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The Eight Parts of Speech

(1) Noun
A noun is a naming word. The names of persons, animals, things and places are called nouns.
Eg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function – A noun functions as a subject or object of a verb and can be modified by an adjective.
Aung Kyaw went shopping at the Junction Square. (Aung Kyaw = )
He bought a new shirt from this shopping mall. (shirt = )
(2) Pronoun
A pronoun is used in the place of a noun.
Eg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function – A pronoun functions as a subject or object of a verb.
Daung is a famous actor. He is very popular. (He = ). I like him so much. (I= )
Do you know Jue? (you= ). She is a famous writer. (she= ) You should read her novels.
(you = , her= ) These novels will give you pleasure. (you= )
(3) Adjective
Adjectives are used to describe or specify a noun.
Eg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He saw a strange man in the street.
Mon Mon is a beautiful girl.
(5)Verb - A verb is used to show an action or a state of being.
Eg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am a student. I have two best friends.
I attend Basic Education High School Yedashe.
I always go to school by bicycle.
(6) Adverb
An adverb is used to modify a verb, adjective, and other adverbs.
Eg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
She attends classes regularly.
She works really hard for her exam.
So, she could answer quite well.
(7) Preposition
A preposition is a word that relates a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence and often
forms a phrase that shows where, when, how, or why.
Eg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He takes bath in the morning.
Father is in the garden.
Sai Sai celebrated his birthday show in Mandalay last year.
(8) Conjunctions
Conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses.
Eg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mu Mu and Aung Aung are high school students.
Students want to learn and teachers want to teach.
(8) Interjection – interjections are used to show surprise or emotion.
Eg. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wow! He is so
Choose the correct answer.
1. She thought of a wise plan. Thought is a …………
2. I want to go now. Now is a/an ………..
3. Where are you going? You is ………..
4. That was a lovely evening. Lovely is a/an ………..
Adjective Adverb
5. My father works in a factory. Factory is a/an ………..
6. She must be a stupid. Stupid is a/an ……….
7. Su Yati is my best friend. Best is a/an ………..
8. The dress was expensive; still I bought it. Bought is a/an ……….
9. The sun gives us heat and light. Gives is a/an ………..
10. It is my doll. It is a/an ……….
11. Do it quickly. Quickly is a/an ……….
12. She went to the market to buy some vegetables. To is a/an ………..
13. I helped him because I liked him. Because is a/an ………..
14. Jasmines are white in color. White is a/an …………
15. The cat is under the bed. Under is a/an ………
Describe the parts of speech of the slanting words.
Once upon a time, there was a princess named Rapunzel. She loved words that rhyme, like time, and
lime, and – rhyme! But there was a witch who did not like rhymes. She locked the princess in a very, very
tall tower. Each day the witch came to feed Rapunzel. “Some cheese?” said the witch. “Oh, please!” said the
princess. “Stop rhyming!” yelled the witch. Rhyming Rapunzel was in that tower for so very long, that her
hair grew very, very long.
One day Rapunzel sadly said, “This tower is tall and my window is small. If I go down this wall, I
may land in a fall. I hope someone bravely will come by to save me!”
Then Rapunzel saw a prince riding by on his horse. The prince called up Rapunzel to come down
and play. Then, the prince climbed up the wall by holding her long hair. The prince and the princess went
down to the ground where they soon spotted the witch. And so the brave Prince Grover and the adorable
Rhyming Rapunzel rode far, far away from that tall wall.

Active Voice - Passive Voice

To change Tenses
V1 – am, is, are + V3
V2 – was, were + V3
am, is, are + Ving – am, is, are +being + V3
was, were + Ving – was, were +being + V3
has, have + V3 – has, have + been + V3
had + V3 – had + been + V3
can, could, shall, should, will, would, – can, could, shall, should, will, would,
may, might, must + V1 may, might, must + be + V3

