergency
Use Authorization (EUA) since December of 2020. Manufacturers of medicines sold
under an EUA are immunized from legal liability.

The FDA decreed that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should remain unlicensed and under
the EUA but can be used interchangeably with the licensed Comirnaty vaccine. More
importantly, the FDA stated that the Comirnaty vaccine and the existing vaccine are
“legally distinct” and that there are slight differences in the vaccines, though
their differences “do not impact safety or effectiveness.”

Moreover, the FDA acknowledged that there was no inventory of the Comirnaty vaccine
available. Nearly six months later there is still no inventory available and will
not be in the foreseeable future. Every vaccination with a Pfizer covid vaccine
has been and continues to be with the one under the EUA.

Not to leave Moderna out in the cold, the FDA on January 31, 2022, granted
permanent approval for a Moderna mRNA covid-19 vaccine. But not the one in
continual use since December of 2020 under the authorization of an EUA. This
approval was for Moderna’s Spikevax Covid-19 vaccine.

Not surprisingly, the FDA in its approval letter to Moderna also stated that the
vaccine under the EUA can be used interchangeably with the licensed Spikevax
vaccine and that Spikevax and Moderna’s EUA approved vaccine are “legally distinct”
but their differences “do not impact safety or effectiveness.”

Similar to Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, the FDA acknowledged there are no stocks of
Spikevax available nor will there be for an indefinite period of time. It would be
safe to assume, as may be the case of the Comirnaty vaccine, that there may never
be an inventory of the Spikevax vaccine available.

EUA products are considered experimental under U.S. law. Federal regulations
provide that no one can force a person to participate in being jabbed with an
experimental vaccine-- 21 U.S. Code Sec.360bbb-3(e)(1)(A) “Authorization For
Medical Products For Use In Emergencies.” Potential recipients have an absolute
right to refuse EUA vaccines nor can they be denied a job or an education because
they refuse to be vaccinated. However, U.S. law permits employers, schools, and
government agencies to require employees and students to take licensed vaccines.

What better way to coerce the populace into acquiescing to mandates and societal
pressure than to play the shell game of obfuscating the licensing of the covid
vaccines? The vast bulk of Americans would assume the approval was for the
vaccines in current use. And what better way for both Pfizer and Moderna to reduce
the massive inventories of their respective EUA approved vaccines than to have
government and employers mandate vaccines together with never-ending covid fear-

There is no FDA licensed and approved Covid-19 vaccine available in the United
States today, thus any vaccine mandate is technically illegal.

There is a huge real-world difference between products approved under an EUA as

compared to those the FDA has fully licensed. EUA-approved vaccines have an
extraordinary liability shield under the 2005 Public Readiness and Preparedness
(PREP) Act. Vaccine manufacturers, distributors, and government bureaucrats are
immune from liability.

On the other hand, any vaccine manufacturers whose vaccines have been licensed and
permanently approved by the FDA for use by those above the age of 12 do not have
this liability shield. On the surface, Comirnaty and Spikevax vaccines would,
therefore, have no such liability shield. However, the drug manufacturers and the
government claim that because of the use of the PREP Act for the original vaccines
and as Comirnaty and Spikevax are essentially identical, they have the same legal
protections as the EUA vaccines.

If that’s the case, why not just license and approve the original EUA vaccines?
Why go to all the trouble of submitting another vaccine application for a slightly
altered version, particularly as the pharmaceutical companies are now arguing that
the vaccines are essentially the same? Why did the FDA go out of its way to
highlight “legally distinct” in their approval letters and why are there two
distinct products for each company and the fully authorized one not available now
or in the future?

I suspect that there has always been a concern that a class action lawsuit could
pierce the PREP Act argument and open a pandora’s box of massive litigation if the
vaccines labeled Comirnaty and Spikevax were used. Perhaps that is why these two
vaccines will remain unavailable until they are approved for use by children.

Pfizer and Moderna together with the FDA continue to seek a more permanent solution
to the liability question as at some point they will no longer be able to rely on
legal hairsplitting and will have to use the Comirnaty and Spikevax labeled
products. The potential solution: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

This law, passed in 1986, provides a legal liability shield to drug manufacturers
if they secure full FDA approval for all age groups. According to Steve Kirsch,
Pfizer is clandestinely working with the FDA and altering the ingredients (which
normally requires a new and separate filing and licensing process) to clear the
path for approval.

When Comirnaty and Spikevax are approved for children, then the companies will have
definitive government-sponsored liability protection if and when their shaky
argument that the original EUA approvals extend to these two products is rendered
moot. Pfizer and Moderna are apparently waiting for full authorization for
children’s shots before they distribute Comirnaty and Spikevax to the masses.

Children, who have near-zero risk from Covid but are experiencing alarming side
effects from the vaccines, be damned. Apparently, the bureaucrats are so
malevolent, and the pharmaceutical companies so focused on the bottom line that
they would essentially sacrifice children in order to protect themselves and
promote ineffective and potentially dangerous vaccines.

How ineffective? Israel, despite 90+% of its population fully vaccinated and
nearly 70% having received either the third or fourth booster shot, has just set a
record for Covid-19 cases and deaths.

How potentially dangerous? As the information from the CDC and other federal
health agencies can no longer be believed, the Defense Medical Epidemiology
Database is the most reliable data available.

Based on information from Department of Defense whistleblowers (3 doctors), Senator

Ron Johnson of Wisconsin recently penned a letter to the Department of Defense to
confirm the data related to the Covid-19 vaccines that American servicemen and
women have been illegally mandated0 to take. Among the data from 2021 as compared
to the five-year period 2016-2020:

Neurological issues increased tenfold, from 82,000 in 2016-2020 to 863,000 in 2021.

Hypertension-- 2,181% increase
Multiple sclerosis-- 680% increase
Malignant neoplasms of the esophagus-- 894% increase
Guillain-Barre syndrome-- 551% increase
Breast Cancer-- 487% increase
Pulmonary embolism-- 468% increase
The registered diagnoses of myocarditis, among the most common and most serious
side effects of the vaccines, had been deliberately deleted from the database. A
military spokesman implausibly claimed that 5 years of DOD medical surveillance
system was mysteriously plagued by a giant glitch. However, these data points also
reflect the experience of other countries.

It is little wonder that both the pharmaceutical companies and the government
bureaucracies are focused on liability and not the efficacy or the hazards
associated with these vaccines. They are caught up in a web of deception,
venality, and potential legal exposure, therefore they can never admit to their
mistakes. Thus, they continue to promote mass vaccinations and by necessity
denigrate therapeutics such as Ivermectin.

The FDA and CDC as presently constituted must be abolished and reconstituted as
they are joined at the hip with the pharmaceutical industry. Massive class action
lawsuits must be filed against the pharmaceutical companies and the government for
their collusion in deliberately deceiving the people and promoting ineffective and
dangerous drugs. This process must begin with a Republican-controlled Congress in


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5 months ago
The solution is more straight forward than re-structuring the corrupt
Simply remove liability protection from all the drugs. If you sell it -- you're
responsible! Like cigarettes, asbestos, airplanes, and all other products, the
risks must be factored into the equation.
Cathleen M McNeill
5 months ago
The original vaccine is (EUA) which prevents liability but cannot be mandated and
will be given to children. After emergency use expires, then the approved vaccine
takes over, can be mandated and also given to children, as a precedent has already
been set by the first vaccine. And because both vaccines are stipulated to be
different yet effectively interchangeable enough for vaccine 2 to be grandfathered
in to replace vaccine 1. Phew! Let us hope the Canadian truckers are successful in
getting rid of mandates so the rug can be pulled out from under the demons running
our government. God Bless!
Andrew Thomas
5 months ago
The FDA is engaging in willful blindness. All post-release data clearly shows these
vaccines are neither safe nor effective. If this high level of adverse events and
deaths occurred with any other drug, the FDA would remove it from the market
immediately. Those responsible for the murderous neglect need to be severely
prosecuted and punished for the sake of humanity.
Alan Stevens
5 months ago
We need to get to the bottom of this, with Nuremberg-style tribunals, with
appropriate penalties being meted out. Long prison sentences, life prison
sentences, and judicial trap-door hangings.
John Weed
5 months ago
It would be interesting to see what Trump does with all of the criminality that
this virus entails. Early indications are his base is not too happy when he pushes
vaccines at his rallies. He'll need to do a Houdini act to get out of this mess.

ebruary 8, 2022
What Happened To 'First, Do No Harm'?
By Steven Goldsmith, M.D.
On June 2, 1948, at Landsberg prison in Bavaria, seven Nazi doctors were hanged by
the neck until dead. Seven others faced life imprisonment. The year before, the
U.S. Military Tribunal in Nuremberg ordered these sentences for medical experiments
without subjects’ consent, crimes against humanity, and mass murder. From the
doctors’ trial arose the Nuremberg Code that, along with subsequent conventions and
laws, governed the ethical practice of medicine in the United States. Until the
past two years.
Since the onset of the COVID pandemic, many physicians have disgraced our
profession. They have administered experimental vaccines of unprecedented toxicity
for an illness with an overall survival rate of 99.74 percent, all without proper
informed consent. They have withheld outpatient therapeutics of documented
efficacy, leaving patients to sicken or die untreated. Undeterred by reports of
catastrophic side effects such as teenage myocarditis, they have injected
undisclosed ingredients with unknown long-term risks into children who harbor no
serious risk from the illness. National medical associations and state medical
boards continue, without due process or sound evidence, to punish physicians who
espouse views that challenge our government’s claims. Why?

Three sets of quotes illustrate medicine’s devolution. The first of these is from
the classic Hippocratic Oath, formulated in ancient Greece. “I swear by Apollo the
physician . . . and call all the gods and goddesses to witness, that I will observe
and keep this underwritten oath... With regard to healing the sick... I will take
care that they suffer no hurt or damage… Nor shall any man’s entreaty prevail upon
me to administer poison to anyone [italics mine]...”

Next, the revised Hippocratic Oath, composed in 1964 by Louis Lasagna. In this
version, God and gods have disappeared except for “I must not play at God.” There
is no longer a do-no-harm clause. It refers only to “avoiding those twin traps of
overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism,” an intellectualized and vapid dilution of
the original unequivocal commandment.

Finally, excerpts from the oath created by my medical school’s Class of 2025 during
their White Coat Ceremony. “We also recognize the acts and systems of oppression
effected in the name of medicine. We take this oath of service to begin building a
future grounded in truth, restoration, and equity to fulfill medicine’s capacity to
liberate... I acknowledge the past and present failures of medicine to abide by its
obligation to do no harm and affirm the need to address systemic issues in the
institutions I uphold... I promise to... engender an inclusive, equitable field of

God has vanished. (One cannot even play God if there is no God to imagine.) Not
that ethical healers must worship God. But if they don’t, they may worship other
gods—security, status, money, power, reputation, or ideology. These baser idols
will corrupt their devotees.

For example, in their oath, these White Coat celebrants never explicitly accepted
responsibility for doing no harm themselves. Instead, they self-righteously
decried others’ failures in that regard, befitting a political ideology that
emphasizes systemic oppressor-victim grievances and a utopian equity of outcomes.
Come to think of it, isn’t their White Coat Ceremony an act of racist privilege?
The horror.

In recent decades other interests have distracted doctors from do-no-harm and
patient-first precepts. A profession of solo practitioners and house calls no
more, we owe obeisance increasingly to practice groups, insurers, Big Pharma, and
electronic records. (Regarding that last, a 2016 study reported that MDs spent
almost 40 percent of their patient care time interacting with computers. Six years
later the percentage has surely increased.)

Since 2020 an even more powerful master has commandeered medicine’s values. The
State requires that physicians comply with its unscientific dictates concerning
treatments. Many do comply, and no wonder. The confusion about medicine’s purpose
in recent decades has lubricated its slide into surrender. It has forsaken
Hippocrates and signed onto a State-uber-alles mentality to ensure its security and
public virtue. Do No Harm has been supplanted by Cover Your Ass.
By 1942 almost half of all German doctors had joined the Nazi party. By the early
twentieth century, German medicine had become the cynosure of world-class medicine.
But gradually the ideology of eugenics captured it. Mass enforced sterilization and
abortions of the medically handicapped and the insane led to systematic euthanasia
of these populations, and eventually to the Holocaust. Like their American
counterparts who inject healthy children, many Nazi doctors believed that their
practices served the best interests of society. As E. Ernst stated, “The
participation in the ‘betrayal of Hippocrates’ had a broad basis within the German
medical profession. Without the doctors’ active help, the Holocaust could not have
happened [italics mine].”

Do I trivialize the Holocaust by facile comparisons of COVID medical hacks with

Nazi doctors? I reject that charge. The Holocaust was unique in its magnitude.
But the processes that facilitated Nazi atrocities reflect tendencies in all
societies. Unless we want a repeat on an even greater scale we must recognize
those tendencies in ourselves before it is too late.

Steven Goldsmith, MD is a Board-certified psychiatrist, graduate of the Columbia

College of Physicians & Surgeons, and author of The Healing Paradox.

Image: Uniformed Services University


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Sharon Sapp
5 months ago
I've never seen an illness where the accepted outcome is death rather than to treat
with established medicines Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. I also do no
understand how surgeons are allowed to remove normal tissue to appease a
psychiatric condition as we've seen in the "trans" movement. Hospitals have Tissue
Review Committees to monitor tissue that is removed and there are consequences for
removing normal tissue. We are truly living in insane, dangerous times.
Brad Allen Steffler
5 months ago
I can testify that Dr. Goldsmith is 100% correct. I have been aware of the hisory
of the Naz regime when I first heard a lecture by the late Francis Schaeffer on
this subject and the seminal holocaust medicine article in the NEJM that was
written by a psychiatrist observer of the Neurenburg War Crimes Trials circa 1949.
I am now 73 years old and nearing the end of my career. I am now working as a
physician (med school faculty) only 3 days a week with only an occasional weekend
call. And I am so ashamed of my once honorable profession. But in a profesion where
abortion on demand is accepted as the norm in certain quarters and where euthanasia
is legal in some states, I am not the least surprised. I pray every day for God to
have mercy and deliver us from the Nazi holocaust that we have become. The vaccine,
and other, mandates are just the logical outgrowth of a corrupt worldview that
excludes the Lord and Giver of Life, The Lord God Jehovah, in the persons of the
Father, the Son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit.

Brad A. Steffler, M.D.

Kerry M Eberly
5 months ago
"Never forget" is the most important phrase in every language.
But, we again have forgotten. We always do.

Why is remembering so hard? This is the age of information where everything we do.
Everywhere we go. Everything we buy, endure and consume is recorded. Yet, we still
forget. I sit here typing in a mood of grim acceptance that what is to come of all
this forgetting is always worst than the last time we forgot.

Wasn't it Einstein who claimed that he did not know what weapons would be used in
the next world war, but he was pretty sure the war after that would be fought with
rocks and sticks?

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is
nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9

Solomon knew. Ben Franklin knew. You and I and countless unheard others also know.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
5 months ago
Hospitals, doctors and Big Pharma have become the enemy of the people. They are
really out to kill people in order to reduce the population. They are no longer to
be trusted.

Few are lucky to be treated by those good doctors who speak out about the insanity
but I am sure that neither Medicare or Medical or Obamacare will have these doctors
on their list of available physicians.
Morry Rotenberg
5 months ago
The Lysenkoization of the medical profession in this country is just about
complete. They cannot be trusted to follow the data but the diktats from their
Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party paymasters that now run the government-medical
industrial complex.

ebruary 7, 2022
Is the Coronavirus the Greatest Crime Against Humanity?
By Janet Levy
China hid the outbreak of Covid-19 from the world for months[i]. Brave Chinese
citizens had been sending out smoke signals, but governments did not take notice.
Now, there is reason to suspect that some scientists in the U.S. were aware of (if
not complicit in) a cover-up that began as soon as the pandemic started.

It wasn’t until December 31, 2019, that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
acknowledged that a SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had broken out in Hubei province, where the
Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is located. But Beck says there’s substantial
evidence of it having begun much earlier. Let’s look at the events chronologically.

Months before the official acknowledgment, photographs and videos of empty streets,
closed businesses, and the enforcement of precautionary measures in Hubei had been
appearing on social media. Beijing’s denials of a pandemic were disproved by posts
from medical professionals showing hospitals overflowing with sick and dying
patients. Videos showed officials dragging away infected people from their homes,
even welding doors shut to confine people to their buildings.

More to lend credence to retrospective theories of wrong-doing came from a

September 12, 2019 event – the WIV database on coronaviruses was taken down.
Research organizations freely share such databases with scientists, but WIV alleged
that hackers were targeting it. The institute requisitioned additional security.
Some days later, the institute updated its air-handling system, an unusual activity
to prioritize during a data breach. Experts believe the lab was probably rectifying
its biosafety ventilation – but after the virus had escaped.

In October of the same year, Wuhan hosted the Military World Games, attended by
more than 10,000 athletes from 100 countries. Participants remarked that the
streets were empty; Wuhan seemed like “a ghost town.” They spoke of rumors that the
government had warned Chinese citizens not to venture out. On arrival, athletes
were required to have their temperature taken and to wash their hands before
entering any building. When American athletes returned home, according to
information released by the Pentagon, infections occurred at 63 military
facilities. In addition, athletes from other countries reported falling ill at the
games and later infecting their families. Military and medical experts were already
suspecting that China was hiding a medical emergency.

On December 3, 2019, following reports of researchers getting sick, the WIV

requested an air- curtain incinerator, a device used to control air emissions
during burning. While it’s not unusual for labs to use it to prevent airborne
pathogens from spreading, the timing – and China’s stonewalling of international
efforts to investigate the institute – have made scientists wonder what was amiss.

Later in December, an intriguing high-level intervention took place. On President

Xi Jinping’s orders, access was blocked to some abandoned mines in Yunnan province.
Officials confiscated bat samples taken from the site by a visiting team. Chinese
coronavirus specialists were warned not to speak to the press.

Dr. Zhengli Shi of the WIV, the ‘Batwoman’ at the center of the suspicions about
the origin of the virus, had ostensibly been extracting viruses from bat guano
obtained in those mines. Genetic analysis reveals that it cannot be ruled out that
the Covid-19 virus was engineered using viruses from bats. Scientists like Prof.
Angus Dalgleish and Dr. Birger Sorensen claim they have prima facie evidence of
“retro-engineering in China” to make the virus seem to have emerged naturally in

In 2020, Dr. Shi and Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina published
a paper on the pathogenesis of COVID-19 in humanized mice that referenced lab work
done by the WIV researcher in the summer of 2019. In retrospect, this might be the
work that resulted in the outbreak. Or the paper could be part of a deception. It’s
difficult to tell, even for scientists.

In his book Uncontrolled Spread, Dr. Scott Gottlieb reports on the Chinese
crackdown on labs, which were ordered to stop testing, destroy samples and suppress
information related to the virus. Social media postings were expunged and Chinese
officials were reticent to share samples of the novel coronavirus for the
development of tests and therapeutics. China restricted domestic travel but allowed
international travel. It denied human-to-human transmission.

When a team from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) visited
on January 8, 2020, the Chinese government withheld information about hospital
workers who had been infected by patients. News of the contagious nature of the
virus and a subsequent quarantine became public three days later. Despite that, the
WHO tweeted on January 14 that there was no evidence of human-to-human

Meanwhile, a group of mostly anonymous scientists and analysts called DRASTIC

(Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19) has been
relentlessly pursuing what the U.S. and Chinese governments seek to hide. Most
members work anonymously to avoid reprisals and jeopardizing their careers. They
have found that at least eight hospitals in China were already receiving COVID-19
cases in October. Three researchers from the WIV were hospitalized in early
November. DRASTIC has challenged the WHO-China statement of February 2020 that a
lab-derived Covid virus was unlikely and called for an unrestricted international
forensic investigation, which hasn’t taken place so far.

In March, risking their jobs and worse, some Chinese doctors spoke out after
witnessing colleagues die of the virus. Ai Fen, a physician in Wuhan, revealed that
hospital administrators had suppressed early warnings of the outbreak and that the
internet was being censored. Doctors were alerting their colleagues on social media
despite threats from the CCP. But China maintained there was no human-to-human

Around the same time, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi released video footage of
her visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown. She urged Americans to visit, with “Don’t
be afraid. It’s beautiful and there are some good bargains here now, so it’s a good
time to come.” Not surprising – her family has multitudinous multi-million dollar
business deals in Communist China. As Peter Schweizer reports in his book, Red-
Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, Pelosi even used her
position to block investigations into the origins of the virus, spoke of a non-
existent “epidemic of hate and discrimination” against Asians, and blamed Trump for
using the virus to divert attention from bogus charges of his collusion with
Vladimir Putin.

The dominant scientific establishment enlisted American scientists to push the

“natural origins” narrative preferred by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical
advisor to the President. Emails obtained by journalists indicate that Fauci held
a private teleconference with select scientists in early February. Two scientists
stated that they believed with 60-80% surety that COVID-19 may have originated in a
lab. But they changed their minds the same day and even completed a paper promoting
natural origin and dismissing the lab-leak theory. Fauci’s playing the victim card
on being unable to answer hard questions from Sen. Rand Paul (KY), and his emails
on stamping out a “conspiracy theory” have left no doubt that something was being
put under wraps.

Despite Dr. Peter Daszak’s collaboration with Dr. Shi at the WIV, as documented in
a 2018 funding proposal to the Pentagon for the creation of a COVID-like virus,
these scientists presented the natural origin theory to President Trump. It was
only in September 2021 that the proposal was leaked to the press.

Possibly as a reward for their efforts to conceal the true origin of SARS-CoV-2,
the scientists who shaped the “natural origins” narrative received over $50 million
in NIAID funding in 2020- 2021. Remarkably, one of the scientists had told the
group of scientists who participated in Fauci’s teleconference, “I just can’t
figure out how this gets accomplished in nature.” He recently admitted that he had
been advised not to mention the possibility of a lab origin.

As we enter the third year of the pandemic, a cover-up seems more and more certain.
It is entirely plausible that American taxpayers ended up funding a dangerous gain-
of-function project in conjunction with the CCP. In the words of Reiner Füllmich,
founder of the German Corona Investigative Committee that’s suing the CDC, WHO, and
the World Economic Forum for violating the Nuremberg Code, the corona scandal is
“the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.”

Image credit: WHO


[i] ‘The Pandemic Begins’, the second part of Glenn Beck’s Crimes or Cover-Up?
Exposing the World’s Most Dangerous Lie presents this information well.



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John Schofield
5 months ago
The Coronavirus itself was the fruit of a crime. It was a crime against Congress,
by the people in the USA who broke the law to enable the research to be done in
China But the crime against humanity is the fraud by which: the virus was built up
to be a danger to the public and to the health system, then a fake solution (the
jabs) were made to be at first the only legal solution to a minor public health
problem, then a compulsory treatment even for people who were healthy, then a
compulsory treatment even for people who could not spread the infection. Even after
the jabs were shown to be much more harmful than the virus they were compulsory.
All around the world. The spread of the mandates was the crime against humanity.
The spread of the virus, by contrast, was just a normal viral spread.
Kerry M Eberly
5 months ago
And the spread behavior was just like every other nasty viral outbreak. The first
people infected got very ill, then as the virus moved through the population and
replicated itself millions upon millions of times, it lost its virulence and now it
has become Omicron, still highly infectious, but much less lethal.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
5 months ago
Without the release of the virus there could not be any mandatory jabs and total
control. The virus was created so the vaccines could be used for world control.
Sharon Sapp
5 months ago
The Plandemic was Panic Porn designed to control the population. Stay home, destroy
your business, wear a mask. There has to be consequences for the perpetrators.
Axel Schmidt
5 months ago
Right, like executions.
Alan Stevens
5 months ago
Judicial trapdoor hangings.
james m mullin
5 months ago
Why was ANY taxpayer money from the US going to the CCP through the NIH in the
first place???? "Gain-Of-Function" research in pathogenic viruses is really
indistinguishable from a germ warfare project. Yet we were funding this in a lab of
our national ENEMY? Treason, anyone?
sid weiner
5 months ago
According to S.E.C.records ,George Soros bought shares in
Wuhan Pharmatech Caymen,inc.
Has facilities in Wuhan China to research infectious diseases & virology.
Now known as Wuxi APP Tech.
purchase was filed with U.S. Government in August 2012.
Emmer Biggins
5 months ago
Old news Janet. We’ve known this for a very long, exhausting time.
Joseph Gaudino
5 months ago
yes, but like the holocaust, best not forgotten.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
5 months ago
Those who only watch mainstream media and those who engage only in their Left wing
social media outlets still don't know it.
Charles Edward Schneider
5 months ago
Let's not forget that thousands of people have died unnecessarily by the very
deliberate suppression of generic therapeutic drugs. In his book about Fauci,
Robert Kennedy Jr. writes about studies on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
that Fauci had his affiliates perform. Fauci was getting a lot of pressure to allow
HCQ to be used in treating Covid-19. Since that could sideline his vaccine, he
ginned up studies that would show HCQ to be ineffective. The studies used patients
that were old and already seriously ill from Covid-19. (Both HCQ and Ivermectin are
most effective when used as early as possible in the course of infection.) Then,
they massively increased the dosage of HCQ from the general recommendation. The
dosage for the first day was six times the recommended daily dose. Not
surprisingly, many of the sick, old study participants died. So Fauci had his
studies showing HCQ doesn't work.
John Weed
5 months ago
I appreciate how the author has laid out the timeline of this tragic event.
Unknowingly, U.S. taxpayers funded the creation of this bioweapon. We have a say in
this matter. Fauci and many others collaborated with the Chinese to get this done.
Whether it was a lab leak or intentionally set, a crime has been committed. Heads
need to roll on a worldwide basis. This can not stand.
Axel Schmidt
5 months ago
We need to execute All of the characters involved in this scam!
5 months ago
Don’t forget the patents filed by Big Pharma prior to the virus even reaching the
Ishmael Beverly
5 months ago
Yes, and don't forget the Democrats openly advertized for something like this to
destroy the economy.
james m mullin
5 months ago
Waiting for Brazil and/or India to lead a global indictment in the World Court.
Jeffry Rogers
5 months ago
Lots of questions no answers, all we hear are words og opaqueness. Fauci is
scientist of some sort and I gain of function was thoughtless quest of curiosity.
This can take you where you should never ethically go which is why we have who me
denials. Why the Chinese, well they march to different ethical drummer at least for
those at the helm of power.
Randi Pinkerton
5 months ago
The fiction was allowed to grow under Trump's administration. That's throwing a
real monkey wrench into my support for him.
Kevin McCarthy
5 months ago
The Swamp was and remains just too vast and too deep for one man to drain,
especially when hamstrung by all the false narratives, "investigations"... and
Randi Pinkerton
5 months ago
I recognize the opposition he faced. It boiled down to him or us. He chose himself.
james m mullin
5 months ago
Who else do we have? Biden?

anuary 26, 2022

I Regret Getting the COVID Vaccine
By Jamaica Plain
When the COVID vaccines received their Emergency Use Authorization in December
2020, I was glad my elderly parents could finally emerge from their home
quarantine. Many of my same-age friends had been long awaiting their turn to get
the jab. Personally, I felt no urgency.

