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1. According to Ted Failon's video clip, the absence of the necessary healthcare facilities for the
promotion of health is the first factor that has an impact on the OLOF of health of the residents
of those barangays that are experiencing anomalies or problems with the implementation of
Barangay Health Station Projects. The second factor is the healthcare delivery system. The
equipment and personnel needed for the promotion, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of
people's health are absent from the barangay health stations in the aforementioned barangays.
Even though they have the necessary tools, some of them are already quite old and cannot be
used because they could affect the readings and outcomes of the treatments they will carry out. A
lot of people's health and the community's general health in those barangays may have improved
if those initiatives had been effective. However, corruption also hindered project progress,
indicating that politics is another factor that affects the OLOF of health of the people in those
barangays. The video clip also makes it clear that the majority of those who will be impacted by
the barangay health station project are not financially stable, which prevents them from visiting
local hospitals and has an adverse effect on their socioeconomic functioning overall. As a result,
they suffer from their illnesses rather than using DOH funds to upgrade/improve the outdated
barangay facilities.

A. The DOH's initiative to build barangay health stations had a major problem in that it was poorly
managed and planned. As a result, money was lost owing to inconsistent project oversight, which
ultimately resulted in a loss of time and money for the people involved—we tax payers. There
was no certificate of completion presented, despite claims that the project was finished or
accomplished when in fact it was not. The accomplishment report was suspicious due to its lack
of information and similar contents, which meant that the same image was used for various
communities of the built BHS. Ted Failon was astonished to find that the amenities at the
supposedly completed BHS were still under construction and that, despite the building's
completion, it is still unable to be used since it is lacking the necessary equipment. Dr. Janette
Garin, the head of the DOH, is responsible for the project's discontinuation because she did not
manage and plan the projects well. The contractor from Jbros Construction Corporation is also at
fault because a false accomplishment report was sent, and of course because of the corruption
that they engaged in. I find it terrible that the poor and underprivileged, who need need access to
quality healthcare, are the ones who suffer from these failed projects due to the selfishness of
those who only consider their personal interests rather than the good of the community. The
communities that are poor and underprivileged in certain barangays are the ones who will be
most impacted by the project's cancellation; corruption can have a serious impact on how the
nation delivers healthcare.

2. The health facilities that are needed in health centers are shown in the video clip for "The
Healthy Juan," and they include things like clinical laboratories where patients with diabetes and
hypertension can get blood tests and lipid profiling done, facilities that also offer radiology
services, facilities like the system del sistema de salud, as well as facilities that are applicable to
all primary health care. The availability of free examinations, consultations, and prescriptions is
another demand of those visiting health facilities. The health center must also have modern,
appropriate facilities and apparatus. These objectives and requirements of the health centers can
be met and provided thanks to the Universal Health Care Act, which the former president Duterte
signed on February 20, 2019. The aim of the Universal Health Care is to provide quality health
care for the communities through the improvement and upgrade of the health centers and the
programs like all Filipinos are automatically members of PhilHealth, which offers discounted
hospital bills and medications. The primary objective of the Universal Health Care (UHC) is to
meet the needs of all Filipinos. In addition to achieving these objectives, the UHC also seeks to
advance the facilities and equipment of health centers across the nation, not just in Payatas but
also in health centers nationwide, in order to make them the one-stop shop for primary
healthcare. It is also a win-win situation because the people can benefit from the work of the
medical graduates and the graduates can improve their expertise because of the experience that
they can get from the cases in public hospitals. The programs of the DOH, which include the
requirements of the medical graduates to serve at public hospitals, have also paved the way in the
problem of the health care delivery system's lack of doctors.

3. The UHC law focuses on improving the nation's medical facilities and ensuring that all Filipinos,
regardless of social position, have access to and get proper, high-quality healthcare. The
Universal Health Treatment Act of 2019 is a long-term, comprehensive reform that intends to
meet the needs of every Filipino living in their community. Its objective is to modernize and
improve primary healthcare facilities so that communities may provide the finest care possible
on their own. To address and meet the medical needs of the Filipino community, there are
excellent and cutting-edge facilities in health centers around the nation. Additionally, UHC
wants to automatically enroll all Filipinos in PhilHealth, which offers benefits like reduced
hospital and drug costs, free preventative or maintenance medication in health facilities, and a
decent standard of living for local residents. Additionally, the law requires that PhilHealth's
coverage be expanded to include no-cost consultations, laboratory tests, and other diagnostic
services. Additionally, as a result of the UHC bill becoming law, it will be widely implemented
and its scope will include all of the nation's residents having access to a suitable health care
delivery system and services in order to promote, prevent, treat, and restore their health. Filipinos
who are able to contribute will be required to do so to the health insurance scheme, while those
who are unable to contribute will not be required to do so because the government will provide.
The UHC law also has no exceptions for the provision of high-quality healthcare, so as long as
you are a Filipino, you will have access to the treatments that are intended to be provided without
charge in order to improve your general health. The UHC law guarantees that everyone in the
Philippines will have access to good healthcare without having to worry about spending a
significant amount of money for high-quality care. It also guarantees that everyone's right to
health in the nation would be upheld and protected.

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