Simple sentences
In active voice sentences, the subject does the action.
Mg Mg drives a car. (A.V)
In passive voice sentences, the subject receives the action.
A car is driven by Mg Mg. (P.V)
If the subject is pronoun, you don’t need to write this pronoun in passive voice sentence. (pronoun = I, we,
you, he, she, it, they, someone, somebody)
We can see mosquito larvae through a microscope.
Mosquito larvae can be seen through a microscope.
Negative sentences
Nobody has found the snake on the road. (A.V)
The snake on the road has not been found. (P.V)
Questions sentences
Did anyone use my bicycle in my absence? (A.V)
Was my bicycle used in my absence? (P.V)
Why have they moved your table? (A.V)
Why has your table been moved? (P.V)
Decide the following sentences are written in the active voice or passive voice. And then write the subject
(doer) of the action. If the subject (doer) is unknown, write a question mark (?).
1. Thomas feeds his dogs. (active / passive) -----------------2. The dog is
fed by Thomas. (active / passive) -----------------
3. The family went to the beach. (active / passive) -----------------4. The letter
was written by Kyaw Kyaw. (active / passive) -----------------
5. The game had been won by the blue team. (active / passive) -----------------
6. The problem was solved. (active / passive) -----------------
7. The stunt man risked his life. (active / passive) -----------------
8. The fire was extinguished. (active / passive) -----------------
9. The car was being cleaned by its owner. (active / passive) -----------------
10. It gets cold here during the winter. (active / passive) -----------------

Rewrite the following changing the active sentences to passive and passive sentences to active.
1. The police have arrested the thieves.
2. He has been invited to the party.
3. We have shipped your order.
4. The girl recited the poem beautifully.
5. The guests enjoyed the party.
6. The child impressed everyone with his polite manners.
7. A girl from Yedashe won the first prize.
8. The readers like the latest book of the writer.
9. They are painting the walls.
10. The car has been fixed by the mechanic.

1. She does not write the test.

2. They did not inform me about this.
3. Nothing was stolen in the safe.
4. My uncle has not fed the dogs.
6, She did not spend all her money on clothes.
7. No one locked the door yesterday.
8. I have not returned the book to the library yet.
9. You must not hammer nails into the wall without permission.
10. Nothing expensive was bought at Junction 8.

1. Will you complete the work in time?

2. Was the window pane broken by the children?
3. Why did you scold your children last night?
4. Why didn’t you wash the clothes correctly.
5. Who told Thuzar about the accident?

Direct Speech - Indirect Speech

I. Changing Pronouns
II. Changing Tenses
III. Changing Time
I. Changing Pronouns
Person Subject Object Possessive Possessive
Pronoun Pronoun
First person I me My Mine
We Us Our Ours
Second person You you your Yours
Third person he him his His
she her her Hers
they them their theirs

II. Changing Tenses

V1 – V2
V2 – had + V3
am, is, are + Ving – was, were + Ving
was, were + Ving – had + been + Ving
has, have + V3 – had + V3
had + V3 – had + V3
can, shall, will, may + V1 – could, should, would, might + V1
must + V1 _ must + V1

III. Changing Time

Now – then
This – that
These – those
Today – that day
Yesterday – the day before
Tomorrow – the next day
Last day/night/week/month/year – the previous day/night/week/month/year
Next day/night/week/month/year – the following day/night/week/month/year

Three types of sentences

1. Statements
ပြောခံ ရသူ မပါလျှင် said that နဲ့ဆက်
ပြောခံ ရသူ ပါလျှင် told that နဲ့ဆက်
2. Question sentences
Wh, How တို့နဲ့စသော မေးခွန်းများကို Wh, How တို့နဲ့ဆက်
Helping Verb (am, is, are, was, were, do, does, did, has, have, had) တို့နဲ့စသော မေးခွန်းများကို if or whether နဲ့
3. Order/request sentences
အငြင်း မပါလျှင် to နဲ့ဆက်
အငြင်း ပါလျှင် not to နဲ့ဆက်