In California, first vaccine priority was given to front-line health care workers
(HCW) and nursing home residents — and I observed from the sidelines the rollout
process with line-jumping. Walgreens pharmacy staff administered vaccines to staff
and residents at nursing homes while hospitals were allocated vaccines to
distribute to their HCWs. On the first day of vaccine distribution, Stanford
Hospital medical residents protested being left out of the initial allotment of
5,000 doses.

Based on priority, a young internist on active hospital staff became vaccine-

eligible in mid-December, an elderly community physician (courtesy staff) in mid-
January. A few days later, vaccines were made available to the 75+ general public.
Hospital translators and billing personnel who hadn't stepped into the hospital for
ten months could get vaccinated prior to the elderly. With vaccine clinic
appointments quickly snatched up in wealthy neighborhoods, wealthy residents drove
several hours to access shots in other neighborhoods where demand was lower.

Teachers in wealthy Los Gatos line-jumped to get shots at a nearby hospital after
providing 3,500 meals for hospital staff. A few weeks later teachers line-jumped
the 65+ group by demanding vaccines as another condition prior to returning to the
classroom. As the parents revolted against distance learning in January my local
school board's promise to reopen in February got pushed back to mid-April to allow
each teacher to be fully-vaccinated. In one weekend, vaccine distribution sites
gave first priority to any K-12 teacher so any teacher wanting a vaccine could get
vaccinated that weekend.

Many in my family and workplace pressed me to get the vaccine, but I persisted in
not preceding my 80+ parents in the queue. In any case, I had been working
steadily through the pandemic so the arrival of the vaccines wasn't a "magic
bullet" for me. Other than those jumping the queue, many agreed that those at the
highest risk of hospitalization and death should be prioritized to be offered the
vaccine first. After all, COVID deaths would fall if the elderly were vaccinated
first. Whether the vaccine provides a public or private benefit continues to
engage debate.

Some family members pushed the public benefit from my taking the vaccine, while I
contend that the private benefit of any elderly personally gaining 95% protection
supersedes an unlikely transmission event arising from healthy me. Scientific
studies confirm that asymptomatic spread of respiratory infections is rare — a JAMA
meta-analysis of 78,000 people in households measures an asymptomatic index case
transmission rate of 0.7% compared with a symptomatic transmission rate of 18%. In
the 10-million-resident Wuhan study, they found 300 asymptomatic cases (0.3%), and
no re-infections of their close contacts. When others fall ill, I almost never get
sick, so I'm unlikely to transmit.

After my parents got vaccinated, I followed. Within five hours of my shot, I had a
severe headache and was unable to multitask. I retired to bed early, and the next
morning, every joint was achy and stiff, making me wonder if this is how I'd feel
at age 100. My headache persisted along with difficulty concentrating. For the
next six weeks, I was fatigued, with my body wanting to sleep at 6 rather than 9
P.M. When the 28-day mark passed, my brain was still processing slower, and I
wondered if I'd ever return to my usual self. My antibody test was positive, and I
wasn't planning another shot.

Three weeks later, the employee health department was liquidating its vaccine
inventory from lack of demand. Meanwhile, local pharmacies couldn't maintain
supply. The unremitting fatigue had finally lifted, so I went to request a booster
dose and left with my second jab.

This time, I developed a fever within an hour of the jab and went to bed at 5 P.M.
Around midnight, my husband found me burning hot with fever and shaking
uncontrollably, so he woke me to give me ibuprofen. By the next morning, I was
fine. However, a few months later, I developed a tingling pain in my back that ran
from my shoulders to my hips that recurs when I overheat. Although I didn't
initially attribute this to the vaccine, my symptoms match the prickling, burning
pain described post-vaccine. Every day when I run or lift weights, I get this
pain, and I'm reminded. I regret getting the vaccine.

When the FDA approved the EUA vaccines for children 12–15 and 5–11 years old, the
vaccines became neither "safe" nor "effective." By authorizing a shot that may
temporarily reduce mild or asymptomatic infections while causing medical harm
(myocarditis or stroke), the shots became unsafe. With the risk of COVID infection
lower than the risk of influenza to children, no emergency exists that requires
expedited approval. Since vaccine efficacy wanes and doesn't block transmission,
giving a vaccine provides a private benefit without any public benefit. Forcing a
shot to someone at no risk (a child) to protect someone else is wrong, but
mandating a shot that doesn't protect produces false security.

By ignoring natural immunity, public health is anti-science. By authorizing shots

and boosters for 12- to 17-year-olds without clinical data or toxicity studies,
public health loses public trust.

Strangely, once the fearful got vaccinated, the vaccine supply exceeded demand.
The state initially pushed vaccines by offering bribes and then by coercion.
While most who survived the jab without disability would probably encourage others
to get vaccinated, the coercion tactics, censorship of harms, and outright lies
increased my vaccine remorse. I refused to frequent venues that promoted open
discrimination against the unvaccinated. When proof of vaccination was requested,
I wouldn't divulge my vax status, whether as a public school volunteer or attendee
for a fancy dinner or play. I spoke against segregation, denial of natural
immunity, and false security — and occasionally, the vax requirement was waived.
If everyone would decline to let America divide us into two classes of citizens,
mandates could not be imposed.

The booster is now being mandated for hundreds of college students and HCWs
everywhere. An existing exemption will prevail, but no new exemptions are being
accepted. Following the prevailing dogma has replaced critical thinking —
vaccinated students are locked out of their college experience, and hospitals are
firing staff who are staying home with a mild cold and positive test for refusing
the booster.

I've personally experienced and seen serious side-effects from the vaccine. I've
had prolonged exposure to symptomatic, infected COVID individuals without
developing any symptoms. I've seen the truth about the vaccine, and I cannot unsee
it. My job may be on the line, but I will not succumb.

Image: torstensimon via Pixabay, Pixabay License.



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Donn Reeves
6 months ago
If you were tested positive for antibodies why did you get the second jab? Or was
the positive test vaccine induced or natural antibodies? It's awfully hard to
decipher what is best – natural antibodies or vaccine induced antibodies. But being
science and the medical industry are now corrupted by blackmail, money and power,
I'm going with natural immunity.
6 months ago
I'm going with evolution, which built our immune system over thousands of years
free of charge. Eff Yew Big Pharma. Supplements such as zinc, quercetin, D3, K2 and
melatonin are a good idea. YMMV.
Robin Leigh
6 months ago
Evolution is an unscientific lie and most scientists admit it can't be defended. A
brilliant and holy God gave you your immune system, you'd be wise to thank Him for
it and meet Him before it is too late.
donald b welch
6 months ago
serious question do you think dr k stack will work AFTER you get covid or only
before or not at all?
6 months ago
Prevention is key, imho.
Mark Schooley
6 months ago
Vaccination only produces anti-S-protein antibodies because the vaccines contain a
single gene that only codes for the S-protein and programs vaccinees' cells to
produce. Infection produces anti-M- , anti-N- and anti-RdRp-protein antibodies, in
addition to anti-S-protein antibodies. Laboratory procedures can determine if a
person has antibodies against all four proteins, or only the S protein. Hence
science reveals whether a person has been infected in the past.

Infection-induced immunity is more robust, and more durable, than vaccine-induced


Dr. F advises previously-infected people to get vaccinated. This is anti-scientific


People are unaware that Dr. F went to NIH solely to fulfill his military draft
obligation. He was scientifically ignorant, having earned only a "Classics" degree
in a small liberal arts college, where he took a handful of freshman science
classes (Holy Cross College offered these to placate a small coterie of pre-med and
pre-dental students--it offered no advanced courses or science degrees until long
after Mr. F graduated), and a medical degree that didn't impart scientific

His initial exposure to scientific research at NIH was doing pharmaceutical-

company-guided and remunerated experiments to develop and promote "off-label"
secondary-applications for expensive patented FDA-approved drugs. Drug companies
sponsored this kind of research because it only involved inexpensive small studies,
not highly costly large randomized-double-blind Phase 3 trials, which drug
companies rationalized they had already paid for, while ostensibly "promising"
albeit unproven results multiplied drug sales revenues.

Essentially, a drug company would contract with a few federal and major-medical-
centers doctors, and it would pay for "promising" reports to be published in
medical journals. Then it sent its sales reps to doctors' offices across the entire
country, who pitched off-label use, and dropped off scientific-report reprints and
free samples. Since doctors were able to prescribe any FDA-approved drug, they
often took the bait.

Dr. F believes that doing research on expensive drugs is the only valid drug
research, even if it is drug-repurposing research, e.g. he champions Remdesivir, a
12-year old "unwanted orphan" antiviral prototype that previously failed to get
FDA-approval for treating any viral disease, because the theoretical molecular-
action model upon which it was based was too simplistic. Like the vaxxes it only
has Emergency Use Authorization.

Dr. F is not interested in supporting research on cheap generic drugs (e.g. HCQ and
IVM) because his Big Pharma patrons can't make any money from them.
Show More
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
I did not fall for the vaccine hype from the start. Why on earth would I want to
digest something that has been developed in just 9 months, where we are not told
what is in it and then were told that we could not sue the Pharma guys if we had
severe side effects or died and relatives could not sue.

For me it was simply intuition adn common sense first. Now it has been proven that
the vaccines and boosters are actually deadly to many and can prolong and increase
more viruses to emerge.
Robin Leigh
6 months ago
Yes, same here. And for my 'resistance' I was labeled, ridiculed and maligned. I
got COVID in Feb 2020 and was sick for a long time. There was NO WAY I was taking
any jab, as I had plenty of time to research and realize what's underway. This is
not, and has never been, about a virus, or about protecting public health and
returning to normal. Normal is never coming back.

I'm astonished at how many people STILL do not know about the likely effects of the
jabs over 3-5 years and that this is an overt depopulation agenda. We are at war
with globalists who have been planning this for decades!

That's fine, malign and ridicule us some more...many of us know what is afoot and
we have been screaming it at the top of our lungs for over 20 months.

Brace yourselves, this is FAR from over, much worse is coming.

Big Moose
6 months ago
An excellent piece of information is the book by Robert Kennedy Jr. "The Real
Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public
Health." I am a retired health care worker and was shocked at what I read. The book
is well documented.
Sharon Sapp
6 months ago
The vaccines are not what they were advertised to be.
Mark Schooley
6 months ago
The Pfizer Phase 3 trial reported in the New England Journal of Medicine generated
>2 months. of data for 43,448 subjects.

In this period, 162 out of 21728 placebo recipients caught COVID, while only 8 of
21,720 vaccine recipients caught COVID, hence it was found that vaccine reduced
COVID infections by 95%.

What most people overlook is that 162 placebo recipients out of 21,728 = a 0.746%
incidence of COVID infections. This incidence would translate over a 1 year period
to only. a 4.5% risk of contracting COVID vs. a 95.5% chance of not catching it, if
one went unvaxxed. (The probability of being vaccinated, and not catching COVID was

Moreover, of the 162 unvaxxed COVID catchers not one died from or with COVID! And
35% were obese (BMI >30), with a median age of 52! We can be confident that Pfizer
would have been ecstatic if COVID had killed a few control patients, and they were
tracking events much more carefully than the CDC, but COVID under scrupulous study
just was not lethal.

Therefore, people who chose not to get vaccinated had very good scientific evidence
supporting their choice.

Alan Halbert
6 months ago
If you want to see what these so-called COVID vaccines look like when compared to
actual vaccines, versus these gene therapy agents that kill, just follow the link:

The gene therapy agents have killed with abandon, with estimates of 400K succumbing
to the so-called vaccine, in effect this has been worldwide acts of Democide, with
the DNC all in to killing evermore citizens...

This is civil war.

Remember Afghanistan

In Liberty
Dorothy Gable
6 months ago
There is a greater number of early deaths in my area - often with no explanation.
Alan Halbert
6 months ago
That is what one group life insurer is seeing as well. With a 40% increase in
deaths for the 3rd quarter 2021, from pre-pandemic. Which is unheard of, as a 10%
increase in deaths would be catastrophic and a once in a 200-year event, and have
never seen such deaths in their 145-year history...

These deaths are without cause of death, it appears the COVID vaccine(s) will be a
Casus Belli for restoration of the Republic.

In Liberty
Robin Leigh
6 months ago
The Republic won't be restored, mark my words. I wish it could be, but it won't.
Alan Halbert
6 months ago

That may be, but I will put my money on the American people who are now just waking
up to the fact that the DNC is waging civil war:

We are in a civil war, and Dems are the new Confederates

Wayne Allyn Root: 'The excuse for slavery in the 1800s was cotton. Today it's

Read it and weep…!

In Liberty
Robin Leigh
6 months ago
I like Root but I disagree that this is a DNC/RNC issue. There really IS no
DNC/RNC. Nov. 3 removed all doubt about that.

You'd be hard pressed to name 25 truly and reliably conservative members of

Congress. We need 268 to have a shot, along with reliably conservative state AG's,
Governors and Secretaries of State. Not gonna happen. There will never be a
legitimate vote in this country again; the Communists stole it in 2020 and got away
with it.
We have experienced a Color Revolution and most of our citizens have no idea what
that even means... with inflation, supply and food shortages and unemployment,
along with rampant inflation, porous borders and deep corruption from top to
bottom, they will know soon enough. Venezuela is the blueprint.

Our problems are even far bigger than this, sigh, if only a return to Conservatism
could solve the problem.

Do a dive into what has destroyed all great empires and you will see what is
coming, COVID was simply the crisis they manufactured to destroy global freedom.
Alan Halbert
6 months ago
While you may be right, I take heart in that CNN lost 90% of their audience over
their slanted propaganda, which means that this current slide has run its course,
to maximum insensibility, and their viewers were spent.

I see that as an awakening, along with a reckoning for the COVID treason that
denied our rights, freedoms and many want payback for ruined livelihoods and
businesses purposely burned out, or starved out by being shuttered.

As small business is the farm team for the GOP, and why there is always such a deep
bench with qualified candidates, versus the ideologues of the DNC.

The dead are going to speak before all is said and done.

In Liberty
donald b welch
6 months ago
i did not get the jab or any additional jabs. i have covid. i still don't regret
not getting vaxxed because of all the possible side effects but don't let anyone
tell you there is no such thing as covid. i am going on 74 and have had just about
everything a guy can have and i tell you this was new. lost my taste, smell and
(therefore) appetite. i lost 19 lbs in three weeks. had a stomach ache for almost a
month 24/7. now everyone has had a stomach ache. something you ate, this or
that....a month long stomach ache is gd long time let me tell you. four weeks ago
today i weighted normal tonnage. this morning i weigh 167 and i'm working
hard to gain it back.

covid is real.
Alison Vinci
6 months ago
You are right - covid is real. I am a pure blood, covid went through my family. My
32 year old daughter (1 vax shot) had a BAD cold, my 20 year old son (non vaxed),
had a cold for 2 days, but lost his taste and smell for almost 2 months. It hit my
lungs - only once before had I ever felt that sick - one year 20+ years ago had the
flu and walking pneumonia - that's how I felt - fortunate to work from home - only
missed an hour of work. Although not much of an appetite - sad to say, I didn't
lose any weight. :-(
donald b welch
6 months ago
ship me ten lbs. i could use it. respects.
donald b welch
6 months ago
got any advice as to how to get my hands on ivermechtin?
Big Moose
6 months ago
I am a retired Hospital Pharmacist and I checked with drug stores to find out who
was writing Rx for ivermectin. Then I contacted an ID specialist who was willing to
write for the med. I was to home test and if positive with symptoms, contact the
office and I would be interviewed by Zoom. I take all the otc meds that have been
indicated to ward off the virus. I have taken both shots and the booster last year
and feel fine. I will be 80 this month.
Alison Vinci
6 months ago
I was fortunate, I was able to fight it off with over-the-counter stuff.
Trudie Weiser
6 months ago
Frontline doctors! Ok
Trudie Weiser
6 months ago
Also check Canadian drugs!
Arthur L Berkowitz
6 months ago
Thank you for your personal insight. I urge others to do their own research,
because It is difficult to know what is true, but the data regarding the
effectiveness of the "vaccine" is now pretty convincing.

First anyone who questioned it was labeled as a conspiracy theorist. Then any facts
they presented were dismissed as unproven. Then the data from the CDC and VAERS was
not peer reviewed or relevant. (see below). Now it has all been confirmed by what
is taking place in Israel.

The country with one of the highest percentages of their population vaccinated plus
double boostered, who was also the first country to receive the vaccine, has now
reported the largest number of Covid cases in the world with many of them serious,
hospitalized and dying.

My personal conclusion, not only does the vaccine not work as advertised, it
appears to be dangerous. That is just my opinion. What is yours?

If you have a problem following the link. copy and paste it separately. Some
services block it. That should not be a surprise.
Alan Halbert
6 months ago
This is my website and I just placed the link-up here in this post, and it's
working, the one you had is not working, it looks right, but it's INOP:

This one works, if you place your cursor on your link it shows the link right under
and to the right, whereas in the lower left corner should show the link, all it
shows for yours is 'link' use the link above in the future...

In Liberty
donald b welch
6 months ago
i have covid. how do i get my hands on ivermechtin? i am doing better and i think
i'll be ok just to be clear.
Arthur L Berkowitz
6 months ago
It is available online and in lots of countries, many without a prescription. Make
sure you are getting the formula for humans and not for animals. Many medications
are used for both but their dosages and formulas are different. You could also get
the Merck Covid pill which is primarily Ivermectin at 20 times the price, but that
is another story.
Mark Schooley
6 months ago
It's been reported that somebody has an IVM-like drug. I do not think it is Merck.
IVM is an ion-channel blocker. Merck's molnupiravir is a pseudo-nucleoside that
gets inserted into RNA and generates faulty RNA replication, which in turn
generates non-functional viral partial protein fragments that cannot assemble into
Trudie Weiser
6 months ago
Call your local pharmacist on who is writing rx... And checkout Frontline doctors

anuary 31, 2022

Medicine: The Latest Log on the Left's Bonfire of Meritocracy
By J.B. Shurk
"Nurse, is the surgeon who will be operating on me considered good at his job?"

"He is the most progressive doctor I've ever known."

"But does he save lives?"

"The government has given him many prestigious awards."

"I'm going to die, aren't I?"

"It depends. What's your party affiliation?"

How far away are we from overhearing conversations like this in hospitals across
America? What once would have called to mind some scene taking place behind the
Soviet Union's Iron Curtain now sounds eerily descriptive of America's future. The
professional practice of medicine in the United States has always been held in
great esteem because it was seen as a calling that required hard work, discipline,
objectivity, and dedication to truth. After two years of watching doctors all
around the country mindlessly follow Commissar Fauci down his rabbit hole of
politicized science, though, a lot of Americans will never see medicine the same
way. Even worse, they will never entirely trust physicians again. Any profession
that would seek to deny common therapeutic treatments for suffering patients,
betray its bioethical obligation to fully advise patients on potential harms from
experimental "vaccines" before demanding their consent, or refuse to respect the
personal wishes and needs of patients has surely surrendered any pretense of a
loyalty oath to, "First, do no harm." Any profession that encourages censorship of
dissenting expert opinion has surely sacrificed any reputation for objectivity,
integrity, or dedication to truth.

Hey, it's not all bad, though. The American Academy of Pediatrics, always looking
out for the most vulnerable in society, has proved its allegiance to politically
powerful teachers' unions at the expense of politically powerless children by
insisting that students continue to wrap their faces in cloth all day long during
the most critical stage in their lives for developing healthy language and social
skills. And thousands of doctors have proved to the government that they possess
the "correct" thoughts required of their new Hypocritical Oath by condemning all
protests against "vaccine" mandates as needlessly spreading disease while
simultaneously celebrating Black Lives Matter demonstrations as necessary for
tackling the public health scourge of "white supremacy." People in white coats
sure do seem obsessed with race, don't they? Anyway, a lot of ambitious doctors
have demonstrated through their "woke" virtue signaling what talented political
scientists they really are. Grants, promotions, and special titles will surely
reward their efforts.

Alas, medicine has debased itself these last two years, so that it may join with
the scoundrels of other professions, claim its spoils at the government trough, and
cozy up next to the immoral apparatchiks, parasites, and bullies of the State. Add
medicine's scalp to the sizable collection already taken as trophies during the
last century's Marxist slaughter of reason and objectivity one profession at a
time. We have public school teachers who refuse to teach, prosecutors who refuse
to prosecute, judges who refuse to judge impartially, reporters who refuse to
report on anything that might undermine their personal politics, and now health
professionals who choose pharmaceutical patronage over patient health. The
professional classes have hollowed themselves out so completely that they stand for
nothing aside from whatever talking points they've been handed by the managerial
enforcers of State-sanctioned "truth." Remember, citizens, nothing is correct
unless it is politically correct first. To progress, we must all obey!

Taking a step back, however, it is also helpful to grasp how the Marxists have
successfully smashed once-cherished professional standards and transformed white-
collar vocations into shallow Potemkin professions lacking any real substance. The
political left chiefly undermined professions by redefining prestige as having
nothing to do with merit and everything to do with privilege. No longer could a
college degree be seen as something that required hard work and study; instead, it
was merely a way to separate the haves from the have-nots. No longer could a good
job be seen as evidence of someone's talents; instead, it became proof of unearned
privilege. No longer could rigorous professional standards be seen as elevating
the most worthy; instead, any standards were viewed circumspectly as preventing the
least worthy from obtaining success. The end result has been the depreciation of
academic excellence, skill, work ethic, and competence. For the generations
suckled on "trophies for everyone" assurances, unearned prestige has elevated the

Where merit disappeared, dogma took over. No longer does it matter how much you
know but whether you know what the Marxists want you to believe. Freethinking,
originality, and genius have disappeared on university campuses today because those
once-treasured gifts are threats to groupthink, political correctness, and
obedience. It is no surprise, then, that students lack all capacity for critical
thought and that professors lack all capacity for birthing novel ideas. Science,
as traditionally understood, has always been an investigatory process that almost
always augments and replaces majority-held consensuses over time with paradigm
shifts fashioned from the radically divergent observations of contrarian thinkers.
However, when diversity of opinion is forbidden and professional careers are killed
for wrongthink, then science dies, too, leaving only the mediocre consensus of
fools draping themselves in the prestige of science without any inkling of what it
requires. The vacuum created by no longer seeking the talented creates a space for
the talentless to reign. Some of those talentless beneficiaries became medical
doctors. Many of those became willing disciples of Commissar Fauci and his State
decrees. You see, elevating students who never learned to think on their own means
elevating professionals who follow orders, not truth.

We are left with a professional class, then, unable to perform its duties and
steeped in contradiction. Colleges have been dumbed down, but degrees are
important. Politicians condemn U.S. history while profiting from its triumphs.
Marxists decry unearned privilege while promoting unearned privilege. What remains
are "professionals" only capable of going along to get along because they've never
known success any other way. Prestige factories produce cheap products that break
easily and do not last. When you look around at society today, from the lowliest
municipal bureaucrat to the president of the United States, it is obvious that the
further Marxists have succeeded in destroying professional standards, the more
guaranteed it becomes that the meritless will rise in those professions' ranks.
After two years of quackery posing as science, it is clear that medicine is the
latest log on the left's bonfire of reason, rationality, achievement, know-how,
diligence, and faith.

Image via Max Pixel.



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Christopher J. Matt, MD
6 months ago
While this column is on point, as a young independent thinking physician who
subscribes to American Thinker, please understand there are legions of us who will
not succumb to aforementioned groupthink; and are not blind followers of the
governing bodies who threaten our careers and livelihoods with revocation of
licenses we have obtained through a lifetime of devotion and sacrifice to serving
patients. We are here and we understand, and we will not forget why we were called
into the medical profession.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Glad to hear that. But what do you do when you work in hospitals or clinics that
demand you follow their company rules?
Christopher J. Matt, MD
6 months ago
I work in the ED so my approach to COVID is not directly affected regarding
treatment. I use my position to convey hope to those ill-informed who are in sheer
panic from fear being fed to them through television. I have learned that I can
best serve my COVID patients by serving as a beacon of hope. Sometimes we share a
laugh at how we are living... In one case I saw a patient covered with 3 masks,
gloves, and a headwrap. I couldn't help but laugh and help her realize the
condition in which we have grown accustomed to living. She doffed her gloves,
removed her mask, and as I was waging she was the culprit for the Lysol shortage
she proceeded to remove a full size bottle from her purse!
Donn Reeves
6 months ago
One of the sadder outcomes of the Covid-Con. The further corruption of both science
and medicine. We will never look at them with the reverence and respect they both
once had.
Morry Rotenberg
6 months ago
The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party has successfully destroyed almost every
American institution and norms. How do we free ourselves from this societal
destruction? Where is the pushback from the voices of reason?
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
The push back has been pushed into a dark corner by the FBI, the Administration,
the CIA and all the three letter agencies and bureaucrats with letters behind their
names that mean nothing any more.
Bill Garman
6 months ago
This is yet another institution in which trust has been destroyed.

