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The researcher would like to express their warm gratitude to kind and generous individuals who shared their time and giftedness to pave way for the completion of this study. They are especially indebted to the following: To Mr. Hernane Carillio, Vice President for Academic Affairs of Holy Cross of Davao College, our facilitator, for his brilliance, great concern, diligence and critiques which guided us throughout our research. To the respondents, the students of Holy Cross of Davao College, acknowledged for their availability and generosity in answering all the questionnaires. To our dear families, for their undying love and encouragement and for always being there to support us emotionally, spiritually and especially financially. Above all, we would also like to thank our Almighty God for his goodness and mercy that never paltered from the start until the end and also for the blessings that showered upon us.

The Researchers

CHAPTER 1 Problem and Scope


The concept of the school services is to provide the needs of every student. There are a lot of services offered by school. It includes the finance services, registrar services, library services, bookstore services, clinic services, canteen services and internet lab services. The study is all about the overall services offered by the Holy Cross of Davao College. The processes of what we have to follow on the procedure when enrolling. It is important to study the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College enable us to know whether the services teaches the students to be more globally competitive. We need to study this topic because for us to know what are the rules and regulations of Holy Cross of Davao College in all their services. In this research we may able to know if their practice techniques help them in improving their services and performance. In this way we may able to have several techniques which are more efficient and effective to the students, and also gather information on how to improve or develop customer satisfaction. Each services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College has its own purposes and its primary service offered is education. The institution educates the students on the ideas generated internationally. With the help of this international concept, the institution may set the standards on its different

services. Holy Cross of Davao College educates the students about the national issues in relation to the awareness of any happenings either positive or negative, either political or any aspects in national issues. Through education, the institution teaches and trains the students on what proper actions to be done in different matters on issues in the national concept, whether the issue is national, international or even local, the Holy Cross of Davao College institution spread the awareness through its educational services. The institution may establish its services beyond its corners and extend its range services locally. The significance on the study of its services provides a new innovation of concept and ideas for the institution either to serve a better and on how services will be delivered. The importance of the study is for us to know level of customers satisfaction about the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College. Why Holy Cross of Davao College community offered this kind of services in this institution. It is important for the students to study this so that they will know whether the services of Holy Cross of Davao College could increase their knowledge to be more globally competitive. In this study, the students can develop their character and confidence that could help them succeeds in their future. The institution provides the students access to its facilities to ensure the knowledge through exposure and experience.

Concept and Theories The customer level of satisfaction on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College can be assessed and leveled their performance in attaining their customer needs, based on research studies, finance who has performed and served their customers well. Registrar services, Maintenance services, and clinical services got the highest satisfactory rate in contrast which the basis for those services such as finance services, internet lab services, bookstore services, library services and canteen services who only got the minimum satisfactory rate of the services they offered. The services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College which are using their strategic plan in attaining their customer to be more comfortable, serves time effort, money and may gain nutritious foods.

Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual framework shows the diagram of this study particularly on the involvement of the HCDC students to the services offered by HCDC. Part of the survey of this study is the services availed by HCDC students, students level of customer satisfaction, problem encountered by students , benefits gained, and recommendation of the students to enhance the services offered by HCDC.

Through this framework of the study, it would be easy to determine what are the problems encountered by the clienteles of the school as well as to identify

the benefits they gained from the school services. From these their level of satisfaction is be enhanced. Level of Customer Satisfaction to enhance the services offered by the school Conceptual Fraemwork

Level of Customer Satisfaction

Problems encountered

Benefits gained

Recommendations to Enhance Services

Figure 1.Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the level of customer satisfaction to enhance the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College to the students.

1. What are the services availed by students in HCDC. 2. What is the level of satisfaction do students having in relation to the services offered by HCDC? 3. What are the problems encountered on the services offered by HCDC? 4. What are the benefits gained by the students in availing of these services? 5. What should be done by the school administration to enhance the services offered to students?

Research Design

The study used the descriptive and evaluative research to enhance the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College. It will also be used to facilitate the school administrators to develop and how to attract the new customers to meet the needs of their students.

The descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design and data analysis that will applied to a given topic. The type of questions asked by the researcher will ultimately determine the type of approach necessary to complete an accurate assessment to the topic hand.

Evaluative because the study includes the evaluation on how to enhance the level of customers satisfaction to their various customers. Evaluation is a methodological area that is closely related to, that distinguishable from more traditional social research. Evaluation utilizes many of the same methodologist used in traditional social research, but because evaluation takes place within a political and organizational context, It requires group skills management ability, political dexterity sensitivity to multiple stakeholders and other skills that social research is general does not rely on as much.

The flow chart below illustrates the research design in assessing the effectiveness of the Holy Cross of Davao College to enhance the services offered to the students. Types of data to gather Respondents of the study Tools to gather data Techniques to analyze data - Frequency count - Mean - Weighted mean Output of the study

- What are the services availed by the students in HCDC. - What is the level of satisfaction to students having in relation to the services offered by HCDC. - What are the problems encountered on the services offered by HCDC. - What are the benefits gained by the students in availing these services - What should be done by the school administration to enhance the services offered to students.

