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If you have joined any Extra Curricular Activities before in your high

school/ university, please share with us your TOP 3 Activities that you
are proud of and your learning points from those activities. (Maximum
300 words):*
1. I seized a golden chance to participate in the KC Volunteer Team, which is one of the
biggest relief organizations in my city. It was an honor for me to be entrusted with the
responsibility as the head of the PR department. Together with my team, I had a lot
of memorable experiences, such as traveling to remote areas, helping the
disadvantaged and calling for endowment for some orphanages. These activities are
really precious as I learned how to help and sympathize with those in need. Most
importantly, I have successfully delivered a message to the youth that “Sharing is

2. I used to be the Leader of the Finance department of an event in my school called

“English Club”. I had to shoulder the duty of appealing for funds, which is
indispensable as the whole event depends on it. At first I lacked confidence in myself
but with my friend’s advice, I finally nailed it. I have developed negotiating and
financial managing skills. Furthermore, I have become more self-assured.
Unfortunately, because of the worldwide pandemic, “English Club” was canceled.
Although things did not go as expected, I have learned many lessons and made
friends with lots of people.

3. When I was in grade 11, I contributed to the organization of a concert called “Duca” -
a mini event held by an acoustic club in my school. I was assigned as a Logistic
member, taking responsibility for preparing and decorating the stage. Despite being
the youngest, I had fun interworking with the seniors as they warmly welcomed me
and helped me with any tasks. I was glad that the concert was successfully held
because it took me a lot of time and effort. I still keep in touch with the seniors and I
think good friends were what I got from this event.

Please tell us about your biggest failure in the past and how you overcame it
(Maximum 300 words): *

I used to be the Leader of external finance department of my school's event. That was also
my first time doing such things. When we are calling for our first sponsor, everything’s going
great, they decided to meet and negotiate with us. If this success, they will sponsor us 20
million vnd but because my lack of experience, communication skill and ill-prepared. We lost
our very first and potential sponsor. After that painful experience, i realized my weakness
and started to work harder and more dedicate to it. In that one week, i did nothing but to go
around and asking for advice from the former leaders, seniors, friends. Thanks to them, i
finally get back to the project.
Watch the video in the description, then share with us your opinions on
why AIESEC develops Youth Leadership (Maximum 300 words). *
The statement, "The world is defined by people who live in it," left me speechless and helped
me fully grasp the message that the AIESEC video is trying to convey. And because
teenagers are the world's future and because developing youth leadership skills will help us
live innovative lives, I wholeheartedly agree with AIESEC's core tenet that youth leadership
is essential for our generation. In addition, the youth are the ones who will shape the new
world, so we, the younger generation, must foster the idea that the world is changing. And I
think AIESEC helps young people realize their potential and gives them a glimpse of what
the future may hold. Our generation can understand the world if we can see it, and once we
do, we can change it.

Please share with us in details about why you want to join AIESEC. 
(Maximum 300 words) *
Firstly, I'm a bussiness student, so this is an excellent opportunity to have exposure to real
corporate world, to have experience in planning, organizing, managing, and collaborating.
Also, it is one of the best opportunity i can have while in college as a business student.

Secondly, AIESEC is the world's largest student-led organisation, present in over 120
countries.There is an instant connection with other AIESECers around the world.
Moreover, there are people of high positions/world recognition who were former
AIESECers (for example, Neil Janin, Director of MacKinsey and Martti Ahtisaari who
won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008), many of whom continue to assist other AIESECers
in networking, employment, financing, and so on.

Thirdly, There are many AIESEC members that are enthusiastic about making a
difference in the world, and it's difficult not to be inspired by them when you work so
closely with them.

Last but not least, i got a chance to travel to others countries, meet new friends, experience
new culture, get to know more about the people there.

Why do you think you are suitable to become an AIESEC member?

(Maximum 300 words) *
Because i'm a bussiness student and AIESEC can give me a chance to develop many skills
and experience in planning, organizing, managing, and collaborating, which is perfectly fit in
my field and later can help me alot in my future career.

Secondly, I always enjoy being a volunteer and travel around Vietnam and other country.

Finally, i believe i’m a hardworking, easy going, energetic, self motivated and a problem
solver person, so i think myself is suitable to become an AIESEC member.

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