1. The girl said that it ………… her great pleasure to be there that evening.
(1) gives (2) gave (3) would give
2. The man ……… that he must go as soon as possible.
(1) said (2) asked (3) told
3. She said that she ……….. to see any of them and asked them to go away.
(1) did not want (2) does not want (3) had not wanted
4. The teacher says that if you work hard you ………
(1) will pass (2) would pass
5. He proposed that they ……….. wait for her return.
(1) shall (2) will (3) should
6. Alice exclaimed how clever……….
(1) was she (2) she was
7. He asked me where ……….. going.
(1) I was (2) was I (3) I am
8. The young man asked which way she ………..
(1) has gone (2) had gone (3) would go
Change the following sentences to indirect speech.
1. Moe Moe said, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Aye Aye?”
2. Father said to us, “I want all of you to be punctual.”
3. The teacher said, “You must attend classes regularly.”
4. Mother said, “Htwe Htwe, I don’t like you wearing your sister’s clothes.”
5. Thawdar said, “I would like you to meet your family, Nilar.”
6. Mother said to me, “I’ll give you a new watch if you stand first.”
7. Ko Ko said to Thuzar, “I will send you a postcard as soon as I reach China.”
8. Father said, “I’m very tired and I need a rest.”
9. The manager of the hotel said to me, “My staff will do their best to make sure you enjoy your stay.”
10. She said, “I’d love to help you, but I’m going on holiday with my friends tomorrow.”
11. May May said to Ma Ma, “How long have you known Maung Soe Thar?”
12. Thandar said to her, “What happened to you?”
13. Aye Aye said to Nyi Nyi, “Why don’t you run and fetch the doctor?”
14. Thet Htoo said to her, “Why do you dislike me?”
15. “Can I go the supermarket with you, mother?” said Say Say.
16. The teacher said tho the boy, “Why did you break the window?”
17. Mar Mar said to me, “When will you go abroad?”
18. Hla Hla said to Nyi Nyi, “Will you come to my birthday party next Sunday?”
19. Mother said to Mya Mya, “Why are you looking so said?”
.20. U Kaung said Thuzar, “Why didn’t you attend my class yesterday.”
21. Mother said to her, “Don’t make the same mistakes again.”
22. The man said to me, “Don’t go away.”
23. Mother said to us, “Study hard and take good care of your health.”
24. “Show me your driving licence,” the policeman said to me.
25. “Aunt,” he said, “please take care of my children while I’m away.”
26. The man said to me, “Bring this ticket with you tomorrow.”
27. The doctor said to Ko Ko, “Give up smoking or you will not get well.”
28. The teacher said to the class, “Stand up.”
29. “Open your mouth wider so that I can see your teeth,” said the dentist to the patient.
30. U Ba said to Daw Hla, “Drive your car carefully.”

31. “Why were you absent yesterday, Wunna?” said the teacher.
32. “Who has been using my computer?” said my brother.
33. Ko Ko said, “Why did you get up early this morning, sister?”
34. Mu Mu said to me, “How long have you been in your present job?”
It is/ It was ၀ါကျ ရေးသားနည်း
It + is/was + Adj + to V1
Eg. It is difficult to solve this problem.
It is surprising to meet you in such a place.
It + is/was + Adj + for (N,Pr) + to V1
Eg. It is essential for every people to maintain a good health.
It is unusual for Thwe Thwe to be late for work.
It + is/was + Noun + who/that clause
Eg. It is Myo Thu who won the scholarship.
It is the leader who does good to his people.
Change the following sentences into English.
(1) အကယ်ဒမီ ငါးဆု ရတာ ရန်ေအာင်ပါ (Academy award)
(၂) မာရသွန်ေြပးပွဲမှ ာ စံ ချိန် ချ ိုးလို က်သူ ကေတာ့ ညီညီပါပဲ (record)
(၃) လွတ်လပ်ေရးရဖို့အတွက် တို က်ပွဲ၀င်ခဲ့ သူ က ဗို လ်ချုပ်ေအာင်ဆန်းပါပဲ (independence)
(၄) ကျွန်ေတာ်မြကို က်တာ သူ မရဲ့ ေ ြပာပုံ ဆို ပုံ ပါပဲ (ways of talking)
(၅) ၁၉၄၈ ခု နှ စ်မှ ာ လွတ်လပ်ေရးရခဲ့ တာ ြမန်မာနို င်ငံ ပါပဲ
(၆) ေရသန့်ကို ေသာက်တာ ေဘးဥပဒ်ကင်းတယ်
(၇) ဘ၀မှ ာ ေအာင်ြမင်ဖို့ ခက်ခဲတယ်
(၈) လက်ေ၀ှ့ပွဲကို ြကည့် ရတာ စိတ်လှုပ်ရှ ားစရာ ေကာင်းတယ် (boxing)
(၉) သူ တို့အဖို့ ေဘာလုံ းြပို င်ပွဲမှ ာ နို င်ဖို့ခက်ခဲတယ်

