Yere 22 G

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Yerevan (Armenia)

General Service Category - Annual Salaries (in thousands of Dram) a/

and allowances

Effective 1 November 2021



1 (Gross) 4038 4241 4443 4646 4848 5051 5253 5456 5658 5860 6063
(Gross Pens.) 3783 3973 4162 4351 4540 4729 4917 5106 5296 5485 5674
(Total Net) 3271 3435 3599 3763 3927 4091 4255 4419 4583 4747 4911
(Net Pens.) 3062 3215 3369 3522 3676 3829 3983 4136 4290 4443 4597
(NPC) 209 220 230 241 251 262 272 283 293 304 314

2 (Gross) 4814 5053 5293 5532 5772 6011 6251 6490 6730 6969 7209
(Gross Pens.) 4502 4728 4952 5178 5402 5627 5852 6076 6303 6527 6752
(Total Net) 3899 4093 4287 4481 4675 4869 5063 5257 5451 5645 5839
(Net Pens.) 3649 3831 4013 4194 4376 4557 4739 4921 5102 5284 5465
(NPC) 250 262 274 287 299 312 324 336 349 361 374

3 (Gross) 5720 6006 6293 6579 6865 7152 7438 7725 8011 8298 8584
(Gross Pens.) 5357 5625 5892 6159 6427 6695 6961 7229 7496 7764 8031
(Total Net) 4633 4865 5097 5329 5561 5793 6025 6257 6489 6721 6953
(Net Pens.) 4336 4554 4771 4988 5205 5422 5639 5857 6074 6291 6508
(NPC) 297 311 326 341 356 371 386 400 415 430 445

4 (Gross) 6874 7220 7565 7911 8257 8602 8948 9294 9640 9995 10358
(Gross Pens.) 6439 6762 7084 7406 7731 8053 8375 8698 9021 9343 9666
(Total Net) 5568 5848 6128 6408 6688 6968 7248 7528 7808 8088 8368
(Net Pens.) 5212 5474 5736 5998 6260 6522 6784 7046 7308 7570 7832
(NPC) 356 374 392 410 428 446 464 482 500 518 536

5 (Gross) 8254 8668 9081 9495 9914 10349 10784 11219 11655 12090 12525
(Gross Pens.) 7728 8114 8502 8889 9274 9662 10049 10437 10823 11210 11597
(Total Net) 6686 7021 7356 7691 8026 8361 8696 9031 9366 9701 10036
(Net Pens.) 6258 6572 6885 7199 7512 7826 8139 8453 8767 9080 9394
(NPC) 428 449 471 492 514 535 557 578 599 621 642

6 (Gross) 10090 10621 11152 11683 12214 12745 13277 13808 14339 14870 15401
(Gross Pens.) 9436 9908 10379 10850 11322 11794 12265 12739 13210 13681 14152
(Total Net) 8161 8570 8979 9388 9797 10206 10615 11024 11433 11842 12251
(Net Pens.) 7639 8022 8404 8787 9170 9553 9936 10318 10701 11084 11467
(NPC) 522 548 575 601 627 653 679 706 732 758 784

7 (Gross) 12431 13078 13725 14371 15018 15665 16312 16958 17605 18252 18899
(Gross Pens.) 11511 12088 12664 13238 13814 14391 14966 15542 16119 16723 17328
(Total Net) 9964 10462 10960 11458 11956 12454 12952 13450 13948 14446 14944
(Net Pens.) 9326 9792 10259 10725 11191 11657 12123 12589 13055 13521 13988
(NPC) 638 670 701 733 765 797 829 861 893 925 956

Revision 22

Page 1
Yerevan (Armenia)

DEPENDENCY ALLOWANCES: LANGUAGE ALLOWANCES (to be included in pensionable remuneration):

Child Dram 227,688 net per annum per child, subject First language Dram 334,300 net per annum.
to a maximum of six children. Second language Dram 167,150 net per annum.

Note: The scale is based on a common workweek of 40 hours.

a/ Staff assessment is calculated on the basis of the 36-month average of Dram 490.00 to US$ 1.00.
The official United Nations exchange rate for a given month will continue to be used for operational and Pension Fund purposes.

b/ Long-service step:

The qualifying criteria for in-grade increases to the long-service step are as follows:

(a) The staff member should have had at least 20 years of service within the United Nations
Common System and five years of service at the top regular step of the current grade.