- Students for a general program

- Survey questionnaire

- Ways to enhance the expectation of students regarding to the services offered by HCDC.

Locale and Participants of the Study

The study was conducted at Holy Cross of Davao College, Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City. The Holy cross of Davao College is a private Catholic college institution founded by the Religious of the Virgin Mary Sister in 1951 and maintained by the foreign Mission Society of Quebec in 1956. A turnover of the administration happen it took place in 1978 which cut off the umbilical cord from the founders and passed it on the apostolate of education to the archdiocese of Davao, located in Southern Mindanao, Philippines. It is divided into six units including the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Education, the College of Engineering and Technology, the college of Business and Accountancy. It also runs grade school and high school units. It has three campuses in J.P Laurel Avenue Campus (Elementary and High school) and 2 at the Main Campus at Sta. Ana Avenue (which offered 4 year Course, Technical and Vocational Courses). The participants of the study were the 200 students of Holy Cross of Davao College from the different departments who are enrolled this summer 2011.

Research Instrument

Our study is entitled The level of customer satisfaction to enhance the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College. The researcher constructed five statement of the problem that guided us to formulate and design questionnaire to be answered by the respondents. The questionnaire was check for the validation to be more understandable to the respondent .The respondent were able to answer the survey questionnaire which the researcher come up with the interpretation, analysis of the different responds of the respondent. After the duplication of the questionnaire it was distributed to the student. The survey questionnaire consists of five parts. The first part contain the services availed by the students. The second part is the students level of satisfaction on the services offered by HCDC. The third part contains problems encountered by students on the services offered by HCDC, the fourth part contains the benefits gained by students in availing the services and the last part is the recommendations of the respondents to the HCDC management for the enhancement of services offered.

Data Gathering

The study was conducted at Holy Cross of Davao College. There were five members of the group who helped in the floating of the questionnaire. The validated questionnaires were produced and distributed to the members of the research group. The researchers approached the respondent to answer honestly the survey questionnaire. Immediately after answering the questionnaires these were retrieved from the respondents.

Data Analysis The researchers tabulated the data gathered. Different statistical tools were used to interpret and analyze data from problems 1, 3, 4, and 5. The frequency and ranking was used to interpret the results in problems 1, 3, 4 and 5. Weighted was used in problem 2. The weighted mean was used to determine the level of customers satisfaction. Below is the rating scale used to interpret the data.

Scale Value 5 4 3 2 1

Range of the Mean 4.51 5.00 3.51 4.50 2.51 3.50 1.51 2.50 1.00 1.50

Descriptive Rating Very much satisfied Very much satisfied Satisfied Fairly satisfied Not satisfied

Interpretation The situation is very well accepted The situation is well accepted The situation is accepted The situation is moderately accepted The situation is not accepted


Results and Discussions

This chapter comprises the outcomes obtained by the researches from the data gathered in the survey questionnaire randomly answered by students of different courses and year levels of Holy Cross of Davao College. The researchers assisted by the school administration on how to assess the level of customer satisfaction on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College. This chapter contains table, discussions and interpretations of the results of the study in relation of the problem in this research. The findings are presented according to the questions raised in the statement of the problem. Services Availed by Students at Holy Cross of Davao College The table 1 shows the services availed by the students of Holy Cross of Davao College. Table 1. Services availed by students of Holy Cross of Davao College Indicators Frequency Rank Finance services 178 First Registrar services 152 Fifth Library services 161 Third Maintenance services 107 Eight Bookstore services 151 Sixth Clinic services 148 Seventh Canteen services 160 Fourth Internet lab services 165 Second Others (please specify) The table 1 shows that out of 200 respondents, it is the finance services that students mostly availed; this affirmed by the 178

respondents, the second in rank is internet lab services with 165 respondents, and third is library services with 161 respondents. It is the maintenance services that students least availed with 107 respondents, followed by clinical services with 148 respondents, and bookstore services has 151 respondents. Discussion According to Frederick Reichhelds (April 1996), recent research indicates that employee satisfaction does not necessarily contribute directly to productivity. Satisfaction may be viewed as a passive attribute, while more proactive measures such as motivation levels and brand engagement are viewed as more closely linked to behavioral change, performance, and, ultimately, to bottom line performance. In an interview was conducted to support the survey. The result affirmed by a students of Holy Cross of Davao College last May 20, 2011 namely Ricson Amorin when he was interviewed. The researchers asked this question." Among the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College, what services do you availed and not availed?" "Ricson Amorin answered, the services I mostly availed was the internet lab services because I can easily research information on the web that fit on my studies and the services that I have not availed was the clinical services because not all medicines are available.