The New World Order cannot be imposed until all vestiges of The Old World have been

Another crucial institution being destroyed in this manner is law enforcement. BLM
and #DEFUND are all meant to drive away those who are loyal to their oaths so they
can be replaced with Party Loyalists.
Sharon Sapp
6 months ago
Yes, Physicians are not allowed to use therapeutics for the China Virus. Instead,
patients are left to die on ventilators and Physicians that do treat patients with
the China Virus are losing their hospital privileges. This is all true, but there
is another medical event happening at the same time, surgeons are removing normal
tissue for what is actually a psychiatric condition, the "trans" phenomenon. If
someone thinks they're a woman, fine, we'll remove your healthy, functioning penis
and testicles, no problem. You think you're a man, fine, we'll remove your normal
breasts and attempt to create male anatomy. We will give you hormones to promote
your delusion. Hospitals used to have Tissue Committees to assure that normal
tissue is not being removed by surgeons. Do No Harm is over.
JC Raines
6 months ago
It is nauseating to watch human beings default to the Edenic evil within
themselves: They are lazy and insecure and so they mold and shape the culture to
accommodate their sloth and their fragility. As a result, the rest of us suffer
from the dearth of talented, qualified people who heal, who feed, who drive, who
teach and who advise, let alone who judge. We have entered the culture of
incompetence. "Progressives" (read Marxists) alone are to blame.
donald b welch
6 months ago
tylenol house brand equate...reg not extra strength. 325mg. two before you go to
bed. one/two weeks and covid is gone. cost: $2.97 for 100 at wally world.
definitely stay out of the hospitals. billing machine. you're welcome.

my take.

good hunting.

anuary 24, 2022

Lockdowns, Masks, and Vaccines Have All Been Complete Failures, But That’s Not the
Real Problem
By William Sullivan
It’s becoming ever more apparent that the government health intelligentsia’s
efforts to protect Americans from COVID have been a complete failure. That’s why
you’ve heard nothing about its success.

But here’s what we do know for sure:

There’s never been any convincing evidence that wearing a loose-fitting rag over
your face stops viral spread, but if that doesn’t give one pause to question the
efficacy of the practice, then there’s always the incontrovertible fact that there
isn’t a single place on the planet which can be pointed toward as the beacon of
evidence for the efficacy of mask mandates.

Regarding the insanity of mass masking, Ian Miller continues doing the yeoman’s
work of using government-collected data to produce very convincing arguments that
the cloth masks and mandates are useless, in both easily digestible graphics and
prose, on his Substack and Twitter account -- both of which I recommend. You won’t
be shocked to learn that the media has, thus far, been uninterested in reporting
any of it.

Those who brought us the six-foot distancing standard have openly admitted that
they invented it without any real scientific premise -- it just sounded good, and
they thought it was something people could easily follow. And societal lockdowns
in general, once just a matter of “the science,” have proven to be more
counterproductive than productive. Italy, which is often credited with having
“invented” the concept of a national lockdown” in the West, implemented “some of
the strictest lockdown measures in the world,” according to Thomas Fazi and Toby
Green at UnHerd. They continue:

Yet Italy is also one of the countries with the highest mortality rate per capita –
well above the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany, Sweden, and several other
countries that adopted much less restrictive measures. And there’s evidence that
this isn’t despite the lockdowns, but, most likely, because of them.

Similarly, lockdowns have obviously failed in America. Texas and Florida, for
example, have fared much better than the crazed lockdown prisons of New York and
New Jersey. People aren’t fleeing to places like Texas and Florida in record
numbers because they think COVID will be more likely to kill them in these less
restrictive places. Rather, they know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that COVID is
unlikely to kill them in any state, and are simply seeking greener pastures when it
comes to their own life and liberty.

Like the stupid masks and the stupid lockdowns that have proven to be more harmful
than helpful, the vaccines have also proven entirely ineffective at achieving what
we were all promised they would.

These vaccines do not prevent infection. These vaccines do not prevent

transmission. These vaccines, at best, help to prevent serious illness or death
from infection. In this regard, it’s very difficult to understand these drugs to
be “vaccines” at all. And these drugs most certainly introduce unknown health
risks for healthy people who are at virtually zero risk of harm from the virus.
One study finds, for example, that teenage boys who get the jab are six times more
likely to be hospitalized from heart complications related to the vaccine than they
are at risk of hospitalization due to the virus.

Those are facts. And, knowing that those are indisputable facts that not even Dr.
Anthony Fauci would refute, there is no reason for any rational human being to
support universal vaccination or perpetual booster shots for COVID.

The vaccines do not provide the salvation that was promised. Government lockdowns
create more harm than good. Masks do not work and have never worked anywhere.
There is ample evidence to prove all of that, and so clear is this evidence now
that Britain has just announced that it would be ending nearly all anti-COVID
restrictions, including masking in public, vaccine passes for large venues, and all
work-from-home requirements.

That’s good news. America followed the Euro-herd into lockdown, and following them
out would be a welcome development. But the biggest problem with the anti-COVID
restrictions isn’t that they don’t work. The problem with them is something much
more fundamental.

On Bill Maher’s most recent show, Bari Weiss stumbles upon the most important
problem with these restrictions, passionately telling Maher and his audience:

I’m sorry, if you believe the science, you will look at the data that we did not
have two years ago, and you will find out that cloth masks do not do anything. You
will realize that you can show your vaccine passport at a restaurant and still be
asymptomatic and carrying Omicron.

And you will realize, most importantly, that this is going to be remembered by the
younger generation as a catastrophic moral crime…

People are killing themselves. They’re anxious. They are depressed. They are
lonely. That is why we need to end it, more than any inconvenience to that it’s
been to the rest of us. I think…it’s a pandemic of bureaucracy!

And the audience, undoubtedly comprised of mostly leftwing mask mavens and Fauci
cultists, roared its applause.

There is no greater sign that the tide is turning against our oppressors than that,
but it seems clear to me that the audience missed the point of her comments, and,
quite frankly, I’m not sure that it was even entirely clear to Ms. Weiss.

There are two ways to look at this argument to end masking, lockdowns, and vaccine

The first is that because all of these infringements upon our liberty failed
miserably and are not only entirely ineffective but harmful, we can and should go
back to something close to what life looked like before. This appears to be why
so many people have now begun to oppose them.

But imagine, for one moment, that the lockdowns, masks, or vaccines actually did
work. Would that mean the government could force us to take experimental vaccines,
lockdown society, or mask up into perpetuity? Because that wouldn’t address the
myriad other problems that Ms. Weiss describes as the result of government policy
when it comes to COVID, like rampant loneliness, depression, anxiety, drug abuse,
and suicide.

No, the problem with vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and compulsory masking is not
that they don’t work, but that they take the life out of life. The problem is that
by submitting to all of that in order to have a small sense of security, we traded
our freedom to go to church, to dine at our neighborhood restaurant with friends,
to attend a football game, to earn a living without being forced to inject
substances into our bodies, and to even see our friends and neighbors smiling at us
when we pass them at the grocery store.

Those are the things that make life worth living. And even if lockdowns, masks,
and the vaccines did work, what we’ve seen these past two years would still amount
to nothing more than an unjust and tyrannical violation of our God-given right to
life and liberty, which our government exists to protect.

If we can’t be sure that we’re arguing on those grounds, rather than arguing about
the efficacy of these particular infringements upon our liberty by an unelected and
unaccountable government bureaucracy, then we can be sure that the next
infringements they devise for us will be far more brazen and harmful.
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License


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Dorothy Gable
6 months ago
The spirit of the founders of our country believed in freedom for all with rule of
law and a level field of opportunity whereby individuals can easily begin or stop
an enterprise that benefits themselves and their communities. Imagine life without
the developments that have occurred with our political-economic system. However,
the urge to dominate resides within us all and the fragile checks and balances
baked into our Constitution held it back. The founders did warn that our system
would work only for responsible, accountable adults - they described the required
traits as a god-fearing people. For if we believe in a God of truth and justice, we
will attempt to live out these principles even when no one is looking. Can we turn
the tide without God in the hearts of more of us? Only God knows, but we need to
first live out these principles in our lives and share them with others.
6 months ago
Time to defund the corrupt bureaucrats
Donn Reeves
6 months ago
"...this is going to be remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic
moral crime..." LOL. Our younger generation does not even know the definition of
"moral". And why should they? Where would they be taught this? In church? In a
Sharon Sapp
6 months ago
Don't dare mention Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as treatment!
Alan Stevens
6 months ago
That is like showing Dracula the Cross!
Edward McIntosh
6 months ago
Ditto - the only thing worse would be drawing a cartoon of the "Prophet."
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Not sure that young people will think it to be a crime. Far too many young people
are wearing masks in the stores than senior citizens. Young parents drag their 3
year old's along with masks over their faces. Some have two diapers on one at the
bottom adn one at the top.
Edward McIntosh
6 months ago
Everyone needs to go read the history of Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei who in
the late 1500's, with a band of brave souls, dared to suggest that the Earth was
NOT the enter of the known universe and was merely one tiny, tiny part of a giant
universe. The Earth centrix model had been "settled science" for eons thanks in
part to the dictatorial influence of the Catholic Church. Galileo was hauled before
the infamous Inquisition for his heresay and placed under house arrest for the rest
of his life.

What is happening today with the mass hysteria and constant fear mongering is NOT
science. Not even close.... Real science welcomes dissenting opinions and
reproducable results that prove a theory. Even then, real science is very fluid and
new discoveries are replacing old ones daily. Those of us who deny the phony
science of masks, lockdowns, social distancing and even these dangerous non-
vaccines are hauled before the social media Inquisition daily just as Galileo was.
Often with the same result. FYI - He is now called the Father of Modern Science !
Joel Fine
6 months ago
The next health "emergency" will be climate change. Good luck getting our liberty
back after that.

anuary 22, 2022

The Top 10 COVID Villains of 2021
By C.J. Baker
Your humble correspondent hoped to have this retrospective completed by the start
of the New Year, but a tussle with omicron intervened. Nevertheless, it still
seems worthwhile to pause and remember the worst COVID offenders of 2021.

As we do so, questions inevitably arise. When will these wrongdoers be held

accountable for the death and destruction they have wrought on our world? What
should their punishments be? How should they be made examples of — cautionary
tales to dissuade those who might plot similar evils in the future?

Without further ado, here are our Top 10 COVID-19 Villains of 2021.

10. Sonny and Fredo Cuomo (tie). Of the two fatally flawed Cuomo boys, Andrew is
the hotheaded, bullying, enemy-collecting former Don, while Chris is the hapless
beta who got dropped on his head or something. Before Andrew paid the ultimate
price for his sexual harassment escapades, he managed to whack thousands of
innocent yet expendable nursing home nonnas. Chris ran interference for his big
brother on CNN, then briefly acted as his damage-control consigliere until he got
the kiss of death himself, leaving the Cuomo family in desperate need of a Michael.

9. Randi Weingarten. The Jimmy Hoffa of "educators," Weingarten is president of

the American Federation of Teachers, the most powerful teachers' union in the
United States. More than any other single individual, Weingarten spearheaded the
prolonged and utterly unnecessary school closures that shattered the lives of
millions of children throughout the COVID-19 era. Now she attempts to gaslight the
public about her central role in that titanic injustice, while still pushing for
school closures during omicron. That's the kind of feral, black-hearted goblin
that makes Grendel's mother look like Donna Reed.

8. Kathy Hochul. When New York's current governor replaced the execrable Andrew
Cuomo, citizens thought better days must lie ahead. Instead, in a classic "hold my
beer" moment, this unknown quantity simply changed the motto above the governor's

With her creepy-as-all-get-out Vaxed necklace, her remarkable resemblance to

Margaret Hamilton, and her demonic lust to oppress the Oompa Loompas formerly known
as New Yorkers, Hochul has forever claimed the title of the "Wicked Witch of
Western New York." Giving this devil her due, Hochul is a bit of a phenomenon: a
truly dangerous harpy who apparently sprang fully formed out of the primordial ooze
that is local New York Democrat party politics.

7. Rochelle Walensky. To some, Dr. Hot Mess may seem to have a bit too much Lucy
and Ethel in her to make this exclusive list. Hardly the sharpest knife in the
drawer, Walensky (Biden's choice for CDC head) is a bit of a dark horse, but hear
us out.

Walensky so brazenly seeks to abuse power that she attempted to singlehandedly

prolong the federal eviction moratorium on public health grounds — giving Americans
a shot across the bow about how woke Big Medicine feels about all our civil rights.
She has also driven the CDC's remaining credibility off a cliff with 1) the
laughably bad in-house studies she has used to back her recommendations, 2) the
email revelations that she takes policy orders from Weingarten's teachers' unions,
and 3) her utterly incoherent change-with-the-wind "guidance."

Machiavelli warned against assuming malice when incompetence explains abuse of

power, but Walensky proves it's a false choice when the person in question is so
generously blessed with both. Bonus points for coming so late to the game, knowing
exactly the evil she was signing up for, and diving in headfirst.

6. Francis Collins. The human embodiment of hypocrisy, Collins presents himself as

Mister Rogers while behaving like Dr. Evil. The ultimate enabler, front, and
(relatively) silent partner to Anthony Fauci for the past dozen years, Collins
retired as NIH director after being caught lying to Congress about the gain of
function research his NIH funded at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which, as
everyone from Rand Paul to Jon Stewart knows, was the source of this whole

Recently FOIAed emails reveal that Collins, notwithstanding his fatuously gentle,
avuncular public persona, demanded a "quick and devastating published takedown" of
the three "fringe epidemiologists" (from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford!) who wrote
the Great Barrington Declaration. How dare such insolent (if truly expert)
commoners attempt to avert the immense, worldwide collateral damage that Lords
Collins, Fauci, and Co. have decreed to befall us!

When the final analysis is made about the origins of COVID-19 and the harms
deliberately caused by the official response to it, Collins's sins will closely
shadow Fauci's. In one respect, though, Fake Francis stands alone: without
question, he is the most nauseatingly disingenuous personality on this list. Just
watch his self-serving bastardization of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" to see this
human gag reflex's repulsive personality in full flower.

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services via YouTube. Click if you

5. Albert Bourla. Ever wonder why the push for mass vaccination with mRNA vaccines
makes you feel like one head in a herd of cattle during a brucellosis outbreak?
Well, wonder no more. That's right, ladies and gentlemen: the CEO of the world's
largest and most rapacious pharmaceutical company is a veterinarian. But there's
no All Creatures Great and Small vibe coming from this guy; it's all human beings
as livestock, all the time.

Bourla reportedly made 21 million dollars in salary alone from Pfizer in 2020,
while publicly calling all those who questioned the universal, forced, and repeated
administration of his leaky, toxic, rapidly obsolescing vaccines "murderers."
Project much? The amoral poster child for Big Pharma and its evil spawn, Big Vax.

4. Mark Zuckerberg. He's the smarmy, impudent personification of social media

censorship, population-level thought control, and exploitation of the masses.
Since Day One, Facebook has been the epicenter of suppression and silencing of all
dissent from the lockdown/no early treatment/vaccines forever COVID-19 narrative.

Zuckerberg's foundation — in concert with J&J's — even funded the putrid Atlantic
hit piece on Dr. Robert Malone. You can almost see Zuck rubbing his hands together
with perverse pride, knowing he has finally made the jump from mere arrogant social
media über-jerk (à la Jack Dorsey) to a genuine Silicon Valley force for worldwide
evil, like...

3. Bill Gates. The éminence grise behind the whole disaster, and damn proud of it.
Gates has wielded the obscene wealth of his Foundation as a cudgel, hijacking
effective control of the World Health Organization's policy and messaging.

Furthermore, he partnered with Anthony Fauci to promote and produce the perverse
fear-mongering infectious disease war games such as MARS 2017, SPARS 2017, and
Clade X. His goal: To condition government agencies, the legacy media, and the
medical establishment to the inevitability of just this sort of pandemic, and the
need for the totalitarian measures and forced vaccination programs that have since
come to pass. Pure evil.

2. Xi Jinping. As the pandemic began in his own country, Dear Leader responded by
1) brutally locking down his own people, 2) systematically lying to the rest of the
world, and 3) ensuring the spread of the virus worldwide. Two years later, he's
locking his people down again to ensure that his "genocide Olympics" won't be

Xi might have been ranked first but for two setbacks. First, he looks too much
like Winnie the Pooh. Second, Xi is a communist dictator, after all. He's
supposed to be evil.

1. Anthony Fauci. The linchpin of the entire COVID-19 disaster, Lil' Tony makes
Dr. Strangelove seem like Marcus Welby, M.D. Fauci has been a central antagonist
at every step of this global catastrophe, from funding its origins in Wuhan to the
allowance of its worldwide spread to the systematic suppression of existing
treatments to all the repressive policies to the takeover of the medical profession
by Big Vax to the effective revocation of the Bill of Rights by the Deep State.

But don't take our word for it. Read RFK Jr.'s The Real Anthony Fauci, and ask
yourself this question: what fate does this individual deserve if just one-tenth of
that book is true? In our humble opinion, Fauci will be remembered as the greatest
criminal against humanity since Pol Pot, and the most notorious traitor in the U.S.
federal government since Alger Hiss.

Honorable mention: J. Biden, J. Dorsey, B. Johnson, R. Klain, S. Morrison, G.

Newsom, the Scarf Lady, and the Bat Lady.

There you have it, folks: our top 10 COVID-19 villains of 2021! Did we forget your
favorite? Please let us know in the comments below.

Happy 2022!


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Bonne Bete
6 months ago
Excellent commentary, even brought a smile or two to my face. One thing that might
move him up in the poll...Zuckerberg almost single-handedly stole the election for
Biden and saddled us with that bore, which may bring down the republic!
Morry Rotenberg
6 months ago
You forgot the never Trumpers who contributed to the toxic ant-Trump atmosphere
that helped the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party steal the election that could
have given Trump more time to fire Tony and clean out the rest of the merd in DC.
Richard Melliand
6 months ago
Nominate you for the Pulitzer Prize, any category.
Carol Vice
6 months ago
It’s a good list. Let the COVID tribunals begin! I will volunteer to be Fauci’s
executioner. The most medieval form of torture and death is too kind for that
Alan Stevens
6 months ago
It is time for Nuremberg 2.0
Trudie Weiser
6 months ago
Loved every word of this humorous essay!!!
Emmer Biggins
6 months ago
Hang them all
Alan Stevens
6 months ago
Fauci and Gates and Zuckerberg have been depop advocates for close to 20 years.
Mark Schooley
6 months ago
I liked your catch that Pfizer CEO/COTB is a veterinarian.

Anthony Fauci has NO SCIENTIFIC DEGREE. He has a humanities bachelor's in Classic

and Koine Greek. He was ineligible to receive a biology, chemistry or other science
bachelors. He did not even take enough college science to earn a minor that might
have qualified him for entrance into a graduate science-degree program. He was
completely ineligible to enter a master's or Ph.D. graduate science program.

But he went to Cornell University Medical School! Cornell Med, like every other
American medical school in 1962, including Harvard, admitted humanities majors.
They were admitted under the expectation they would make compassionate community
primary care physicians. When I did pre-med, there was a widespread belief that you
had to major in biology or chemistry to get into med school. This was erroneous. I
had med-school classmates who majored in history. They had completed two semesters
of freshman chemistry, two semesters of freshman biology, a semester of freshman
physics, and a semester of organic chemistry. The same science coursework was
required for dental school admission.

In Dr. F's case, College of the Holy Cross did not even offer a bachelor's degree
in biology in 1958-62. It set up a pre-med/pre-dent curriculum in which one
instructor taught both the chemistry and physics courses. No university that
conferred physics and chemistry degrees did this. Dual-science-subject teaching was
the province of high schools.

Dr. Fauci landed at NIH, under a post-WWII doctors' military-service requirement:

US Public Health Service offered service-qualifying uniformed-service commissions.
Dr. F's second choice was US Navy.

His entrance into medical research was marked by performing non-randomized-controll

experiments utilizing patented drugs' "repurposing" aka "off-label" uses. He
reported that cyclophosphamide (brand name Cytoxan), a cancer chemotherapy drug,
was effective in battling autoimmune diseases, such as Wegener's granulomatosis. In
HHS Secretary' Margaret Heckler's 1984 announcement of Dr. Fauci's promotion to
NIAID Director, this specific accomplishment was highlighted. Today,

anuary 22, 2022

The Corruption of Science by Money and Marxism
By Norman Rogers
There are many shady methods for making money. There are frauds like Ponzi schemes
or pump and dump stock schemes. A more subtle scheme is convincing naïve students
to take out large loans to pay inflated tuition so that colleges can milk the
taxpayer. The consequences of the student loan fraud are far-reaching, such as
delaying family formation and childbearing.

Another academic scheme is to posit a future catastrophe based on “scientific”

research. What follows is a vast flow of taxpayer money to the very academic
specialty behind the fraud. After all, more research is needed to study the looming
catastrophe. Rather than prevent the catastrophe that is imaginary anyway, real
catastrophes are created. For example, a consequence of the global warming
catastrophe scheme is spending billions on impactable and unaffordable wind and
solar electricity.

The enemy of truth is bureaucracy and centralization. President Eisenhower in his

farewell address pointed out a great danger to transparency and truth in science is
the financing of scientific research by the federal government. I remember
attending a scientific conference where one of the attendees that formerly worked
at the National Science Foundation severely criticized that bureaucracy as rife
with favoritism and politics. No one objected. You could hear a pin drop. None of
the other scientists dared say anything, much less criticize the National Science
Foundation. Centralization of authority and financing is the deadly enemy of free
speech and freedom of thought.

The increasing centralization of the medical industry has resulted in certain drugs
being blacklisted for the treatment of COVID. The drugs ivermectin,
hydroxychloroquine, and certain other drugs are widely recognized as being
effective therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of COVID. These drugs have
been used with great results in many countries. A case can be made that hundreds of
thousands of Americans died unnecessarily as a consequence of the blacklist.

Increasingly, doctors are employed by large organizations effectively controlled by

the federal bureaucracy. They risk being fired or having their licenses revoked if
they try to save the lives of patients by prescribing the blacklisted drugs. The
federal bureaucracy is motivated by a desire to enlarge its authority and budget as
well as to promote the political interests of the administration. Those interests
take priority over saving lives. Science is subordinated to politics.

H.L. Mencken hardly exaggerates the current situation:

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things
out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost
inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is
dishonest, insane, and intolerable...”

An established principle of the judiciary is that even an appearance of impropriety

is unacceptable. In federally financed science the impropriety is real, not just an
appearance. Various devices prevent the public from knowing what is going on. For
example, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado,
a hotbed of global-warming promotion, is financed by the federal government but
managed under contract by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
(UCAR), a collection of big-name universities that obviously run the place for
their own benefit. As a consequence, the laws giving the public the right to know
what is going on (freedom of information) don’t apply.

Individual scientists are often well-meaning and honest. But they are caught up in
a system where conformity is enforced. The system is not as oppressive as, for
example, communist China. This is America, after all. There are a small number of
open dissenters from global warming that manage to hang on to their jobs. Those who
survive as dissenters have to be talented politically. They must have an
impregnable record of accomplishment and it helps if they are independently
wealthy. Many dissenters are retired and thus less vulnerable to intimidation.
Canceling pensions in order to shut people up has not yet caught on. Without the
oppression of dissenters, global warming would never have caught on.

If a climate scientist were to announce to a class that global warming is a fraud

it is likely that he would be denounced and investigated. Perhaps lefty students
would throw eggs at him or dump buckets of water on his head. He might be denounced
as a racist. This is the state of academic freedom at our taxpayer-financed
universities. They are nearly all, in reality, taxpayer-financed, even the
supposedly private universities.

The paradox is that our scientific institutions are both cesspools of corruption
and national assets. The solution is not to close them down and force the army of
equity officers and administrators to get real jobs, as appealing as that idea
might be. Reform is needed and I have some suggestions.

The colleges have become bloated bureaucracies that exist for their own sake. Most
of the students are wasting their time. The obvious solution is a massive
downsizing. Downsizing should start in the hate America parts of the course
catalog. This is easily accomplished by cutting back on government support and
providing government support for alternatives to a college education.

Universities that practice systematic racism with taxpayer money, be it racial

preferences, the Jewish quota, or the exclusion of Asians from fair treatment, from
Harvard on down, should be held strictly accountable. The administrators who
enable racism should not be allowed to hide behind a shield of university-financed
attorneys. In other words, turn the racism meme against the academic racists. The
use of federal funds, directly or indirectly, to promote racism should be an
individual crime, not a corporate crime. The new law could be called the Martin
Luther King Prevention of Racism Act.

Loyalty oaths should be revived for the recipients of federal largesse. What’s
wrong with swearing an oath to the U.S. Constitution? Federal employees and
soldiers are required to take an oath of loyalty to the Constitution. Why are
academics paid directly or indirectly by the federal government not required to do
the same? Is America required to finance its own destruction?

No degree or diploma should be granted by federally supported schools unless the

student has received positive education in American institutions and history. That
was a requirement, since eliminated, when I was a student at the University of
California years ago.

Scientific research money could be allocated by state-based committees that would

not include scientists living off federal research money. Yes, that might result in
political favoritism as does the current system, but at least intellectual
diversity and freedom of thought would be promoted.

It is ludicrous to think that these suggestions are an infringement on academic

freedom. Academic freedom was replaced years ago by demands that the faculty
subscribe to anti-American ideologies. None of these suggestions prevent anti-
American intellectuals from forming hate-America universities. They just have to do
it without rivers of federal and state money, including student loans and tax

I am not proposing an American version of the Chinese cultural revolution, but

simple reform aimed at restoring the better parts of the status quo that existed 50
or 100 years ago before neo-Marxism became a dominant ideology in academic

Norman Rogers is the author of the book: Dumb Energy.