(b) The staff member's service should have been satisfactory.

Gross: Gross salaries have been derived through the application of staff assessment to Total Net salaries.
Gross salaries are established for purposes of separation payments and as the basis for calculating tax reimbursements whenever UN salaries are taxed.

Gross Pens.: Gross Pensionable salaries have been derived through application of staff assessment to Net Pensionable salaries.
Gross Pensionable is the basis for determining Pension Fund contributions under Article 25 of UNJSPF Regulations and for determining Pension benefits.

Total Net: Total net remuneration is the sum of the non-pensionable component and the net pensionable salary.

Net Pens.: Net Pensionable is that part of net salary which is used to derive to the Gross Pensionable Salary.
Net Pensionable salary is the Total Net salary less the Non-pensionable component, i.e. 93.6 per cent of total net salaries.

NPC: Non-Pensionable Component is that part of net salary excluded from application of staff assessment in determination of the Gross Pensionable salary.
The Non-Pensionable Component has been established at 6.4 per cent.

Revision 22

Page 2
Effective Scale
Country Duty station date of expressed
code digit Category scale in '000
A 026 0 GS Yerevan 01112021 3
B 1 11 1G 4038 4241 4443 4646 4848 5051
B 1 11 1GP 3783 3973 4162 4351 4540 4729
B 1 11 1TN 3271 3435 3599 3763 3927 4091
B 1 11 1NP 3062 3215 3369 3522 3676 3829
B 1 11 1PC 209 220 230 241 251 262
B 2 11 1G 4814 5053 5293 5532 5772 6011
B 2 11 1GP 4502 4728 4952 5178 5402 5627
B 2 11 1TN 3899 4093 4287 4481 4675 4869
B 2 11 1NP 3649 3831 4013 4194 4376 4557
B 2 11 1PC 250 262 274 287 299 312
B 3 11 1G 5720 6006 6293 6579 6865 7152
B 3 11 1GP 5357 5625 5892 6159 6427 6695
B 3 11 1TN 4633 4865 5097 5329 5561 5793
B 3 11 1NP 4336 4554 4771 4988 5205 5422
B 3 11 1PC 297 311 326 341 356 371
B 4 11 1G 6874 7220 7565 7911 8257 8602
B 4 11 1GP 6439 6762 7084 7406 7731 8053
B 4 11 1TN 5568 5848 6128 6408 6688 6968
B 4 11 1NP 5212 5474 5736 5998 6260 6522
B 4 11 1PC 356 374 392 410 428 446
B 5 11 1G 8254 8668 9081 9495 9914 10349
B 5 11 1GP 7728 8114 8502 8889 9274 9662
B 5 11 1TN 6686 7021 7356 7691 8026 8361
B 5 11 1NP 6258 6572 6885 7199 7512 7826
B 5 11 1PC 428 449 471 492 514 535
B 6 11 1G 10090 10621 11152 11683 12214 12745
B 6 11 1GP 9436 9908 10379 10850 11322 11794
B 6 11 1TN 8161 8570 8979 9388 9797 10206
B 6 11 1NP 7639 8022 8404 8787 9170 9553
B 6 11 1PC 522 548 575 601 627 653
B 7 11 1G 12431 13078 13725 14371 15018 15665
B 7 11 1GP 11511 12088 12664 13238 13814 14391
B 7 11 1TN 9964 10462 10960 11458 11956 12454
B 7 11 1NP 9326 9792 10259 10725 11191 11657
B 7 11 1PC 638 670 701 733 765 797
expressed Number of