Sub တူ လျှင် Without + Ving
Eg. She wanted to pass the examination, but she didn’t work hard.
Without working hard, she wanted to pass the examination.
Sub မတူ လျှင် Without + being + V3
Eg. He attended the party. He was not invited.
Without being invited, he attended the party.
Sub တူ /မတူ ခွဲခြားဖို့ Active voice, passive voice verb များကို သတိထားကြည့် ရန်
1. Mother cooked the curry but she didn’t taste it.
2. She resigned from her job but she didn’t tell anyone.
3. Mother went to the market. She did not take any money with her.
4. Soe Tun went off a picnic with his friends. He didn’t ask for permission.
5. Ni Ni laid the table for dinner. Nobody asked her.
6. He escaped from the burning house. He was not injured.
7. The boy entered the house. Nobody saw him.
8. You will not get high marks unless you study hard.
9. He can swim well. He was not taught to swim.
10. He decided to go to Mandalay with us. He did not think twice.
11. The thief entered the house. Nobody heard him.
12. Some students take the test. They do not study their lessons thoroughly.
13. Father went to work. He did not eat anything.
14. He repaired the tap. No one reminded him.
15. My sister left the room. She did not switch off the light.
16. Hla Hla will not come if you do not invite her.
17. Don’t expect to get high marks if you don’t study your lessons regularly.
18. A student entered the headmaster’s room. He did not knock the door.
19. My dog could do some tricks. Nobody trained him.
20. Thida went shopping. She didn’t take her shopping list.
21. He had his meal. He did not wash his hands carefully.
22. She swallowed the medicine. She did not take any water.
23. A stranger entered the room. Nobody noticed him.
24. The manager came into the office. Nobody saw him
There is/are ါ ကျ များရေးသားနည်း
There + Be + Sub + Place
1. Sub သည် indefinite subject ပဲသုံ းလို့ရသည်
(Eg. Someone, people, a museum, a road, some animals, anybody)
2. Definite subject and definite article (the) သုံ းလို့မရပါ
(1) There is someone at the door.
(2) There are two shops at the corner of the street.
(3) There was an old pagoda at the top of the hill.
(4) There has been an accident at the crossroads.
(5) There will be a lot of fans at the concert.
၁ မြို့ရဲ့အစိတ်အပို င်းအချ ို့မှ ာ မို းဖွဲလေး ရွာသွန်းခဲ့ သည်
၂ အဆောက်အအုံ ထဲမှ ာ မီးလင်းနေသည်
၃ ရု ပ်ရှ င်ရုံ ထဲမှ ာ လေအေးပေးစက် အများကြီး ဖွင့် ထားခဲ့ သည်
၄ ကျွန်တော့် မဂ်လာဆောင်မှ ာ လူ တွေအများကြီး ရောက်လာကြလိမ့် မယ်
၅ ကမ်းရို းတန်း ဒသမှ ာ မု န်တို င်းကြီးတစ်ခု ကျလို က်သည်
၆ အမဲသားနှ ပ်ထဲမှ ာ မဆလာ အများကြီးပါသည်
၇ နေပြည်တော်ရု ပ်ရှ င်ရုံ မှ ာ ရု ပ်ရှ င်ကားတစ်ကောင်း ပြလိမ့် မယ်
၈ ကျွန်တော်တို့စတို း၏ ဘယ်ဘက်မှ ာ စားသောက်ဆို င် တစ်ဆို င် ရှိသည်
၉ အိမ်နောက်ဖေးမှ ာ ဟင်းသီးဟင်းရွက်ခင်း တစ်ခု ရှိခဲ့ သည်

