Impact of Digital Media

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Digital media is defined as the media that are encoded to the readable format for machine. Digital media

can be viewed, created, modified, preserved and communicated on digital electronics devices such as

digital images, videos, software’s, web pages, social media, websites, E books and digital audio. Digital

media’s notable impact on culture and society is composite and large. The combination of digital media

with the personal computing and internet has caused the transformation in journalism, entertainment,

publishing, education, politics, public relations and commerce. Digital media’s new challenges are

moving round to legality, copyright, and to intellectual property laws. The aiming of paperless society by

the “Digital age” resulted in digital divide, censorship, dark age of media in which media gets outdated to

upgraded and new systems. Digital media is digital content that can be transfer over computer networks

or internet. This can include audio, text, graphics and video. This shows that the news from a newspaper,

magazines, TV network, etc. that is shown on blog or web site can come in this category. Digital media

most is based on translating into digital media from analog data. When text put on the internet instead of

storing it into papers as it done in previous times, this means that internet is growing. As the images,

audio and video followed the text onto the internet. Digital media has grown in short period of time and it

continues to grow


For earlier computers the programming and calculation are perform as the main purposes. However,

computer has started to play more important role in human’s lives as the time goes on. Now computers

are no longer related to large corporations or governments. People has found that as the technology grows

storing information on computer was provided as good structure and convenient. People started to use

computers for creative purposes, entertainment, research and communication. Computer networks are

linked through the internet which is the huge global system. People has started using internet for

educational, social, commercial, government, etc. purposes giving progresses to digital media. People
were able to listen it through various sources after being connected to growing information and they can

make it more personal by posting their own views. Millions of people can now post on internet anything

by creating large amount of information and websites as the blogging and publishing has become so easy.

The amount of information provided and viewed expands as the new people joins the internet.


The digital media can be viewed as it has some positive impacts and negative impacts. The Positive

impacts include the following:


The digital media is rising and can be seen in the form of usage of modern technology. Smartphones,

Personal computers helps anybody to modify, store, share digital media and access. There are many

electronic devices from digital cameras to drones which helps in viewing digital media content, creating

and transmitting. Digital media has changed the 21st century society after being the combination with

Internet and World Wide Web compared to economic, social and cultural impact of printing press. The

change has been so extensive and so fast that it has transformed the economy from industrial to

information based, creating a period of Information Age in human history. The transformation has

resulted in unpredictability about the definitions where the words like multimedia, new media, digital

media and terms which are similar have a connection to both cultural impact and engineering innovations

of digital media. By evaluating the amount of worldwide smartphone users, we can find the impact of

digital rising. The large number of the world population owns the smartphones and the fact that huge

level of growth achieved through digital rising. A user of smartphone when they open their Android or

Apple device impacted by the advertise every second. This further verify the digital rising and the impact

of Digital media.

Individuals are now allowed to be more active in content creation by Digital media. Anyone can

participate in social media who has access to the internet and computer and can contribute their own are,

videos, writings, commentary to internet and photography, and also, they can conduct business online.

The democratization of content creation has caused by the dramatic reduction in the costs needed for

share and create content and also by the creation of new types of content like, memes, video essays, and

blogs. Citizen journalism has been labelled by some of these activities. The development of internet

allows the increase in users created content and also as the way the users interact today on media. The

such technology like mobile devices allows the quicker and easier access to all things on media. Various

media production tools are now easy to use and free that were once only available to a few people.


Companies can easily distribute content with the help of internet. The speed that digital news releases are

unable to compete with newspapers. Not just you can find latest updates online but also helps to get better

knowledge and view different articles to get different point of views. Moreover, the consumers can also

personalize their news experience through internet. Consumers can now go online and read the articles

that interest them and not have to pay for whole newspaper as in old time when consumer has to select the

articles which interest them in newspaper and pay for whole.

- Positive Assent:

Digital media allow people to empower and find out that how technological change is connected to

political institutions, globalization, how it effects social and democracy, and historical developments. It

also provides one to thorough methodological and theoretical findings in communication and media

studies. Moreover, it allows one to carry out research in different fields with up-to-date research skills.

Digital media results in a well-trained graduate and the productive of reflective who can understand the

variety of cultural, political, technological and social complexities of digital media and solve difficult

problems and who is rational in character and make crucial decisions in long run.
The negative impacts include are following:


It is very difficult to keep the collected data safe since the huge amount of data is stored and collected in

digital technology which includes the private information of organizations and individuals. There is

possibility that the hard-core criminals can reach to private information. There are dangers that your data

get sold or stolen as it is very hard to keep personal privacy on digital world. In public places digital

cameras can record and watch your movement. When they posted on internet minor lack of caution can

haunt the individual life. It is very difficult and sometimes impossible to control your personal

information. Moreover, for long term the digital media can be difficult to store and maintain. Formats of

files change with time. In some examples, Traditional media last longer compare to digital.


The real-life contact reduces and the large proportion of people who starts to communicate and socialize

through digital devices. This led to the sense of isolation and disconnect. Taking the away of real contact

which human beings have evolved for over thousands of years is bad idea. The causing of depression and

other forms of mental illness is due to lack of real-life contact, studies have suggested it. In a family,

rather than direct communication one sees other through digital communication. Digitized machines have

replaced humans as the society become more depersonalized. People work online, pay bills online, do

banking online, and increasingly shop online. The taxis and delivery vehicles being driver free as the

transport become automated.

- Crimes:

For negative forces internet is very productive territory to operate, thanks to its large scale, anonymity

and the international nature that users enjoy. Examples of this involve: dark web used by drug dealers;

chat rooms and other places to exchange videos and photos by pedophiles; encouraging and promoting

terrorist through social media; terrorists using social media to promote themselves and encourage others;
drug dealers using the dark web to trade; tyrannical regimes attempts to sway or distort elections in

democratic countries; and pedophiles using chat rooms and other places to exchange photos, videos and

other information etc.


Messaging, dating, social media, and computer games can all be addictive. You will buy the next version

of game because game wants you to play. Websites bring advertising money because websites want you

to interact. Users end up at by wasting huge amount of money and time. Moreover, the short lifespan of

digital gadgets and as the technology grows at fast speed, the machines and devices become unusable so

people get addicted to buy new version of mobile phone thus increasing the more budget.


Digital media has both positive and negative impacts on state and society; thus, people should have to

realize their importance in real life. Everyone should follow this principle - “use digital media to impact

people, but not to impress people”

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