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What is $=$ in component rule?

$=$ When the particular component is present the validation should proceed without throwing any

How can you incorporate validation in a type tree?

By using component rule validation can be incorporated in a type tree.

What is component Rule? Is it advisable to use Component Rule?

A component Rule is an expression about one or more components. It indicates what must be true for
that component to be valid. No it is not advisable to use Component rule.

What are different types of restrictions in type tree?

Exclude and include

What are the different types of analysis?

Logical and structural analysis.

What are the group subclasses?

Group types have a subclass of Sequence, Choice, or Unordered.

For a functional map A and B are parameters. A occurs 2 times and B occurs 3 times. How many
times the functional map executes?

6 times (2 *3)

What is the difference between COUNT () and COUNTABS ()?

The COUNTABS function returns an integer representing the number of input objects in a series. Unlike
COUNT, COUNTABS includes both valid and invalid objects in a series.

What is the difference between PACKAGE and TEXT function?

PACKAGE when you need to convert an object to a text item that includes its initiator, terminator and any
delimiters it contains. PACKAGE differs from TEXT in that it includes the initiator and terminator of the
input object.

What is the difference between LOOKUP and EXTRACT function?

LOOKUP returns the first member of series_to_search that meets the condition_to_evaluate, while
EXTRACT returns all members (one at a time) of series_to_search that meet the condition_to_evaluate.
How to find difference between to dates (dynamic values)?

Using the DATETONUMBER () function. 

Different error messages that a map will display?

1) One or more inputs invalid -- if data has issue against typetree

2) Input valid but unknown data found -- if extra bytes of data in file
3) One or more outputs invalid – if output data issue due to mapping
4) Source not available – input not available
5) Input type contains error --- mismatch between data type & type tree
6) Open audit failure
7) Fail function aborted map – issues while calling one map from another.


Turn on the map trace and check the trace file (mtr)

Map settings  Map Trace  Turn ON

Check for Output successfully generated.

How to capture invalid records?


Along Restart attribute – for map to run in case of bad data (invalid records)

Set at the group level in typetree

On performance basis which is best component Rule/Map rule?

Map rule will be an optimized option

Explain functional map f (A, B) having 3 occurrences of A and 2 occurrences of B. A and B are
independent. How many times this functional map does is called?

6 times will be called (3*2-Combination of 3 and 2)

Can you use LOOKUP in LOOKUP like LOOKUP (LOOKUP ())?


In a functional map if u are using 5 parameters, in that first parameter is EXTRACT () .If no values
gets return for the EXTRACT, how will the functional map behave?

The functional map will not be called.

What are the different classes of type?
· Item - Subclasses
· Group - subclasses
· Category

What are the three methods to partition Groups in type trees?

· Initiators. · Identifiers. · Component Rules.

What are the different windows in type tree?

1. · Item Window - restriction list, component rules

2. · Group Window – components inside it.
3. · Category Window – components under it.
4. · Properties Window -

What WTX repository you worked -

TFS – Team Foundation Server , MS

Install s/w  connect to the url  download all projects & folders & files  work on them, view
them check-in

web services (OATH2) implementation

 open authorization
 To prevent unauthorized access to server.
 Token-based Authentication
 You enter credentials to server  Server verifies & sends token to you with expiration time 
You store this token & when you make webservice calls you don’t need to send credentials

 Token Types: Access (for accessing server) & Refresh (if original expires)

What are different types of Web service calls

types of call - get, put, delete, purge, post.

Goto ‘postman’ or any other s/w select the call (get/put..)  enter the url
Do you have exp on Protocols? If so what protocols?

Protocols: how we send messages to business partners

Yes. AS2 & SFTP

For AS2 setup what details are required for setup?

Applicability Statement 2

Partner AS2 ID & URL (to send files), encryption certificate & key (to decrypt).

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