Students level of customer satisfaction on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College

Table 2 shows the results of the students level of customers satisfaction on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College. Table 2. Students level of customer satisfaction on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College. A. Finance services Weighted Description Interpretation mean Provide organize services 3.34 Satisfied The situation is acceptable Prompt attention to students 3.30 Satisfied The situation is acceptable Work attitude of the finance 2.10 Fairly The situation is satisfied moderately acceptable Lack of initiative 3.04 Satisfied The situation is acceptable Others (please specify) 2.945 General Average Satisfied The situation is acceptable B. Registrar services Clear admission procedure 3.42 Satisfied The situation is acceptable Safety of the records 3.69 Very satisfied The situation is well acceptable Work attitude of the 3.66 Very satisfied The situation is personnel well acceptable Provide systematic services 3.33 Satisfied The situation is acceptable Others (please specify) 3.525 General Average Very satisfied The situation is well acceptable C. Library services Shows willingness to help 3.35 Satisfied The situation is acceptable Availability of books 3.33 Satisfied The situation is acceptable Prompt attention to students 3.40 Satisfied The situation is acceptable Work attitude of the 3.25 Satisfied The situation is personnel acceptable

Others (please specify) General Average D. Bookstore services Prompt attention to students Provide systematic services Availability of books Work attitude of the personnel Others (please specify) General Average E. Maintenance services Cleanliness of the school Availability of the personnel Safety of the school premises Work attitude of the personnel Others (please specify) General Average F. Clinical services Availability of the doctor Comfortable place to rest Work attitude of the health staff Cleanliness of the environment Others (please specify) General Average G. Canteen services Variety of the food served Prompt attention to students



The situation is acceptable The situation is well acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is well acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is well acceptable The situation is well acceptable The situation is well acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is well acceptable The situation is well acceptable The situation is well acceptable The situation is well acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable

3.51 3.49 3.29 3.28

Very satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied



3.72 3.47 3.63 3.53

Very satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Very satisfied


Very satisfied

3.34 3.55 3.65 3.62

Satisfied Very satisfied Very satisfied Very satisfied


Very satisfied

3.41 3.34

Satisfied Satisfied

Cleanliness of the environment Availability of the personnel Others (please specify) General Average H. Internet lab services Provide systematic services Prompt attention to students Internet connectivity Workability of the units Others (please specify) General Average

3.39 3.20

Satisfied Satisfied

The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable The situation is acceptable



3.34 3.42 3.33 3.14

Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied



The data generated shows that students are satisfied with finance services with the average mean score of 2.945. It means that customer is satisfied or the situation is acceptable. According to the data gathered, respondents are very satisfied with registrar services with the result of 3.525. It explains that customer is well acceptable with the results of their services. In library services the result shows a rating of 3.3325 or customers are satisfied. This means that customers are acceptable with the services offered by the library. The bookstore got the average mean of 3.3925. The customers are satisfied with the services it offers. It means that customers are satisfied or the situation is acceptable.

The weighted mean gathered on the maintenance is 3.5875. The result reveals that customers are very satisfied with the services they offer. The clinical services got the weighted mean of 3.54 which means that customers are very satisfied. It only shows that customers are very well accepting the services rendered. The canteen services gained a weighted mean 3.335 which is described as satisfied and last the internet lab services got the weighted mean of 3.3075 as it describes as the customers are satisfied with the services they are offering. Discussions

Thus, the result was supported by the study of Hunt (1977) that consumer satisfaction with the favorableness of the individuals subjective evaluation of the various customer. Customer perception of quality is also contributes to the complexity of satisfaction. One of the contributing factors to this fact is that customer satisfaction is more dependent on customization. Customer satisfaction is measured at the individual level, but it is almost always reported at an aggregate level. It can be, often is, and measured along various dimensions. A hotel for example, might ask customers to rate their experience with its front desk and check-in service, with the room, with the amenities in the room, with the restaurants, and so on. Additionally, in a holistic sense, the hotel might ask about overall satisfaction "with your stay."

As research on consumption experiences grows, evidence suggests that consumers purchase goods and services for a combination of two types benefits: hedonic and utilitarian. Hedonic benefits are associated with sensory and experiential attributes of the product. Utilitarian benefits of a product are associated with more instrumental and functional attributes of the product (Batra and Athola 1990) "As you answered in the question of table 1 that the services that you availed is the internet lab; are you satisfied on their services and why? Ricson Amorin answered "Yes I am satisfied on their services because it makes the students research made easier and faster."

Problems encountered by students on the services offered by HCDC. The table 3 shows the problems encountered by students on the services offered by HCDC. Table 3. Problems encountered by students on the services offered by HCDC Indicators Frequency Rank A. Finance services Limited area for financial transaction Longer payment lend time Poor personnel relationship with students Unavailability of personnel during the duration of collection hours Others (please specify) B. Registrar services Inaccuracy absence of the records Longer lend time in document processing Poor personnel relationship with students Requirements assessment to students 131 124 83 67 First Second Third Fourth

