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customer Age Occupation Gender Product Personal

category income
C-1 25-30 Working F Cosmetic 5 lakhs
C-2 30-35 housewife F Cosmetic None but
family income
C-3 20-25 student F Hair- None but
accessory pocket money
C-4 35-40 Working F Hair- 10 lakh
woman accessory
 Customer types for interview

 Questionnaire cosmetics

 Are you fond of buying cosmetic?

 What generally you buy in it?
 How often you buy them?
 Do you buy it randomly or plan it?
 How you decide which place to purchase?
 You go alone or ask a friend/family member to join you?
 You follow specific brand or try multiple options at store?
 Evaluation of alternatives? (how you do it?)
 What is the motivation behind purchase? Did it solve
some problem? Was it skin-care?
 Who use to influence you for purchase? (influencer?
Saler? )
 How many time it has happened that others have
influenced your decision?
 Did the price of cosmetic effect your purchase?
 You brand preference varied because of price?
 Offers on particular brand will shift your purchase
decision, if it was a repeat purchase?
 Others influence (family, friends and colleagues) on the
decision-making process
 Some of fancy cosmetic which you want to buy but you
don’t buy because you have never tried it? Are you
motivated to try them? Why?
 Even after trying them do you make purchase or not?
What stops you? Culture? Family background?

 Questionnaire hair accessories

 Are you fond of buying hair accessories?

 What generally you buy in it?
 How often you buy them?
 Do you buy it randomly or plan it?
 How you decide which place to purchase?
 You go alone or ask a friend/family member to join you?
 You follow specific brand or try multiple options at store?
 Evaluation of alternatives? (how you do it?)
 What is the motivation behind purchase? Did it solve
some problem? Did it look good?
 Who use to influence you for purchase? (influencer?
Saler? )
 How many time it has happened that others have
influenced your decision?
 Did the price of it effect your purchase?
 You brand preference, type varied because of price?
 Offers on particular brand will shift your purchase
decision, if it was a repeat purchase?
 Others influence (family, friends and colleagues) on the
decision-making process
 Different kind of hair accessory which you want to buy
but you don’t buy because you have never tried it? Are
you motivated to try them? Why?
 Even after trying them do you make purchase or not?
What stops you? Culture? Family background?

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