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Ogham Gematria

Irish gaelic gematria data base based off of the traditional letter order of the Ogham alphabet



If anyone says to you that you cant mix Kabbalah with ogham or greek or latin futhark ect give em a
quick kick in the balls and tell I sent ye.
And if they have no balls pull their hair and squeeze there nipples.
But above all laugh at them really loudly and make them cry and look stupid.
A sephiroth can be drawn in any language and alphabet as long as you have a list of calculated
words in that language hell you dont even need to have the same language as long as  the words
are calculated in the right values given for the alphabet that you draw the sephiroth with.
Example whats a sephiroth? (Only the foundation of Kabbalah)  its a way of compiling your
gematria isopsephy list of words onto the tree of life.
You start at Kether at the middle of the sephiroth.If for example you have a hebrew list Aleph may
be your first word Aleph in hebrew equals 111 so you would start by ruling your page in a grid then
draw a circle around the grid.Starting at the middle four squares write aleph in the bottom left
square right to left as hebrew and the other semetic languages are written.As an illustration pretend
these zeros are squares humor me one moment.It should look something like this

Ok its terrible I know but just pretend its a grid of squares with a circle around it now from the
middle four squares start from the bottom Left square and write as an example aleph right to left
And what ever words come next in the alphabetic sequence continue filling in the bottom left
quarter of the grid circle with your words in the list I will fill the blanks with As but the words from
your gematria list would be used
Then once the bottom left quarter starting at 111 is filled in continue on to the top right quarter
going the same direction but starting this time at the top right square in your circle and write your
hebrew letters until you fill in to the middle

 This is just an illustration the sephiroth can be any size once you filled both quarters with words
from your list
in ascending order starting at 111 and continuing on to 112 113 ect   following the alphabetic
sequence of your chosen alphabet come back to 111 but go backward in the list from the bottom
right middle square  so your working from 110 this time in your list I will use beth as an example but
remember its not 110 its just to illustrate

                                                                               HPELABE TH
Then fill in the rest of the sephiroth with words from your list going from 110 down in descending
order 110 to109 108 ect I will fill the rest with Bs to illustrate and now your writing left to right
backwards in hebrew to make it symetrical
                                                                               HPELABE TH
So when you get the bottom right quarter is filled in continue from the top left square of the top left
quarter and work your way to the middle writing left to right until the sephiroth is filled thats kether
done it starts from the middle out at 111
Same method for the other 9 sephirah chokmah is started at 222 binah 333 ect up to 999 at yesod
and this is how a gematria list is compiled onto the tree of life.
Simple NO?
Read donald michael kraig modern magick to get a better understanding of the method he explains it better
than I ever could but this is how its done son.
Simple NO? 
Actually yes it is simple so dont make it complicated it dont have to be the same method is used was used and can be
used on any other alphabet language and gematria list 

Even in english (but thats just for lazy people and KJV reading masons)
So what next well after you have done all ten spheres you must then divide all ten sephiroth into ten more and do the
same with each 
So say yesod is to be divided into ten it would have 111 numbers between 111 divided by 2 = 55.5 
add it to 888 = 943.5 so kether in yesod is around 943 
999 is Tiphereth in yesod and 55.5 plus 999 = 1054.5 is malkuth in yesod 
Start at the top of the tree at 111 work your way down to 999 then start splitting each sphere into ten again at the
middle of Yesod or tiphereth in yesod and work your way back up again.
All in all you are making ten trees one hundred sephiroth 
But make sure you draw the main ten first before splitting each do the first ten on large A3 sheets say and the others on
A4 sheets and the letters of the pathways stay the same for all ten trees
But the words for guided meditations will be different one each sphere
So how does it work for the other languages and alphabets same shit but you have to make another gematria list for the
languages I have started one in Irish using Ogham add to it yourself same method can be done but ogham is written left
too right so start at kether that way.
Crowley and bennets list is online easily found to get you started on hebrew there is some greek list somewhere if you
look online no norse or arabic ,latin or phoenician yet but some asshole will get around to it eventually.Number the path
ways with the first 22 letters of your chosen alphabeth.
Its also a great way to practice writing in your chosen magical alphabeth instead of just doing shitty sigils that you
wouldnt wipe your ass with and its the only way your going to get into the head of your ancient ancestors and the way
they think the heaven they reached for and the themes for there mythology ect everything else is speculation and
So what are you waiting for still 


Joseph william harte at



1 comment:

Lela 10 July 2021 at 02:48

Is airgead mé ó Garman, bhí mé pósta 8 mbliana ó shin gan leanbh, bhí mé ag lorg réiteach go géar
mar dúirt an dochtúir nach féidir liom a bheith torrach, ach threoraigh cara liom mé chuig caster
litrithe darb ainm Dr white, agus mise mhínigh sé mo chuid fadhbanna dó agus gheall sé go mbeidh
gach rud ceart go leor liom i gceann 12 lá, thug sé roinnt treoracha dom a rinne mé go foirfe, chuaigh
mé chuig an ospidéal le haghaidh tástála agus dheimhnigh siad go raibh mé 1 sheachtain ag iompar
clainne, agus anois tá mé Tá toircheas eile ag mo mhac álainn agus anois, go raibh maith agat, a Dr
bán, déan teagmháil leis le réiteach de gach cineál,

1) más mian leat do Ex.

2) más mian leat geasa a bheith torrach.
3) más mian leat stop a chur le breith anabaí.
4) más mian leat go mbeadh grá ag duine duit.
5) geasa chun gach cineál breoiteachta nó galair a leigheas.
Agus Daoine eile.
tá sé an chuid is fearr agus an-fhírinne ,. WhatsApp: +17168691327


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