66 104 92 59

Third First Second Fourth

Others (please specify) C. Library services Disorder arrangement of the books Incomplete book pages Poor personnel relationship with students Poor ventilation Others (please specify) D. Bookstore services Deficiency of products and books Expensive products/books Poor personnel relationship with students Poor ventilation Others (please specify) E. Maintenance services Lack of proper hygiene in maintaining school equipments Lack of proper hygiene in maintaining school facilities Proper personnel relationship with students Unavailability of personnel Others(please specify) F. Clinical services Insufficient supply of medicines Lack of medical assistance Poor personnel relationship with students Poor ventilation Others (please specify) G. Canteen services Insufficient personnel Deficiency of utensils Expensive foods Non nutritious foods Others (please specify H. Internet lab services Deficiency of computer units Insufficient personnel Internet connection is slow Limited laboratory space Others (please specify)

100 84 61 58

First Second Third Fourth

85 99 63 46

Second First Third Fourth

87 76 62 48

First Second Third Fourth

71 80 71 43

Second First Second Third

87 102 112 40

Third Second First Fourth

114 68 101 57

First Third Second Fourth

The analysis generated in the finance services, the services problem has the highest is the limited area for finance transaction, while the least

serious problem is the unavailability of personnel during the duration of collection hours, which has the score of 67. This means that even there is enough personnel working but the space is limited services offered may have problems that might be encountered by the customers. On registrar services the most score generated are longer lend time in document processing with the score of 104, while the lowest score is 59 poor personnel relationship with students. Library services also encountered a problems, among the problem listed the highest score is disorder arrangement of the books with the score of 100, while 58 is the lowest score generated which is the poor personnel relationship with students. Disorganized arrangement of books has a great effect to the students. Expensive products/books got the score of 99 which is the most problem encountered by the students of HCDC and poor ventilation got the lowest score of 58 on the services offered by the bookstore services. On maintenance services the problem encountered by the students of HCDC is that lack of proper hygiene in maintaining school equipments with the score of 87. While the lowest score is unavailability of the personnels which means personnels are available and yet they were unable to do proper hygiene/cleaning of the school equipments. The generated data gathered shows that both insufficient supply of medicines and poor personnel with students are among the problems encountered by the students of HCDC in the clinic service with the score of

71 and the least problem encountered by the student is the poor ventilation which has the score of 43. The analysis generated on the data shows among the listed problems encountered by the students of HCDC on the canteen services, the expensive foods got the highest score of 112, while nxwaon-nutritious food got the lowest score of 40. Based on the results shows on the table, according to the data, the most problem encountered by the students of HCDC on the internet lab service, is the deficiency of computer units which has the result of 114, while 57 or limited laboratory space got the lowest ratings rated by the respondents based on the survey questionnaires.










Shellenbarger, Companies See Worker Attitudes Affect Profits, (23 July 1998), Because employee productivity depends on the amount of time an individual is physically present at a job and also the degree to which he or she is mentally present or efficiently functioning while present at a job. Companies must address both of these issues in order to maintain high worker productivity, and this may occur through a variety of strategies that focus on employee satisfaction, health, and morale. According to the respondents of Holy Cross of Davao College they said that there are still a lot

of problems and lapses that the HCDC school services are encountering. These problems are pertaining to the limited area of the school, longer length time on having transactions with customers, defective facilities in school. These problems are hindrance to the successful relationship between customers and the firm. This problem affects the schools quality thus these must have solutions to be done in a matter as this time. In an interview was conducted to the students of Holy Cross of Davao College last May 20, 2011 named Anne Margarette Sayon the question asked by the researcher was." In all services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College what are the problems that you have encountered?" "Anne Margarette Sayon answered, In all the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College the problems that I most encountered is the finance services because it consumes most of the students time during payment and so with it has a limited area resulting such problems."

Benefits gained by students in availing HCDC services The table 4 shows the benefits gained by students in availing HCDC services. Table 4. Benefits gained by students in availing HCDC services. Indicators Frequency Rank A. Finance Services Allowing students to have promissory notes 125 First Easy to inquire about students account 105 Second Provide discounts for students accordingly 81 Third Secured payment vicinity due to the presence 74 Fourth of security guards Others (please specify) B. Registrar Services

Giving correct credentials of the students Manages the school credentials Organize students grades Organize the school files Others (please specify) C .Library Services A place where you can enjoy reading A quite area to do homework, projects, etc. Provides facilities information Provides tools for research Others (please specify) D. Bookstore Services Discounted price on new and used textbooks Provides a tools use for projects and homework Provide school supplies They sell books on account basis Others (please specify) E .Maintenance Services Maintain good facilities of the school Maintain school cleanliness Maintain the quality of school building and facilities Provides general security and safety inside the school Others (please specify) F. Clinic Services A vesting place for emergency situation Easy to access to track the health condition of the students The students can have rest when they are not felling well They provide medical needs to students Others (please specify) G. Canteen services Provide clean area for the safety of the students The students can assure a nutritious and healthy foods They provide utensils to the students Affordable food price Others (please specify) H. Internet Lab Services Can provide computer basic skills (document processing)

81 82 109 81

Third Second First Third

93 93 94 69

Second Second First Third

63 75 98 72

Fourth Second First Third

106 109 99 87

Second First Third Fourth

90 87 105 87

Second Third First Third

71 64 83 55

Second Third First Fourth



It helps the students to research fast and comfortable Supports students when needed Workability of the computers Others (please specify)

