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+displace(v):dờ i, chuyển chỗ

e.g:The blow displaced the woman's eardrum and left her partially

*displaced(a):bị buộ c phả i di cư, rờ i đi(+ngườ i)

e.g:They distribute food and other aid to displaced civilians.

+buoyant(a):lên giá(kinh tế), nổ i(sóng, nướ c,…),…

Eg: a buoyant economy/market

*buoyant force: lự c nổ i

+counteract(v): Chố ng lạ i, kháng cự lạ i; Trung hoà, làm mấ t tác dụ ng

e.g: These exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and


+deviation(n):sự trệch hướ ng, sự khác đi

e.g: This is a deviation from the original plan.

*deviate(v)(from sth):khác vớ i gì đó bình thườ ng, làm gì khác thườ ng

e.g: The bus had to deviate from its usual route because of a road

*deviant(n):ngườ i khác thườ ng

(a):khác thườ ng. e.g: deviant behaviour

*deviance(n): sự sai lầ m, lầ m lạ c, lệch lạ c

e.g: a study of social deviance and crime

-induce(v):khuyên(ai làm gì), khiến(gì xả y ra)

e.g1: They induced her to take the job by promising editorial freedom.

e.g2: The aim of advertising is to induce brand loyalty.

*…….-induced(a): gây ra từ ….

-……..-inducing(a): gây ra…….

e.g: a self-induced illness, work-induced stress,…..

-propagate(v)+làm lan ra, làm sinh trưở ng, sinh sả n,…

+truyền bá(thông tin, tư tưở ng,….)

-in unison: cùng lúc, cùng nhau(đồ ng bộ )

e.g: The audience rose to its feet in unison, applauding and cheering.

-constrain(v)cưỡ ng ép, thúc ép(thườ ng dc chia ở bị độ ng)

 e.g: The company said that it was constrained to raise prices.

-constraint(n):nhữ ng hạ n chế, giớ i hạ n, kỉ luậ t,….

   constraint on something  This decision will impose serious constraints on all


-refract(v):phả n chiếu, khúc xạ (ánh sáng,sóng,….)

The  glass  prism  refracted the  white  light  into  the  colours  of the  rainbow.

-ship(v):vậ n chuyển-> shipment

-equator(n): đườ ng xích đạ o

-wax and wane(n)/waxing and waning(n): sự tăng giả m trong cườ ng độ ,

kích thướ c, số lượ ng,…..

-latitude(n): the position north or south of the equator measured from

0° to 90°

/ˈlæt.ɪ.tʃuːd/ vĩ độ
-clime(n):vùng, miền, xứ vs khí hậ u riêng biệt

Climate(n):khí hậ u

-the black dog: a way of referring to feelings of depression (= great

sadness and lack of energy):

Ex: There were times when he wrestled with the black dog and couldn't

-municipal(a):thuộ c đô thị, thành phố

-formula(n) công thứ c-formulae(plu) /ˈfɔː.mjə.lə/

-all-important(a)=very important
-melancholy(a): trầ m uấ t, buồ n rầ u

(n): sự trầ m uấ t, buồ n rầ u

-humoral(a):thuộ c về thể chấ t

-resonate(v):+dộ i tiếng,…

+(with sth): đồ ng thuậ n, giố ng vớ i, làm nhớ đến…….

Eg: Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a

similar family situation.

-clinical(a):lâm sàng

Eg: clinical tests/training

-discern(v):nhậ n ra, nhậ n rõ, nhậ n thứ c,….

-eg:- I can discern no difference between the two policies

-she could faintly discern the shape of a skull

(=perceive, make out, detect,

recognize,differentiate,discriminate,become cognizant of,…)

(#overlook, miss)

-profound(a): (+emotion, state, quality):mãnh liệt, rấ t…..

eg: "profound feelings of disquiet"

(+person, statement):chí lí, uyên thâm, sâu sắ c

Eg: "a profound philosopher

(n):đáy biển

-hierachy(n):đẳ ng cấ p, giai cấ p.