Image: Prokayotae


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People are much easier to control when they are terrified. Covid, global warming
and great tools. You can't use a drug that's been around for 50 years, is low cost,
and effective, this spoils the narrative and also stops the flow of $$$$$ to the
drug companies. If the Democrat Communists have their way we will totally destroy
our country/economy fighting global warming. Tyrants don't easily give up their
anuary 20, 2022
After COVID, Never Again
By J.B. Shurk
Two years ago, how many people would have predicted that tennis's number one ranked
player would be banned from competing in Australia and France for refusing to allow
their governments to decide what is injected into his body? How many people would
have predicted the construction of internment camps to house citizens who similarly
refuse to comply? How many would have predicted that national leaders of
"democratic" countries would demand censorship of dissenting points of view? How
many would have predicted that tech and media companies would eagerly jump at those
calls for censorship by actively deleting from the public square any voices
contrary to the official narratives sanctioned by those in power?

Whatever threat to human health the China Virus poses, it has been dwarfed by the
threats to peace, stability, and freedom caused by two years of government tyranny
run amok. For people who either never experienced the authoritarianism practiced
by dictatorships abroad or stubbornly believed that the "leaders" of "free" nations
would be somehow immune to the corrupting influence of power, these two years have
hopefully been a wake-up call. If and when we get on the other side of this COVID-
1984 war against citizens, "never again," must take on a new, additional meaning
that includes peoples' resolute promise never to allow their governments to embrace
totalitarianism in the names of "health" and "security." Take this shameful moment
in the history of nation-states once committed to liberty and use it to advantage
by teaching your children and grandchildren how quickly freedom can be smothered by
politicians and bureaucrats with "the best of intentions."

All of this leads to a damning question: why have so few people with power stood up
during these last two years to call out this COVID-1984 madness for what it is —
the greatest and most organized attack on human freedom in nearly a century? Yes,
voices have been censored in ways once unthinkable in the West. Sure, companies
have worked hand-in-glove with governments to intimidate, punish, and mock
dissenters. It is true that part of the reason for the success of Wu-Flu
totalitarianism is that a large portion of the population actually clamored for
governments to strip them of their rights and dominate their lives in a "bargain"
for personal survival as shortsighted as any ever made with the devil. What is
sometimes overlooked, however, is that no system created by humans is capable of
protecting freedom without constant pushback from the people whose freedom is at
stake. Even people still in possession of some lingering virtue find it difficult
to sustain a sense of right and wrong in the halls of government. Political
bureaucracy, by its nature, drains morality from its workforce.

Human life as just a number

Every human life matters. The problem is that government work teaches the opposite
lesson — that life is just a numbers game. Consider a small-town mayor in rural
America. Far from the swamp in D.C., that official is still forced to make
decisions that will statistically lead to someone's death. Perhaps the choice of
how to spend limited local tax dollars is between adding a traffic light and
celebrating the harvest in the town square. Choosing the latter may one day lead
to an unnecessary automobile death, while choosing the former may diminish the
mayor's re-election hopes. Government actors learn quickly that small decisions
have unintended life-or-death consequences.

Once human life is seen as nothing more than a number, though, most political
actors find it easier to bury their consciences beneath statistics. What kind of a
monster would trap people in their homes, close their churches, and deprive them of
any means of making a living? Well, for some of those monsters, case totals and
transmission rates outweighed the reason, rationality, or restraint required to
protect human rights during a potential emergency. Treating humans as numbers
justified trampling on the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The result of that
shortsightedness has been devastating.

Conspiracy of silence

Imagine a serial murderer preying on a community. Both the mayor and chief of
police are determined to protect their jurisdiction. Officers arrest a suspect who
seems guilty. A jury convicts and the murders stop. Then, years later, it is
discovered by an investigator that a piece of evidence was illegally planted on the
suspect and that the man in prison may not be guilty. What happens? For moral
people, the answer is simple: you bring the evidence of impropriety forward to
ensure that justice is done. However, in practice, such a disclosure would end up
damaging both the police force and the civilian political authorities, as well as
weaken the public's sense of safety, so too often, a conspiracy of silence
develops, whereby the very people vested with the power to punish crimes end up
becoming after-the-fact accessories to those crimes in a type of wicked feedback
loop. "Good intentions" are protected with silence, even after they've proven to
have caused tremendous harm.

Now think of everyone in the U.S. government who must have known that the
emergency-use "vaccines" developed to combat the China Virus would injure or kill a
percentage of those treated yet chose not to inform the public. Think of all the
doctors denying simple therapeutics to patients. Think of all the hospitals
fraudulently listing unrelated causes of death as from COVID instead of with COVID
in order to recoup higher payouts from the federal government. Think of all the
medical journals that have censored research contradicting the official COVID
narrative. Any one of these institutional guardians would have benefited the
public by providing greater transparency, but they chose instead to protect the
reputations of government actors, medical luminaries, and even "science" itself by
staying silent. When the "ends justify the means" and ethics are supplanted with
"good intentions," unfathomably large numbers of people can conspire to commit
crimes against humanity without ever having to say a word.

The allure of propaganda

The first lesson politicians learn is that slogans work. Unfortunately, this
lesson teaches them that propaganda is more important than objective truth.
Repetition of certain selected words becomes more valuable than complex nuance.
Successful repetition of lies proves that some people are more than willing to be
led astray. Routinely successful manipulation of a population eventually convinces
political actors that people are nothing but sheep to be controlled. People become
things not worthy of individual respect, and when that happens, propaganda flows
from the government without remorse. Those with power justify these deceits as
"noble lies."

When one "noble lie" is followed by another and another, nobody even asks what is
right or wrong. Instead, the question asked is whether those lies will succeed in
obtaining public compliance. Or whether those with power today will retain power
tomorrow. Or whether the policies of COVID-1984 further the "Great Reset" goals of
global government. Memes and sound bites replace concern for truth.

The end effect is rampant nihilism among those with power. Human life becomes
insignificant next to the self-interest of government actors. The natural rights
and liberties of any individual become undermined and forgotten. And those who
choose to defy regime-enforcing propaganda become "domestic enemies."

What two years of COVID-1984 should have taught people by now is that bureaucracies
can never be trusted to police themselves for our protection. When the powerful
treat the powerless as meaningless statistics to be manipulated and kept in the
dark, then it is up to the powerless to determine how much tyranny they are willing
to endure before deciding they've finally had enough.

Image: qimono via Pixabay, Pixabay License.


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John Schofield
6 months ago
In addition is the fact that a Federal employee built an evil empire within the
bureaucracy. He did it over decades and completely corrupted the purpose of the law
and of the bureaucracy. He was meant to be the middle- man between the politicians
with the money and the scientific researchers who needed the money. Instead he
diverted the money only to those researchers who loyally followed his agenda, which
coincided with profits from Big Pharma where he and his colleagues were heavily
invested. Science was perverted. Empiricism was shunned. The death toll soared
high. We must make sure this never happens again. If we allow it in the future the
mad scientists will invent more powerful weapons to use against humanity.
John Weed
6 months ago
China and Fauci are laughing all the way to the bank. Money in their pockets and
less humans to deal with. Globalism on the fast track.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Don't forget power. Power is addictive and some never get enough. Just like drug
addicts have to increase their intake in order to get the same buzz, power works in
the same way. It's never enough until one becomes king of the world.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Great article.

In general the world always had more totalitarian regimes than freedom loving

America was the major country experimenting with real freedom of people coming from
all various countries. The constitution is a great wonderful document but even the
Founders knew of the dangers. They tried to install many save guards but also knew
that those would not hold for totally immoral people.

While immigration was done properly in the beginning by giving people time to
assimilate it later turned into a bonanza of people streaming in from all over the
world without any restraints who could no longer assimilate what America stands
for. So tribes started fighting with other tribes which suited the power hungry
rulers just fine.

The insanity of Covid did not just arrive with the fist case of the illness. It was
in the making long before. Defectors from the old Soviet Union told us of the
dangers many decades ago. They already saw the signs but we just laughed. Democrats
have been working on gaining more and more power for over a century and
Republicans, especially the GOP just let them as long as they could also make some
money, watch some NFL games and get a couple of tax cuts across from time to time.
Now we see the results. The Left almost rules everything and finally some people
(some) have finally woken up.
Donn Reeves
6 months ago
It is all quite simple. Politics has become a blood sport. Winning or losing the
only thing that matters. How you get there is irrelevant. What happens if, God
forbid, a real pandemic comes along? Will it be a cry-wolf situation?
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Bill Gates already forecast a real horrible pandemic in the future. Someone is most
likely working on it already and on more vaccinations that do not work.
Donn Reeves
6 months ago
You're probably right... we'll be even more coerced and forced to take the jab.
Maybe this was just a dry run... really can't discount anything anymore.

anuary 19, 2022

Government's COVID Tyranny Heralding a New Dark Age
By Chet Richards
We were having tea under sparkling Southern California stars, just the two of us.
Seated with me, the distinguished lady was the director of the Ashmolean Museum at
Oxford. She had just given a lecture on Dark Age Britain after the withdrawal of
the Roman legions in the early 400s. The army had gone south to deal with imperial
politics. I ventured the idea that maybe this period was not quite so dark. After
all, we know from Scandinavian stave temples that they could build extraordinary
structures in perishable wood. And we know about the intricate metalwork from this
period. Then, too, Saxon Britain did have a sophisticated poetic oral tradition.

She changed my mind. All those things may be true, but Britain lacked one
essential: they had no coins. Without money, the economy lapsed back into barter.
Long-distance trade, with its information networks, collapsed. People became
isolated in their farms and villages. The world beyond became a mystery. Literacy
disappeared. For more than a century, until the arrival of Christian missionaries,
and with them literacy and coinage, the age was dark.

True, there were some candles in the dark. Tintagel on the Cornish coast was one,
giving rise to the legends of King Arthur. And oral histories give us some
glimpses into the events of that era of Saxon settlement, but for most people, the
land had returned to a pre-civilization state.

It wasn't the fault of the British. It was the consequence of political

mismanagement in the larger world of the Roman Empire. The Problem of Succession
had troubled the empire from its beginning. They never did establish a
constitutional mechanism for picking an emperor. Often it was the strongest
general who captured the imperium. For term limits, the empire relied on
assassination. Civil war was endemic in the third century and became a problem
again in the fifth.
Still, the empire could hold its own. After all, it was the world's first stable
global civilization. It had endured and prospered through many challenges for five
hundred years. But there was one challenge that brought down the western half of
the empire: the climate changed. The world entered into a Little Ice Age. The
Rhine and Danube rivers now froze each winter, thereby giving yearly access for
marauding Germanic invaders. The legions were stressed almost to the breaking

The Huns, fleeing west from even colder Central Asia, drove the Christian Goths
ahead of them. The Goths were granted sanctuary within the Roman Empire. Nothing
new there — the Romans had been integrating newcomers for centuries. But then
tragic mistakes were made. Roman officials so badly abused the Goths that the
latter revolted and annihilated the Roman army at Adrianople. The Goths were now
major players in Roman politics.

Over the next generation, the Goths, and other migrating Germans, became pretty
well integrated into the Roman Empire, with Stilicho and Alaric now the commanding
generals. The old-timers in the western Roman court were resentful of these new
people, however. Their office politics induced the incompetent western emperor,
Honorius, to execute his protector, Stilicho, and then demote Alaric. The Roman
army, loyal to Stilicho and his deputy Alaric, revolted, and Alaric sacked Rome in

Obviously, what happened was much more complicated than that! But one consequence
was the withdrawal of Roman forces from Britain and the beginning of a new Dark Age
in the West. The eastern Roman empire, much better managed, continued for another
thousand years.

The message is that great nations really can collapse. And political mismanagement
in times of environmental stress can cause it.

We live in another age of environmental stress: the years of COVID. Unfortunately,

our liberal establishment has politicized and totally mismanaged the COVID
pandemic. The consequences for America are potentially revolutionary. In this age
of instantaneous communication, things can happen much faster than they did in the
century-long collapse of the western Roman Empire. Mismanagement of the COVID
Crises is likely to produce a permanent change in this nation's political
environment — a change for the better, I would hope.

We got here through a century-old political fashion: Progressive Technocracy.

According to this seductive idea, centralized experts, with their vast accumulation
of information, would be much better equipped to manage society than individuals at
the local level. Adopting this idea, our liberal forebears established the
necessary agencies for technocratic management. These agencies gradually gathered
power to the extent that our economy is now greatly overmanaged, has become
fossilized, and is showing symptoms of collapse. Supply chain crises, inflation,
lockdowns, mandates, homeless, riots, anyone?

Technocracy is an interesting idea and may be suitable if society is simple, but

ours is not. Any systems engineer will tell you that the greater the complexity,
the more important it is for control to reside in the periphery. Central control
is useful only for the most basic decisions. In our vastly complex modern
technological society, the amount of critical information flowing is far greater
than any central agency can possibly receive, digest, and decide about. Only a
free enterprise society, with local decision-making using local information, can be
stable. Witness the fall of the technocratic Soviet Union and the current internal
problems of centralized China. Witness the disaster of COVID management.
COVID has shown us how rigid a technocracy can be, even in a supposedly democratic
society. Consider the one-size-fits-all policy of President Biden, strongly
supported by his leftist cult of maskers. You must get multiple vaccinations, or
else! There is no science here, only totalitarian compulsion. The problem with
Biden's prescription is that not only does it not work medically, but it also has
caused grave damage to our economy. It is going to take many years to fully
recover. The policy has damaged our faith in the wisdom, ethics, and efficacy of
the government. This is Dark Age stuff. It must not take permanent hold or
American civilization, too, will collapse.

As a consequence of the COVID policy, HHS, NIH, CDC, OSHA, the FDA, and other
associated agencies are now held in disrepute by much of the population. This
bodes ill, as well, for the reputation of several other federal agencies, such as
those involved with the environment. Technocracy has been severely damaged. It
may be that its era is drawing to a close.

Scuttlebutt says that this year, Congress will pass entirely into the hands of the
Republicans. If so, expect major inquiries into the malfeasance of these agencies.
The probability is also high that Donald Trump, or possibly Ron DeSantis, will be
the next president. If so, all hell will break loose with his investigations, and
reform, of the Executive Branch of government. We are likely to be at the
beginning of a truly new age in our political history.

Most people go about their daily lives without paying much attention to politics.
It is only when things start to go bad that they turn their attention to public
affairs. Then, they react strongly, and, in the American tradition, almost always
correctly, to fix the problem. It is much like house-breaking a puppy. A common
technique is to put his nose in his mess, then lead him to the door. With the
advent of President Biden, the mess that the Progressives have made over the
decades has now become apparent to all. The noses of even the most die-hard true
liberals are now in it. The reaction will be appropriate. We will soon be out the
door and making our escape from Progressivism. We will then be free to pursue real

Progressives: Be prepared for permanent exile into the political wilderness.

Better yet, prepare to fade away completely.

With the loss of the American colonies, England was in a panic. Adam Smith calmed
England down by noting: "There is a great deal of ruin in a nation." Indeed, the
glory days of Great Britain were still ahead. Despite our current travails, our
future is likely equally bright.

Image via Pixnio.


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Sharon Sapp
6 months ago
The first thing I said when this started was "Tyrants don't easily give up their
power". I was correct. In Texas, our governor, Greg A-Butt, closed small businesses
while allowing large chains to remain open, he dictated that restaurants decrease
the number of tables and place plexiglass shields between tables, he dictated that
we wear masks. Now, he's up for re-election and is channeling Ron DeSantis. We are
all supposed to forget what came before and only remember the present. This whole
event has been nothing but tyranny from the Federal Government, States, and Cities.
We also have too many Federal Agencies dictating to us. It's time to reinstate the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Don't forget, didn't he also work with the progressives on the Green Energy adn
installed all those windmills? Mother nature had other thing in mind. If not so
many people would have died because of this total mismanagement it was rally funny
with people using hair dryers operated by fossil fuels to de ice the mangled
Dorothy Gable
6 months ago
Excellent summary of the collapse of empires. Yet God provided the turning point,
birthing the rise of Christianity, along with science. Perhaps another turning
point is around the corner. Let us pray. Either way God has allowed present
circumstances to strip away the notion that we can depend upon federal government,
agencies and their largess to provide our needs.
Clinton Helton
6 months ago
"Scuttlebutt says that this year, Congress will pass entirely into the hands of the
Republicans. If so, expect major inquiries into the malfeasance of these agencies."

I don't expect any such thing. What I do expect, should Republicans regain
numerical advantage in the House and/or Senate, is that the Democrat agenda will
roll-on. Republicans always have an excuse about how hard it is to get things done.

When Republicans are elected, they are in office.

When Democrats are elected, they are in power.

anuary 16, 2022

Our Post-COVID Loss of Liberty
By William Sullivan
Polls now show that four in five Americans accept that COVID will be around for
good, and those who have been irrationally peddling fear about the virus are
finally losing credibility fast. But significant and lasting damage to the country
may have already been done.

Remember that when we were promised “fifteen days to flatten the curve,” it was
only meant to delay cases, not prevent them. It was a pandemic, after all, and it
was fully understood by public health officials and Americans that the virus would
claim lives. The idea was simply to spread the hospitalizations and deaths over
time so as not to overwhelm the nation’s healthcare system. But by our submission
to the newfangled and liberty-strangling government interventions that were meant
to work in service toward this goal, we effectively conceded that the rightful role
of government is to manage hospital infrastructure and ensure Americans’ access to
We may not want to believe that, but it’s true.

Imagine you’re an upstanding citizen in your suburban community. You pay your
taxes, you jump through the regulatory hoops and pay all the licensing fees to keep
your beloved little neighborhood eatery up and running, and you try to give your
best to your family and community every day. Then, one day in March of 2020, the
government decides that a health emergency that might overwhelm some hospitals in
some American cities is reason enough to make it illegal for you to make a living
by selling a burger to your neighbor who wants to buy one.

More than that, it’s also reason enough to force your children out of school and to
shutter your church. This is not because any hospitals near you are overwhelmed,
mind you, but because some hospitals, somewhere, perhaps far away, might be
overwhelmed at some point in the future. And this understanding between the
government and its citizens continues long after capacity at any American hospital
is seriously stressed beyond the norm, on the grounds that the unseen and
omnipresent viral threat we potentially face could emerge and ravage the hospital
infrastructure at any moment.

This isn’t a far-fetched hypothetical, and this is a serious question: if our

government can do all of that in an effort to manage the distribution of healthcare
services, what can’t the government do to manage it?

We conservatives lost this battle as we’ve lost so many other battles.

Progressives, with all of their government, media, and corporate power, pushed
beyond anything we ever could have imagined with lockdowns, school shutdowns, mask
mandates, vaccine mandates, and more. To support all of this, progressives yell on
social media that “hospitals will be overwhelmed if the government doesn’t maintain
tight control over everything you do!”

Having been thoroughly defeated and demoralized by an onslaught of propaganda

campaigns fostering an insane level of public paranoia, conservatives and moderates
yell in response (when they’re not being actively silenced by social media, that
is), desperately hoping for compromise which might trigger some understanding among
those in our political opposition: “the hospitals aren’t at risk of being
overwhelmed anymore, so please, government, there’s no reason to keep controlling
everything we do!”

The difference between these two positions is easy to spot. One side believes that
the virus is currently dangerous enough to overwhelm hospitals, whereas the other
side does not. The common ground in these two positions should be equally easy to
see, and it’s the presumption that if the virus is as dangerous as it is in
progressives’ imaginations and their propaganda, the government might then
reasonably have grounds to control everything we do in order to protect and direct
healthcare services.

We’ve had robust debates about the severity of the virus. The merits of this more
important question -- whether our government even has the right to do such things
to free citizens at all -- has been lost in a frenzy of institutionally
orchestrated fear.

This was the question that we conservatives hoped the Supreme Court would address,
but alas, they seem to have chosen to split the baby.

While I was ecstatic to hear that the Court ruled against Biden’s OSHA mandate
which would have forced all Americans working for private companies with 100
employees or more to vaccinate or test in order to earn a buck, I was furious to
hear that Roberts and Kavanaugh sided with the leftist justices on Biden’s vaccine
requirement for healthcare workers as a condition of healthcare facilities’
receiving Medicare or Medicaid.

I intend to read the opinions in their entirety, but the surface logic for the
decisions is utterly incomprehensible.

If the executive branch can unilaterally issue such a vaccine mandate upon private
companies and workers, what is the difference between healthcare work and other
work, and why weren’t both mandates upheld?

If such federal mandates are somehow constitutional via the routinely abused
Commerce Clause, then Congress would have the right to exercise that authority, not
the executive branch. And if that is the case, then both mandates should have been
struck down.

Likewise, if the federal government has no right to exercise such authority because
it is not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution, then both mandates should have
been struck down.

Rather than appropriately ruling that the latter point is obviously the only
correct position in keeping with the Constitution’s Tenth Amendment (which has
never been abrogated, by the way), the Supreme Court instead seems to have ruled is
that the federal executive can violate the Constitution, but only in ways of which
the Supreme Court approves.

More questions loom, especially when one considers how these rulings reflect the
nature of the citizen’s relationship to our federal government. If it is somehow
constitutional for Biden to demand vaccination among healthcare workers on the
grounds that the federal government distributes federal benefits, why is it not
constitutional to demand that a bank teller be vaccinated in order to receive
Medicare, or Social Security, for that matter? We have all become coerced clients
of the federal government in one way or another, after all, and though it wasn’t
pitched that way to our great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents, a life in
which the federal government would have increased control over our lives is what
they signed us up for, just as we are now potentially designing a future for our
children in which the government administrates healthcare and distributes resources
for the collective upon its own volition rather than the individual provisions they
have the ability to devise.

This means nothing more or less than the forcible seizure of wealth and the
bureaucratic rationing of resources and services based upon political
considerations. And to prove it, look no further than the Biden administration’s
guidance to prioritize race in the distribution of lifesaving treatments for COVID
patients -- based not upon one’s individual needs or means, but on skin color

What we are witnessing is both democracy and despotism existing at once in our
nation. In Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville, whose prescient “tyranny
of the majority” warnings capture our current social and political landscape
incredibly well, writes:

I want to imagine with what new features despotism could be produced in the world.
I see an innumerable crowd of like and equal men who revolve on themselves without
repose, procuring the small and vulgar pleasures with which they fill their souls…
Above these an immense tutelary power is elevated, which alone takes charge of
assuring their enjoyments and watching over their fate.
If America in 2022 is anything, it’s an innumerable crowd of people who seek
equality amongst themselves, and they are anxiously self-absorbed, securing their
own vulgar pleasures in an effort to fill the spiritual hole which would have once
been occupied by God. And many of them seem to want nothing more than having an
elevated government power which can both assure their enjoyment and issue soothing
bromides about how it’s watching over their fate.

Photo credit: CC BY-SA 4.0 license


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Joe Strader
6 months ago
They can ask us to do anything they want to ask. We can use our intelligence and
available information to decide if we will do as they ask. If it makes sense, most
of us will do it.

They did not trust us to decide. They only gave us the information they wanted us
to have. They told us what we must do.

That is the difference between liberty and tyranny.

Tim Cooper
6 months ago
What's worse is the active intervention by our government to deny safe, inexpensive
medications to doctors that may have been a start to reduce the number of people
going to the hospitals in the first place. They certainly could have reduced the
number of deaths. Our government lied to us, the institutions that are supposed to
expose government nonsense failed us. It is sad how quickly most people are willing
to knuckle under and behave like sheep to the slaughter.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Looks like the majority of people will have to suffer more before there is a real
pushback against this tyranny. Going through the Left judges and courts no longer
is the only answer, besides it takes far too long. People's lives are ruined until
they come to a decision.

There comes a point of no return as they found out in Germany a long time ago and
are going the same rout again. But we are not too much better. The masses are not
uprising, if anything it is only the Left who is protesting, looting, smashing and
yelling. What have a couple of parents in school board meetings accomplished? not
very much they are still teaching the mess in most schools.

Far too many took the covid vaccines and are lining up for boosters. A society that
looks for uncle Sam to keep them save and happy will only reap total tyranny.
Arthur L Berkowitz
6 months ago
This entire response by this government is based on lies - small ones, big ones and
lots of them.

In the early days of the pandemic WE learned that when Dr. Birx answered a question
about how the number of Covid deaths was calculated. She publicly stated that
anyone who had SYMPTOMS of Covid at the time of their death were counted as Covid
deaths even without testing them and even if they died from some other cause.

It was also in the early days of the pandemic that I learned just how willing they
were to offer the BIG LIE to support their goal of fear. First the White House
advisors and then the mainstream media told us how hospitals were being overrun
with Covid patients and that emergency rooms and ICUs could not handle the load.
They even named several well known hospitals where this was occurring. It so
happened that the head of nursing at one of those hospitals was a personal friend.
When I called and asked her how the hospital was handling the overload, I learned
that it was totally false and that they only had 3 Covid patients in the hospital.

Perhaps the biggest and most dangerous lies have been about the treatments for
Covid. Anyone who still believes that HCQ is either dangerous or not effective or
that Ivermectin is merely an animal medication is just hiding their head in the
sand and refuses to do any research. Both medications along with Budesonide and
monoclonal antibodies could have saved hundreds of thousands of needless deaths. If
anyone doubts that, please explain why they are listening to so-called experts from
a country that ranks near the bottom for hospitalizations and deaths per
population. I would much rather listen to those countries with best record of
handling Covid, not the worst. How about you?

January 14, 2022

It’s Time to Admit Failure in the War Against COVID
By Steve McCann
Israel has been at the forefront of the unconventional/politically-oriented means
of combatting a respiratory virus.