87 98 78

Second First Fourth

The table shows the results of benefits gained by students in availing HCDC services. Allowing the students to have promissory notes has got the most number of respondents with the score of 125, while secured payment vicinity due to the presence of security guard got the least score of 74. In the registrar services, organize students grade reveals the highest score of 109 while both giving correct credential of the students and organized school files got the lowest score of 81. Based on the results provides facilities for information got the highest score of 94 while provides tools for research got 69 which the respondents believes that they gained benefits on the services offered by the library. As the results show on bookstore services the highest score is 98, provides school supplies while the lowest is the sell books to the students on account basis. In maintenance services, maintain school cleanliness has the highest score which is 109 while the least benefited services offered by the maintenance e services provides general security and safety inside the school with the score of 87. In clinical services the most benefits service availed by the students in clinic service is the student can have rest when they are not feeling well with

the guarantee score of 105, while 87 is the lowest score which is they provide medical needs to the students. They provide utensils to the students is the most benefited service availed by the student on the canteen service with the score of 83, while the lowest score is 55 which is the affordable food price. The most benefits gained by the students offered by the internet lab services of HCDC is 98 which is supports students when needed, while the least benefited availed in the internet lab services is workability of computers with the score of 48.


The researchers have gathered the data on the benefits of Holy Cross of Davao College. An interview was conducted to support the survey. This result affirmed by a student of Holy Cross of Davao College namely Daryll A. Buentipo when he was interviewed. The researchers asked this question. As a student, would you agree that allowing to have promissory notes is the most benefit gained by students in Holy Cross of Davao College services? Daryll A. Buentipo (May 14, 2011) answered, yes, for a reason that lot of students in Holy Cross are not fortunate enough to pay tuition on time hence, it is a best opportunity given by the administration to the students who are not capable of paying tuition on time.

Recommendation to the HCDC management for the enhancement of services offered Table 5 shows the recommendation to the HCDC management for the enhancement of services offered. Table 5. Recommendation to the HCDC management for the Enhancement of services offered. Indicators Frequency A. Finance Services Lines during payment should be assisted and guarded well Presence of the teller in windows is a must to avoid hassle Provide costumers service training Provide more chairs during paying tuition fee Others(please specify) B. Registrar services Authorization of students whose not present be accepted in transacts. Computer used must be check regularly Good customer services Presence of assigned staff to avoid hassle Others(please specify) C. Library Services Always observe silence and cleanliness Assigned staff must be approachable and nice Proper allocation of books Regular updating books Others (please specify) D. Maintenance Services Allotting enough personnel to maintain school clean Functionally or usability of the space or facility Obvious safety issues including structural or and equipments inside the school Responsible for constructing infrastructure and equipments inside the school Others (please specify) E Bookstore Services Assigned staff must be nice in facing the students 110 96 85 85

Rank First Second Third Third

96 101 93 88

Second First Third fourth

111 103 99 92

First Second Third Fourth

93 101 93 83

Second First Second Third



Promptly inform well if there is non- available stock of books. Regular updates of books, schools supplies. Space/area should be wide Others( please specify) F. Clinical Services Assigned staff who are nice and approachable Cleanliness of equipment is a must Prompt medical consultation for students Regular updating of equipments/medicines is needed Others (please specify) G. Canteen Services Assigned staff who are nice and prompt in facing the buyers/students Provide wider space/area The place should observe cleanliness all the time Utensils should available at all times Others (please specify) H. Internet Lab Services Assigned staff must be nice and avoid basis Computers must be updated and check up regularly In need task of students must occupy first Providing the students with enough privacy Students who will do research should be first to served Others (please specify)

99 97 88

First Second Fourth

102 97 101 88

First Third Second Fourth

92 101 104 90

Third Second First Fourth

103 120 89 95 81

Second First Fourth Third Fifth

The table shows the recommendation to the HCDC management for the enhancement of services offered to the students. Analysis generated in the finance services shows that lines during payment should be assisted and guarded well reveals the highest score of 110 while provides customers training and chairs during paying tuition fee got the lowest score of 85 both. In registrar services, computer used must be checked regularly got the highest score of 101 while presence of assigned staff is a must to avoid hassle got 88 which is the lowest score.

Library services reveals that assigned staff must be approachable and nice got the highest result of 103 score while regular updating of books has the lowest score of 92. In maintenance services, respondents choose functionally or usability of the space facilities more of the score of 101 the highest and the lowest is responsible for constructing infrastructure and equipments in the result of 83. In the score of 99, promptly inform well there is none available stock of books etc. got the highest space/area should be wide got the lowest score of 88. In the result of clinical services, the highest score of 102 got the assigned staff that is nice and approachable while regular updating of equipments/medicines needed got the lowest score of 88. Based on the result of the survey the canteen services, place should observe cleanliness all the time got the highest score of 104 while utensils should be available all the times got the lowest score of 90. In the internet lab services shows that computers must be updated and check up regularly has the highest respondent score of 120 while students who will do research should be the first to be served got the lowest respondent score of 81.


