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Greeting (10 minutes).

Hello students
Hello Teacher
Good morning……morning
Ok sit down

This is the first day of our class. Let’s introduce ourselves.

I’m teacher Daw ……………….
I’m …………..years old.
I’m from Yedashe.
Introduce yourselves.

(introducing 5 minutes)
Which country do you live in now? -I live in Myanmar.
Do you know the neighbouring country of Myanmar? -Yes
What are they? -China, Thailand
Now, you live in Myanmar, which language do you speak? (Myanmar)
If you live in China, which language will you speak? (Chinese)
If you live in Thailand, which language will you speak? (Thai)
How many languages can you speak? (one)
Can you speak Myanmar language? (Yes)
Can you speak English language? (no)
If you can speak English language, you can go around the world, you can speak with foreigners and you can
get many good jobs.
Is English language important or not? (important)
Ok, let’s learn about language with me.

Teaching (15 minutes)

Take out your textbook and turn to page 2.
Read the first and second paragraph silently.
Write the question on the board.
How do we look at language? – skill, tool, form, function.
Let’s talk about skill.
How many skills are there in a language? (four skills ) What are they?

Among them, which skill is the first to develop?

Which skill is the second to develop?
Which skills are the last to develop?
When does the listening skill develop?
When does the speaking skill develop?
When do the reading and writing skills develop?
(Practice 5 minutes)
Warm up activities ( produce, receive game) (5 minutes)
When I say produce, you say hi. When I say receive, you don’t say anything.

Memory recall yesterday’s lesson (5 minutes)

Teaching (20 minutes)

Read the third paragraph silently. (
Listen to me. My hobby is reading and I always read books in the evening.
Am I speaking or am I listening now? (you are speaking)
Yes, I am speaking and I produce sound.
Ok, while I’m speaking, are you listening or are you speaking? (listening)
So, while we’re speaking, we produce sound.
While we’re listening, we receive sound.

While you are writing an essay, do you produce words or do you receive words? (produce words)
While you are reading a book, do you produce words or do you receive words? (receive)
So, listening and reading are receptive skills and speaking and writing are productive skills.

Read the fourth paragraph silently.

What do they use to communicate with each other? (English language)

We use language to communicate with each other. So, language is a tool for communication.
How many forms do we communicate with each other? (two forms )
What are they? (to speak, to write)
To speak, what do we use? (vocal symbols)
To write, what do we use? (written symbols)
When we speak, what do we use? ( gestures)
What are gestures (such as movement of our arms, hands, heads, facial expression.)

When we write, what do we use? (graphics)

What are graphics (such as pictures, photographs, charts, tables.)

Read the fifth paragraph silently.

How many forms are there in communication? (two forms)
What are they? (verbal communication and non-verbal communication)
In verbal communication, what do we use? (words or sentences)
When you speak, do you produce words or sentences? Yes
When you write, do you produce words or sentences? Yes
So, spoken and written are verbal communication.
In non-verbal communication, what do we use? (gestures and graphics)
Concept map.
0000000000000Write the bold words on the blackboard and the meaning of the words.
Say. If you are listened to my explanation, you will be easy in playing game. Please pay attention to
me.When we want to greet, we can say Hello, Hi.
When we want to pass on information, we can say. (The film last evening was very exciting. Hey, Su Su is
in Grade 10 C).
Explain all the function and play game.
You are 1,2,3,4,5, you are 1,2,3,4,5. You are 1,2,3,4,5, you are 1,2,3,4,5.
All 1 are group A. All 1 come here. All 2 are Group B. All 3 are Group C. all 4 are Group D. all 5 are group
E. You match the function and the sentences. The group who complete first and who can make the correct
matching is winner.
Nouns in Apposition
People : the soldier, my cousin, the lawyer with a big nose
Animals: that dog, one mouse, a shark, the funny Mickey
Places: the house in the corner, the dirty factory, the expensive hospital
Things: this table, our London Bridge, the big mirror
Ideas: some kindness, your faith

 Articles (the, a)
 Demonstrative (this, that)
 Numerals (two, five)
 Possessive adj (my, their, your)
 Quantifiers (some, many)
Adjectives (the delicious food)
Complements (the book that you bought, the day we meet)
1 To greet A May I borrow your pencil?
2 To pass on information B You’re welcome.
3 To apologize C What are you doing now?
4 To request D Could you play with me?
5 To ask for permission E Hi Goodbye
6 To instruct F Of course. I can’t accept that, sorry.
7 To direct G Turn left at the main road
8 To thank or express gratitude H Turn left at the main road
9 To respond What are you doing now?
1 To ask I’m sorry.
11 To agree or disagree Clean the board