Despite nearly 90% of the adult population being fully vaccinated, with vaccines
originally touted as nearly 100% effective in preventing COVID-19 infection, Israel
is currently experiencing the highest rate of COVID-19 infections since the
pandemic began. There is no magic solution in sight except ultimate herd immunity
which the latest variant, omicron, may well bring about.

The same is true for virtually every Western country, including the United States,
that has followed the same procedures and protocols. Having, for political
reasons, stupidly committed to doing the impossible, defeating or eradicating a
respiratory virus, it is time to admit failure.

That’s assuming the bureaucrats and governing elites, in their hubris, are capable
of doing so. If not, then the citizenry must say ‘no’ and do it for them.

From the beginning of the pandemic, Israel enforced lockdowns and isolation, mask
mandates, travel restrictions, and mass vaccinations. Then they returned to
lockdowns and mandates for additional booster shots when their great hope, the
vaccines, did not work as advertised.

Throughout the pandemic, they, as did their counterparts in the United States,
refused to consider any other alternatives. Other proven therapeutics such as
ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, were ridiculed and effectively outlawed as the
fixation on vaccines drove the medical bureaucracy, resulting in the needless
hospitalization and deaths of thousands.
Ultimately, the political class in Israel and America destroyed the education of
the children, driving many to drugs and suicide. They undermined and permanently
devastated livelihoods and the economy as well as basic human rights and access to
medical care while enriching the pharmaceutical companies.

The corporate and social media in both countries ridiculed, slandered, and
discredited thousands of medical professionals and scientists who criticized the
regimens and proposed common-sense solutions based on previous experience and
knowledge of respiratory viruses. The Great Barrington Declaration has been signed
by more than 916,000 people from around the world, including 60,000 such doctors
and scientists. Their proposals were ignored and essentially outlawed by the
bureaucracies in both countries.

These same government medical bureaucrats refused to admit that natural immunity is
more protective than a vaccine. When confronted with the reality of the failure of
the vaccines to stop the transmission of the virus, they doubled down and demanded
the citizenry acquiesce to endless booster shots. They branded, without any
scientific basis, people who chose not to get vaccinated, as enemies of the public
and as spreaders of the disease.

And yet even as their failures become self-evident, they still prescribe and
promote the same failed policies as they cannot admit their failures.

Recently Professor Ehud Qimron, a leading authority on epidemiology and the head of
Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University, wrote a scathing public letter
to the Israeli Ministry of Health that could have been addressed to the FDA, the
CDC, the Biden administration, and the denizens of the American corporate and
social media.

Professor Qimron begins his letter expressing the sentiments of the medical
professionals, the scientists, and the few journalists and columnists who were
warning the American people that the nation had embarked on the wrong path
beginning in March of 2020:

In the end, the truth will always be revealed, and the truth about the coronavirus
policy is beginning to be revealed. When the destructive concepts collapse one by
one, there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the
pandemic-- we told you so.

Two years too late you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated
and that any such attempt is doomed to fail. You do not admit it, you have
admitted almost no mistake in the last two years, but in retrospect it is clear
that you have failed miserably in almost all your actions, and even the media is
already having a hard time covering your shame.

You refused to admit that the infection comes in waves that fade by themselves,
despite years of observations and scientific knowledge. You insisted on
attributing every decline of a wave solely to your actions, and so through false
propaganda, “you overcame the plague.” And again you defeated it, and again and

Professor Qimron continues:

You refused to admit that recovery is more protective than a vaccine, despite
previous knowledge and observations showing that non-recovered vaccinated people
are more likely to be infected than recovered people. You refused to admit that
the vaccinated are contagious despite the observations. Based on this, you hoped
to achieve herd immunity by vaccination-- and you failed that as well.

In the later part of the letter:

However, from the heights of your hubris, you have also ignored the fact that in
the end the truth will be revealed. And it begins to be revealed. The truth is
you have brought the public’s trust in you to an unprecedented low, and you have
eroded your status as a source of authority. The truth is that you have burned
hundreds of billions of shekels to no avail-- for publishing intimidation, for
ineffective tests, for destructive lockdowns and for disrupting life in the last
two years.

You have destroyed the education of our children and their future. You made
children feel guilty, scared, smoke, drink, get addicted, and quarrel, as school
principals around the country attest. You have harmed livelihoods, the economy,
human rights, mental health, and physical health.

Professor Qimrom concludes:

There is currently no medical emergency, but you have been cultivating such a
condition for two years now because of a lust for power, budgets, and control. The
only emergency now is that you still set policies and hold huge budgets for
propaganda and psychological engineering instead of directing them to strengthen
the health care system.

This emergency must stop!

Everyone should read the full text of the letter.

The time has come for the American people to follow Professor Qimron’s lead, stand
up and declare that the powers-to-be have utterly failed and the pandemic is over.

Image: IDF Spokesperson's Unit photographer, via Wikimedia Commons // public domain

UPDATE: This article was corrected on January 14 at 5:10 p.m. Eastern Time.

6 months ago
President Trump could do a great service to the medical and scientific communities
by humbly admitting that he was wrong in following the advice of Dr. Fauci. (Pierre
C. LeMaster, retired pediatrician)
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
He should also stop saying that the vaccines are safe, that he is fully vaccinated
and boosted and that the vaccines have saved millions and millions of lives across
the planet. This is simply not helpful when too many places still require the shots
in order to work. Sure, he is against the Federal mandates, but that does not
matter if the vaccines ae still promoted in other ways.
Craig R Roberts
6 months ago
Sadly, there are too many on social media who still believe all of the lies they
have been told. These people revel in the dopamine hit they get from the upvotes in
the echo chamber. These same unthinking individuals flock to conservative websites
to support the uninformed conservatives who still follow the "sacred
pronouncements" of Saint Fauci.

When one attempts to demonstrate all of the untruths around the Wuhan Virus through
the application of logic, reason, and solid evidence, these morons resort to ad
hominems, logical fallacies, and other infantile means to attempt to discredit the
Noah Pen
6 months ago
The vast majority of people including doctors believe that most people dying of
Covid are unvaccinated. Until we refute that propaganda we will never make a dent
in this narrative.

anuary 10, 2022

Will the COVID Pandemic Cause a Big Government 'Ratchet Effect'?
By Nicholas J. Kaster
In his classic book, Crisis and Leviathan, economic historian Robert Higgs
introduced a key concept that he called “the ratchet effect.” Higgs noted that the
power of government grows during times of crisis, such as war or national
depression, but that once the crisis passes, the newly acquired power of the State
doesn't recede back to its original level.

Higgs explained:

“After the ideological transformation that took place during the Progressive Era,
each genuine crisis has been the occasion for another ratchet toward Bigger
Government. The Progressive ideological imperative that government must ‘do
something,’ must take responsibility for resolving any perceived crisis, insures
new actions. …Once undertaken, governmental programs are hard to terminate.
Interests become vested, bureaucracies entrenched, constituencies solidified.”

The COVID pandemic appears to supply yet another pretext for the move towards
bigger and more authoritarian government. The toll on personal and economic liberty
has been great and the deleterious effects may linger far longer than the virus.

Very early in the pandemic, economist Brian Wesbury expressed concern about the
ratchet effect on the economy. While he recognized that temporary government relief
was necessary, given the mandated lockdowns, he worried that the increased
expenditures would not be unwound once the crisis passed. In March 2020, Wesbury

“It's important that the expansion of government is not made permanent. The New
Deal took annual federal spending from about 3% of GDP to about 10% of GDP (before
World War II) and we never went back, or even close. Policymakers need to avoid
making COVID19 an excuse for another permanent leap upward in the size of
government, which would erode future living standards versus where they would
otherwise go.”

Since then, federal spending has skyrocketed, accompanied by unprecedented

quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve.

Total federal spending in the pre-pandemic year of 2019 was $4.4 trillion. Federal
outlays in 2021 reached $6.8 trillion, an increase of more than 50% in two years.
During the past two years, the U.S. has spent 27% of its GDP on COVID-related
stimulus, the most of any large industrialized economy. For the Left, this is still
not enough. President Biden’s grotesque Build Back Better program would have added
several trillion more in spending. This program is now stalled, thanks to Sen.
Manchin, although efforts will be made to revive it in a smaller form this year.

According to economist Frank Shostak, “the currently observed shortages of workers

and materials coupled with the large price increases of goods and services is
because of aggressive monetary pumping of the Fed and massive government outlays.”
In other words, the shortages and inflation we see are not because of COVID, but
because of government and central bank responses to COVID.

But we are promised more of the same. What is needed is precisely the opposite:
tighter monetary policy and reduction in spending.

The ratchet effect on personal liberty looks even more ominous.

Early on, in March 2020, mayors and governors invoked their emergency powers to
enforce lockdowns. Nearly two years later, this emergency power survives in the
blue states, many of which still retain indoor mask mandates and the shuttering of
in-class education. (Even in Missouri, a reliably red state, the governor only
relinquished his emergency powers on December 31). Most of the Democrat-dominated
big cities (e.g., Chicago, Boston, L.A., New York, San Francisco) have adopted
mandatory vaccination as a price for entering public accommodations such as
restaurants and health clubs.

The blue mindset also prevails in areas controlled by the federal government, which
is why there are still mask mandates for air or train travel. Worst of all, in
September 2021, the Biden Administration directed the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) to order employers to implement a vaccine mandate
regimen for every business with 100 or more employees. The U.S. Supreme Court is
currently reviewing the constitutionality of this sweeping and unprecedented

Major universities, utterly dominated by the Left, have imposed draconian COVID
lockdowns on a population cohort the least at risk from the virus. These edicts,
which amount to COVID hazing, have been chronicled by independent journalist
Michael Tracey. Here’s the most recent example: Yale University, which requires its
students to be double vaxxed and boosted, has instituted a campus-wide quarantine
until February 4, during which time students may not eat at local restaurants, even

Left-wing journalist Glenn Greenwald noted the ominous implications. “None of this
COVID bureaucracy will disappear even if a full cure is found tomorrow,” he wrote,
“it will just morph into some vague coercive public health apparatus.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci fully supports such a pivot. In September 2020, Fauci and
colleague David M. Morena wrote:

“COVID-19 is among the most vivid wake-up calls in over a century. It should force
us to begin to think in earnest and collectively about living in more thoughtful
and creative harmony with nature, even as we plan for nature’s inevitable, and
always unexpected, surprises.”

“Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as
well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve,” Fauci opined.
“[W]e will need to prioritize changes in those human behaviors that constitute
risks for the emergence of infectious diseases.”

Fauci and company, in other words, are trying to leverage the pandemic to radically
change the way we live.

It is impossible to predict how COVID authoritarianism may evolve, but there are
hints of how it may play out.

Recently, unelected New York governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation declaring
racism a “public health crisis” in the state of New York. She is likely following
the lead of the highly politicized Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). In April, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky declared racism a “serious public
health threat.” Municipalities across the country, including Chicago, Boston, and
Louisville, began to declare racism a public health crisis in the aftermath of
George Floyd’s death and the Black Lives Matter protests. Using “public health” as
a pretext to promote the Left’s “diversity and inclusion agenda” is just one way
for the Left to politicize public health.

Climate change is another way to leverage the pandemic.

In his book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and
executive chairman Klaus Schwab wrote that the COVID crisis should be regarded as
an “opportunity [that can be] seized to make the kind of institutional changes and
policy choices that will put economies on the path toward a fairer, greener

Michael Rectenwald, who has authored a series of articles on the Great Reset at
Mises Wire, noted that, “Although Schwab has been promoting the Great Reset for
years, the covid crisis has provided a pretext for finally enacting it.” According
to Schwab, we should not expect the post-COVID world system to return to its
previous modes of operation. Rather, Schwab suggests that changes will be, or
should be, enacted across interlocking, interdependent domains to produce a “new

Rectenwald writes:

“The Great Reset means the issuance of medical passports, soon to be digitized, as
well as the transparency of medical records inclusive of medical history, genetic
makeup, and disease states. But it could include the implanting of microchips that
would read and report on genetic makeup and brain states such that ‘[e]ven crossing
a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an
individual’s security risk.’”

If this sounds fantastic, consider the depredations of freedom that have already
occurred in Australia and New Zealand, once thought to be bastions of liberal

Ross Mittiga, a professor of political science, writing in the prestigious American

Political Science Review, provides the theoretical justification for
authoritarianism in dealing with climate change, explicitly citing the COVID
pandemic as precedent:

“While, under normal conditions, maintaining democracy and rights is typically

compatible with guaranteeing safety, in emergency situations, conflicts between
these two aspects of legitimacy can and often do arise. A salient example of this
is the COVID-19 pandemic, during which severe limitations on free movement and
association have become legitimate techniques of government. Climate change poses
an even graver threat to public safety. Consequently… legitimacy may require a
similarly authoritarian approach. While unsettling, this suggests the political
importance of climate action. For if we wish to avoid legitimating authoritarian
power, we must act to prevent crises from arising that can only be resolved by such

While a post-COVID ratchet effect is not inevitable, history tells us that it is

the paramount challenge we face in the coming years. Fighting to restore liberty is
a task that can hopefully unite conservatives of all stripes -- and hopefully some
old-style liberals too.

Image: Oxford University Press



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HAL 8999
6 months ago
There is virtually always a ratchet effect, and it is virtually always intractable.

When what eventually became the 16th Amendment was being debated over 110 years
ago, proponents of the federal income tax emphatically insisted that the tax would
"never exceed" 2% of a person's income, and that this rate would affect "only" the

Governments lie. Ipso facto. QED.

Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Depressing article so early in the morning, but true. Just don't rely on the
Republicans to right this ship. Even if they get the majority in congress next year
they will do nothing to reverse anything. They will just talk and talk and sound
important on TV talk shows.
Bob Wilson
6 months ago
where to begin?

you're a little late to the party glenn greenwald. and how can you still be a
leftist after experiencing life these past two years?
Robert Cunningham
6 months ago
" the newly acquired power of the State doesn't recede back to its original level.
Look at the Patroit Act and the highly ineffective TSA (which still has NEVER
stopped a hijacking). Even the DOJ has labeled parents at School Board Meetings as
terrorists and the 700+ people still in jail for attending a demonstration on Jan 6
(what happened to the right of assembly and religion?).

January 9, 2022
My Weekend with COVID (and the Jab)
By William Sullivan
My experience with COVID recently may be a bit unusual, as a friend pointed out to
me over the Christmas holiday.

Though COVID’s been everywhere for almost two years now, and I’ve been incessantly
commenting about the global overreaction to it while also decrying vaccine mandates
of any kind, luck would have it that I happened to both get the virus and
experience its symptoms at precisely the same time that I got the jab.
I won’t do that disingenuous and self-deprecating thing that so many people who’ve
gotten the jab like to do and suggest that “I did my research on the vaccines and
decided what was best for me” or tell you that “it was totally my choice.” No,
there was significant professional pressure for me to get it, and I ultimately
concluded that the jab likely poses neither a significant risk nor a health benefit
to me, and it was not a hill upon which I was prepared to die. I am in the
fortunate situation that I can, however, protect my wife and children from being
forced to get this experimental drug which they absolutely do not need.

And so, I scheduled my jab for early December.

“I think I may have COVID,” my wife said a day before my appointment. I ventured
to the local pharmacy and grabbed some at-home tests. Within minutes, hers showed
as positive.

Well… shucks. What was I to do? Not get the jab that had taken so long for me to
schedule, and do what all of the power-mad fearmongers in government and their
neurotic cult followers demand by immediately quarantining myself and my healthy
children in fear of exposing others to the virus?

Though the COVID cultists would consider our decision to be the highest and most
dangerous form of heresy, we simply watched for symptoms and decided to keep the
kids home only if they exhibited them. They never did. I tested negative and got
the jab.

To say that I’ve never experienced anything like that trip to the drugstore is an
understatement. I made an appointment at a local pharmacy that had my drug of
“choice,” and the masked pharmacist walked in asking which of my jabs this one
happened to be.

“Is this your first, second, or third?” he jovially said.

“It’s the only one I’m getting, doc,” I said. It didn’t hit me until later that I
was getting an experimental cocktail injected into my arm which carries potential
long-term risks, and the very least one might expect is that the guy injecting that
drug would look at my file first, or maybe just that two-page questionnaire I’d
filled out a few minutes before which would have easily answered his question or
told him whether my medical or family history might present a concern.

But like most Americans being herded like cattle toward the jab, I had no such
luck. It was all business after that brief small talk was over. The cap was off
the needle, and he simply asked, “Which arm do you want it in?”

“I don’t care, this one’s fine,” I said, pointing to my right arm.

“Great,” he said. On the table behind me, he tossed a closed folder, slightly
larger than an envelope, within which was a handwritten “vaccination card” and a
list of side effects to the shot.

“There’s some information in there if you’re interested in looking at it later,” he


Among that information was a litany of warnings that, I suppose, aren’t necessary
for patients to read or understand or sign prior to providing “informed consent” to
taking what is overtly described in the literature as an “unapproved vaccine” with
a “duration of protection” that is “currently unknown,” or that myriad, though
rare, and potentially deadly side effects could occur.

Afterward, my arm was sore at the injection site. This was no big deal and
expected. The next night, I felt a bit sick. Nothing terrible, though a bit achy
with a cough and mild fever (never over 100.2), and a somewhat strange skin
sensitivity which happens to be listed among the “risks” of the drug given to me,
as it happens -- an “unusual feeling in the skin (such as tingling or “a crawling

Which of these were symptoms of the virus or side effects of the jab, I couldn’t
say. Because after a couple of days, I lost my sense of smell. I was infected
with COVID, I presumed, and to satisfy my curiosity, I took a test.
Unsurprisingly, it read positive almost immediately.

Losing my sense of smell was by far the worst of it for me. I have had fevers,
aches, and coughs in the past, but I’ve never been able to put my face into a jar
of coffee and have absolutely none of it register with my brain. That was fairly
alarming, I’ll admit, but I was fortunate to have it back in a few days.

On the severity scale of all the illnesses I’ve experienced in my life, COVID
registers somewhere a few inches north of a cold and a few miles south of strep
throat or the flu. And for the vast, vast majority of people, the experience is
similar. Unless you are very old and unhealthy with specific risk factors, COVID
is simply just not very harmful.

What’s really interesting about the COVID-cult’s preachers, though, is that even
the remote possibility of extremely isolated examples of bad experiences among
seemingly healthy people with the virus is cause for mass public paranoia.

Take Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, frocked with all the fancy scientific credentials needed
to signify his moral authority on this matter, who took to Twitter to share a
TikTok video (because that’s where all doctors collect primary data supporting
their conclusions these days, I guess) of a young woman who claims to be unable to
taste the difference between various liquids. “This woman had #COVID19 and now
cannot taste the difference between whiskey hot sauce vinegar or Diet Coke,” he
writes. “But the “mild” minimizers would hand-wave that #LongCOVID doesn’t count

As the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh points out, “[e]ven if you had no taste you’d still
be able to distinguish between vinegar and Diet Coke by texture alone.” In my own
experience, taste was limited only by lack of olfactory function, and I could still
distinguish between sweet, salty, bitter, etc.

But let’s imagine that this is real, and consider the good doctor’s logic being
applied here. Because there are extremely rare, mostly anecdotal, and isolated
examples of long-term negative effects from infection outside of the smaller, most-
at-risk demographics, everyone must submit to periodic lockdowns, universal
masking, and generally reorient their lives at the government’s command. But when
major scientific studies show serious side effects of the jab, such as findings
that “teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems from the
vaccine than be hospitalised from COVID-19 [sic],” for example, his response is
that everyone on planet Earth absolutely must be compelled by their government to
inject the potentially harmful concoction into their bodies.

That alone makes the doctor’s position a hypocritical and illogical one. And when
you consider that the experimental drug he’s pushing does not prevent infection or
transmission of the virus and that the vast majority of people is at virtually no
risk of severe health afflictions from COVID, it becomes an insane and tyrannical
But the insane and power-mad, however credentialed, are now running the asylum of
neurotic inmates that America has become, unfortunately.

After I had recovered from COVID’s very typical effects, I told anyone willing to
listen about the experience, and my wife asked me why I would talk about it so
openly. It’s because I want everyone to know that for me, probably like the fifty
other people you know who’ve had COVID (and like the progressives you know who’ve
had it but never told you about it because the infection was a sign of shame and
punishment for “not following the [COVID] rules,” of which they were only recently
absolved by the clergy at the Washington Post), it was just not really a big deal.

The median age of COVID deaths is still higher than average life expectancy, and
most people under 45 are at significantly greater risk of harm while riding in a
car than they are from COVID infection. Those are just simple, statistical facts
that are often ignored. And another fact that’s often ignored is those who have
had COVID, like my wife and I, now have natural antibodies which our cells may
remember and deploy for a lifetime against this and similar coronaviruses.

But of my wife and me, which is now at greater risk? The one who has injected new,
unnatural, and unknown health risks into his body to mitigate a virtually
nonexistent one or the one who has not?

Fauci’s deceitful clergy likely know the answer to that question, even if their
gullible flock does not. And if they were honest or had an ounce of integrity,
they would have never demanded universal vaccinations as the means of our

Julie Wende
6 months ago
It is amazing that you still have independent thoughts; if this goes on much
longer, we will be punished for offering up our anecdotes as well as our opinions.
They would love us to have no choice and this tyranny is the new normal
Morry Rotenberg
6 months ago
Of interest, prior infection with the Delta variant or prior injection of vaccine
does NOT protect against acquiring the Omicron variant. Acquiring the Omicron
however is protective against future Delta. This according to studies out of
Richard Rail
6 months ago
My body needed three days to beat covid and another seven to beat the pneumonia
that came with it, all ten days in the hospital. At no time was I ever seriously

Yet at 72 I'm fat, hypertensive, and have emphysema. With all these comorbidities,
I should've been easy pickings for the Grim Reaper; but he never even came close.
Craig R Roberts
6 months ago
My experience with Covid was very different. While definitely not even close to
needing hospitalization, my fever was high and the cytokine storm was a difficult
48 hours. It was comparable to the worst case of the flu for me.

I do wonder how different I would have felt if I had been prescribed Ivermectin or
HCQ at the onset.

anuary 7, 2022
Five COVID Books You Must Read
By James Jeffery
For the last two years, we have witnessed a war on truth. From the censorship of
key medical experts to the widespread dissemination of false information concerning
the efficacy of lockdowns, masking, and vaccines, societal distrust is at an all-
time high.

In this post-truth age, many have fled to the highways and byways of the internet
in their search for the facts. In this pursuit, some have found legitimate
information from experts, while others have been inundated with weird and wonderful
ideas from questionable sources.

For this reason, I want to suggest several books that I believe stretch our minds,
challenge our presuppositions, and lead us to a perspective on COVID-19 that is
concordant with reality.

1. COVID: Why Most of What You Know is Wrong

by Sebastian Rushworth, M.D.

In 2020, Swedish medical doctor Sebastian Rushworth took it upon himself to bring
the voice of reason to bear on the misinformation, misconceptions, and misdirected
advice of many governments and health professionals.

In this short and accessible book, Dr. Rushworth gives answers to the key questions
many want answers to, including (but not limited to):

How effective are lockdowns at reducing transmission of COVID-19?

Is COVID-19 a life-threatening virus for most people?
What are the adverse effects of the available jabs?
Which COVID-19 jab is most effective?
Rushworth writes:

Just as with the official dietary guidelines, the public response to Covid started
to feel more like it was based on religion than on science. Amid the renewed
hysteria, I was contacted by a publisher here in Sweden, who asked me to write a
book about Covid, to get a more nuanced and scientifically sound view out into the
public arena, than was being presented in mainstream media. That book is this book.
(p. 12)

It's true. Rushworth directly challenges everything we think we know about COVID-
19, in a simple and comprehensible manner that is easy to understand and rich in

2. The Great COVID Panic

by Gigi Foster, Paul Frijters, and Michael Baker

UNSW professor of economics Gigi Foster has been a vocal critic of lockdowns since
governments contemplated them in early 2020. In this book, she, Frijters and Baker
explain why and how governments implemented such draconian measures and the role
fear and public perception had to play in the events that unfolded.

Governments, they argue, are seldom willing to admit the limits of their ability to
contain and control problems in society. Therefore, wanting to do "something,"
they made the situation worse.

The authors write:

Little can be achieved by thinking about Covid as a public health problem created
by bats and solved by vaccines. If we really want to understand it as an historical
phenomenon, to understand how we humans reacted to it in the way we did and to
learn something useful for the future, we need to fit together many pieces of a

Some of the pieces repose in the heart, while some are in the mind. Some are at a
micro level, some are macro. Some are good and some are unspeakably evil. This book
aims to make sense of it all, to make these disparate strands coherent so we see
clearly what happened and deduce what must be done to avoid a similar tragedy in
future. (pp. 7–8)

The Great COVID Panic challenges readers to analyze the COVID-19 situation beyond
the lens of public health. Indeed, while COVID-19 is certainly a public health
issue, the authors reveal that there is more to the story than this.

3. When Politicians Panicked: The New Coronavirus, Expert Opinion, and a Tragic
Lapse of Reason

by John Tammy

Tammy taps into the savior complex that so often dominates the thinking of
politicians in times of crisis. He explains how the perceived risk of COVID-19 led
governments across the world to implement unprecedented policies that have had no
discernible benefit to the people they govern.

Moreover, he explores the way in which crisis situations are exploited by

politicians to arrogate power, shift blame, and implement dramatic social and
technological changes that would otherwise not be possible.

Tammy explains the purpose of his book:

Though this book can be reasonably billed as a coronavirus book, it's really a
story about politicians losing their wits, reacting rashly after losing their wits,
and creating a global economic contraction in the process.

To blame this on the coronavirus is to excuse ineptitude that is the norm when the
combined, decentralized knowledge of millions and billions of humans is ignored in
favor of the centralized and highly limited knowledge of very few politicians, and
even fewer experts. (p. 14)

In a humbling manner, Tammy reveals that no human possesses absolute knowledge

(even the experts!), and he therefore challenges the notion of a singular solution
to COVID-19. On a deeper level, Tammy challenges the notion that heavy-handed
government policies can save us from the misfortunes of life in a broken world.

4. COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey

by Peter R. Breggin and Ginger R. Breggin

Over the past few decades, Peter R. Breggin was instrumental in exposing the
abusive practices of psychosurgery and electroshock therapy and helped bring to
light internal corruption in the CDC, which, he argues, enabled the opioid

More recently, the Breggins focused their attention on the ways in which globalists
— ranging from officials within the FDA, CDC, WHO, and World Economic Forum — have
exploited and profiteered from COVID-19.
They write:

A very sophisticated psychological operation is apparently being perpetrated upon

the whole world. We are rapidly becoming an immoral, insane, dystopian technocracy
in which our very right to assemble and even speak can be revoked on the basis of
hospital bed utilization. If we fail to stand up and take back control now, those
of us who survive the next phase will spend our lives under a medical tyranny the
likes of which the world has never known.

While many dismiss the notion that COVID-19 was planned as a "conspiracy theory,"
the Breggins present a plethora of sources, evidence, and arguments that are
difficult to ignore. From the nefarious partnerships among global players to the
censorship of early treatment protocols for COVID-19 patients, the Breggins address
the questions everyone wants answered.

5. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

by Charles McKay

McKay, writing in 1841, explores the dynamics of crowds, which he describes as mass
movements controlled by a singular idea or phenomenon. McKay shares what he
believes are the contributing factors that often generate a state of mass psychosis
in crowds.

Unlike the other books, McKay wrote this book over 150 years before we even knew
about COVID-19. Yet the wisdom, insight, and incisive analysis of the human
condition are timeless. McKay's book helps us to grasp what happened over the past
two years, why we responded how we did, and who is responsible for the hysteria
surrounding COVID-19.

McKay shares:

Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in
herds, while they recover their senses slowly, and one by one. (p. 5)

McKay's work is a critical reminder that while technology, political structures,

and cultural habits are subject to change, human nature is not. For this reason,
McKay is an invaluable source to read if we are committed to avoiding the traps
that so often ensnare those swept up in the mentality of crowds.

The Bottom Line

One way to be equipped to think critically and discern truth from error in the
current environment is to listen to the arguments and views of those who dissent
from popular opinion.

While these books will neither tell you everything there is to know about COVID-19
nor be free from error, what they will provide are rich and meaningful
perspectives, some of which you may have never heard before.

James Jeffery is a trainee Presbyterian minister from Australia with a passion to

see Christian values restored in our society. James grew up in rural New South
Wales and went on to complete a Bachelor of Political, Economic and Social Sciences
at the University of Sydney. He is now pursuing tertiary studies in theology.

Image via Pixy.



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Dorothy Gable
6 months ago
The madness of the crowds sums up what we have seen over the past two years.
Caring, conservative, educated friends and associates signed on and went with the
narrative without reflection or curious investigation. It was eerie experiencing
this. After trying to pose some questions and share the information they weren't
getting from their nightly newscasts, I realized I had to agree to disagree and
love them where they were. Thankfully, they extended the same courtesy to me -
we're still friends.
Edward McIntosh
6 months ago
My business partner is one of them. A brilliant petroleum engineer with graduate
degrees, he wears one of those common blue/white face masks inside our offices. And
he never changes it! And was in sheer panic when he couldn't get the Pfizer
'boosters" when he wanted it. And he has a ton of other health issues so injecting
that chemical into his body is a huge risk. A risk I'm not about to take given the
anecdotal evidence and the media's "man the barricades"model to keep all
information about deaths and serious side-effects buried. I just shake my head and
walk away....
6 months ago
The link for Tamny's boot pointed to and could not be ordered. Try
Edward McIntosh
6 months ago
When the AIDS hysteria and mass panic was being ginned up by one Dr. Anthony Fauci
and his pet rocks in the press in the 1980's, a very brave author named Michael
Fumento wrote a book like these called "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS." He was
savaged immediately by the usual suspects (aka LGBTQ++++? in today's Newspeak) but
when the hysteria died down and real science about how that virus was being
transmitted finally merged, Fumento was 100 percent right. And the "practice safe
sex" mantra that helped create all the panic is what the term "mask up" is today
Practicing safe sex in the '80's might have prevented a lot of other sexually
transmitted diseases in the heterosexual population but AIDS today, as it was then,
is still primarily transmitted in the U.S. and Europe by homosexual men. I really
don't need to explain how - all of you know ! The dirty little secret Fauci and his
bands of press thugs didn't want the American people to know.

anuary 7, 2022
My Religious Objection to the Cult of COVID
By Judah Rose
I have sincere, deep-rooted religious, moral, and ethical objections to the notion
of being compelled to take any of the experimental drugs known as "COVID-19
vaccines" (I put that in quotes because the definition of "vaccine" had to be
changed last year for them to qualify as such.) I would point out, at the outset,
that it is widely recognized that religion includes not just observance and
practice, but also belief. Beliefs that are sincerely held about what is right or
wrong are intrinsic to the individual, not to any organized religion, mainstream or
otherwise. To hold religious beliefs does not even require belief in God. That
said, there is nothing to my views that is outside of a mainstream understanding of
religion, morality, or ethics.

I am a Jew. I, therefore, believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the
Truth of my God and obligations to Him, as were revealed to my ancestors at Sinai.

One of the most fundamental of the religious laws I must follow is to believe in my
one God and to not accept idolatry, or anything that represents a false idol, or
that I otherwise know to be false. I am compelled by my Creator to choose the
Truth over the lie.

Over the centuries, my people have dealt with various degrees of oppression every
generation and have periodically been offered the "choice" of accepting false gods
of various stripes or death or torture to death. Conversion or death. Conversion
would be the death of who I am as a person. I didn't think that that could happen
in the United States, but I have been proven wrong.

I have come to understand that these "vaccines" are false gods. They have been
proven not to be safe; they have proven not to be effective. The rationale for
taking them has been revealed to be false, rendering the notion that there is a
public health rationale for their forced administration to be absurd. Even the CDC
now admits that they don't stop infection or transmission. They don't work. Yet
they press on with the dogma that vaccines must be taken. For their own sake.
Because the vaccines represent good. This is faith, not reason. This is Scientism,
not science.

The whole rest of the Cult of COVID is analogous to a religion, whose precepts,
dogmas, and practices I know to be false. We are compelled to wear face coverings.
Face coverings have never worked as a public health measure against a respiratory
disease. That was known before 2020, and all studies since have reiterated that.
They are, rather, a sign of submission to the cult. The mark of a true believer,
or of someone who has submitted to the coercion.

There are high priests whose pronouncements must be followed to the letter. The
bureaucrats who run the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA. Only these elect can tell us
what Science says, and which messages are permissible. Their contradictions and
moved goalposts are not to be questioned or you will be demonized as a heretic.

Scientists and free thinkers are cast out, and in modern terms, de-platformed or
canceled as heretics, for questioning their narrative. Anyone who goes against the
cult's dogma is by definition a quack, even if weeks to months later what they have
been pointing out breaks through due to its self-evident truth. Heretics are
demonized and literally excluded from society where the cult has taken hold, as in
cities like New York and Los Angeles, where medical segregation is practiced with
modern-day "Jim COVID" laws preventing the unvaccinated from going to restaurants,
to museums, and so on.

We have public officials - in America! - like Governor Hochul of NY, who pronounced
that God wants you to get vaccinated and that there can be no religious objection
to vaccination because the recognized religious leaders have said it's ok.
Religions whose leadership commands their flock to submit to the supreme god of the
cult of COVID are allowed recognition; all others are deemed legitimate.

They invented the notion of asymptomatic spread (much like Fauci did during the
AIDS epidemic when he terrified the country by pushing the notion that you could
get AIDS from merely living with the infected) to justify all of the other
nonsensical countermeasures and lockdowns, that are nothing more than sacrifices to
the COVID gods, that have no functional benefit to stopping an alleged pandemic.
They demonize the unvaccinated as carriers of disease, much like 80 years ago in
Europe when state science determined that my ancestors were a public health threat
for being carriers of disease and had to be cast out.

There is a whole system of minutiae developed over how to live your life to avoid
the evil of COVID, the absurdities of which are part of the point. The notion that
when you are standing in a restaurant you must wear your mask, but if you're
sitting down, it is safe to remove it. Arbitrary notions of "social distancing."
The bizarre practices I have seen organizations insist on, as their members
demonstrate their zeal in building on the dogma to demonstrate their virtue.

The Fauci candle is available for purchase on

Judah Rose is a pen name


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David Russell Gerdes

6 months ago
Judah Rose, maybe in a future comments section you could discuss the difference
between Torah believing and Babylonian Talmud believing Jews. There appears to be a
stark contrast between the two differing groups.
Diana Connan Forgy
6 months ago
I can't reply for Mr. Rose, but I can tell you that both are necessary. The
Babylonian and other versions of the Talmud are part of the Torah, called the Oral
Torah and the Tanakh (Five Books of Moses, the Prophets, and the Writings such as
Psalms), or Written Torah another part. One might say that the Tanakh, which is
believed by Jews and Christians alike, is the computer and that the Talmud is the
user manual, which explains the laws and ideas given in the Tanakh.

A believing Jew accepts the authority of both.

David Russell Gerdes
6 months ago
Thanks for answering my questions. DG
Bonne Bete
6 months ago
You had to advertise the Fauci candle, really?
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Good article.

Personally I also reject the Covid vaccines for ethical, physical, moral and
spiritual reasons that has nothing to do with any organized religion.

Matter of fact many organized religions require the shots and will not give
religious exemptions anyway. The pope is not any different than Biden by requiring
the shots for everyone in the Vatican and pushing the deaths brew on the world.
Many pastors also kneel down before the secular quack science god.
David Russell Gerdes
6 months ago
I believe Biden is the American Pope. With Pope Francis, one in purpose.
Ironically, Bible believing Christians like myself and others, are Protesting the
Protestants. Maybe it's time to present the Gospel to Catholics who are fed up with
the Marxist leadership along with the envy of liberation theology.

What I hear is that the people are the Catholic Church, not the bad leadership they
have now. This thinking implies that either the collective membership or the Pope
are not Catholic.
Interesting times for sure.
Alan Stevens
6 months ago
The Cult of COVID needs to be dispatched to the Bottomless Pit, where all demons
and Satan will eventually wind up.

anuary 7, 2022
The Vaccine Passport Pathway to a Social Credit System
By Jeffrey Barrett
See also: The Vaccine is a Dud

Simply put the vaccine programs are really population control programs, because by
pushing vaccines the elites are pushing vaccine passports which are the first step
to creating digital ID numbers on a software platform where every subject's
personal information will eventually end up. Control of information means control
of the subjects.

The real-life model for this is the Chinese social credit system. This system is,
through the totalitarian perspective, a brilliant combination of national digital
identification numbers combined with high surveillance technology all controlled by
advanced artificial intelligence. Each Chinese subject is branded with a digital
number and the surveillance state can follow his employment, medical, criminal, and
schooling records, his online browsing records, his voiced political views, and
even the places he visits through GPS positioning technology.

If the subject so much as jaywalks across a street, it will likely be picked up by

one of the millions of surveillance cameras installed in Chinese cities and run
through face recognition software. All this data is then combined and processed
and the subject is given a "social credit score" which is then used to dole out
rewards and punishments. Score too low and the subject can be denied access to
train and air travel. Score even lower and the subject can be denied a good job,
good housing, access to credit, or even access to dating apps so the poor devil
might even have a hard time finding a date.[i]

This software-controlled system of meting out incentives and disincentives made

possible by modern digital technology has given political authorities a degree of
social control over large populations never before seen in human history. Because
Western elites are fully aware that their post-World War II strategy of promising
ever-expanding government benefits is not a sustainable way of holding onto
permanent power, they are desperate to come up with other means of continuing their
lordship over the masses. This explains why they are pushing vaccines and vaccine
mandates because the vaccine passport software will be designed to eventually
accept all the data relevant to each citizen and once achieved, warns the Chinese
defector Li-Meng Yan, the elites will have the vital tool necessary to implement a
Chinese style social credit system.[ii]

No citizen can be exempt from this system which is why the estimated 146 million
naturally immune[iii] are told to get vaccinated even though their immunity is far
superior to that produced by vaccines, and why children have to be vaccinated even
though they are 6 times more likely develop serious heart problems from the
vaccines than to be hospitalized for Covid.[iv] While the Covid vaccine policies
of Western governments make no medical sense, they make perfect political sense
once one understands the existential economic crisis Western power elites know they
are facing.

An important but scarcely discussed part of this emerging population management

system is the gaining of control over the bank accounts of the citizenry. Central
banks around the world including the Federal Reserve are rushing to produce their
own versions of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). This is not some far-off
futuristic plan as most CBDC currencies will be ready for deployment in three to
four years. China claims it will have a digital yuan rollout in time for the 2022
winter Olympics in Beijing.[v] The United States may work its digital dollar
through existing banks which are quasi-government agencies anyway, but some, like
Biden's Controller of the Currency nominee Saule Omarova, advocate abolishing all
private bank accounts and have those accounts all lodged in and managed by the
Federal Reserve.[vi]

This system will eventually require abolishing anonymous paper money and abolishing
privacy-protecting cryptocurrencies as China has already done.[vii] The reason why
governments including Western governments are so keen on this idea is because, with
the help of artificial intelligence software, they will be able to monitor every
single transaction of every single bank account holder. CBCBs can and will
undoubtedly also be used as an efficient way to reward good behavior and punish bad
behavior as defined by those in power.

The elites can achieve this because CBDCs will be fully programmable, which means
that those at the top can program the currency to force people to buy certain items
such as fake meat to reduce global warming or to prohibit digital dollars from
being used to contribute to critics of the government such as alternative news
sites which currently are the only news sources challenging the government-approved
narratives of the large corporate media.

If the dream of the WEF is correct and most workers will be replaced by software-
driven robots, then governments will have to create subsistence Universal Basic
Income programs for the under- and unemployed, and those marginal people will be
easily terrified at the prospect of getting any portion of their government
subsidies reduced, even for innocent acts like contributing $5 digital dollars to a
group that criticizes the government. The larger the number of people either
partially or fully dependent upon government subsidies, the easier it will be to
control them through programmed CBDC adjustments which will act as automatic
preprogrammed fines for a whole array of prohibited behaviors. Modern technology
has made life much easier for elites inclined toward totalitarian control over
their populations, and of all the tools available in the modern totalitarian tool
bag, CBCDs will be among the most potent.

For those who are aware or at least suspect that Western elites are up to something
quite drastic, it is fortunate indeed that the available vaccines have turned out
to be duds because this strips the elites of their main rationale for vaccine
mandates. The vaccines quite possibly offer some temporary symptom suppression for
those willing to take the jab, but they are ineffective at preventing the
vaccinated from either catching Covid or transmitting it. So without the moral
imperative to "protect others" by taking the vaccine, government authorities are
deprived of their main argument for vaccine mandates. Indeed, Robert Malone, a key
figure in the development of mRNA vaccines, argues the opposite moral case -- that
the vaccinated are more likely to be Covid "super spreaders" because if they
catch Covid but have suppressed symptoms, they are the ones who are more likely to
go out into the community and unknowingly spread the virus to others.[viii] So
because the vaccines have turned out to be much less than what the drug companies
and the elites hoped for, those who oppose vaccine mandates now command the moral
high ground.

Without vaccine mandates, elites are helpless to achieve their goal of universal
digital IDs and the power that can be built up with them. We know from the history
of war that some battles can be lost and the war still won. We also know that
there are certain strategic battles that have to be won or the war will be lost.
In this war of self-interested Western elites against their own people, it is
absolutely imperative that the battle against vaccine mandates and vaccine
passports be won. For those who actually appreciate the value of liberty and the
idea of personal human rights that the wealthy and powerful are obliged to respect,
the battle against vaccine mandates and passports is their strategic pass of
Thermopylae where they will have no choice but to stand firm and stop the
aggressors. Otherwise, those who value human liberty today will have to concede
that their grandchildren are destined to encounter the digital version of the same
demand constantly heard in 1930s Germany: "Your papers please."

Graphic credit: Tumisu Pixabay license

Jeffrey Barrett is an economist, writer and business owner. He can be reached at









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anuary 6, 2022
The Vaccine is a Dud
By Jeffrey Barrett
See also: The Vaccine Passport Pathway to a Social Credit System

As time goes on, we are learning more and more about Covid 19 and the Covid 19
vaccines. To date, the most important and surprising information about the
vaccines is that they do not prevent the vaccinated from contracting or
transmitting the virus. The irony is that the CDC, a government agency, readily
admits this[i] but other sectors of the government are carrying on as if this
vitally important new information did not exist at all.

Take for example Biden's OSHA which, before it was temporarily halted by a Circuit
Court ruling, ordered the unvaccinated but not the vaccinated employees of private
companies to undergo inconvenient weekly Covid tests even though other parts of the
government were admitting that the vaccinated transmit the virus as readily as the
unvaccinated. The whole moral justification of forcing people to take the vaccine
is to protect others even if the "hesitant" don't want to risk taking the jab due
to the escalating problem of vaccine-related deaths and serious injuries.[ii] But
we now know that the vaccine is a dud. While it can reduce symptoms of Covid, it
cannot prevent the vaccinated from catching and transmitting Covid. And yet the
government is acting as if none of these matters and is continuing to push harsh
mandates upon those who do not want to play vaccine roulette and take the risk of a
vaccine injury.

Again as time goes on, it is becoming increasingly evident that the reason why the
Biden administration is demonstrably not "following the science"[iii] is that the
irrational and probably unconstitutional vaccine mandates are not about public
health at all but more likely about the implementation of a universal digital
identification program that governments are labeling "vaccine passports."

To understand why the government seems determined to tag every citizen of every age
with a digital ID, it is first necessary to understand the attitudinal evolution of
political elites in Western countries. These elites appear to be losing their
faith in the classical liberal emphasis on individual human freedom that was
intellectually nurtured in the West by such thinkers as Kant, Voltaire, Locke,
Bastiat, Mill, and Spencer and attained its clearest concrete political expression
in the American Constitutional Republic. The essence of this revolution in
political thought and practice is that it gave common people protection against the
potential abuse of power of their ruling elites. Such protections included
political theory that rooted individual rights in natural law and Divine Will as
well as practical institutions such as the division of power between the states and
central government, the further division of those powers between the legislature,
executive, and judiciary, the rule of law, courts of law, the Bill of Rights,
privacy rights, property rights, elections and so forth.

Despite considerable differences, Western elites used to broadly agree on the moral
necessity of protecting the people against the potential abuse of power of those
who controlled a society's instruments of coercion such as the police and military.
This appears to be no longer case. Western elites from the political, commercial,
and media worlds regularly meet in events and "training schools"[iv] sponsored by
the World Economic Forum (WEF) to discuss the need for a whole new kind of society
where people own no personal property, have little or no personal privacy, are
heavily dependent upon their governments for the goods and services they consume,
the location of their homes and where and how often they can travel. All this
illiberalism is couched in terms of a new kind of "sustainable," "inclusive,"
"equitable" quasi-utopian society[v] not unlike the vaporous visions that Marx used
to conjure up in his early writings.

The reason for this abandonment of traditional Western ideals appears to be their
belief that these ideals no longer work in the post-World War II era. At the
beginning of that era, Western elites were still largely committed to civil
liberties but their commitment to economic liberty and constrained government was
considerably less than that of earlier generations of leaders. Then increasingly
post-World War II elites began to strive to seek and sustain their power by
claiming they could proactively provide their voters with a level of economic
wealth, economic security, and an overall social "safety" environment never before
seen in human history. The economic justification for these escalating promises
was a form of neo- Keynesianism. The economist John Maynard Keynes did not trust
the markets to correct themselves during recurring business cycles and so advocated
that government go into debt to "stimulate" stagnant economies out of recessions
and then pay off that debt during the subsequent booms and budgetary surpluses
brought about by the proactive economic managers. Western politicians quickly
forgot about the "paying off" part and gradually over the postwar decades increased
the public debt to the stupendous levels we see today. Western central banks also
suppressed interest rates thereby incentivizing private companies and consumers to
heap unprecedented private debt onto the unprecedented public debt.

Today the European and Japanese bond markets are in such shambles that only their
central banks will purchase their government debt. And as economists have been
pointing out for years, governments cannot possibly pay for all the promises they
have made to their voters for future benefits such as pensions, medical care, and
other cradle-to-grave comforts. The American federal government alone has, by some
measures, a 200 Trillion gap between future expected revenues and future promised
benefits.[vi] Little wonder that today's Western elites are giving up on
traditional Western liberties because they know that once the hard times hit, the
masses will use those liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom to assemble,
freedom to protest, the courts, and elections as weapons to lash back at the
"establishments" in power.

The establishments, of course, do not want to give up their wealth, status, and
power, and so must find some way of depriving the masses of these dangerous
liberties, exert more authority over them and turn them from free citizens into
Photo credit: Governor Tom Wolf, CC BY 2.0 license.

Jeffrey Barrett is an economist, writer and business owner. He can be reached at








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Emmer Biggins
6 months ago
Kind of like the vaccine for the flu. Doesn’t work, yet the tens of millions of
deluded simpleton Americans continue to be ‘vaccinated’ for something that has
countless variants and therefore no way to actually work. Those of us with brain
function know that natural immunity after being exposed is exponentially better
than man made medicines.
Cromwell B Campbell
6 months ago
The most surprising result of our current situation is that there are so many
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
The Left knew what they were doing for decades to get the masses ready to become
idiots adn the Right had no clue. The GOP, which is totally useless, thinks that
the Left is messing up and making mistakes. No mistakes, GOP congress critters, all
perfectly in line with the Davos banking crowd and the China regime.
Robert Cunningham
6 months ago
Liberalism is a mental disease................
Craig R Roberts
6 months ago
There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the vaccines even reduce
symptoms. No studies have been conducted nor will there be any studies.

To study the efficacy of the vaccine at reducing symptoms would require large
numbers of sanctioned unvaccinated participants in both the study groups and
control groups. The Establishment will NOT allow anyone to have the freedom to
remain unvaccinated.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
I have said that from the start. How do they know that the vaccines reduce
symptoms? Not enough time to prove that to be the case at all. Just like I never
bought into "all the elderly are vulnerable for covid and should therefore get the
shots first" Here again no long term statistics. Older people die from something or
other every year. They even concluded according to records that not any more
elderly people died during the Covid years than other timers before.
Roleigh Martin
6 months ago
Great article, in particular your comment about the threat of run-away government
spending. I focus on your article in a new Substack focused on social and legal
changes needed to obtain a healthy and sane post-pandemic society. It is here:
HAL 8999
6 months ago
The "vaccines" are certainly no dud from the perspective of the Adolph wannabe's.
From their POV (ie, control over the masses), the jabs are a spectacular success.
And I say this even stipulating that the shots very likely have saved many lives,
as clinically unproven as that assertion is - and will remain.

Thus, as with all things Leftist, our core challenge is overcoming the ever-
convenient veneer of their monstrous "But we mean well" lie. Whether it's the
"Climate Change" lie, the COVID "vaccine" lie, the "January 6th" lie, the "Voter
suppression" lie, or the "Trump/Russia-Collusion" lie, the lies are all laced with
the sweet smell of salvationist sugar, when in fact their main ingredient is
political arsenic.

anuary 5, 2022
Shaming as a COVID Strategy
By Tim O’Brien
When it comes to social engineering, there is more than one kind of war. We’ve been
witness to the war on drugs, the war on crime, the war on obesity, and most
recently, the war on COVID-19.

Psyops strategies are often used in these non-traditional “wars” and some of the
strategies applied are the same ones used in real warfare scenarios.

From “divide and conquer” to fearmongering, mass persuasion strategies have been
deployed in the campaign to make a viral pandemic with an extremely high survival
rate and virtually no threat to healthy children feel like the plague.

The pandemic is real, but quite often there is a huge gap between the picture the
regime paints through its persuasion campaigns and actual reality.

One of the foundational strategies that has enabled so many of the other strategies
to gain traction is the targeted and widespread use of shaming, both public and
Shaming exploits basic human vulnerabilities

In order for shaming to work, you need to deputize the public. You need to give
them license to break all of the rules of polite society, even if it involves
people they love, to publicly embarrass them and shame them into conformity.

Shaming applies social pressure to enforce existing societal norms, or the new
behaviors the shamers wish to establish as norms. Shaming assigns maliciousness, be
it intentional or careless, to behaviors shamers don’t condone. By framing someone
as malicious, you can dehumanize them, which makes shaming them more palatable.

Most people want to obey authority, and they want a sense of righteousness. They
want to feel that they are on the side of what’s right. Shamers know this. It’s
their superpower. Most people don’t want to be called out and stigmatized for being
on the wrong side of a social issue, or be on the wrong side of the people in their
lives. This is the vulnerability shamers exploit.

The goal of the shamer is to make someone else feel inadequate, to feel bad about
themselves, and to become more self-conscious. It’s designed to sting and create
enough discomfort so as to modify the behavior of another.

As altruistic as the justification for shaming often sounds, shaming doesn’t truly
prevent viral spread, cure an illness, or change climate conditions (Remember
“climate-change denier?”). It’s not designed to do that. Shaming is about staking
out loyalties on a particular issue. Where are your loyalties? To whom are your
loyalties? Are good or are you bad?

We’ve been told that giving kids peanut butter and jelly in school is “lunch
shaming.” We’ve learned that the simple act of celebrating fit models or actors is
“fat shaming.” Any act you passively carry out in your daily routine can be
mischaracterized as the active shaming of those who cannot or choose not to do the
same thing in their own lives. If we engage in these behaviors, we are bad, we are
told. Think about it. Who’s doing the shaming in these instances?

But to actively and aggressively demonize and shame your own mother or father or
brother or sister in the name of mitigating a pandemic, that’s a noble gesture.
It’s for the good of society.

So how are otherwise good people motivated to shame others?