*articulate(a):có khả năng diễn giả i rõ ràng, rành mạ ch

Eg: "an articulate account of their experiences"

(n): diễn giả i (mộ t ý tưở ng, cả m xúc) rõ ràng, rành mạ ch

Eg: "they were unable to articulate their emotions"

-recurrent(a):định kì

e.g: "she had a recurrent dream about falling"

-manifest(a):hiển nhiên, minh bạ ch

e.g: "the system's manifest failings"

(=obvious, clear, plain, apparent, evident, patent, palpable,…)(#hidden,


(v):bày tỏ , biểu lộ

e.g: "Ray manifested signs of severe depression"

(=display, exhibit, evince, indicate, express)(#hide)

-manifestation(n):sự biểu lộ , biểu hiện

-deregulate(v):bãi bỏ quy định, thủ tụ c, kiểm soát,…từ chính quyền

Eg: The  government  plans  to deregulate

the  banking  industry/the  bus  system.

(#regulate: kiểm soát…..

eg: You can regulate the  temperature  in

the  house  by  adjusting  the  thermostat.)

-deregulation(n) việc gỡ bỏ kiểm soát, quy định…….từ chính quyền

-Electroconvulsive therapy: liệu pháp số c điện

-elated(a):phấ n khở i(#depressed)

Eg: "after the concert, I felt elated"

-Elation(n):sự phấ n khở i(#depression)

Eg: There's a  sense  of elation at having  completed  a  race  of such  length.

-intersperse(v):để xen nhau

Eg: "a patchwork of open fields interspersed with copses of pine"

-prune(v):tỉa tót(cây,…..)

-overabundance(n):sự thừ a mứ a, thừ a thãi

-sobriety(n):sự điều độ

Eg: "the price of beer compelled me to maintain a certain level of sobriety"

-mantra(n):chân ngôn

-revise + for…..(exam): họ c lạ i vì…..

-quarrel with sb about sth

-set/put your mind to something:xác định rõ mụ c tiêu và hết sứ c vì nó

Ex: If you'd just put  your  mind  to it, I'm  sure  you could do it.

-set your mind on doing something: kiên định,quyết tâm làm mộ t điều j

Ex: I’ve  set  my  mind  on  getting  a  university  degree.

-laborious(a): siêng năng, tố n nhiều công sứ c(quá trình)

(=trenuous, tough, formiddable, wearisome, fatiguing, exhausting,


-pursue(v): theo đuổ i

+pursuit(n): sự theo đuổ i

-bounce back: phụ c hồ i sau khi bị thương tậ t, đau yếu, tai ương, hay
thấ t bạ i; trở lạ i bình thườ ng sau cơn suy sụ p

often  seem  to  bounce  back  from  illness  more  quickly  than  adults  do.

-Stock  prices  bounced  back after a  steep  plunge  earlier  this  week.

-a spate of…: sự ùn lên, nổ i lên củ a…..(thườ ng xấ u) cùng mộ t lúc

Ex: Police  are  investigating  a spate  of  burglaries  in the Kingsland

Road  area.

-be intent on/upon (doing) something: quyết tâm làm gì

=to be determined to do sth/ achieve sth

-ex:She was intent on pursuing a career in business.

-rejoice(v): vui vẻ, hân hoan

-ex: Everyone rejoiced  at  the  news  of his  safe  return.

-medication(n): phương thuố c, liều thuố c y họ c hiện đạ i /ˌmedəˈkāSH(ə)n/

-remedy(n): phương thuố c, cách chữ a bệnh(dân gian)

-fanatic(n): ngườ i cuồ ng tín

-oversee(v):trông coi


-well before=a long time before

Ex…sth… existed well before…….(time)

-vicinity(n): khu vự c kế cậ n, lân cậ n, xấ p xỉ


Idm:in the vicinity of: khoả ng, xấ p xỉ…..