After + Ving
After + Sub + had + V3
Conjuction များပါလျှင် ဖြုတ်
Eg. We said goodbye to the villagers and returned home.
After saying goodbye to the villagers, we returned home.
After we had said goodbye to the villagers, we returned home.
Passive voice ဖြစ်လျှင်
After + being + V3
After + Sub + had + V3
Passive voice Verb နှ င့် ပြန်ရေးပေးရန်
Eg. The fruits and vegetables were washed and then put away in refrigerated cabinets.
After being washed, the fruits and vegetables were put away in refrigerated cabinets.
1. Nwe Nwe washed the clothes and then she took a rest.
2. The baby cried loudly. Then he fell asleep.
3. The gardener planted the roses and then watered them.
4. The children finished their exercises and they watched television.
5. We said goodbye to the villagers and then returned home.
6. We swam in the lake then played games under the shady trees.
7. He took his degree. He applied for a job.
8. Ma Ma washed all the clothes and then watered the plants.
9. The boys watered all the plants and then had their bath.
10. The guests had lunch and then they inspected the school.
11. He was punished by his father. He never again made a mistake.
12. He did his homework, and then watched TV.
13. The grapes were washed and then put into the refrigerator.
14. She made the tea and then she laid the table.
15. Ko Ko had his dinner and then went out for a walk.
16. She ate crabs for dinner and then she began to feel ill.
17. Tun Tun sold off all his eggs. Then he went back to his house.
18. The letters are sorted and then delivered .
19. Thida washed all the dishes and then she took a rest.
20. They interviewed ten people and then they decided to give the job to Thiha.
21. The boy watered all the plants and then had his bath.
22. He did his homework and then he went out to play with his friends.
23. Aye Aye finished her piano lessons and then went home.
24. The room was swept by the maid. It was tidy.
25. Ma Ma prepared lunch and then washed the clothes.
26. Aye Aye finished her piano lessons and then she went home.
27. The maid swept the floor and then washed the clothes.
28. Kay Kay washed the vegetables and then put them in the refrigerators.
29. She read the e-mail from her friend and then sent a reply.
30. Mg Mg had attended the computer training course. Then he joined a famous company.
31. He folded the letter and then put it into the envelope.
32. He ate lunch then he left immediately.
33. He revised all the lessons and then went to school.
34. Nyi Nyi was allowed to play when he had finished his homework.
35. Myo Aung watered the plants and then went out to play with his friends.
36. Ko Ko studied his lessons for three hours and then he went to bed.
37. My uncle exercises in the morning and then leaves for work.
38. We had our lunch at a restaurant and then we set out.
39. Mya Thet did all the housework; then she went to the movies with her friends.
40. He finished his assignment and submitted it to his teacher.

There is/are ါ ကျ များရေးသားနည်း

There + Be + Sub + Place
1. Sub သည် indefinite subject ပဲသုံ းလို့ရသည်
(Eg. Someone, people, a museum, a road, some animals, anybody)
2. Definite subject and definite article (the) သုံ းလို့မရပါ
(1) There is someone at the door.
(2) There are two shops at the corner of the street.
(3) There was an old pagoda at the top of the hill.
(4) There has been an accident at the crossroads.
(5) There will be a lot of fans at the concert.
၁ မြို့ရဲ့အစိတ်အပို င်းအချ ို့မှ ာ မို းဖွဲလေး ရွာသွန်းခဲ့ သည်
၂ အဆောက်အအုံ ထဲမှ ာ မီးလင်းနေသည်
၃ ရု ပ်ရှ င်ရုံ ထဲမှ ာ လေအေးပေးစက် အများကြီး ဖွင့် ထားခဲ့ သည်
၄ ကျွန်တော့် မဂ်လာဆောင်မှ ာ လူ တွေအများကြီး ရောက်လာကြလိမ့် မယ်
၅ ကမ်းရို းတန်း ဒသမှ ာ မု န်တို င်းကြီးတစ်ခု ကျလို က်သည်
၆ အမဲသားနှ ပ်ထဲမှ ာ မဆလာ အများကြီးပါသည်
၇ နေပြည်တော်ရု ပ်ရှ င်ရုံ မှ ာ ရု ပ်ရှ င်ကားတစ်ကောင်း ပြလိမ့် မယ်
၈ ကျွန်တော်တို့စတို း၏ ဘယ်ဘက်မှ ာ စားသောက်ဆို င် တစ်ဆို င် ရှိသည်
၉ အိမ်နောက်ဖေးမှ ာ ဟင်းသီးဟင်းရွက်ခင်း တစ်ခု ရှိခဲ့ သည်

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