They’re told in so many words the end justifies the means. That in order for
society to achieve a great goal for the common good, some people must be shamed
into obedience and into formation. That way, once everyone has conformed to a set
of dictates prescribed by the elites in authority the problem will be solved.

So how does shaming play out as regards COVID?

“Just wear the damn mask”

“Just wear the damn mask,” was the precursor. Before vaccination could be wielded
like a sledgehammer against anyone with independent thought and a sense of
individual rights, mask-shaming was the thing.

Anyone who doubted the efficacy of wearing masks in such places as the privacy of
their own home, their car, or out in the fresh air of sidewalks or on walking
trails, was told to, “Just wear the damn mask.”

After all, how hard could it be? It’s just a minor inconvenience, and if everyone
would “just wear a mask for 100 days, the pandemic would subside.” That’s what we
were told.

Once a simple message like that takes hold throughout society, the mechanism for
shaming is at work. Anyone found not wearing a mask was fair game for shaming. How
many smartphone videos did we see on social media where a digital vigilante decided
to shame someone for not wearing a mask in a grocery store or some other public

“A pandemic of the unvaccinated”

“This is the pandemic of the unvaccinated,” is a calculatingly inaccurate and

cynical message designed to shame anyone who has remained unvaccinated. It’s not
only designed to bring public shame upon them, but it’s designed to plant the seeds
of blame and shame within friends and family, in social circles, in business and
work environments.

At its core, it’s a message intended to appeal to those who’ve been vaccinated and
turn them against people they know personally. It’s structured simply so that its
messengers have a consistent message to rationalize and justify the shaming of
their unvaccinated friends, family, coworkers and others.

Shaming only works if you permit it

Shaming can be a form of abuse, but here’s a little secret. You can only be shamed
if you permit it.

There are numerous psychological case studies where abuse victims become so numb to
the emotional or physical abuse that the abuse itself no longer has the same

In other instances, the general climate is such that the stigmatized behavior
becomes so common that it starts to enter societal norms and shamers lose their
ability to stigmatize their targets.

If you need an example of this, just watch five minutes of daytime TV. From the
Maury Povich Show to Judge Judy, we see everyday Americans who seem to have no
problem airing their dirty laundry for the world to see. These people are
shameless, and they may not be people we want to have a beer with, but they can
teach us something.

For most people, you can only be shamed if you allow it.

So, keep this in mind when your friends, family, or coworkers try to shame you for
not being vaccinated or boosted, or for not wearing a mask when the rules allow you
not to do so, or in the near future, for not taking a COVID test every time before
you leave your house.

People are smart. The constant pounding on them to change their behaviors will
eventually lose its punch. They will start to realize they can only be shamed if
they allow it.

If this sounds familiar, know that you can decide not to be shamed. You can avoid
those who may try to shame you. Sooner or later, they will give up. The attempted
shaming will stop. You will remain free, and they will remain trapped in a
construct of their own making or that of someone else. But in the end, it’s a
choice they’ve made and one you do not have to make. You do not need to give them
that power over you.
Image: PxHere


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Ingeborg Rosa Hanson

6 months ago
You also find that if you have at least a couple of others who cannot be shamed
that some people will have the courage to abandon their forced behavior. My son and
I saw that constantly during mask mandates., I did not wear any anywhere where they
did not enforce it right at the door. When a couple of others in the grocery store
did the same we soon realized that quite a number of people simply moved their
masks down to their necks.

The only problem is that there are always fewer people who resist tyranny than
there are those who go along with it.
David Russell Gerdes
6 months ago
Shaming is certainly psychological abuse. From my experience, abusive families fit
this example. Family members use shame to control other's behavior. Both have a
mental disorder.
The shamed can be easily controlled by bosses, spouses, and others who, use this
technique of control. Many of these authority figures grew up in abusive families
as well and learned how to shame as a projection of their own shortcomings or

In a healthy relationship, guilt is recognized by the offending individual and, if

possible, sincere restitution is the solution.
In an abusive relationship, shame is placed on the offending person by the abuser,
with forgiveness for that act being nearly impossible. The abuser keeps a mental
list of offenses and retrieves them as needed.

Here is a simple comparison between shame and guilt.

Guilt arises from a negative evaluation of one's behavior.

Shame arises from a negative evaluation of one's self.

We have an epidemic of people submitting to shaming by political and business

leaders in our society.
We have divorced and single parent families as well as the LGTBQ agenda running
through our nation. Along with the left's emphasis on nihilism, psychologically
abused adult children are commonplace. Cultural Marxism's goal is to deconstruct
and destroy the family relationship. The Marxist's goal is to replace the void of
family with the abuses of Marxism. A psychologically abused population accepts this
negative behavior as love or concern. When shamed, they return to and embrace the
abuser. Maybe a form of Stockholm syndrome?
The conclusion is that we see people accepting abusive behavior from our leaders,
and then, those people acting out the very behavior that they see from those
leaders. Government has become the proxy abusive family and the psychologically
abused latch on to this relationship to try to resolve the resultant shaming. Both
parties use projection and scapegoating to find resolution.

anuary 4, 2022
Anthony Fauci: Failed General
By Scott Sturman, M.D.
By some historical accounts, Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction
of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and
led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and
Passchendaele. Known for his self-confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly
ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German
machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him
from his singular approach to combat.

Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic
of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the

They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude. They drew lines on maps
without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without
looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications
that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern

In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr.

Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill-
equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research
scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact.

His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with
federal medical regulatory institutions are well described. Throughout his career,
he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in
lieu of patented medications with high-risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In
1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the
prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carinii
pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations, the
company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.
The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.

While Haig appealed to justice of cause and sacrifice as an excuse for his actions,
Anthony Fauci brandishes science, for which he alone speaks, to justify mandates
and neutralize opposing views and stymie intellectual inquiry. To doubt Anthony
Fauci is to be a scientific apostate and an irrelevant contributor to the
discussion. Yet Dr. Fauci demonstrates an arbitrary commitment to the standards of
science, whether it deals with his advice on masking or his insistence on
vaccinating children despite the high risk-to-benefit ratio.

In the exposé, The Real Anthony Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. points out from the
days of the AIDS epidemic Dr. Fauci employed a trio of tactics that would be
resurrected during the COVID crisis - the use of fear to induce panic within the
general population, the fixation on vaccines to cure the disease, and a disregard
for off label therapeutic interventions. In the 1970s and '80s during my medical
school, residency, and early professional career, the National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Disease promoted the narrative of the inevitability that large
portions of the general population would contract AIDS due to casual contact, the
sole solution depended upon the development of a neutralizing vaccine to HIV, and
therapeutic options other than those approved by the FDA were unacceptable. These
projections all proved false, but the same strategy reemerged during the COVID-19

From the outset, SARS-CoV-2 was a mass casualty event. Prudent management called
for flexibility, emergency treatment with medications, and accessing opinion and
experience for all portions of the medical profession to contain and treat the
disease until definitive therapy became available. There was no time to wait for
results of randomized controlled trials - millions of lives were at risk. It was
known from 2002 SARS-CoV-1, a deadly coronavirus with origins in China and
genetically similar to SARS-CoV-2, that chloroquine is effective in preventing its
spread in vitro. Epidemiologists also noted the paucity of SARS-CoV-2 cases in
Africa where malaria is endemic and treated with prophylactic hydroxychloroquine.
Dr. Pierre Kory and others developed extensive treatment protocols that
demonstrated the success of multi-pronged treatment regimens initiated early in the
disease process.

Rather than exploit this valuable information, the CDC and NIAID adopted a "wait
until get sick" approach to the disease, denied patients out-patient treatment, and
relied primarily on the hasty development and distribution of vaccines. As Dr.
Peter McCullough pointed out during an interview with Joe Rogan: In a world where
medical protocols are the norm, to this day no major U.S. academic medical
institution or federal agency has developed a protocol to treat SARS-CoV-2 on an
outpatient basis. Dr. McCullough suggests that 85% of deaths attributed to SARS-
CoV-2 could have been avoided.

In his best-selling book, RFK, Jr. painstakingly describes the incestuous

connections among Big Pharma, the medical establishment, federal medical regulatory
agencies, international health agencies, and politicians. In no uncertain terms,
he describes Fauci as the gray cardinal wielding billions of dollars of grant money
for profit and power. He controls all facets of the drug approval process,
maintains a group of dependable, private research investigators that can be counted
upon to support his agenda, and advocates with a near-religious zeal that vaccines
are the preferred treatment of disease to the exclusion of all other options.

Field Marshal Haig maintained a lifelong affinity for horses, both for recreation
and on the battlefield. His advocacy for the use of horses in WWI proved
catastrophic, but near the end of his life, in 1926, his remarks warn of dangers
when narrow-minded individuals with great influence and stature are willing to
blindly sacrifice others due to pride, ignorance, stubbornness, or material gain.

I believe that the value of the horse and the opportunity for the horse in the
future are likely to be as great as ever. Aeroplanes and tanks are only accessories
to the men and the horse, and I feel sure that as time goes on you will find just
as much use for the horse—the well-bred horse—as you have ever done in the past.

Image: Library of Congress, via Picryl / public domain


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Jeffry Rogers
7 months ago
Faucet is a lifelong bureaucrat, he running a nationwide experiment. Vaccines are
not bad but this one needs work, the failure here was not using therapeutics and
dreaming those that worked. That is the real issue. All of those who threaten
licenses to shut off discussion should be ashamed but I am sure their giant egos
will prevent that. Things would be better now had we give and take discussion.
7 months ago
Fauci is just an example of government failure to handle the pandemic properly. In
an "emergency" the first thing that comes to a politician or bureaucrat's mind is
forcing the population to comply with arbitrary commands. This has resulted in
pretty much total failure.

Doctors should not have been prevented from prescribing HCQ or Ivermectin. These
are well known safe drugs. Doctors are normally able to prescribe drugs for off
label use so it should have been a no-brainer to allow their use against COVID.
Even though such a test would not have met the standards of a formal study the real
world results would have quickly shown whether the drugs were a good tool or not.

The lockdowns were a failure and also caused immense economic damage. Governors
should not have authority to enact such measures on their own. Likewise Biden
should not have any authority to mandate vaccinations under threat of being fired
from a private sector job. This has likely caused or exacerbated our current
"hospital full" situation in many places and caused shortages of other critical

We would have been better off if we had a lot less government and a whole lot more
citizens free to contribute to solutions.
Morry Rotenberg
7 months ago
Spot on! Fauci is NOT an epidemiologist, Birx was not an epidemiologist, Redfield
was not an epidemiologist. The authors of the Great Barrington Declaration are all
epidemiologists and they were dismissed by his eminence Fauci and the rest of the
Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party’s apparatchiks in the media.
james m mullin
7 months ago
the truth may come out of india
Robert Cunningham
7 months ago
But hidden from the public by the little Nazi and social media tyrants.

anuary 3, 2022
COVID 19 and the Deification of Government
By Steve McCann
The rocky road this nation has traveled over the past 22 months has given rise to a
severe loss of credibility for the government and the scientific/medical community.
But more importantly, these months of COVID hysteria have brought out into the open
a fundamental question about the ethos of the American people, their leaders and
the future of the nation.

An increasingly significant percentage of the citizenry is abandoning a belief in

God and the Judeo-Christian teachings that undergird the foundation of the country,
with many willfully substituting an unconditional faith in government.
Accordingly, the United States is evolving into a society wherein a significant
majority can be willingly manipulated and extraordinarily susceptible to collective
hysteria due their near-religious belief in the infallibility of a man-made

Alas, the institution of government, as the pandemic revealed, is dominated by

unscrupulous and despotic politicians, their sycophants in the corporate media and
politicized bureaucrats. Elitists who have unabashedly sowed unfounded fear,
anxiety and falsehoods among the populace in order to successfully abet the
fraudulent skewing of the 2020 election and for personal economic gain. These same
wannabe autocrats have also revealed themselves to be incapable of changing course
or admitting to and apologizing for their innumerable and ongoing lies and

Over the past 1,600 years, numerous global pandemics have been the primary
causation in the death of nearly 700+ million people. In many instances, upwards
of 25% of a country’s population was killed during these pandemics.

Yet at no time during the past 16 centuries has a nation’s healthy population been
effectively quarantined and its society been subjected to lockdowns and deliberate
economic dislocation. That is until March of 2020 and a laboratory-created
respiratory virus with, as it turns out, less than 100 out of 100,000 (0.1%) who
contracted Covid-19 dying of Covid-19.

Many among the American and global governing elites willfully chose to follow the
lead of their authoritarian soulmates, the Communist Chinese and their
choreographed public lockdown of Hubei province (Wuhan) in January of 2020. The
elites unleashed their inner tyrant upon their respective societies without
questioning why Xi Jinping had instituted a dramatic lockdown (which was fully
lifted within 72 days).

They did not wait for any substantive data about the virus despite warnings from
numerous renowned doctors and scientists to slow down and wait for more information
and rely on traditional public health approaches that had been used successfully in
previous respiratory virus outbreaks such as in 1957-59 and 1968-69.

Instead, the ruling elites in the United States, primarily for political and
electoral reasons, publicly committed to “eradicating” the virus and touted absurd
models that claimed over 2.2 million Americans would die of the virus. Thus, the
implementation of unprecedented nationwide economic and societal shutdowns and
mandatory masking was the only solution.

The federal government, including a duped President Trump, proclaimed to the public
that these policy prescriptions would “defeat the virus” -- an astonishing and
delusional claim as it is impossible to “defeat” a seasonal respiratory virus.
Trump eventually came around to a different view, but it set the precedent and
locked the entire country into a pattern of control and suppression. This has
evolved into a command-and-control method that not only did not work but created a
scenario wherein there seemed to be no way out but even more control and coercion.

These actions have eventuated in the greatest transfer of wealth in human history
from the lower and middle classes to the elites, as well as untold emotional and
physical devastation among these same disposable populations.
Covid mania is now highlighted by government mandated or militantly coerced
reliance on significantly flawed vaccines that do not prevent infection stemming
from new and inevitable variants of Covid-19. In fact the vaccines may aid in
spawning these variants. Meanwhile, the dramatic rise in drug overdoses,
suicides, and child abuse as well as financial dislocation, inflation, impending
recession and ongoing wealth transfer to the nation’s elites continues unabated.

None of this would have been possible if a sizable number of the American people
weren’t predisposed to believe, without question, any edict, statement,
exaggeration or falsehood emanating from the medical/science bureaucracy or elected
politicians at any level of government.

If the current citizenry were as well versed in American history and as skeptical
of government and as distrusting of the ruling elites as their God-fearing
ancestors, this nation would not have experienced the chaos and misery extant over
the past 22 months.

First, the bureaucrats and politicians would not have attempted to impose societal
lockdowns and unconstitutional mandates. Second, if they had been so foolish as to
try, they would have precipitated a national revulsion and revolt, as there were
numerous events that quickly exposed the falsehoods and hypocrisy of those issuing
the edicts together with the actual facts and statistics that belied what the
American people were being told.

Shortly after the imposition of lockdowns and social distancing throughout the
United States, the same bureaucrats and politicians were claiming that massive
left-wing demonstrations protesting George Floyd’s death would not spread the virus
whereas any large gatherings of conservatives or Trump supporters would.

Numerous politicians, bureaucrats and other denizens of the ruling elite

unabashedly ignored the edicts and mandates imposed on the unwashed masses by
vacationing, traveling and gathering together at will. While small businesses were
forcibly shuttered, the major chains and E-commerce outlets owned by their
plutocractic fellow travelers were allowed to remain open for business as usual.

Italy was the first western country to experience a massive surge of Covid-19
cases. By the middle of March 2020, it was confirmed by Italy’s National Health
Institute that nearly 90% of fatalities were among those over 70 with significant
comorbidities. This clearly indicated the need for societies to focus almost
solely on that age group and not society at large, thus mitigating the purporteded
need for lockdowns. Further, the death rate directly traceable to the virus was
only 0.8%, 5 to 6 times less than what the American people were being told would
happen. The government bureaucrats and politicians knew early in the pandemic the
true statistics about Covid-19.

On July 5, 2020, Donald Trump, facing vile accusations of outright lying by the
corporate media and the Democrats, declared that 99% of Covid cases had been
harmless. By August of 2020, the CDC was forced to release data confirming the
average survival rate for everyone under 70 was 99.6% (95% over 70) and in less
than 6% of all alleged covid deaths did people die of Covid.

In April of 2020 Dr. Birx, of Trump’s COVID task force, openly stated that anyone
who died with COVID, regardless of the primary cause of death, would be recorded as
a COVID fatality, thus greatly exaggerating and over-dramatizing for public
consumption the deaths directly attributable to the virus.

Over the past 22 months, despite the innumerable occurrences of misfeasance and
duplicity by the ruling elites, a sizable plurality of Americans are even now
willingly being manipulated and are still captive to collective hysteria. Their
dogmatic belief in government overcomes their life experience of COVID, as they
continue to unquestioningly believe every fabrication and blindly obey every
illegal and unnecessary mandate issued by the bureaucrats and politicians
regardless of the devastating impact on themselves and their fellow residents of
the lower and middle classes.

What the United States has experienced since March of 2020 is but a microcosm of
what will happen to this nation if an increasing percentage of the citizenry
chooses to deify government and other man-made institutions. They will have played
into the hands of despotic authoritarians hellbent on transforming the United
States as founded.

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Alan Stevens
7 months ago
"touted absurd models that claimed over 2.2 million Americans would die of the
virus. "

So the entire country goes under quarantine over a mathematical model, before any
deaths had even occurred in the U.S.
Bob Wilson
7 months ago
"Further, the death rate directly traceable to the virus was only 0.8%, 5 to 6
times less than what the American people were being told would happen."

For author Steve McCann...there is no such thing as 5-6 times less * * *. The
verbally correct way of mathematically stating this is that the number is 1/5 or
1/6 as much. This lack of basic numeracy by educated folks drives me crazy.
Joe Strader
7 months ago
I thought maybe it was just me. Every time I see this terminology, I wonder what
the author means as it makes no mathematical sense. If he said that the projection
was 5 to 6 times the rate of what actually happened, it would be correct and more
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
7 months ago
What has been forgotten through all this is that the masses have been conditioned
to it for several decades of school indoctrination already.
Also do not forget that the majority of churches became more or less entertainment
centers with bands, drums, coffee and donuts. Because of the tax exemptions they
could not really teach what they wanted to. Many did not even want to.

We were warned by old Soviet Union defectors but smiled and did not listen "will
never happen here" was the arrogant reply.
Emmer Biggins
7 months ago
Or in other words - briefly summarized - most American's are really, undeniably
gullible, stupid, and far too easily duped.

ebruary 1, 2022
The doctors who actually do know best?
By Jim Hollingsworth
On Sunday, January 23, there was a march and rally in Washington, D.C.: "Defeat the
Mandates: An America Homecoming." On Monday, January 24, Senator Ron Johnson
hosted a panel discussion where about a dozen of these same doctors shared their
personal testimonies.

These are not doctors just plucked off the street, but professionals from all over
the country who are tops in their particular field. One doctor is the CEO of a
medical organization with over 17,000 medical and scientific members. The mainline
media called their narratives a "false narrative."

Listen to what these doctors had to say.

"Let doctors be doctors; let the doctor and patient determine the treatment, not
the government."

"The men who founded America were not professional politicians, but farmers, shop
people, and land-owners."

"It was a serious mistake to let government officials control health care rather
than doctors and nurses, who really knew what was happening."

One doctor pointed out that the things that were important to him were his wife,
his kids, and his grandkids. He insisted we take a stand for our grandkids.

"Don't let them vaccinate your kids. While vaccinating may have seemed like a good
idea at the start of the pandemic, vaccinating kids makes no sense. Children have
natural immunity, rarely catch the flu, and more rarely pass it on to others. Many
have suffered because of the vaccinations."

"Vaccinating children has had very negative results. Some, especially the boys,
have had permanent heart damage. Some girls became sterile."

"If your child is injured because of the introduction of an unproven vaccine, you
have no remedy: drug companies are no longer liable for drug failures. "

One doctor shared how he was working in the emergency room of a hospital and was
seeing a lot of success by treating with off-label drugs. The hospital banned
those drugs and would not let him use them. He then had no way to save his

One doctor pointed out that the drug companies along with the CDC, the NIH, and the
FDA are pushing very expensive drugs and resisting the early use of much cheaper
drugs. These off-label drugs, when used at the right time and with the right dose,
are very effective, and they cost only pennies.

"It is evident that there is a lot of fraud in the health care business, which is a
terrible tragedy."

"Following the protocol of Dr. Fauci and the CDC has cost a lot of unnecessary

"The common prescription was to send the patient home until he turned blue, and
then bring him to the hospital. The patient was given dangerous drugs, and often
he died because the proper treatment was not available, or it was too late."

The rally took place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. One doctor pointed out
that another American shared his "dream" on that very spot in a 1963 rally.

One doctor pointed out the importance of having "Integrity, Dignity, and
Community," traits that seem to be lacking to us today. He pointed out the
importance of a little kindness and good works.

Several doctors pointed out how our Constitution has served us well for over two
hundred years, but it is gradually being eroded. The American Constitution has no
provision for the abandonment of our rights because of a medical emergency. They
pointed out that the action by the CDC and other health officials is leading to

"These vaccines are still experimental; they have not yet been proven or approved
for general use."

"The vaccines that were developed two years ago for the Covid 19 virus are not
effective at all against the omicron variety of the flu."

"Masks do no good. They do not keep you from getting the disease or prevent you
from giving it to another person. The virus is many times smaller than the mesh in
the mask and the virus goes right through it."

"Children need to be free of masks. Young children learn to talk by watching your
face. The expression on a face often says as much as the words communicated, and
this is impossible when wearing a mask."

"We were told to lock down and isolate for two weeks to flatten the curve, so
hospitals would not be overwhelmed. Almost two years later and that directive is
still in place in some locations. Hospitals were waiting for a great influx of
covid patients. But it did not happen. Often the hospitals were almost empty and
doctors were sent home."

"We were told that the answer was a vaccine: Then it was a booster; Then a second
booster. Evidence makes it clear that vaccines do not prevent you from catching
the virus, nor do they prevent you from giving it to another."

"Natural immunity is far more effective than any mask or vaccine could ever hope to
be. Natural immunity lasts a lifetime and vaccinations wear off in just a short

"Most hospitals insisted that all staff had to be vaccinated. They made no
provision for natural immunity, or for immunity that resulted from having covid.
Unless the person was vaccinated he was terminated. This made no sense, as
hospitals, which were already short of staff, were made even shorter. Medical
professionals, who had been treated like heroes during the height of the pandemic
were later treated like domestic terrorists if they refused to be vaccinated."

One doctor pointed out the importance of personal choice. All medical decisions
need to be made between the doctor and the patient. The patient always has the
choice of seeking a second opinion if he is not satisfied with the diagnosis.
Patients need to regain control over their bodies and what is put into them. That
needs to be their choice, not that of any government official.

The common theme of the medical discussions was "protect your children; protect
your rights." Our rights are being gradually taken away from us. This has got to

One doctor pointed out an old maxim: "Let truth loose; it will defend itself."

Another doctor pointed out that one province in India could not get vaccines so
they used off-label drugs. The result was that they had far fewer fatalities than
other locations around them.

Several doctors quoted part of the Hippocratic Oath, which says: "First, do no
harm". The medical profession has traditionally been committed to protecting the
patient and not doing any harm. Politicians have placed doctors in a position where
they cannot possibly care for their patients as they ought to.

One doctor concluded by offering hope: "We shall get through this." "There is hope
in the future. Stop thinking about the past. You cannot do anything about it.
Think of the future and what you can do about it."

Several doctors asked those who attended the rally to go home and take action to
open the eyes of those around them. Many forms of mass communication have been
shut down; doctors have been removed from certain platforms. But the truth must
get out. Otherwise, we will only have tyranny.

Jim Hollingsworth has a master's degree from Pensacola Christian College. He

receives mail at He has written four books: Climate
Change: A Convenient Truth, Cortez: A Biography, The Ancient Culture of the Aztec
Empire, and Abortion Compassion, available where books are sold.

Image via Pixnio.



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Morry Rotenberg
6 months ago
I tried to get a prescription for ivermectin. A physician sent in a prescription.
The two pharmacists at different pharmacies refused to fill the rx. It’s not just
doctors that have been co-opted by the Marxist government we now have.
Amy Hall
6 months ago
Look for “compounding” pharmacies in your area or state. We get ours from one of
these in another city. They deliver it to us.
Big Moose
6 months ago
Same experience. Shop for an ID physician who will write the Rx. They are out
Sharon Sapp
6 months ago
It's time to get rid of the 3 letter agencies that run our lives without Congress.
Congress has been working to destroy our Republic for years, they are owned by
their Big Donors.
Randi Pinkerton
6 months ago
The medical community is supposedly highly educated. That they could climb on the
COVID bandwagon so happily puts the lie to that and does not inspire confidence
that they will start operating in OUR best interests.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
That's why it is now called "the Medical industrial complex" even more dangerous
than the military industrial complex.

You have to realize that many doctors have already been indoctrinated with Leftist
garbage in their medical schools, just like young priests in seminaries are
indoctrinated to become homosexuals.
Also, after many years of study and internship most simply cannot afford to go
against the Government and lose their license .