According to Morrill, W.A. (1992), multiple service systems, however, will not be effective, if they are not coordinated and individualized to address the needs of each student. Without the careful coordination of services, there will be gaps, duplications, and other inefficiencies that inflate human and monetary costs. Through combining and coordinating the efforts of services and professionals, collaborative initiatives have significantly improved the quality of services that student and school administrations receive, as well as the outcomes of those services. In an interview conducted with the student of Holy Cross of Davao College last May 20, 2011 named Chanessa Tagala the researchers asked this question. "Which of the services of Holy Cross of Davao College should be given priority for enhancement?" Chanessa Tagala answered "The services that needs enhancement; I strongly recommend, it would be the canteen services such as keeping the cleanliness at all time and keeping the utensils all the time for it is more important in a eatery services.

CHAPTER 3 Conclusions and Recommendation This chapter deals with the summary, conclusions and recommendations based on the results of the study. The result show under the services availed by students at Holy Cross of Davao College reveals that most of the respondents have availed finance services it is because that most of the time during enrollment and upon enrolled students are required to pay their accounts for it is the confirmation that students are payed for their said accounts. Under the students level of customer satisfaction on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College, data reveals that the overall satisfaction rate of customer on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College is satisfactory which means customer is accepting the services they rendered. The researchers gathered the data of problems encountered by students on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College shows the results that there are some respondents are not happy on the services offered by the school that needs improvement. Data shows that students have availed the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College have gained benefits as show on the data given.


Services Availed by Students at Holy Cross of Davao College

According to the data gathered, it is been said that finance services got the points of service availed by students of Holy Cross of Davao College this is due to the fact that one of the major roles of the finance department is to identify appropriate financial information prior to communicating this information to managers and decision-makers, in order that they may make informed judgments and decisions. And it is always the finance service has the final say if the student has paid its account before anything else.

Students level of customer satisfaction on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College.

As per surveys result, Registrar services, Maintenance services and Clinical services are the services that has been selected by the respondents in which they feel they are very confident with the services they render, it is because that these are the areas students commonly visits to help them of what they need. Finance services, Library services, Bookstore services, Canteen services and Internet lab services are the services where students oftenly visits.

Problems encountered by students on the services offered by HCDC. It is most often that students encounters problem in their school in the Finance services, Registrar services, Library services, Bookstore services, Maintenance services, Clinical services, Canteen services and Internet lab services due to reasons that these services needs ample time to deal with, needs more patients needs understanding. It may be due to lack of personnel, expensive products, in-availability of products, small area.

Benefits gained by students in availing HCDC services Study shows that students who have availed the services of Holy Cross of Davao College reveals that allowing students to have promissory notes in finance services, organize students grades in registrar services, provides facilities information in library services, provide school supplies in bookstore services, maintain school cleanliness in maintenance services, the students can have rest when they are not felling well in clinical services, they provide utensils to the students, supports students when needed in Internet Lab Services are the common benefits they have gained.

Recommendation to the HCDC management for the enhancement of services offered.

Through combining and coordinating the efforts of services and professionals, collaborative initiatives have significantly improved the quality of services that student and school administrations receive, as well as the outcomes of those services. Therefore, parting many programs in the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College may improve their services offered.


Services Availed by Students at Holy Cross of Davao College. Focus on institutional improvement is an important element that characterizes institutions that excel in customers satisfaction. Student needs are identified through the matriculation process that includes admission, registration, assessment, orientation, counseling sessions, follow-ups and other applications and information-collecting processes. Students level of customer satisfaction on the services offered by Holy Cross of Davao College. Research has found that quality can be measured in a variety of different ways. Quality as exceptional, describes quality as exceeding high expectations. Quality measured in a manufacturing setting would often be described as, quality as perfection or consistency, since these organizations place a high value on eliminating the number of defects in its operations. Quality that meets customer

requirements would be described as, quality as fitness for purpose. Quality that is related to costs is quality as value for money. Finally, quality as transformation, describes, processes that bring about a qualitative change which in a college setting might be skill or knowledge enhancement or increased confidence for students. Problems encountered by students on the services offered by HCDC. Management need to ensure that enough funding is available at the right time to meet the needs of the business. In the short term, funding may be needed to invest in equipment and stocks, pay employees and fund sales made on credit. In the medium and long term, funding may be required for significant additions to the productive capacity of the business.

Benefits gained by students in availing HCDC services A full-service school integrates education, medical, social and/or human services that are beneficial to meeting the needs of students, faculty and staff on school grounds or in locations which are easily accessible. A full-service school provides the types of prevention, treatment, and support services students, faculty and staff need to succeed. Services that are high quality and comprehensive and are built on interagency partnerships which have evolved from cooperative ventures to intensive collaborative arrangements among public and private entities.

Recommendation to the HCDC management for the enhancement of services offered. It is recommended to have plans and ways on how to improve services that are offered by holy Cross of Davao College to alleviate the customers satisfaction on the services that are considered to be low and needs improvement.


