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We can classify plants by the:

1) Grasses Thin, soft and flexible stem / No branches.
2) Bushes Thick, hard stem / Low branches.
3) Trees - Thick, hard stem ( trunk) / High branches.

1) Flowering plants
2) Non-flowering plants

There are two kinds of trees:

- Deciduous (they lose their leaves in autumn)
- Evergreen (keep their leaves all year)


Flowering plants: They use seeds to reproduce.

Angiosperm- The seed is inside a fruit.
Gymnosperm- The seed is inside a cone.

Non-flowering plants: They use spores to reproduce.

For example: mosses and ferms.

Animals pollination – It happens when an insect transfers the pollen from one plant to another plant.

Wind pollination -It happens when the wind blows the pollen, from one plant to another.

Plants are living things. They need FOOD to live and grow.
Plants are PRODUCERS so they produce their own food – PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
1.- Roots (raices) absorb water and minerals. The mixture is called Raw Sap (Sabia bruta.)
2.- The raw sap goes up the stem to the leaves (hojas).
3.- In the leaves, there is a green substance called chlorophyll. This substance absorbs the
solar energy and the carbon dioxide from the air.
4.- Through the process of the PHOTOSYNTHESIS the raw sap changes to the Elaborated Sap
(Sabia elaborada).
5.- The elaborated sap goes to the rest of the plant.
6.- An important thing is that with the photosynthesis the plant releases OXYGEN.


Plants need to breathe in order to live.

DAY and NIGHT: They absorb oxygen from the air and expel carbon dioxide as waste.
In the DAYTIME during PHOTOSYNTHESIS they release more oxygen than they need.


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