The ones who are speaking out everywhere now have to be applauded. Unfortunately
they are not being covered by the regular media. If anything the bubble heads in
teh media and flame throwing Psaki all call it "misinformation".
Robert Cunningham
6 months ago
"You have to realize that many doctors have already been indoctrinated with Leftist
garbage in their medical schools..."
They even now are being told that there are more than just two sexes - what a
crock. You have an innie or an outie so just look. If you are confused, you have a
mental disorder. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
Alison Vinci
6 months ago
I spoke with my doctor yesterday about getting a vaccine exemption letter. She told
me that the practice she works for has basically been told if they write an
exemption letter they will lose their license.
Randi Pinkerton
6 months ago
It took me two months to get a mask exemption letter for COPD. It's about money and
power. They have the power and they want our money.
Alison Vinci
6 months ago
And I’m sure your doctor had to jump through hoops to get it. I do believe a lot of
them recognize what is going on, but can’t for whatever reason stand up to it. I’m
sure most of them like most of us are in fear of losing their jobs. Although, I am
one of the few left in my company that refuses to attest to my vaccine status.
Randi Pinkerton
6 months ago
Actually, no. He's independent, owns the clinic and did not need "authorization"
from someone to do what he knew was right. It wasn't as though I was requesting
horse paste or any meds. I wasn't sick. He still dragged his heels. And he won't
allow me in the office, since I'm unmasked and unjabbed. He treats me in the
parking lot.

1984 had nothing on 2022.

Alison Vinci
6 months ago
That’s even sadder. I’ve actually argued with my rheumatologist, every time I see
him he tries to push the vax on me, I asked if he was getting a kickback.
Randi Pinkerton
6 months ago
So it comes down to their license or your health. Hobson would've loved it.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Yes, that is especially true in CA. Doctors can no longer give mask or vaccine
exemptions because they are threatened with losing their license.
Alison Vinci
6 months ago
What happened to do no harm.
Robert Cunningham
6 months ago
Andrew Thomas
6 months ago
Ivermectin and HCQ
will save you from the Wuhan flu.
John Weed
6 months ago
I'm kind of tired about hearing all of the "good doctor" information and nothing
really changes (except even more mandates and government control). So we wait for
the Uniparty elections in November before things turn around. Good luck with that.
Richard Melliand
6 months ago
I watched Senator Ron Johnson's medical panel on OANN. It was long and very
sobering. This needs to be watched over and over again by any doubters that we have
incompetent corrupt government bureaucrats killing our citizens and killing our
education and economy.
JC Raines
6 months ago
If you go to alternative medicine people, they will probably write you a Rx for
Ivermectin. I have several friends who did exactly that. So far, they have not had
occasion to use the Rx but at least they're ready.

ebruary 2, 2022
The COVID Narrative is Falling Apart
By James Stansbury
Joe Biden claims this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and wants everyone in the
world vaxxed with the “safe and effective” vaccines. In addition, he plans to
distribute millions of "effective" N-95 masks. Anyone paying attention knows this
is a big lie. Masks may be a comforting placebo, but even the N95s don’t work as
advertised. And new revelations about dangerous vaccine side effects have surfaced
despite media suppression.

New Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin made masks and vaccinations optional for state
employees and public schools. Immediately some parents, teachers, and school
boards threw a hissy fit (at least seven lawsuits have resulted so far).
Meanwhile, those who voted for him see this as much-needed relief from a pandemic
that has run its course.

Why is there so much disagreement? The late Malcolm Muggeridge put it this way;
“People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to.” Think
about it; the Left and their media allies have terrified our children and ordinary
citizens so much that they desperately want to believe masks and vax mandates are
the only answer. Anyone who disagrees must be silenced, socially destroyed, or
even allowed to die by withholding organ transplants or life-saving therapeutics.

I was taught the only way to fight a lie is with the truth. However, I also know
those who placed all their hope in the big COVID lie will do whatever it takes to
silence anyone who disagrees. Just ask Joe Rogan about being silenced. It is
nearly impossible to overcome emotion with facts, but I will present some anyway:

1). Alarming vax side effects reported by military whistleblowers. This story made
a few waves last week when Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) included a mention in his
five-hour Senate hearing. The information came from the Defense Medical
Epidemiology Database (DMED), a mundane accounting tool used to track all medical
diagnoses of military personnel and dependents for insurance billing purposes.
DMED did better than the CDC’s ineffective Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
(VAERS). Following is a summary of the most alarming vax side effects:

Myocardial infarction (heart attack) -- 269% increase

Cancer diagnoses -- 300% increase
Miscarriage -- 300% increase
Bell’s palsy -- 291% increase
Congenital malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156% increase
Female infertility -- 471% increase
Pulmonary embolisms -- 467% increase
Neurological issues -- 1,000% increase

2). Athletes are mysteriously dying of sudden heart attacks: In Dec. 2021, Lorphic
News, a non-traditional news source reported on the extraordinary number of
physically fit, fully vaccinated athletes experiencing fatal heart attacks. This
claim was systematically denied by most news sources. However, a chart compiled by
the Federation Internationale de Football [soccer] Association (FIFA) confirms this
is real and like the above military data, is based on a large sample size. FIFA
has member athletes from 209 countries and has routinely tracked athlete health
data for 20 years. Their long-term data confirms a fivefold increase in sudden
cardiac deaths in only six months of 2021.

3). Vaccines now have negative efficacy: Data has surfaced claiming that continued
use of the original vax is causing negative efficacy. Negative efficacy doesn't
mean the protection fades. It means the opposite: it means the vaccines are now
weakening the immune system. It became clear that countries with the highest vax
rates were the most likely to experience a surge in both cases and deaths. You can
monitor five representative countries' daily death rates here. Note that India is
included because India was the only one to allow the widespread early use of
inexpensive therapeutics. Initially, their protocol included hydroxychloroquine
but when the more deadly delta variant hit they switched to a protocol that
included ivermectin. India had far better results than the others in taming COVID.

In the above sample, Australia had the most severe police state lockdowns, mask
mandates, and a high vax rate of around 80%. After some initial success, it has
suddenly gone from near zero cases and deaths to having an explosion in both.
Since spring of 2021 Sweden, noted for its minimal mandates, had maintained near-
zero cases and deaths as a result of achieving herd immunity early. All that
changed when for reasons unknown Sweden pushed vaccinations despite the herd
immunity achievement. As a result, Sweden’s flat-lined case and death rate also
spiked, thus indicating its herd immunity achievement is compromised by vax
negative efficacy.

4). Omicron provides long-lasting natural immunity: A peer-reviewed article titled

“Cross-reactive memory T cells associate with protection against SARS-CoV-2
infection in COVID-19 contacts” published Jan. 10 in the scientific journal Nature
provided a warning and some encouragement:

Once widespread infection (such as the Omicron wave) occurs across the world, the
virus will eventually circulate endemically, meaning that infections may still
happen but with milder symptoms and much less mortality.

There are two reasons that the transition from pandemic to endemic didn’t happen
until Omicron: 1) all the widely used vaccines are based on the spike protein,
which doesn’t induce a protective long-lasting T-cell response, and 2) natural
immunity wasn’t widespread.

In other words, the current vaccines too narrowly target only the original Alpha
spike protein and ignore the rest of the virus proteins. This inhibits the
production of long-lasting memory T-cells that can more readily adapt to new
variants and this omission for those most heavily vaccinated appears to have
changed omicron from mild to more dangerous.

Conclusions: Considering the dangerous vax side effects described above, it’s time
to recognize that COVID is becoming endemic like the closely related common cold or
seasonal flu. This means the safest way for the unvaccinated to produce the
necessary long-lasting memory T-cells may be by catching omicron.

For those facing omicron with an immune system weakened by multiple vaxxes and
boosters, age, or comorbidities, an emergency use authorization by the FDA for the
therapeutics (chiefly ivermectin) India used could be a lifesaver. However, the
political climate today makes FDA authorization unlikely -- many hospitals have
already allowed patients to die rather than try these proven, safe therapeutics.
And last week, effective monoclonal antibody treatments have mysteriously lost
their FDA approval.

Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to fortify your immune system with a daily dose of
over-the-counter vitamin D3, C, and zinc (all are included in India’s COVID kit).
Around 80 to 85 percent of people who died from COVID were deficient in these
vitamins and the most vulnerable are senior citizens and the obese (because fat
cells absorb vitamin D before it can reach where needed). I’m no doctor so ask
yours for dose rates since each can vary widely by weight, age, etc. We are still
on our own for an early treatment option so it may be better to contact an
organization of rebel doctors like the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

U.K. PM Boris Johnson did the right thing by ending all vax and mask mandates and
letting nature take its course. (The Remnant features an excellent analysis of the
politics behind the COVID tyranny.) Denmark has just followed his lead. Will
50,000 fearless Canadian truckers succeed in bringing a strong enough emotion to
Canada or the U.S. to end the mandates?

Image: Publicdomainvectors


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donald b welch
6 months ago
i had covid in january. stomach flu, stomach it what you will. the
hospital told me i had covid but i will never trust a hospital the rest of my life.
they knew i was unvaxed and were cool to me although i would say attentive. they
never treated me with anything. not a thing. i asked them if they had ivermectin
and of course they didn't (michigan). the nurses said they didn't know what i was
asking about. a female doc just said simply: "no".

i lost 20 lbs in three weeks. 184 down to 164. lost smell and taste. kicked my ass
but i was never in real danger. now my appetite is back with a vengeance i have to
balance gaining my weight back with my diabetes....which is bouncing which you can
imagine. i will never get the vax or follow up jabs.

one more note....i was reading here on american thinker sometime in early january
and a nurse had said tylenol is the ticket. i bought walmart house brand ($2.97)
started taking two before bed and in a week i felt like a million bucks. just
sayin'...not proselytizing. my story.

i'll answer any questions if anyone cares to ask.

Kerry M Eberly
6 months ago
When I got it in October, 2021, I also had the GI symptoms. Vomiting if I tried to
eat or drink anything other than water. Lost about 20 lbs (195 to 175) which
wouldn't be a bad thing for me except that the weight loss was all protein as my
body was mobilizing a massive immune response to the virus.

Keep up the protein intake. We are built to eat protein and animal fats. Carbs are
just luxury food, but in excess bad for that diabetes (as you well know).
donald b welch
6 months ago
good advice. thanks any ideas as to a good source of protein that doesn't have a
lot of carbs?
Kerry M Eberly
6 months ago
Oily fishes. If you are no fan of fish, any animal you can afford. I think venison
is awesome. Cow. Chicken. Turkey has always smelled rotten to me for some reason.

A lot of those supplement bars are either full of carbs, or sugar alcohols (more
likely) which are still carbs but which induce GI gasses, or taste like sawdust so
on those products, I will eat an occasional, SMALL bar of Fit Crunch.

My weakness and downfall on multiple levels is Phish Food ice cream. Yes. Produced
by left wing loons, but it's soooo good..... sigh.
Marcia Carabell
6 months ago
My husband and I had exactly the same experience you did. Husband also had bad
respiratory involvement. I took him to family doc, i could still drive at this
point, they refused any treatment sent us to ER. We were about 10 days in, they too
refused any treatment. Exrayed lungs and ultrasounded for clots, negative. Refused
to give him monoclonal antibodies. We went home and I did an equine ivermectin
treatment for both of us for 5 days and we recovered.
We had both been on Zelenko’s C D3 Zinc Quercetin supplement as a preventative for
3 months, taking 2 capsules daily as recommended. I was really bummed out it didn’t
afford us more protection. But then again it might have kept us from dying. We’ll
never know for sure. We do still take it daily and will continue indefinitely as it
should also help prevent other illnesses.
We have not and will not take the “vax”!
donald b welch
6 months ago
have $300 6 month supply of dr.z stack in my cupboard. i think i got ripped off to
tell the truth.
Marcia Carabell
6 months ago
Were you taking it pre covid? If not you might as well use it , might not be as
good as advertised as i can attest to. But can’t hurt, don’t waste it!
Morry Rotenberg
6 months ago
I blame the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party.
6 months ago
Aka the Xiden-Asterisk-Poopy Pants Party.
John Weed
6 months ago
It's not easy to medicate or prevent a virus from attacking your system when it was
designed as a bioweapon. It's doing its job as intended. If you catch it and your
body can fight it off, consider yourself one of the lucky ones. China, Fauci,
Gates, etc. will be truly disappointed but the lab is busy working on another
Emmer Biggins
6 months ago
If you’ve allowed the experimental, unproven, non-vaccine to be put into your body,
you’re likely one of the droves that watch CNN and can’t actually think for
yourself, as the facts have been plainly before us all along.
Simpleton sheep.
Ingeborg Rosa Hanson
6 months ago
Oh there are plenty on the Right who have taken the Covid vaccines. Hannity
constantly says that he has been vaccinated but does not believe in mandates.
6 months ago
Hannity also says 99% of FBI agents are great people. I have been waiting for one
-- just one -- whistleblower from the FBI. Crickets!
Emmer Biggins
6 months ago
Indeed, and each and every last one of them is an idiot.

ay 31, 2022
How the COVID Vaccines Kill
By Joseph Shepherd
With each passing day, the news connected to the COVID shots grows worse. That the
injections don’t prevent COVID -- or even its spread -- has been known for months,
and post-injection problems encompass almost everything that can go wrong with a

“Not a single organ, not a single bodily function, is unharmed” after one of these
shots, said Arne Burkhardt, a professor of forensics at Reutlingen’s Pathological

So little has been written about why “side effects” such as myocarditis have popped
up that one can’t help but wonder: Does anybody understand how these shots work?

In the space below, let’s pick three of the harshest complications and explore how
COVID shots could be driving the mechanics of each.

1 - Myocarditis

The pale-yellow fluid of the Pfizer or Moderna vial contains billions of

microscopic fat globs called lipid nanoparticles. Each is an incredibly tiny
envelope, used to conceal the novel drug: messenger RNA. Once injected, the
combination of nanoparticles and mRNA becomes a well-camouflaged predator.

According to Pfizer’s own data, less than half the nanoparticles stay in the arm
where they were injected. Most slip through tiny cracks in muscle tissue and enter
the bloodstream. Venous blood speeds them to the heart, which pumps and disperses
them to the entire body.

Depending on the level of exercise, from 5 to 25% of these particles wind up in

coronary circulation. Why is this important? Consider the rather large number of
nanoparticles that must slip into human heart tissue: 50 to 250 million out of
each billion that enter the veins of the arm.

Coronary circulation branches into microscopic capillaries that rush nutrients to

heart muscle cells. And since the nanoparticles designed by Pfizer and Moderna
masquerade as triglycerides, heart muscle cells are apt to snatch them out of
circulation as food.

Now imagine the shock for any hard-charging heart cell that engulfs one of these
particles. Expecting a meal, the cell unwraps the envelope, and voilà! Freshly
unveiled messenger RNA seizes the cell’s protein-generating apparatus, forcing out
a known toxin -- the COVID spike protein.

Very soon, with urgent biochemical signals, the afflicted cell telegraphs news of
its hijacking to the immune system, which will marshal what it takes to destroy the

An immune-mediated attack on heart muscle cells is, of course, the very essence of
myocarditis. Foreign RNA takes control of a cell’s protein production,
transforming these cells into enemies of the body, and the immune system converts
them into useless scar tissue. The process is irreversible, as heart muscle cells
do not regenerate.

According to CDC, myocarditis from COVID jabs is “rare” and “mild,” but where is
the evidence for this proclamation? Pfizer’s data shows every shot -- at least in
part -- entering the bloodstream, so CDC has interesting notions about the word
“rare.” Clinical myocarditis is never “mild.” A phenomenon that kills thousands
of heart muscle cells is better classified as “serious” or “severe.” And even if
the subject doesn’t die right away, how is that person not permanently injured?
And how is the process not cumulative with each subsequent jab?
Given that about 40% of CDC income comes from vaccine patents and products, how can
we be assured these experts are not self-serving?

2 – Vascular Damage and Heart Attack Risk

Now let’s turn attention from lipid nanoparticles to their end-product, the COVID
spike protein. Having been forced into production by messenger RNA, spike protein
peels off cell membranes and drops into general circulation. From there, it stabs
and deactivates ACE-2 protein, which is displayed on the innermost lining of blood

Deactivating ACE-2 has enormous consequences for the body: Its loss leads to
oxidative stress on blood vessels, putting the patient at risk for organ damage and
blood clots over time.

Can oxidative stress persist for months, or even longer? A study of spike-injected
hamsters showed that damaged ACE-2 was not replaced by mammalian cells. Either the
cells never sensed that ACE-2 was “spiked” or didn’t generate a signal to replace
spiked ACE-2 with a fresher version. To put it a more scientific way: Injected
spike protein down-regulated ACE-2, probably for as long as the cells stayed alive.

Does any of this apply to humans? Using the PULS lab score to study a large group
of at-risk patients, investigators found that future risk for heart attack remained
almost triple two and a half months after two mRNA shots.

3 – Neurodegenerative Disease

Is the COVID jab really associated with premature Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
disease? Evidence continues to mount, and spike protein is once again the culprit.
Circulating spike targets the brain in a variety of ways:

by exposing brain cells to unnecessary toxins through crowbar-like effects on the

blood-brain barrier.
by inducing susceptible proteins to misfold and become pathogenic.
by attacking ACE-2 protein-rich environments in the brain.
by forcing mitochondria (the energy-producing organelles of cells) into less
efficient processes, so that injured brain cells take on the eerie characteristics
of cancer and Alzheimer’s cells.
Long-term outlook

Messenger RNA technology has been around for over 20 years, and multiple vaccines
have been attempted. Each failed because the experimental animals failed to

Last February, spike protein was found to inhibit type 1 interferon, the powerful
regulator of the immune system. Hindering type 1 interferon reduces the body’s
ability to defend against:

(1) malignancies

(2) autoimmune diseases

(3) viral infections

Over the next year, we will continue to observe how impaired interferon affects the
great COVID shot experiment. But while we study the pathology, let us further
develop the mechanisms associated with mRNA injections, so that new approaches to
the injuries they inflict may be devised.
Joseph Shepherd is a physician in Birmingham, Alabama.

Image: Pixabay



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ugust 2, 2022
The Corruption of the World Health Organization (WHO)
By Eileen F. Toplansky
Abir Ballan, author of the June 2022 piece titled “The WHO Review and Why it
Matters to You? has documented the corruption by WHO/global leaders and governments
concerning Covid treatment.

In essence, Ballan’s findings are a call to action to “reassess the WHO’s candidacy
as an authoritative global public health organization” and the necessary actions
needed to “safeguard” people’s “health sovereignty.”

With the unending mismanagement of Covid treatment and the WHO’s influence on so
many countries, it is a critical call to action.

Ballan ponders the following:

·Did the World Health Organization follow public health principles when
recommending the global Covid-19 response?
Was the WHO-recommended response to Covid-19 in line with the WHO’s own
constitution and its own pandemic preparedness plans?
Was the WHO guided by science or by private corporate interests?
Ultimately, is the WHO suitable as an agency and global authority when it comes to
public health?

The World Health Organization’s own constitution states that “informed opinion and
active co-operation on the part of the public are of the utmost importance in the
improvement of the health of the people.”

Yet, informed consent, which includes the right to say “no” to the vaccine, was
essentially non-existent as companies, schools and governmental institutions
coerced people into taking the jab.

Repeatedly, scientists, doctors and other health care workers who attempted to
inform the public about alternative treatment options for Covid were censored,
punished, and given a pariah status that still exists to this day.

Were non-pharmaceutical interventions [such as masks] deployed during the Covid-19

pandemic in line with the 2019 WHO pandemic management recommendations?

The overwhelming answer is “not even close.”

Here are some excerpts from a 2019 WHO document re: non-pharmaceutical public
health measures for mitigating the risk of epidemic and pandemic influenza.

Home quarantine of exposed individuals to reduce transmission is NOT recommended

because there is no obvious rationale for this measure [.] (p. 47)

The EFFECT of reactive school closure in reducing influenza transmission varied but
was generally limited. ‘In such cases, the adverse effects on the community should
be considered (e.g. family burden and economic considerations) and the timing and
duration should be limited to a period that is judged to be optimal.’ (p. 52)

The strength of EVIDENCE on workplace closure is very LOW because the identified
studies are all simulation studies. (p. 54)

NO scientific EVIDENCE was identified for the effectiveness of travel advice

against pandemic influenza; however, providing information to travelers is simple,
feasible and acceptable. (p. 61)

Entry and exit screening of travelers [health declarations, visual inspections for
symptoms and temperature checks] is ‘NOT recommended due to the overall
ineffectiveness in reducing the introduction of infection and delaying local
transmission.’ [Moreover] ‘Involuntary screening may have ethical or legal
implications. (p. 64)

Nonetheless every one of the above was employed with a vengeance. Schools were
closed to the detriment of student achievement. There is now an overwhelming
increase in speech delays among students because of two-plus years of social
avoidance and lack of face-to-face learning.

To this day, colleges still send already jabbed students home to quarantine. And
the fact that already “vaccinated” people become sick is completely glossed over.

In fact, “The WHO played a vital role in influencing the public’s perception of the
threat of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19 in some people). Tedros A.
Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director General, started his speech (March 3, 2020) by
mentioning Ebola, priming the public to make an association between Ebola (a highly
deadly disease) and Covid-19. This is a behavioural science technique — techniques
used to modify human behaviour subconsciously — that creates an association between
two events in order to transfer the characteristics of one event onto the other.”

Is this an accurate way to measure events or rather a means to create behaviors

that ultimately are unwarranted and quite detrimental?

After all, despite data showing the low lethality of the virus, the World Health
Organization “did not adjust its recommendations to apply the principle of
proportionality throughout the pandemic.”

In addition, outright fabrications were disseminated by the WHO. In March 2020,

the WHO declared SARS-CoV-2 as an entirely novel virus. In actuality, “SARS-CoV-2
is not entirely novel. It is a new member of the coronavirus family, closely
related to the SARS-CoV virus which caused the SARS disease in 2003.”
Yet, WHO’s public messaging was “dominated by scary discussions of not knowing much
about this ‘novel’ virus or how to treat it.” Such fear mongering led to
isolation, economic ruin and social collapse.

Ballan clearly documents the flip-flopping of the WHO.

The WHO went back and forth on their position on the role of asymptomatic spread in
transmission. On the one hand, the WHO claimed that ‘asymptomatic spread of
coronavirus is ‘very rare.’ Then they claimed that asymptomatic transmission is ‘a
really complex question’ and ‘we don’t actually have that answer yet.’

The WHO continued to push ineffective measures such as masks, social distancing and
avoiding touching surfaces throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Lockdowns reflect the WHO’s disregard for existing pandemic plans. In truth,
“lockdowns is a term that was never used in previous pandemic plans. They do not
save lives. They destroy lives and livelihoods.”

Assertions were made by the WHO without actual data to affirm the claims. For
example, in March 16, 2020 the WHO stated “this is a serious disease. Although the
evidence we have suggests that those over 60 are at highest risk, young children,
including children, have died.” But notice the wording.

‘Young people, including children have died.’ Does the WHO specify here the
percentage of children and young people who have died as a result of Covid compared
to other diseases? The IFR [Infection Fatality Rate] for Covid in children is
0.0013%. More children die from diarrehoea than from Covid.

Yet, children as young as three have died from the jab and their family’s loss is

The WHO regularly boasts about the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines while
disregarding the daily news about the adverse reactions and the deaths related to
the so-called vaccine, i.e., the COVID jabs impact male and female fertility;
COVID-19 injections may damage young children’s innate immune systems; personal
stories of people injured by the vaccines; COVID vaccines related to cardiac
disorders; and permanent disability resulting from the jab.

While the data from the US vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) reflects
a clear strong signal to halt the vaccination programs, the programs still

In fact, “as of June 6, 2022, the WHO website shows 3,861,047 reports of side
effects following the Covid-19 vaccines since December 2021.”

Disturbingly, “[t]his is not the first time that the WHO has endorsed a vaccine
that was known to be harmful. During the H1N1 2009 pandemic, the WHO endorsed the
use of the Pandemrix vaccine, despite several studies . . . linking it to a risk
of developing narcolepsy as well as other adverse events before it was quickly

Perhaps most damning of all is that the WHO disregarded emerging evidence on
potentially effective early treatments for Covid-19 and actively recommended
against their use. It “advised against the use of ivermectin to treat patients and
limited its use to clinical trials despite promising evidence for its effectiveness
and safety in treating Covid-19.”

How many lives would have been saved had the WHO not suppressed the use of life-
saving drugs?

Equally alarming is that “[a]t least 20% of contributions come from sources linked
to corporate interests and 88% of voluntary contributions are earmarked for
specific projects, largely serving those corporate interests. They include
donations from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI – the Vaccine Alliance,
UN agencies, the World Bank and Rotary International, among others.”

It should be noted that “Bill Gates is building a GERM – Global Response and
Mobilisation Team – which will be managed by the WHO to ensure that the world is
ready for future, possibly incorrectly declared ‘pandemics.’ Whose interests will
truly be served?

By its actions, the WHO has neutered their qualifications as a global health

Abir Ballan’s study is a true public service enabling people to reflect, assess and
act on the value of the WHO and what can be done to return to basic public health
core principles.

Eileen can be reached at


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Sharon Sapp
9 hours ago
Get us out of WHO and UN, both totally corrupt!
Bob Ryan
7 hours ago
We should have gotten out of both long ago.
2 hours ago
From the WHO website I learned about World Health Day which is “celebrated’ every
year on April 7th spearheaded by the World Health Organization (WHO).

To understand World Health Day, it’s important of know some history on WHO. In
1945, officials in Brazil and China proposed the creation of an international
POWERS. Six months later in New York, the constitution of WHO was approved and
entered into force on April 7, 1948. Sixty-One countries signed in agreement for
the inception of Non-Governmental Organization.

“Through the pandemic, we saw the healing power of science and we also saw
society’s weakness. Our experience has brought awareness for the need to create
SUSTAINABLE societies that are more connected and committed to achieving EQUITABLE
health, now and for future generations, while conserving the environment” (emphases

The following is happening right now.

Food Systems contribution to the overall food system gas emissions:

Production 39% due to inputs of fertilizers
Methane from livestock raising & rice cultivation combined 35%
Land 38%
Distribution 29%
Refrigeration used by retail sector 5%
Packaging 5.4%, which is more than transportation and supply-chain factors.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Bob Ryan
7 hours ago
The moment the CCP got their hands on it, the WHO was corrupted. Nothing the CCP
touches is clean.

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