5253 5456 5658 5860 6063

4917 5106 5296 5485 5674
4255 4419 4583 4747 4911
3983 4136 4290 4443 4597
272 283 293 304 314
6251 6490 6730 6969 7209
5852 6076 6303 6527 6752
5063 5257 5451 5645 5839
4739 4921 5102 5284 5465
324 336 349 361 374
7438 7725 8011 8298 8584
6961 7229 7496 7764 8031
6025 6257 6489 6721 6953
5639 5857 6074 6291 6508
386 400 415 430 445
8948 9294 9640 9995 10358
8375 8698 9021 9343 9666
7248 7528 7808 8088 8368
6784 7046 7308 7570 7832
464 482 500 518 536
10784 11219 11655 12090 12525
10049 10437 10823 11210 11597
8696 9031 9366 9701 10036
8139 8453 8767 9080 9394
557 578 599 621 642
13277 13808 14339 14870 15401
12265 12739 13210 13681 14152
10615 11024 11433 11842 12251
9936 10318 10701 11084 11467
679 706 732 758 784
16312 16958 17605 18252 18899
14966 15542 16119 16723 17328
12952 13450 13948 14446 14944
12123 12589 13055 13521 13988
829 861 893 925 956
Effective Scale
Country Duty station date of expressed
code digit Category scale in '000
A 026 0 GS Yerevan 01112021 3
B 1 11 1G 4038 4241 4443 4646 4848 5051
B 1 11 1GP 3783 3973 4162 4351 4540 4729
B 1 11 1TN 3271 3435 3599 3763 3927 4091
B 1 11 1NP 3062 3215 3369 3522 3676 3829
B 1 11 1PC 209 220 230 241 251 262
B 2 11 1G 4814 5053 5293 5532 5772 6011
B 2 11 1GP 4502 4728 4952 5178 5402 5627
B 2 11 1TN 3899 4093 4287 4481 4675 4869
B 2 11 1NP 3649 3831 4013 4194 4376 4557
B 2 11 1PC 250 262 274 287 299 312
B 3 11 1G 5720 6006 6293 6579 6865 7152
B 3 11 1GP 5357 5625 5892 6159 6427 6695
B 3 11 1TN 4633 4865 5097 5329 5561 5793
B 3 11 1NP 4336 4554 4771 4988 5205 5422
B 3 11 1PC 297 311 326 341 356 371
B 4 11 1G 6874 7220 7565 7911 8257 8602
B 4 11 1GP 6439 6762 7084 7406 7731 8053
B 4 11 1TN 5568 5848 6128 6408 6688 6968
B 4 11 1NP 5212 5474 5736 5998 6260 6522
B 4 11 1PC 356 374 392 410 428 446
B 5 11 1G 8254 8668 9081 9495 9914 10349
B 5 11 1GP 7728 8114 8502 8889 9274 9662
B 5 11 1TN 6686 7021 7356 7691 8026 8361
B 5 11 1NP 6258 6572 6885 7199 7512 7826
B 5 11 1PC 428 449 471 492 514 535
B 6 11 1G 10090 10621 11152 11683 12214 12745
B 6 11 1GP 9436 9908 10379 10850 11322 11794
B 6 11 1TN 8161 8570 8979 9388 9797 10206
B 6 11 1NP 7639 8022 8404 8787 9170 9553
B 6 11 1PC 522 548 575 601 627 653
B 7 11 1G 12431 13078 13725 14371 15018 15665
B 7 11 1GP 11511 12088 12664 13238 13814 14391
B 7 11 1TN 9964 10462 10960 11458 11956 12454
B 7 11 1NP 9326 9792 10259 10725 11191 11657
B 7 11 1PC 638 670 701 733 765 797
expressed currency
5253 5456 5658 5860 6063
4917 5106 5296 5485 5674
4255 4419 4583 4747 4911
3983 4136 4290 4443 4597
272 283 293 304 314
6251 6490 6730 6969 7209
5852 6076 6303 6527 6752
5063 5257 5451 5645 5839
4739 4921 5102 5284 5465
324 336 349 361 374
7438 7725 8011 8298 8584
6961 7229 7496 7764 8031
6025 6257 6489 6721 6953
5639 5857 6074 6291 6508
386 400 415 430 445
8948 9294 9640 9995 10358
8375 8698 9021 9343 9666
7248 7528 7808 8088 8368
6784 7046 7308 7570 7832
464 482 500 518 536
10784 11219 11655 12090 12525
10049 10437 10823 11210 11597
8696 9031 9366 9701 10036
8139 8453 8767 9080 9394
557 578 599 621 642
13277 13808 14339 14870 15401
12265 12739 13210 13681 14152
10615 11024 11433 11842 12251
9936 10318 10701 11084 11467
679 706 732 758 784
16312 16958 17605 18252 18899
14966 15542 16119 16723 17328
12952 13450 13948 14446 14944
12123 12589 13055 13521 13988
829 861 893 925 956
AM00 2 2021-11-01 AMD 227688
AM00 2 2021-11-01 334300 167150

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