-rudimentary(a) /ˌruː.dɪˈmen.tər.i/=thô sơ, hoang sơ, căn bả n,…..

-recreation(n): sự giả i trí, gây dự ng lạ i,….


-recreational(a):mang tính giả i trí, gây dự ng lạ i

-encompass(v): to include different types of things /ɪnˈkʌm.pəs/

Ex: The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and

ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.

- bring something in its train

(formal) to have something as a result:

Ex:Unemployment brings great difficulties in its train.

-in somebody’s train:

(formal) following behind somebody

Ex:In the train of the rich and famous came the journalists.

-set something in train:

(formal) to prepare or start something

Ex:That telephone call set in train a whole series of events.

-a train of thought:

Ex:he connected series of thoughts that are in your head at a

particular time

The phone ringing interrupted my train of thought.

I lose my train of thought when there are distractions.

-exponential(a):lũy thừa, cấp số nhân
*An exponential rate of increase becomes quicker and quicker as the thing that
increases becomes larger*
-hit a snag= have a problem(with sth)
Ex: We hit a snag with our travel plans.
-imminent: coming or likely to happen very soon
Ex: imminent disaster/danger
-wean somebody off/from something: to make someone gradually stop using
something that is bad for them:
It's difficult to wean addicts off cocaine once they're hooked.
-wean someone on something: If someone is weaned on something, they have
learned about and been influenced by it when young:
Ex: This generation has been weaned on computer games.
-deem(v): to consider or judge something in a particular way
[ + obj + noun/adj ] The area has now been deemed safe.
[ + noun/adj ] We will provide help whenever you deem it appropriate.
[ + obj + to infinitive ] Anyone not paying the registration fee by 31 March will
be deemed to have withdrawn from the offer.
-instill(v): to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that
it has a strong influence on the way that person thinks or behaves:
Ex:It is part of a teacher's job to instill confidence in/into his or her students.
-The point to be emphasized here is that such insight and understanding cannot be
coerced or instilled by forcibly imposed punishment.
-assertive(a): behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or
believe=assured(showing skill and
Ex: If you really want the promotion, you'll have to be more assertive.
-reflexive(a): done because of a physical reaction that you cannot control:
Ex: I hadn't meant to answer her, it was simply reflexive.
-grandiose(*disapproving*)(a): larger and containing more detail than necessary,
or intended to seem important or great:
Ex:grandiose schemes/designs/ideas for making money
-spectrum(n): a range of different positions, opinions, etc. between two extreme
Ex: A wide spectrum of opinion was represented at the meeting.
-My disease is nowhere near as bad as hers but they are on the same spectrum.
-the autism spectrum
-reveal(v)->revelation(n): the act of making something known that was secret, or a
fact that is made known
+come as a revelation(n):to be an extremely pleasant surprise
Ex:This book came as a complete revelation to me.
-mimic(v)(ving:mimicking):to copy the way in which
a particular person usually speaks and moves, usually in order to
make people laugh:
Ex: She was mimicking the various people in our office.
-visceral(a): based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or
Ex:visceral hatred/excitement
His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual.
-simultaneous(a): happening or done at the same time as something else
-fortuitous(a): happening by chance, especially a lucky chance that brings a good
 Ex: a fortuitous meeting
His success depended on a fortuitous combination of circumstances.
-to be designated as….: to say officially that somebody/something has a particular
character or name; to describe somebody/something in a particular way
Ex: be designated (as being/having something):Several pupils were designated
as having moderate or severe learning difficulties.
be designated (as) something :This area has been designated (as) a National
-to be at the mercy of sb/sth:to not be able to protect yourself from something
or someone that you cannot control:
Ex:Farmers are often at the mercy of the weather.
-written account: a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events
=written record
-olfactory(a): connected with the ability to smell
+weak and without energy, strength, or power: He was a feeble, helpless old
+not effective or good: a feeble joke/excuse

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