1 To greet A May I borrow your pencil?

2 To pass on information B You’re welcome.
3 To apologize C What are you doing now?
4 To request D Could you play with me?
5 To ask for permission E Hi Goodbye
6 To instruct F Of course. I can’t accept that, sorry.
7 To direct G Turn left at the main road
8 To thank or express gratitude H Turn left at the main road
9 To respond What are you doing now?
1 To ask I’m sorry.
11 To agree or disagree Clean the board

1 To greet A May I borrow your pencil?

2 To pass on information B You’re welcome.
3 To apologize C What are you doing now?
4 To request D Could you play with me?
5 To ask for permission E Hi Goodbye
6 To instruct F Of course. I can’t accept that, sorry.
7 To direct G Turn left at the main road
8 To thank or express gratitude H Turn left at the main road
9 To respond What are you doing now?
1 To ask I’m sorry.
11 To agree or disagree Clean the board

1 To greet A May I borrow your pencil?

2 To pass on information B You’re welcome.
3 To apologize C What are you doing now?
4 To request D Could you play with me?
5 To ask for permission E Hi Goodbye
6 To instruct F Of course. I can’t accept that, sorry.
7 To direct G Turn left at the main road
8 To thank or express gratitude H Turn left at the main road
9 To respond What are you doing now?
1 To ask I’m sorry.
11 To agree or disagree Clean the board
Chinese Korean French Italian Myanmar Japanese Laotian
English Vietnamese German Vietnamese
I. Pick out the name of persons in the following :
(1) The boy saw his brother.
(2) The teacher speaks to his pupils.
(3) My sister is a clever girl.
(4) That boy is my friend.
(5) There is a man and a woman in the picture.
II. Pick out the names of things in the following:
(1) There is a pen on the desk.
(2) The boy kicked the football through the goal.
(3) Put the chalk on the table.
(4) On the plate there were some apples and oranges.
(5) The car went quickly along the road.
III. Pick out the names of animals in the following:
(1) The dog is running in the field.
(2) Look; the cat has caught a mouse.
(3) I saw lions and tigers in the Zoo.
(4) The bird is singing in the tree.
(5) Camels can carry heavy loads.
What is ‘Noun’?
The names of ………………………………….................. are called noun.
Pre-noun modifier
Noun Modifiers
Post-noun modifier

Pre-noun Modifiers
Articles : a, an, the
Pointing words: this, that, these, those
Possessive adj :my, our, your, his, her, its, their, Mg Mg’s
Adj of quantity: some, any, many, much, more, few, a few, little, a little
Number : one, two, three, first, second, third,..
Distributive adj: each, every, either, neither
Underline Noun and circle determiner.
A boy the moon this man that house these flowers
those vegetables my teacher your school his computer their shoulders
some classrooms many hospitals a few days one person every student
Happy day beautiful girl nice weather long day dark night

Present participle (Ving)

Past participle (Ved,en)

Training school boiling point cooking pot

Fried chicken fried prawn boiled egg
Bamboo hut bus stop diamond ring class teacher
Post-noun Modifiers
Preposition + noun
To + V1
Noun Ving
Who/which clause
Ko Kyaw Kyaw from Yangon
The girl in front of you
The building at the corner of the street

The evening to walk

The song to sing

The girl singing a song

The school girls dancing on the stage

The letter written by the girl

A woman who can speak sex languages
The man who can play piano
The teacher helpful to me

Noun with modifiers is called Noun phrase.

Underline Noun and Noun Phrase.

1. There are many pagodas in Bagan, an ancient capital of Myanmar.
2. The ostrich, a kind of flightless bird, is found only in Africa.
3. My son, musician, earns little and lives with me.
4. Loch Ness, a large mountain lake, is in Scotland.
5. Mt. Everest, the highest peak in the world, is in Nepal.
6. I’d love to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Tanzania.
7. Brussels sprout, a green vegetable like a tiny cabbage, is quite delicious to eat.
8. The Nile, the longest river in the world, is in northeastern Africa.
9. Judo, a Japanese martial art, originated from jujitsu, a samural unarmed fighting technique.
10. Albert Einstein, the great physicist, was famous for his theory of relativity.

Let’s take out. Which sentence patterns do we get?

Let’s write sentences with nouns in apposition pattern.

1. Myanmar is the second largest country in Southeast Asia. It is known as the land of pagodas.
2. U Tun Tun is our English teacher. He is a very strict person.
3. Aung Aung won many prizes. He is the best footballer in our school.
4. An excuse may or may not be true. It is a reason for an apology.
5. Jack was born in Finland. Finland is the land of a thousand lakes.
6. Elvis Presley was a very popular singer. He was referred to as the “King of Rock and Roll”.
7. We will spend our vacation at Ngapali Beach. It is the most beautiful beach in our country.
8. William Henry Gates was born in Washington. He is the principal founder of Microsoft.
9. I like spaghetti. It is an Italian dish with noodles and sauce.
10. My childhood home is just down the road. It is an old wooden house.+

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