Katherine J. Sweetman, Employee Loyalty Around the Globe, Sloan Management Review (January 2001). (Obtained through Factiva). Randy Brooks, Why Loyal Employees and Customers Improve the Bottom Line, Journal for Quality & Participation (March 2000). (Obtained through Factiva). Author Unknown, An Effective Service Environment, Managers Handbook (May 1997). (Obtained through Factiva). Daniel J. Koys, The Effects of Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Turnover on Organizational Effectiveness: A Unit-Level, Longitudinal Study, Personnel Psychology (April 2001). (Obtained through Factiva). Corporate Leadership Council, Utilizing Employee Opinion Surveys to Improve Business Performance, Washington: Corporate Executive Board (March 1998). Author Unknown, Creating A Highly Engaged and Productive Workplace Culture, The Gallup Organization. (Available through [Accessed 11 September 2002].

Author Unknown, Human Capital Index: Human Capital As a Lead Indicator of Shareholder Value, Daniel J. Koys, The Effects of Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Turnover on Organizational Effectiveness: A Unit-Level, Longitudinal Study.

Author Unknown, Business Must Adopt Family-Friendly Ethos, Irish Times (2 March 2001). (Obtained through Factiva). Dan Lockhard and Jeff Ellis, Happy Workers, High Returns? Its More Complex, Marketing News (May 1998). (Obtained through Factiva). Katherine J. Sweetman, Employee Loyalty Around the Globe. Sue Hayday, "Staff Commitment is the Key to an Improved Performance," Personnel Today (10 June 2003).(Obtained through Factiva). Stefan Stern, "Is Job Satisfaction a Good Measure of Staff Effectiveness?" Human Resources (19 June 2003). (Obtained through Factiva).

Daniel J. Koys, The Effects of Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Turnover on Organizational Effectiveness: A Unit-Level, Longitudinal Study. Corporate Leadership Council, Utilizing Employee Opinion Surveys to Improve Business Performance. Anthony Rucci, Steven P. Kirn, and Richard T. Quinn, The Employee-Customer-Profit Chain at Sears, Harvard Business Review (January-February 1998). (Obtained through Lexis-Nexis). Jonathan Low and Pam Cohen Kalafut, Managing Intangibles, Executive Excellence (August 2002).(Obtained through Factiva). Randy Brooks, Why Loyal Employees and Customers Improve the Bottom Line. Author Unknown, Happy Employees Key to Success: Evidence Linking Customer Satisfaction with Employee Satisfaction Has Been Provided by PNC Banks Exec VP Susan B. Bohn, Bank Advertising News (April 1996). (Obtained through Factiva).


SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Holy Cross of Davao College Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City S.Y. 2010 2011 Summer

Name: ___________________ Age: _______ Gender: ______

Course and year:___________ Date:____________________

We the student of research (MM3) would like to conduct survey among the marketing students of Holy Cross of Davao College. There is no right or wrong answer to this questionnaire. Rest assured that your answer will be treated in strictest confidentiality and will be used only for this study. Part 1. College services availed by HCDC students General Instruction: Please put a check mark ( ) on the space before each item which that corresponds to what you are doing and feeling regarding the statement. ____ Finance Services ____ Registrar Services ____ Library Services ____ Maintenance Services ____ Bookstore Services ____ Clinic Services ____ Canteen Services ____ Internet Lab Services Others (please specify)

Part 2. Students level of customers satisfaction on the services offered by HCDC. Please encircle the number that corresponds to your choice. Satisfaction scale Rated Scale 5 4 3 2 1 Described Rating Very much satisfied Very satisfied Satisfied Fairly satisfied Not satisfied Interpretation The situation is very well accepted The situation is well accepted The situation is occupied accepted The situation is moderately accepted The situation is not accepted 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A. Finance Services A.1 Provides organize services A.2 Prompt attention to students A.3 Work attitude of the finance personnel A.4 Lack of initiative A.5 Others (please specify) _________ B. Registrar Services B.1 Clear admission/enrolment procedure B.2 Safety of the students records B.3 Work attitude of personnel B.4 Provides systematic services B.5 Others (please specify) _________ C. Library Services C.1 Shows willingness to help students C.2 Availability of the books C.3 Prompt attention to students C.4 Work attitude of personnel C.5 Others (please specify) _________ D. Bookstore Services D.1 Prompt attention to students D.2 Provides systematic services D.3 Availability of the books D.4 Work attitude of the personnel D.5 Others (please specify) _________ E. Maintenance Services E.1 Cleanliness of the school premises E.2 Availability of the personnel E.3 Safety of the school premises E.4 Work attitude of the personnel E.5 Others (please specify) _________

F. Clinical Services F.1 Availability of the doctor for medical consultation5 F.2 Comfortable place to rest 5 F.3 Work attitude of the health staff 5 F.4 Cleanliness of the environment 5

F.5 Others (please specify) _________ G. Canteen Services G.1 Variety of the food served G.2 Prompt attention for students G.3 Cleanliness of the environment G.4 Availability of the personnel G.5 Others (please specify) _________ H. Internet Lab Services H.1 Provide systematic services H.2 Prompt attention for students H.3 Internet Connectivity H.4 Workability of the units H.5 Others (please specify) _________

