Ionic Conductivity of NaCL Sample

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A familiar & useful classification of solids- is by their electrical properties. We divide all materials in to
those which conduct & those which insulate. Crystals which are optically highly reflecting & also good
electrical conductors are called metals. Crystals, which are transparent at certain wavelengths in or near the
visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum & are bad electrical conductors, are termed as insulators.
Typically a metal will carry a large current when a voltage is applied across it. For a given voltage the
current carried will decrease when the temperature is increased. An insulator will carry a negligible current
for comparable voltages. Most of the ionic crystals are insulators. They are generally inorganic components
such as alkali halides. The conductivity of ionic crystals is intimately related to the chemical nature
of the compounds. They exhibit conductivity at elevated temperature, which is much lower than that of
metals. More ever, the conductivity of ionic crystal increase with increasing temperature, in contrast to

These facts about ionic crystals indicate that the charge carries in terms are different from those in metals.
Some conduction does occur by electron flow, but the electrons are so tightly bound in filled shells of the
two types of ions (cation & anions) that hey can not move appreciably in an external field. In fact one of the
major characteristics of ionic crystals is that the charge transport is by charged ions themselves. The fact
that the ions are the current carriers is evidenced by the observation that the flow of current is accompanied
by concurrent mass transport of ions. This means that a directed diffusional motion of the ions occur during

Conduction in ionic crystal due to ions is closely connected with diffusion which occurs predominately by
lattice vacancies. At absolute zero temperature there is complete order in lattice. But at all temperatures
greater than zero degree absolute, there is certain amount of disorder in the lattice sites and interstitial
atoms. These vacancies & interstitials, which can be created thermally & which can migrate through lattice,
are responsible for conduction. Diffusion under external electric field causes the ions to jump mere in one
direction than in the other, so a net flow of current occurs & both matter& charge are then transported.

The aim of present experiment is to study this diffusion nature of conduction in ionic crystal like NaCl. We
shall show experimentally that the conductivity increases with temperature. We shall also determine the
heat of activation which is defined as the critical increment of energy which the ions of lattice acquire in
order to be free to take part in the ionic conduction.

The first important generalization relating temperature to the conductance of a solid salt was made by
Resoh & Hinrichen. It was observed that a linear relation resulted in all cases when log K (1ogarithm of
ionic conductivity) was plotted against 1/T (the reciprocal of the absolute temperature) Hence

Log K = E / T

Here E is the heat of activation or the critical increment of energy which the ions must acquire in order to
be free to take part in ionic condition. The slope of the straight line should give the activation energy. If the
assumption is made that the conductance in a solid at temperature remote from its melting point is
proportional only to number of ions, which have more than a certain threshold energy, then it follows from
Maxwell Boltzmann distribution law,
K = cc –E/KBT

Where K is the conductance, E the threshold energy or heat of liberation & kB is the Boltzmann constant.

d log K -E
------------ = ---------
1 KB
d ( ------ )
E = - KB log10e [d log10K/d (1/T) ]

= - 3.17 x 10-16 [d log10 K/d (1/T) ] ergs / ion

Thus the heat of liberation of the conducting ion in ergs can be calculated by multiplying the slope of the
log10K versus 1/T curve by a constant 3.17 x 10-16
The conductivity K could be found out from the relation

K = Ih / VA
Where I – current through the sample
h – Height of the sample
V – Voltage applied across the sample
A – Area of cross – section of the sample
a) Ionic conductivity cell :
The sample holder is to be used for measuring ionic conductivity. The frame used for supporting
the electrodes F & G is made of Boller steel (melting point 1500°C, low coefficient of thermal
expansion) which enables to take observations even at temperatures as high as 700°C. The pellet
of sample under study can be sandwiched between two brass electrodes, B1 & B2 which internally
make good which internally make good contacts with the central rod F & one supporting rod G of
the frame through the base plate respectively. The maximum height of the sample which could be
sandwiched between two electrodes is about 2 cm. Marble tiles which support the entire frame,
serve also as electrical & thermal insulator.
b) The muffle type furnace can give temperature up to 1000°C (for detailed specifications and
information about furnace)
c) Stable D.C. source of 10 volts
d) D. C. Voltmeter (0-10 volts range)
e) D.C. Micrometer (0 to 500 µA range)
f) Sample pellet (NaCl, KCI or other alkali halides)

Circuit diagram & layout

0-500µ A

+ +
10v 0-10KΩ V 0-10v sample

- -

Experimental procedure:
1. Measure the diameter & height of the pellet of sample under study.
2. Place the pellet between the two brass electrodes of the cell & tighten the central rod F lightly. Do
not give excessive pressure which may break the pellet.
3. Place the cell inside the furnace, such that marble tile M1 which has got the same size as that of the
muffle of the furnace covers the mouth of the furnace.
4. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.
5. Make the furnace on and raise the temperature slowly to 700°C.
6. To make good electrical contacts, at 700°C tighten the rod F further.

7. The temperature of the furnace is measured by thermocouple calibrated directly to give the
temperature in centigrades.
8. Note the currents at a constant known voltage at different temperature when the substance is
allowed to cool.
No. Description Value
1. Specimen used NaCl

2. Melting point of the sample 804deg/c



1. Before starting the experiment the sample holder should be thoroughly polished with sandpaper
& cleaned with acetone so as to make perfect contacts of the sample with the brass electrodes.

2. The sample cell should be inserted well inside the furnace. The thermocouple showing the
temperature of the sample is at the back of the furnace. The sample should be as close to the
thermocouple as possible.

3. Measure the sample dimensions before starting the experiment. When the sample is heated &
cooled, it becomes brittle so there is a possibility of breaking the sample when it is removed from
the cell.

Temp C Temp K (T) V I mA

720 993 10 8.6

700 973 10 8.23

680 953 10 7.23

660 933 10 5.4

640 913 10 3.74

620 893 10 2.48

600 873 10 1.54

580 853 10 0.96

560 833 10 0.66

540 813 10 0.47

520 793 10 0.34

500 773 10 0.25

480 753 10 0.17

460 733 10 0.12

440 713 10 0.08

420 693 10 0.05

400 673 10 0.03

380 653 10

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