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3 Unit

Home support services (HSE)


active listening  way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual
understanding. It is an important first step to defuse the situation and seek
solutions to problems.

Being assertive shows that you respect yourself because you‘re willing to
stand up for your interests and express your thoughts and feelings.

care coordination It involves specifically organizing patient care activities and sharing
information among all of the participants concerned with a patient‘s care
to achieve safer and more effective care.

caregiver burnout The state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion.

A list of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered,
used as a reminder.

coexistence group  state in which two or more groups are living together while respecting
their differences and resolving their conflicts non-violently.

The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing or using
some other medium.

communication skills The ability to convey or share ideas and feelings effectively.

The state of keeping or being kept secret or private.

A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.

A disorder of the physiological balance between the strength of the
articular cartilage and articular bone, and between the pressure exerted on
the joint. It is a slow, progressive disease that is long-lasting.

The action or process of making important decisions.

Dementia is not a specific disease but is rather a general term for the
impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interferes with
doing everyday activities.
Unit 3 > Vocabulary

domestic worker  person who is paid to help with cleaning and other menial tasks in a
person‘s home.

The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result;

The fundamental reduction in the number of wasted resources that are
used to produce a given number of goods or services (output).

emotional support T he reassurance, encouragement and understanding we give to or receive

from a person.

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

family caregiver T he person responsible for providing the required care and attention to
people who need support in the activities of daily living (ADL), always
taking into account the family environment and their environment.

functional limitations  estrictions or lack of abilities in performance of the whole organism or

individual, assessed in such a way to eliminate external environmental
barriers to performance.

Also called knee arthrosis, it is the progressive wear of the cartilage in
the knee joint. Arthrosis-related breakdown of the cartilage material
reduces the stability of the knee and may cause severe pain and restricted

healthcare resources  esources available for the operation of health systems, including
human resources, facilities, equipment and supplies, financial funds and

An organized and coordinated set of actions carried out in the user‘s
home, aimed at providing personal care, urgent care, home help and social
support to those people or families with a situation of a lack of personal
autonomy, developmental difficulties or with special family problems.

HSE dependent P eople with a recognized situation of dependency in accordance with the
provisions of Law 39/2006, of 14 December, on the Promotion of Personal
Autonomy and Care for Dependent People, and have the right to the
provision of HSE in accordance with the implementation of this law.

HSE social P eople and families who, for different reasons, are in a situation of risk or
social vulnerability.
Unit 3 > Vocabulary

indoor walk  hen you walk at a comfortable quick pace inside an office building,
school, fitness centre, shopping centre or your own home.

The process or fact of isolating or being isolated.

life experience Experience and knowledge gained through living.

Sadness because one has no friends or company.

multidisciplinary team  group of people that have different but complementary skills who work
towards a shared objective.

neurological diseases  isorders that affect the brain as well as the nerves found throughout
the human body and the spinal cord. Structural, biochemical or electrical
abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord or other nerves can result in a range
of symptoms.

observational capacity T echnique of gathering information that basically consists of observing,

accumulating and interpreting the actions, behaviour and facts of people
or objects.

outdoor walk When you walk outside.

palliative care S pecialized medical care for people living with a serious illness. This type
of care is focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of the
illness. The goal is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and
the family.

A progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Symptoms
start gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just
one hand. Tremors are common, but the disorder also commonly causes
stiffness or slowing of movement.

patient-centred A concept and standard of care that describes organizing a healthcare

care (PCC) system around the patient, with the aim of improving the quality of care.

physical comfort T he feeling of well-being brought about by internal and environmental

conditions that are experienced as agreeable and associated with
contentment and satisfaction.
Unit 3 > Vocabulary

primary care  ealthcare provided in the community for people making an initial
approach to a medical practitioner or clinic for advice or treatment.

social services  overnment services provided for the benefit of the community, such as
education, medical care and housing.

A sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain, sometimes
causing a loss of the ability to move particular parts of the body.

support base T he base of support (BOS) refers to the area beneath an object or person
that includes every point of contact that the object or person makes with
the supporting surface.

teleassistance/telecare Assistance provided by means of a telecommunication system.

work plan A proposed strategy or schedule for a particular project.

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