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Part 3. Problems encountered by students on the services offered by HCDC. Please put a check mark ( ) if you have encountered this kind of problem. A. Finance Services ____ limited area for financial transaction ____ Longer payment lend time ____ Poor personnel relationship with students ____ Unavailability of personnel during the duration of collection hours Others (please specify) _________ B. Registrar Services ____ Inaccuracy absence of the records ____ Longer lend time in document processing ____ Poor personnel relationship with students ____ Requirements assessment to students Others (please specify) _________ C. Library Services ____ Disorder arrangement of the books ____ Incomplete book pages ____ Poor personnel relationship with students ____ Poor ventilation Others (please specify) _________ D. Bookstore Services ____ Deficiency of products and books ____ Expensive products/books ____ Poor personnel relationship with the students ____ Poor ventilation Others (please specify) _________ E. Maintenance Services ____ Lack of proper hygiene in maintaining school equipments ____ Lack of proper hygiene in maintaining school facilities

____ Poor personnel relationship with students ____ Unavailability of personnel Others (please specify) _________ F. Clinical Services ____ Insufficient supply of medicines ____ Lack of medical assistance ____ Poor personnel relationship with students ____ Poor ventilation Others (please specify) _________ G. Canteen Services ____ Insufficient personnel ____ Deficiency of utensils ____ Expensive foods ____ Non nutritious foods Others (please specify) _________ H. Internet Lab Services ____ Deficiency of computer units ____ Insufficient personnel ____ Internet connection is slow ____ Limited laboratory space Others (please specify) _________ Part 4. Benefits gained by students in availing HCDC services. Please put a check mark ( ) if you have encountered this kind of problem. A. Finance Services ____ Allowing students to have promissory notes ____ Easy to inquire about the students account ____ Provide discounts for students accordingly ____ Secured payment vicinity due to the presence of security guards Others (please specify) _________ B. Registrar Services ____ Giving correct credentials of the students ____ Manages the school credentials ____ Organize students grades ____ Organizes the school files Others (please specify) _________ C. Library Services ____ A place where you can enjoy reading ____ A quite area to do homework, projects and etc. ____ Provides facilities for information ____ Provides tools for research Others (please specify) _________ D. Bookstore Services

____ Discounted price on new and used textbooks ____ Provide a tools use for projects and homework ____ Provide school supplies ____ They sell books to students on account basis Others (please specify) _________ E. Maintenance Services ____ Maintain good facilities of the school ____ Maintain school cleanliness ____ Maintain the quality of school building and facilities ____ Provides general security and safety inside the school Others (please specify) _________ F. Clinic Services ____ A vesting place for emergency situations ____ Easy access to track the health condition of the students ____ The students can have rest when they are not feeling well ____ They provide medical needs to students Others (please specify) _________ G. Canteen Services ____ Provide clean area for the safety of students ____ The students can assure a nutritious and healthy foods ____ They provide utensils to students ____ Affordable food price Others (please specify) _________ H. Internet Lab Services ____ Can practice computer basic skills (document processing) ____ It helps the students to research fast and comfortable ____ Supports students when needed ____ Workability of computers Others (please specify) _________ Part 5 Recommendation to the HCDC Management for the enhancement of services offered to the students. A. Finance Services ____ Lines during payment should be assisted and guarded well ____ Presence of the teller in the windows is a must to avoid hassle ____ Provide customer service training ____ Provide more chairs during paying tuition fee Others (please specify) _________ B. Registrar Services ____ Authorization of students whos not present should be accepted in transacts. ____ Computer used must be checked regularly ____ Good customer services ____ Presence of assigned staff is a must to avoid hassle Others (please specify) _________

C. Library Services ____ Always observe silence and cleanliness ____ Assigned staff must be approachable and nice ____ Proper allocation of books ____ Regular updating of books Others (please specify) _________ D. Maintenance Services ____ Allotting enough personnel to maintain school clean ____ Functionally or usability of the space or facility ____ Obvious safety issues including structural or fire hazards ____ Responsible for constructing out infrastructure related to air conditioning and water treatment equipment Others (please specify) _________ E. Bookstore Services ____ Assigned staff must be nice in facing the students ____ Promptly inform well if there is non-available stock of books, etc. ____ Regular updates of books, school supplies, etc. ____ Space/Area should be wide Others (please specify) _________ F. Clinical Services ____ Assigned staff who are nice and approachable ____ Cleanliness of equipment is a must ____ Prompt medical consultation for students ____ Regular updating of equipments/medicines is needed Others (please specify) _________ G. Canteen Services ____ Assigned staff who are nice and prompt in facing the buyer/students ____ Provide wider space/area ____ The place should observe cleanliness all the time ____ Utensils should be available at all times Others (please specify) _________ H. Internet Lab Services ____ Assign staff must be nice and avoid basis ____ Computers must be updated and check up regularly ____ In need task of students must occupy first ____Providing the students with enough privacy ____Students who will do research should be the first to be served Others (please specify) ___

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